Fitballs for children: how to choose. How to choose the right ball for newborns

Physical activity is necessary for a person at any age, because we all know very well that movement is life. To start instilling a love of sports and active physical activity, it is not at all necessary to wait until the baby gets up and stands firmly on his feet. You can start doing gymnastics literally from the first weeks of life, and a fitball for babies will help with this - a miracle ball and a unique exercise machine in one bottle, which will bring a lot of pleasure and benefit to the baby and parents. In addition to diapers, diapers, rattles and toys, the fitball will be an excellent gift for new mothers and fathers, especially since it will help not only the baby, but also the mother, get into shape faster after childbirth. Fitball is called the most fun, humane and wise exercise machine for children, and there is every reason for such an honorable title.

What are the benefits of fitball for children in their first year of life?

Fitball - a large colored ball, invented in the 50s of the last century by Swiss physiologist Susan Kleinvogelbach for rehabilitation gymnastics for patients with disorders of the central nervous system and spinal injuries. However, the matter was not limited to just the rehabilitation function, and after a few years the miracle ball took pride of place among the best exercise equipment in gyms. What benefits can a fitball bring to a newborn?
Fitball exercises help reduce muscle hypertonicity, which occurs in almost all newborns.
Rocking promotes the development of coordination of movements and the baby's vestibular system.
Pressure on the tummy combined with rocking relaxes the abdominal muscles and improves digestion. Exercises on a fitball are an excellent prevention of colic.
Fitball promotes the harmonious development of the entire musculoskeletal system, strengthening all muscle groups, especially the back muscles. In addition, this is an excellent prevention of postural disorders.
Exercises with a fitball improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, normalize metabolism and the intensity of digestion processes, increase endurance and strengthen the body as a whole.
A newborn baby, rocking on a fitball, performs “passive” swimming, which he has become so accustomed to in his mother’s tummy, which is why exercising with the miracle ball brings him so much pleasure.

How to choose the right fitball for training with newborns

For activities with babies A ball with a diameter of 75 is considered optimal. centimeters. Firstly, it is convenient for the baby to sit on it, and secondly, the rest of the family can also use such a ball. The material from which the ball is made must be dense and uniform, without noticeable seams. The ball must withstand at least 150 kilograms. The nipple must be soldered inside so as not to interfere with classes. To work with children, it is advisable to choose a ball with an anti-burst system (ABS-Anti-Burst System). And in general, you shouldn’t skimp on the quality of a gymnastic ball, so preference should be given to well-known manufacturers and purchase balls only in specialized sports stores.

Fitball exercises for infants

You can start your first exercises on a gymnastic ball from two or three weeks of age, when the baby’s umbilical wound heals, when he adapts at home and a feeding, sleep and wakefulness routine is established. Classes should be conducted no earlier than an hour after feeding. The child must be in a good mood. To make classes more exciting, you can play rhythmic music for older children, while calm classical compositions are perfect for infants. It’s great if you have the opportunity to do exercises in front of a mirror: kids love to watch their reflection. The first lessons should be short. Give yourself and your baby time to get used to the ball. We sit down on a sofa or chair, put the ball in front of us, cover it with a diaper and carefully place the baby on his tummy in the center of the ball. When practicing on the ball, infants should never be pulled by the hands and feet - there is a high risk of injury, since the wrist and ankle joints are not yet strong enough.

Fitball exercises with children from 2-3 weeks to 6 months

Exercise 1: Tummy Rocks

This simple exercise perfectly trains the baby’s vestibular apparatus and also helps cope with gas. We place the baby with his tummy on the fitball so that the head, chest, hips and stomach clasp the ball. We put our hand on his back and, holding the baby, rock him on the ball from side to side, back and forth, and then in a circle.

Exercise 2: Rocking on the back

After completing the exercise on the tummy, we turn the baby over and put him on his back, while he will strain his abs and try to stand up. Holding the child by the tummy and chest, we swing him on the fitball in different directions. This helps relax the back muscles and prevent microdisplacements of the spine.

Exercise 3: “Spring”

The baby lies on the ball with his tummy down, and mom or dad, pressing his palms on the back and butt, makes jerky, soft, springy movements up and down. In this exercise, the correct grip of the child’s legs is important: we clamp the ankle between the middle and index fingers, and close the ring around the leg with the thumb. You can perform the “spring” not only on the tummy, but also on the back.

