The folk calendar will accept for January. Folk signs for every day of January

January is a magical, special month of the year, in which every day, every action has a certain meaning. After all, this is the time when most holidays fall. magical meaning. In addition, in January the year begins and the first days clearly tell what to expect throughout all months of the year.

It was by weather changes and animal behavior that people tried to understand what changes were expected. Based on such observations, a calendar of folk signs for January appeared.

Signs about January: about the month and holidays

The name of the month is associated with the name of the Roman god Janus, which in Latin sounds like Januarius. This god was in charge of all doors, entrances and exits, as well as any beginning, right up to the beginning of human life. He was also responsible for treaties and alliances. And the day dedicated to Janus fell exactly at the beginning of January, on the 9th. The image of this deity was two-faced, where one face looks into the past, and the second into the future.

Among the people you can find a wide variety of names for the month that falls in the middle of winter.

Sechen, sichen (in the Little Russian calendar), as the wind blows and cuts.

Zimetz, prozimets - the month of mid-winter.

Ice - rivers, reservoirs, puddles are covered with ice.

Prosinets - from radiance, blueness, intensifying in the skies as the day lengthens.

January puts on a sheepskin coat to the toes, paints intricate patterns on the windows, amuses his eyes with snow and tears his ears with frost.

For a long time in Rus', January was the eleventh month, when, and later the fifth when counting the months of the year from September.

It was only in 1700 that the calendar was changed. The initiator of such innovations was Peter I, who abolished the ancient chronology associated with the day of the creation of the world. New calendar corresponded to Western European and was associated with the Nativity of Christ.

To this end, he issued two Decrees. In the first, dated December 19, 1699, it was stated that chronology was based on Christmas. And the second, dated December 20, described in detail how Russians should celebrate the New Year.

January, Father, begins the year, and marks winter.

In fact, the calendar corresponded to the Julian chronology.

But in 1918, Russia switched to the Gregorian calendar, according to which the dates shifted by 13 days.

Therefore, the New Year according to the old style, approved by Peter I, was automatically moved to January 14.

This is how the strange Old New Year holiday, incomprehensible to other nations, appeared.

It is in January that Russians' favorite holidays occur. During the winter holidays there is a holiday almost every day.

It is from Christmas Eve that the Christmastide begins - the festive festivities last until Epiphany, January 19. On these days, people carol, give generously, sow, and dive into ice holes. Each January holiday has its own customs and rituals, traditions and signs. We suggest reading some folk signs of January related to the weather, animals and harvest.

Signs of January - mid-winter

January is considered the wilderness, a time when peace and tranquility sets in in nature. This is the most cold month per year.

There is a belief about Epiphany frosts, which sometimes reach terrifying levels. However, according to signs, every year January cannot be frosty.

There are no cold Januarys in a row.

Every day people watched the weather to know what to expect, a thaw or even more frost.

It was based on these observations that the peasants planned what to do in the coming days.

Although the only thing to do in the village in January is to have fun and go for walks.

Don't forget to keep the stove on fire so you don't freeze.

January puts wood in the stove.

In January, the pot on the stove freezes.

The day arrives in January and by the end of the month it already becomes longer by almost 1.5 hours.

As the days grow in January, so does the cold.

January is on the doorstep, the day has arrived for the sparrow's leap.

The sun appears more and more often in the sky and even seems to warm up.

January is bokogrey.

In winter the sun shines, but does not warm.

And despite the cold, the month is considered a turning point, since not only the days are getting longer, the sun is warming up, but all of nature is turning towards spring.

From January the sun turns towards summer.

January is the turning point of winter.

January is the grandfather of spring.

So we can safely say that from January nature’s slow preparation for spring begins.

Short-term folk signs and superstitions of January for every day

By natural phenomena forecast for the coming days. So, a circle around the sun promises sunshine for tomorrow. There is a bright moon and many stars in the sky on a frosty and clear day. Frost also promises clear echoes, as well as the crackling of wood in the stove, as well as dry crackling in the forest.

If the echo goes far in January, the frosts will get stronger.

But the wind promised such a rare phenomenon for January as thunder.

Thunder in winter means an imminent strong wind.

They also paid attention to the behavior of animals, especially domestic ones.

A cat hides its nose in its paws - to frost or bad weather.

A cat scratching the floor means a snowstorm or strong wind.

The rooster crows at night - the frost subsides.

The dog stretches out on the floor and sleeps with its paws outstretched - for warm weather.

The behavior of the birds also spoke volumes.

Bullfinches chirped under the window - indicating an increase in temperature.

Crow cr - to the warmth, to the north - to the cold. It looks at noon, towards the south

Bullfinches sing when the weather changes - before snowfall.

