Love horoscope: men and women.

From 1 to 10 November. Static Neptune will shroud your love relationships in an aura of mystery. Perhaps for some reason you will decide to hide your romance from friends and family, and in your relationship with your chosen one there will be a lot of ambiguity and understatement. After November 8, with Venus entering the sign of Scorpio, love passions will begin to heat up.

From 11 to 20 November. A difficult period for personal relationships. A tense configuration between Saturn and Pluto can provoke conflicts with your other half. A temporary or permanent separation is not excluded. This time will be especially difficult for those born at the very beginning of the Aries period - March 20-24.

From 21 to 30 November. Thanks to Venus, this will be a very romantic period. You may have a new fan, and a new exciting romance will begin. In stable couples, unbreakable peace and complete agreement will reign.

Romantic date. Your most romantic date could happen at the end of November. You shouldn't plan it in advance - the element of surprise will enhance and sharpen your feelings. But you should think about a gift for your companion in advance.


From 1 to 10 November. Thanks to the alliance of the love planet Venus with Neptune and Pluto, your romantic feelings will reach the highest point. Some Taurus may hear a declaration of love or even a marriage proposal. This period is very good for getting married or starting to live together. You can introduce your loved one to your parents.

From 11 to 20 November. Venus will enter into a conflictual interaction with Mars, which may lead to a small quarrel with your other half. However, you are unlikely to face a serious conflict. The most correct thing is to gently and tactfully turn everything into a joke.

From 21 to 30 November. Communication with your other half will be especially intense now. You will meet often, spend free time together, and maybe even work together. Whether your relationship will become harmonious depends entirely on you, and external circumstances will definitely be on your side.

Romantic date. The candy-bouquet period of a relationship simply has to be romantic! At the beginning of your acquaintance, be less interested in the material side of your man’s life and talk more about what interests him.


From 1 to 10 November. A soft and harmonious relationship with your chosen one will become a real emotional outlet for you and will help compensate for the nervous tension that can make itself felt due to accumulated cases and conflicts at work. Try to plan your work schedule so that you can spend as much time alone with your other half as possible.

From 11 to 20 November. You are more serious than ever in your feelings. Light, non-committal flirting now cannot give you the slightest pleasure. Many Geminis will seriously think about the need to begin a new, deeper stage in their personal relationships. Perhaps for the first time you feel that you are ripe for marriage. Hint about this to your loved one, but do not rush him - a marriage proposal should be his own decision.

From 21 to 30 November. This is a favorable period for your personal life. Thanks to the partnership of Venus and Jupiter, you are ready to open your heart, which will make your relationship with your loved one warmer and more trusting. Perhaps a new acquaintance and the beginning of a beautiful romance. Please note that the likelihood of conception at this time is high.

Romantic date. On a date, be as natural as possible, but try to talk less about yourself and listen to your lover more. This will let him know that you are very interested in him.


From 1 to 10 November. Businesses together with your chosen one will progress successfully, and good luck awaits you in your common business. The days will be the most pleasant. spent together. Thanks to the influence of static Neptune and the harmonious aspect of Venus with Neptune and Pluto, your mutual sexual attraction will increase.

From 11 to 20 November. All good things come to an end. You will feel that emotional tension is growing. If you do not keep your feelings under control, then there is a high possibility of protracted conflicts developing. Your motto is patience and more patience. Avoid displays of jealousy. The time has not yet come to start a new novel and, of course, you should not “burn bridges” by completing the old one. The decision to end the relationship may be a wrong one.

From 21 to 30 November. There has been a clear upsurge in your love relationships. You will feel a surge of love and tenderness towards your spouse or boyfriend. It is now more important for you to love yourself than to receive signs of attention from your other half. Finally, you will have a real opportunity to resolve disagreements, if there were any.

Romantic date. Your most romantic date will occur at the beginning of the Scorpio period. It will happen in the most prosaic setting, but it will still be special and unforgettable.

a lion

From 1 to 10 November. In stable unions, a period of special tenderness and warmth begins between partners. Lonely Lionesses have every chance of meeting someone they really like on the road or at a party. For those who are ready to move on to a more serious stage in their personal relationships, this is the right time to get married. You can be the first to admit your feelings.

From 11 to 20 November. Under the influence of a tense configuration between Venus and Mars, your spouse or loved one will require increased attention. Outbursts of jealousy are possible, and there may be a desire to clear up old grievances. You will not be inclined to intensive communication. This state will last until the first ten days of the next zodiac month.

From 21 to 30 November. You will feel increased attention from members of the opposite sex. A loved one can invite you on a short trip - agree, you definitely won’t regret it! A disagreement with your chosen one is not excluded only around November 29, when the Sun enters into conflictual interaction with Mars.

Romantic date. Why not schedule it at a pool or water park? Remember how you had a great time in the summer at the sea or by the river, and have a lot of fun. You can invite a group of friends with you - they won’t bother you at all!


From 1 to 10 November. A very bright, eventful and emotional period. Your love relationship will develop very rapidly. There is a high chance that the memories of this time will remain with you for the rest of your life. With the entry of Venus into the sign of Scorpio, namely on November 8, your sexual attraction to your partner will increase. Don't hide your feelings. Give free rein to your desires and imagination.

From 11 to 20 November. A slight chill will creep into your love relationship. Look at this philosophically, because life never consists of only pleasures. Avoid mutual insults, be able to forgive your loved one for his little weaknesses, because you also have a lot of them. Soon peace and understanding with your other half will be restored.

