Breathing exercises for neurosis and depression. Effective treatment of neuroses

It is important to understand that this way of influencing the disease can only be done in combination with other treatment methods, the course of which should be prescribed only by a doctor.

How are neuroses treated?

So that you do not think that breathing practices alone can achieve the desired effect, get rid of neurosis at the initial or severe stage, let us turn to how this pathology is treated. If the neurosis is at the initial stage, pain is moderate, then doctors limit themselves to the following treatment:

  • The patient is required to strictly adhere to the daily routine; during the day he should sleep at least 8 hours at night with a recommended daytime sleep of 0.5-2 hours;
  • conversations are held with his family and friends and with him, the purpose of which is to eliminate the reasons that caused emotional overstrain;
  • physical and breathing sets of exercises and procedures are performed, the purpose of which is a general strengthening effect on the patient’s body;
  • regular and prolonged stay in the fresh air, long walks;
  • autogenic training, which the patient conducts independently or with the help of a specialist.

The patient undergoes treatment without being in the hospital. Medicines are practically not used at this stage. Limited to herbal teas and oils. But if the disease does not go away and goes into a severe stage, as indicated by increased pain, then the patient is admitted to a hospital. From this point on, his treatment changes radically. Now the doctor prescribes psychotherapy, tranquilizers and antidepressants to the patient.

What does this treatment show? That neurosis is a serious disease that cannot be cured with one pill or a few breaths. And at the initial stage of neurosis, breathing and physical exercises are one of the treatment methods. However, this method is not the main one. What is more important is that the patient begins to comply with the regime, and that the factors causing his emotional overstrain are eliminated. Hiking, physical and breathing exercises for neuroses, autogenic training have great importance in curing a patient with neurasthenia. But without proper rest, which would contribute to the complete mental recovery of the patient, without eliminating the source that causes his emotional distress, these methods will be ineffective.

How do breathing exercises help with neuroses?

How do breathing exercises have a healing effect on a patient with neurasthenia? Let us turn to the advice that doctors give to patients experiencing symptoms called “neurasthenic helmet”. They have a painful sensation that their head seems to be tied with a rubber band and they continue to tighten it. To get rid of these symptoms or ease them, it is recommended to massage the head with your fingers or a massage brush. As a result of these actions, blood flow to the muscles increases, they relax, relieving spasm.

Breathing exercises help improve blood circulation throughout the body, including the brain. But they achieve a greater effect than with self-massage:

  1. By forcing blood to move throughout the body, and not just in the head, exercises can better relieve pain, and the achieved effect lasts longer.
  2. With the help of breathing exercises, more oxygen enters the blood, which improves the functioning of the brain and all other body systems.
  3. Focusing on breathing exercises allows you to relieve mental stress and get rid, even temporarily, of emotional experiences.
  4. In combination with physical exercise, it allows you to release the hormone of joy - endorphin - into the blood, which lifts your mood and allows you to experience pleasant emotions.

For example, performing breathing practices in a static position, when the whole body is at rest and only inhalations and exhalations are performed, forces the muscles of the body to remain in a tense state. The number of calories burned when performing them is even greater than with dynamic exercises. The exerciser requires a lot of effort, which provokes the release of endorphins. Such practices allow you to achieve a good psychophysical state. The patient who deals with them stops thinking about the disease, because the symptoms appear less and less. But thanks to these exercises, everyone's work internal organs and tissues become more active. The patient's health is strengthened comprehensively.

Mastering breathing techniques

Before moving on to the exercises, you need to master the breathing technique. To do this, sit or stand so that your back is straight. Shut your mouth. You need to breathe through your nose. Take a deep breath, and feel that the air penetrates through the respiratory organs into the stomach, stretching it as much as possible. The main thing is not only to imagine that the stomach is stretching. It should really stretch.

As soon as the abdomen has reached its maximum volume, imagine that air begins to fill the areas located above. As a result of this, the area in the area of ​​the lower ribs begins to fill with air, thereby trying to push these ribs to the sides. Once it is filled with air, due to which further movement of the ribs to the sides is impossible, begin to fill the area with air chest, which begins to expand to its maximum limits.

Having reached the maximum, hold your breath for a few seconds and begin to exhale. It must be done in reverse order. First, the air comes out of the chest, and lastly - from the abdominal cavity. This type of breathing is called full, and you need to practice it.

Majority modern people I am used to breathing through chest breathing, when only the chest space is filled with air. This breathing is shallow and significantly limits a person’s physical capabilities. In the East it is called the breath of sick people. Practice the full breathing technique several dozen times. If this makes you feel dizzy, that's normal. This is how your body reacts to the intake large quantity oxygen.

Breathing exercises

Try to exercise in the fresh air or ventilate the room and stand near a window. Stand up straight and begin to inhale while raising your arms up. Finish raising your arms by bringing them together above your head. Stay in this position for 5-10 seconds and, starting to exhale, lower your arms down. Repeat arm raises 3-5 times.

Spread your legs wide. As you inhale, raise your arms in front of you to shoulder level, and then spread them to the sides. Palms point down. Holding your inhalation at its maximum point, tilt your body left and right as far as your flexibility allows. When bending, your legs should not move.

After bending 2-3 times, exhale sharply through your mouth while lowering your arms. You immediately want to inhale. Inhale, raising your arms again and repeating the exercise 3-5 times.

Take a lying position on your stomach. With your palms on the floor, lift your torso and bend your back. In this position, perform 5-7 cycles of full breathing. From this position, take a lying position, hold for 5-10 seconds and return back. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

Stand opposite a wall, rest your arms against it with your arms extended at shoulder level. Begin full breathing while slowly bending your arms. As soon as you touch your forehead to the wall, sharply straighten your arms and return to the starting position, exhaling sharply through your mouth. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

Stand up straight, relax your legs, placing your hands on your waist. Take a deep breath and hold the final position for a few seconds. As you exhale, gently bend forward. Bend over as much as possible, begin to take a deep breath, raising your body to the starting position. Repeat the exercise from 3-4 to 7-8 times.

The exercises are easy to learn, easy to perform and do not require special preparation.

You can, after consulting with your doctor, add other options for yoga exercises or other breathing practices.

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Breathing exercises by Strelnikova for neurosis, neuritis, depression

Neuroses are diseases based on reversible disorders of mental activity. This is a breakdown of higher nervous activity. Such a breakdown can occur in a person in a situation that traumatizes his nervous system. The cause of a neurotic disorder can be chronic emotional stress, prolonged physical or mental fatigue. Not everyone can pull themselves together in time, calm down, stop being angry, angry, nervous, indignant, etc. And it is simply impossible to immediately get rid of the asthenic syndrome that has accumulated over the years, in which memory and attention deteriorate, mental and physical performance decreases, and fatigue and irritability, on the contrary, become more frequent.

Breathing exercises by Strelnikova 30 minutes after the start of classes will change your mood in better side: you will have a desire to live, you will feel joy, pleasure, you will want to laugh and sing. It is no coincidence that actors do Strelnikova exercises before going on stage.

Strelnikova’s breathing exercises, apparently, help to include all the centers located in the cerebral cortex in metabolic processes, and it especially affects the center of a person’s positive emotions. Strelnikov's inhalations and exhalations act as a kind of doping.

With regular, daily exercise, neurasthenia gradually recedes without any psychotherapy or the use of tranquilizers.

Neurotic depression is more difficult to treat. This is a depressed state in which a person experiences an oppressive melancholy. He sees everything in gloomy colors, remembers all his grievances and misfortunes, the future seems hopeless to him.

It is important for such a person to do Strelnikova’s breathing exercises daily and preferably not alone, but in a group. Then it’s easier to distract yourself from dark thoughts. Gradually, your health improves and you gain confidence in your abilities.

Often, after various infections, neuritis of the facial nerve occurs. In this case, muscle paralysis develops on the corresponding side of the face, and the mouth is distorted. In the process of practicing breathing exercises, the face acquires a normal expression, neuritis is cured. Twitching of the eyelids and facial muscles is eliminated.

For neuritis of the facial nerve, it is useful to do 3 head exercises: “Head turns”, “Ears” and “Pendulum with the head” (up and down). You should start with these exercises and end with them. First, do 96 breaths of each of these exercises. You should do the whole set of exercises, but you need to start and end with these three exercises.

Strelnikova’s breathing exercises create an emotional and mental state in which a person gains self-confidence, liberation, and emotional uplift.


I wish you health and active longevity.

The article is useful not only for people suffering from neuroses, but also for their relatives and friends: there are tips on how to behave with a “neurasthenic” and what to do in case of psychomotor agitation. This article contains information not only about physical therapy for neuroses, therapeutic exercises for neuroses and breathing exercises. We are talking about how to stay healthy in the conditions created by our civilization and technological progress - that is, about a healthy lifestyle in conditions of survival. To qualitatively understand this issue, the book by Galina Sergeevna Shatalova “Choice of a Path” is presented, which can be downloaded. I have included in the article several videos on the topic “Neuroses” that will help you get the most useful and necessary information, which will undoubtedly strengthen your desire for health. Understand thoroughly the causes of neurosis, the essence of neurosis, and methods of treatment and prevention. This is relevant not only because neurosis negatively affects the quality of life of a person and his family and environment, but also because constant stress and bad mood exhaust the body and lead to decreased immunity and even serious illnesses.

At the end of the article there is music for meditation and relaxation.

Therapeutic exercise for neuroses.

Physiotherapy for neuroses, complex treatment aims to restore the central nervous system, harmonize the processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system, and increase the body’s adaptive capabilities. Individual personality characteristics, concomitant diseases and the age of the patient are taken into account.

In hospitals and clinics, therapeutic exercises for neuroses are carried out in a group method with musical accompaniment. Includes general strengthening exercises, including dumbbells, breathing exercises and relaxation exercises; Exercises for stretching, balance, and coordination of movements are useful. General strengthening exercises alternate with relaxation exercises. Walking, health path, slow running, board games (chess, checkers, backgammon), playing small towns, sports games (volleyball, basketball), skiing, cycling, swimming, rowing, exercise equipment, occupational therapy are shown.

Fishing, picking mushrooms and berries, clay modeling, handicrafts, and dancing are useful.

There are no restrictions in physical therapy for neuroses. The main thing is to observe gradual loads and regularity of classes, preferably according to the daily routine. The greatest benefits will come from exercising in nature with a good mood and a desire to be healthy.

This is a video from the Vita club, created on the initiative of Galina Sergeevna Shatalova in Yekaterinburg, about the morning warm-up of the next health school group. Pay attention to what a friendly and positive atmosphere is present among people who want to be healthy and lead healthy image life.

Early morning, the very first warm-up of the new group. People are embarrassed at first, but then they liberate, and a single field of kindness, openness and joy appears. Constrained and uncertain movements gradually become confident, rhythmic, and harmonious. The body is relaxed, the tension is gone, smiles are shining on the faces.

This is the best environment for treating neuroses.

Therapeutic gymnastics for neuroses.

I offer you another video, which presents a brief demonstration of sample exercises of therapeutic gymnastics for neuroses.

Ideal for treating neuroses

Pay attention to alternating exercises for the spine and relaxation. Emphasis on inhalation and exhalation.

Read articles for more information on the topic “Neuroses”:

Heart reserve. Dosing of physical activity.

As with vegetative-vascular dystonia, with hypertension and other diseases you need to know your heart reserve in order to correctly dose the load on the heart.

Let us briefly repeat the necessary formulas.

1). Calculate resting heart rate for 1 minute after a short rest.

2). Maximum heart rate during physical activity = 180 – age.

3). Heart reserve (100%) = Maximum heart rate during physical activity - resting heart rate in 1 minute.

The cardiac reserve is determined in order to dose the load towards a decrease. It must be remembered that with neuroses, the body’s adaptive capabilities are reduced. In case of neuroses, we will use not 100, but 80% of the heart reserve, so that the condition does not worsen due to fatigue.

Let me give you an example. Age 46 years.

Resting pulse 66 beats per minute.

180 – 46 = 134 beats. per minute is the maximum allowable heart rate.

134 – 66 = 68 beats. per minute – 100% heart reserve.

68: 100 * 80 = 55 beats. per minute - this is 80% of the heart reserve.

4). Resting heart rate + 80% heart reserve = dosed load for a given person.

66 + 55 = 121 beats. per minute

This calculation is especially important during the most intense loads: health path, running, swimming and exercise equipment. Periodically checking your heart rate during physical activity will help you overcome your fear of overload.

During training, you need to breathe only through your nose. If you want to breathe through your mouth, it means the body is overloaded, the cells do not have enough oxygen (this can happen due to a lack of carbon dioxide in the blood, red blood cells cannot give oxygen to the cells, since with a lack of carbon dioxide, excessive strong connections between red blood cells and oxygen molecules).

Breathing exercises for neuroses.

Read the article “Get your nerves in order”, which contains a simple breathing energy exercise with a calming healing effect.

The body should be relaxed, the mind concentrated on internal sensations with the expectation of a specific goal - harmonizing the body, relieving tension, managing one’s emotions. You need to tune in and experience a feeling of bliss and pleasure.

“The sitting position on a chair can be extremely productive for both passive and active forms of breathing exercises. It is especially important not to forget about the position of your body. There are no small details here. There should be a right angle between the thigh and shin. The back is straight, relaxed, hands are on the hips thumbs inside. Keep your head straight and calm. This pose can be used for many breathing exercises."