Exercise 4: “Pushing”

We place the child on his back on a bed or sofa, and place a fitball on his legs, which he will instinctively begin to push away. We accompany the action with funny rhymes and nursery rhymes.

Fitball exercises for children aged 6 months and older

After 6 months, basic exercises can be supplemented with more complex ones, making classes more varied and contributing to the active development of the child.

Exercise 5: Jumping on a ball

We place the ball near the wall, firmly fixing it with our feet. Holding the child by the body from the back, we put him on the ball, demonstrating how to spring the ball and bounce. This activity gives the little ones a lot of fun! By reading nursery rhymes and rhymes to the rhythm of bouncing, you can at the same time develop your baby’s sense of rhythm.

Exercise 6: “Car”

The baby lies on the fitball with his tummy down and rests his hands on the ball. We lift the child’s legs as if we had a wheelbarrow in our hands.

Exercise 7: “Arms and feet”

This exercise is performed in pairs with another adult. We place the child on the fitball with his tummy. One of the adults takes the baby by the legs (not by the feet, but by the hips or shins), and the other – by the arms in the forearm area. Now we smoothly roll the baby forward (so that only the legs touch the ball) and back (so that only the arms and chest remain on the ball). This exercise helps strengthen the back muscles and makes the spine strong.

Exercise 8: “Grab the Bunny”

You can begin the exercise when the child learns to grasp the toy. We scatter several small toys without sharp corners on the floor in front of the ball. We place the baby with his tummy on the fitball, hold him by the hips and roll the ball forward, inviting the baby to grab a bunny, cat, duck, etc. You will see how, trying to take the toy, he first takes one, and then both hands off the ball, and the whole action will turn into a fun game.

Exercise 9: “Rider”

We place the baby with his back on the ball, and then, holding him by the forearms, lift him to a sitting position. Balancing on the ball, hold it in this position for a few seconds and again place its back on the ball.

Exercise 10: “Soldier”

It is recommended to start this exercise closer to the eighth or ninth month. The child stands in front of the fitball on the floor and holds the ball with his palms. At first, his mother can support him, gradually giving him the opportunity to stand on his own with support on the ball for a few seconds.

The fitball can be safely used as an ordinary toy: rolled on the floor or on the ground, thrown at each other. This miracle ball will not only help make your baby stronger and more active, improve his sleep and appetite, but will also simply give the whole family a sea of ​​positive emotions, joy and fun.

As you know, gymnastics and physical exercises are useful for absolutely everyone, no matter how old a person is. There are many different sports equipment suitable even for newborns and preschool children. A good example is a children's fitball - a special ball of fairly large diameter, exercises on which are useful starting from the age of two weeks. What can we say about older children and adults! And for new mothers, such sports equipment will help them quickly get in shape.

Exercises on a fitball will bring undoubted benefits to infants - both healthy children and those who have any problems. Such exercise will very soon give positive results, literally within a month.

  • Firstly, exercises with a fitball help relieve muscle hypertonicity, which is often found in infants. Rocking on the ball helps develop the baby's vestibular system and establish coordination of movements.
  • Secondly, exercises on the tummy relieve children from stomach colic, increased gas formation and help improve the functioning of the digestive system. Even during exercise, blood circulation improves and proper breathing is established. Exercises are an excellent prevention of spinal diseases and promote correct posture.

Gymnastics on a fitball is a source of positive emotions for infants. Swinging on the ball, the baby makes swimming movements, which he is accustomed to while in his mother’s belly. Familiar actions help the baby quickly adapt to the outside world, give him confidence, and give him a feeling of security. These sensations are especially important in the first 3 months of life. Many parents prefer to rock their baby to sleep on a fitball before bed.

We are afraid of fakes

How to choose a fitball intended for infants? An important factor is the size of the ball. The diameter varies from 45 to 75 cm. It is better to immediately choose a large ball, since it is convenient for a child to sit on it, and adults can use it during sports activities.

