Do not press on the sick value. Press on the sick

“I love my boyfriend very much, but I can’t get rid of the feeling that he is all the time on me presses. I'm very tired, crying imperceptibly. Maybe there is psychological violence in our relationship? How to understand it?

Recently, “horror stories” about quiet and inconspicuous “abusers” that gradually and surreptitiously poison the life of an unsuspecting victim have been increasingly appearing on the network. Involuntarily, there is a desire to figure out what kind of animals they are - and how to deal with them correctly. After all, not everything is so simple. Starting from the very concept and ending with the complex relationship between the abuser and the victim.

We asked sexologist Yuri Prokopenko, psychiatrist, narcologist Valentina Moskalenko, and family psychologist Boris Novoderzhkin to answer the question posed to us on VKontakte.

childhood trauma

“If people in adult relationships commit violence against each other - emotional, intellectual, sexual or physical (already like an apotheosis), - the reasons should always be sought in childhood, in the parental family,” says psychotherapist, psychiatrist, narcologist Valentina Moskalenko. - Most likely, the offender had a negative experience at an early age, which is why he now broadcasts symmetrical behavior.

We often see examples emotional abuse over a child, when parents allow themselves certain feelings, but forbid children. For example, get angry. The child cannot yell at the parents in response. But not only destructive feelings, but also positive ones are often banned. Everyone knows the phrase “Something you are too amused, as if you didn’t have to cry later.” Thus, in fact, a certain channel of feelings is blocked. Or an example of intellectual violence: "You shouldn't think like that, it's wrong, but it's only right the way I think, because I'm smarter."

Sexual abuse is generally a very difficult aspect of a relationship. If the very fact of rape is obvious and understandable, then distorted in another way sex life It's not always a transparent injury. There are a lot of subtle, almost indistinguishable shades. And the range of such insults is truly enormous. From the ban on dating (“How do I know who you got involved with there”) to complete underdevelopment in sexual terms. One of my clients, for example, recalled that before every date he went on a date, his mother would say that she had a headache. As a result, the guilt complex led to the inharmonious development of the young man in the context of the relationship between the sexes.

Psychological abuse always has roots and consequences

All these limitations and traumas in childhood and adolescence affect later on. family life adult people. Including expressed in psychological violence. As a result, we get dysfunctional families. That is, families that “do not work”, are not well-coordinated, have not taken place. Psychological violence, therefore, is never isolated, it always has roots and consequences.

Mutual provocations

“It is important to understand that violence is present in our lives always and everywhere. You would also like not to go to work, right? But I want to eat. And you go. Through strength. Experiencing the same psychological violence, - says sexologist Yuri Prokopenko. - It just so happened that the whole world is built on violence (and not only human, take natural selection). And if we approach the problem completely unemotionally, then we can safely say that the entire puberty, the entire age of puberty and the formation of the personality passes under the yoke of psychological violence.
At the same time, psychological violence can even be perceived with delight. Imagine a young couple who have just got married. They are on their honeymoon, they are happy, but at the same time there is a process of grinding. And what is it, if not methodical violence against oneself and another person? I used to pile my socks up by my bed all week, and you make sure to wash every pair, day in and day out. And each of us is trying to change the other person, putting pressure on him. It turns out that I change as a result of violence. And the more positions differ between two people, the higher the level of mutual psychological violence.

the more positions differ between two people, the higher the level of mutual psychological violence

Moreover: most often both participants in the process mutually provoke each other to violence. As a rule, provocative behavior is characteristic of infantile or hysteroid personalities. With their provocations, they want to draw attention to themselves, like small children - by disobedience. But indulgence in provocations is, in a sense, also aggression. Well, for example:

“I had to hit her with a frying pan because she kept me awake with her conversations at three in the morning. - And you? Why did you keep talking? - I did not think that he wanted to sleep, he inserted remarks. - That is, he still reacted. And who provoked whom in the end?
“In most cases, psychological violence is not at all one-sided “trolling” and “gnobism,” confirms family psychologist Boris Novoderzhkin. - This is a mutual provocation based on the manipulation of guilt. He left her, she calls him: “Come, I can’t live without you!” - and he comes. The next time he refuses to come, she begins to threaten him with cutting her wrists. And he comes again, and so on until one day she really cuts her veins, and he does not have time to arrive.

Psychological abuse is almost always tied to guilt.

