Dollar tree on branches with black spots. Zamioculcas - home care, flower diseases and their treatment

Zamioculcas, a dollar tree, can be found on the windowsills of apartments, offices, and schools. And not in vain! Spectacular, modern, but at the same time unpretentious in care, the plant becomes the pride of its owners. Even the myth that zamiokulkas is a flower of celibacy does not prevent him from winning fans. Fans of this plant admit that even novice flower growers can grow a dollar tree at home.

Zamioculcas - exotic in the house

The homeland of this handsome man is Tanzania, a small country in eastern Africa. Initially growing in arid regions with a lack of moisture, Zamioculcas feels great in an ordinary apartment or office.

Zamioculcas belongs to the succulent plants of the Aroid family. Its stems are straight and fleshy, with dark green shiny spear-shaped leaves.

Perhaps it is because of its resemblance to the palm tree that it is popularly known under such names as the aroid palm, the Zanzibar pearl, the emerald palm, and the more familiar to us - the dollar tree.

In the homeland of the plant, in East Africa, it constantly blooms with yellow-orange or green-white flowers, but in the conditions of ordinary apartments, flowering can only be achieved in adult plants. Zamioculcas reaches 80 cm in height, but grows rather slowly at a young age. On its roots tubers are formed, in which accumulate nutrients, so the plant can easily endure dry periods of its life.

Dollar tree or celibacy flower - myths and signs

Zamioculkas will get along well with both an amateur novice and a professional florist. Large pots with powerful plants decorate spacious offices, planting trees and shrubs in office space and bringing them a piece of comfort, last years he became very popular.

One of the reasons for this success is the sign that Zamioculcas brings money to the house, it is even called the dollar tree. Of course, dollars cannot be found on it, but it is believed that a well-growing flower in the house, with lush foliage and juicy leaf color, increases the well-being of the family. To do this, the process (or rhizome) of zamiokulkas must be taken from successful or rich people, giving in return a coin of small denomination.

However, like almost any succulent, Zamioculcas is considered a flower of celibacy. Having it in the house negates the possibility of getting married for an unmarried girl. Whether this is true or not is up to you, but if you are inclined to believe superstitions, but you still want a flower, then ask your friends to buy it for you as a gift, and when presenting the flower, give the donor a small coin - then negative energy flower will be neutralized.

Features of landing and transplantation

When choosing a flower to buy, look at the condition of the leaves - they should be shiny, tight, without damage. As a rule, all purchased specimens require a transplant.

Important! Zamioculcas is poisonous. Any part of the plant that releases sap can damage your skin, so use gloves. Do not allow children and pets to bite and chew its leaves.

Since Zamioculcas is a tall and heavy plant, stable large pots should be chosen, but at the same time, new dishes should be only a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one.

No need to repot the plant every spring, best time for the procedure - when the pot is completely filled with shoots and roots.

There must be drainage holes in the bottom of the new pot to drain excess water.

Step by step process

  1. Pour 2-4 cm of expanded clay on the bottom of the pot.
  2. Pour 5-6 cm of light soil, which includes sand, perlite or vermiculite. You can use ready-made soil mixture for succulents.
  3. Carefully remove the zamiokulkas from the old pot, the plastic container can simply be cut in half. Free the roots from the remnants of drainage.
  4. Place the plant in the new pot so that the top of the earthen ball is 2 cm below the edge.
  5. Fill empty spaces with soil, moisten slightly.
  6. Put the transplanted plant in the shade for two days. Stage 6.

Secrets of the correct transplantation of zamiokulkas - video

Basic home care

Zamioculcas is an unpretentious plant, but in order for it to become a spectacular decoration of the room, you should properly care for it. It is best to put a flower pot on a bright window. Zamiokulkas tolerates partial shade well, but the color of the leaves is no longer so saturated.

From time to time, the pot should be turned to the light source on the other side, especially in spring and summer - during the period of active growth. Try to periodically wipe the dust from the leaves, and it is more expedient to wash too large specimens under a warm shower, covering them with an earthen bag.

How to water and feed the plant

In winter, Zamiokulkas is not fed, but watered only after the soil has completely dried.

Never water from a pallet - only from above, through a clod of earth!

Once a month in spring and summer, zamiokulkas should be fed with a universal liquid fertilizer for succulents (for example, Agricola), reducing the dosage by 2 times.

Try to maintain high humidity by periodically spraying the bush. On a sunny window and in the heat, water it abundantly, without waiting for the earthen lump to dry out, do not allow drops of water to fall on the leaves if the plant is illuminated by the sun at this time. The plant tolerates drought well, and in cool summers it is better to “underfill than overfill”.

dollar tree blossom

It is believed that Zamioculcas does not bloom in room conditions, however, some flower growers note the appearance of such "cobs" in their adult plants.