Choose a ball material that is dense, elastic, smooth, but not slippery. You can try pinching the surface. The appearance of numerous small folds, and the surface of the ball is in no hurry to return to its original state, indicates the poor quality of the product. Check whether the nipple of the fitball is soldered and deepened, whether it interferes during movement, and whether there are visible and easily palpable seams on the ball itself. It should not emit any rubbery or synthetic odor that could cause an allergic reaction in newborns.

An important characteristic of a gymnastic ball is the presence of an anti-explosion function (indicated by the ABS marking). These are the safest fitballs. In general, you should not skimp on the quality of sports equipment and it is better to buy it in specialized stores. A good fitball will serve faithfully for many years.

Basic rules of classes

Fitball exercises should only bring pleasure, so you need to follow a few simple rules.

  • You need to hold the baby carefully by the forearms, tummy, back, butt, and ankles. A special ankle grip is used in many exercises. We advise you to look at the photos and videos in our article for correct execution. Under no circumstances should you pull the baby by the hands and feet, because... Such actions often lead to injury.
  • It is better to leave the child naked. Clothing gets bunched up and thus causes discomfort during exercise. Unpleasant sensations from the surface of the ball can be easily removed by covering it with a diaper.
  • It is permissible to play with a child on a ball no earlier than an hour after eating. The baby must be in a good mood. Light, quiet music will create the appropriate atmosphere.
  • Gymnastics will bring your child even more pleasure if parents accompany all exercises and actions with children's jokes and nursery rhymes. Newborn babies especially enjoy doing this.

Health and pleasure with exercise

Exercises for infants are divided into two categories: intended for children from 1-2 weeks to 6 months and from six months and older. The gradation is associated with those motor skills that the baby develops every month.

Children under 6 months:

  • Rocking on the tummy. The child is placed face down on the fitball and, holding the back or butt, is swung back and forth, right and left. Exercise helps relieve colic and improve digestion.
  • Rocking on the back. Similar to the previous description: the child is placed on the ball with his back down and rocked, holding his tummy. In this position, it is necessary to ensure that the baby’s head does not fall back.
  • "Spring." The child is placed with his tummy on the ball and, holding his back with one hand and the legs with a special grip with the other, soft springy movements are made.
  • "Watch." The baby is placed on the ball with his back and, holding his stomach or chest, gently makes circular movements clockwise and counterclockwise.
  • Repulsing the ball. The baby is placed on his back on a sofa or bed, and a fitball is rolled to his legs. Instinctively, the child begins to push the ball away.

Children over 6 months:

  • Jumping on the ball. The gymnastic ball is firmly fixed between the legs, the baby is placed on it, holding the body, and they demonstrate how to spring and jump on the ball. Usually this is perhaps the most favorite exercise among children.
  • “Grab it quickly.” In front of the fitball, several toys are laid out at a short distance. The child is placed on the ball with his tummy, holding his legs, tilted forward, helping the baby grab one of the toys. In an effort to take his favorite toy, the baby will tear off the first and then the second handle from the ball. The exercise easily turns into a fun game.
  • "Shuttle". Two adults are required to participate. The baby is placed on his tummy, one adult holds him by the arms in the forearm area, the second - by the shins, and they begin to roll him back and forth. The exercise strengthens the spine and back muscles well.
  • "Wheelbarrow". The baby is placed on his tummy, taken by the legs and lifted so that the baby rests on the ball only with his hands. They pull the ball towards themselves, bending the legs, and roll it back, returning it to its original position.
  • Abdominal strengthening exercise. The baby is placed on his back and, pulling his arms, is forced to sit on the ball. You need to stay in this position for a few seconds, and then put it back again.
  • "Airplane". A rather difficult exercise to master, requiring considerable diligence and patience from an adult. The baby is placed on his tummy, then, lifting him by the right shin and right forearm, he gently rolls the baby on his left side from side to side. Then they change the arm and leg and roll it on the right side.
  • "Learning to stand." The exercise should be done when the child begins to stand on his feet, that is, at about 7-8 months. The ball is firmly fixed and placed in front of the baby. He stands and holds the fitball with his palms. At first, the adult secures the child, then gives him the opportunity to stand on his own for a certain time.

To perform gymnastics with a fitball correctly and not cause inconvenience to your child, watch special video tutorials. They are especially suitable for young and inexperienced parents who are not yet very confident and are afraid to handle their baby more actively.