Sparrows sit quietly in the trees - it will snow without wind.

Weather signs for spring, summer in January

The weather in January determined what spring would be like when the thaw came.

Warmth in January – towards late spring.

A woodpecker knocked on a tree in January towards early spring.

The mole crawls out of its hole in January - by cold May.

Also, based on folk signs and observations, you can predict what summer will be like.

Cold and dry in January – hot and dry in July.

January frosts to stinging summer heat.

Cold weather in January threatens fires in the summer.

Blizzards and snowfalls leading to summer precipitation.

Snow flakes for precipitation in summer.

Frequent snowstorms lead to frequent rains.

Signs of January about the harvest

The amount of precipitation and weather conditions in summer and spring greatly worried the peasants, since their main occupation was grain farming and harvests directly depended on the weather.

Therefore, many signs were associated specifically with forecasting the harvest for New Year.

Dry January - the peasant is rich.

In January there will be snow and bread will arrive.

In January there are many frequent and long icicles hanging - the harvest will be good.

Tree branches are icy - there will be a lot of nuts and fruits.

Cloudy weather in January means a poor harvest in the summer.

Therefore, the peasants rejoiced at the snowy and frosty winters, which promised good rainfall and high yields.

Folk signs for January on holidays

If we talk about folk holidays, then interesting rituals are also associated with them. First of all, this is Kolyada or Karachun. This holiday is more familiar to our contemporaries as the Nativity of the Sun.

On this day we not only had fun, but also looked at natural clues.

On Bogataya Kutya (Christmas) you can see the starry sky, then the chickens will lay eggs well.

Moonlit night - melon harvest.

It will snow - to a large harvest of apples.

Frost on the trees means a grain harvest.

Also in January, the fertility of the earth is celebrated on Epiphany (January 19) and St. Basil (January 13).

On these days, water is blessed and rituals of expelling frost are performed.

Winter rituals embodied a combination of pagan traditions and Christian rituals.

From Christmas until the old New Year, you cannot sweep away dirty linen from the house.

Epiphany under the full month - there will be great water.

If Epiphany frosts are stronger than Christmas frosts, the year will be fruitful.

If there is snow on Epiphany, bread will arrive.

The usual kutya or sochivo, which is prepared for Christmas and Epiphany Eve, is a kind of sacrifice to the forces of nature. Besides natural forces cajoled with agricultural magic. People asked these days for large harvests, protection for plants, for livestock.

The article contains all the signs of January that will help you avoid mistakes and add variety to every day of the first month of winter.

  • If this year there was a frosty January, then next year it will be quite warm.
  • A relatively warm January can warn of a cold March and, accordingly, a late spring.
  • Severe frosts at the beginning of the month are a sign of a hot and dry summer. In addition, January frosts promise the absence of summer rains and hail.
  • Snowy January is a sign of a wet, rainy summer.

Folk signs for January about nature: description, for children

  • A cold January without precipitation portends a poor mushroom harvest.
  • The longer the January icicles grow and the more of them there are on the roofs, the more abundant the harvest will be in the fields and gardens.
  • If you hear the sound of a woodpecker in the forest, it means spring will be early.
  • Epiphany frosts, which are stronger than Christmas and Sretensky frosts, predict a fruitful summer.

Read further in the text for more details about January signs for every day.

Folk signs for January for every day

  • A strong wind means a bountiful harvest of nuts.
  • A clear night - for the berry year. In addition, legumes will please you with a harvest.
  • The warm day promised a fruitful year for rye.
  • Light snow means a good wheat harvest.
  • This day was used to determine what the first day of summer would be like.
  • If the wind is light, clear, partly cloudy weather will last long enough.
  • Frost on the trees predicts a good honey harvest in June.
  • It was considered a good omen on this day to shake fruit trees to clear them of snow or frost. When shaking the trees, do not forget to scare them a little by cutting them down in the spring, because such a ritual of intimidation promises a generous fruit harvest. This tradition has pre-Christian roots.
  • Based on the weather on that day, they made a forecast for August: the most “apple” month of the year. At the same time, the weather during the apple harvest determined what the next January would be like.
  • A gloomy, cloudy day means rapid warming.
  • A bright starry night means a clear day.
  • You can hear the loud singing of tits - this means a prolonged cold snap.

