Exercises that promote growth. How to increase height: practical advice and medical techniques

Hello friends! As far as I remember, I promised to talk about those sports that can stop the growth of the body height of those involved. So today I will tell you about this.

It would probably be more correct to call this article differently - “For what reasons do certain sports slow down the growth of our body?” If we look at the reasons, we will understand that usually the problem is not in any specific sport, but in the approach of the person involved to training.

Moderate physical activity is certainly beneficial. For example, physical exercise V childhood are critical for maximizing bone growth and preventing diseases such as osteoporosis in later life. However, if a child trains a lot and intensively for a long time, and also does not receive enough calories from food, then he is likely to be stunted. Taking this into account, we will consider those sports that are considered undesirable during the period of active body growth.


I wrote separately about the effect of gymnastics on growth. Still, it would be worth repeating.

Children who have been involved in gymnastics at a professional level for a long time may have problems with skeletal development and body growth. One of the reasons why this happens is the excessive stress on the joints and bones of athletes.

Both men's and women's rhythmic gymnastics greatly develop the muscle corset, which inhibits bone growth. This is especially common in men. U artistic gymnasts bone growth does not weaken so much, but occurs with a significant delay, which is confirmed by research from the above article. Like athletes rhythmic gymnastics, and sports, puberty often ends at a much later age.

Sports wrestling.

Many wrestlers are guilty of resorting to weight loss practices in order to compete in a smaller and less competitive weight class. Most athletes involved in professional wrestling come to this sport at the age of 8 years and right from this age they are forced to strictly maintain their weight, which will allow them to perform in a certain category. And during the competition season, the weight drops even more, the amount of fat decreases and all the energy is spent on fights.

Depending on the severity of the diet and the intensity of training, a wrestler's growth may slow down or stop. Also, don’t forget that wrestling is testosterone. Athletes who engage in martial arts have elevated levels of this hormone, which is known to fix calcium in the bones and inhibit growth. Thus, teenagers who engage in wrestling and participate in tournaments during their childhood and adolescence are usually shorter than their peers.

Long distance running.

Long distance running requires good endurance and takes a lot of energy. It is always important for runners to have a low body weight to carry their body with ease. As a result, they often consume too few calories with high energy expenditure. Because of this, women marathon runners often have problems with menstruation - amenorrhea.

A study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine found that female long-distance runners have lower bone density. Distance runners generally have an average body height, but the skeletal structure is often weakened or damaged due to the demanding demands of the sport. It is likely that if you engage in this sport from childhood, your body will not be able to fully realize its growth potential.


Professional ballet dancers can train 5 or more hours a day, every day, while severely limiting their food intake. As a result, many children who study ballet from an early age, by the age of 18, are shorter than their peers who do not study ballet. There is a study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine that says that the main cause of the problem in this case is the same low bone density, as well as insufficient body weight in relation to height.

Ballerinas often experience the same growth difficulties as gymnasts, whose growth potential is not impaired, but physical development the body occurs with a delay. For ballerinas the situation is more complicated. Those who train from early childhood typically do not reach their full genetic growth potential until after puberty.

That's probably all I have for today. I repeat, it is important to understand that what actually stops the growth of a person’s body is not only and not so much sport, but the athlete himself or his coach with his wrong approach. If you are professionally involved in any sport, then at least replenish the expended energy, or your body will do it for you, taking the resources it needs from its own reserves, which will ultimately have a bad effect not only on growth, but also on health in general. Get enough rest.

In conclusion, crossword No. 2 of the recently started tournament. Good luck!

Best regards, Vadim Dmitriev

Many people have a complex about short stature. Often the cause of a lack of centimeters is heredity, lack of physical activity and sedentary work. With all the apparent fatality, this problem It is possible to solve it yourself without any special financial costs, but with a little effort. Therefore, today we are talking about how to increase your height in defiance of physiology.

Ways to increase height

The level of human growth is determined by many factors. If from the moment of birth doctors have not diagnosed a pathology in a person, then his constitution is a natural manifestation of the body, in other words, the optimal parameters necessary for the normal functioning of a person in environmental conditions. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to increase growth in a comprehensive manner by adhering to a daily regimen? We will answer that it is possible. The main ways to enhance development include:

  • regular physical activity;
  • proper nutrition system;
  • complete cessation of bad habits.