Full rhythmic breathing can cause side effects, especially in people who are overly irritable and suffer from high blood pressure. They are recommended to breathe while sitting with the movement of their arms. This is a calming exercise. Therefore, when the slightest sign irritability, stop all other exercises and switch to this (seated exercise with arm movements).

Breathing is accompanied by sluggish, relaxed movements of the hands. When you inhale, they slowly, in the rhythm of breathing, rise to approximately shoulder level. When exhaling, they also slowly lower to the starting position. Moreover, when inhaling, the hands move slightly differently than when exhaling, which is clearly visible from the figures. When exhaling, they seem to be half-open, and when inhaling, they are limply lowered.”

The starting position for a calming breathing exercise is sitting with the movement of the arms.

Inhale, arms rise smoothly, hands relaxed.

Exhale slowly, hands smoothly lower down; the hands are half-open, the fingers are slightly spread.

“Easily excitable people can unconsciously perceive even a simple breath-hold during inhalation and, especially, during exhalation, as a spontaneous convulsive phenomenon. This will cause an unwanted rush of blood, overexcitation of the central nervous system; may also cause not only insomnia, but also more undesirable consequences. People suffering from neurasthenia and hypertension should definitely remember this. They should refrain from holding their breath after exhaling. At first, until their health returns to normal, they should only inhale, hold after inhalation, and exhale.”

In G. S. Shatalova’s book “Choosing the Path,” the entire third chapter is devoted to breathing exercises.

Healthy lifestyle.

I wholeheartedly welcome Galina Sergeevna Shatalova’s system of natural healing, which is described in her kind and smart books. One of them is “Choosing a path”. After reading this book, you will understand by what laws the human body lives, in what conditions you need to exist in order to remain healthy, happy and live long, and you will receive detailed information on how to put into practice all the recommendations for changing your lifestyle. I greet her kindly - a strict conversation with patients, since Galina Sergeevna is a military surgeon, a neurosurgeon with extensive experience in medical practice, who has tested in practice and scientifically proven what a person needs for the health of body and spirit. She cured many terminally ill people from the most serious diseases.

The natural healing system is based on three important components:

1). Spiritual health - (spiritual health in the healing system is of the greatest importance. It implies the absence of selfishness, tolerance, the desire for unity with nature in the very in a broad sense this word, understanding the laws of the unity of all living things and the principles of living ethics, universal love. They are formulated in the commandments of the New and Old Testaments. A spiritually healthy person is one who lives not for himself personally at the expense of others, but as an equal with care for others. Living according to the laws of good is the only way for humanity to survive.)

2). Mental health (this is a harmonious combination of the conscious and subconscious, ensuring both the stability of the body in conditions of survival and adaptability to changing conditions environment.)

3). Physical health (To maintain physical health, breathing, nutrition, movement, hardening (thermoregulation) play a role.)

The main condition for the system of natural healing of the body is the simultaneous use of all health factors, and not just one thing, that is, an attack on all “fronts.” If you want to be healthy and achieve longevity, then you need to lead an appropriate lifestyle. Galina Sergeevna Shatalova’s book “Choosing a Path” will help you understand and look differently at very important components of human health. Read the book on the website “SVITK.RU Library”.


Neuroses are functional disorders of mental activity that arise under the influence of psychotraumatic factors and manifest themselves in violation of higher forms of behavior, a decrease in mental and physical performance, limiting the adaptive capabilities of the body to various influences, contributing to the occurrence of somatic diseases.

Neuroses have a variety of manifestations, which are largely determined by personality characteristics. Painful disorders in neuroses never reach a psychotic level and do not lead to pronounced maladaptation; patients retain a critical attitude towards existing disorders.

The main forms of neuroses are neurasthenia, hysteria and obsessive-compulsive neurosis. Often there is a combination of these neuroses and pronounced vegetative-vascular functional disorders, which explains the person’s poor health and the variety of complaints. In such patients, other diseases are more severe.

The main cause of neuroses is unfavorable psychogenic factors (stimulants) that cause overstrain and disruption of higher nervous activity.

A decrease in resistance to stress and the occurrence of neuroses is facilitated by:

2). bad habits,

3). distance from nature, apartment-city lifestyle.

4). disturbances in biorhythms resulting from changes in labor activity, severance of family ties, violation of rest and nutritional regimes;

5). heavy load of responsibilities combined with lack of time.

6). information overload and, conversely, information deficiency; long-term search for solutions to problems, including conflict situations; reassessment of existing ideas about life.

7). negative feelings and emotions: disappointment and hopelessness, resentment, envy and others. Unjustified restraint of emotions and one's needs is essential.

8). age-related hormonal changes in the body.

It should be noted that under the influence of the same unfavorable psychogenic factors, neuroses do not occur in all people, but only in certain individuals. This means that in the occurrence of neurosis, the properties of the organism itself are essential: the type of higher nervous activity (cholerics and melancholics are more susceptible) and congenital psychopathy.

Neuroses occur more often in people who have

rapid exhaustion of nervous processes (asthenic type);

prone to violent, unrestrained reactions and highly suggestible (hysteroid type);

lack of self-confidence, fixation of attention on certain thoughts and actions (anxious-suspicious type).

Forms of neuroses.

There are several forms of neuroses, which depend on the nature of the psychogenic stimulus and on personality traits: neurasthenia, hysteria and obsessive-compulsive neurosis.

Neurasthenia (asthenic neurosis - nervous exhaustion, overwork). A disease characterized by increased irritability along with rapid mental fatigue. Patients react to ordinary stimuli (loud sounds, creaking doors, the appearance of another person) with inappropriate reactions: raising their voices, screaming; they experience palpitations, hypertension, headache. Along with incontinence, mental and physical exhaustion quickly sets in, attention and memory are weakened; sleep is disturbed (insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day), appetite, functional intestinal disorders (constipation or diarrhea), sexual activity decreases. Stable features of asthenization appear: apathy, indifference, weakness (“give up,” don’t want to do anything).

Hysteria is a form of neurosis in which patients strive to attract the attention of others.

Symptoms of various diseases may appear, of which the patient with hysteria is well aware. All these symptoms disappear instantly if it can be proven that he is completely healthy. This is explained by high suggestibility and suspiciousness.

Mental disorders can manifest as memory loss (amnesia), confusion, delusions, and rarely hallucinations. There may be disturbances in sensitivity and movement in a wide variety of forms. For example, catatonia - immobilization in an elaborate pose, paralysis and paresis.

There are also numerous manifestations of autonomic functions: shortness of breath (according to the patient, it is difficult for him to breathe), swallowing disorders, nausea and vomiting, changes in blood pressure and pulse, and many others.

Thus, hysteria is a form of neurosis, which is characterized by a variety of mental changes, sensitivity disorders, movements and autonomic functions with a satisfactory general condition of the patient. In hysteria, control of the functions of subcortical formations by the cerebral cortex is weakened.

Hysterical attack. There is hysterical excitement, which is caused by psychotrauma (as a rule, this is a discrepancy between expectations and reality, some kind of dissatisfaction). An attack of hysterical excitement looks demonstrative, theatrical, in order to attract the attention of the public; accompanied by hysterical laughter, sobs; Often there may be hysterical convulsive seizures and hysterical fainting (hysterical syncope). A patient with hysteria, when fainting, falls so as not to hurt himself or be injured. That is, he prudently calculates how to fall and not hit himself. Nausea and vomiting are possible, and after an attack - sudden weakness.

Providing assistance during a hysterical attack. No need to fuss. It is enough to stand nearby, doing nothing. You can put a pillow under your head. When the attack is over, give drops of tincture of valerian or motherwort to hot water. If the person’s condition, in your opinion, is alarming, then call an ambulance; especially if the attack happened in a public place (and hysterical attacks most often occur in in public places in the presence of a large number of people).

Remember that your excessive attention to the patient during a hysterical attack, active participation in providing assistance and fussing around him can increase the manifestations of hysteria and even contribute to the frequency of attacks and the deepening of this neurosis, since this is precisely the way the patient achieves his goal - attracting attention.

Obsessive-compulsive neurosis (obsessive-compulsive neurosis) is a form of neurosis characterized by the appearance of constant, irresistible, contrary to the patient’s wishes, fears, memories, doubts or actions. Obsessive fears (phobias) can be very diverse: fear of a closed person or, conversely, open space, fear of getting a serious illness, fear of heights and many others. Fears can be so strong that they completely paralyze the patient’s consciousness, that is, he cannot think about anything else. Obsessive fears and doubts are associated with obsessive actions: for example, due to fear of some kind of infection, a person repeatedly washes his hands, boils dishes, etc. It is considered pathological when these fears and actions are unjustified. Due to fixation of attention on fictitious stimuli disturbing the patient’s imagination, the person abnormally performs his duties at home or at work. So, for example, a woman after giving birth does not approach the child much, spending most of her time and energy on establishing order and sterile cleanliness in the apartment. Or a person does not get a job, fearing that he will not be able to cope with his usual job responsibilities.

All forms of neuroses are characterized by the fact that a person is aware of the painfulness of his condition, understands the meaninglessness of his fears and doubts, but cannot free himself from them, cannot control his feelings and emotions. It is clear that all this affects his quality of life and prevents him from living a full life and working normally.

Any neurosis is characterized by a decrease in the functionality of the central nervous system, its rapid fatigue, and inappropriate reactions to various stressful stimuli, which reduces the adaptive nature of behavior. For example, something that previously caused a reaction no longer does; or an overly expressed reaction to a weak stimulus occurs; or to a strong stimulus – a weak reaction.

Let me present to your attention the television program “Conversations with a Psychologist,” in which psychotherapist Elman Osmanov talks about neuroses.

Psychomotor agitation.

Sometimes, against the background of neuroses, psychomotor agitation occurs - sudden complex pathological condition excitation of mental activity under the influence of a strong factor traumatic to the psyche, which is expressed in acceleration and intensification of movements, speech, thinking, emotions (a state close to panic).

A person does not control himself and can pose a danger to others and to himself. Call emergency medical assistance. You cannot discuss his condition with other people, you must convince him of your own goodwill, speak politely in “you” and calmly as if nothing is happening: you cannot ask about his condition, you must talk about something not related to this situation.

Be sure to remove all sharp and cutting objects and remain vigilant, as the patient’s behavior may change dramatically. We must be prepared to prevent a possible suicide attempt.

I'm talking about this because anything can happen in life. Neuroses can masquerade as various diseases. Even an experienced doctor will need some time to determine the diagnosis of neurosis, psychosis or other disease.


I consider it necessary to pay attention to the innate predisposition to neuroses. Below is a quote from the book by Dubrovsky V.I. “Therapeutic Physical Education”.

Psychopathy is a congenital, hardly reversible, pathological personality type that covers the entire mental constitution, in which adaptation to the environment is disrupted. Psychopaths are distinguished not only by disharmony of character, but also by significantly greater vulnerability compared to ordinary people, increased sensitivity to internal (age-related crises), somatogenic, psychogenic and social factors. These properties determine the diversity of the dynamics of psychopathy, the main forms of which are phases and pathological reactions.

The following types of psychopathy are distinguished: schizoid, psychasthenic, asthenic, afferent, paranoid, hysterical, excitable. Emotionally dull psychopaths have also been described.

Schizoid psychopaths are unsociable, preferring solitude, reserved people, avoiding violent manifestations of feelings, etc. The basis of the schizoid temperament is a combination of excessive sensitivity and coldness (psychasthenic projection).

Psychasthenic psychopaths are distinguished by a tendency to doubt, a lack of internal confidence in the truth of feelings and the correctness of their judgments and actions, indecision in choosing a line of behavior, etc.

Asthenic psychopaths are characterized by general nervous weakness, timidity, excessive sensitivity and impressionability, which is revealed primarily in unusual situations that go beyond everyday situations. Distinctive feature asthenics suffer from increased fatigue.

Affective psychopaths are individuals of the cycloid circle, sociable, friendly, good-natured. One of their main features is emotional lability, mood instability, sometimes reaching the level of regular affective disorders.

Paranoid psychopaths are people with one-sided but persistent affects that take precedence over logic and reason, capricious, unfrank, distrustful, etc.

Hysterical psychopaths are characterized by a desire to appear more significant than they actually are, to experience more than they are capable of experiencing, etc. Among the painful manifestations in hysterical psychopaths, various vegetative and hysterical paroxysms (spasms, aphonia, tremor of fingers and toes, etc.) predominate.

Excitable or emotionally dull psychopaths adjacent to them are hot-tempered, irritable individuals, devoid of feelings of compassion, cruel and gloomy. The most typical forms of reaction for them are attacks of anger, rage over any very insignificant reason, sometimes accompanied by an affectively narrowed consciousness and sharp motor agitation.

Comprehensive rehabilitation of psychopathy includes medical and pedagogical measures aimed at personality correction. The hospital provides drug therapy (psychotropic drugs), psycho- and occupational therapy (sculpting, drawing, Board games, choral singing, group viewing of films, etc.), diet, vitamin supplementation, group exercise therapy accompanied by music, outdoor games.

Prevention of psychopathy begins with proper obstetric care and other measures. Subsequently, rational education in the family, school, physical education and sports with parents and children is of great importance. It is necessary to provide for a number of social and pedagogical measures in relation to the so-called difficult children. The family should have a friendly environment, adherence to diet and sleep. Before going to bed - take a shower, air the room, etc.

