Nightshade indoor propagation by seeds. Arrangement of the sowing department in the greenhouse and in the open field of the mini-nursery

The shrub grows to about 50 cm in height. On strongly branched shoots are dark green leaves. The leaf shape is oval or lanceolate, slightly wavy. The leaves are up to 10 cm long and 1-2 cm wide.

Small white flowers, about 1 cm in diameter, star shape. The flowering period is almost all year round. Inflorescences are located singly.

In place of the flowers, small fruits appear, about 3 cm in diameter. At first they have a green color. Then, in the process of ripening, they change it to orange and rich red. In appearance, the nightshade fruit resembles a cherry. That is why it got the name Jerusalem cherry.

On one plant, flowers bloom and fruits ripen at the same time. Ripens in a season a large number of seeds. Berries taste bitter and contain toxic substances. When ingested, they cause poisoning.


You can visually familiarize yourself with the false-transverse nightshade from the photo:

Home care

The false nightshade does not need special care, it is quite unpretentious.

Thanks to its appearance fell in love with gardeners. It attracts attention with bright foliage, delicate flowers and bright berries.

Post-Purchase Care

Jerusalem cherry, after the acquisition, you need to provide comfortable conditions. Otherwise, being in a stressful situation, she can shed her leaves.

The place of adaptation should be well lit, but without direct sunlight. The plant is also provided abundant watering.

It may take 7-10 days to adapt to a new place. Then you can transplant it into a new pot. Usually the soil in transshipment store pots is peat, not suitable for permanent growth, so it needs to be replaced.


Annually at the beginning of spring, it is necessary to shorten the shoots by 1/3 of the length. This procedure is performed after the ripening of the fruit. In autumn, pinching the tops of the shoots is done - this contributes to the formation of side shoots.


Nightshade in the spring and summer months needs abundant watering. Moderate watering in autumn and winter.

Important! The soil in a pot of nightshade should always remain moist.

During the winter period, watering should be done no more than once a week. The soil mixture should not dry out.

The coral bush loves high humidity. Therefore, throughout the year it must be sprayed with warm settled water.

To increase the humidity of the air, you can place the pot with the plant on a pallet with wet pebbles. With low humidity, flowering and fruiting stops.


For planting, ready-made soil can be purchased in advance or made independently.

To do this, in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1 is mixed:

  • soddy soil,
  • leaf soil,
  • peat,
  • sand.

After planting, the plant is placed in a warm room and provided with regular and abundant watering.


Every spring, after pruning the shoots, a transplant is made into a new nutrient soil. Since during the process of flowering and fruit ripening, the plant draws everything from the soil useful material, then after a period of rest it needs to be fed.

To the bottom of the pot Necessarily a layer of drainage is poured, at least 3 cm. Expanded clay and broken red brick have proven themselves as drainage.

10-14 days after watering, fertilizer is applied to the soil, which is used to fertilize tomatoes. Follow the dosage according to the attached instructions. During the entire flowering period, top dressing is applied to the soil every 15-20 days.

Growing from seed

For seed germination, leafy soil is used, which is poured with a layer of 10 cm into a seedling box.

Seeds are laid out on the surface at a distance of 2-3 cm. A layer of sand about 1-1.5 cm is sprinkled on top.

The seedling box is covered with a film and placed in warm a room with a temperature of 21-23 degrees.

Periodically, the film must be lifted and the surface sprayed from the spray gun. After 10-14 days shoots will appear. After the appearance of 2-4 leaves, a dive is made into separate pots.


After the spring pruning of the plant, you can select the strongest cuttings and root them. To do this, they are placed in a container with water. You can immediately plant the stalk in a separate pot with prepared soil and moisten the soil well.

Note! From above, the stalk is covered with a glass jar. It will create a microclimate inside, and the rooting process will be faster.


In the spring and summer months, the temperature should be 19-25 degrees. In winter, you need to lower the temperature in the room to 12-15 degrees.