What medications will help?

Almost all vitamins are responsible for human growth. If the body receives vitamins in a comprehensive manner, it will develop correctly, and problems with body size should not arise. To increase a person’s height, it is necessary to consume drugs that contain vitamins:

  • A- promotes the regeneration of bone tissue and cells, so it is better to take them for fractures or tissue damage;
  • B- a comprehensive intake of B1, B2, B3, B5, B9 and B12 is necessary, this will allow the body to develop harmoniously;
  • C- promotes accelerated absorption of other substances;
  • The D-component is used to increase body length by both children and adults, as it helps saturate cartilage with calcium.

What to eat to grow?

Proper nutrition has an equally positive effect on the development of the body. Height increasing foods:

  • Nuts. They contain calcium, protein, potassium, various amino acids and vitamins. A handful of walnut kernels will slow down the breakdown of carbohydrates and give energy to the body. You can add the product as a component to salads or cereals. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of milk with crushed kernels.
  • Chicken eggs - white V pure form. They will maintain the necessary energy level and help muscle development. Boiled eggs are absorbed by the body without residue. You need to eat 2 eggs every morning and every evening.
  • Meat. Lean beef or veal contains protein, zinc, iron and other substances that affect body size.
  • Oat groats. With its help you will get carbohydrates and fiber. Porridge promotes the development of muscle and bone tissue. It contains iron, manganese, zinc, chromium, iodine, potassium, vitamins A, K, E, B. You can add dried fruits, nuts, honey or apples to the prepared porridge.

Is it possible to increase your height on your own?

As shown Scientific research, a person is in a growth phase until about 20 years of age. At the same time, the growth rate and its age limits are completely individual. If you haven’t grown up by the specified date, don’t despair. Sticking to the system proper nutrition and by doing simple exercises, you can fulfill your dream of increasing your body length.

Child or teenager

It is much easier to increase the growth rate of a teenager than an adult, starting from the age of 21, because up to this point boys are actively growing, and in girls the active growth phase is observed much earlier - 14-16 years.

  • Nutrition. The younger generation needs to focus on animal food. Cereals that bring protein to the body will not be superfluous either. Fruits and vegetables are essential for young people, and in their absence, vitamins and minerals can be taken.
  • Sport. There are many clubs and sections open in schools that work free of charge. If you wish, you can join the swimming pool or gym.

Remember! To grow up, you need to take care not only about increasing bones, but also about developing muscles. Jogging in the morning will help maintain muscle tone.

  • During adolescence, children often experience nervous breakdowns, stress and anxiety. This is due to fatigue from activities, changes hormonal levels, first love. At the age of 16, both boys and girls should sleep at least 6 hours a day, since at this time cell division occurs and, as a result, rapid renewal of the body occurs.
  • If a teenager actively smokes or drinks alcohol, then perhaps he will not reach the body size mark laid down by genetics, and your efforts will remain in vain.

How to grow up as a boy or man

In order to increase the height of an adult man by 10 cm, nowadays there are many medical proposals. Orthopedics of the 21st century offers operations, hormonal treatment, and chemical effects on the body. Such methods not only require money, but also cause pain.

In fact, complex operations can be avoided. To quickly increase a man’s height at home, you need to perform the following exercises on a bar or horizontal bar:

  • You need to hang on the bar, keeping your hands shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. Hang in this position for ½ -2 minutes. After this, rest for 30 seconds and then return to the starting position. Perform quick swings of your legs in a hanging position: side to side, back and forth.
  • To increase height, a guy needs to hang on the horizontal bar, bending his knees back, fixate himself, and then straighten them, arching his lower back. Rotate your body to the sides, keeping your legs together. Do 10 repetitions and 3 sets with breaks of 30 seconds.
  • While hanging, bend both legs to one side or the other. In appearance, this exercise resembles a grandfather clock or a pendulum. After this, describe circles with your feet in one direction and the other, and raise your knees up to the abdominal area. Repeat manipulations 10 times.

