Sample advertisement for fresh meat. Advertising on your car for money: conditions and pitfalls

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and processing of personal data

1. General Provisions

1.1. This agreement on confidentiality and processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) was accepted freely and of its own free will, and applies to all information that Insales Rus LLC and/or its affiliates, including all persons included in the same group with LLC "Insails Rus" (including LLC "EKAM Service") can obtain information about the User while using any of the sites, services, services, computer programs, products or services of LLC "Insails Rus" (hereinafter referred to as the Services) and in during the execution of Insales Rus LLC any agreements and contracts with the User. The User's consent to the Agreement, expressed by him within the framework of relations with one of the listed persons, applies to all other listed persons.

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4.Other provisions

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Publication date: 12/01/2016

Full name in Russian:

Limited Liability Company "Insales Rus"

Abbreviated name in Russian:

LLC "Insales Rus"

Name in English:

InSales Rus Limited Liability Company (InSales Rus LLC)

Legal address:

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Mailing address:

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A butcher shop by itself will not interest customers. Even with low competition in the local market, efforts must be made to attract buyers.

In this article we will look at which methods of promoting a butcher shop are effective. Here you will find practical advice on promotion of a meat store and photo examples.

Butcher shop: advertising that increases profits

The development of an advertising campaign must be approached with an understanding of the specifics of the business and the target audience. Buyers of a store or meat shop are mainly residents of nearby houses. They will not go to another area to buy groceries, but will look for a store with reasonable prices, which is located nearby.

How to attract customers to a butcher shop: outdoor advertising tools

Outdoor advertising- your first and most effective assistant. Even before opening a store, you need to install a noticeable and understandable signboard. One look at the store should reveal its specialization. It is advisable that the sign be illuminated at night. This will ensure the flow of clients to winter time- most high season for the meat business.

Signposts, banners, billboards will attract the attention of passersby. Information about promotions and discounts will make you think about buying meat. It is better to install the pillar on a passable part of the sidewalk, not far from the bench. It is advisable that there is an arrow pointer and a short advertising phrase.

For billboards and banners, choose the nearest place with a large flow of people: busy intersections and stops public transport. Be sure to include the address or directions in the image.

Promotion of a butcher shop: printed materials

The surest way to talk about a butcher shop is to print leaflets or flyers. They should contain information about the location of the outlet, assortment, price level, discounts and special offers.

How to hand over a leaflet to a potential buyer? There are several effective ways.

Hire someone to distribute leaflets on the street. To do this, it is better to choose a time when people return from work. It is at this moment, when they go home and think about what to cook for dinner, that the idea of ​​​​buying meat will be tempting.

Unsticking advertisements at entrances- an old but proven method. There is little chance that it will be removed immediately. Residents of the building will notice that a new store has opened next door.

Flyers in mailboxes Most often they are immediately thrown away. To draw attention to the text and interest the buyer, print a bright inscription and promise a discount to the bearer of the leaflet.

Why advertising a butcher shop in the media doesn't help

To run an advertisement on television, place an ad in a newspaper, or create a website that occupies top positions, you need large investments. It is unlikely that they will pay off. Don't waste money on expensive but ineffective advertising.

Find city forums on the Internet where people recommend good stores to each other. This will help attract new customers.

How to attract customers to a butcher shop and increase traffic

Modern man is surrounded by a lot of advertising. How to stand out among the flow of information and interest a potential buyer? Advertise not the store, but the useful thing that your client will receive:

  • Quality of meat products. This required condition for every meat store. People quickly lose confidence if they encounter stale food. Such advertising must be consistent.
  • Stock. Reducing the price of any type of meat will attract attention and help quickly sell a product that will soon lose its freshness.
  • Regular discounts. As the experience of large retail chains shows, happy hour discounts for pensioners and the disabled attract target audience and increases brand loyalty. The time limit for discounts ensures that customers are in the morning when store traffic is low.
  • Special offers on holidays. A small discount on the second purchase, a gift bag of spices and other bonuses will remain in the memory of customers and improve your image. The first special offer should be timed to coincide with the opening. This will be good advertising and will help you quickly develop a base of regular customers.

Advertising a butcher shop with minimal costs

You can promote any butcher shop, even one that has no customers. The main question is how much you will have to spend and whether this investment will pay off. Do you want to get by with minimal investment? Make your store better.

A clean room, friendly salespeople, competent display of goods, low prices, convenient store location - this is enough to get the gears going "word of mouth". The main thing is to attract at least a few sociable customers, and they will tell their neighbors, friends and acquaintances about your store.

If you have not yet opened a business, consider another option to gain a base of regular customers - buy a butcher shop that has already been operating for a certain time. Choose an established business that is popular with local residents. This way you will get everything you need for work and start receiving income on the first day after purchase.

