Sorceress Ekaterina Romanovna fortune telling by phone. Natural Witch: Finding Power

I have been providing consultations for many years and help from the witch, I conduct receptions at home and tell fortunes over the phone and on Skype. I will support everyone who needs my protection, help and good advice. Endowed with strength, I see and feel people, their thoughts (what a person thinks about you and how a person treats you) I know how the situation will develop and what the outcome of events in your life will be.
I value my karma and always work to give back, I know that finding a good witch on the Internet is not easy now. I try to get to the bottom of your problem and help as much as possible to everyone who really wants to make their life better. I give advice and recommendations in love matters, business and career. Not always with the help of love magic, you can regain love and trust and become happy.

Witch's services and assistance

  • viewing and diagnostics love relationship, harmonization
  • I'll tell you how to get your loved one back
  • I will help make your union strong and healthy
  • tips on how to return a husband or wife to the family
  • couple compatibility

Fortune telling by phone is not the main mission on the magicka website. Even if you don’t have any problem, you can call or write to me, if you are sad and lonely, tell me about a painful problem, you will definitely feel better after our communication. You shouldn’t go with the flow of fate and wait for everything to resolve itself, everything is in your hands. Whether you should trust me with your question and appeal is up to you to decide. Everything to do right choice you have.

Take one small step to get the help you need. Peace to you and your home Your true witch Ekaterina from the Magistika com website

“I didn’t think you were a bird lover,” the man remarked, still standing in front of me and looking from his height.

“I didn’t think so either,” I said, casting an absent-minded glance at the owl, whose eyes had become twice as wide. - So what did you want to talk to me about?

– I’m ready to make you an offer. If you last until the third year, I will give you what you asked for.

A familiar warmth spread inside me, and my fingers tickled from the sudden surge of energy. The room became much brighter and warmer, as if the sun had come out from behind the clouds, ready to warm everything around with its gentle warmth. Two years... the period, in principle, is sufficient for me to gain almost the entire required amount if I work very hard on the side. And if I manage to gain access to the books and find out the address... it doesn’t matter what happens next. I will run away, I will find what I am looking for, and when I find it, I can go to prison or to the next world - I don’t care anymore. I’ll run away from the university, and even if they let the hellhounds themselves follow my trail, I don’t care.

– Is this really that important to you? – the man smiled, returning to his chair. A soft rustling was heard and at the same moment it became cool. It was as if a very warm duvet had been removed from me. Does he really have such a soft and warming aura, with his dry, almost cruel gaze?

– Very important, Mr. Reinhardt. If your word can be trusted, I will be the best student at the university...” I assured.

“Now you are practicing exquisite insults, Adept Thornton.” I give you the word of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. Well. Now that we have decided everything, I am calm.

He stood up and was about to leave, but I stopped him.

- Wait, what about the camisole?

“Give me back if I stay alive,” he smiled. - Keep warm. There is too much cold in your soul.

– What does it mean if you stay alive? – something shrank inside.

– War is approaching, Elizabeth... take care of yourself and be diligent in your training. Soon you will need all your knowledge and strength.

With these words, the man left, and something inside me broke and several large, but inexplicable tears rolled down my cheeks. What is happening to me? Why does his presence affect me in such a strange way, and why do I worry about him?

- Abigail! – the owl snorted indignantly, breaking me out of my stupor.

“Ah, now we have found the power of speech,” smearing salty drops on my cheeks, I turned my attention to the bird.

-What are you doing, Abigail? You shouldn't show off your strength in front of him, are you crazy? Do you want to lose everything you have? He's powdering your hair!

– Filya, I don’t understand what you mean. We just made a deal,” I shrugged and began combing my hair.

“We just made a deal.” It's mind boggling! Do you have any idea who was in your room right now?

– I understand perfectly! Mr. Supreme Commander Christian Reinhardt.

“Mr. Supreme Commander-in-Chief, nanny,” the owl mimicked me, for which he received a blow from a flying pillow, which, however, he skillfully dodged. - There was an archangel in front of you, you fool!