Weather Forecasting Techniques: Watching Trees
  • The imminent snowstorm is indicated by the bright red sun that rises on this day.
  • If the echo is loud, it's freezing.
  • Clouds moving against the wind will bring snowstorms.
  • A windy day promised a fruitful year. However, a windy day with wet snow promised a cold and damp summer.
  • Frost promises a fruitful year.
  • A clear starry sky promises a generous harvest of berries and mushrooms.
  • If the paths are trampled to the ground, there will be a rich buckwheat harvest.
  • The thaw on this day promises that spring will be warm and early.
  • Frost forecasts severe Epiphany frosts.
  • A new moon at Christmas predicts a bad harvest.
  • Frosty day for cold summer.
  • A sunny morning promises a bountiful harvest of millet.
  • There were no special signs for this day.
  • Frost on trees means prosperity.
  • Calm weather promises a rich harvest.
  • Snowfall with large snow flakes means an imminent thaw. The blizzard forecasts a rough summer.
  • If the day is warm, then spring will delight you with warmth.
  • Usually this day is very frosty.
  • The west wind will catch a lot of fish.
  • Loud sparrow chirping means warmth.

Methods for determining weather: observing animals
  • Wind from the south - good fishing.
  • A warm day predicts a cold summer.
  • The new moon indicates that there will be no spring flood.
  • A snowy morning promises late spring.
  • The north wind promised a cold summer, the west brought summer squalls, and the east brought drought.
  • An early rooster crow means a thaw.
  • The crow of a rooster in the late evening promises a change in weather.
  • A snowstorm on this day can bring frost.
  • The weather for March was determined on this day.
  • The full moon that fell on this date predicted a flood.

  • The weather on this day was used to determine the weather for Maslenitsa. About traditions on Maslenitsa week can be read.
  • A strong wind from the south on this day warns of a rainy summer.
  • If the water in the Epiphany ice-hole has reached the brim, it will be a flood.
  • The snowstorm that began on Epiphany will continue until the end of winter. Snow on this day promises a bountiful grain harvest and a very successful summer.
  • Clear weather promises a dry summer.
  • The weather for August was determined on this day.
  • The weather in September is determined by this day.
  • Southern winds promise bad weather in June.
  • Icicles on the roofs promise a warm February.
  • A thaw on this day predicts a late and short spring.
  • Starry sky for early spring.
  • Chirping tits call for early spring.

Weather detection methods: watching the wind
  • There are no special signs.
  • A windy day promises a lot of snow/rain for the whole year.
  • Frost on this day means a dry and hot summer.
  • A thaw means a dry spring.

Folk signs, customs, rituals for January associated with church holidays: what you can and cannot do

date Recommendations

Orthodox Christians continue to fast; therefore, consumption of animal products and sweets should be avoided.

IN New Year's Eve Don't lend money or take out the trash.

On this day it is good to go to church and pray to St. Boniface about healing from various diseases, incl. from alcoholism. If there are military men in your family, pray to St. Ilya of Muromets, who is their patron.


Home Protection Day evil eye And evil forces.

On this day, we were busy with cleaning, minor repairs, and purchasing food for Christmas.

For those who fast, it is a raw food day.


On this day, they always placed a small silver object in a prominent place, believing that this would protect the family from the evil eye.

In the morning we tried to wash ourselves with cold spring water. It was believed that this ritual would give a person health and beauty for the whole year.

On this day you cannot make promises, vows, give compliments, pronounce wishes - everything will happen exactly the opposite.


On Anastasia's day they pray for the health and happiness of children and pregnant women. In addition, St. Anastasia is considered the patroness of the innocently convicted.

Today you cannot beat animals in order to avoid trouble and illness in the house.

Previously, on this day they always cooked porridge and fed it to women and children in order to protect them from any harm.


It was not customary to hem/shorten clothes, so as not to shorten your life expectancy.


The chickens were not fed that day. It was believed that this would protect gardens from bird raids.

You can't take out the trash on Christmas Eve. It was collected in a secluded place and then burned.

We did not do any handicrafts that day. Black clothes were prohibited.

7 The man was allowed into the house first, so that there would be good luck all year.

On this day it is customary to pray to St. David, who is the patron of musicians. In addition, it is customary for families to honor women who have recently given birth and midwives.

Little children today are raised above their heads so that they grow up strong and strong.

9 On this day, pies with different fillings and honey gingerbread were baked in the shape of sheep, horses, cows and shepherds. Gingerbread was used to decorate the house and give it to guests and relatives.
10 Christmas Meat Eater and the beginning of wedding festivities. Be sure to come to Krasnaya Gorka, tie a bright ribbon on a special peg and make a wish.

Pegs brought from Krasnaya Gorka were burned in the fire. This ritual was supposed to ensure the fulfillment of all desires and protection from harm.

The day was considered very favorable for all evil spirits, so they tried not to go outside after sunset.

To protect children from the influence of dark forces, it was necessary to place a metal object under the sleeping place: a sickle, a hammer, etc.


On this day it was customary to slaughter cattle and organize a wild boar hunt.