In summer, it is advisable to take flower pots to the balcony or garden. You need to make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on it. Nightshade is also protected from drafts.


Regardless of the time of year, nightshade needs good lighting. Optimal flower arrangement - windows that face east and west. When placing a pot on the south window, one should not forget about shading.

Benefit and harm

Attention! Berries should never be tasted.

Nightshade berries contain an alkaloid solanine which, when ingested, causes poisoning.

Even despite the content of toxic substances, nightshade juice in countries South Africa and in India they are used in traditional medicine. It is used to treat boils, drowsiness and eliminate cutting pain.

Diseases and pests

Excess or lack of moisture adversely affects the plant. Leaves wither, flowering stops. It is also possible to develop root rot. Transplanting and regular watering will help fix the problem.

Of pests may be attacked whiteflies. It is located on the lower part of the leaf and sucks out the cell sap, yellowish spots form on the leaves. After that, the foliage curls, turns yellow and falls off.

Another pest... spider mite. It can be seen by the thin cobwebs that appear between the leaves. The tick infects not only leaves, but also young shoots.

To control pests, you need to use insecticides according to the instructions. After 10-14 days, it is necessary to re-treat the plant.

A small shrub with rich green foliage and bright red berries will be a wonderful decoration for the house. But do not forget that the bright berries of false nightshade, which are very similar to cherries, can cause poisoning. Therefore, watch out for children and animals and enjoy its beauty!

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Probably every gardener has come across such a plant as nightshade. Usually it is perceived as an annoying weed and ruthlessly weeded out. But few people know that this family has approximately 1700 species of various plants. Some of them also have a decorative value. Let's take a closer look at the nightshade plant - reproduction, planting and care in open field will be of interest to many gardeners.

This plant can be both annual and perennial, it all depends on the species. There are even shrubs and trees representing the nightshade family. This species includes well-known tomatoes, eggplants and potatoes. There are many species that are not only weeds, but also poisonous. In the conditions of greenhouses and greenhouses, only some of the types of nightshade are grown. It is mainly bordered nightshade, dark brown and peppery. These varieties came to us from the tropics, so for their good growth it is necessary to create high humidity and temperature. For the plant to rest winter period, lower the temperature slightly. Nightshade requires regular pruning to maintain its decorative qualities.

How to care for nightshade

Nightshade needs bright lighting. But it should not be direct sunlight. Nightshade loves diffused light more. To do this, in the daytime, when the light is bright, the plants need to be shaded. Therefore, it is best to plant nightshade in a place where direct rays will not fall on the leaves during the heat of the day. In the shade, where there is little sunlight, nightshade develops poorly, grows slowly and practically does not bloom.

Nightshade feels best at a temperature of 18 degrees to 26 degrees. If you grow nightshade in an apartment, then in winter do not leave nightshade in rooms with temperatures above 18 degrees. This can lead to leaf fall. For winter time, the optimum temperature will be no higher than 14 degrees.

Nightshade needs abundant watering from April to September. It is necessary to start watering the plant immediately after the soil dries out from melting snow. To create high humidity, nightshade must be sprayed. This is especially true for indoor nightshades. Pots with such plants must be placed on pallets with wet pebbles, while avoiding contact between the bottom of the container and the surface of the water.

From the beginning of May to the end of September, nightshade must be fed twice a month. In this case, it is possible to successfully use mineral additives suitable for feeding tomatoes or suitable for decorative flowers. They must be diluted as indicated in the instructions.

Perennial nightshade must be pruned every year in spring period. The length of the cut stems should be one third of their total length. You can prune the nightshade even after all the berries have ripened. For better bushiness, pinch off the shoots of the plant that did not produce flowers and fruits.

After pruning, nightshade can be transplanted into fresh soil. At the same time, be sure to make a layer of drainage so that the water does not stagnate. For planting, soil is required, consisting of peat, leaf and sod land, taken in equal quantities. After transplanting the plant, it needs to be watered, and after two weeks, fertilize.