It grows at any time of the year, relatively low (up to 20 cm), odorless, completely unattractive. But the flowering of Zamioculcas may mean that you are doing an excellent job of caring for him.

rest period

The dollar tree does not have a pronounced dormant period. It does not shed leaves and does not need a special room, it is simply watered less and not fed at all. Some specimens live according to their biological clock and begin to actively grow in winter, releasing new leaves, then you have to focus on the plant itself and feed it during this period.

Mistakes in care - table

Problem Symptoms Solution
overflowThe leaves are sluggish, turn yellow, fall off, rot near the ground.Remove from the pot, inspect the roots. Trim rot, plant in soil for succulents.
root rotSoft, rotten parts of tubers and leaf petioles.Cut out the damaged parts, sprinkle the cuts with crushed coal, treat with Fundazol and transplant into a completely new substrate.
DroughtThe leaves lose elasticity, turn yellow, their tips dry, especially in winter - in the absence of watering and central heating.Water more often, spray
Drafts and low temperaturesLeaves turn yellow and fall on young shoots, appear dark spots on leaf blades.Put in a warm place without drafts.

Diseases and pests

Zamioculcas is very rarely affected by pests and diseases, most often from uninvited guests you can find aphids, scale insects and spider mites.

Aphids can appear on a plant after it has been outdoors in the open air. Leaves affected by aphids curl, turn yellow and fall off. To destroy insects, spraying with drugs such as Fitoverm, Intavir, Decis is used.

The scale insect is an inconspicuous insect, but multiplying rapidly, it covers the leaves with dense dark spots. They can be removed with a cotton pad moistened with an alcohol solution, and for prevention, spray Zamioculcas with soapy water or Aktara. Adult scale insects are removed from the plant only by hand - due to immunity to insecticides.

In a dry room, a whole colony of spider mites can settle on Zamiokulkas. The pest entangles the internodes with white threads, if there are few insects, it is difficult to notice. But if you periodically spray the plants with plain water, then droplets of moisture will settle on the web, and you will immediately see it. Then you should immediately take measures to destroy the tick, wash the leaves with soapy water, spray with tobacco infusion (leave 200 g of tobacco for a day in 5 liters of water, boil for 2 hours and after cooling the solution add another 5 liters of water and 25 g of laundry soap). In especially advanced cases, the spider mite is sprayed with acaricides (Akterik, Fitoverm). In addition, neighboring plants, window frames and window sills should also be treated.

Harmful insects in the photo

You can get rid of spider mites with tobacco infusion The shield is difficult to notice with a cursory examination of the plant Aphids pose a threat not only to garden plantings, but also to Zamioculcas

Reproduction of the dollar tree

The best way to propagate Zamioculcas is to divide the bush during transplantation, but the amazing vitality of the plant allows it to grow even from a leaf plate. This method should be looked at if you need a lot planting material. In addition, zamiokulkas can be grown from seeds, but it is impossible to find them for sale.

The division of the bush

leaf rooting

If several leaf blades have fallen during a plant transplant, do not rush to throw them away - this is an excellent planting material.

  1. It is advisable to take leaf blades from old branches; before planting, the petiole must be dipped in Kornevin.
  2. Fill individual cups or a tray with loose, light, slightly moist soil. Plant leaf plates in the prepared substrate.
  3. Put in a well-lit place, water periodically.
  4. Be patient and wait. Even yellowed leaves should not be thrown away - after 2-3 months they will have roots and a bulb will begin to form.
  5. In a couple of months, new leaves will appear. Further care consists in regular watering.

If it is interesting to observe the appearance of roots, then you can root zamiokulkas in water. In this case, the cutting or leaf is simply lowered into the water instead of the ground, and when the first roots appear, it is transplanted into the ground. However, with this method, the cuttings often rot.

Growing a dollar tree from a leaf cutting - video

Today, both an experienced florist and an inexperienced grower dream of a dollar tree today. indoor cultivation plant businessman. They say that the glossy crown of Zamiokulkas, like a magnet, attracts currency to its owner's wallet. It is difficult to judge whether such statements are true or not, but in landscaping the interior of a room, the succulent is far ahead of its flowering partners. However, zamiokulkas also brings grief. Diseases and pests annoy even such a persistent and unpretentious succulent in care.

The dollar tree is a very photophilous plant. Under natural conditions in the vastness of East Africa and Madagascar, it is literally immersed in sunlight and warmth. In the apartment, he will need a microclimate close to nature, excluding sharp drops in temperature.

Place zamiokulkas in the brightest place in the apartment, put on the windowsill of any of the windows facing east or west. IN summer period they take them out into the garden, but they try to protect them from gusts of wind that can break the feathery foliage.