I attach great importance to the normal course of pregnancy: the child must be desired, the parents must be healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle. Previous abortions have an adverse effect on subsequent pregnancies.

And after the birth of a child, you need to instill in him a positive attitude towards life and cultivate good feelings; the baby must grow up in the magical field of love between parents for each other and, of course, for him.

Muscle tension headache.

Headache often accompanies existing neurosis due to muscle tension during strong psycho-emotional experiences. When stressed, the muscles of the collar area and neck, as well as the muscles of the head, are the first to tense. Dr. Sperling talks about muscle tension headaches.

I also recommend watching Dr. Sperling’s short and insightful video lecture on stress. We need to understand the impact of strong and prolonged stress on the human body in order to think about whether it is necessary to be treated if nervousness, anxiety and other mental imbalances appear. Watch a video about stress in the article “Therapeutic exercise for hypertension.”

How to behave with a “neurasthenic”?

Living and communicating with a “neurasthenic” is not easy. Sometimes the question of divorce arises. First you need to try to cure neurosis, which responds well to physiotherapeutic procedures (massage, exercise therapy, electrosleep, halo chamber (salt cave) and others); medications; Conversations with a psychologist help. It is also necessary to reconsider your lifestyle: introduce rhythm into your life (daily routine, music, physical education, timely maintenance of order in the house, etc.); healthy lifestyle (exclude bad habits, include healthy eating, physical education, healthy, full sleep, rest and more); and cultivate a positive attitude towards life and people.

For Orthodox believers, the question of divorce does not arise. Divorce is carried out only in case of infidelity. The best medicine for a “sick” soul is confession. A person must realize that due to the manifestations of his negative emotions and actions, not only the people around him suffer, but first of all he himself. Confession helps to return to adequacy and understand the pattern life problems and look for the cause of misfortune in yourself.

How to deal with an unbalanced person? Talk to him as if he were completely healthy: politely, calmly, patiently, with understanding; Be sure to listen to him in order to give him the opportunity to understand for himself what is happening to him and find out what is bothering him. A kind word heals, you need to find these kind words, for example, “nothing, we’ll break through” or “everything will be fine, we’ll cope with the problem.” The most important thing is to try not to be an additional irritant for the “neurasthenic”, not to say words or do things that make him nervous (within reasonable limits), not to respond to rude treatment in kind, otherwise a clash will arise - a pronounced conflict. Learn to calm a “nervous” person, find an approach to him. There is no need to hide the truth; you need to speak sincerely, kindly, considering every “little thing.” But you shouldn’t allow permissiveness.

Neurosis must be treated, since with a long course of neurosis, the nervous system is depleted, and there is a risk of psychosomatic diseases.

“The human body was created as the highest resource of nature and, thanks to the plastic properties of its central nervous system, it is capable of self-healing and self-improvement. If only the appropriate conditions were created.”

It is necessary to eliminate irritating stress factors and ensure contact with nature with love for it, a positive attitude and good mood, daily routine, healthy lifestyle; We need physical therapy for neuroses, massage and other physiotherapeutic procedures, and sanatorium-resort treatment.

Therapeutic gymnastics for neuroses will be of great benefit if you learn to move correctly.

“The main thing in movement is the ability to liberate the muscles, trust them, allow them to contract freely and relax in a natural rhythm. Then only those that are absolutely necessary will work. this moment for this type of movement. The rest will have the opportunity to rest. But this must be learned, and everyone must learn. The natural healing system includes exercises, the purpose of which is to teach a person the art of movement while relaxing.” (G. S. Shatalova “Choice of a path”).

Exercises for neuroses stimulate the production of endorphins, harmonize the nervous system and the entire body as a whole, providing a healing effect in conjunction with proper nutrition, breathing, hardening and spiritual work on oneself in order to cultivate good positive feelings, emotions, thoughts and actions. Living according to the laws of goodness makes a person happy and mentally healthy.

Set of exercises No. 1 (Gymnastics for heart neuroses)

For diseases of cardio-vascular system
(performed in the starting position standing)

1. Walking in place. Walk calmly in place at an average pace for 30-40 seconds.

2. Stretching. Standing with your feet instead, bend your arms to your shoulders. Straightening your arms up and slowly rising on your toes, take a deep breath; then lower your hands to your shoulders, stand on your entire foot and exhale. Repeat 5-8 times.

3. Squat. Stand with your feet together and your arms down. Slowly squatting, stretch your arms forward - exhale. At the same pace, return to the starting position - inhale. Repeat 4-10 times.

4. Side bends. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Tilt your body to the left, raising your right arm up and moving your left arm behind your back. Return to starting position. Breathing is free. The pace is average. Repeat 5-10 times in each direction.

5. Chest breathing. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your palms on your chest. Slowly take a deep breath and then exhale completely. Repeat 3-5 times.

6. Alternate raising of arms. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms, clench your fingers into fists. Smoothly swing one hand up and back, then the other. Breathe freely. Repeat 10-15 times with each hand.

7. Raising your legs forward. Standing with your feet together, put your hands on your belt. Alternately raise your right and left leg forward without bending it. When raising your legs, exhale, and when lowering, inhale. The pace is average. Repeat 5-10 times with each leg.

8. “Skater.” Place your feet wider than your shoulders and place your hands behind your back. Tilt your body to the left, bending your left leg. Repeat the same to the right (imitate the movement of a speed skater). Breathe arbitrarily. The pace is average. Repeat 5-8 times in each direction.

9. Deep breathing and stretching. Stand with your feet together and lower your arms. Bend your arms in front of your chest, clasping your fingers; slowly stretch your arms up, turning your palms up and rising on your toes - inhale; returning to the starting position, lower your arms down through your sides - exhale. Repeat 5-8 times.

10. "Spring". Stand with your feet together, arms bent in front of your chest, fingers clenched into fists. Slowly spread your arms to the sides, simulating stretching of a spring - inhale; return to the starting position - exhale. Repeat 6-10 times.

11. Jumps. Standing with your feet together, put your hands on your belt. Bounce in place. Breathe freely. Do 30-60 jumps at a fast pace.

12. Walking. Walk in place for 1-2 minutes, gradually slowing down.

13. Rest while sitting and relax the muscles for 1-2 minutes.

This article contains information not only about physical therapy for neuroses, therapeutic exercises for neuroses and breathing exercises. We are talking about how to stay healthy in the conditions created by our civilization and technological progress - that is, about a healthy lifestyle in conditions of survival. To qualitatively understand this issue, the book by Galina Sergeevna Shatalova “Choice of a Path” is presented, which can be downloaded. I have included in the article several videos on the topic “Neuroses” that will help you get the most useful and necessary information, which will undoubtedly strengthen your desire for health. Understand thoroughly the causes of neurosis, the essence of neurosis, and methods of treatment and prevention. This is relevant not only because neurosis negatively affects the quality of life of a person and his family and environment, but also because constant stress and bad mood exhaust the body and lead to decreased immunity and even serious illnesses.

At the end of the article there is music for meditation and relaxation.

Therapeutic exercise for neuroses.

Therapeutic exercise for neuroses in complex treatment has the goal of restoring the central nervous system, harmonizing the processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system, and increasing the body's adaptive capabilities. Individual personality characteristics, concomitant diseases and the age of the patient are taken into account.

In hospitals and clinics, therapeutic exercises for neuroses are carried out in a group method with musical accompaniment. Includes general strengthening exercises, including dumbbells, breathing exercises and relaxation exercises; Exercises for stretching, balance, and coordination of movements are useful. General strengthening exercises alternate with relaxation exercises. Walking, health path, slow running, board games (chess, checkers, backgammon), playing small towns, sports games (volleyball, basketball), skiing, cycling, swimming, rowing, exercise equipment, occupational therapy are shown.

Fishing, picking mushrooms and berries, clay modeling, handicrafts, and dancing are useful.

There are no restrictions in physical therapy for neuroses. The main thing is to observe gradual loads and regularity of classes, preferably according to the daily routine. The greatest benefits will come from exercising in nature with a good mood and a desire to be healthy.

This is a video from the Vita club, created on the initiative of Galina Sergeevna Shatalova in Yekaterinburg, about the morning warm-up of the next health school group. Pay attention to how friendly and positive the atmosphere is among people who want to be healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Early morning, the very first warm-up of the new group. People are embarrassed at first, but then they liberate, and a single field of kindness, openness and joy appears. Constrained and uncertain movements gradually become confident, rhythmic, and harmonious. The body is relaxed, the tension is gone, smiles are shining on the faces.

This is the best environment for treating neuroses.

Therapeutic gymnastics for neuroses.

I offer you another video, which presents a brief demonstration of sample exercises of therapeutic gymnastics for neuroses.

Ideal for treating neuroses

Pay attention to alternating exercises for the spine and relaxation. Emphasis on inhalation and exhalation.

Read articles for more information on the topic “Neuroses”:

Heart reserve. Dosing of physical activity.

As with vegetative-vascular dystonia, with hypertension and other diseases you need to know your heart reserve in order to correctly dose the load on the heart.

Let us briefly repeat the necessary formulas.

1). Calculate resting heart rate for 1 minute after a short rest.

2). Maximum heart rate during physical activity = 180 – age.

3). Heart reserve (100%) = Maximum heart rate during physical activity - resting heart rate in 1 minute.

The cardiac reserve is determined in order to dose the load towards a decrease. It must be remembered that with neuroses, the body’s adaptive capabilities are reduced. In case of neuroses, we will use not 100, but 80% of the heart reserve, so that the condition does not worsen due to fatigue.

Let me give you an example. Age 46 years.

Resting pulse 66 beats per minute.

180 – 46 = 134 beats. per minute is the maximum allowable heart rate.

134 – 66 = 68 beats. per minute – 100% heart reserve.

68: 100 * 80 = 55 beats. per minute - this is 80% of the heart reserve.

4). Resting heart rate + 80% heart reserve = dosed load for a given person.

66 + 55 = 121 beats. per minute

This calculation is especially important during the most intense loads: health path, running, swimming and exercise equipment. Periodically checking your heart rate during physical activity will help you overcome your fear of overload.

During training, you need to breathe only through your nose. If you want to breathe through your mouth, it means that the body is overloaded, the cells do not have enough oxygen (this can happen due to a lack of carbon dioxide in the blood, red blood cells cannot give oxygen to the cells, since with a lack of carbon dioxide, too strong bonds arise between red blood cells and oxygen molecules).

Breathing exercises for neuroses.

Read the article “Get your nerves in order”, which contains a simple breathing energy exercise with a calming healing effect.

The body should be relaxed, the mind concentrated on internal sensations with the expectation of a specific goal - harmonizing the body, relieving tension, managing one’s emotions. You need to tune in and experience a feeling of bliss and pleasure.

“The sitting position on a chair can be extremely productive for both passive and active forms of breathing exercises. It is especially important not to forget about the position of your body. There are no small details here. There should be a right angle between the thigh and shin. The back is straight, relaxed, hands rest on the hips with thumbs facing inward. Keep your head straight and calm. This pose can be used for many breathing exercises."

Full rhythmic breathing can cause side effects, especially in people who are overly irritable and suffer from high blood pressure. They are recommended to breathe while sitting with the movement of their arms. This is a calming exercise. Therefore, at the slightest sign of irritability, stop all other exercises and switch to this (seated exercise with arm movements).

Breathing is accompanied by sluggish, relaxed movements of the hands. When you inhale, they slowly, in the rhythm of breathing, rise to approximately shoulder level. When exhaling, they also slowly lower to the starting position. Moreover, when inhaling, the hands move slightly differently than when exhaling, which is clearly visible from the figures. When exhaling, they seem to be half-open, and when inhaling, they are limply lowered.”

The starting position for a calming breathing exercise is sitting with the movement of the arms.

Inhale, arms rise smoothly, hands relaxed.

Exhale slowly, hands smoothly lower down; the hands are half-open, the fingers are slightly spread.

“Easily excitable people can unconsciously perceive even a simple breath-hold during inhalation and, especially, during exhalation, as a spontaneous convulsive phenomenon. This will cause an unwanted rush of blood, overexcitation of the central nervous system; may also cause not only insomnia, but also more undesirable consequences. People suffering from neurasthenia and hypertension should definitely remember this. They should refrain from holding their breath after exhaling. At first, until their health returns to normal, they should only inhale, hold after inhalation, and exhale.”

In G. S. Shatalova’s book “Choosing the Path,” the entire third chapter is devoted to breathing exercises.

Healthy lifestyle.

I wholeheartedly welcome Galina Sergeevna Shatalova’s system of natural healing, which is described in her kind and smart books. One of them is “Choosing a path”. After reading this book, you will understand by what laws the human body lives, in what conditions you need to exist in order to remain healthy, happy and live long, and you will receive detailed information on how to put into practice all the recommendations for changing your lifestyle. I greet her kindly - a strict conversation with patients, since Galina Sergeevna is a military surgeon, a neurosurgeon with extensive experience in medical practice, who has tested in practice and scientifically proven what a person needs for the health of body and spirit. She cured many terminally ill people from the most serious diseases.