How nightshade breeds

To propagate this plant, you can use the vegetative method. Parts of the stems cut in the spring do not need to be thrown away. They will make wonderful cuttings. Root the cut stems in a soil composed of sand and peat. After a few days, the cuttings will give roots. Then they can be planted in separate pots with soil from humus and soddy soil. After transplanting the nightshade, pinch it so that the plant forms a bush better. Then, during the summer, you can prune several times for the same purpose.

Nightshade can be propagated by seeds. For planting, it is necessary to spread the nightshade seeds on the surface of the prepared earth, and then sprinkle them with sand. The surface of the sand must be slightly moistened and the container with the plants placed in a warm place, covered with glass or film. After two weeks, you will notice the first entrances. As they grow, dive nightshade twice. Then the grown seedlings can be planted in a permanent place.

Possible nightshade diseases

You may notice that the plant is not producing fruit. In this case, it is more likely that he lacks sunlight. If the leaves of the plant began to fall off, then this is too much to blame. hot weather. Room nightshade must be moved to a cooler room. If insect pests are noticed on the nightshade, then the reason for this is too low humidity. Water or mist the plant frequently.

Be aware that the nightshade plant is often poisonous. Especially varieties with large and bright fruits. Be careful and keep children and pets away from such plants.

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AND . Well, and black nightshade, which is considered a weed. Nightshade - a very large family, including several genera. One of them bears the name of the same name, and potatoes and, unlike tomatoes, just belong here. There are more than 1000 species of plants in the Solanaceae genus, of which only a few have nutritional value. Most have medicinal properties due to the presence of the toxic alkaloid solanine. It was the presence of solanine that served as the reason for isolating such plants into a separate genus. But on this issue, scientists still do not come to a consensus. Today we will talk on the topic "Growing nightshade from seeds."

Exotic lovers are happy to grow pepper nightshade at room conditions. It was brought from Brazil, although in everyday life the name "Cuban cherry" was assigned to it. However, at the stage of biological maturity, the ruby ​​fruits of the “Brazilian Guest” really look like cherries. But it is not safe to eat them.

It does not have a pronounced dormant period and blooms and bears fruit throughout the year with sufficient daylight hours. Unfortunately, this physiological behavior leads to rapid aging. Therefore, nightshade pepper is used mainly as an annual. The culture reproduces well, both by seeds and vegetatively from cuttings.

Growing nightshade from seeds: the necessary conditions

It is preferable to start sowing in early spring, when daylight hours increase markedly. Purchased soil intended for growing tomato seedlings is ideal as a nutrient substrate.

Seeding technology

Sowing seeds is carried out on the surface of moistened soil, after which they are sprinkled with a small layer of coarse-grained river sand. Temperature regime before germination, it is desirable to maintain at a level of 20 - 22 ° C, while germination lasts about 2 weeks. When the first shoots appear, it is recommended to lower the temperature to 15 - 18 ° C.

After the appearance of 2 true leaves, the plants dive into larger containers (boxes). About a month later, the picking is carried out a second time, already in individual flowerpots. In this case, it is desirable to pinch the plants (remove the apical point of growth). This technique is carried out in order to stimulate the tillering of nightshade (development of side shoots).

Conditions for successful growth

"Cuban cherry" does not tolerate drying out of the soil, and is also demanding on the diet. Since nightshade quickly depletes the soil, it is necessary to fertilize with solutions of complex fertilizers with microelements 2 times a month.

To give shape, the plant is “cut”, shortening, if necessary, overgrown shoots. By the way, cut off parts can be used for vegetative propagation. Nightshade quickly and easily forms roots if the cuttings are placed in water. But instead of “water” rooting, “mud” rooting can be used, when the cuttings are immersed in mud slurry, after which crumbly soil is added. The latter method is preferable for the reason that no transplant is required and the newly formed root system is not damaged.

Take precautions when growing nightshade, especially if you have Small child, since bright berries attract children, and getting fruits into the stomach can lead to serious poisoning.