Zamiokulkas is categorical about the indicators of the thermometer - it cannot withstand less than 12 degrees of heat. Optimum temperature V winter time for a plant - from 16 to 18 degrees above zero, but even in warmer rooms, the dollar tree winters comfortably. In summer, it withstands significant heat above 30 degrees, but responds gratefully to spraying and moderate, but not too frequent watering.

Zamioculcas is not indifferent to top dressing, it consumes nutrients from the soil uneconomically, therefore, it expects timely replenishment of their stock throughout the growing season. Twice a month, the dollar tree is fed with fertilizers for cacti and succulents in the doses offered by the manufacturer in the instructions on the package. In winter, the plant rests and does not need constant feeding.

In general, the plant is unpretentious in maintenance, but diseases and pests of Zamioculcas occur in cases where the placement conditions and irrigation regime are violated.

Mistakes in care, leading to a deterioration in the well-being of the flower

sticking to simple rules in caring for zamiokulkas, they grow a chic green oasis in the apartment. However, there are some mistakes in caring for the plant that do not forgive the grower and lead to serious changes in the state of the succulent, and sometimes to death.

Leaves turn yellow - possible causes

Yellowness starts from the lower lobules on old sheets - natural process the withering away of an organ that has served its age. In its place, young arrows will soon form, which will unfold into emerald green shoots.

All the leaves suddenly turned yellow and fell off together - the zamiokulkas is overdried. The plant has entered a resting phase, deciding that the dry season has arrived. With the resumption of the correct watering regime, new leaves will grow.

There may be other reasons for the massive yellowing of foliage - sharp changes in night and day temperatures, through currents of cold air. From a lack of lighting, especially in winter during short daylight hours, blanching, brightening to yellowing of leaf blades is often observed.

If the tips of the segments of a complex leaf turn yellow, then the flower is too hot. In the room where he is, very heat. The plant must be moved to a cooler room or reduce the heating level of heating devices.

Yellowing of young leaves is a bad signal that indicates waterlogging of the earthy coma and the possible onset of putrefactive processes on tubers and roots. It is necessary to take an emergency transplant in order to know for sure the cause and understand your further actions to eliminate the trouble. Another explanation is the defeat of pests that suck juices from the leaf, which leads to its yellowness.

Spots on the leaves

Yellow-brown spots on leaf blades may appear as a result of a burn from direct sunlight.

Dark spots are a reason to be concerned about the condition of the succulent, as they indicate care errors. It is likely that the plant is in a cold room or in a draft, and the watering regimen has not been adjusted to take into account the correction for lowering the thermometer in the room.

First of all, reduce watering and observe the darkened areas of the leaf plates. If they do not turn into necrotic ulcers, then timely action has been taken, and the condition of the flower is improving, not worsening.

Spotting on stems

Dark spots on the stems can have the same cause as on the leaves - overflow, cold air, draft, difference between night and day temperatures. However, a similar picture is left behind by scale insects, which you can not immediately notice on the underside of the sheets.

If the spots on the trunk are soft, pressed in, become wet over time, then the plant is seriously ill. A healthy stem covered with dark, slightly purple spots should not cause concern. Similar spotting in adult specimens is a biological feature of Zamioculcas.

Why zamiokulkas does not grow at home

Slow growth - characteristic succulent, and if it grows up to 2 young leaves a year, this is already the norm and not a reason to worry. If the increase is not observed at all, it is worth looking for reasons.

The plant does not like heavy clay soil, so the substrate based on it will not be to the liking of the flower, and it will “slow down” in development for a long time. Transplanting into an overly spacious pot will also stop the growth of the aerial part - until the zamiokulkas grows roots to fill the entire space of the flower container, it does not form new leaves.

Plants that have not been transplanted for a long time do not grow well, which lack nutrients in the soil - nitrogen, potassium, magnesium. It is necessary to resume feeding.

Zamiokulkas diseases

The most annoying flower diseases are root and stem rot. The latter is immediately visible - wet necrotic spots creep up the stem from the root collar. Root rot is invisible at first, only by the external oppressed state of the succulent, yellowed leaves, unstable staggering stems, one can guess that something is wrong with the roots of the flower.

The plant should be immediately removed from the flower container and the root system examined. If rot is present, determine the degree of damage. In the case of an insignificant outbreak, they try to save Zamiokulkas. The substrate will have to be thrown away, the pot should be disinfected, but it is better to replace it with a new one.

All rotten roots are cut off with a sharp sterile instrument, the rotten sections of the tuber are cut out to healthy tissue, then the entire plant is immersed for 10–20 minutes in a fungicide solution, for example, foundationazole or oxychoma, and left to dry for an hour. After that, all wounds and cuts are sprinkled with crushed charcoal powder and planted in a new substrate and a new flower container.

