Signs for June 27th. Folk names and traditions of the day

Day of Elisha. Elisha Grechkosey, Elisha - knee-deep in Ovs. We continued to sow buckwheat. They usually tried to sow it in a clear and dry: If there is dust on the harrow, then a pancake on the sieve. Buckwheat was a very important crop for the peasants. The people said: Buckwheat- our mother, and rye bread - our father. If the day is rainy, then another seven weeks will be with rain. Linden is starting to bloom. On this day, if there was no rain, but the sun was shining, they conjured nettles. They flogged her so that she would burn the heavens and rain would pour from there.

On this day, all new clothes are consecrated so that they do not bring misfortune to their owner. The same goes for used items. Every thing carries the energy of the one who sewed it, sold it, wore it before you. Sometimes our body responds to this energy gratefully, and then, putting on a new one, you feel light and free. And sometimes a thing seems uncomfortable to us, a stranger, and we don’t want to wear it. In order to replace the energy of a thing with your own, before putting it on for the first time, it must be consecrated. Of course, we do not buy things on the eve of this day, but all year round, and it would be foolish to consecrate what you have already been wearing for quite a long time. They consecrate everything that you bought after the New Year and wore no more than three times, as well as those things in which for some reason you feel uncomfortable.

The cat sneezes and coughs - wait for the rain.
Field mice and rats sit quietly in their burrows at night - the rain is not far off.
Bats scream a lot and fly into houses - to inclement weather.
Piglets scatter far from their mother - to the rain.
Calla leaf is bent away from the cob - to the rain.
The sheep's wool becomes wet, swells and, as it were, lengthens - before the rain.
Seagulls sit on the water, but at the same time they don’t bathe much - to the bucket.

The national holiday "Elisey Grechkosey" is celebrated on June 27 (according to the old style - June 14). In the Orthodox calendar, this is the day of honoring the memory of the prophet Elisha. Other names of the holiday: “Elisha”, “Day of Elisha”, “Grechkosey”, “Povarki”. The people called the buckwheat day because the sowing of buckwheat continued at that time.

The Jewish prophet Elisha (in the Russian tradition - Elisha) was the son of a prosperous plowman. According to legend, Elijah the prophet called him to him and made him his assistant. After the death of the teacher, Elisha himself began to prophesy. He did this for 65 years, under six Israelite kings, telling the rulers the whole truth, denouncing wickedness and idolatry. Elisha died in extreme old age, at the age of about 100 years.

They continued to sow buckwheat on Elisha. This was usually done in clear and dry weather. “If the dust is on the harrow, then the pancake is on the sieve,” the peasants said. Buckwheat was an extremely important crop for the Russian people. There were even special proverbs and sayings about her: “Buckwheat porridge is our mother, and rye bread is our father.”

Although buckwheat was sown in a dry field, after sowing, rain was needed - so that the seeds would germinate faster. To do this, people, with the help of a special rite, conjured nettles, asked her to burn the heavens so that a downpour would pour from there. If the day was dry, they tore the nettle and lashed each other with it. But the rain was expected only the next day, because if it charged on Elisha, then this foreshadowed another long seven weeks of wet weather.

On June 27, it was customary to consecrate new clothes so that they would not bring misfortune to their owner. They did the same with someone else's clothes, which were given as a gift or as an inheritance. Of course, people did not wait a whole year until the Elysee day to consecrate all the new clothes. The ritual was performed only with things bought after the New Year and worn no more than three times, as well as with outfits in which a person felt uncomfortable.

Sayings and signs:

In the middle of the day, dark dense clouds appeared - by the evening rain.
- If all day it's raining, so the weather will be the same for another 7 weeks.
- The stars shine - for hot weather, twinkle - for rain with a thunderstorm.
- A lot of midges and mosquitoes - there will be a good harvest of mushrooms and berries.
- The ducks are quiet - a thunderstorm will begin soon.
- Kites are visible high in the sky - to warm clear days.
- Frogs jump on the shore - to the precipitation.
- The rooster sings at an odd hour and shakes its head - to bad weather.
- Those born on June 27 are given the ability to influence the growth of herbs, trees, fruits. They make excellent gardeners. They should wear coral.