Hello, friends! Today I felt sorry for our nightshade, so I decided to devote an entire article to it. Not bittersweet or lobed nightshade - a poisonous perennial plant, which we usually call wolfberries, but edible nightshade - annual herbaceous.

Edible nightshade (only ripe berries are edible) grows in abundance in vegetable gardens, arable land and waste places. IN wild nature does not occur in our area. It gives excellent self-seeding and, in the absence of a fight against it, can capture vast areas of cultural plantings. On fertile lands it forms bushes up to 90 cm high and about a meter in diameter. It is quite difficult to tear out a powerful root from the ground in autumn, so sometimes it is easier to chop such plants with an ax or dig them up. Nightshade is left in the gardens precisely because of the edible berries. Most often, these berries are up to 7 mm in diameter black, but in our area they are also. Such varieties are sweeter, ripen earlier, but less transportable and harvestable - when harvested, they disperse in their hands.

Once upon a time there was no Colorado potato beetle on our lands, potatoes were not treated with chemicals, and adults always left a few late bushes, bzdniki (popular names for edible nightshade) in the garden for children. During the potato harvest, nightshade was a favorite delicacy. Grandmothers baked magnificent pies with nightshade, cooked jam, jelly, compotes. The only difficulty is the dreary collection of small berries.

Growing nightshade edible

It is not difficult to grow nightshade in our garden - it grows itself wherever it wants. The proximity of groundwater is not a problem. Self-sowing is such that in the place where the nightshade bushes grew last year, shoots appear several times during the season - almost after every watering.

You can also plant a little late in the spring. Distances between plants leave about 30-50 cm.

Nightshade needs weed removal and occasional watering in the absence of rain.

In order to cook (2.5-3 liters), you need 30 bushes, or even more. Ripe berries are easily separated from the stem. Collect them exclusively without "tails".

Edible nightshade pests

The first shoots (before the appearance of the first true leaf) of the nightshade are destroyed, despite the declared dislike of this pest for the nightshade family. In our garden, though many years ago and only once, we observed the picture " Cruciferous flea, eating up". This behavior of the pest was caused by the use of potato tops in the fight against cruciferous flea on. It worked - complete disorientation - cabbage, potatoes, "everything was mixed up in the house" of fleas.

Seedlings 10 cm high are destroyed by aphids, which are inflicted by industrious ants.

After the first harvest, nightshade is attacked by wasps and sparrows, so there may not be a second time.

Completes the picture. The plant remains in the garden longer than potatoes, so the pest is reluctant to move late after harvesting the second bread.

The benefits of black nightshade

Berries enhance visual acuity. They have a laxative, for which they received vernacular name"bzdnika", antihelminthic, antiseptic action. Fresh leaves accelerate the maturation of abscesses, have a wound healing and analgesic effect. Nightshade herb infusion is good for soothing nervous system so we can all use it. It just needs to be taken with caution.

Many tend to grow at home not simple flowers, but interesting and unusual plants. Those interested in decorative window sill dwellers should be interested in nightshade. This plant has an unusual appearance, the decoration of which is berries, giving the bush an elegant look. In order for the culture to grow and bear fruit properly, it is important to be able to grow it correctly.

plant description

Nightshade is a plant that belongs to the Solanaceae genus and has over a thousand varieties. It was distributed from Ecuador, Peru and the island of Madeira. A large number of this culture can be observed in South America. Nightshade can grow in almost any climate, but prefers regions with warm climates. In Australia, the amount of nightshade has become so large that it has been transferred to the category of a weed crop and is actively fighting it, which is not so easy.

In nature, the plant usually grows up to one meter, at home it slightly exceeds half a meter, but the most common option is dwarf nightshade, which is considered a flower and grown in apartments. Its parameters do not exceed thirty centimeters, but otherwise it differs little from the wild variety. A feature is the foliage, which remains green all year round, its color is dark green, and the edges have a wavy shape.