The first few days - until a week the succulent should not be watered at all, then not a large number of water can be poured into the pan, after 10-15 days, moisten again. Within 2–3 months, water very sparingly and observe whether the consequences of the disease have been eliminated. Only by making sure of the irreversibility painful process, resume the standard irrigation regime for Zamioculcas.

Dollar tree pests

Flower growers with experience in growing zamiokulkas claim that the plant is resistant to most indoor plant pests. The exception is weak plants, in the content of which any errors are made.

Among the pests seen on the dollar tree, the first name is the spider mite, which infects the plant in dry, warm rooms. They learn about its presence on the plant by the characteristic silvery cobweb stretched in the axils of the leaves or from their wrong side. With small colonies, they try to get rid of the enemy with a soap or tobacco solution, which is generously sprayed with the whole plant. With extensive lesions, special preparations are used - anti-mite or akarin, and a single treatment is always not enough. Re-treat the plant after 8-14 days.

The scale shield delivers no less problems. By highlighting sweet honeydew, it attracts ants that carry viruses and bacteria. In places of its deployment, dark spots appear on the plant. First aid for a succulent is washing with soapy water, but often this is not enough, and the dollar tree is sprayed with an actara or other insecticide.

Plants that migrate to the garden in summer are often attacked by aphids. The insect reproduces at a rate of geometric progression. Therefore, having discovered this pest, it is impossible to hesitate. Folk remedies rarely help in the fight against aphids, so they immediately begin treatment with insecticides - fitoverm, decis or intavir.

Thrips are annoying insects that are not easy to get rid of. Long flying midges have no barriers to moving from one houseplant to another. You definitely can’t cope with them in one spraying, so Zamiokulkas is treated several times, changing preparations - from Intavir and Karate to Actellik and Karbofos.

This decorative flower is native to Africa. On its meter-long leaves-stems are paired dark green leaves leathery to the touch. At proper care the flower has an enviable immunity and therefore rarely gets sick. But in people who do not have experience in cultivating plants, it can hurt:

  • Viral diseases;
  • microbial diseases;
  • Damaged by pests.

Zamioculcas is not a whimsical plant, and the main thing for a grower is not to harm him with his excessive attention.

What diseases affect the "Dollar Tree"?

Sometimes with a newly brought flower, you can add a fungal disease to your collection. Experienced flower growers recommend quarantined newcomers for 2 weeks, and then it will be seen whether it is infected or not.


A fungal disease that affects the leaves and stems of a plant. Black, brown spots appear and grow on them over time.

Most often, this fungus appears in greenhouse conditions. when the room is warm and humid.

It is not difficult for this disease to survive a cold snap and therefore, in order to completely get rid of it, the plant must be treated with fungicides:

  • Bordeaux liquid;
  • colloidal sulfur;
  • Copper cuparos.

powdery mildew

Powdery mildew appears in the warm season plus increased watering.

It is easy to notice by the plaque on the plant, it looks like flour.

When the disease is affected, the leaf plates are covered with a powdery coating and die off after a while. Therefore, treatment is started with:

  • Topaz;
  • Speed

Sooty (black) fungi

The manifestation of the disease is a sooty black coating on the plant. Appears due to sticky secretions of such pests:

  1. whitefly;
  2. Mealybug.

First of all, you need to get rid of harmful insects, and only then get rid of the soot fungus itself. Zamioculcas can be washed with laundry soap after treatment. If this does not help, then they are treated with phytosporin.

Leaf burns

Burns of leaf plates are not treated.

The affected leaf is so, and remains damaged.

Just on summer time of the year, when the sun's rays behave noticeably more aggressively, the zamiokulkas are removed from the south window and moved to the north window, or if it is not there, then deep into the room.


To get rid of rotting places on a flower, you need to get it out of the ground, get rid of all the affected places and treat it with the appropriate fungicides. The pot is poured over with boiling water, and the soil is acquired new. Cultivating this flower further, one must carefully monitor its watering and do not flood it.

Important! Your pets should be periodically inspected for pests, otherwise you may not be able to save the plant. Therefore, in the initial stage, the lesion is easier to treat than when the entire flower is completely affected.

Problems with zamiokulkas leaves

Sometimes with the wrong content appear various diseases. The trunk darkens in spots or the leaf plates turn yellow. This is a consequence of two main mistakes, the grower dries his flower, using too rare watering, or the flower is poured, often using too much water. cold water.

turn yellow

If this slight yellowing is not more than 5% of the total amount of leaf mass, then this is the natural aging of the leaves.