From 21 to 30 November. One of your colleagues or classmates may attract your attention. It is possible that you are one step away from starting an office romance. Whether this novel remains just a light adventure or develops into something more serious will depend entirely on you.

Romantic date. Come up with an unusual date plan. Arrange it somewhere away from home, where no one knows you and your loved one. Feel free to be especially gentle and caring. The reaction of your loved one will exceed all your expectations.


From 1 to 10 November. The wonderful romantic period continues. In the life of stable couples, there comes a time of harmony and complete mutual understanding. These days, the words you have been waiting for so long may sound. Are you ready to receive a marriage proposal? For this decade, feel free to set a wedding day, engagement, or meeting the parents of your chosen one.

From 11 to 20 November. The Sun enters a tense aspect with Neptune, and Venus with Mars. Unfortunately, we have to remember that in life there are not only bright spots. Disagreements with your loved one can literally happen over a trifle. Do not give free rein to your emotions, be wise and tolerant as a woman. The conflict that has arisen now may drag on for a long time.

From 21 to 30 November. Thanks to Venus passing through your zodiac sign, you are now especially irresistible, emotional and attractive, so there will be no end to admirers. Relationships with young people absorb all your thoughts - be careful, this may affect your work or studies.

Romantic date. A great idea is to go on a road trip to nearby cities. Book a room in a provincial hotel, wander through the narrow streets, sit on a bench in an ancient park... And most importantly - with Him, your beloved!


From 1 to 10 November. Personal life is becoming more active and eventful. Perhaps a beautiful stranger will soon attract your attention. You have every chance to get to know him better - you will find him very interesting. Whether everything will be limited to light flirting or the acquaintance will develop into a long-term relationship will depend only on you.

From 11 to 20 November. Working together with your spouse or loved one will bring great pleasure. A common cause will unite you even more and help improve mutual understanding. You will have the opportunity to make sure that friendship and common interests are the most reliable basis for any union between a man and a woman.

From 21 to 30 November. The planet of love Venus, passing through the 12th House of your symbolic horoscope, will surround your romance with an aura of deepest mystery. It is quite possible that you will have a reason to hide your relationship from other people. However, temporary separation from your loved one is not excluded. It will allow you to understand how strong your feelings are.

Romantic date. Study the tastes of your other half and try to please him at least sometimes. For example, when going on a date, dress and style your hair exactly the way he likes.


From 1 to 10 November. Now it is important for you to receive small signs of attention, to feel attractive and sweet - it gives you strength. There should be a person next to you who does not skimp on compliments. Being confident in your charm, you will easily find someone with whom you want to connect your life. A relationship that has existed for many years. have every chance to reach a higher level.

From 11 to 20 November. Under the influence of the conflict between Venus and Mars, disagreements with the chosen one are possible. You can imagine that. what doesn’t really exist, and start worrying. Don’t let your negative fantasy run wild, just try to “lay low” and wait out the unpleasant moment. Some representatives of the Sagittarius sign may face a short separation from their loved one.

From 21 to 30 November. This month you are more than usual immersed in yourself, in your inner world, personal experiences and romantic dreams occupy all your thoughts. You paint pictures of personal happiness in your imagination, but you are not ready to build it in reality. Some Sagittarius may fall in love, but this relationship is unlikely to continue.

Romantic date. Go out of town - to the dacha, to a boarding house, to grandma’s in the village. There, in nature, you will spend an unforgettable day.


From 1 to 10 November. Cherish the precious things you have. Protect your feelings from prying eyes. Don’t tell your love even to your mother, or even to your closest friend. Take it easy on the little things that cloud your relationship. Remember that no one in this world is perfect. If you have the opportunity, please your loved one with an unplanned gift. Do you just dream of a big and bright feeling? You will undoubtedly meet your prince in the near future.

From 11 to 20 November. You will fully appreciate the quiet joys of home. Try to create an atmosphere of warmth and family comfort for your spouse or loved one - this will affect him more than any exotic adventures or fiery erotic passions. He will be grateful to you.

From 21 to 30 November. Venus, entering into a partnership with beneficent Jupiter, will help you meet your ideal or discern it in someone you have known for a long time. close to a man. There will be no obstacles in matters of the heart. Feel free to take the initiative, and you can turn your “love boat” in the direction you want.

Romantic date. Your romantic date can happen at the most unexpected moment and in the most unusual place.


From 1 to 10 November. Hot Mars, now passing through your astrological House of Partnerships, can provoke conflicts with your other half. Under its influence, all old grievances and troubles in relationships can surface. The main thing is not to commit impulsive, rash actions, which you will certainly regret later.

From 11 to 20 November. Your man will show sincere concern for you. Accept it with gratitude and do not forget to do something nice for your chosen one. A good period for traveling together and participating in social events. Any common undertaking will also turn out very well.

From 21 to 30 November. Your loved one may demonstrate a desire to move away from you somewhat. will become more withdrawn than usual. Don't let this scare you, because every person needs to be alone from time to time. If you value your marriage or love union, refrain from sorting things out. Otherwise it is fraught with bad consequences.

Romantic date. When going to your next rendezvous, come up with something unusual. For example, offer to go to a museum together. By sending your loved one a couple of tender words via SMS, you will set him up in a romantic mood.


From 1 to 10 November. The passions will subside a little. You will want to spend more time in a warm family environment, and do regular household chores with your other half. Joint long trips, participation in social events or friendly parties will bring a fresh wave to your love relationship.