In any case, don’t be afraid of anything, experiment, turn gymnastics with your child into fun entertainment, use fitball in games. The main thing is to let everyone have a good mood and a positive attitude during classes.

To do this, you need to know how to choose a fitball for babies. Orthopedists and physiologists advise buying a ball for kids with a diameter... Touch the ball...

At what age can and should a child engage in preventive or therapeutic-strengthening gymnastics? How to start walking and running is the wrong answer. In fact, from two to three weeks of age. This infant period is the starting point for the beginning of the formation of correct childhood posture.

What set of exercises or simulator can help with this? Fitball is a mini exercise machine for newborns. What is he? - a large, usually brightly colored ball - a gymnastic apparatus. He was born in the middle of the last century. In Switzerland. Its inventor is physiologist Kleinvogelbach, who specializes in the rehabilitation of people with various injuries and problems of the musculoskeletal system and nervous system. The invention created a real boom and almost immediately became firmly established in all sports and gyms, fitness centers, and exercise therapy rooms.

What is the use of a ball for children, especially at such an early age? Activities, not even professional, but amateur – due to opportunities:

  • reduce muscle hypertonicity (and it usually occurs in 90% of children);
  • activates the development of coordination;
  • promote vestibular normalization;
  • serve as a prophylactic against stomach and intestinal colic, bloating;
  • strengthens the spinal muscle corset;
  • stimulates the functioning of the respiratory system;
  • stabilizes the cardiovascular system.

In a word, fitball is as useful as possible for kids. You just need to use your own simulator - individually selected. And for this you need to know how to choose a fitball. Let's consider the general selection rules.

Big or small ball? - size matters

A fitball is selected for children (as well as for adults) in accordance with their height and weight. The principle of choosing by height is to measure the distance from the tips of your fingers to the shoulder - this is the diameter of the ball. The maximum required circumference of a fitball for parents and children is an exact match to the measured value. The minimum allowed is the measured length minus ten centimeters.

Orthopedists and physiologists advise buying a ball with a 75-centimeter circumference for infants - the optimal diameter for developmental activities.

A number of required selection parameters include:

  1. material – a fitball for children should be absolutely smooth, without protruding seams or “wrinkles”, dense, and no foreign strong odors;
  2. structure - the nipple through which air is pumped must be hidden (soldered) inside the ball;
  3. security system - it is better if the fitball for kids is provided with an anti-explosion function, designated by the abbreviation ABS (anti-explosion system);
  4. elasticity and the ability to evenly withstand weight (it is better if the selected ball can withstand at least 130 kg, and preferably 150 kg).

This ratio of material, structure, volume will allow you to carry out a wide variety of and most useful developmental and strengthening activities with your baby. And not only with infants, but also with older children. And parents themselves can choose a set of general strengthening, preventive or relaxing gymnastic exercises for themselves. Fitball is useful and interesting not only for kids, it is suitable for all family members.

When an adult chooses a gymnastics machine for themselves, everything is transparent and simple: you need to ask the seller to inflate (pump up) it, sit on the ball and see how it copes with the load, reacting to the accepted weight, and what position the body is in. The tandem foot and shin, reed and torso should remain at a right angle. A fitball suitable for children is selected by pressing (quite firmly, but not with all the weight) with their hand on the surface of the ball - the palm should feel springy resistance.

Touch the ball for another purpose - to feel what the texture of the material is. The surface of a high-quality fitball, made of thermoplastic polyvinyl chloride (synthetic leather), is dry and does not stick to the palm. It is smooth, low-slip (slightly textured - massaging). Touch it and feel the warmth. In addition, the material must have an antistatic effect. Dust and debris do not stick to them. A low-quality fake has a slippery surface, and the feeling when touched is sticky cold. It attracts all the debris that surrounds it, especially dust, animal hair, and fluff. For a growing baby, this is a direct threat to his health: both for the spine (if it slips, it gets injured) and for the immune system (can provoke allergies).

Orthopedists, fitness center trainers, and physiologists advise that when choosing a fitball, pay attention to the presence of a hygiene certificate and, of course, to the documented manufacturer’s brand.