Growth methods for girls

Many people are interested in the question: is it possible to increase the height of a girl’s body if nature has not endowed her with long legs? Let’s answer that systematically doing exercises will help your inches grow a little. You will have to be patient and set aside 2 hours a day for special exercises.

  • Hang from the horizontal bar with weights tied to your feet. For the first time, 15 seconds is enough. Increase the hang time each time.
  • Set any target higher and try to jump to it. You need to jump until you can reach it. Once the goal is achieved, move the bar higher and continue to stretch.

Important! This exercise is suitable for those who do not have problems with the spine or posture.

  • If someone who wants to grow up has problems with posture, you need to go up to the wall and stand with your back against it, “sticking” your heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and head to the surface. Stay in this position for 20 minutes, increasing the period by 15 seconds each time.
  • Get on all fours with your hands and knees shoulder-width apart and your head down. Lift your hips and torso off the floor, bending like a cat, and stay in this position for 10 seconds. Sit on your feet and heels, bending forward. Repeat the manipulation 5 times.
  • They give excellent results. For example, sit on a gymnastic mat, bend forward, trying to reach your feet, and return to the starting position. Repeat the movements 15 times. As a result of performing this simple exercise, you will not only increase your body length, but also gain lightness and flexibility.

The proposed ways to increase your body size will help you grow a few centimeters and lose your inhibitions without leaving home and without resorting to radical measures.

Video: Basic secrets of increasing height

You can change your height at any age and without any surgical intervention. The only question is the result: a 16-year-old young man can grow by 20-30 cm, and for those over 30 years old, even a 5-cm result will be a good achievement. This pattern is explained by the fact that by the age of 18-19 the process of active growth of a person slows down. After age 19, some may experience a slight increase in height until age 26. Women, in most cases, no longer grow after 18.

Factors promoting growth

To increase your height, enter healthy image life, sleep well, eat right. It is important not to smoke, not to drink, to take care of your nervous system, otherwise no exercise will have any effect. Eat more foods that contain vitamin A: carrots, peppers, egg yolks, milk, mangoes, apricots, zucchini, cabbage and spinach. Play sports: run, swim, play basketball or volleyball. While swimming, perform various stretches. Make special growths.

Human growth greatly depends on the quality of nutrition. Malnutrition, lack of proteins and vitamins slows down growth. For example, the average resident of the DPRK is 7 cm shorter than a resident of South Korea.

Set of exercises

1. Standing on the floor, raise your hands up and clasp them together. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Stand on your toes and stretch your whole body up. Then lower your hands, clasp them behind your back and stand on your heels. Do 10-20 times.
2. Standing on the floor, spread your arms out to the sides. Do 10-20 rotations with your arms, first in the shoulder joints, then in the elbow joints, and then in the wrist joints. After each approach, give your arms a rest and perform the exercise in the other direction.
3. Standing on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, begin to tilt your head to the sides. When tilting your head, try to touch your ear to your shoulder. Do not raise your shoulder; perform 10-20 repetitions in each direction.
4. While standing, place your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Bend down to the floor, trying to touch it with your fingers. Do at least 15 inclines.
5. Place your feet shoulder-width apart again. Bend back, trying to reach your heels with your hands. Also do at least 15 backbends.
6. Bend your right leg at the knee and press your right foot to the knee of your left leg. From this position, bend forward, touching the floor with your fingers. Perform 15 inclines for each leg.
7. Place a chair behind you. Pull your arms back and grab the back of the chair with your hands so that your grip is approximately at the level of your shoulder blades. From this position, do 20 squats without letting go of the back of the chair with your hands.
8. Place your feet together. Lean forward and touch your knees with your forehead. Do 20 inclines.
9. Sit on the floor with one leg extended forward. Bend the other leg and pull your foot back. From this position, bend forward 25 times so that your fingers reach your toes.
10. Lie down on the floor. Stretch your legs, place your arms next to your body. Alternately raise your legs at a 90-degree angle to the floor. Do 25 reps.
11. Lie on your stomach, straighten your legs, place your arms along your body. Raise your shoulders, head and legs and pull them up so that when viewed from the side, your body has the shape of a semicircle. Do 25 times.
12. Sit on the floor with your legs crossed cross-legged. Clasp your hands in front of your chest. Raising your arms up, stretch your whole body as high as possible. Perform 25 stretches.
13. Sit on the floor and stretch your legs forward. From this position, bend forward 25 times, reaching your knees with your head and your toes with your hands.
14. Lie on your back, place your hands on your waist. Raise your legs and try to touch the floor behind your head. Perform the exercise 25 times.