But who is the rapist in this situation? In fact, both are rapists. As soon as you agree to the terms of the blackmailer, you provoke an increase in blackmail with your reaction. In the end, both are rapists. Psychological violence in general is an extremely paradoxical thing, and almost always tied to a sense of guilt. Another example. A person feels guilty that he could not stand up for himself, and winds up until his auto-aggression breaks out, and this is not always adequate to the situation. When he understands this, he will again begin to feel guilty, and so on in a circle. Therefore, when you see that you are under pressure, it is better to just step aside.

repeating patterns

“In an established couple, psychological violence, as a rule, manifests itself in an old conflict,” continues Yuriy Prokopenko. - That is, the same theme is repeated from time to time. In this case, the reason can be anything: from politics to a question, to break an egg from a blunt or from a sharp end. It can still be the same socks (let's say I fought for my right to store them under my pillow all week, but you still secretly steal them for regular washing: it's building pressure). All this results in family disharmony, when people cannot find a common language. This situation is perceived by both sides as violence.”

Violation of personal boundaries

“Violence is something that goes beyond the range of my acceptability,” says Prokopenko. - Everyone has their own views on life. Someone is fine with mom and dad, who beat him with a belt until he was 16 years old. But even then he did not pay attention to what was done to him, and now he does not pay attention to what he does to other people. The other withdraws into himself or gives a sharp response, if only he suggests that his freedom can be limited. As a rule, these are all the same hysteroids. Thus, everyone must decide for himself whether the limits of his acceptability are violated. And if these violations occur regularly, despite your objections (“What do you want? Of course, I will behave like this again if you don’t understand the first time”), this can be seen as signs of serious psychological abuse.”

Acute or chronic stress

“You hear the term 'toxic relationship' a lot these days. And although it is not used in psychological practice, it is still very convex and voluminous, says Yuri Prokopenko. - With its help, it is easy to draw analogies with poisoning. The point is that a person always knows when he was poisoned. He feels bad. He has a headache, stomach, liver. He can easily diagnose his condition. Of course, in psychology everything is more complicated, but still, poor emotional well-being is the surest sign that violence is being committed against a person.

When I feel that I am under the gun, when I am unpleasant that I am being forced to do something, to give up something, when I am instilled with unusual behavior, outlook on life, morality, when all this goes against my nature, I begin to feel completely obvious discomfort. I feel in a state of acute or chronic stress. My condition can even reach neurosis, clinical depression, even suicide.

Personality damage

“We all understand that physical violence can be assessed - even its degree (beatings, mutilations of medium and severe degrees, etc.). All this is material, visible and clearly spelled out in the Criminal Code. It is obvious that with psychological violence there are no such criteria and cannot be. A person himself must assess whether he is subjected to psychological violence. To do this, he must ask himself a series of questions. How comfortable is he in a relationship? How accomplished does he feel? To what extent does he feel that he realizes or does not realize himself in them? Perhaps we should not exaggerate the scale of the disaster? And most importantly: does he believe that his personality has been damaged as a result of certain relationships and psychological pressure?

Let's say: I used to look at the girls lightly and lovingly, but now I know that they are all bitches, I want to harm them, and this change happened over time and as a result of three years of marriage. If the personality is damaged, there is violence. Another thing is that not every person without the help of a specialist can give himself such an assessment. And most of the time, people just don't think about it."
There are two ways to work with psychological violence: either change the situation itself, or change the assessment of the situation. Either change the relationship or change the victim's attitude towards the abuse. And here we need serious and long work with the couple, with the complexes of both the victim and the rapist. And this is a completely different story.

Thank you for reading to the end!

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Photo: Alexey Vitvitsky
In cramped, but not offended

Which insult is more offensive - "Moskal", "cheburek" or "beast"?

Unknown people planted pig heads at the monument to Akhmat Kadyrov in Yuzhny Butovo, the police have already opened a case under the article "inciting ethnic hatred." It was a deliberate attack against Muslims, but often you can insult a person simply out of ignorance.

“Every nation and every religion has its own “sore spot” that should not be stepped on, - I am sure Alexander Brod, Director of the Moscow Bureau for Human Rights. - For Muslims and believing Jews, a pig is an unclean animal, so the trick in Southern Butovo is a clear mockery of Islam. By the way, I know quite a few cases when pig heads were also thrown into Jewish cemeteries and synagogues. Orthodox believers react very sharply to such attacks and, expressing their indignation at what happened, are capable of sharp responses. For example, Shabbat is strictly observed in Israel, and a car of a person who drove into an Orthodox area at that time can simply be stoned for daring to drive on such a day. But when it comes to communicating with people on the Moscow streets, no cries or gestures, offensive actions should not be a reason for a fight. All conflicts must be resolved in court. In addition, it is necessary to talk about the "sore spots" of the main faiths and nationalities already in the school course on the history of religions. A few years ago, the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation distributed a memo “How to take into account the religious factor” among the policemen, so that they at least roughly imagine what Orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism are and, out of ignorance, do not add fuel to the fire, sorting out conflicts. By the way, it is our total disbelief in the honest and conscientious work of law enforcement officers and in the fact that, demanding something, you can achieve a result, leads to the fact that, even while abroad, we, having received an insult on a national or religious basis, rather get into a fight than ask for help from the authorities.