- Who-who, excuse me?

- Immortal! On earth he is practically a God, and in terms of power he has very few equals, except perhaps natural witches.

“I don’t understand anything, you speak in riddles,” I was indignant. “Turn around, I need to change clothes and find the lecture hall.”

It would also be nice to go to breakfast, I can’t waste money.

Outside the window, the crimson sun flooded the area with bloody rays. Clouds were gathering in my soul, foreboding trouble. Heavenly blood... As if sensing my mood, the sky responded with a light drizzle. Because it is so similar to a crying soul, wanting to pour itself out to at least someone who will hear it.

The owl obediently turned away, shaking his head disapprovingly at the sudden rain.

“We need to start training as soon as possible, otherwise your power will get out of control.” Do you know what they do with natural witches who are unable to control their power?

I pulled on a clean wool dress and began to style my thick brown locks, looking into the large mirror hanging on the wall near the window.

- No, Phil. I don't know. And I’ve never heard anything about natural witches.

- They're being killed, Abigail!

“Elizabeth,” I corrected, nervously tugging at the tangle with the comb. “I’m very sorry that they are being killed.”

– Do you know who kills natural witches? – the owl snorted displeasedly. I got a pet that was terribly nervous and dissatisfied with everything in the world, and also meticulous to the point of horror. Well, why is he giving me a lecture about some witches and angels? I have completely different concerns - I need to learn something worthwhile in two years - nevertheless, I will really need magical skills to achieve my goal, and besides, I must find a job that can be combined with training.

- No, Phil, I don’t know that. And I have no use for this knowledge.

- The archangels are killing them, why are you so unlucky and foolish! – he turned to me and, flapping his wings heavily, sat down on my shoulder. Wow! He thinks of himself as a parrot. The burden of tea is not light, not two kilograms, but all five. “If you value your little head,” he patted my hair with his wing, causing it to fluff up again, “I advise you to burn this jacket, and never, no, not like that, NEVER meet with Christian Reinhardt again.”

- And why is that? – I was indignant, brushing the bird off my shoulder and again styling my hair in beautiful waves. Having finished, I pressed them down with a cheap headband I bought the other day so that they wouldn’t fall on my forehead and turned to the bird.

- Oh, Gods of the universe, why am I receiving this punishment? Why couldn't you send me as a black cat to some dark witch? Yes, because he is an Archangel, and you are a natural witch and it’s only a matter of time before he realizes this and destroys you! Burn your camisole, otherwise its energy will affect you! You were already melting and even shining. She's shining! Do you even understand what that means?

“Not the slightest idea,” I shrugged carefreely and, taking the camisole, still damp from the water, carefully hung it on a hanger and put it in the closet. An eagle owl certainly won’t be able to open it.

- All. Go home. I'll contact the Gods and ask for a translation. How can I be the guardian of someone who knows nothing at all and, what’s worse, doesn’t want to know?

“I didn’t ask for any guardian and I don’t have magical powers,” looking at Mr. Reinhard’s camisole, I experienced incomprehensible conflicting emotions. Touching it with my fingertips, I perked up, sharply slammed the closet and turned to the annoying bird. “Even the rector said that my magical reserve is nonsense.” God willing, if I learn to heal a light scratch. I'm more than sure that they won't be able to teach me anything.

“They can’t,” the owl supported. “You don’t have any magical reserves at all.”

“You see,” I smiled. “I’m not a witch at all, not one bit, not one bit!”

– You don’t need this reserve, you convert energy from the outside! You just take it and use it. Everything and everyone obeys you. This is absolute power.

– Oh, yes, I’m the alpha and omega after all. Filechka, you are my black-eyed sunshine, even I know that no one, even the strongest magician, can draw power from the outside, except from magical sources. Such is the nature of primordial magic! How about subjugating all living things? That's it, I'll hurry to breakfast, I don't have time to have stupid and meaningless conversations with you.