The physiological method is more labor-intensive, lengthy and not as effective compared to the surgical method. But it does not cause complications, does not interfere with leading a normal life and forces a person to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Perform this set of exercises daily. Try to exercise 1.5-2 hours after eating. In addition to this complex, perform hangs on the bar several times a day. Hang as long as your arm endurance allows. Regular hanging relaxes the spine and allows you to grow the first centimeters after 1-2 weeks of classes.

Modern science has evidence that a person is, to a certain extent, able to influence his growth, especially when creating special conditions In young age. The development and growth of bones stops when the so-called growth zones, which are visible on x-rays, disappear.

If growth zones are present in the body, the opportunity to grow is still relevant and can be used.

The growth of the body is facilitated by a nutritious diet rich in useful elements, minimizing infectious diseases and special physical activity, including pulsating and dynamic exercises.

Heavy physical and mental stress inhibits growth. All kinds of intoxications also greatly affect growth. These factors include bad habits(smoking and), as well as infectious diseases, introducing products of microbial activity into the body.

All products that contain monosodium glutamate, that is, sweet carbonated drinks, crackers, chips, snacks, dyes and preservatives, have a very bad effect on the body.

Sports games like basketball, volleyball, handball or tennis are good for stimulating growth. Long-term (from 40 minutes to 2 hours) loads of moderate power - swimming, skiing, running, cycling - have the same effect. Hardening also plays a role.

But we should not forget about useless or harmful extremes. We are talking about too small and exhausting loads - both will not have the desired effect. Short-term, low-intensity loads (10-15 minutes, with a pulse rate of no more than 120 beats per minute), as well as excessively long ones, will not lead to an increase in the level of growth hormone.

Small loads do not provide sufficient stimulation to the body, while large loads, on the contrary, lead to growth inhibition. Moreover, lifting the barbell and a thousand (instead of two hundred) “extension” jumps will have an inhibitory effect.

Recovery from proper exercise is just as important as the exercise itself. Good sleep, fresh air and between exercises help increase growth.

Nutrition for intensive growth

A teenager's diet should have a sufficient amount of vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Grains are an excellent growth stimulant. Preference should be given to various cereals (except semolina!) and black bread. The secretion of growth hormone, as a rule, is enhanced by and suppressed by glucose.

This means that sweets (especially artificial ones) - sugar, sweet drinks, candies - must be completely replaced with fruits and honey. At the same time, include “live” protein products in the diet: eggs, cottage cheese, nuts.

Sources of growth vitamins include fresh greens, carrots, rutabaga, tomatoes and turnips. Mineral salts (especially phosphorus and calcium) enrich bone tissue, that is, raw and vegetable stew should be in a teenager’s diet every day.

Sweets are limited to a minimum, and smoking (even hookah) is completely excluded. Early sexual life and early pregnancy also take away vital energy and lead to stunting of growth.

Don't rush to measure your height every week. Set a goal to grow 7-10 cm per year and work for this result. And further. It is not at all necessary to let your family and friends know that you are working on the method of increasing height - their comments may be skeptical, and you need the right mood to work.

With the right mindset, a powerful desire to grow will be the dominant idea influencing the endocrine system and those parts of the brain on which growth depends. Mental attitude and visualization are very helpful, but they won’t do all the work to increase height, so they need to be supported by a balanced diet and exercises that stimulate bone growth.

In addition to growth, these exercises contribute to the formation of beautiful, correct posture. We do exercises one and a half to two hours after eating. By performing this complex, you will be able to increase your height, the main thing is to eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle, in general, you need to do things that will have a positive effect on increasing your height.