It is worse if the entire meter branch turns yellow at once. This indicates improper care or pest infestation. Therefore, it is necessary to revise the irrigation regime and water quality.

If everything is in order with this, the flower is examined for the presence of pests and if they are found, they immediately proceed to its treatment with the necessary preparations.


Leaf plates can wither due to natural aging, while this occurs only with the lower sheet plates.

If the entire branch dries, then this is mechanical damage or errors in the irrigation and lighting mode.

If this manifests itself with the simultaneous appearance of black spots, then this is a sure sign of rotting of the roots from overflowing the plant and watering it with cold water.

Important! Follow watering guidelines.


Sticky spots on leaves

Sticky leaf plates appear at the moment when the flower is affected by harmful insects. Since stickiness is a product of their vital activity. Feeding on the juice of the plant, they secrete a sticky mass, while soot fungus often appears, since its spores easily stick to such foliage.

Important! Therefore, when such leaf plates are found, it is urgent to find a pest and start treating the flower.

Root problems

With an improperly organized irrigation regime, Zamioculcas may experience problems with the root mass.


If it dries root system for a plant that is adapted to live in the desert, this means that the grower has not watered the plant for six months now. Because the root system of zamiokulkas is able to accumulate in its potatoes the water necessary to feed its own bush. Therefore, it is necessary to organize the irrigation regime. If the roots died immediately, then they can be grown again.


This is the same plant bay. He urgently needs a transplant with the simultaneous removal of all rotting parts.

At the same time, the land must be purchased purchased, since the garden land is too oily for this flower.

He will suit the land for desert cacti. After processing and landing in new land start watering after 15 days. In this case, the water should be warm and settled. Zamiokulkas fertilizer is started a month after planting.


If these are not rotting roots, since the irrigation regime was observed, then most likely these are just adult (old) Zamioculcas roots. If at the same time they have white growing tips, then these are healthy roots.

Spots on the roots

Spots on the root system indicate that the flower has been watered too often. In this case, cold water is used. To correct this situation, they are poured with warm water and 2 times, at least, less often than the previous regime.

Pests on the roots

Harmful insects get either with infected soil or are brought from the store with another purchased flower. Therefore, a recruit is usually quarantined for 2 weeks away from the main array of flowers in the house.

If a pest is found on the yellowing foliage, the flower is removed further from the rest of the plants and its treatment is started.

Important! You can get rid of a pest noticed in time quite quickly, so it is recommended to inspect the flower from time to time for their presence.


Leaf plates can be deformed due to the appearance of a mealybug on them.

This harmful insect lives and breeds on the leaves of Zamiokulkas. It is easy to detect because, feeding on the sap of the plant, it releases a sticky white cotton wool.

Its harmful effect on the plant is not only that they feed on its juice, but also its secretions on the leaf plates block the access of oxygen and the affected leaves do not participate in photosynthesis.

To get rid of the worm, the flower is washed with 72% laundry soap, and if this does not help, they are treated with one of these preparations, diluting them according to the instructions indicated on the package:

  • Actellik;
  • Phytoyerm;
  • Intavir.


The fact that thrips appeared on the plant will be indicated by a white coating on the leaves and twisted shoots.

The flower must be set aside at a safe distance from other indoor plants and proceed with its treatment by treating it with such preparations:

  • Karbafos;
  • Intavir.

Important! When processing plants, safety precautions must be followed so as not to cause poisoning of children and pets.


This pest is easy to detect on the green mass of the plant - it is small up to 1 mm long. red spider that forms a cobweb with outside sheet plate.

It is removed mechanically by wiping the leaf plates with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.

In hard-to-reach places, an ear stick is used to remove the web. Then they are treated with Actara or Aktellik. The action must be repeated twice with an interval of 5-6 days. This is the time during which the mite larvae begin to hatch from the eggs.

If it is not possible to process chemically, then you can apply folk remedy and treat the plant bush with green soap purchased at the pharmacy. Processing is carried out until the pest disappears.


This pest is easy to see on the leaves of the flower, as it is up to 4 mm long. and it's brown.

The shell is easily removed with a fingernail, but under it there are many larvae that feed on the sap of the plant. And then black spots appear on the leaves, and they dry.

Before you process the plant, you must first remove all the shells mechanically and already, then proceed to chemical processing. The shells are removed by hand, since chemicals do not fully penetrate under it, and the surviving larvae will build a new shell for themselves and begin to multiply again. Preparations that can rid the flower of this pest:

  • Actellik - they are treated three times with an interval of 6-7 days.

How to reanimate zamiokulkas?

If the plant has a rotten tuber?

In this case, we take out everything that remains of the flower and clean it to a healthy place. We grow a new flower from the remains. If there is at least some kind of root, we immediately plant it in a new soil, if there are only leaves left, we put them in water to grow roots.