Nightshade blooms with white flowers, which can be collected in small inflorescences or grow singly. The flowering period can take place in any season, and the berries usually appear and turn red in winter. The fruits have sizes from one to one and a half centimeters and a color range from red to saturated. orange shade. If we talk about the decorativeness of this flower, then it lies precisely in the combination of dark leaves and bright fruit beads, which are kept on the branches for a long time without fading or falling off. Those who are interested in breeding nightshade should know its main varieties.

  • peppery- grows about half a meter in height, has green foliage, the flowering process is carried out by pale white flowers, from which poisonous berries appear, changing color from yellow to deep red.

  • False transverse- the main indicators are similar to the previous version, only the height of the plant differs, which can reach one and a half meters. The variety blooms all year, alternately forming fruits that ripen over time. The dwarf variety, which is grown at home, usually has a height of no more than 30 centimeters.

  • jasmine- characterized by a curly stem and complex oval-shaped leaves, flowering occurs with white flowers with blue tint, which are collected in paniculate inflorescences.

  • Curly- has a curly stem that can reach five meters in height with oval dark leaves and purple flowers that are collected in inflorescences.

  • Variety "Rantonetti"- is a dwarf tree with small blue flowers.

  • papillary- which received the name of the owl due to the original shape of the fruit, which have an elongated appearance. The bush reaches one meter, has leaves of a soft structure, which are somewhat similar to burdock, and the stems are dotted with thorns. Flowering occurs with white or purple flowers, and the fruits are painted in a red or orange hue.

Indoor nightshade will be a window decoration, especially in winter time when the shrub is completely covered with berries that look like New Year's lights. Since there are a large number of varieties, the type of fruit and flower can have different sizes, colors and shapes, but the differences are not too significant, so it will be possible to determine whether they belong to the Solanaceae genus without any problems.

wild and decorative options usually differ in plant dimensions, if in nature nightshade is a real tree, then indoors it looks more like an ordinary flower. Since this shrub is a weed in some regions, it is important to properly breed this crop. False nightshade and pepper nightshade are the most popular varieties of the plant, because they are most often seen both in sales and in people's homes.

These varieties differ in many ways. Different dimensions, different inflorescence, but almost identical fruits. Three-flowered nightshade is especially valuable in decorative design, as it produces a whole brush of beautiful uniform berries, which serve as a wonderful decor for landscape design or a room.

To grow nightshade at home, it is important to know exactly how to plant and grow it, as well as familiarize yourself with the culture, which poses a certain danger, especially if there are small children in the house.

Can it be eaten?

It is impossible to eat nightshade, this is due to the fact that all its parts are dangerous to human health. It is especially poisonous when ripe fruits appear, which often attract small children and pets. The use of several berries will entail significant disruptions in the work of the stomach, but from excessive eating of fruits, a fatal outcome can occur.

There are some varieties that you can eat, but you should not do this without preparing the fruits correctly. This plant is very effective in the fight against various diseases such as angina, migraine, epilepsy. To get a sense of nightshade, you need to collect ripe berries, flowers and leaves from it, dry them on open space and store in a dry place, wrapped in paper. Options uses can be:

  • twisting through a meat grinder and mixing with sugar or honey, which effectively helps against severe headaches and relieves epileptic attacks;
  • healing decoctions are obtained from the flowers, contributing to the improvement of patients with pulmonary diseases;
  • dried leaves that are picked and dried between July and September can also help with various ailments.

If there is a need to enhance the effect of nightshade, it should be used with a number of other herbs that are combined with it. Without proper knowledge, it is worth refraining from eating any parts of the plant and not growing it at all if children, as well as pets, are or live in the room.

Growing and care at home

It is not difficult to grow indoor nightshade, because it feels comfortable on almost any soil, the main condition is only a warm habitat, to which the plant is accustomed. Since the culture is decorative and takes up little space, it is usually grown in a pot and placed on a windowsill. To get good growth and the presence of bright fruits, it is important to create optimal conditions, which are in suitable soil. For planting to be successful, you need to prepare alkaline, loamy or clay soils, as long as they are fairly loose.