From 11 to 20 November. The spouse or lover will be very serious, be prepared to play along with him. Light flirting will not bring pleasure to you. neither to him. Quiet family evenings and watching movies together will bring you more joy than passionate love affairs.

From 21 to 30 November. The planet of love Venus passes through the 8th House of your symbolic horoscope. which will significantly enhance the passion of your nature. Feelings of love will simply overwhelm you. If your romance is new and you don't know each other very well yet, don't scare your partner with too much emotional pressure.

Romantic date. A meeting with your chosen one will become special if it happens after some break. Therefore, it makes sense to take a short break in the relationship. Let your lover miss you. A short separation will only help rekindle love passion with renewed vigor.

In addition, there will be a desire to cast aside some doubts and fears, to become bolder and more assertive, so those who are in search of a soul mate will more often take the initiative, and if all the tried and tested methods of seducing those they like turn out to be useless, then they will resort to such non-standard and quite dangerous methods such as love spells, magical binding, contact aphrodisiacs.

After November 21, many will stop focusing on the external attractiveness, originality and mystery of potential partners and will prefer to build relationships with those who are like-minded people, know how to entertain, can support entertaining escapades and are very generous both materially and spiritually. Interest in people from other countries will increase.

Those who are already married or dating someone will spend almost the entire month tormenting their other halves with jealousy, sarcastic remarks, and all sorts of tests of the strength of feelings. However, at the same time, amorous relationships will become more passionate, many will decide to try something in sex that was previously considered unsafe or even disgusting for some reason. And in general, periods of heated quarrels with breaking dishes and offensive remarks will be replaced by heated bed reconciliations and soul-wrenching conversations.

At the beginning of November, the attitude towards real or potential partners will be very ambiguous - either universal love, or burning hatred; both will push to extremely non-standard actions. In the middle of the month, many will have to gain courage and initiate those changes that they had not previously decided on for objective or subjective reasons. At the end of November, an important role in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex will be played by the readiness for generous actions, for self-sacrifice for the sake of love and the future of already established or just maturing unions.

I would like to remind you that people born from the 1st to the 18th are considered “pure” signs, and the rest are influenced by the previous or next sign - both in personality characteristics and in astrological predictions. And this must be taken into account.

November love horoscope for Aries (March 21 – April 20)

In November, free Aries will most likely begin to pursue those who have long been arousing certain sexual desires in them. Chances are good that you will try to offer the person you “want” something that will be difficult for him to refuse, something very tempting for him. As a result, obviously, you can count on, if not a full-fledged romance, then at least a passionate affair.

If you are already married, then your ability to be there when she (he) needs it, and not to intrude when your loved one needs privacy, will play an important role in your relationship with your significant other. And you may also have to change something in the intimate sphere, since what you can now offer will not be enough for him.

At the beginning of the month, do not put pressure on someone who is dear to you. In mid-November, something will change in your perception of sex. At the end of the month you will have to look for new points of contact with a real or potential partner.

November love horoscope for Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

Free Taurus in the first two decades of November are unlikely to allow representatives of the opposite sex to approach them - suspicion and reluctance to change anything in their usual life will play a role. But after the 21st, a promising acquaintance with a person from another country is likely.

If you are already married, then the month may turn out to be very difficult due to constant family quarrels, omissions, and your suspicions of your spouse of some kind of bad intentions. Yes, and in the sexual sphere, problems are not excluded, especially if you begin to punish your significant other by refusing intimate interaction.

At the beginning of November, intransigence and unmotivated stubbornness on your part may negatively affect your personal life. In the middle of the month, you may have doubts about your attractiveness and attractiveness to members of the opposite sex. At the end of November, your readiness (or unpreparedness) for long trips will play an important role.

November love horoscope for Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

In November, free Geminis may become psychologically dependent on someone who shows them that life is not at all what they are used to. It is possible that some person will offer you a completely different scenario of existence, and you will be so impressed that you no longer want to live in the old way without this individual.

If you are married, then, obviously, you will solve some family problems with the help of sex and open manipulation of your other half. You can also expect numerous arguments with your spouse, honing your wit on him (her) and exchanging “courtesy.”

At the beginning of the month, a change in priorities is likely, which will occur thanks to a real or potential partner. In mid-November, you should be more correct with those who are dear to you, and not take too active advantage of their favor and forgiveness. At the end of the month, avoid dating in unusual places - this can be dangerous.

November love horoscope for Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Free Cancers in November can begin an affair with someone who is in some ways very similar to themselves, but at the same time is more courageous and willing to take risks. Most likely, some person who sympathizes with you will convince you to try to build a relationship, despite the fact that there is no all-consuming love between him and you.

If you are already married, then, obviously, you will open up some new facet of family relationships, add something to them that will strengthen the psycho-emotional connection with your other half and have a positive impact on what is happening in the intimate sphere. In addition, unexpected pleasant surprises from your spouse are likely.

At the beginning of the month, giving in to a real or potential partner will bring you a lot of good. In mid-November, several events are expected that will help you become more decisive in your relationship with this person. At the end of the month, a trip with him to a place where you will learn a lot of interesting things about each other is not excluded.

November love horoscope for Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Free Leos in November may desire someone who already has a soul mate. You will have a choice - to accept irreciprocity or to try to achieve reciprocity, and if you think it is acceptable to destroy an established relationship, then you will probably do everything possible to get this person to your "use".