The natural healing system is based on three important components:

1). Spiritual health - (spiritual health in the healing system is of the greatest importance. It implies the absence of selfishness, tolerance, the desire for unity with nature in the broadest sense of the word, understanding of the laws of the unity of all living things and the principles of living ethics, universal love. They are formulated in the commandments of the New and the Old Testaments. A spiritually healthy person is one who lives not for himself personally at the expense of others, but as an equal with care for others. Living according to the laws of goodness is the only way for humanity to survive.)

2). Mental health (this is a harmonious combination of the conscious and subconscious, ensuring both the body’s stability in conditions of survival and adaptability to changing environmental conditions.)

3). Physical health (To maintain physical health, breathing, nutrition, movement, hardening (thermoregulation) play a role.)

The main condition for the system of natural healing of the body is the simultaneous use of all health factors, and not just one thing, that is, an attack on all “fronts.” If you want to be healthy and achieve longevity, then you need to lead an appropriate lifestyle. Galina Sergeevna Shatalova’s book “Choosing a Path” will help you understand and look differently at very important components of human health. Read the book on the website “SVITK.RU Library”.


Neuroses are functional disorders of mental activity that arise under the influence of psychotraumatic factors and manifest themselves in violation of higher forms of behavior, a decrease in mental and physical performance, limiting the adaptive capabilities of the body to various influences, contributing to the occurrence of somatic diseases.

Neuroses have a variety of manifestations, which are largely determined by personality characteristics. Painful disorders in neuroses never reach a psychotic level and do not lead to pronounced maladaptation; patients retain a critical attitude towards existing disorders.

The main forms of neuroses are neurasthenia, hysteria and obsessive-compulsive neurosis. Often there is a combination of these neuroses and pronounced vegetative-vascular functional disorders, which explains the person’s poor health and the variety of complaints. In such patients, other diseases are more severe.

The main cause of neuroses is unfavorable psychogenic factors (stimulants) that cause overstrain and disruption of higher nervous activity.

A decrease in resistance to stress and the occurrence of neuroses is facilitated by:

2). bad habits,

3). distance from nature, apartment-city lifestyle.

4). disturbances of biorhythms resulting from changes in work activity, severance of family ties, disruption of rest and nutrition;

5). heavy load of responsibilities combined with lack of time.

6). information overload and, conversely, information deficiency; long-term search for solutions to problems, including conflict situations; reassessment of existing ideas about life.

7). negative feelings and emotions: disappointment and hopelessness, resentment, envy and others. Unjustified restraint of emotions and one's needs is essential.

8). age-related hormonal changes in the body.

It should be noted that under the influence of the same unfavorable psychogenic factors, neuroses do not occur in all people, but only in certain individuals. This means that in the occurrence of neurosis, the properties of the organism itself are essential: the type of higher nervous activity (cholerics and melancholics are more susceptible) and congenital psychopathy.

Neuroses occur more often in people who have

rapid exhaustion of nervous processes (asthenic type);

prone to violent, unrestrained reactions and highly suggestible (hysteroid type);

lack of self-confidence, fixation of attention on certain thoughts and actions (anxious-suspicious type).

Forms of neuroses.

There are several forms of neuroses, which depend on the nature of the psychogenic stimulus and on personality traits: neurasthenia, hysteria and obsessive-compulsive neurosis.

Neurasthenia (asthenic neurosis - nervous exhaustion, overwork). A disease characterized by increased irritability along with rapid mental fatigue. Patients react to ordinary stimuli (loud sounds, creaking doors, the appearance of another person) with inappropriate reactions: raising their voices, screaming; they experience palpitations, hypertension, and headache. Along with incontinence, mental and physical exhaustion quickly sets in, attention and memory are weakened; sleep is disturbed (insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day), appetite, functional intestinal disorders (constipation or diarrhea), sexual activity decreases. Stable features of asthenization appear: apathy, indifference, weakness (“give up,” don’t want to do anything).

Hysteria is a form of neurosis in which patients strive to attract the attention of others.

Symptoms of various diseases may appear, of which the patient with hysteria is well aware. All these symptoms disappear instantly if it can be proven that he is completely healthy. This is explained by high suggestibility and suspiciousness.

Mental disorders can manifest as memory loss (amnesia), confusion, delusions, and rarely hallucinations. There may be disturbances in sensitivity and movement in a wide variety of forms. For example, catatonia - immobilization in an elaborate pose, paralysis and paresis.

There are also numerous manifestations of autonomic functions: shortness of breath (according to the patient, it is difficult for him to breathe), swallowing disorders, nausea and vomiting, changes in blood pressure and pulse, and many others.

Thus, hysteria is a form of neurosis, which is characterized by a variety of mental changes, sensitivity disorders, movements and autonomic functions with a satisfactory general condition of the patient. In hysteria, control of the functions of subcortical formations by the cerebral cortex is weakened.

Hysterical attack. There is hysterical excitement, which is caused by psychotrauma (as a rule, this is a discrepancy between expectations and reality, some kind of dissatisfaction). An attack of hysterical excitement looks demonstrative, theatrical, in order to attract the attention of the public; accompanied by hysterical laughter, sobs; Often there may be hysterical convulsive seizures and hysterical fainting (hysterical syncope). A patient with hysteria, when fainting, falls so as not to hurt himself or be injured. That is, he prudently calculates how to fall and not hit himself. Nausea and vomiting are possible, and after an attack - sudden weakness.

Providing assistance during a hysterical attack. No need to fuss. It is enough to stand nearby, doing nothing. You can put a pillow under your head. When the attack is over, give drops of tincture of valerian or motherwort in hot water. If the person’s condition, in your opinion, is alarming, then call an ambulance; especially if the attack happened in a public place (and hysterical attacks most often occur in public places in the presence of a large number of people).

Remember that your excessive attention to the patient during a hysterical attack, active participation in providing assistance and fussing around him can increase the manifestations of hysteria and even contribute to the frequency of attacks and the deepening of this neurosis, since this is precisely the way the patient achieves his goal - attracting attention.

Obsessive-compulsive neurosis (obsessive-compulsive neurosis) is a form of neurosis characterized by the appearance of constant, irresistible, contrary to the patient’s wishes, fears, memories, doubts or actions. Obsessive fears (phobias) can be very diverse: fear of a closed or, conversely, open space, fear of getting a serious illness, fear of heights and many others. Fears can be so strong that they completely paralyze the patient’s consciousness, that is, he cannot think about anything else. Obsessive fears and doubts are associated with obsessive actions: for example, due to fear of some kind of infection, a person repeatedly washes his hands, boils dishes, etc. It is considered pathological when these fears and actions are unjustified. Due to fixation of attention on fictitious stimuli disturbing the patient’s imagination, the person abnormally performs his duties at home or at work. So, for example, a woman after giving birth does not approach the child much, spending most of her time and energy on establishing order and sterile cleanliness in the apartment. Or a person does not get a job, fearing that he will not be able to cope with his usual job responsibilities.

All forms of neuroses are characterized by the fact that a person is aware of the painfulness of his condition, understands the meaninglessness of his fears and doubts, but cannot free himself from them, cannot control his feelings and emotions. It is clear that all this affects his quality of life and prevents him from living a full life and working normally.

Any neurosis is characterized by a decrease in the functionality of the central nervous system, its rapid fatigue, and inappropriate reactions to various stressful stimuli, which reduces the adaptive nature of behavior. For example, something that previously caused a reaction no longer does; or an overly expressed reaction to a weak stimulus occurs; or to a strong stimulus – a weak reaction.

Let me present to your attention the television program “Conversations with a Psychologist,” in which psychotherapist Elman Osmanov talks about neuroses.

Psychomotor agitation.

Sometimes, against the background of neuroses, psychomotor agitation occurs - a sudden complex pathological state of excitation of mental activity under the influence of a strong factor traumatic to the psyche, which is expressed in acceleration and intensification of movements, speech, thinking, emotions (a state close to panic).

A person does not control himself and can pose a danger to others and to himself. Call emergency medical assistance. You cannot discuss his condition with other people, you must convince him of your own goodwill, speak politely in “you” and calmly as if nothing is happening: you cannot ask about his condition, you must talk about something not related to this situation.

Be sure to remove all sharp and cutting objects and remain vigilant, as the patient’s behavior may change dramatically. We must be prepared to prevent a possible suicide attempt.

I'm talking about this because anything can happen in life. Neuroses can masquerade as various diseases. Even an experienced doctor will need some time to determine the diagnosis of neurosis, psychosis or other disease.


I consider it necessary to pay attention to the innate predisposition to neuroses. Below is a quote from the book by Dubrovsky V.I. “Therapeutic Physical Education”.

Psychopathy is a congenital, hardly reversible, pathological personality type that covers the entire mental constitution, in which adaptation to the environment is disrupted. Psychopaths are distinguished not only by disharmony of character, but also by significantly greater vulnerability compared to ordinary people, increased sensitivity to internal (age-related crises), somatogenic, psychogenic and social factors. These properties determine the diversity of the dynamics of psychopathy, the main forms of which are phases and pathological reactions.

The following types of psychopathy are distinguished: schizoid, psychasthenic, asthenic, afferent, paranoid, hysterical, excitable. Emotionally dull psychopaths have also been described.

Schizoid psychopaths are unsociable, preferring solitude, reserved people, avoiding violent manifestations of feelings, etc. The basis of the schizoid temperament is a combination of excessive sensitivity and coldness (psychasthenic projection).

Psychasthenic psychopaths are distinguished by a tendency to doubt, a lack of internal confidence in the truth of feelings and the correctness of their judgments and actions, indecision in choosing a line of behavior, etc.

Asthenic psychopaths are characterized by general nervous weakness, timidity, excessive sensitivity and impressionability, which is revealed primarily in unusual situations that go beyond everyday situations. A distinctive feature of asthenics is increased fatigue.

Affective psychopaths are individuals of the cycloid circle, sociable, friendly, good-natured. One of their main features is emotional lability, mood instability, sometimes reaching the level of regular affective disorders.

Paranoid psychopaths are people with one-sided but persistent affects that take precedence over logic and reason, capricious, unfrank, distrustful, etc.

Hysterical psychopaths are characterized by a desire to appear more significant than they actually are, to experience more than they are capable of experiencing, etc. Among the painful manifestations in hysterical psychopaths, various vegetative and hysterical paroxysms (spasms, aphonia, tremor of fingers and toes, etc.) predominate.

Excitable or emotionally dull psychopaths adjacent to them are hot-tempered, irritable individuals, devoid of feelings of compassion, cruel and gloomy. The most typical forms of reaction for them are attacks of anger, rage over any very insignificant reason, sometimes accompanied by an affectively narrowed consciousness and sharp motor agitation.

Comprehensive rehabilitation of psychopathy includes medical and pedagogical measures aimed at personality correction. The hospital provides drug therapy (psychotropic drugs), psycho- and occupational therapy (sculpting, drawing, board games, choral singing, group viewing of films, etc.), diet, vitamin supplementation, group exercise therapy accompanied by music, and outdoor games.

Prevention of psychopathy begins with proper obstetric care and other measures. Subsequently, rational education in the family, school, physical education and sports with parents and children is of great importance. It is necessary to provide for a number of social and pedagogical measures in relation to the so-called difficult children. The family should have a friendly environment, adherence to diet and sleep. Before going to bed - take a shower, air the room, etc.

I attach great importance to the normal course of pregnancy: the child must be desired, the parents must be healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle. Previous abortions have an adverse effect on subsequent pregnancies.

And after the birth of a child, you need to instill in him a positive attitude towards life and cultivate good feelings; the baby must grow up in the magical field of love between parents for each other and, of course, for him.

Muscle tension headache.

Headache often accompanies existing neurosis due to muscle tension during strong psycho-emotional experiences. When stressed, the muscles of the collar area and neck, as well as the muscles of the head, are the first to tense. Dr. Sperling talks about muscle tension headaches.

I also recommend watching Dr. Sperling’s short and insightful video lecture on stress. We need to understand the impact of strong and prolonged stress on the human body in order to think about whether it is necessary to be treated if nervousness, anxiety and other mental imbalances appear. Watch a video about stress in the article “Therapeutic exercise for hypertension.”

How to behave with a “neurasthenic”?

Living and communicating with a “neurasthenic” is not easy. Sometimes the question of divorce arises. First you need to try to cure neurosis, which responds well to physiotherapeutic procedures (massage, exercise therapy, electrosleep, halo chamber (salt cave) and others); medications; Conversations with a psychologist help. It is also necessary to reconsider your lifestyle: introduce rhythm into your life (daily routine, music, physical education, timely maintenance of order in the house, etc.); healthy lifestyle (eliminate bad habits, include healthy eating, exercise, healthy sleep, rest, etc.); and cultivate a positive attitude towards life and people.

For Orthodox believers, the question of divorce does not arise. Divorce is carried out only in case of infidelity. The best medicine for a “sick” soul is confession. A person must realize that due to the manifestations of his negative emotions and actions, not only the people around him suffer, but first of all he himself. Confession helps you return to adequacy, understand the pattern of life’s problems and look for the cause of misfortune in yourself.