It is easy to care for the plant, you need to water it on time and provide it with enough light, but do not place it in direct sunlight. In late spring and summer, you can place a bush on a balcony or veranda, where there will be access to clean air and good lighting. Another feature that gardeners can learn about is the need to transplant a bush a year later into a new, larger pot. If you plant a nightshade in a container smaller than the one that suits it, then the root system will have nowhere to develop, and the culture will begin to wither.

Watering nightshade differs in intensity depending on the season and temperature. environment, quite a bit is introduced into the coolness of the water, and quite a lot in extreme heat, plus an additional spraying of the foliage, which the bush perceives very favorably.

The most important is flowering and fruiting, therefore at this time it is worth being especially careful about introducing moisture under the bush so that the soil does not dry out. A relative problem in care is the flowering period, which often simply cannot be achieved due to ignorance of certain secrets.

In order for the plant to throw out color in the spring, you need to place it in a cool room in the winter and reduce watering. A properly overwintered bush can be cut and shaped as desired, giving it a wide variety of shapes. Another feature is the fear of drafts, therefore, for the time of airing, you need to remove the nightshade in a quiet and cozy place.

The temperature regime is no less important, if in summer there is no need to create any specific conditions, then in winter it is worth placing a bush in a room where there will be no more than fifteen degrees of heat. The window on which the nightshade will be located should also be changed from time to time, in the cool season the south side is ideal, where there will be the most light, and in summer, on the contrary, it is worth placing a bush on the opposite side.

For good crop growth, fertilization is necessary from time to time. The fertilizing period falls on spring and summer, when nutrients are applied to the soil twice a month. Complex fertilizers are best for nightshade, as for any flowering plants. In winter, it is not recommended to fertilize the soil, but if such a need arises, the procedure is carried out no more than once a month. And then it is enough to make only half of the amount that is usually used.

Plant care also involves pruning, which is carried out when the bush completely ceases to bear fruit. With the approach of spring, the nightshade can see the fall of yellowed leaves, in order to stop this process, it is worth using pruning, which helps to restore the plant's strength. A feature of pruning is the shortening of the main stem, which makes it possible to actively grow peripheral processes, on which it is recommended to pinch the tips.

Those who wish to breed this plant at home should know that cultivation is possible from seeds, which are obtained thanks to the fruits stored throughout the active growing season, as well as throughout the winter. To get them, you need to collect only ripe fruits, dry them and store them dry until spring.

To know that the nightshade is ripe, you just need to pay attention to the color of the berries, which turn from green to yellow and, ripening, acquire a full red color.

Features of culture propagation

Nightshade propagates in two ways: cuttings and seeds. With the help of seeds, the culture can sow itself, but this requires rather large dimensions of the pot in which it grows. Those sprouts that appear on their own, it is desirable to transplant from an adult bush when they get a little stronger. You can sow on your own, for which they select a container of considerable size in which the seeds are placed. They do not need to be dipped into the ground, just crush the surface with a thin layer of sand.

To mortgaged planting material sprouted, you need to cover it with a film and place it in comfortable conditions. The most favorable temperature for this stage will be 20-22 degrees. Periodically planting is ventilated and watered. It is important to prevent stagnant water or severe drying of the soil.

If we are talking about the spring-summer period, then a more convenient option would be to use cuttings for propagation of nightshade. In order for the planting material to take root well, it is important to place it in a soil consisting of sand and peat mixed in equal proportions. In this case, it is also worth using a film and covering the stalk. It will be possible to get rid of it when more than four leaves appear, and the plant goes into active growth. Those who wish to have a nightshade with big amount branches, should often prune the shrub, which will be the impetus for the increased growth of new branches.

In order for the stalk to take root faster in the new soil, after being cut from the main bush, it is additionally treated with Kornevin, which stimulates faster growth of the root system. For reproduction, it is worth choosing strong and developed branches that can give the same new plants.

About indoor nightshade, home care tips, see the next video.