Find out which butchers and shops are selling in your city:

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I never thought that it was so difficult until I was faced with this task. I realized that meat for an advertiser is one of the most insidious goods! There are vegetarians and Greenpeace, and Jews, and Muslims, in a word - it is extremely difficult to please everyone.

For me, it all started with the creation of an advertising poster for a large Turkish meat producer (Ekol company). Posters were mainly to be placed in Auchan. (For those who have come across this network, it is known that there are also internal controls over advertising materials).

The first task was quite easy to implement. At the request of the client, the sign should have a cheerful family smiling broadly: mom, dad and son. Their radiant faces symbolized health! A great variety of models were prepared. In the final version, a series with a package of raw meat perched in the right corner was approved.

Honestly, from time to time a conflict flared up inside me, is raw meat like this aesthetically pleasing for advertising... Blood, meat... Brrrrrrr. In the end, this is not a hymn to cannibalism.. For thousands, hundreds of thousands of years we have been eating meat... and some prefer raw...

For the next poster, which was to be placed at an exhibition, the client asked to place a cow and a sheep grazing on the advertisement. Everything seems decent... But excuse me, even small children know that this is how it is customary to advertise MILK, not MEAT...

But this time the disputes were postponed, since the exhibition opened in 24 hours, and we still needed to produce a banner measuring 12 sq.m. Can you imagine what a piece of raw meat like this would look like?!

A couple of days later a new shock awaited me. I came across a previously printed booklet from the same company. And there …. Honestly, a nightmare on Elm Street... 10 pages of pictures of butchered carcasses of cows and sheep. You could use them to study anatomy, muscle structure, etc.

While working on this project, I seriously immersed myself in the topic of “meat advertising” and came up with the following character traits:

IN different countries It’s really customary to advertise MEAT in different ways:

So in the USA, it is customary to advertise not so much meat as a way of life. The meat is always cooked. Remember the burger commercials, at a minimum. Traditionally, this is an advertisement for grilled meat. The father of the family is on the lawn watching over a browned piece of meat. And in his right hand he has a bottle of beer or any other drink. So, a barbecue ad...

What in Russia? I noted that it is customary to place gold logos, frames and other decor on meat packages. This is a national disease - everything should be in gold (well, not in chocolate). Raw meat is not advertised. Animal carcasses are placed on packages. As a rule, they prefer to post pictures of ready-made meat dishes. From time to time they borrow other people's images - Bovarian ladies or Italian chefs...

Meat merchant Anthony Andrews from England mocks vegetarians with advertising signs that appeal to customers and attract new customers to him. So much so that when one of the passers-by tried to criticize the butcher for being rude, the seller did not even have to respond. After all, vegans rushed to defend the original marketing of the butcher shop.

Entrepreneur Anthony Andrews owns and runs a butcher's shop in the village of Duffield in central England, which is famous among locals for its unusual advertising.

Besides meat products, photos of which invariably appear on the store’s Facebook page, Anthony places boards with funny inscriptions near the store. Some of them are aimed at buyers.

You will eat meat.

And others are dedicated exclusively to competitors.

Hipsters are not allowed! Don't come here with your hairy faces, vegan diets, tiny legs and sawdust beds. Oh wait... it's about hamsters! Hamsters are prohibited!

Anthony himself notes that his advertising is created in order to amuse potential buyers, and not offend them, writes Metro. But one of the shop visitors decided otherwise.

The reason for the dispute, which subsequently unfolded on Facebook, was a sign dedicated to vegans.

Dear vegans, we have a cow here that has eaten all your grass. Welcome!

The user who started the discussion noted that he wanted to go to the store, but changed his mind as soon as he saw the writing on the board.

The upset client attached a photo with the same sign and an inscription about vegans to the publication. Unfortunately for the author of the post, his words impressed users less than an advertisement for a butcher shop.

Even fans of plant-based foods joined the discussion.

I think it's the meat eaters who are offended by the brilliant comeback! Perhaps the clogged arteries are blocking their sense of humor. Expand

In the end, the press secretary of one of the British vegan communities, Dominique Piasek, left her review of Anthony’s shop, but no longer in social networks, and in a conversation with journalists. To begin with, the woman noted that the butcher’s behavior is absolutely justified and provoked by the vegans themselves.

At the same time, Piaseka emphasized that, in the opinion of the organization she represents, Andrews’ advertising not only does not offend vegetarians, but, on the contrary, promotes plant-based eating.

The irony is that such an inscription actually helps people see the connection between the dead cow sold at the butcher shop and the intelligent living being that it once was.

The spokeswoman expressed the hope that the announcement outside the shop would allow people to better understand the reasons and principles of veganism, and Anthony himself could only agree with her. The man had already offered the offended customer a free steak, and explained to journalists that he would be the worst farmer, because he would not be able to slaughter any of his animals.