How to deal with an unbalanced person? Talk to him as if he were completely healthy: politely, calmly, patiently, with understanding; Be sure to listen to him in order to give him the opportunity to understand for himself what is happening to him and find out what is bothering him. A kind word heals, you need to find these kind words, for example, “nothing, we’ll break through” or “everything will be fine, we’ll cope with the problem.” The most important thing is to try not to be an additional irritant for the “neurasthenic”, not to say words or do things that make him nervous (within reasonable limits), not to respond to rude treatment in kind, otherwise a clash will arise - a pronounced conflict. Learn to calm a “nervous” person, find an approach to him. There is no need to hide the truth; you need to speak sincerely, kindly, considering every “little thing.” But you shouldn’t allow permissiveness.

Neurosis must be treated, since with a long course of neurosis, the nervous system is depleted, and there is a risk of psychosomatic diseases.

“The human body was created as the highest resource of nature and, thanks to the plastic properties of its central nervous system, it is capable of self-healing and self-improvement. If only the appropriate conditions were created.”

It is necessary to eliminate irritating stress factors and ensure contact with nature with love for it, a positive attitude and good mood, daily routine, healthy lifestyle; We need physical therapy for neuroses, massage and other physiotherapeutic procedures, and sanatorium-resort treatment.

Therapeutic gymnastics for neuroses will be of great benefit if you learn to move correctly.

“The main thing in movement is the ability to liberate the muscles, trust them, allow them to contract freely and relax in a natural rhythm. Then only those of them that are absolutely necessary at a given moment for a given type of movement will work. The rest will have the opportunity to rest. But this must be learned, and everyone must learn. The natural healing system includes exercises, the purpose of which is to teach a person the art of movement while relaxing.” (G. S. Shatalova “Choice of a path”).

Exercises for neuroses stimulate the production of endorphins, harmonize the nervous system and the entire body as a whole, providing a healing effect in combination with proper nutrition, breathing, hardening and spiritual work on oneself in order to cultivate good positive feelings, emotions, thoughts and actions. Living according to the laws of goodness makes a person happy and mentally healthy.

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Therapeutic exercises for VSD of the hypertensive type.

Therapeutic exercise for VSD of the hypertensive type. Plays a huge role in recovery.

Therapeutic exercise for hypertension.

Hypertonic disease. Everyone knows that hypertension is extremely common, and this one.

Therapeutic exercises for VSD of the hypotonic type.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypotonic type. Under physiological conditions, the functioning of all organs.

Exercise therapy for neuroses

Neurosis - this is a long-term and pronounced deviation of higher nervous activity from the norm due to overstrain of nervous processes and changes in their mobility. Pathophysiological changes in neuroses are based on disturbances in: processes of excitation and inhibition; relationships between the cortex and subcortex; normal relationships between the 1st and 2nd signaling systems. Neurotic reactions usually occur to relatively weak, but long-acting stimuli, leading to constant emotional stress.

In the development of neuroses, an important role is played by critical overstrain of the basic nervous processes - excitation and inhibition, and excessive demands on the mobility of nervous processes. Neuroses in people are of a social nature; their occurrence and development are determined by psychogenic disorders. Experiences, various negative emotions, affects, anxious concerns, phobias (fears), as well as constitutional predisposition are important.

Neuroses can also develop secondarily, due to past illnesses and injuries.

Experts distinguish three main forms of neuroses: neurasthenia, hysteria and psychasthenia (obsessive-compulsive neurosis).

Neurasthenia (asthenic neurosis). It is the most common type of neuroses and is characterized by a weakening of internal inhibition processes, increased mental and physical fatigue, absent-mindedness, and decreased performance. At the initial stage of neurasthenia, a person becomes irritable and does not tolerate emotional and physical stress; he develops tearfulness, touchiness, and dissatisfaction with himself. Patients do not tolerate bright light, harsh noise, loud speech, or temperature changes. Mental activity is hampered by constant headache, throbbing or noise in the head. Rapid heartbeat, increased sweating, and sleep disturbances (drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night) are also observed.

In most cases, neurasthenia has a favorable outcome - especially in cases where it is possible to resolve the situation that caused emotional stress.

At psychasthenia (obsessive-compulsive neurosis) the 2nd signaling system with congestive excitation in the cerebral cortex predominates. This disease is characterized by inertia of cortical processes and their low mobility. Foci of pathological congestion – “sore spots” – form in the brain. Psychasthenia is characterized by obsessive thoughts, ideas, obsessive fears, or phobias (fear of space, position, transport, etc.). Obsessive-compulsive neurosis, unlike other neuroses, is characterized by a protracted course - especially in people prone to suspiciousness and anxiety.

At hysteria (hysterical neurosis) the functions of the subcortex and the influence of the 1st signaling system predominate. Impaired coordination of the cortex and subcortex contributes to increased excitability, mood swings, mental instability, etc.

Hysteria is characterized by movement disorders (hysterical paresis and paralysis, hyperkinesis, tics, tremor), autonomic disorders and sensitivity disorders.

Seizures may also occur in the form of various crises (hypertensive, cardiac), attacks of suffocation, and prolonged sobbing (usually in public). Often these seizures are similar to epileptic ones, but unlike an epileptic, a hysterical person does not cause serious injury to himself.

Treatment of neuroses is complex: creating a favorable environment, eliminating a traumatic situation; or mitigating the patient's reaction to it; restorative treatment; the use of tranquilizers, psychotherapy, physical therapy.

Objectives of exercise therapy for neurasthenia:

Training the process of active braking;

Normalization (strengthening) of the excitatory process.

Exercise therapy classes should be carried out in the morning, for minutes; For the most weakened patients, it is better to start the first few days with 10-minute sessions. The amount of load and the number of exercises should be minimal at first and increase gradually. First, you need to include simple exercises in your classes; In the future, you can use exercises with more complex coordination of movements. Increasing the emotional tone of patients is achieved by using sports games according to simplified rules (volleyball, table tennis, croquet, golf, gorodki) or elements of various games.

People with neurasthenia benefit from walking, close-range tourism, and fishing; they contribute to the relief of the neuropsychic sphere, ensure the switching of patients from daily activities for other activities, have a training effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Objectives of exercise therapy for hysterical neuroses:

Reduced emotional excitability;

Development of the inhibitory process in the cerebral cortex;

Creating a stable calm mood.

Classes should include exercises for attention, accuracy, coordination and balance. The pace of movements should be slow; The methodologist's voice and musical accompaniment should be calm. In classes, you should preferentially use the method of explaining rather than showing exercises. It is advisable to use whole combinations of gymnastic exercises. In addition, balance exercises, jumping, throwing, and some games (relay races, small towns, volleyball) are recommended.

For hysterical contractures and paralysis, exercises should be addressed to muscle groups not involved in them. To achieve differentiated braking, it is necessary to simultaneously perform various movements with the left and right arm or leg.

A group of students should include no more than 10 people. Commands should be given slowly, smoothly, and in a conversational tone. The exercise therapy instructor must notice and correct all the mistakes of those involved.

Objectives of exercise therapy for psychasthenia:

Activation of vital processes;

- “losing” the pathological inertia of cortical processes;

Removing the patient from a depressed moral and mental state, facilitating his communication with others.

The classes use exercises of an emotional nature, performed at a fast pace. It is recommended to use emotionally charged exercises that are well known to the patient, without focusing on the accuracy of their implementation. Errors should be corrected by showing correct execution any of the patients. In this regard, it is advisable to include in the group recovering patients who are more emotional and have good plasticity of movements.

In case of obsessive states, appropriate psychotherapeutic preparation of the patient and explanation of the importance of performing exercises to overcome feelings of unreasonable fear are of great importance. It is necessary to use the game method of conducting classes more widely, as well as performing exercises in pairs. The methodologist's voice and musical accompaniment should be cheerful.

An increase in the tempo of movements contributes to an increase in emotional tone. This category of patients is characterized by a slow pace: initially from 60 to 120 movements per minute, then from 70 to 130 and in subsequent classes - from 80 to 140. In the final part of the class, it is necessary to slightly reduce the load and its emotional coloring.

The most beneficial treatment for patients with neuroses is a sanatorium regime. Rehabilitation activities in sanatorium-resort conditions have a general strengthening effect on the body, promote its hardening, increase efficiency and psychological stability. For this purpose, walks, excursions, sport games, swimming pool activities, elements of sports, tourism. The arsenal of remedies must include general massage, different kinds psychotherapy and physiotherapy (oxygen therapy, water procedures, sulfide and iodine-bromine baths).

Test questions and assignments

1. Describe the main disorders in the central nervous system during neuroses.

2. Neurasthenia and its clinical manifestations.

3. Psychasthenia and its characteristic signs.

4. Hysteria and its characteristic signs.

5. What are the tasks and means of exercise therapy for neurasthenia?

6. What are the tasks and methods of exercise therapy for hysteria?

7. What are the objectives and methods of exercise therapy for psychasthenia?

Therapeutic gymnastics for neuroses

Indications and contraindications for the use of exercise therapy for neuroses should be considered differentiated, on the one hand, depending on the tasks that the clinic sets for us, on the other hand, depending on the possibility of exercise therapy.

Exercise therapy has wide indications for so-called functional disorders of the nervous system (neuroses).

The use of exercise therapy for neuroses is justified by the simultaneous influence of physical exercise on the mental sphere and on somatic processes. With the help of physical exercises, you can also influence the regulation of excitation and inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex, level out autonomic disorders and have a positive effect on the emotional sphere of the patient.

Exercise therapy for neuroses is a method of functional pathogenetic therapy, as well as an important general hygienic and preventive remedy.

In general medical practice, there are almost no contraindications against the use of exercise therapy. Contraindications include neuroses accompanied by affective outbursts, convulsive seizures; excessive mental or physical fatigue, state of consciousness disorders, severe somatic disorders.

Elderly age is not a contraindication for the use of exercise therapy

Features of exercise therapy for neuroses

Therapeutic physical culture is understood as the application of physical exercises and natural factors to patients for faster and more complete restoration of health, ability to work and prevention of the consequences of the pathological process.

Therapeutic physical culture is a therapeutic method and is usually used in combination with other therapeutic agents against the backdrop of a regulated regimen and in accordance with therapeutic goals.

The main factor of therapeutic physical culture affecting the patient’s body is physical exercise, i.e. movements specially organized (gymnastic, applied sports, games) and used as a nonspecific stimulus for the purpose of treatment and rehabilitation of the patient. Physical exercise helps restore not only physical but also mental strength.

A feature of the method of therapeutic physical culture is also its natural biological content, since for therapeutic purposes one of the main functions inherent in every living organism is used - the function of movement.

Any set of physical exercises involves the patient in active participation in the treatment process, as opposed to other treatment methods, when the patient is usually passive and the treatment procedures are performed by medical personnel.

Therapeutic physical culture is a method of nonspecific therapy, and physical exercise serves as a nonspecific stimulus. Neurohumoral regulation of functions always determines the overall reaction of the body during physical exercise, and therefore therapeutic physical culture should be considered a method of general active therapy. Therapeutic physical culture is also a method of functional therapy. Physical exercises, stimulating the functional activity of all major systems of the body, ultimately lead to the development of functional adaptation of the patient.

Therapeutic physical culture, especially in a neurological clinic, should be considered a method of pathogenetic therapy. Physical exercises, influencing the patient’s reactivity, change both the general reaction and its local manifestation.

A feature of the method of therapeutic physical culture is the use of the principle of exercise - training with physical exercises. Training a sick person is considered as a process of systematic and dosed use of physical exercises for the purpose of general improvement of the body, improving the functions of one or another organ that is impaired painful process, development, education and consolidation of motor skills and volitional qualities. From a general biological point of view, the fitness of a sick person is regarded as an important factor in his functional adaptability, in which systematic muscle activity.

The main means of therapeutic physical culture are physical exercises and natural factors.

Physical exercises are divided into: a) gymnastic; b) applied sports (walking, running, throwing balls, jumping, swimming, rowing, skiing, skating, etc.); c) games - sedentary, active and sports. Of the latter, croquet, bowling alley, gorodki, volleyball, badminton, tennis, and elements of basketball are used in the practice of therapeutic physical culture. For lesions of the nervous system, gymnastic exercises are most often used.

Physical exercises are used in the form of sets of exercises of varying complexity, duration and intensity.

The great advantage of exercise therapy is the possibility of strict individualization and dosing of physical exercises.

Dosage of exercises is possible:

1) by the duration of the treatment procedure in minutes;

2) by the number of repetitions of the same exercise;

3) by the number of different exercises during one lesson;

4) by the speed and rhythm of the exercises;

5) by intensity of physical activity;

6) by the number of procedures during the day.

Individualization of physical exercises depending on the physical and mental state of patients, on the characteristics of the clinic is possible in methodological techniques by using:

2) passive movements, including lying and sitting;

3) joint movements with the methodologist (movements of the patient performed with the active assistance of the methodologist);

4) active movements

One of the important aspects of individualizing the exercise therapy technique is the nature of the command and instructions.

In some cases, depending on the task, the instruction and command is accompanied by a visual demonstration of the physical exercise, in others it is limited to only verbal instructions without demonstration.

Exercise therapy is used in various forms Oh:

1) morning hygienic exercises;

2) recreational games and applied sports exercises (volleyball, tennis, skiing, skating, etc.);

3) therapeutic exercises.

The limits of the therapeutic capabilities of exercise therapy for neuroses are different. Morning hygienic gymnastics and sports and applied games in the complex of general routine activities have mainly general hygienic and health-improving significance. Sports and applied games can also be a good means of subsequent consolidation and remission-maintaining therapy.