When they had stomach ailments, they went to church services and asked St. Anisius about healing.

13 Today they do not count small coins so as not to cry in the coming year. In addition, be sure to welcome carolers into your home.

Traditionally, kutia was cooked on this day and eaten by the whole family.

The table today should be varied and satisfying. You can’t slander or entertain sad thoughts.

15 On this day they tried not to eat meat, especially poultry.

The only day of the year on which you can be healed from possession by dark forces, epilepsy and remove even the most severe damage.

For dinner, dishes with cottage cheese were always prepared.

On this day, we tried not to brag about our achievements, so as not to jinx ourselves.

17 They carry out rituals to cleanse the home of evil forces that lead a person into sin.
18 It was believed that not only water, but also snow had miraculous powers. They washed themselves with Epiphany snow, applied it to sore spots, fed it to domestic animals and birds, and threw it into a well.

You should definitely take a dip in the ice hole or at least wash yourself with Epiphany water.

On this day, the heavens open slightly, so your most cherished wishes can come true.


From the very morning on an empty stomach you should drink Epiphany water. This will be the key to health for the whole year. But on this day you should not wash your face to avoid deception in the future.

Perhaps this is the only day of the year when it is recommended to sip alcohol.

On this day it is good to carry out the baptism ceremony.

21 The day when it is customary to visit godchildren, godparents and godfathers.
22 You definitely need to go to the bathhouse to wash off the Christmastide and get ready for work.

Be sure to bring a handful of hay into the house. It was believed that this would bring good luck.

They didn’t take out the trash so as not to throw away their well-being along with it.

Be sure to prepare a meat dish today for a generous table all year round.

24 On this day, our ancestors fought against the shaking by fumigating their homes with unpleasant-smelling compounds.
25 If you need help with your studies, you should definitely attend a holiday service.
26 The main character of the day is a cat. It was believed that on this day cats are able to heal a person from all illnesses, especially if the sick person sits all day in the place occupied by the cat. But it is absolutely forbidden to fall asleep next to a cat on this day.
27 On this day, it was believed that cow's milk acquired miraculous properties and was able to heal from illnesses and protect from misfortunes.
28 In the old days they believed that this was the day of sorcerers, so they tried to protect themselves from the influence of dark forces.
29 There were no special recommendations for this day.
30 They baked round cookies and treated them to children to attract spring.

Wedding, marriage, wedding in January: signs

On January 10, the wedding period began, which corresponded to the winter Meat Eater. The winter wedding celebration continued until the beginning of Easter Lent.

The period from January 14 to January 17 inclusive was considered a period of rampant dark forces. They tried to abstain from wedding feasts. Wedding ceremonies were not held during major church holidays.

Born in January: signs

  • On January 1, people are born consisting of contradictions.
  • Those born on Ignatius Day (January 2) were considered people very strongly attached to the family and home.
  • Very business people born on January 3rd.
  • An easy birth into the light of God is promised by Saint Anastasia, who is glorified on January 4th. Children born on this day are healthy, beautiful and very prosperous.
  • It was believed that children born after the evening dawn on January 5th would be especially happy.
  • Those born on January 6 are lucky in everything: from good health and ending with financial well-being. The same can be said about those born on January 7th.
  • On January 8, good masters are born, about whom they say “golden hands.”
  • Those born on January 9-10 are wonderful owners, for whom family will always come first.
  • Idealists and philosophers come into the world on January 11th.
  • On January 12, good hunters and carpenters are born from God.
  • Those born on January 13th have the gift of foresight.
  • People born on January 14th are inquisitive and stubborn.
  • On January 15, bright and charismatic personalities are born.
  • People born on January 16 live in harmony with themselves and the world around them. At the same time, those born on January 17 are distinguished by amazing insight in business.
  • Eternal children are born on January 18th. These are, most often, pure and naive people who love laughter and jokes.
  • Those born on January 19 are said to be lucky in life, and on January 20 they are born optimists who easily overcome all problems.
  • January 21 is the day when people with the characteristic “I see a goal - I see no obstacles” are born.
  • Peacekeepers are born on January 22.
  • Born on January 23 strong-willed and good health.
  • On January 24, those who will be imitated and admired are born.
  • Traditionally, January 25 is considered a women's day. However, boys born on this day find themselves in social activities. And on January 26, homebodies are born.
  • Those born on January 27 are very talented. But an easy and frivolous attitude towards life can ruin their future.
  • On January 28, those who are capable of heroic deeds are born, and on January 29, they are good owners whose house is full.
  • On January 30, cheerful people and optimists are born.

Be sure to use a name book .