By the way, many Russians, flying with Western airlines, drew attention to multi-confessional dinners. But the menu contains only kosher dishes or those that are usually served during Muslim holidays. Fasting Orthodox have nothing to look for there. Why so much attention to others? It, according to the assurances of representatives of one of the leading European airlines, was achieved by passengers with numerous complaints, which we do not believe in. Same Lenten menu happens in expensive restaurants of the capital and in ... the dining room of the State Duma. Due to the lack of such dishes, other establishments can be sued or the Book of Complaints and Suggestions written out with relevant requests. What's the point?!

Meanwhile, some inflate any action to a scandal. For example, recently footballer Roberto Carlos (captain of the Russian club Anji) left the match when a banana was thrown under his feet. Usually such gifts are “thrown” at African Americans, but here the Brazilian got it. Fans of the football player wrote on their Internet blogs that it is stupid to react to fools with bananas, because otherwise ...

be offended constantly. The club's fans threw a tantrum, forgetting about the 2002 incident involving the same Carlos. Then, according to Jose Chilavert (the goalkeeper of the Paraguayan national team), Carlos called him a stupid dirty Indian, for which he received a spit in the face.

What should we be offended by? After the “orange revolution” in Ukraine, T-shirts with slogans like “Muscovites do not swear are very popular. They talk about it." “The word “moskal” exists in Ukrainian, Polish, and Belarusian languages ​​and has an ironic or derogatory connotation,” explains Vladimir Elistratov, professor at Moscow State University Lomonosov. - But it is indicative to be offended by this - it is stupid, and not in our traditions. Every nation has a division into friends and foes. For example, the gypsies call everyone else "gajo", the Chinese call any European big-nosed at best, and wanting to insult, they say "laowai" (translated as "bearded old man from the outskirts"). Europeans answer them - "narrow-eyed." IN Soviet times all the inhabitants of the southern territories were labeled - "animals", "chocks", even "Indians". Uzbeks are remade into "chebureks", Caucasians are called "children of the mountains." Muslims, in the heat of a quarrel, call Russians, as well as representatives of many other nationalities, pigs. And any word can get the status of a terrible abuse, inciting ethnic hatred. If no one tries to warm their hands on this, the word is easily washed off from a negative connotation. By the way, in Russian cities For centuries, they not only called foreigners names, without understanding what nationality they were, but also each other: Muscovites were ridiculed for akanye, the inhabitants of Ryazan - for okanye. And so on ad infinitum."

Perhaps peaceful coexistence in multinational Moscow is possible without knowledge of the foundations of different religions and customs? Is it enough to just treat people who are not like you with respect? “All calls that Russians need to be more sensitive to other peoples so as not to incite ethnic hatred are demagogy,” I am sure historian Alexey Baikov. - Because many conflicts only look like national ones, but in fact they are social. The division does not take place along the Russian-Chechen line, but along the line of Russian socially unprotected layers against the Caucasian golden youth, which, at best, is engaged in petty hooliganism in Moscow, officially listed as students of leading universities. Children from good Caucasian families, coming to the capital, are not interested in idly wandering around the city center and bullying the locals. Their goal is to learn, to find a well-paid legal job. After Yegor Sviridov's killers were released home, not only nationalists and football fans came to Manezhka. Among the protesters were residents of other regions of Russia who want to live by the same rules for everyone.” Maybe true tolerance is when everyone is ready to answer before the law for their actions, and not hide behind customs and faith?

But what if you constantly have a headache and put pressure on your eyes? What to do in such a situation? Let's see why this happens and how to deal with it.


Possible reasons for this condition may be:

  • signs of overvoltage;
  • migraine;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • benign or malignant neoplasms of the brain;
  • pathology of cerebral vessels;
  • inflammatory colds;
  • infectious diseases of the brain;
  • neuralgia of the trigeminal and facial nerve;
  • toothache;
  • allergy;
  • increased eye pressure;
  • all kinds of craniocerebral injuries, bruises;
  • hypertension or hypotension;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • reflex pain (gastritis, colitis);
  • poisoning chemicals;
  • mental illness;
  • bad habits;
  • weather dependence;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • the period of menstruation in women;
  • reaction to bright light, smells.