As for therapeutic exercises, long courses of specially selected sets of exercises already have pathogenetic significance; The effectiveness of therapeutic exercises lies in improving both the somatic and mental state up to practical recovery.

Therapeutic gymnastics is carried out according to the scheme accepted in exercise therapy.

Therapeutic gymnastics lesson diagram.

1. Introductory part (5-15% of the total time)

Objectives: capturing the attention of patients, inclusion in the lesson, preparation for subsequent, more complex and difficult exercises.

2. Main part (70-80%)

Objectives: overcoming the inertia of patients, excitation of automatic and emotional reactions, development of differential inhibition, inclusion of active-volitional acts, dispersal of attention to numerous objects, increasing emotional tone to the required degree, solving assigned therapeutic tasks.

3. Final part (5-15%).

Objectives: necessary reduction of general arousal and emotional tone. Gradual reduction in pace and physical activity. In some cases - physical rest.

Methodologically correct implementation of therapeutic gymnastics procedures is possible only if the following principles are observed:

1. The nature of the exercises, physiological load, dosage and starting positions must correspond to the general condition of the patient, his age characteristics and state of fitness.

2. All therapeutic gymnastics procedures must affect the entire body of the patient.

3. The procedures must combine general and special effects on the patient’s body, therefore the procedure must include both general strengthening and special exercises.

4. When drawing up the procedure, the principle of gradualness and consistency in increasing and decreasing physical activity should be observed, maintaining the optimal physiological “curve” of the load.

5. When selecting and applying exercises, it is necessary to alternate muscle groups involved in physical exercises.

6. When carrying out therapeutic gymnastics procedures, attention should be paid to positive emotions that contribute to the establishment and consolidation of conditioned reflex connections.

7. During the course of treatment, it is necessary to partially update and complicate the exercises used daily. 10-15% of new exercises should be introduced into the therapeutic gymnastics procedure in order to ensure the consolidation of motor skills and consistently diversify and complicate the technique.

8. The last 3-4 days of the course of treatment should be devoted to teaching patients those gymnastic exercises that are recommended for them for subsequent exercises at home.

9. Volume methodological material in the procedure must correspond to the patient’s movement patterns.

10. Each exercise is repeated rhythmically 4-5 times at an average calm pace with a gradual increase in the excursion of movements.

11. In the intervals between gymnastic exercises, breathing exercises are introduced to reduce physical stress.

12. When combining respiratory phases with movement, it is necessary that: a) the inhalation corresponds to straightening the body, spreading or raising the arms, the moment of less effort in this exercise; b) exhalation corresponded to bending the body, bringing or lowering the arms and the moment of greater effort in the exercise.

13. The procedure should be carried out in an interesting and lively manner in order to evoke positive emotions in patients.

14. Classes should be held regularly, daily, always at the same hours, if possible in the same environment, usually in tracksuits, in comfortable pajamas or shorts and a T-shirt. Interruptions in classes reduce efficiency.

15. Carrying out therapeutic exercises requires patience and perseverance; it is necessary to systematically and persistently achieve positive results, overcome the negativism of patients.

16. At the first failure to involve the patient in classes, one should not give up further attempts; An important methodological technique in these cases will only be the presence of such a patient in the classes of other patients, to excite indicative and imitative reflexes.

17. Classes should begin with simple and short sets of exercises, with a very gradual complication and increase in their number. It is necessary to avoid patient fatigue, which usually has a negative effect on the results. The duration of classes varies depending on individual characteristics; depending on the condition of the patients, they should start from 5 minutes and increase to minutes.

18. It is advisable to accompany classes with music. However, music should not be a random element of classes, but should be selected purposefully. Musical accompaniment of therapeutic exercises should be a factor that creates the emotional interest of the patient; a factor that organizes movement, trains memory and attention, stimulates activity and initiative in some cases, restraint and orderliness of movements in others.

19. Before the start and after the end of each lesson, it is necessary to take into account the general somatic condition of the patient, including pulse rate, respiration rate and, if necessary, blood pressure.

20. The presence of strangers in classes with patients with neuroses is undesirable.

It is very important to take into account the effectiveness of exercise therapy. The best criterion for effectiveness is the positive dynamics of the clinical picture, which is recorded by the attending physician in the medical history.

When treating patients with neuroses, one has to encounter a variety of clinical courses and variability of neuropsychic disorders, which makes it impossible to draw up unambiguous sets of exercises. The effectiveness of treatment with physical exercises largely depends on taking into account the individual characteristics of patients, their emotional and volitional orientation and attitude towards treatment. All this requires great ingenuity, pedagogical tact and patience from the physical therapy teacher, which significantly expands the indications for the use of physical therapy.

One of the goals of treatment is to normalize the dynamics of basic nervous processes and autonomic functions. The second task is to strengthen the neurosomatic state and increase the mental tone and performance of patients.

There are two periods in physical exercise treatment. In the first period, the main attention is paid to restoring the coordination of the functions of various systems. In the second period - the expansion of the body's adaptive abilities to physical activity.

The objectives of the first period of using exercise therapy will be the general improvement and strengthening of the patient, improving coordination of movements, distracting from thoughts about the disease, instilling the skill of correct posture, and establishing pedagogical contact with the patient. In the first period of treatment, exercises for all muscle groups are widely used to develop coordination of movements and improve posture. Exercises should evoke positive emotions, for which games are successfully used.

In the second period, special exercises are introduced, which should help improve memory and attention, speed and accuracy of movements, and improve coordination.

In addition to general developmental exercises, which are gradually given with an increasingly increasing load, agility and reaction speed exercises are used, which develop willpower and the ability to overcome obstacles. Coordination exercises become more complicated, jumping, dismounts (overcoming fear of heights), running, and exercises with a skipping rope are added. Exercises are used that cause a sharp braking process (sudden stop or quick change of body position on command, etc.), outdoor and sports games are used. To train the vestibular apparatus, exercises are introduced with closed eyes (walking with turns), circular movements of the head and torso from the starting position while sitting, etc.; exercises with resistance, with weights, with apparatus and on apparatus.

At the beginning of classes, simple exercises are used, performed at a calm pace, without tension, involving small muscle groups. Such exercises normalize cardiovascular and respiratory systems, organize the patient’s movements. The number of repetitions of exercises ranges from 4-6 to 8-10 with frequent rest breaks. Breathing exercises (static and dynamic) are widely used; they should contribute not only to the restoration of proper breathing, but also to the normalization of cortical processes.

As the patient adapts to the load, it increases due to the complexity of the exercises: exercises are introduced with dosed tension, with weights, complex in coordination, requiring a quick switch of attention (throwing a ball at a target with a change in direction).

If the patient is hyperexcitable, you should not demand that the task be completed accurately at the beginning of the exercises; you should not focus his attention on mistakes and shortcomings when performing the exercises. When the patient’s activity decreases, lethargy, lethargy, and self-doubt decrease, it is necessary to demand accurate execution of tasks, very gradually increasing their complexity; include attention exercises.

In the treatment of neuroses, the following forms of classes are used: individual, group, homework.

The method of training for neuroses is chosen based on the characteristics of the disease, taking into account gender, age, general physical fitness, emotional tone of the patient, functionality, nature of work activity. It is better if the first lessons are individual. This allows you to establish closer contacts with the patient, identify his mood, reaction to the proposed exercises, select adequate physical exercises, take into account complaints, and instill a number of skills necessary for group exercises.

After a period of familiarization with the patient, he should be transferred to a group for classes.

Group classes for those suffering from neuroses are most useful because... have a beneficial effect on the emotional tone of the patient and promote relaxation of the overstrained nervous system. It is recommended to form mixed (according to the type of neurosis) groups, because Moreover, the influence of patients on each other will not be of the same type, increasing the existing painful manifestations. Group classes in this case should not be standard for everyone. The individual characteristics of patients should be taken into account, which should be reflected in the method of training, in the dosage of physical exercises, and in the form of their implementation.

The size of the group depends on many reasons. But the main thing is clinical indications. The general methodological setting is that in cases where it is necessary to increase the patient’s activity, to bring him out of a state of lethargy, to overcome negativism, inertia, obsession, the group can be large, even up to 20 people, but if active inhibition training is required, to reduce excessive excitability of the patient, overcome emotional excitability, the group should be small, no more than 5-6 people.

There are also many unique features in the composition of groups. We have to take into account both the clinical picture of the mental state and the somatic state of the patient; we have to take into account how long the disease is, and the fact that some patients are already trained, while others are just starting training, etc.

The course of treatment in a group lasts up to two months.

Group classes should be held at least 3 times a week, preferably with musical accompaniment, which always evokes positive emotions, especially necessary for patients with neuroses.

It is important to ensure that the load corresponds to the functional capabilities of each student and does not cause overwork.

Independent studies are used when it is difficult for a patient to regularly attend medical institutions or when he has completed hospital treatment and has been discharged for follow-up treatment at home.

When doing therapeutic exercises at home, the patient must periodically visit the doctor and methodologist to monitor the correctness of the exercises and receive repeated instructions for further exercises.

Self-study increases the activity of patients and ensures the persistence of the therapeutic effect in the future.

When conducting physical exercises, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the patient’s work and home conditions. For patients in a state of overfatigue, classes should be structured with rest in mind. In this case, breathing exercises are combined with physical exercises well known to the patient. The end of classes should be calm.

Patients without overwork are offered unfamiliar physical exercises with weights, a medicine ball, complicated coordination of movements, and relay races.

The selection of exercise therapy tools during a therapeutic gymnastics lesson depends on the clinical manifestations of the disease, the somatic and neuropsychic state of the patient.

In addition to gymnastic exercises, walks, short-range tourism, health paths, elements of sports and outdoor games (volleyball, playgrounds, table tennis) and the widespread use of natural factors are recommended. A good therapeutic effect comes from including games in every lesson. Classes should be carried out, if possible, in the fresh air, which helps strengthen the nervous system and improve metabolism in the body.

During classes, the methodologist must provide psychotherapeutic influence, which is an important therapeutic factor, distract the patient from painful thoughts, and cultivate his perseverance and activity.

The classroom environment should be calm. The methodologist sets specific tasks for patients, selects exercises that are easy to perform and positively perceived. He is obliged to maintain the patients’ confidence in their capabilities and to approve the correct execution of exercises. It is useful to conduct conversations with patients to determine their correct attitude towards exercise therapy. switching the patient’s attention to solving specific problems helps to normalize the dynamics of nervous processes and the emergence of a desire to move. In the future, the patient’s attention is directed to participation in work activities and the development of a correct assessment of his condition.

In addition to various exercises, hardening procedures are recommended for patients with neuroses - sun treatment, air baths, water procedures.

Regulating the regimen is important: alternating sleep and wakefulness, physical exercise and passive rest in the air or walking.

In the complex treatment of neuroses the following is also used: drug treatment, occupational therapy, psychotherapy, electrosleep, landscape therapy, walking, massage, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, etc.

Skiing, cycling, fishing, picking mushrooms and berries, swimming, rowing, etc. have a positive effect on neuroses.

For neuroses, sanatorium-resort treatment in local sanatoriums using all means of complex therapy is indicated, as well as treatment in the resorts of the Crimea and the North Caucasus.

Publishing house "Medicine", Moscow, 1968
Given with abbreviations

The group of neuroses includes diseases of the nervous system in the development of which disorders of higher nervous activity play a major role. I.P. Pavlov characterized neuroses as “a chronic deviation of higher nervous activity from the norm” and identified three forms of them: hysteria, psychasthenia and neurasthenia (basic neurosis).

The pathophysiological basis of neuroses are:

A) disruption of the processes of excitation and inhibition;

B) disruption of the relationship between the cortex and under the crust;

C) disturbances in the normal relationship of signaling systems.

The development of neuroses is facilitated by overstrain of the nervous system, disturbances in routine (work, rest, sleep), negative emotions, effects and inadequate irritations associated with a number of social, everyday and family relationships. Disorders of higher nervous activity manifest themselves differently depending on the type of higher nervous activity.

In hysteria, the functions of the subcortex and the first signaling system predominate. Violation of the coordination functioning of the subcortical cortex contributes to the manifestation of increased excitability, mood swings, intense emotiveness, etc.

Therapeutic physical training is an element of complex treatment of these patients in local neurological or psychoneurological sanatoriums. It is used in the form of group therapeutic exercises using rhythmic exercises with slowing down and changing tempo, a clear and calm command and requirements for the accuracy of the exercises performed. Exercises performed after an oral explanation (without demonstration) are also recommended, when the goal of the task is to directly influence the second signaling system (I.3. Kapshitzer).

Psychasthenia is characterized by the predominance of the second signaling system with the presence of a process of congestive excitation in the cerebral cortex. With psychasthenia, there is inertia of cortical processes and their low mobility. Patients are withdrawn, their emotional mobility is reduced.

Therapeutic physical culture is used for these patients in local neurological or psychoneurological sanatoriums in order to increase the emotional tone of patients and excite automatic and emotional reactions (I.3. Kapshitzer). Exercises with increased tempo, games, balance, throwing, overcoming obstacles, etc. are recommended.

Of all types of neuroses, neurasthenia is of greatest importance, especially for treatment in sanatoriums and resorts. The main manifestations of this disease are characterized by two signs - increased reactivity and rapid fatigue of patients. The patient develops a state of weakness of the nervous system, which leads to disinhibition of unconditioned reflex activity, increased reactivity, adaptation disorder, rapid manifestation of fatigue, and, consequently, to a decrease in the patient’s endurance and performance.