January 7 - Christmas: signs

Be sure to attend the holiday service. About holiday services in Orthodox churches can be read by going to .

On this day you need to think about the good and joyful, without allowing sadness and sadness in your thoughts. A wonderful day to ask the Universe to fulfill your innermost desires. Read how to do it right.

January 12 on Anisya: signs

  • You cannot salt food, so as not to bring trouble to your family.
  • If you find a handkerchief on the road, it means that you are being damaged.
  • To avoid the evil eye, on this day they do not accept gifts from strangers or simply unpleasant people.
  • Dream about Anisia prophetic dreams. Thus, a dream associated with the earth predicted death in the family. Dreams about weddings could warn of quarrels among loved ones.
  • On this day, women did not do needlework.

Signs for the Old New Year

  • Most of the signs of this day are associated with kutya, since it was a ritual dish.
  • Kutya had to be tasty and rich, and the pot in which the porridge was cooked must be whole. If the porridge was bitter and the pot cracked during cooking, this was regarded as a bad sign.
  • To avoid disaster, the pot of failed porridge was drowned in a nearby ice hole.
  • In addition, many pork dishes were served on this day. It was believed that the more generous the table, the more successful the year would be.
  • On this day it is better not to borrow or lend.
  • Clothes for this day should be neat, and ideally new.

Signs for Epiphany

Epiphany is one of the largest annual holidays among Orthodox Christians, including: pagan roots. Accordingly, the holiday was accompanied by many signs. You can read more about baptismal signs.

Video: Folk signs for January

Signs have been an integral part of people's lives since ancient times. Beliefs have been passed down from generation to generation, thanks to which they have survived to this day. Gardeners carefully monitor nature's signals to predict spring, summer and crop prospects. Folk signs January will help them find out what awaits them in the coming year.

“Look, in the yard
All trees are in silver.
A white blizzard is dancing
On New Year's first day.
The holidays are over,
The pranksters say:
“It’s a bit of a pity for the old year,
And it’s January outside!”

Tatiana Agibalova

Calendar of national holidays and signs of January

1st of January– If the night of January 1st is starry, then there will be a large harvest of berries in the summer. As is the first day of January, so is the first day of summer.

January 6 – Christmas Eve. Frost is coming. Winter is not frolicking in the forest, but right on our noses. A clear day means a good harvest. If the paths are black, there is a harvest for buckwheat. The firmament is shining - a berry year awaits and there will be great offspring for the livestock. The day arrived on the chicken foot.

January 7 – Christmas. Snowdrifts piled high - to have a good year. If there is a thaw, spring will be early and warm.

January 7 – 14 – Christmastide. In advance, logs were prepared in the forests for log houses in order to transport them through the snow to the estates.

January 8 is the Indian holiday, the holiday of porridge. On the holiday of porridge, everyone goes with a spoon - a full ladle will not disperse the family. They do carpentry and play musical instruments.

Second decade

January 12 – Winter Anisya. Guest, guest, come to the threshold. In front of the guest on the table are mushrooms, pickles, and the brew from the oven on the table with swords.

January 13 – Vasiliev evening. Generosity. Gardeners shake the snow off their apple trees at midnight for the harvest. If at night the wind blows from the south, the year will be hot and prosperous, from the west - to an abundance of milk and fish, from the east - expect a fruit harvest.

January 14 – New Year (old style). Vasily’s Day. It's the middle of winter. If there is fog - for the harvest.

January 15 – Sylvester. Chicken holiday. The children are given clay roosters. January drives the blizzard seven miles away.

January 18 - Epiphany Christmas Eve - hungry evening. A full month means a big spill. They collect snow for whitening canvases and for baths.

January 19 – Epiphany. Epiphany frosts. At night the sky opens (clears). If there is a snowstorm, then take revenge on it in three months. People call this day Epiphany. If the day is warm, the bread will be dark, that is, thick; cold, clear - the summer is going to be dry; cloudy and snowy - expect a bountiful harvest. Baptism under the full month - there will be great water. Dogs bark a lot - there will be a lot of game and animals.

Third ten days of the month

January 21 - Emelyan Zimny.“Emelyan - make a snowstorm.” Blizzard in winter is a custom. The nature of winter is finally judged. If it blows from the south, it promises a stormy summer.

January 23 – Grigory Letoukazatel. If there is frost on trees, stacks and stacks, it means a wet and cold summer.

January 25 is Tatiana's day. The sun will peek through - the early arrival of birds, snow - a rainy summer.

January 30 – Anton perezimniy. Wintergreen will reassure, warm, and then deceive - it will pull away all the frosts. Don't trust warm weather in winter.