If the leaves curl?

Deformation of the leaves indicates that the flower is affected by harmful insects. In this case, Zamioculcas should be carefully examined and found to get rid of pests with a suitable preparation.

If the leaves of the plant got frostbite during transportation?

This is the easiest case of what can happen with zamiokulkas. Since the root system in this case is completely healthy, the frostbitten leaves are cut off at the root, and after a while the roots begin to produce new healthy leaves.

Fungicides for Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas can be treated with such drugs:

  • Maxim - helps with red burns and various manifestations of rot;
  • Phytosporin against fungi at the initial stage of the lesion;
  • Fundazol - various fungal spores die from it;
  • Hom - helps against brown spotting and various bacterioses;
  • Chinozol is an antibacterial chemical drug;

Of the many preparations, only one is selected and the plant is treated with it according to the instructions.

Fight with folk remedies

Rot removal

The plant is removed from the pot, rotten places are completely removed and clean cuts are sprinkled with wood ash or cinnamon.

Getting rid of the whitefly

Wash all green parts of the plant with dust soap purchased from a pharmacy.

Getting rid of harmful insects

Wipe the leaves with an alcohol solution, and then bathe the flower with laundry soap.

Common mistakes

With improper care, errors occur, and so that the plant does not die, you must try to correct them in time.

Leaving error Correction Method
Reduced room temperature and simultaneous flooding of the plant If there is a young growth, then you can not just worry, transfer it to a warm room and adjust the watering. If the flower does not grow, then it is removed from the soil and the roots are treated from rotting places.
High air humidity. Water droplets appear along the edge of the leaves, as if the plant is crying. All aroids react this way to a prolonged rainy period, you don’t have to do anything special.
Too big pot. The plant does not increase its green mass, as it needs to reduce the capacity in which it grows.


Why do Zamioculcas leaves turn yellow and fall off in winter?

With a strong cold snap in the room, the flower begins to turn yellow its leaves. If it's not happening en masse, then there's nothing to worry about. If the house is too hot and dry because of the central heating batteries, then you need to spray the flower from the spray bottle.

Why do plant stems lie horizontally to the ground?

This comes from over watering. The plant is oversaturated with moisture and the stems bend under its weight. Seeing this, it is necessary to urgently reduce watering.

Why does the plant not produce new shoots?

Zamioculcas shoot growth is very slow and therefore two shoots per year is the norm. The main requirement for active growth is a cramped pot plus top dressing with a high nitrogen content.

Why does the stem wrinkle?

A common cause of this is also excessive watering. Since part of the roots is lost, the remaining ones cannot feed the leaves, and therefore, from a lack of nutrition, the stems begin to wrinkle.

How often do zamiokulkas water at different times of the year?

Thinking about the irrigation regime, one must remember that this is a desert plant and it absolutely does not need a swamp. Therefore, provided that the flower grows in a close pot, it is watered no more than once a week in summer, and once a month in winter.

First watering after resuscitation and transplantation

After resuscitation has passed, the roots remain in the air for 2 hours in order to heal all the wounds on the tubers. After that, planting is carried out in a new correct soil, and Zamioculcas begin to water after a month.

What to do with the plant after its acquisition?

First of all, all new plants are quarantined for two weeks. This time will give us confidence that the plant has no different kind pests and diseases. After that, the flower needs a transplant.

The container is taken 3 cm more from the previous one and the land intended for the cultivation of desert cacti. After the flower is transplanted, it is not watered for up to 3-4 weeks. This will help him adapt to the new container and not rot.

Useful video

Learn more about Zamioculcas diseases from the video below:

Summing up

When cultivating zamiokulkas, one must adhere to the rules of easy care. All his troubles arise due to frequent watering and an incorrectly chosen place. At correct mode watering this bush will show all its beauty, growing beautiful branches-leaves.

Softened, wrinkled trunk Zamiokulkas. Read in today's article why the trunk of Zamiokulkas has wrinkled, the leaves wither, spots appear? We will tell you what needs to be done to restore zamiokulkas.

Why did the Zamioculcas wrinkle its trunk?

wrinkled stem, leaves zamiokulkas do not appear spontaneously - the degradation of the plant is preceded by other visible symptoms, for example, leaf fall, yellowing, wilting of the plant. we have examined, let's find the reasons why the trunk of Zamioculcas wrinkled.

What flower growers say:

  • The trunk of zamiokulkas wrinkled if it was dried out.
  • Wrinkled leaves and trunk, softened shoots - flooded, rotted roots.
  • Leaves wrinkled - not enough light.

Violations in the mode and volume of irrigation remain reason #1 why does zamiokulkas have a problem with leaves. In this case, the plant can be both yellow and shriveled - depending on whether it is overdried or waterlogged. In order not to wait for the leaves to fall, you need to restore moisture.