If you are already married, then, obviously, you will often initiate quarrels with your spouse, and their reason will most likely be hidden in banal jealousy and in your uncertainty that you will be able to keep your loved one next to you person. More self-confidence and less bad thoughts, otherwise your reflections will have a bad impact on your family life.

At the beginning of the month, not quite adequate sexual desires may appear. In mid-November, a lot will depend on your moral qualities and ethical attitudes. At the end of the month, you will do something special to bind someone dear to you.

November love horoscope for Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Single Virgos may become the object of sexual persecution in November. It is possible that someone will persistently harass you; however, if this person does not cause you disgusted rejection, then you will reward him for his perseverance by allowing him access to the body and even, perhaps, agreeing to the role of a visiting mistress (lover).

If you are already married, then, obviously, you will begin to pay more attention to the psychological state of your other half and her (his) sensual desires, and in gratitude, you will most likely receive quite generous gifts, and you will probably be presented with something material , and something that cannot be measured with money.

At the beginning of the month, increased interest from representatives of the opposite sex is expected. In mid-November, do not rush things and do not demand from a real or potential partner what he is not yet ready to give you. At the end of the month, a situation will arise that is unusual for you, but you will happily accept it.

November love horoscope for Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Free Libras in November may feel attracted to someone who speaks openly about their desires and is not afraid to shock others. It is possible that your sincere admiration for this person will quickly develop into love, and if you are ready to open up and trust, you will achieve reciprocity.

If you are already married, then you will often have to agree to some kind of sexual experiments initiated by your significant other; You'll probably like it, even if it may cause you some embarrassment. In addition, your spouse may impose some changes on you in the manner of your communication with him (her).

At the beginning of the month, you should forget about false modesty and unnecessary embarrassment. In mid-November, you will have to get used to something that has never been part of your life. At the end of the month, due to previous events, your character or outlook on certain aspects of your personal life may change.

November love horoscope for Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

In November, free Scorpios can meet someone with whom they will be connected by passionate mutual love. There is a high probability that you already know this person, but due to the fact that you communicate with him extremely rarely, you do not yet consider him as a potential partner. An unexpected meeting, which took place under almost mysterious circumstances, will obviously be the beginning of a great feeling and a long-term relationship.

If you are already married, then the relationship with your significant other will become stronger thanks to your efforts. It is possible that you will take into account many of her (his) wishes, you will more often focus on the interests of your spouse, and in several ways you will show how much you value him (her).

At the beginning of the month, some event will push you to accept the true identity of an actual or potential partner. In mid-November, new plans related to your personal life will appear. At the end of the month, an important conversation is expected with someone who is dear to you.

November love horoscope for Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

In November, single Sagittarius can meet someone who will subsequently become for them not only a love partner, but also a mentor, like-minded person, and assistant in important matters. In addition, most likely, you and this person will have high sexual compatibility, and you are unlikely to be bored with him.

If you are already married, you will probably often fight with your significant other for the leading position in the family. Obviously, sarcastic statements, some very risky actions, and even jealousy, which you will deliberately provoke in order to unsettle your spouse, will be used.

At the beginning of the month there will be a desire to become more attractive to one person or to all representatives of the opposite sex. In mid-November, you may take some risks for the sake of the future. At the end of the month, some event related to a real or potential partner will further increase your self-esteem.

The horoscope for November 2017 promises a tense and ambiguous time. Many will strenuously strive to achieve goals, as well as achieve their desires by any means. The Sun in Scorpio enhances the ambitions of those who are vain and self-confident. If Pluto or the Sun predominate in a person’s horoscope, then in November they are full of magnetism and energy.

In November, many are characterized by irritability, vulnerability and apathy. There will be a feeling of heaviness and oppression. Unreasonable suspicion and suspiciousness will come to the fore, as the horoscope for November 2017 predicts. But soon the situation will change, and people will become more sincere and friendly. In mid-November, you need to trust strangers less.

Scientific success is expected in November for those who are not lacking in creativity and original ideas. You can purchase computers, technical innovations and install programs. Intuition and a wise decision that will come suddenly will help you get out of difficult situations. The November 2017 horoscope recommends thoroughly preparing for the cold season. You can buy warm clothes, as well as insulate your home. Neptune and Uranus are retrograde in November, which will give people a sentimental and dreamy mood. The principles and outlook on life for many will be so changeable that this will affect decisions and future plans. Innovations in various areas will benefit many. It is advisable not to save money in November, but to invest it in profitable and long-term projects. Some this month, on the contrary, will feel physically and mentally weak. They will want to retire and abstract themselves from pressing problems. The horoscope for November 2017 does not advise you to become discouraged and depressed. You need to gather your will into a fist and get ahead - to success and prosperity.

Horoscope for November 2017 Aries
The November 2017 horoscope advises Aries to take more care and help close relatives. Your financial situation will improve thanks to your part-time work and your diligence. Smile more often, look at life positively and communicate with worthy people. In November, Aries will receive a reward for the work done, which will give him optimism. In terms of health, you need to increase your immunity and harden your body with water treatments.

Love horoscope for November 2017 Aries
Career horoscope for November 2017 Aries

Horoscope for November 2017 Taurus
In November 2017, Taurus will decide to engage in charity work, which will strengthen his authority and help attract influential people. A love test will give you strength and a desire to act, rather than sit by the window and wait for your prince. In November, a meeting and a stormy romance with a former lover is possible. Taurus needs to tone up his figure and go to the gym. If you are bored alone, then invite a group of friends or a lover.