January 31 – Afanasy Lomonos. Afanasievsky frosts. Clematis freezes his nose. Crows fly and circle in flocks - to frost. Frost doesn't like to joke. “It’s not a wonder that Afanasy-Lomonos freezes his nose, but wait for Timofey the half-winter (February 4) - Timofey’s frosts.”

January folk signs about the weather

  • If January is cold. July will be dry and hot.
  • If in January there are frequent snowfalls and blizzards, then in July there is frequent rain.
  • Dry January - the peasant is rich.
  • If it is very cold in January, the mushrooms will appear later.
  • In January it is March, then in March it will be January.
  • If January is cold, July will be dry and hot.
  • Frosty January is a fruitful year.
  • In winter the snow is deep - in summer the bread is high.

The first month of the year, January, can tell a lot to an observant person. And if you still have the information that your ancestors painstakingly collected, then you can usefully adjust your plans, achieving success.

Signs of January 2021 by numbers

1 – If the sky is clear at night, then prepare your baskets for summer. There will be a lot of berries. The first day of the year will tell you what the beginning of summer will be like.

6 – This is the day of peasant omens. If the sky is clear overhead, the harvest will be rich, the paths shine black, sowing buckwheat is profitable. Stars poured into the sky - cattle will give birth.

7 – It’s good if there is a lot of snow collected in huge snowdrifts - the year will be plentiful and rich. And if it starts to melt, spring will come very soon and it will certainly be warm.

8 – Celebrated Porridge Day. They made sure to invite guests and go themselves. We had conversations and made plans.

12 – We visited guests again. The treat must include mushrooms and pickles. May nature be generous this year.

13 - . We went to the garden at midnight. Snow was shaken off the branches of apple trees so that there would be a harvest. We looked from where the wind was blowing: from the south - to a hot year and favorable circumstances, from the west - there will be a lot of fish in the reservoirs, from the east - a fruit harvest, from the north - the earth will not bear fruit.

14 – Vasily. If the stars light up the sky at night, there will be a lot of berries. If the blizzard howls, nuts will be born. If it fogs, it will be a fruitful year. The girls made a wish. Everything certainly came true!

15 – Sylvester. On this day the chicken coop was treated. He was fumigated with resin. They also found and hung the chicken god - a holey stone. It was believed that it protects against evil spirits.

16 – Gordeev day. If you brag and boast, then everything will be taken away. It was believed that one should not display one’s property, otherwise it would be jinxed.

17 – Zosima. We looked at the trees in the forest. If the snow bends the branches to the ground, then the bees will bring a lot of honey.

18 – On this day, fortune telling and divination ended. Yes, at midnight we had to go and get some supplies.

19 – Baptism. We looked into the hole. If it is full of water, there will be a big spill. If there is fog, the year will be rich. Also means frost.

20 – John the Baptist. Efforts began to create new families. Matchmakers were sent, weddings were prepared. They often got together and prepared a meal (meat).

21 – Emelyan. If the wind is south on this day, there will be thunderstorms all summer.

22 – Philip. The godfathers were invited to visit. They need to be treated and welcomed in order to be with friends all year round. The godfathers were supposed to come with a gift.

23 – Gregory. If frost covers the haystacks, then there will be rain in the summer. Wind from the south - there will be thunderstorms all summer. If it's cloudy, then dry summer will come.

24 – Fedosy-Vesnyak. If it warms up, then spring will come very soon.

25 – Tatyana. If the sun is shining, the birds will arrive early. If it snows, summer will be very rainy.

26 – Irinarch. If a cat hides its nose, the frost will remain for a long time. The same goes for tree branches cracking in the forest.

27 – Nina. If snow is falling from the sky, it will soon be warm. If frost falls, there will be even greater cold.

28 – Pavel. The wind is blowing, which means it will be damp all year. If the sky is rich in stars at night, the flax will become ugly.

30 – Anton. If it gets warmer on this day, then it’s a lie. It will start storming again soon.

31 – Athanasius. This day was important for brides. If the matchmakers haven’t visited them yet, they won’t expect them this year.

That's the whole list of folk signs of January! Enjoy it for your health!

Folk signs for January 2019 Many signs and superstitions that we inherited from previous generations still help us to avoid trouble, as well as predict the weather for the coming months. Get to know the signs of January so that there is no room for troubles in life.

The first month of the new 2019 can bring many joyful moments and first victories. Experts from the site suggest getting acquainted with folk wisdom in order to avoid troubles and bring good luck to your home in time. Folk signs relate not only to the weather and harvest, but also indicate the time when you can get rid of any evil and disease.
January 1: on this day bullfinches sing songs - there will be a snowy winter. According to the sign, a strong wind blows towards a good harvest of nuts, and if there are many stars in the sky, then legumes will be produced and there will also be an abundance of berries. It's warm on this day - look forward to good work harvesting the rye.
January 2: a lot of grain will be harvested if the trees are covered with frost on this day, and there will be a lot of snow. Good weather will be if the milky way is clearly visible. The clouds are gathering for warmer weather. According to legend, they ate apples on this day so that the future harvest would be rich again. Severe frosts are indicated if the samovar hums loudly during lighting.