Let's analyze why the head hurts and puts pressure on the eyes. Reasons for each specific case:

  • Overvoltage. Occurs with excessive eye strain - this is a long stay at the computer, preparing students for exams. Also, a headache in this case may be associated with some stressful situations, emotional breakdowns. With the wrong posture during sleep, at the computer, pain may appear due to muscle strain: in the back, neck, and head. Usually the nature of the pain is squeezing, moderate intensity.
  • Migraine is often a hereditary disease. It is characterized by sharp, throbbing pain, exciting half of the head: that is, the eye, forehead and temple on the right or left.
  • Increased intracranial pressure. The pressure rises due to an increase in cerebrospinal fluid, which stretches the arachnoid mater of the brain. And this sprain causes pain in the head. It is characteristic that the pain intensifies in the morning.
  • Neoplasms of the brain. They impede the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid, therefore, intracranial pressure increases. Also, neoplasms put pressure on certain areas of the brain, which causes a headache.
  • Pathology of cerebral vessels. There are congenital, such as arteriovenous malformation, and acquired, such as atherosclerosis. With these diseases, the pain is similar to that that occurs with a migraine.
  • Infectious diseases of the brain: encephalitis, meningitis - serious diseases, with untimely treatment, a fatal outcome is possible. Very severe headaches in the region of the eyes and neck.
  • Inflammatory diseases. Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, sinusitis. Headaches are caused by intoxication of the body. Along with a headache, they notice an increase in temperature, a runny nose.
  • Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve is one of the most excruciating types of pain. Pain, as from an electric shock, can be localized near the nose and in the eye area.
  • Toothache. Pain in the frontal part of the head occurs when the incisors are damaged.
  • Allergy. Headache and pressure on the eyes in conjunction with other symptoms characteristic of allergies. Unpleasant feeling.
  • Increased eye pressure. Occurs with glaucoma, with colds and inflammatory processes in the eyes. There is pressing pain in the eyes, and the headache is predominantly in the forehead.
  • Traumatic brain injuries: open and closed. Depending on the severity of the injury, the headache may last up to several months or even years.
  • Women suffer from headaches during menopause, during PMS, and also during pregnancy.
  • With hypertension, headache is caused by increased intracranial pressure, muscle pain, ischemic pain (poor blood circulation in the brain). With hypotension, headache occurs due to fluctuations in vascular tone.
  • Osteochondrosis. If the headache is provoked by muscle contractions, then the pain is dull. Involved vertebral artery syndrome - burning pain. An additional symptom may be pressing pain in the eyes.
  • Reflex headache. Occurs in disease internal organs(stomach, liver, intestines), astigmatism, incorrectly selected glasses, adenoids and other diseases.
  • Chemical poisoning. In almost all poisonings: drugs, varnishes, paints, pesticides and others - the head hurts and puts pressure on the eyes.
  • Bad habits, such as smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, also cause headache due to spasms of blood vessels, in particular cerebral vessels.
  • Mental illness is accompanied by a headache.

Headache is not a diagnosis, but just a symptom of a disease. Therefore, if you often worry about headaches, you need to consult a doctor who can examine, find the cause and prescribe proper treatment. To do this, you will have to undergo an examination: pass a general blood and urine test, a biochemical blood test, measure arterial pressure. Check the work of the heart, internal organs (liver, stomach). The doctor may send for an MRI of the brain, as well as for other diagnostic studies. Only after a diagnosis has been made can a headache be properly treated.

Where to start treatment?

And yet, when the head hurts in the forehead and presses on the eyes, how to treat such conditions?

Headache treatment must begin with the diagnosis of the disease that caused it.

nervous tension

If this is pain caused by tension, then you need to remove the source of irritation, that is, rest your eyes, take a comfortable position. And the most important thing is not to get nervous over trifles.


If this is a migraine or migraine-like pain, then taking medications such as Citramon or Askafen should not be delayed, because they are effective in the first half hour from the onset of a headache. It is also necessary to provide the patient with rest.

reflex pain

If the head hurts and presses on the eyes due to reflex pain, then the underlying disease should be treated first. That is, remove adenoids, treat gastritis, vision, etc. After all, a headache can be overcome only by neutralizing its causes.


When the headache started due to chemical poisoning, the first thing to do is to neutralize the effects of poisons on the body. Provoke vomiting, drink Almagel, activated charcoal. In inflammatory diseases that occur with an increase in temperature, it is necessary to drink anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics.

Allergies should be treated with antihistamines.


Drugs such as Aspirin, Indomethacin and others are effective against pain, but they have a bad effect on the gastric mucosa. They also help well: "Sedalgin", "Pentalgin", but they become addictive. For many diseases, there are a number of other specific drugs. Therefore, if the head hurts very often, presses on the forehead and eyes, then it is best to consult a doctor. After all, many headache medications cannot be sold without a doctor's prescription.