Love horoscope for November 2017 Taurus
Career horoscope for November 2017 Taurus

Horoscope for November 2017 Gemini
The horoscope for November 2017 advises Gemini to aim for career growth and strengthening their financial position. There will be almost no time left for family and loved ones, but “the game is worth the candle.” The more you work in November, the faster you will achieve success. To improve your health, do exercises in the morning, run and swim in the pool. If you catch a cold, do not self-medicate - serious complications are possible.

Love horoscope for November 2017 Gemini
Career horoscope for November 2017 Gemini

Horoscope for November 2017 Cancer
In November 2017, Cancer can organize long trips and even move to a permanent place of residence in another country. The more often you listen to your inner voice, the better for all matters and problem solving. Cancer's career in November will have everything - both ups and sharp downs. If you are economical and practical in the financial sphere, you will not lose your accumulated capital. By the way, it is not recommended to lend money even to close people.

Love horoscope for November 2017 Cancer
Career horoscope for November 2017 Cancer

Horoscope for November 2017 Leo
The November 2017 horoscope predicts Leo success and the fulfillment of his cherished desires. But on condition that he does not become arrogant and ignore the advice of loved ones. In love, Leo needs to philosophize less and act more. In November, problems with the cardiovascular system are possible. It is necessary to be examined, take the necessary tests and make an appointment with a cardiologist.

Love horoscope for November 2017 Leo
Career horoscope for November 2017 Leo

Horoscope for November 2017 Virgo
Virgo in November 2017 should under no circumstances risk money, or even their personal life. The consequences of all this can be the most unpredictable and sad. If Virgo finds an interesting hobby, she will temporarily forget about troubles and problems. In the middle of the month, a meeting with your soulmate is possible. The financial situation in November is quite smooth, so you can afford small purchases and gifts for loved ones.

Love horoscope for November 2017 Virgo
Career horoscope for November 2017 Virgo

Horoscope for November 2017 Libra
The November 2017 horoscope predicts that Libra will have good luck in all areas of life. You can take out a loan, win the favor of the person you like and organize a long-distance trip. The main thing is not to panic and not retreat back, then success will be on your side. Do not quarrel with relatives, and quickly solve everyday problems. Lonely Libras should not start dating on social networks in November.

Love horoscope for November 2017 Libra
Career horoscope for November 2017 Libra

Horoscope for November 2017 Scorpio
If in November 2017 Scorpio is too jealous and suspicious in his personal life, then his loved one will quickly retreat. At work, fuss less and argue with your boss. A responsible approach to important projects will allow Scorpio to earn money and strengthen his authority in the team. To strengthen your immune system in November, you need to take vitamins, run in the morning and dress for the weather.

Love horoscope for November 2017 Scorpio
Career horoscope for November 2017 Scorpio

Horoscope for November 2017 Sagittarius
The horoscope for November 2017 advises Sagittarius to take care of their own health. Everything else will not require such effort and money, because it will be resolved in a favorable way. A long trip and a romantic meeting are possible, which will radically change your personal life. In November, Sagittarius can safely conclude contracts and sign documents. Issues with inheritance and acquisition of real estate will be successfully resolved.

Love horoscope for November 2017 Sagittarius
Career horoscope for November 2017 Sagittarius

Horoscope for November 2017 Capricorn
In November 2017, Capricorn will have to fight envious people and competitors. But you have so much strength and energy that you will be a winner in any case. If you are not economical and rational. Don't even count on a large sum. In November, Capricorn may be offered a new job. The horoscope for November 2017 says that Capricorn should think a hundred times before agreeing and writing a letter of resignation. Frauds, deceptions and financial adventures are possible.

Love requires self-sacrifice, time and honesty from a person. A little luck won’t hurt anyone, so astrologers’ advice for November will help people for whom harmony in relationships is important.

Love compatibility is a topic that worries most people who are into horoscopes. The easiest way is to check compatibility by Zodiac Sign at the very early stages of dating and relationships, so that later there are no questions or bewilderments about why nothing worked out. Of course, in love, not everything is like in mathematics - there are exceptions, and there are many of them, but not everyone always wants to meet each other halfway. If you pull the blanket on your half, then be sure that your other half will sooner or later accuse you of selfishness, which is, perhaps, nothing worse for love.


Saturn will be your patron in love in November. He is destructive for you in this area of ​​life, but in order to turn everything upside down, he needs to be strong. He is in Scorpio, so he is moderately active. This is good because he won't be strong enough to stop your plans. Love is a feeling that cannot be deceived in any way. In November, you may still think that you are in love, but this will turn out to be just an illusion. This is relevant for those of you who are currently searching.

It may seem to you that your loved one is trying to change you, to change everything around you. This may be partly true, but in fact your world will be full of inexplicable facts and false ideas. Use meditation to seek answers to important spiritual questions. The advice of others will not help you now, and intuition even less so.


Mars will be invariably weak and completely devoid of strength in November. This will happen due to the planet being in the Sign of Libra. Everything is going very well for you, because this planet is your enemy in everything, especially in love. To change your destiny, you don't necessarily have to move forward by breaking stereotypes and becoming different. It’s enough just to rethink everything and see from a different angle.

Mars is very dangerous for you, but its complete deprivation of strength should make you breathe easy. Luck will not be on your side, but problems will also pass by in November. Everything will depend on you. Only you can build or strengthen love for yourself. Make responsible decisions very carefully so as not to hurt anyone's feelings. Diplomacy towards loved ones is the best policy.