January 3: on this day they listen to grain in barns. If it hums, then the summer will be restless. On the 3rd the red sun rises - there will be a snowstorm. Whatever the day, such will be September. The wish will come true if you bake a pancake and eat it silently, making your most cherished dream about yourself.
January 4: According to legend, Nastasya’s day was considered women’s day. At this time, you need to cook lean porridge to treat a pregnant woman. In this way she was protected from any harm. The weather of that day determined what October would be like. Bullfinches indicate approaching bad weather if they fly, noisily cutting through the air.
January 5: according to the sign on Fedula, the wind is blowing towards a good harvest. As this day is, so is November. According to the sign, good luck will come to the house of the one who bakes cookies in the form of animal figures. A caring owner takes care of the cattle, and they pay him kindly.
January 6: It is forbidden to weave on Christmas Eve, otherwise the winter will be stormy. Also, you can’t all leave the house at once, otherwise the cattle will scatter in the spring and get lost in the forests. The weather was used to judge the future harvest: the day was sunny, which meant the harvest would be long and good. Stars poured out on the Milky Way - there will be a lot of bread. The paths trampled in the snow are black - buckwheat will be born.

January 7: on Christmas they swept away evil spirits with a charmed broom. Be sure to wear clean clothes so that the harvest is good. There is a lot of frost - there will be plenty of bread. The sky is sprinkled with stars - peas will be born. A snowstorm is blowing - bees will begin to swarm.
January 8: frosts will set in if titmice sing loudly in the morning, and if crows caw, then snowfalls and blizzards are ahead. On January 8th the sun comes out - the millet harvest will be good. A girl tells fortunes about her betrothed and changes her fate. In Rus', on this day, midwives were revered and, according to signs, they went to them with children who carried gifts.
January 9: Place aspen stakes in front of the hut and the stable for Stepan so that the witch does not come and curse the family and cattle. Snow on this day foreshadowed a wet winter and frequent bad weather with frost and ice.
January 10: On the Meat Eater, the family gets together and does not quarrel - to attract happiness and wealth for the year ahead. Whoever plays a wedding will find happiness in marriage and protect his family from adversity. On the 10th, make a wish, but don’t sit around doing nothing - it will come true faster.
January 11: On the Terrible Day, they fight with evil spirits and drive away illnesses. According to legend, you can get rid of the disease if you burn the old straw from the mattress. Children were protected from evil spirits and washed with holy water. It was believed that children had no access to doors and windows - evil spirits would lie in wait, bring illness, or take them away from the yard. Frosts will soon begin if the wind blows from the north and does not drive clouds.

January 12: On Anisya's day, hunters try their luck: whoever catches a wild boar in the forest will be accompanied by luck all year long. According to legend, severe frosts would set in on this day, and if there was a thaw, then the harvest could be bad. They kept an eye on the snowdrifts, and if they were small, they expected poor haymaking.
January 13: at Kolyada, the more guests come and leave well-fed, the more luck and wealth the hostess will have. The weather was used to judge what kind of year it would be. The south wind promised warm summer, and if it blew from the west, they expected a good harvest of fruit.
January 14: On Vasily’s Day, count your money and don’t lend it, otherwise you’ll spend a year in poverty. The owner is rich, who has to slaughter the pig and the guests fresh meat treat. According to the sign, there will be a good harvest if the children scatter the grains on the floor, and the housewife saves them before sowing and throws them into the ground first. The year will be fertile if there are snowstorms and frost on January 14th. The stars in the sky are bright - there will be a good harvest of peas and beans.
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January 15: on the chicken holiday, the chicken coop should be cleaned so that the birds fly and diseases avoid them. Children were given toys in the form of chickens and roosters so that they would whistle and drive away evil spirits from poultry. On this day, they tried not to go far from home, because they believed that feverish women were walking the streets, bringing diseases to people. Wait out the severe frost at home so that there is no trouble.
January 16: on Gordeev Day, according to a sign, witches could kill cows, so people asked the brownie to help with the housework and protect the cattle. On this day, whoever indulges in pride and boasts will be poor. The weather in March was determined by the weather on this day. On this day, drink the enchanted herbal infusions so that the disease goes away and takes you with you.