Today, fitballs from German brands John, Togu, Italian brands Ledraplastik, Mondo, American brands Reebok, Melissa & Doug, and French Ludi are considered the most reliable. All of them have an excellent tissue structure, are protected from explosion - if they are accidentally damaged - they deflate slowly, without frightening or injuring the child.

Balls are different

If for a baby who does strengthening gymnastics under the supervision of his parents, a three-dimensional ball is considered the classic form of fitball, then for an older baby you can choose other types of exercise equipment.
For example, jumpers with a holder (it’s better if the handle has bumps to securely hold a child’s hand) and a flat support at the base. They somewhat narrow the possibility of selecting a set of strengthening exercises, but allow you to choose no less interesting gymnastics options for developing coordination.

An interesting option is an elliptical trainer, the middle of which is depressed. By the way, kids are even more comfortable on them than on a round ball. Firstly, you don’t slide down so much on them, and secondly, you can fully perform all those effectively strengthening and developmental exercises that you can do on a classic fitball. And if they also have raised, clearly alternating protrusions, capsule balls also become an excellent massager.

Kids also like round exercise machines with horns. As a rule, they have bright, attractive colors or a fun pattern. And you can easily perform almost all the same exercises on them as on a classic fitball. And if you want to jump, there is something to grab onto.

A good addition to gymnastic balls of this shape would be rounded massage spikes and a grooved shape of the horns so that the palm does not slip.

The choice of shapes, colors, designs, sizes is large. And parents, guided by the recommendations of specialists, will be able to choose exactly what their baby needs with their own feelings.

Today, most parents and pediatricians are moving away from the principle of tightly swaddling a newborn baby up to six months of age. Increasing importance is being paid to early physical development, on which mental abilities directly depend. You can help your baby become healthy and strong by including fitball exercises in your daily routine. Our recommendations will make activities with a child of the first year of life enjoyable and useful.

Fitball exercises are an excellent option for physical activity for infants, promoting harmonious physical development.

The benefits of fitball exercises for newborns

The benefits of gymnastics for a newborn’s body are invaluable, but let’s still list the important benefits of exercises on a fitball:

  • Relieving muscle hypertonicity is the main advantage of exercises on a fitball (we recommend reading:). This benefit is very significant, because increased tone is a common phenomenon among newborns.
  • Massaging the tummy while relaxing the muscles helps improve the functioning of the intestines and solve the problem of colic.
  • Training the musculoskeletal system, developing posture, improving the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, as well as strengthening the respiratory system.
  • Strengthening the vestibular system through smooth rocking movements on a fitball.
  • Massage and activation of internal organs.
  • Strengthens the immune system, increases endurance and has a positive effect on the entire body.

We can say that this particular type of training combines several aspects of physical activity, and also has preventive qualities for the baby’s health. Such activities for babies are exciting and interesting.

Choosing a gymnastics ball for babies

There is a wide range of balls on the market for exercising with a newborn.


The most popular size among mothers is a 75 cm ball, which can be used by any family member. This suitable size is convenient for both mother and baby for independent training. Parents can sit on a chair while charging, which is very convenient. Smaller balls (45 cm) are suitable for practicing on the sofa or table.

When purchasing, pay special attention to the maximum weight that the fitball can support. For comfortable joint activities with your child, give preference to balls with a load of up to 150 kg.

Material quality

When purchasing, inspect the exercise ball for any unevenness, rough seams, or massage ridges. Balls with such imperfections will cause discomfort to the baby and can damage the delicate baby skin. The ball should be moderately elastic, but not hard, so we recommend purchasing an additional pump to be able to quickly pump up the fitball.

Having determined exactly which fitball is right for you for gymnastics with your child, you can easily navigate the wide range of balls presented in stores. We recommend choosing a quality ball, so don’t save money and buy products from trusted manufacturers. From choosing equipment, let's move directly to exercises.

You can choose a universal smooth ball with a diameter of 75 cm - it will be suitable for all family members

Organization of physical exercises on fitball

The first lessons with the child can begin 3-4 weeks after birth, when the navel is completely healed. It is worth starting classes with a minimum time: 5 minutes will be enough for the first time. During classes, monitor your baby’s condition so that he gradually gets into the rhythm and does not become overtired. Over time, increase the duration to 20 minutes, using new types of exercise based on the child's development.