In November, Venus will be your love talisman. Until November 6 inclusive, Venus will be strong. This means that the beginning of the month will be very positive for new acquaintances, romantic encounters and dates. Luck will be with you all this time. Make plans together and spend all your free time with the person you love.

From November 7, Venus will be in Scorpio, so it will completely lose its energy. To prevent your energy from deteriorating following Venus, you need to concentrate more on work and affairs. It is better to make love a secondary area of ​​life in the remaining days. Don’t rush into making decisions, try to weigh the pros and cons more.


Be prepared for any information that will come to you from outside in November. It's not what people say that matters, but how they say it. From November 1 to November 9, the Moon will be stronger than usual. On the 4th and 5th, her stay in Taurus will make your life as full of positive moments as possible. If you want to see the future, then it is better to make fortune telling for love before the 9th. Then the Moon will, with varying degrees of success, return to its normal state from a state of decline. This will happen from the 10th to the 25th. This period can be dangerous for you because your love luck will go away.

From November 26 to November 30, there will be a positive time for Cancers again. Watch your loved one's gestures, body language and facial expressions. The negativity will be hidden, but not well enough to not be recognized. Talk to your loved ones more, meet them halfway more often at the end of the month.

a lion

Neptune will influence you in November. This is a very dangerous planet for any area of ​​Leo’s life - not only for love. A strong Neptune in Pisces will do everything it can to force you down the wrong path. You may have a whirlwind romance in November, especially when Neptune stops retrograde, which is on the 23rd. If you feel like you're losing control of the situation, just try to stay afloat.

Now you need to be in the shadows. Don't try to get your way in love through war. Creative behavior will help you not only maintain good luck, but also improve your energy in general. People will reach out to you in the hope that you can help them. You can use this as your trump card.


Your gifts are patience, wisdom and teachability. In November, creative Mercury will become your assistant. From November 1 to November 4, he will be in Scorpio, maintaining moderate activity. Then the planet will move into the Sign of Sagittarius, which is why it will completely lose its strength. Astrologers note that Virgos may have a hard time if they do not set themselves feasible goals in love.

Love will require maximum investment from you in the last month of autumn, but even this has its positive side. You will be able to learn a lot because now you are coming to a time when many things happen just like that, without any reason. Learn restraint, patience and do not show your character to your loved one.


This time will not be the most suitable for sorting things out, for making some forecasts, or looking into the future. Focus on what is happening right now. The Sun in Scorpio will be weak until November 20th. This is how much time you will have to solve all your problems. Luck will leave you on the 21st, when the Sun moves into the constellation Sagittarius. It will become active, so the risk of being left alone will increase due to its nature.

Throw all your energy into dealing with your daily routine at the end of the month. Let love become something secondary. You may get bored, but work will come to the rescue. Think about other problems to forget the current ones. Taking your relationship to the next level or finding love will be very difficult, so don’t make any big plans. Only responsibilities will be important at the end of November. Venus will help you gain the strength to get your love life back on track.


Jupiter will be the most important planet for you in November. It will be very stable and favorable for you due to being in Scorpio. This is the time for romance, dating, love. If something doesn't go as you expected, remember that everything is temporary. Remain yourself so that luck does not turn away from you. In love, Jupiter will help you become happier. Enjoy every minute with your soulmate.

Many Scorpios will be able to escape the clutches of everyday boredom and dullness. This is possible thanks to increased charisma and sexual energy. Get to know more people if you are single, have more contact with new people and attend noisy events. Be prepared for new information throughout the month, because Jupiter is the patron of learning and knowledge.


For Sagittarius, success in love will constantly be an eyesore. Someone will constantly annoy you with questions about why you are not yet married or not married, why you are alone or are still dating someone with whom it is difficult for you. In a word, everyone will interfere in your life. Everyone will consider it their duty to teach you something. Advice can be important, but not now, not in November.

All this will happen due to the activity of Uranus in Aries. Its retrograde will add fuel to the fire, making even your friends envy you or try to help you. Just close your eyes to people - this has nothing to do with your actions, so don't look for answers to questions in yourself. They are right in front of you, outside. Love is a game, especially during periods like November 2017.


Pluto in Capricorn is moderately active. Your character inclines you to solitude more often than others. Pluto, on the contrary, will want to see you among people. This is not the best scenario for you, but this is the only way you can avoid big problems. Don't be shy to ask advice from those around you. You will not remain in debt, but even if you are asked for a reciprocal favor, there will be nothing wrong with that. Love is a hard thing when it hits you at the most inopportune moment.

You may feel like you're losing control of the situation, but don't lose your composure. Yes, troubles happen to everyone, but in November it’s better for you to just concentrate on work or your personal hobby. In love, victories will be achievable in the future. Now be an observer.


More often than other Zodiac Signs, your temperament defies description and classification. Use your unpredictability and your charisma to break out of your routine. Mars in Libra will dominate you, but it will not be strong enough to interfere with your happiness in any way.

A weak red planet will not be able to make you emotional unless you want it to. Difficult conversations are likely. Don't throw out negativity on the first person you meet, especially if you love him or her. Finding love or friendship will be as easy as losing everything instantly. Your life can change in any direction, so force yourself to act only creatively from the very first day of November.


The secret to your success in love in November will be to understand your essence. Saturn is your enemy, but it is he who will be relevant to you. This means that caution should be put first in matters of love. Don’t promise anything to anyone just like that and try to kill jealousy in yourself. This feeling will be quite destructive this month.