Folk names and traditions of the day

In the Orthodox Church on June 27, the memory of the holy prophet Elisha, who lived in the IX BC, is venerated. He was known as a disciple and servant of the prophet Elijah, who was present during his ascension to heaven. They also talked about the prophecies of Elisha under all four kings of Israel. He committed a large number of miracles, in particular, resurrected the dead. This day has signs.

In addition, on June 27, the Orthodox Prince Mstislav (George) the Brave Novgorod is also revered in Orthodoxy. Novgorodians themselves named him so for the courage shown in battles.

Elisha was born into the family of a wealthy plowman. Once the prophet Elijah called him to him and made him his disciple. After the death of his teacher, Elisha himself became a prophet and did so for more than 65 years. He was not afraid to tell the rulers the truth, he denounced idolatry and wickedness. The prophet Elisha died at a ripe old age, when he was 100 years old. A large number of miracles are associated with his name, although Elisha is often portrayed as a cruel man. For example, he cursed small children because they began to tease him - at the same moment two she-bears appeared and tore the scoffers to pieces.

On June 27, they continued to sow buckwheat. A dry field was chosen for this, although after planting it was necessary to rain so that the seeds could germinate. So, they performed a large number of rituals. For example, they conjured nettles so that it would rain the next day.

It was a tradition to consecrate clothes on June 27 so that the person who puts them on would be happy throughout the year. They did the same with the clothes that were inherited or given as a gift. It was customary to perform the ritual only with things that were bought after the New Year and worn no more than 3 times. It was also possible on June 27 to consecrate outfits in which people felt uncomfortable.

Methodius lived in the 9th century. Was born in rich family in Sicily, left his parental home early and became a monk. The saint survived four emperors who were iconoclasts. During the reign of one of them - Emperor Theophilus - Methodius was thrown into a deep hole, where he spent a long seven years, writes "" with reference to Ukrinform.

But writes that on June 27 the church celebrates the day of the holy prophet Elisha, who lived in IX BC.

The prophet Elisha was the son of a wealthy plowman. According to legend, Elijah the prophet called him to him and made him his assistant. After the death of the teacher, Elisha himself began to prophesy. Many miracles are associated with the name of the prophet: the healing of the sick and the resurrection of the dead, the multiplication of oil and grain. At the same time, Elisha is often depicted as a tough and even cruel person. So, once he cursed small children only because they teased him: the scoffers were torn apart by two bears that came out of the forest.

On June 27, they continued to sow buckwheat. A dry field was chosen for this, although after planting it was necessary to rain so that the seeds could germinate. For this, a large number of rituals were performed.

It was a common tradition to bless clothes on June 27 so that the person who puts them on would be happy throughout the year. They did the same with the clothes that were inherited or given as a gift. It was customary to perform the ritual only with things that were bought after the New Year and worn no more than three times. It was also possible to consecrate an outfit in which people felt uncomfortable on June 27.

Folk signs for June 27: The rooster shakes its head, sings inappropriately - trouble drives the clouds. Ducks quieted down - to a thunderstorm. Kites in the sky - good weather. Frogs jump on land - to the rain. Dry and clear weather - continued to sow buckwheat. A lot of midges and mosquitoes - expect a good harvest of mushrooms and berries. Rain on Elisha is a sign that it will rain for seven weeks.

Congratulations on your birthday: Vladimir, Nicholas, Alexander, Pavel, Mstislav, George.

Today is the fifteenth lunar day - full moon.

The symbol of the day is the fiery serpent. The day is quite difficult and ambiguous. On the one hand, there is a chance to say "everything is lost", and on the other hand, if you look around, think, rub your nose, you can come to the logical conclusion that "it could have been worse." In general, "thank God for everything," as John Chrysostom said, dying in exile and in disgrace.

Emotions, like flames, will try to escape from you. You will feel either a fire-breathing dragon or an ordinary Ukrainian stove that you forgot to cover. In any case, try not to "burn" someone, because such a storm will rise that it won't seem enough. But let off steam - count to ten (twenty, thirty, etc.), go outside and take a walk. Or just remember something pleasant and fun. This time lays the energy foundations for the rest of the month.

According to the data Central Geophysical Observatory of Ukraine, the coldest day in Kyiv was in 1929: +7.8; and the warmest in 1961 - +32.7.