Here are some effective folk ways that will not harm, but can quickly relieve a headache:

  • An old, proven grandmother's way is to tie a cabbage leaf to a sore spot, that is, to the head.
  • To cleanse and improve the body, take a teaspoon of honey diluted in a glass of warm water every morning on an empty stomach.
  • Grate the whiskey with Asterisk balm or apply a lemon peel to it.
  • It is useful to take a warm bath, adding sea salt or pine extract to it. Some people benefit from a hot shower, others a cold one. You can take a contrast shower if there are no contraindications.
  • Massaging the muscles that caused the tension is also good for relieving pain.
  • Hot tea with lemon with the addition of honey, mint, St. John's wort will help as a sedative.

Headache prevention

Good sleep, walking in the fresh air, keeping calm, alternating mental work with physical work are the main prevention of headaches. If you know which irritants cause headaches, you should try to contact them as little as possible. Do not abuse bad habits and more frequent preventive medical examinations in order to identify diseases that can cause headaches earlier.

Causes of pressure sensations in the head

According to statistics, pressing pain in the head at least once in a lifetime is noted in every person. It is able to have a different localization and degree of intensity, often accompanied by additional symptoms. The reasons for squeezing the head can also be different. The symptom is not always pathological in nature, but must be evaluated by a specialist. In most cases, it is possible to get rid of it by adjusting the daily routine or switching to a healthier lifestyle. A good effect in a number of diseases gives conservative therapy. Ignoring the symptom can lead to the development of emergency conditions.

Types of pressing headache

By the way it presses in the head, where the symptom is concentrated and what manifestations it is accompanied by, an experienced doctor is able to make a preliminary diagnosis. Unpleasant sensations are caused by various pathological and physiological processes, therefore, specific therapy is required in each case.

With an attack of a pressing headache, it is better not to take independent actions, but to consult a specialist. Inadequate therapy in some cases will aggravate the condition and increase the risk of complications.


In this case, a compressive headache is the result of pinched nerve endings. It usually appears in the back of the head and extends to the crown. It can be unilateral or symmetrical.

Often accompanied by numbness of certain areas of the face or fingers. Often has a mild or moderate severity, but can be intense. Sometimes it is accompanied by characteristic painful shootings in the neck, temples, jaws.


The result of spasm of the wall, expansion, narrowing or blockage of the lumen of the blood channel. Depending on the type of damage to the vessels of the brain, the patient bursts or presses the head from the inside.

This may be accompanied by painful pulsation in certain parts of the skull or over the entire area. The pressure sensation is accompanied by dizziness, restlessness, irritability, or weakness.


The brain is surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid, which protects the organ from negative external influences. The fluid is constantly formed, circulates in a closed space and is absorbed into the blood. As a result of damage to internal organs, infectious diseases, craniocerebral injuries and a number of other points, these processes can be disturbed, which leads to an increase in the volume of cerebrospinal fluid. Due to an increase in intracranial pressure, a person develops a pressing, arching pain that does not respond to antispasmodics and analgesics. Often it is encircling, like a hoop that covers the entire cranium.


In this case, the patient squeezes his head against the background of fever and deterioration in general well-being. The phenomenon is the result of poisoning the body with toxins or other harmful substances.

Cephalgia is constant, obsessive, persistent, without specific localization. She responds poorly to medication and the use of improvised means to alleviate the symptom. You can completely get rid of it only by eliminating the cause of the disease.


The most common type of cephalalgia, which occurs as a result of prolonged tension of the neck muscles due to stress, after physical and mental stress, is a tension headache.

At the same time, the head is like in a vice, sensations are concentrated around the entire circumference of the skull, accompanied by weakness, irritability, and a decrease in efficiency. On the head, you can even find the most painful places by probing the skin. The symptom disappears on its own after rest, relaxation therapy, massage.

Why can there be pressing squeezing pains?

To make an accurate diagnosis, it is not enough to assess the nature of the pain, it is also necessary to take into account the presence of additional alarming signs. Do not try on your own to figure out why this species cephalgia. You should contact a therapist who will conduct an initial survey and examination, prescribe treatment or refer you to a doctor of narrow specialization. If the pressure on the head is only from time to time and the symptom does not cause much concern, there is no reason to panic. It is enough to adjust the lifestyle and daily routine. The systematic occurrence of the problem may be due to circulatory disorders, which requires immediate medical attention.

Hormonal instability

Pressure in the head can be accompanied by such physiological conditions as PMS, menstruation, menopause.

At the same time, the woman feels as if her head was pulled together, even touching the skin can be painful. Also, a symptom can occur when there is a malfunction of the endocrine glands, in particular, parathyroid and thyroid.