How to save Zamioculcas?

  • Drenched Zamioculcasdry. Stop watering until the soil ball is completely dry. Start adding water little by little, slowly moisturizing or increasing the concentration of moisture. Monitor the state of zamiokulkas.
  • Overdried zamiokulkasgradually moisturize. Shriveled from a lack of moisture, if there really is, the leaves of the zamiokulkas will bounce back as soon as the water arrives. It is important not to fill the tuber with root processes at a time. In addition, be sure to use settled, warm water; do not direct the jet of water at the root collar.

What you need to trim the roots: secateurs, powdered charcoal, or "Fundazol", as well as fresh earth soaked with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate.

Adjust lighting - bring zamiokulkas back to life

Lack of sunlight it has a bad effect on zamiokulkas - the leaves wrinkle due to short, poor lighting. Direct rays are also not the best helpers in caring for zamiokulkas.

How to properly highlight zamiokulkas:

  • Increase lighting if it was shaded.
  • Do not place under direct rays.
  • Heat is not lighting.
  • Put on the southeast, southwest window.

Where does Zamioculcas usually stand? In the corner on the floor, by the sofa or bedside table. The place was chosen for the grower, but not for the zamiokulkas. In such a place, the plant gets sick, catches a cold, suffers from a lack of light. It is correct to place Zamioculcas at home on a stand or high bedside table, close to the window, or in a well-lit area.

Each time before changing the procedural mode take a closer look at the plant: what is missing, what it looks like, what is better to add to the ground or, conversely, what to exclude from the care schedule. The plant is alive, does not live by calendar moistening, top dressing, and the vector of development varies depending on the microclimate and season. . Listen to your zamiokulkas, and he will tell you why is the trunk wrinkled , and with the help of our recommendations, you can quickly match the problem with the solution.

↓ Write in the comments, why did your zamiokulkas wrinkle its trunk? What helped the plant?

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Modern home flower growers are very fond of growing exotic plants. However, many "overseas" species are very demanding on care and conditions of detention, and on the windowsill they quickly lose all their decorative effect. Therefore, in most cases, preference is given to unpretentious specimens, which can sometimes be left without due attention and at the same time not be afraid for the health of a green pet. Zamioculcas can be safely attributed to the favorites among such flowers.

One of the most popular indoor plants

Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas) - an evergreen representative of an exotic flora belongs to the Aroid family. This species has no varieties. Zamioculcas is a tuberous herbaceous plant. Complex pinnate leaves, having the correct shape, form a semblance of a rosette. The leaf plate is dark green with a strong gloss. The height of a houseplant is usually no more than one meter. Flowers have no aesthetic value.

This plant has a very caustic juice that causes a strong burning sensation when it comes into contact with the skin. Therefore, Zamioculcas is considered poisonous.

Photo gallery: appearance of zamiokulkas

At home, Zamioculcas blooms extremely rarely, flowering is not considered decorative.
Zamioculcas roots are tubers in which the plant stores nutrients and water.
The young leaf of Zamiokulkas is, as it were, folded into a tube and has a lighter color.
Breeders develop varieties of the popular dollar tree with variegated leaf color
IN open ground zamiokulkas can grow up to one and a half meters and above
In nature, if a leaf falls to the ground, it takes root, so zamiokulkas is often propagated with a leaf at home
Zamioculcas leaves have a very beautiful gloss
Zamioculcas leaf petioles are very powerful, thickened

In everyday life, Zamioculcas is often called a dollar tree. This name was attached to the plant, according to one version, due to the fact that with round fleshy leaves it is somewhat similar to the "money tree" - fat woman. Many believe that Zamioculcas brings home wealth. The leaves of Zamioculcas are larger and more powerful than those of Crassula, and therefore people are associated with a larger currency than rubles. According to signs, if the plant is healthy and develops well, then this is a sign of imminent enrichment. If the flower withers, then financially do not expect anything good.

Under natural conditions, Zamioculcas is found in East Africa.. The presence of a powerful tuberous root allows you to store a large amount of moisture. Due to its resistance to drought and the scorching sun, it is able to grow in desert areas. Therefore, indoors, the flower is unpretentious and takes root well in room conditions. However, in a closed space (however, as in nature) it blooms extremely rarely.

Video: meet the unpretentious African zamiokulkas

Another nickname for this plant is "celibacy flower". It was fixed thanks to the numerous superstitions of housewives. Zamiokulkas brought into the house should attract female happiness to its owner, but only if it blooms. And flowering in this species is a very rare occurrence, so you have to wait a very long time for well-being in your personal life.