Of course, I understand that I am at a magical university, but for a girl who grew up in an ordinary family of farmers and has never seen magic, it is not only difficult to believe in all this, but even to understand it after seeing it. Talking eagle owls, flying lightning, collapsing floors... This is some kind of wildness! I don't know any of this. For as long as I can remember, we farmed the land, and my father sold farm products in Astoria. I saw magic only a few times, and it was not of a combat nature, but of a healing nature. Therefore, how to last two years at the Faculty of Elementalists and not drop out is a question to be answered. Apparently I’ll have to sleep with my textbooks in my arms after working part-time at night. But I will endure everything, I have to.

Entering the dining room, I was embarrassed and froze on the threshold. It was filled with THEM – adepts and adepts. They were everywhere: in the serving line, at the tables, on the tables, between them, they entered and left the dining room, touching me with their shoulders and arms, because I was blocking the only passage. As if by agreement, everyone stared at me with appraising glances. I don't like people. More precisely, it’s not even like that: I’m afraid of people, especially adherents, about whom I’ve heard in a very unpleasant way. Thank God, among dozens of unfamiliar eyes, I found familiar ones.

“Demi,” I sighed with relief and, hastily picking up food on the tape, hurried to the red-haired beauty as if to a lifeline.

- Well, you did it yesterday, I’m amazed at you! – she admired, biting off a bun with raisins and washing it down with milk. Not immediately realizing that she was referring to our squabble with Reinhardt, I shrugged my shoulders in bewilderment and smiled, also starting breakfast. – I heard that you are also an adept now? Congratulations. It is a great honor to study at the Faculty of Elemental Magic. It's a pity that they don't choose the path. She chooses you herself, but if you end up in the Faculty of Fire, it will be a complete waste. You will never regret it!

As the story progressed, more and more sparkle lit up in her eyes. This really is a girl who is a lighter. I didn’t care who would assign me where, so I was even slightly envious of her sincere joy and enthusiasm.

I ate my despondency with milky rice porridge and washed it down with a cup of coffee with a pinch of cinnamon. In order to regain strength as quickly as possible, I need to eat well, even though I don’t really have an appetite. But as soon as I brought the raisin bun to my mouth and inhaled the aroma of fresh baked goods, I immediately choked. Little of. The chair was simply knocked out from under me, and I fell onto the cold marble floor. Demi instantly jumped up and growled, baring her fangs. I rolled my eyes. What kind of miracle is this? But an even greater miracle bent over me. A girl completely covered in black leather, from boots to high heels, up to the collar, right down to the throat. A jumpsuit with bare arms, however, the wrists are also covered with leather, to which some obviously torture devices are attached. The girl's snow-white hair was braided into a tight braid that went down almost to the floor. Almond-shaped and completely black eyes, without white, looked at me as if I were a doomed victim whose fate was already sealed. And I sat hunted next to the overturned chair in the remains rice porridge and felt her dress getting wet from the overturned hot coffee. Great start to the day...

- You! – the stranger pointed her finger at me. – If I see you next to Reinhard again, I will destroy you! Understood me?

What, this time I got it because of the blond upstart? Having risen with the help of Demi, since I didn’t have much control over my body, I barely audibly clarified. There were no plans to be daring, pure curiosity:

- Younger or older?

Lightning flashed in the black eyes and in a hundredth of a second they grabbed me by the throat and lifted me high above the floor. Understood. She was wrong.

- Cheap slut! Do you think I didn’t see how he came into your room angry and in full dress, and came out happy and without a camisole?

Scratching the palms that clutched my throat, I wheezed and dangled my legs exhaustedly, trying to grab at least a small breath of air, but it didn’t work out well. And where did the thunder and lightning that had previously accompanied me everywhere go? I'm a witch, of course. If I were a witch, she would already be lying in the opposite corner of the dining room.

“Release her immediately, Adept Duherty!” – I heard a steely male voice behind me. This was very useful, since consciousness began to fail. My new friend’s palm instantly unclenched, and I fell into someone’s strong embrace. As it turned out - Reinhard. Only the older one, not the younger one. – I am impressed by your determination, adept Duherty, I think that the dean will certainly appreciate it.

“But,” she was confused.