Women of reproductive age especially often suffer from this disease. A pain attack occurs on its own or in response to stimuli. It can develop without warning or after an aura (a set of specific symptoms).

The pressing sensation of a migraine is often accompanied by pulsation or bursting. It usually originates in the frontal part, spreads to the eyes, temples and back of the head from the problem side, gradually spreading to the entire hemisphere. The attack lasts from several hours to 3 days. It is often accompanied by dizziness, nausea and vomiting, which brings relief.

Traumatic brain injury

Head injuries rarely occur without pain. The symptom occurs immediately after the stroke or some time after it.

In some cases, it presses hard on the head from above, in others it seems to patients that their skull is splitting due to pressure coming from the inside. The condition is usually accompanied by signs such as dizziness, confusion, fainting, problems with perception or speech, nausea and vomiting. Even a slight cephalalgia that appeared after a head injury is an indication for going to the doctor. If you miss the development of cerebral edema, rupture of the vessel or the formation of a hematoma, this can be fatal.

Hypertonic disease

With high blood pressure, patients feel not so much squeezing as fullness in the head. It does not allow you to rest or even close your eyes. The sensation arises in the back of the head and can spread throughout the cranium. At the peak of pain, pulsation occurs. The patient's face turns red, his pulse and breathing quicken. Any external stimulus exacerbates the symptoms. After a while, nausea and dizziness join them. A person who has high blood pressure should monitor any changes in his condition. Hypertension at times increases the risk of stroke, cardiovascular pathologies.

Tension headache

A persistent and pronounced feeling of fullness in the head is often qualified as an occupational disease. Tension headache is typical for people engaged in mental work and those who are forced to stay in a position for a long time in which the neck muscles are tense. This leads to impaired blood circulation in the collar zone, hypoxia of the brain, its poisoning with toxins due to a failure in the outflow of venous blood. Soreness often occurs in the forehead or back of the head, gradually spreading around the entire perimeter of the skull. As a result, the patient feels as if he has a tight headgear or headband on his head.


Another common cause of non-pathological cephalalgia, which is characterized by pressing sensations. Anxiety leads to increased muscle tone and disruption of metabolic processes in the tissues of the neck and skull. As a result, there is a tightening pain. It can occur in different parts of the head. Local manifestations gradually merge into more massive zones, but the severity of the symptom does not increase from this. This hooping cephalgia is relieved by using relaxation techniques and taking sedatives.


Due to a sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity and a number of pathological causes changes in cartilage structure cervical region spine. This leads to a narrowing of the lumen of the channel through which large blood vessels and nerves pass.

The brain becomes deficient in oxygen and nutrients, and the veins can not cope with the removal of blood saturated with toxins. As a result, a person feels pressure on the head, which occurs in the back of the head and radiates to the top of the head. This is accompanied by stiffness of the movements of the upper shoulder girdle and a crunch in the neck when turning the head.

Changes in weather with changes in atmospheric pressure

Dizziness, nausea, headache, weakness and a general deterioration in well-being are characteristic of weather-sensitive people. The more sharply the atmospheric pressure changes, the more pronounced their symptoms are. Sometimes the intensity of manifestations is such that a person cannot do his usual activities.

Signs are poorly responsive to medication. They often develop suddenly and disappear on their own after a few hours or days.

Man's lifestyle

Alcohol abuse, smoking and the refusal of a good night's rest are factors leading to a decrease in the functionality of cerebral vessels.

Additionally, toxins that the body does not have time to neutralize and remove have a negative effect on the body. Pressing pains in the head are complemented by dizziness, muscle weakness, apathy and loss of appetite, nausea and fatigue, sleep problems. Ignoring the signs and refusing to make lifestyle adjustments can lead to the development of organic problems and chronic diseases.


After the diagnosis of the disease has been made and the causes of cephalalgia have been established, appropriate therapy is carried out. The list of therapeutic measures is established by the doctor. Even the use of funds traditional medicine it is better to coordinate with a specialist so as not to aggravate the situation or neutralize the effect of drugs.

Methods for eliminating the symptom depend on the factors provoking it:

  • for migraines, the doctor selects the optimal painkillers - triptans, ergotamines, analgesics, NSAIDs;
  • in case of hypertension, it is necessary to lower blood pressure to normal levels - antihypertensive drugs, diuretics and herbs are used;
  • headache against the background of tension and stress is treated with massage, taking sedatives, physical therapy and, if necessary, antispasmodics;
  • with hormonal problems, therapy is agreed with the endocrinologist;
  • one-time manifestations of cephalalgia are removed by taking NSAIDs, antispasmodics or analgesics;
  • with osteochondrosis, massage methods and exercise therapy are used. Drug therapy is carried out, aimed at stopping the pain syndrome and restoring the structure of cartilage tissue.