January 17: on Zosima there is a lot of snow and a lot of honey, but if there is little snow, there will be no honey, the bees will not swarm. According to legend, on this day they prepared delicacies using honey so that the year would be sweet and smooth. Whoever has candied honey will find the treasure. Put the sheepskin coat on Zosima inside out, and use your grip to drive away the evil spirits from the house. The full moon on January 17 promised a strong flood in the spring. The frost is getting stronger - it will be cold for a long time.
January 18: on Christmas Eve even snow becomes healing - it will whiten the canvas, remove illness, and bring wealth. The year will be fruitful if the bitter frosts are over. The blizzard will sweep - it will sweep nuts into the forest.
January 19: go to the river at midnight and collect holy water for the year ahead. At Epiphany, they make fortunes for the grooms for the last time, go through the gates and look at passers-by. The old man will get caught - worst of all, but if the guy goes, then the betrothed will soon ask him to marry. Whoever comes home from service first will have time to collect the harvest, will not soak the hay, and will not lose grain. On the day of the holiday, whoever makes a good wish will be lucky for the whole year. The snow is falling in flakes - there will be enough bread for everyone. If the frosts are strong, then the sleigh is light.
January 20: whoever has fun on Ivan Hawk Moth will not have trouble knocking on his door. Before the holiday, drinking the water of Epiphany means patching up your health. According to tradition, on this day a toast is raised to the newlyweds so that there will be no tears or swearing in their married life. It's cold and clear - expect a dry summer. The snow is falling and the sun is not shining - the harvest will arrive on time. In the morning there is fog - in the fall there is a barn full of seeds.

January 21: the west wind on this day promises many thunderstorms in the summer. According to legend, on this day godfather and godfather are treated to happiness family life was.

January 22: If you sit idle on Philip, it will be a poor year. Whoever cleans and manages the housework will be rich and keep good luck with him all year round. On holiday they cook cabbage soup and say good things about all the food. A clear day promises a lot of harvest, and if the cattle do not want to leave the barn, then soon the snow will fall and the frost will return.
January 23: frost on the haystack - expect a wet summer. The wind has blown from the south - there will be a lot of thunderstorms. Frost lies all day, which means that the rye will remain wet and part of the harvest may be lost.
January 24: according to legend, the frost on this day drives out the evil spirits, so they try not to leave their houses and not communicate with any of their neighbors. He who scolds dashingly calls into the house. It's warm on Fedosey - expect an early and warm spring. The frost will hit - there will be no warmth for a long time, the sowing will be late.
January 25: according to legend, on this day the eldest housewife baked a loaf of bread and divided it among the household. As the bread runs out, so will good luck come to the house. On Tatiana's Day, whoever knocks out rugs from the river drives away illnesses from the house. The harvest will be good if the sky is clear and the day is frosty. Expect a drought if there is a snowstorm and it’s warm outside. It is snowing- It rains in summer.

January 26: on Yerema, according to a sign, people did not leave the house so as not to bring illness into the house. We watched cats: if they roll around on the floor, then the warmth will soon come, and if they scratch the walls, then the cold will return. The cat is washing the guests on the window: if you are not expecting guests, stick a knife at the threshold, do not open the door. Another sign said that a sick person would be healed of an illness if he stood where the cat was sleeping and stood there for as long as possible.
January 27: On Nina, keep an eye on the cattle. He will have troubles who does not take care of his livestock and does not treat it to him. Frost lay on the trees that day, indicating rapid warming. White clouds rush across the sky - the cold will return. The roosters crowed until dawn - they welcome you warmly, and if the crows caw, then the cold will come.
January 28: on Pavlov’s Day, protect yourself and your home from damage and the evil eye, do not look strangers in the eyes and do not go anywhere with them. The stars shine dimly - warmth is on the threshold. A clear day means a finer summer, and if snow falls, then there will be a lot of rain in the summer.
January 29: wind from the north leading to frost and hot summer. Ice drift begins - wait for high water. More than half of the rye bread remains in reserves - the harvest will be good again.
January 30: cut off the path from the house with a sickle to Anton's winter tree so that damage does not come and bring trouble. It's frosty on this day - expect summer thunderstorms. If it is warm and dripping from the roofs, the summer will be dry.
January 31: a blizzard is blowing - summer will not come soon. At noon it is clear - spring will be warm. Crows gather in flocks when it gets cold, and fly alone when it thaws. According to legend, witches could do harm on this day, so wormwood was burned in ovens to ward off evil spirits.
Signs were collected by many generations of our ancestors, which is why to this day folk wisdom helps to live in happiness and prosperity, to avoid any troubles and adversities in the family and at work. Take into account the knowledge accumulated over centuries so that every day in your life brings good luck. Good luck to you!