– Immediately, on your own and on the fly, coming up with an excuse for what you did!

- Do you even know who I am? – The girl straightened up, raising her head proudly.

“Five minutes to a former adept and two minutes to a corpse,” Damian said calmly in a hoarse, sepulchral voice with endless blackness in his eyes. My knees began to shake with fear, and if it weren’t for his strong arms, in which I lay like a baby, I would have fallen to the floor. There was absolute silence in the dining room and the adherents slowly, trying not to attract attention to themselves, retreated to the exit, and in the corridor they rushed as fast as they could, without making out the way. I even closed my eyes so as not to see the expression on his previously beautiful face, since it was distorted beyond recognition: absolutely black eyes, deep wrinkles on the bridge of the nose and, it seems, fangs flashed under his upper lip... and I was lying in his arms. Mom dear!

End of introductory fragment.

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Here is an introductory fragment of the book.
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Terrible chat manager. He extorts money for asking questions! He criticizes everyone from Ukraine because they have a stupid president! Blocks immediately in chat! To get a consultation, select an expert on the site by clicking the button next to the photo (call or write a message) 20:00 Hello What do you need to become an expert on your site? 20:01 Good afternoon, what do you have?

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I visited this site several times and asked some experts for help. I felt very bad at heart and needed help. After the next time, I noticed that the experts, not very burdened with the layouts, quickly begin to answer the question even without listening to the end. It turns out that they simply write down information about the people who contacted them and then simply read it out. Moreover, by asking some questions, clients themselves tell a lot, and they simply then retell it in some transcription. There are such Ekaterina, Evgeniy, Yuliana, Victoria and others who clearly read from sight. And expert Mikhail didn’t even bother to change the text and read everything that was said a year ago word for word. Now think about what kind of EXPERTS these are, don’t waste money, it’s all lies and pumping money out of you. This is a scam

Another phone scam

Extortion of money and lies.

I visited this site several times and asked some experts for help. I felt very bad at heart and needed help. After the next time, I noticed that the experts, not very burdened with the layouts, quickly began to answer the question even without listening to the end. It turns out that they simply write down information about the people who contacted them and then simply read it out. Moreover, by asking some questions, clients themselves tell a lot, and they simply then retell it in some transcription. There are such Ekaterina, Evgeniy, Yuliana, Victoria and others who clearly read from sight. And expert Mikhail didn’t even bother to change the text and read everything that was said a year ago word for word. Now think about what kind of EXPERTS these are, don’t waste money, it’s all lies and pumping money out of you.

Victor Dudkin
There will be a LOT of even one star here. I contacted these “providers” several times, one for free, others for a fee. She asked questions about the future. And I was disappointed. That is, the person assured that certain changes would occur in my life. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WAS FULFILLED. The money was not returned to me, even though I applied. Don't go there, don't pay money for this nonsense and lies!!! Everywhere, on all sites, they lie and deceive stupid people. THIS IS A NEW BUSINESS. They only earn money, and they no longer care about people with their problems. Psychologists and all.

Magic was created by ancient sages, and it is given to help us.

My name is Ekaterina, I have gift of the witch. The messenger of the oldest family of magicians, the owner of ancient magical secrets that are passed down through the family.


For predictions I use a special one deck of fortune telling cards. From them I can tell almost everything about you. If you are confused, you don’t understand what will happen next?! Contact me. I will look through the future of your destiny, loved ones, children. Would you like to know about successful purchases, acquisitions, I’ll be happy to tell you and give you advice.

Magic is the energy that gives you the desired result.

I work with magic in various directions. My witchcraft spells, directed events and circumstances in the necessary direction, and more than once helped people in the most difficult and difficult situations.

There is no need to be afraid of difficulties. Call me. Together we will overcome difficulties and obstacles. My gift is like guiding thread Ariadne will lead you out of the Minotaur's labyrinth.

Don't know where to find a real witch?!

Here on the GadaTel website. Call at a convenient time. I provide consultations in Israel, Germany, Ukraine by phone, and for those from other countries via online chat.