Zamioculcas is a very hardy and heat-loving plant that can withstand prolonged lack of watering. Excessive care can even negatively affect his condition. Nevertheless, in order for it to feel comfortable and actively develop, it is necessary to provide the flower with certain conditions.

Table: home conditions depending on the season

Season Room temperature Lighting Humidity Watering mode top dressing
Summer25–30 °СDiffused light, indirect bright beamsInfrequent spraying or wiping with a wet spongeModerateOnce a month
Autumn16–22 °СAs the soil driesNot required
WinterNot less than 16 °СAdditional humidification is not requiredRare watering
Spring16–22 °СOptional sparse sprayingAs the soil driesOnce a month

When to Water and Feed

Zamioculcas is drought tolerant. Even in summer, it requires moderate watering.. In winter, zamiokulkas should be watered even less frequently, as the substrate dries out. Excessive moisture can lead to root rot and fungal infections.

The tubers of the plant have the ability to accumulate water and consume nutrients at a high rate. In spring and summer, fertilization is an integral part of care.. Top dressing is carried out once every 4 weeks with special nutrient substrates. It is preferable to use ready-made mineral complexes for succulents and cacti.

How to leave alone

The “sleep mode” of zamiokulkas begins in October and continues until spring. During this period, watering should be reduced to one or two times a month. Fertilization is not carried out. Zamioculcas is placed in a well-lit place with an air temperature of 16–20 ° C.

This flower prefers diffused sunlight at any time of the year.

Is it worth it to bloom a flower of celibacy

Even in nature, a money tree can bloom only in a fairly mature state and with a combination of several favorable factors. A short peduncle is formed near the leaf rosette, and subsequently a nondescript inflorescence in the form of an ear, which, according to numerous reviews on the network, has an unpleasant odor. Flowering lasts for several weeks. In the natural environment, the appearance of an ovary is possible, followed by the ripening of berries. The berry carries a single seed. However, experienced flower growers note that the flowering and ripening of seeds deplete the zamiokulkas so much that after that the plant often dies - and sorry, goodbye, financial well-being!

Landing and transplant

The dollar tree grows very slowly. A plant transplant is required if the pot is completely filled with the root system.. The optimal time for its implementation is the beginning of spring.

For planting zamiokulkas, a tall pot (preferably ceramic) is chosen so that there is enough space for the roots and tubers. The capacity should not be too big size, otherwise the plant will spend energy filling it with the root system and stop vegetative growth. There should be at least one drainage hole in the bottom of the pot.

The soil substrate is purchased at a specialized store or prepared independently. The ideal composition of the soil includes sand, peat and turf in equal proportions.

If it is not possible to prepare the soil mixture yourself, it is purchased at the store. The best option is soil for cacti and succulents.

Transplantation is carried out by the method of transshipment in this way:

Video: transplanting zamiokulkas

More often appearance the flower is deteriorating due to violation of growing conditions and care errors.

Table: yellowing leaves, drying tips and other signs of care errors

Problem Cause elimination
Small yellow leaves with dry tipslack of lightingMove the flower to a brighter place
Falling top leavesUnderwatering or overwateringAdjust watering schedule
Black tubers and leavesDevelopment of rot at low temperature and high humidityEliminate the causes of the development of putrefactive phenomena
Dark spots appear on the leaves
  • Abundant watering;
  • low air temperature;
  • high humidity during the growing season.
  • Establish a watering and humidification regime;
  • move to a warmer place.

Zamioculcas is rarely affected by diseases and pests, because poisonous juice and wax on the leaves protect it from damage. But sometimes infection does occur. Therefore, it is important for flower growers to know how to treat a dollar tree.

Table: dark spots on the stem and other lesions

Some flower growers advise very unusual ways to control Zamioculcas pests. One of them is spraying with a cockroach pencil solution: grind 1/3 of the pencil, mix with 0.5 liters of warm water and spray the plant and soil surface for 2-3 days until all pests die. When zamiokulkas is affected by a putrefactive fungus, tubers and leaves darken


Reproduction of zamiokulkas is carried out by dividing the tubers and rooting the leaves. It is almost impossible to propagate the plant by seeds, and besides, they are rarely found on the free market. And the seeds collected from home zamiokulkas, as a rule, cannot be called high-quality planting material.


Most often, flower growers use the tuberous propagation method.. It is considered the simplest and most effective. To propagate a dollar tree with tubers, you must follow the following instructions:

Often, a young shoot of zamiokulkas is formed in a pot. During transplantation, in most cases it is easy to separate it from the mother tuber and plant it in a separate pot.

leaf cuttings

A less common variant of Zamioculcas propagation is with the help of leaf cuttings. To do this, carry out the following procedure:

Video: reproduction of zamiokulkas