Success for Pisces in love is always something standard. You take love for granted, which is completely wrong. Now this will need to be understood as quickly as possible. Learn to give rather than receive. Selfishness will only distance you from love and happiness. At the end of the month, try to draw conclusions, understand your feelings, and engage in total introspection.

Useful tips

November 2017 related to position Venus in Scorpio, and Mars is in the sign of Libra. These planets will visit each other’s “houses,” thereby changing places somewhat. It is quite likely that such mutual reception will force men and women to switch places. It is quite possible that women will behave more like men, and men, on the contrary, more like women.

Venus will enter the sign of Scorpio already November 7, 2017, but before that everything will still go its own way Libra sign .

Venus entering the sign of Scorpio will make your love life more intense and passionate.

Read also:General astrological forecast for all zodiac signs for NOVEMBER 2017

Some relationships may be reborn in a new image, move to the next level. Thanks to favorable aspects, pleasant and bright events in your personal life are quite likely.

With Venus in Scorpio, you are less likely to give to your partners maximum freedom. However, at this time you will be drawn to adventure, you may be fueled by a desire for passion.

Venus in the sign of Scorpio leaves a mark on the personal lives of many. Usually this period is strongly remembered as a period intense feelings and vivid love experiences.

Important days for love and relationships in November 2017:

First days of the month - November 1-4, 2017- may turn out to be quite contradictory. Feelings will not be clearly and clearly demonstrated, but there will not be any particular seriousness. These days, betrayals, breakups, worries about your personal life.

In this sense, the negative aspect is noteworthy Venus and Uranus, which will take place November 4, 2017 (at 08:02). It is difficult to achieve understanding on this aspect, and a strong desire for freedom will alienate partners. Relationships that have arisen until November 4, 2017, will not last particularly long and may be completed very unpleasant and harsh. It is better to wait out this time and not look for new acquaintances.

When to have affairs in November 2017?

November 11-13, 2017– these days are associated with a very favorable aspect of the connection for relationships Venus and Jupiter. Not a bad day - November 11 (until 12:00) 2017 when you have a chance to start a new and very vibrant relationship. Now people will be more enthusiastic about meeting people and entering into new relationships.

If there is no brightness in your existing relationship or you are too far from each other, this can be corrected if desired. exactly these days! This is a good time to improve relationships and take them to the next level. This is a very good time to ask for forgiveness, make a declaration of love and give a gift. If you want to make peace with your lovers, there is no better time, the main thing is to be sincere.

November 13-16, 2017 will act strong Venus-Neptune aspect, which gives affection, strong feelings and pleasant love experiences. These days it will be easy to quit new romance and fall in love, besides, the moon will go according to the sign of Libra, which also facilitates dating. These days you can make a marriage proposal, confess your love or get engaged.

November 19-21, 2017 there will be another strong aspect between Venus and Pluto, which will allow the relationship to reach a new level. These days are good for love relationships and dating, especially November 19 and 20, 2017 when the moon will walk Sagittarius sign .

When should you be on alert?

However, aspects of Mars passing through the sign of Libra can add a fly in the ointment. This is especially true for those who are prone to aggression and have harsh and explosive temperament.

On days when Mars moves through the sign of Libra, the mutual attraction of the sexes intensifies, especially on the physical level. Now I want to look for partners much more active than in other periods of the year, so making acquaintances is easier now, since Venus is in the sign of Scorpio. At the same time, men and women will switch roles somewhat. For example, now no one will be surprised if a lady proposes to a man or even approaches be the first to meet.

Bad aspects - November 17-19 and 28-30, 2017- can lead to quarrels and aggravation of relations with partners. You should be more careful Aries and Gemini. In your situation, relationships can only suffer, despite the favorable aspects of Venus.

Love horoscope: men and women

WOMEN. Mostly in the first week of the month until November 4, 2017, you may turn out to be very hot-tempered and intolerant of your partners’ shortcomings. And although it is quite possible to contain your negative feelings if you try, there are still risks that you will be tormented by jealousy and suspicion towards your partners.

MEN. This month (especially after November 7, 2017) is perfect for passionate confessions and marriage proposals. If you hesitate and bide your time, there is no better time. Pay special attention to lucky Venus days, when your proposals are more likely to be accepted.

When is the best time to celebrate a wedding in November 2017?

Transition of Venus into the Zodiac sign Scorpion, where it is rather weak, is not very conducive to marriage. It is much better if Venus follows the sign Libra.

Marriages with Venus in the sign of Scorpio can be based on passion and strong feelings, physical attraction, and in order not to lose it later you need to try very hard. In addition, such a marriage is at great risk of being spoiled by cheating one or both partners.

However, a few better days in November 2017 for a wedding can still be found, since Venus after November 7, 2017, once in Scorpio, will make only favorable aspects.

Most favorable there will be days at the very end of the month. Firstly, the Moon will grow at this time, and secondly, it will follow good signs. To make your wedding more successful, choose to marry 21 (after 11:00), 23, 27 or 28 (before 13:00) November 2017.

The most UNSUCCESSFUL days this month for love relationships and dating: 1-3, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17, 18, 24-26, 29, 30 November 2017.

THE MOST SUCCESSFUL days for dating and starting relationships : 5, 7, 11, 14-16, 19, 20 November 2017.

The most successful days for marriage registration: 21 (after 11:00), 27 or 28 (before 13:00) November 2017.