Patients with neurasthenia, neurotic reactions, asthenic conditions, and vegetative disorders are sent for treatment to resorts and local neurological sanatoriums. Changing the general environment, liberation from normal work activities, adherence to the regime, rest, dosed training in favorable conditions - all this has a positive effect on the condition of patients with neurasthenia.

The positive role of therapeutic exercises in the treatment of neuroses was noted by Hippocrates. The representative of ancient Roman medicine, Galen, believed that “without a nerve there is not a single movement called “voluntary.” Later, at the turn of the second millennium, Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna) wrote in the first volume of the “Canon of Medical Science” that the most important a factor in maintaining human health is physical exercise. The founder of modern electrophysiology, Dubois Raymond, pointed out the close connection between muscular activity and the nervous system: “Muscular gymnastics can rightfully be called gymnastics of the nervous system.” But the pathogenetic foundations of therapeutic physical culture for neuroses follow in a more substantiated form from the main provisions of the domestic physiological school (I.N. Sechenov, I.P. Pavlov, N.E. Vvedensky, A.A. Ukhtomsky, etc.) and clinics (M.Ya. Mudrov, S.P. Botkin, G. A. Zakharyin, V. M. Bekhterev, L. O. Darshkevich, G. I. Rossolomo, etc.).

I.P.’s closest employee Pavlova M.K. Petrova distinguished two directions (methods) in the treatment of experimental neuroses in animals: a) physiological rest, training, hardening and b) pharmacological.

When treating patients with functional disorders of the nervous system at resorts and sanatoriums, therapeutic physical culture is of great importance as an active method based on the principle of exercise therapy, on the general effect on the patient’s body as a whole, with a simultaneous effect on the most affected organs and systems. The basis of the positive impact on patients with functional disorders of the nervous system of various resort factors, and especially elements of the active regime, is the Pavlovian principle - the unity of the mental and physical. In this regard, therapeutic physical culture for functional disorders of the nervous system is used to influence both the mental sphere of patients and their somatic processes.

I.P. Pavlov wrote: “I have repeatedly been convinced that when I, being very irritated during my experiments, switch to physical work, I quickly calm down.” The positive impact of physical exercise on the mental sphere is evident from the statement of the French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rouseau, who wrote: “Walking enlivens and inspires my thoughts. Left alone, I can hardly think; It is necessary for my body to be in motion, and then the mind also begins to move.” The same idea was expressed by Goethe: “Everything that is most valuable in the field of thinking, the best ways expressions of thought come into my head as I walk.”

Thus, therapeutic physical culture for neuroses and especially neurasthenia should be considered as a method that helps reduce the pathophysiological manifestations of higher nervous activity, as well as foster more organized behavior of the patient in a team, his general improvement, strengthening and increasing overall performance.

Performing physical exercises as a meaningful act combines the participation of physical qualities and mental properties of the patient’s personality. Volitional tension and the desire to succeed when performing physical exercises contribute to the mobilization of the body's reserve factors and the alignment of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the brain. Physical exercises influence conditioned reflex activity and, by training the entire body of the patient, have a regulating and leveling effect on autonomic disorders and trophic function, which is important for functional disorders of the nervous system of patients.

Physical exercises influence the emotional sphere of the patient, they make him feel cheerful, joyful, distract him from various painful experiences, help eliminate uncertainty, anxiety, fear, various “neurotic” manifestations and create a more balanced state. Raising the mood of a sick person is half curing him (S.I. Spasokukotsky). In addition, positive emotions that arise especially during the game method of conducting physical exercises stimulate the functional activity of the body and create favorable conditions for resting the nervous system from monotonous physical and mental work.

The systematic use of physical exercises in the treatment of patients with functional disorders of the nervous system increases their resistance of the neuropsychic sphere to various environmental stimuli. Physical exercise helps balance the internal properties of the body with conditions external environment, and the central nervous system plays a leading role in this balancing. The use of therapeutic physical culture enriches the conditioned reflex activity of the nervous system of patients.

The use of therapeutic physical culture in the treatment of patients with functional disorders of the nervous system requires taking into account the etiology and pathogenesis of suffering. Thus, with “neuroses” caused psychogenically, the main tasks of therapeutic physical culture will be to improve the state of the patient’s neuropsychic sphere, to distract him from painful experiences, etc. At the same time, various conditions in patients with the neuropsychic sphere in some cases create a background of increased reactivity and excitability with simultaneous rapid depletion of reserve forces and reduced adaptation of the patient, and in others - vegetative reactions are expressed to a moderate degree. In some cases, the reactivity of patients to physical exercise is significantly limited by the patients’ lack of initiative, their lethargy, indecisiveness and other characteristics, which should also be taken into account when forming groups for therapeutic exercises, games and other therapeutic physical education classes.

The use of therapeutic physical culture for neuroses of somatogenic origin is aimed at improving the function of the system affected by the disease and improving the health of the patient’s entire body. Restoring the function of the affected organ has a positive effect on the state of the patient’s nervous system.

The use of therapeutic physical culture for the main neurosis - neurasthenia is due to pathophysiological disorders in higher nervous activity, the patient's condition and the clinical manifestations of this disease. A number of neuropathologists and psychiatrists (V.A. Gilyarovsky, S.N. Davidenkov, V.K. Khoroshko, etc.) have repeatedly pointed out the therapeutic, preventive and hygienic importance of therapeutic physical culture for neuroses. Most characteristic feature Patients with neurasthenia experience increased reactivity and fatigue. In addition, when constructing a course of therapeutic physical education in sanatoriums, it is necessary to take into account changes in the emotional sphere, sleep disorders and a number of autonomic disorders. Therapeutic physical culture for neurasthenia should be used differentially depending on the form (stage) of the disease, taking into account the general condition of the patient, the main symptoms in various stages of neurasthenia and the different adaptation of patients to physical activity (O.V. Kamentseva).

Thus, with neurasthenia of the first stage (hypersthenia), characterized by a weakening of inhibition processes and a predominance of excitation processes, the adaptation of patients to physical activity is largely preserved. Disturbances in the emotional sphere include irritability, lack of restraint, a feeling of constant tension and anxiety, and emotional lability. Patients in this group have difficulty falling asleep and often wake up. A number of autonomic disorders are noted - sweating, headache with excitement, tachycardia, and more often increased blood pressure.

Patients with neurasthenia in the first stage are treated both at climatic resorts and in local neurological sanatoriums.

Complex treatment, including therapeutic physical training, for patients with neurasthenia at this stage should be structured in such a way as to enhance the processes of inhibition in the cerebral cortex. Strict regulation of the regime will be very useful for them, especially the alternation of sleep and wakefulness, as well as the alternation of active forms of therapeutic physical education with passive rest in the air. For patients in this group, various physical exercises in the form of gymnastics, games, walks, close tourism, skiing, bathing and swimming, etc. are a necessary factor that contributes to the organization of behavior in a team, the regulation of general reactivity, the improvement and strengthening of the whole organism.

These patients usually tolerate morning hygienic and therapeutic exercises well. In the first half of the course of treatment, simple exercises that do not require intense attention should be prescribed. In the future, exercises that are more varied and with more complex coordination of movements are gradually introduced into classes; gradually the requirements for more accurate execution of exercises increase. Exercises should be performed rhythmically, at a calm pace; After relatively difficult exercises, it is recommended to include breathing.

In the second half of the course of treatment, along with an increase in general physical activity (the use of more complex exercises for coordination and with effort), the demands on the accuracy of the exercises are increased, exercises with a slower pace of movements are prescribed for attention and balance. They also pay attention to the use of self-massage techniques. The starting positions are different - standing, lying, sitting, hanging.

During the entire course of treatment, you should pay the most serious attention to the emotional side of classes. The instructor's command should be calm, demanding, accompanied by short and clear explanations, and should contribute to the manifestation of cheerfulness and good mood during the training process. Various exercises with the ball should be introduced in a game form - the ball in a circle with different ways throwing, relay games with passing balls and other objects, relay combinations with runs, etc.

In addition to outdoor games, it is recommended to use various sports games: croquet, skittles, gorodki, volleyball, tennis. Depending on the patient’s condition and his fitness, taking into account the individual reaction (pulse, fatigue, excitability, behavior in a group), games such as volleyball and tennis should be dosed, allowing play with a time limit (from 15 minutes to 1 hour), administered short pauses and breathing exercises.

Among applied sports-type exercises that help overcome feelings of uncertainty, fear and other neurotic reactions in patients, it is recommended to use balance exercises on a narrow and elevated support area (bench, log, etc.), climbing, hopping, jumping, and jumping water with gradual complication, swimming, ball throwing exercises, etc.

Approximate diagram of the therapeutic exercises procedure for patients with neurasthenia in the first stage of its course (for the middle of the course of treatment)

1. Construction, rebuilding. Rhythmic walking without movement, with arms and with movement or in various combinations - 3-4 minutes.

2. General strengthening gymnastic exercises alternating with breathing while standing, sitting with gymnastic sticks, clubs, medicine balls, etc. - 7 min.

3. Exercises for body balance on a wide and narrow support area. Exercises for the accuracy of movements of the upper limbs. Climbing elements involving arms and legs. Throwing exercises - 7-8 min.

4. Mobile game without the ball and with the ball. Relay games including elements of climbing, climbing, crawling, jumping, etc. - 10-12 min.

5. Formation in a circle. Elementary gymnastic exercises alternating with breathing exercises - 3-4 minutes.

The particular benefits of skiing in winter and regular walking and hiking in summer, spring and autumn should be emphasized. They are good view exercises of the whole body, which have a training effect on the circulatory and respiratory systems and increase the functional adaptability of the patient’s body to various physical activities. Downhill skiing fosters and develops confidence, determination and the function of the vestibular apparatus, and teaches you to overcome the feeling of fear. In addition, the value of skiing for patients with neurasthenia is in its positive effect on the neuropsychic sphere, due to favorable environmental conditions. Active muscle activity in the frosty air increases overall tone and creates a cheerful mood. The beauty of changing winter landscapes, especially in sunny weather, and silence evoke joyful emotions in patients, helping to unload the nervous system from normal looking professional activity.

In summer, autumn and spring periods During the year, regular walks in the air in dosage form at different periods of the day, depending on the characteristics of the patient’s work regime, are of great therapeutic and preventive importance.

But those suffering from neurasthenia are particularly benefited by walks in natural conditions, influencing the neuropsychic sphere, distracting the patient from “going into illness.” O.V. Kamentseva found that during a walk of 2-3 km, the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex are aligned (according to the electrical sensitivity of the eye) and vascular asymmetries are reduced.

Patients with neurasthenia, especially the first stage, need to regularly engage in tourism: in a sanatorium - short-range tourism for up to 3 days, and during work and vacations, take longer tourist walks. It is advisable, if possible, to use waterways (rivers, reservoirs, canals, lakes) for boating and kayaking. It is useful to recall the expression of the ancient Greek poet Euripides: “The seas and rivers not only wash away the suffering of people, but revive their spirit, their will and energy.” Depending on the patient’s interests, we can also recommend fishing (fishing rod, spinning rod, etc.) and hunting, which evoke joyful emotions and actively influence the restructuring of the neuropsychic sphere.

Patients with stage 2 neurasthenia (irritable weakness) are characterized by pathological lability of the excitatory process and weakness of the inhibitory process. There is instability in the emotional sphere, frequent mood swings, increased excitability and fatigue, and changes in performance. Sleep is often disturbing, with dreams; it does not refresh patients; in the morning they wake up with difficulty. Autonomic disorders manifest themselves in headaches, discomfort in various parts of the body, pain in the heart, stomach, etc., patients often lose weight.

Patients with stage 2 neurasthenia are treated both in local neurological sanatoriums and in climatic and balneological resorts.

For patients in this group, general physical activity should be more moderate than with stage 1 neurasthenia. They are prescribed lighter and simpler exercises. The rhythm of the exercises should be strictly observed. At the same time, it is advisable to prescribe exercises to accelerate and slow down the pace of movements, as well as simple exercises for coordination and development of balance function. Taking into account autonomic disorders, primarily of the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to dose exercises with strength tension and use breathing exercises relatively more widely, and monitor the gradual increase and decrease in overall physical activity.

Hygienic gymnastics can only be done using a separate method, including pauses while explaining the exercises. Explanations must be precise, concise, and understandable. The command should be given cheerfully, requiring patients to perform the exercises correctly. Both during morning exercises and during therapeutic exercises, attention is paid to improving the mood of patients. To do this, various exercises are introduced in the form of a game and the simplest outdoor games. It is very good to accompany music classes: it has a positive effect on the neuropsychic sphere of patients, makes it easier to perform exercises, and stimulates the nervous system. It is recommended to use music predominantly in a major key. The duration of the therapeutic exercise procedure is 25-30 minutes with a reduced load density.

The patient's regimen should be structured in such a way that active movements alternate with passive rest, mainly in the air. It is necessary to diversify the use of various forms of therapeutic physical culture - gymnastics, walks, games, swimming, skiing, etc. - while maintaining overall moderation of the load. The interests and inclinations of the patient himself towards certain types of physical exercise should be taken into account. Dosed occupational therapy is also important.