Never exercise immediately after eating. Physical exercises on a fitball should be started no earlier than an hour or even an hour and a half after eating.

As the child grows, exercise on a fitball in combination with massage and bathing will have a beneficial effect on the body. You can plan gymnastics like this:

  • massage – 10-15 minutes (see also:);
  • exercises on the ball – 15-20 minutes;
  • then bathing or showering.

All together it will take no more than 45 minutes, but will make a huge contribution to the development of the baby and strengthen his body. It is better to work with your baby during periods of his good mood. A capricious baby should not be forced to do exercises - it makes sense to choose a different time for gymnastics.

The effectiveness of learning a new type of activity will be successful if nothing distracts the child during classes - then he will feel comfortable. Be aware of your surroundings and thoroughly ventilate the area before charging.

During the first months of gymnastics, cover the fitball with a diaper, and dress the baby in a comfortable bodysuit or T-shirt. Later you can do without these attributes.

Fitball can be used as a gaming simulator for learning walking skills

Gymnastics on fitball for children from 1 to 3 months

Gymnastics for children aged 1 to 3 months should consist of just a few exercises (we recommend reading:). The following complex is ideal for infants in the first trimester of life:

  • “Rocking”: place the baby on a ball covered with a diaper, and, fixing the legs or body, smoothly roll the ball back and forth, then to the sides. The baby will really like these exercises, because they imitate rocking in the mother’s tummy, where the baby spent a lot of time.
  • “Spring”: place the baby on his stomach and, with rhythmic but smooth movements, begin to spring the baby on the ball. A similar exercise can be done in a supine position. In this case, you need to apply pressure in the area of ​​the shoulders or hips.
  • “Football”: place the baby with his back on the mat and bring the ball to his legs. The baby’s task is to push the ball away. This will happen on an instinctive level, while the leg muscles will be strengthened.

Such exercises will become favorites for 2- and 3-month-old babies. As your little athlete grows, add new exercises. For example, bring the ball to your hands in a similar way to the “football” exercise - by pushing the fitball, the baby will develop his arm muscles.

To strengthen your abdominal muscles, place your toddler on the ball with his back, then lift him up to a sitting position. Another exercise will be bending the baby’s legs at the knees and straightening them while pushing away the fitball.

Exercises for infants from 3 to 8 months on a fitball

By six months, the baby’s muscles will have strengthened, and he will be more confident in exercising on the fitball, which means it’s time to show how to jump and bounce on the ball. Explore the following types of exercises with your baby.

  • Making the “spring” more complicated: hold the fitball between your legs, while placing the baby on the ball, holding it by the body. Help him spring a little for the first time, and he will quickly realize how pleasant and fun it is. A smooth transition from a standing position to a sitting position can be made by gently rolling the ball.
  • An inquisitive baby will love the “rolling” exercise: place several toys on the floor in front of the fitball, while the little one lies on the ball with his stomach. While fixing your baby's hips, roll forward smoothly so that your baby can reach his favorite toy. Over time, the child will begin to be able to free one hand, then both. Such fun gymnastics will bring great pleasure (we recommend reading:).
  • After mastering this exercise, you can try something new - “wheelbarrow”. We place the baby on his stomach and raise his legs so that he is held with only his hands. Rocking back and forth will help the baby balance in his arms and will strengthen the vestibular system.
  • You can do exercises as a family by adding an exercise "drag". Parents sit on both sides of the ball, and the baby lies with his stomach on the fitball. One parent takes the baby by the thighs or legs, and the other by the forearms. A smooth tug of war is what this exercise looks like. It is important not to pull the baby's hands and feet, as these parts are not yet developed enough and can be injured.

For 8- and 9-month-old babies, you can use a fitball to learn to walk. To begin, place the child on the floor in front of the ball, supporting it, and let him stand on his own for a while, supporting him on the ball.

Useful toy and sports equipment

The miracle ball can also be used as a toy, throwing and rolling it to each other. Such sports equipment will give health, strengthen muscles and have a general strengthening effect on the child’s body.

We talked only about the main types of ball exercises for infants. To expand your training, watch video lessons on fitball, where experienced specialists will provide detailed instructions for each type of exercise.