Good days for marriage : 4 (after 15:00),5 (after 14:00), 6 (before 13:00), 11, 19, 23 November 2017.

The most successful wedding days: November 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 2017.

Astrological forecast: love life of zodiac signs in November 2017

♈ Aries love horoscope for November 2017

When Mars transits your symbolic house of partnership, relationships with partners may be strained. Moreover, Mars will be in the second half of the month act harmfully. You shouldn’t sort things out at this time, as they threaten to break up. On the other hand, you have a chance to change your intimate life, make it brighter and richer. Everything depends on you! It is possible that a new sexual partner will appear.

Luck : low.

Events in personal life : quarrels with partners, showdowns, breakups; new relationships based on passion.

♉ Love horoscope Taurus for November 2017

This month promises to be very successful for you personally: if you are already in a relationship, you can expect pleasant surprises, recognition and even marriage proposals. However, all this is more likely to take place in the second half of the month. In the first days of November, you should be more careful, as there is a possibility of misunderstandings, deceptions, and misunderstandings with partners. Single Taurus may have a new relationship that will bring a lot of positive emotions this month.

Luck : high.

Events in personal life : new acquaintances, romances, falling in love, pleasant surprises in relationships, misunderstandings with partners.

♊ Gemini love horoscope for November 2017

You may be trying to start relationships at work. Perhaps you have been attracted to someone for a long time, and now it’s time to change something, to take the relationship to a new level. Be careful, as a new romance can bring trouble in your professional life, affect work and productivity and plan execution. If you are against any romance at work, this month may just bring you pleasant troubles and a good mood. There may be unpleasant changes or unexpected surprises in your love life at the beginning of the month.

Luck : low.

Events in personal life : romance at work.

♋ Cancer love horoscope for November 2017

This month you can expect quite pleasant events in your personal life, especially after Venus is in water sign Scorpio. You can use this time to improve your personal life, new interesting acquaintances and new romantic experiences. If you have loved ones, you have the opportunity to have a good time with them and please them with pleasant gifts. Family people should be more careful now: there may be quarrels and misunderstandings with relatives.

Luck : high.

Events in personal life : romantic dating; new feelings; pleasant time with loved ones; quarrels in the family.

♌ Leo love horoscope for November 2017

This month there will be more messages for family people. If you have not yet met your lover, then do not despair. You still have everything ahead, and this month is worth devoting to you to your close relatives. Making new acquaintances will be difficult. Family people can improve their lives, go on vacation with loved ones, or start making their home more comfortable. If there have been disagreements and quarrels in the family, this month will bring pleasant emotions and the opportunity to improve relationships. You can also think about heirs.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : building relationships in the family; pregnancy in women.

♍ Virgo love horoscope for November 2017

This month will bring you new acquaintances and romance, so if you are looking for love, you have a chance to find it. Even if you are not looking for new romantic acquaintances, relationships may begin completely unexpectedly for you. Dating in traveling or with foreigners. These acquaintances can be pleasant and even quite useful. If you have the opportunity to go somewhere with your lovers, you will be able to have a good time and will be very satisfied with the trip.

Luck : high.

Events in personal life : romantic acquaintances, pleasant communication, trips.

♎ Libra love horoscope for November 2017

This month you can be quite active and, despite your internal reluctance, you will do a lot decide for yourself. In your personal life, you are likely to face some serious choices. You may decide to break up with your partner, or vice versa - to continue the relationship. Remember that now everything depends on you and your decision, which can seriously change your future.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : changes in personal life due to independent decisions.

♏ Scorpio love horoscope for November 2017

This month you should pay more attention to your appearance and taking care of your health and beauty. This will allow you feel more confident and improve your personal life, if for some reason it wasn’t going well before. If you are single and want to meet someone, you have every chance of finding your other half. Rely on optimism, confidence, creativity, and you will easily be liked by others.

Luck : high.

Events in personal life : new acquaintances, new experiences, strong feelings.

♐ Sagittarius love horoscope for November 2017

This month you will hide your feelings, and if a new relationship appears in your life, then most likely you will not be too demonstrate clearly in public, you will hide them from your loved ones. This month you will be calm, no matter what. And although there may be misunderstandings and quarrels in friendly groups, you will not feel much anxiety within yourself.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : secret connections and relationships on the side; inner peace.

♑ Capricorn love horoscope for November 2017

You prefer to plan everything, but this month some work plans may fail, which cannot be said about plans for your personal life. Here it’s just the opposite: situations will only contribute to the fact that your plans and dreams will come true. Pay close attention to your personal desires during the magical hours of the month ( November 18, 2017 from 14:40 to November 19, 2017 08:37).

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : implementation of personal plans.

♒ Aquarius love horoscope for November 2017

A good time to improve relationships with partners, and perhaps take them to the next level. This month your popularity will be at its highest, so if you are single and want to start a new relationship, you will be lucky and you will to be popular from the opposite sex. It is possible that at work, attention to your person will also be increased, and the attention is not professional at all, but personal, especially from those who are higher in position than you.

Luck : high.

Events in personal life : increased attention from the opposite sex, office romance.

♓ Pisces love horoscope for November 2017

This month you have a chance to start new relationships with people from afar or foreigners, it is also possible love at a distance. However, it is foolish to delude yourself too much now: everything may turn out in the future in a completely different way than you wish. In any case, you still have a chance to find your love somewhere far away. Those who have an established relationship can go on a long trip and take their lovers with them.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : trips with lovers, new relationships, falling in love abroad, with a foreigner or a person from afar.