Even if it seems that the cause of the headache is obvious, it is necessary to undergo a full diagnosis under the supervision of a specialist. It will confirm or refute suspicions, eliminate the risks of complications and the transition of an acute disease into a chronic one, and will identify concomitant diseases.

Prevention of pressing headache

Regular medical examinations and timely treatment of diseases will allow you not to encounter regular or prolonged bouts of pressing cephalalgia. Elderly people and persons leading a sedentary lifestyle should pay special attention to their condition.

Headache? Numb fingers? To prevent a headache from turning into a stroke, drink a glass.

Effective prevention of pressure headache:

  • daily airing of the working and residential premises;
  • long walks in parks that allow you to saturate the body with oxygen;
  • introduction to the regime exercise appropriate for the age of the degree of intensity - while better time spend outdoors, not in the gym;
  • carrying out self-massage of the head and collar zone with the appearance of stiffness in the neck;
  • full-fledged night sleep in the amount of 8-9 hours, refusal of daytime rest;
  • prevention of stress, if necessary, taking natural sedatives;
  • quitting smoking, alcohol, junk food that raises blood cholesterol levels.

The listed rules of prevention must be observed constantly, and not only when the first alarming symptoms appear. Additionally, it is worth doing strengthening the immune system by hardening the body and seasonal intake of vitamin complexes. At least twice a year, you should check the level of cholesterol in the blood, at least once a week it is worth measuring blood pressure.

The situation, when it squeezes the head, knocks out of the usual rhythm, even in the absence of additional symptoms. A one-time occurrence of a problem indicates that it is necessary to pay attention to the usual way of life and exclude potentially dangerous factors. The systematic occurrence of a symptom is a signal that there are serious problems in the body and the need for specialized therapy.

  • Do you suffer from episodic or regular headaches?
  • Does it press on the head and eyes, or “hit with a sledgehammer” on the back of the head, or knock on the temples?
  • Do you sometimes feel nauseated and dizzy when you have a headache?
  • Everything starts to enrage, it becomes impossible to work!
  • Throw out your irritability on loved ones and colleagues?

In the consultation section, you can always consult on your problem and ask questions that interest you. The consultation is conducted by Pogrebnoy Stanislav Leonidovich. Practicing physician, Neurologist. Work experience - 12 years. Employee of the Department of Neurology, Faculty of Postgraduate Medical Education, Novosibirsk State Medical University. Ask a doctor

Yawning cools the brain, and the lack of normal sleep raises its temperature.

There are cases when a stroke is diagnosed at a young age. Find out why in the article

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The headache diary kept by the patient allows the doctor not only to clarify the diagnosis, but also to plan a more rational treatment or adjust the therapy already being carried out.

The relationship between pain in the temples and indicators of blood pressure

With such a nuisance as pain in the temples, many people face from time to time.

Often, patients with this problem do not even go to the doctor, hoping that the unpleasant symptoms will go away on their own. But let the disease take its course.

Pain in the temples, which can be given to the eyes, occurs due to the development of diseases or pressure drops. In order to take action in time, you need to know what pressure a person has when his temples hurt.

To reduce pressure while preserving blood vessels, it is better to add it to tea in the morning before breakfast.

Causes of pain in the temples

A feeling of heaviness in the head and soreness of the eyes can occur even with a slight change in pressure.

Hypertension is one of the main causes of such symptoms. In this case, the pain sensations are of a pressing nature.

According to statistics, almost 70% of people who have reached the age of 30 suffer from such pain. Every year, the likelihood of these unpleasant symptoms only increases.

The consequences of hypertension are notorious. The patient has irreversible brain damage, problems with the heart and blood vessels. In severe stages, partial or complete loss of vision may occur, memory deteriorates, intelligence decreases. In some cases, diseases caused by hypertension lead to disability or death.

If it happens sudden jump pressure, hypertensive crisis occurs. Here are its main features:

  • chest pain;
  • temperature increase;
  • darkness and clouding in the eyes;
  • nausea and sometimes vomiting;
  • severe sweating;
  • noise in ears;
  • feeling of anxiety and fear.

A symptom such as pressure in the temples may have other causes. Often, temporal pain is caused by overwork, especially when a person has a sedentary job and spends a lot of time at the computer. Those who are constantly sleep deprived can also be prone to this trouble.

Another common cause is intoxication: in case of poisoning with alcohol or low-quality products, whiskey begins to knock, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain appear.

If there was no poisoning, and the person is resting normally, discomfort in the temples may indicate the development of a particular disease.

For example, a migraine is often a provoking factor. It is accompanied by nausea, fear of light and noise. The patient has flies before his eyes, as well as increased sensitivity to certain smells and tastes.