In patients with neurasthenia (hypostenia) of the third (inhibitory) stage, diffuse inhibition develops, a weakening of the irritable process is observed, the phenomena of asthenia are pronounced with a sharp violation of adaptation to physical activity, emotional reactions are poor; patients strive for solitude, they are haunted by thoughts of their own inferiority, low performance and rapid exhaustion. Typically, these patients suffer from insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day. Autonomic disorders include hypotension, decreased vascular lability, frequent complaints of heaviness in the head, heart, dizziness; patients often suffer from constipation and lose weight.

Approximate diagram of the therapeutic exercises procedure for patients with neurasthenia of the second stage (for the middle of the course of treatment)

1. Construction. Rhythmic walking at a calm pace - 2-3 minutes.

2. Elementary gymnastic exercises in a standing position for the arms, legs and body. Exercises for simple coordination - 5 min.

3. Walking is simple and complicated by hand movements. Breathing exercises - 2-3 min.

4. Exercises in throwing and catching balls. Coordinating exercises, standing or sitting - 6-7 minutes.

5. Play on the spot, sedentary or active - 8-10 minutes.

6. Elementary gymnastic exercises alternating with breathing exercises - 2-3 minutes.

Patients with stage 3 neurasthenia, as well as patients with severe asthenic conditions that have developed due to infection, intoxication, trauma, etc., are treated primarily in local specialized neurological sanatoriums. When prescribing therapeutic physical culture to these patients with severe asthenia and a sharp violation of adaptation to physical activity, it is necessary to further limit physical activity than with neurasthenia of the first and second stages, i.e. prescribe the most lightweight and simple exercises. During the procedure, pauses for rest are included, exercises are introduced in easier starting positions (lying and sitting), for the purpose of general toning, exercises of a corrective nature and with dosed tension are included, which alternate with breathing ones. Exercises to develop the function of the vestibular apparatus are also used. The duration of the therapeutic gymnastics procedure is 15-20 minutes. Classes are conducted individually or in a small group.

Patients in this group should be recommended walking in dosed form, skiing for no more than 30-45 minutes, followed by passive rest. Regular, strictly consistent hardening of the body is necessary: ​​partial wiping, half-rubbing (to the waist), full wiping, short showers and bathing, followed by rubbing the body and passive rest.

The features of the method of therapeutic physical culture for neuroses and neurotic somatogenic conditions are determined by the nature of the disease and the nature of functional disorders of a particular system (cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, etc.). When prescribing therapeutic physical training to patients and when distributing them for classes into groups, in addition to the clinical assessment of the characteristics of the disease in the stage of neurasthenia, it is necessary to take into account the general condition of each patient, the degree of its physical development and fitness, as well as age, gender and somatic abnormalities.

Approximate diagram of the therapeutic exercises procedure for patients with neurasthenia (hypostenia) of the third stage (for the middle of the course of treatment)

1. Basic exercises for arms and legs. Breathing exercises - 3-5 min.

2. Walking with acceleration and deceleration - 2-3 minutes.

3. Coordinating exercises with alternating starting positions standing and sitting - 4-5 minutes.

4. Exercises in throwing and catching balls in simple ways. Balance exercises - 4-5 min.

5. Elementary gymnastic exercises in a sitting position - 2-3 minutes.

When treating patients with neuroses in sanatoriums and resorts, therapeutic physical culture is combined and applied in a regulated (differentiated) regime. Its use is combined with climatotherapy (outdoor recreation, air baths, etc.), supplemented by hardening with air and water, when appropriate, using physiotherapy (electric hydrotherapy) and balneotherapy (hydrogen sulfide, radon, carbon dioxide baths).

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Neuroses- these are functional diseases of the nervous system that develop under the influence of prolonged overstrain of the nervous system, chronic intoxication, severe trauma, long-term illness, constant consumption of alcohol, smoking, etc. The predisposition to this disease and the characteristics of the nervous system are also of a certain importance. The main forms of neuroses: neurasthenia, psychasthenia and hysteria.

Neurasthenia- this, according to I.P. Pavlov’s definition, is a weakening of the processes of internal inhibition, which is manifested by a combination of symptoms of increased excitability and exhaustion of the nervous system. Neurasthenia is characterized by rapid fatigue, irritability, excitability, poor sleep, decreased memory and attention, headaches, dizziness, disturbances in the cardiovascular system, and frequent mood swings for no apparent reason.

Psychasthenia occurs predominantly in people of the thinking type (according to I.P. Pavlov) and is characterized by the development of processes of stagnant excitation (foci of pathological stagnation, the so-called sore points). A person is overcome by painful thoughts, all sorts of fears (whether he locked the apartment, turned off the gas, anticipation of trouble, fear of the dark, etc.). With psychasthenia, frequent nervousness, depression, immobility, autonomic disorders, excessive rationality, tearfulness, etc. are noted.

Hysteria- a form of functional disorder of the nervous system, accompanied by a disorder of mental mechanisms and, as a consequence, a disruption of the normal relationship between the first and second signaling systems with a predominance of the first. Hysteria is characterized by increased emotional excitability, mannerisms, bouts of convulsive crying, convulsive seizures, a desire to attract attention, speech and gait disorders, and hysterical “paralysis.”

Treatment of neuroses is complex: creation of favorable conditions, medicinal physiotherapy and psychotherapy, physical therapy.

Therapeutic exercise is especially indicated for neuroses, as it increases the strength of nervous processes, promotes their alignment, coordinates the functions of the cortex and subcortex, the first and second signaling systems.
Exercises are chosen depending on the form of neurosis.
With neurasthenia, for example, physical therapy is aimed at increasing the tone of the central nervous system, normalizing autonomic functions and involving the patient in a conscious fight against his illness.
The objectives of physical therapy for psychasthenia are: to increase emotional tone and excite automatic and emotional reactions; in case of hysteria - enhance inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex.
With all forms of neuroses, it is important to distract yourself from difficult thoughts, develop persistence, activity, and evoke positive emotions in yourself.
Due to the increased sensitivity and emotionality of a person in a state of neurosis, at the beginning of classes one should not focus on mistakes and shortcomings in performing the exercises.
In the first period of classes, it is advisable to conduct them individually. Use simple general developmental exercises for large muscle groups that do not require intense attention; perform them at a slow and medium pace. In the future, exercises with more complex coordination of movements can be included in classes. Classes should be quite emotional. For patients with neurasthenia and hysteria, the exercises need to be explained more; for patients with psychasthenia, they need to be shown.
When treating hysterical “paralysis,” distracting tasks are used (for example, they are asked to change the starting position). So, with “paralysis” of the hand, exercises with one or several balls are used. If the “paralyzed” arm is involuntarily involved in work, it is imperative to draw the patient’s attention to this.
As you master exercises with simple coordination, classes include exercises to maintain balance (on a bench, balance beam), as well as climbing, on a gymnastic wall, various jumps, and swimming. Walking, walking, and fishing also help relieve stress on the nervous system, relieve irritation, and strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
The duration of classes in the first period is initially 10-15 minutes, and as adaptation progresses - 35-45 minutes. If the load is tolerated well, then in the second period, exercises are introduced into the classes that develop attention, precision of movements, coordination, dexterity, and speed of reaction. To train the vestibular apparatus, perform exercises with closed eyes, circular movements of the head, bending of the torso, exercises with sudden changes in movements while walking and running. Outdoor games, walking, skiing, cycling, volleyball, and tennis are widely used.


For neurasthenia, therapeutic exercises “train” the process of active inhibition, restore and streamline the excitatory process. Physical therapy classes, in addition to the mandatory morning exercises, should be carried out in the morning for 15-20 minutes. Starting position - sitting. In the first week of classes, general developmental exercises are performed 4-6 times in a row, and breathing exercises - 3 times. As you master the exercises, the number of repetitions increases to 10 times, and the duration of classes increases to 30-40 minutes.
During exercise, painful sensations may occur (palpitations, dizziness, shortness of breath) - this must be taken into account and the load adjusted so as not to get tired. To do this, you need to stop exercising and rest a little. Exercises should be varied - then they will not get boring and you will not lose interest in physical education.
It is better to conduct classes with music. We recommend soothing melodies of moderate and slow tempo, combining major and minor sounds. Such music can also be used as a healing factor.


Psychasthenia is characterized by anxious suspiciousness, inactivity, and concentration on one’s personality and experiences. Therapeutic exercise helps to lift the patient out of a depressed moral and mental state, distract him from painful thoughts, and facilitate communication with people.
Emotional, fast paced exercises are recommended. The music accompanying the classes should be cheerful, its tempo should be moderate, moving to fast. It is necessary to widely use games, relay races, elements of competitions, and dances.
In the future, to overcome feelings of inferiority, low self-esteem, and shyness, it is recommended to include in classes exercises for overcoming obstacles, maintaining balance, and strength exercises.
Patients with psychasthenia are characterized by non-plastic motor skills, clumsiness of movements, and clumsiness. They usually do not know how to dance, so they avoid and do not like dancing. In case of obsessive states, appropriate psychotherapeutic preparation is of great importance. It is important to understand that exercise will help overcome feelings of unreasonable fear.
To increase emotional tone, exercises are used in pairs, overcoming resistance, and games; to suppress feelings of indecision and self-doubt - exercises on apparatus, to maintain balance, jumping.
To excite automatic reactions and raise emotional tone, you need to speed up the pace of movements: from 60 movements per minute (this is a slow pace characteristic of psychasthenics) to 120, then from 70 to 130 and subsequently from 80 to 140. The final part of the classes includes exercises that contributing to a slight decrease in emotional tone. After doing therapeutic exercises, you should be in a good mood.

An approximate set of exercises for psychasthenia

Before class, you need to count your pulse.
1. Walking in a circle alternately in one direction and the other, with acceleration - 1-2 minutes.
2. Walking in a circle on toes, alternately in one direction and the other, with acceleration - 1 minute.
3. Starting position - standing, arms along the body. Relax all muscles.
4. Starting position - the same. Alternately raise your arms up (starting with the right), accelerating your movements - from 60 to 120 times per 1 minute.
5. Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped in a “lock”. On the count of 1-2, raise your arms above your head - inhale; on a count of 3-4, lower through the sides - exhale. Repeat 3-4 times.
6. Starting position - arms extended in front of the chest. Squeeze and unclench your fingers with acceleration - from 60 to 120 times per 1 minute. Perform for 20-30 s
7. Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped in a “lock”. On the count of 1, raise your arms above your head - inhale; on the count of 2, sharply lower down between your legs, exhaling loudly. Repeat 3-4 times.
8. Starting position - legs together, hands on the belt. On the count of 1-2, sit down - exhale; on the count of 3-4 stand up - inhale. Repeat 2-3 times.
9. Starting position - standing on your toes. On the count of 1, lower yourself onto your heels - exhale; on the count of 2, rise on your toes - inhale. Repeat 5-6 times.
10. Exercises in pairs to overcome resistance:
a) starting position - standing facing each other, holding hands, bent at the elbows. Alternately, each person resists with one hand and straightens the other. Repeat 3-4 times;
b) starting position - standing facing each other, holding hands. Resting your knees against each other, squat down (arms straight), then return to the starting position. Repeat 3-4 times;
c) the starting position is the same. Raise your hands up - inhale, lower - exhale. Repeat 3-4 times;
d) and, p. - the same. Place your right foot on the heel, then on the toe and make three foot taps (dance tempo), then separate your arms and clap your palms 3 times. Same with the left foot. Repeat 3-4 times with each leg.
11. Starting position - standing facing the wall 3 m from it, holding a ball in your hands. Throw the ball with both hands so that it hits the wall and catch it. Repeat 5-6 times.
12. Starting position - standing in front of the ball. Jump over the ball and turn around. Repeat 3 times in each direction.
13. Exercises on apparatus:
a) walk along a bench (log, board), maintaining balance. Repeat 2-3 times;
b) jumping from a gymnastic bench. Repeat 2-3 times;
c) starting position - standing at the gymnastic wall, holding the ends of the bar with your hands extended forward at shoulder level. Bend your elbows, press your chest against the gymnastics wall, then return to the starting position. Repeat 3-4 times.
14. Starting position - standing, arms along the body. On the count of 1 - 2, rise on your toes - inhale; on the count of 3-4, return to the starting position - exhale. Repeat 3-4 times.
15. Starting position is the same. Alternately relax the muscles of the arms, torso, and legs.
After class, count your pulse again.


Hysteria, as already mentioned, is characterized by increased irritability, emotional instability, frequent and rapid mood swings, tearfulness and loudness.
Physical therapy for hysteria helps get rid of emotional instability and “explosions” of irritability, increases activity, enhances conscious-volitional activity, and creates a stable, calm mood.
Classes should include exercises for attention, precision of execution, coordination and balance (on different areas of support), dance steps to pleasant melodic music, then move on to smooth dancing (waltz, slow foxtrot). The pace is slow. It is necessary to calmly but accurately perform all movements.
The first classes begin with the accelerated pace characteristic of this group of patients - 140 movements per 1 minute and reduce it to 80, subsequently - from 130 movements to 70, then from 120 to 60.
The so-called differentiated inhibition is developed with the help of simultaneously performed but different movements for the left and right hand, left and right leg. They also include strength exercises on apparatus at a slow pace with load on large muscle groups.