A newborn child must be developed from the very first days. To strengthen the body and develop thinking, there are many methods and games, including those with assistive devices. One of them is a fitball or massage ball. What is it, how to choose and use it correctly - read the article.

How to use

The newborn massage ball is used to perform warm-up and gymnastic exercises. With its help, you can fully develop your baby and play interesting and useful games. Pediatricians recommend using fitball as early as one month of age for children.

Initially, simple placement on the ball is done (an hour after feeding). In order for the baby to get used to the ball, it is placed for a few seconds, then the time is increased. The baby is rocked on a ball, which has a beneficial effect on the development of the vestibular system. When the child gets used to the fitball, you can begin real exercises, of which there are several.

Buying things for babies is always difficult, but in the case of a massage ball, you also need to use the equipment correctly. There are some tips for working with it:

  1. exercises should be done regularly to increase their effectiveness;
  2. There is no need to try too hard when inflating the ball. The device should be slightly soft so that the newborn feels comfortable on it;
  3. Every day you need to wash the ball with warm water. You can periodically use baby soap;
  4. If defects are found on the ball, classes must be stopped. If the device breaks, it can be very frightening or bruising for the child.

How to choose

There are several types of baby massage balls. Both regular round ones and those with different functional elements are available for sale. A regular round fitball for older children is shaped like a ball. A massage ball for newborns comes with horns that can be used to hold it during different games.

There are options with a rubber handle to hold the ball in the desired position. The child can support himself on such devices. For newborns, it is better to choose a ball with horns - it effectively develops grasping movements and hand motor skills.

A ball for massaging babies must have a special surface texture. A smooth ball is better suited for play and physical procedures, and for massage that improves blood circulation - with small pimples.

When choosing a ball, parents need to pay attention to the quality of the item. Carefully inspect the inventory for defects. The material must be safe, so you should not skimp on price. The coloring should preferably be pleasant and bright to attract the attention of newborns. Only for hyperactive kids choose a neutral color.

The surface of the ball should not slide so that the child does not fall off it. The recommended diameter of the ball is approximately 65 cm. Such equipment can be used by both adults in gymnastics and schoolchildren. Although you can buy a smaller ball for the first months of life - 40 cm in diameter, and later replace it with an adult one. The nipple must be inside.

A high-quality children's massage ball is usually equipped with an anti-explosion element. Even if punctured, it will not explode with a loud noise and will not frighten the newborn.

The maximum weight that the device must support must be at least 200 kg. When purchasing, ask to inflate the massage ball in front of you. There should be no defects or punctures. At home, you can inflate the device either with your mouth or with any pump, and then wash it thoroughly.

Video " Massage on an orthopedic ball. A set of exercises for infants"

Exercises on the ball

Proper and regular massage of newborns relaxes and improves digestion. Children of one month of age are first rocked on a ball, held by the legs and back. You can rotate the baby slightly. Every day the procedure time increases. By the second month, the child will be able to do the exercises on his own, and the parent will be able to remove his hand from his back.

At 2 months of age, the baby’s legs are lifted above the ball and swung in weight. The child can lie either on his back or on his stomach. The amplitude of the swaying is gradually increased. It is necessary to lower the baby's head down more often - to train the vertebral, cervical muscles and vestibular apparatus. If this procedure is performed on the back, the limbs are also trained.

When the baby learns to lie on the ball upside down, you will need to hold him by the hands. You can rock while holding the baby suspended. The vibration of the massage ball is also useful. The main goal at this stage is for the legs to straighten and the spine to straighten. A more complicated option is to cross your arms over your chest and rotate on the ball.

By the 3rd month, the baby should bend his knees on the ball, pressing it to his stomach. You can use the "Frog" exercise while he is lying on his stomach. Rocking develops the hip joints well. Also, the child must learn to take his palms off the ball and sit on it.

Before exercises on the ball, pediatricians recommend giving the newborn a short massage. The gymnastics itself is done for up to 15 minutes, then the child is bathed. A massage ball is especially useful for children with orthopedic and neurological complications. It is best to do the exercises twice a day.

Video “How to use a gymnastic ball”

If you don’t know which fitbole exercises are the most effective, then don’t miss the next video.