Answering the question, when whiskey hurts, what pressure can be, it is worth mentioning intracranial hypotension. This is a decrease in intracranial pressure, in which, in addition to pain in the temples, there may be tinnitus and even hearing loss.

Provoking factors

The appearance of temporal pain is influenced by various factors. The disease can doze off in the human body, but become more active when the weather changes, stressful situations, change of time zones.

Often this happens with a sharp change in diet, for example, when a person goes on a diet.

In addition, uncontrolled use of medications, severe eye strain and a number of other factors can provoke pain in the temples. A tonometer will help to say if whiskey is pressing, what pressure it can be. Most often, pain in the temples occurs if blood pressure exceeds 140/90 Hg.

The frequency of occurrence of pain also has great importance. If the pain comes once a month and is quickly relieved by medication, there is no particular cause for concern. If it torments a person daily, and is also accompanied by nausea and other additional symptoms, this almost certainly indicates hypertension.

How to deal with pain in the temples

Ways to eliminate temporal pain depend on the cause that caused it. With this question, it is best to contact a neurologist. With increased pressure, a suitable drug for hypertension is selected: Kapoten, Enalapril and their analogues. If you suffer from a migraine, take Tempalgin or Antimigraine.

In cases where the symptoms are caused by impaired cerebral circulation, the patient is given Memoplant or Cavinton. Additionally, herbal medicine or physiotherapy methods, such as exercise therapy or a contrast shower, can be used.

At high pressure temporal pain is usually caused by vascular spasms. Vascular tone is affected by nervous disorders, as well as atherosclerotic changes. To improve the situation and relieve spasms as quickly as possible, the doctor may prescribe Papaverine, which is sometimes combined with Phenobarbital.

Often, with pains of this nature, Dibazol is effective, which improves vascular tone and gently reduces pressure. Such a popular antispasmodic as No-shpa can also provide emergency assistance, but it will not eliminate the cause of temporal pain. Only a specialist will help you choose a drug that will become effective in the fight against the disease and will not cause harm.

Before going to the doctor, you can try to help yourself. Here are a few ways to help manage temporal pain:

  1. First of all, you can massage the temples with your index fingers on both sides. In addition, you can do acupressure light circular movements over the entire head area;
  2. if possible, lie down for a couple of hours with your eyes closed. In this case, it is better to turn off the light and ensure complete silence;
  3. you can take a walk in the fresh air, while abandoning the player and talking on the phone;
  4. a good remedy for pain in the temples is warm tea with chamomile;
  5. another proven method is a cold compress, which is applied to the forehead and temples;
  6. if the condition allows, you can do a little exercise. The blood will begin to circulate better, and the pain will pass faster;
  7. with severe pain, you can attach a cut leaf of aloe to the temple. At this time, it is better to lie down for about half an hour;
  8. a remedy that helps relieve discomfort is an infusion of cinnamon. One dessert spoon of this spice is stirred in four tablespoons of water. Then you need to add sugar to taste and leave for half an hour. Drink this mixture in a couple of sips every hour. In addition, it can be used as a compress.

Others folk remedies are hot foot baths that soothe, help relieve fatigue and pain. Valerian tincture, as well as decoctions of mint, oregano, and clover will help improve sleep. An excellent way to stop pain attacks is cranberries. Compotes and fruit drinks from this healing berry improve blood circulation and normalize blood pressure.

Preventive measures

Very useful are frequent walks, physical education in the fresh air.

But watching TV and computer games better not to get carried away.

Smoking and alcohol consumption are factors that often provoke attacks of hypertension. In addition, it is necessary to revise the diet, giving preference diet meals, and coffee can be consumed no more than 1-2 cups per day.

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If we talk about if there is pain in the temples, what kind of pressure a person has, we can conclude that more often it is elevated. However, temporal pain is a phenomenon that can be caused by many factors, so a full examination is necessary.

How to beat HYPERTENSION at home?

To get rid of hypertension and clean the blood vessels, you need.

  • Eliminates the causes of pressure violations
  • Normalizes blood pressure within 10 minutes after taking

Help say in Spanish: "Do not put pressure on the sick" .. "do not rub salt in my wound."

It will not be quite correct if translated literally. Even more - most likely you will be understood literally:

No apprietes donde duele. No me eches la sal a la herida.

It would probably be better to use the phrases that the Spaniards themselves use, something like:

No me hagas daño (sufrir) - Don't hurt me (Don't make me suffer).

Tus hechos duelen tanto - Your actions bring so much pain.

Tu indiferencia me está matando - Your indifference is killing me.

Por favor, no abras de nuevo mis heridas - Please don't reopen my wounds.