IN folk calendar June 27 - Elisha Grechkosey, Eleseev's day, Elese - knee-deep in oats. On this day, they continued sowing the latest buckwheat, conjured nettles if there was no rain for a long time, and watched natural phenomena to determine the weather for the coming days. Orthodox Church June 27 commemorates two saints with the name Elisha: the prophet Elisha, who lived in the 9th century BC. e. and Elisha Sumy (XV-XVI).

Saint Elisha was called to prophetic ministry by his teacher and mentor, the prophet Elijah. When the time came for Saint Elijah to be taken to heaven, and a fiery chariot appeared behind him, Elisha walked beside him and picked up the prophet’s cloak that had fallen from heaven, thanks to which he received his prophetic gift and spiritual strength. During his life, Saint Elisha performed many miracles and healings.

Venerable Elisey of Sumy, tonsurer of the Solovetsky Monastery. Nothing is known about his life, only one dying circumstance is known, which revealed the piety of the elder. Elisha, along with other brothers, was fishing 60 miles from the monastery. Feeling the imminent death, he grieved greatly that he did not accept the schema. Then the brothers decided to take the dying elder to Suma, where the nearest hieromonk was. There were many dangers on their way, but they were able to safely reach the place. To the great chagrin of the brethren, Saint Elisha died upon arrival. After a prayer to Zosima Solovetsky, the dead man came to life, and he was tonsured into a schema. After Communion, the Monk Elisha again reposed in the Lord. A century later, the tomb of the saint was found on the surface of the earth, and the saint of God became famous for miracles of healing.

June 27: traditions and customs of the day

On this day, they continued to sow the latest buckwheat, from which they called the patron saint of the day “buckwheat”. Sowing was done in clear and dry weather, the people said: “ If the dust is on the harrow, then the pancake is on the sieve».

For a long time, buckwheat has been part of the diet of our ancestors. The people said: " Buckwheat porridge is our mother, and rye bread is our father". They brought us buckwheat from Asia, and the Slavs quickly liked it. Buckwheat porridge has excellent taste and nutritional qualities, in addition, it is good for health.

Growing buckwheat in Rus' began around the 7th century. It got its name due to the fact that at the time Kievan Rus the breeding of this grain culture was mostly done by Greek monks.

Our ancestors on this day thought about the weather:

  1. If the day is rainy, then the bad weather can stand for another seven weeks.
  2. If the sun came out even for a minute, then there is hope that the summer will be dry and it will be possible to safely harvest the hay.
  3. If for a long time there was no rain, so necessary for the pouring sunrises, then they conjured nettles. Whisk burning herbs to get moisture out of it. According to legend, "the nettles will burn the heavenly heights, and that will give vent to the rains."

New clothes were sanctified on Elisha so that she would not bring misfortune to her owner. Any thing carries the power of the one who made it, sold it or wore it. In order to replace someone else's power of a thing with your own, before putting it on for the first time, it should be consecrated. On Eliseev's Day, all things bought after the New Year and worn no more than three times were consecrated, as well as things in which a person feels uncomfortable. The same applies to used items.

June 27: signs and beliefs

  1. Linden is starting to bloom.
  2. Northwest wind - to rain and bad weather. Wind from the east - to illness.
  3. The rooster shakes its head, sings inopportunely - the weather will deteriorate.
  4. Kites soar in the sky - by a clear day.
  5. Frogs jump on land - to the rain.
  6. Flashes began to play in the sky - to a change in the weather.
  7. Horses neigh - there will be good oats.
  8. The owl begins to lay eggs - it will rain in the near future.
  9. The ducks are quiet - there will be a thunderstorm.
  10. Large black clouds appeared at noon - precipitation is expected in the evening.
  11. The finch sings loudly - for good weather.
  12. The stars seem to shine - to the heat, twinkle strongly - to a thunderstorm, fall - to the wind.
  13. Dragonflies chirp louder than usual - expect bad weather.
  14. A dream from June 26 to 27 is most likely empty. The dream seen on the afternoon of June 27 is prophetic. In it you saw your enemy.

People born on June 27 are given the ability to influence the growth of plants. They should wear coral as a talisman.