Anyone can increase their height, regardless of their age and heredity. The most important thing is to have the desire to grow. There are many people who really wanted to increase their height and eventually, after much effort, they succeeded, without any surgery. One such example is the story of a 16-year-old boy who was only 166 cm tall, and four years later his height was 186 cm. This is just one example, but far from the only one.

You can grow taller at any age: a set of effective exercises

That is why every person must understand and believe that he can change his height, that he can grow. This will be the first “victory”, a very important achievement, without which it is very difficult to achieve success.

Many people ask questions: how to increase height after 20 years? Is it even possible to grow up after 20, 23, 30 years or more? The answer sounds something like this: of course it’s POSSIBLE! You can influence your height and become taller at any age.

The only difference is how much you grow. Thus, by performing special exercises and leading the necessary lifestyle in childhood, a person, as a rule, will grow larger than those who want to do the same at the age of 18 to 23-25 ​​years, and the latter will be able to grow more than older people. There is such a pattern and it cannot be changed.

But, nevertheless, the fact remains that everyone can grow, at least a few centimeters, you just need to really want to.

To increase your height you need to do a lot: eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle, get good sleep, play sport games, play sports and much more. This article provides specific exercises that you need to do to grow taller. So here are the exercises:

Exercises to increase height - No. 1.

I.P. (Starting position): standing on the floor. Hands at the top, clasped together, feet shoulder-width apart.

We stand on our toes and strongly stretch our whole body upward, then we lower our hands and clasp them behind our backs, stand on our heels, and raise our toes.

We perform 10-20 times.

Exercises to increase height - No. 2.

IP: standing on the floor, arms to the sides. Rotate your arms forward alternately at the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints.

We do it 10-20 times, lower our arms and relax.

We repeat this exercise in the opposite direction.

Exercises to increase height - No. 3.

We perform it while standing on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart. We tilt our heads left and right, trying to touch our shoulder with our ear.

Note: Be careful not to raise your shoulder.

Repeat 10-20 times in each direction.

Exercises to increase height - No. 4.

The legs are wider than the shoulders. We bend forward, touching the floor with our fingers.

We repeat the exercise 15 times.

Exercises to increase height - No. 5.

Feet are shoulder-width apart. Bending backwards, we try to reach our heels with our fingers each time.

We do it 15 times.

Exercises to increase height - No. 6.

We bend the right leg at the knee and press the foot to the knee of the left leg.

In this position, we bend forward. Each time trying to reach the floor with your hands.

We do 20 bends to each leg.

Exercises to increase height – No. 7.

We move our hands back and hold on to the back of the chair somewhere at the level of the shoulder blades.

We squat 20 times without letting go of the support.

Exercises to increase height – No. 8.

The legs are placed together. We lean forward 20 times, trying to touch our foreheads to our knees.

Exercises to increase height - No. 9.

We perform the exercise while sitting on the floor, stretch one leg forward and bend the other at the knee, the foot should be pulled back.

We bend forward, touching the floor with our hands.

Exercises to increase height – No. 10.

Lying on the floor, stretch out your legs, arms to your sides. We raise our legs alternately at an angle of 90 degrees to the body.

Exercises to increase height – No. 11.

Lying on your stomach, straighten your legs, arms are located along the body. Raise your shoulders, head and legs from the floor without bending them and stretch upward.

As a result of this, the body will take the shape of a semicircle.

Exercises to increase height – No. 12.

Sitting on the floor, we cross our legs “Turkish style” and clasp our hands in front of our chest. Raise your arms up and stretch your whole body upward as much as possible.

Exercises to increase height – No. 13.

We stretch our legs forward while sitting on the floor. We bend forward, trying to reach our knees with our heads and our toes with our hands.

Exercises to increase height – No. 14.

Lying on your back, place your hands on your lower back. We raise our legs up, trying to reach the floor behind our heads with them.

We perform all these exercises 15-25 times every day.

In addition to growth, these exercises contribute to the formation of beautiful, correct posture. We do exercises one and a half to two hours after eating.

By performing this complex, you will be able to increase your height, the main thing is to eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle, in general, you need to do things that will have a positive effect on increasing your height. published.

If you have any questions, please ask

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet
