Why does the intimate area darken? I’m embarrassed to ask: how to get rid of chafing between the legs and dark spots

Often women are concerned about the problem of darkening of the skin in the groin area. The issue is quite intimate, so many do not dare to eliminate this unpleasant situation. The article talks about why it appears dark skin in the bikini area, how to get rid of these dark spots.

Causes of dark spots in the groin area

Mechanical agent

The main cause of spots is considered to be direct impact on the skin in the groin area. The skin in these areas is very sensitive, so wearing uncomfortable underwear is highly discouraged. Also, this can affect the functioning of the genital organs. Synthetics are very poorly breathable and can be another cause of stains.


Depilation of the intimate area (sugaring, removal of unwanted hairs with wax) sometimes causes microtrauma, which affects the pigmentation of the bikini area. Scratching after the depilation procedure is also possible.

UV radiation

Sun rays - common reason, especially in summer. If the bikini area is not protected by a swimsuit or special means, it is better to refrain from sunbathing. As you know, ultraviolet rays can lead not only to unwanted darkening, but also to malignant neoplasms.


Another factor is pregnancy. Dark areas appear both in the groin area and on the face or neck. This occurs due to a radical change in hormonal levels and abundant blood supply to the genital organs. For pregnant women, this is the norm, since without such changes the body cannot prepare for the upcoming birth of the fetus.

Fungal infections

Changes in skin color can occur due to fungal infections. If you complete a full recovery course, the color of the integument will become normal again.

Varicose veins

Varicose veins lower limbs. With varicose veins, blood cannot circulate normally through the veins, it stagnates, the veins swell, and the skin becomes dark in color. The more serious the stage of the disease, the darker the skin becomes.

Diseases of the endocrine system are not excluded. Hormonal secretion is disrupted and, as a result, pigmentation appears in the groin area, on the elbows, knees and even nipples. An example of such a disease would be Itsenko-Cushing syndrome.

Contraceptive drugs

You should be careful with hormonal drugs, as they increase skin pigmentation. If spots have already appeared, it is necessary for a knowledgeable specialist to select more suitable contraceptives.

Substances hazardous to the body

The production of pigment cells can be affected by excessive medications or the presence of particularly toxic compounds in the body.

Menopause in women

During menopause, the body undergoes major changes related to hormones. Therefore, darkening of the skin with age can occur in any healthy woman.

Ways to eliminate darkening

Dark spots can be removed both at home and by using the services of specialists in salons. But before you fix the problem, you need to consult a doctor. He will prescribe the necessary tests. They are needed in order to understand what led to the appearance of darkening, whether they were caused by some pathological process in the body or not. If there are no deviations, then you can already choose which method to use.

The main way to remove age spots is bleaching. It includes:

  • Exfoliation of the skin. This stage will remove pigment from the top layer of skin. As the pigment begins to fade, the skin will become lighter.
  • Decreased production of skin pigment melanin.

Skin whitening at home

The cucumber mask is very popular. You need to mix any nourishing cream with grated cucumber and apply the resulting mass using gauze.

The second most effective mask is made from sour cream with parsley juice and the addition of lemon juice. Apply in the same way to darkened areas, wait 10 minutes and rinse off. Use up to 4 days.

A white clay mask whitens the skin well and does not injure it. It requires white clay (1 tablespoon) and cucumber juice. Stir until thick. You can also add a couple of drops of lemon juice. Wait 10 minutes, wash off.

A less gentle procedure is scrubbing, in particular coffee scrubbing. The scrub should include lemon juice.

Whitening in specialized salons

This type of whitening may be necessary if homemade masks and scrubs are ineffective or for girls with hypersensitive skin. Peels with azelaic acids are used in the salon. Laser whitening of darkened areas of the skin is considered even more professional. This method of whitening has only one drawback - the high cost of the procedures.

It is very important for women to always look flawless, and beauty and well-groomed appearance, as a rule, depends on healthy and beautiful skin, and not only in visible places. Darkening of the intimate areas of the body is a common phenomenon, but not everyone knows that there are many means to combat excessive pigmentation. The color of the surface of the skin can change depending on many reasons, ranging from hormonal imbalances and age-related changes to uncomfortable underwear that rubs the skin. Nowadays, whitening of intimate areas can be carried out not only in beauty salons, but also at home.

Methods for whitening intimate areas

Today, in order to whiten the skin between the legs, in the perineum, in the labia, groin, anus or bikini area, modern salons offer many various methods. The entire whitening process is divided into the following stages:

  • exfoliation of old, obsolete cells;
  • reduction in the process of melanin production.

Light therapy or phototherapy is one of the most popular and well-known methods for whitening the bikini area or the skin between the legs. This method allows you to completely painlessly lighten problematic intimate areas over several procedures. It is worth considering that there are contraindications for this method: pregnancy, breastfeeding, any inflammatory processes in the body, diabetes, atopic dermatitis.

Chemical methods are quite effective, but are not suitable for women who have increased skin sensitivity between the legs, in the perineum, in the anus, labia or bikini area. Side effects may include burning, an allergic reaction, or severe redness and itching during bleaching of intimate areas.

“Home whitening of the intimate area is very popular among women, because embarrassment prevents many of them from turning to an experienced specialist. Whitening is best done by a cosmetologist. This procedure minimizes the risks of injury and allergic reactions compared to home treatments. The safest home whitening methods are special creams or juices of fruits and vegetables.”

Valentina Igorevna

One of the simplest whitening procedures is the use of a lightening ointment containing special components. A special powder is also used to whiten the labia (men also use it). There are also strong creams with a whitening effect, but they are quite expensive.

Any beauty salon offers similar services, but the fact is that not every woman is ready to use them. In this case, it is worth using proven products that can be easily prepared at home from simple and inexpensive ingredients.

All women have intimate areas of different colors and shades, often very different from the main color of the skin on the body. Sometimes the color of the labia, perineum, anus or the skin between the legs and groin in girls with white skin is dark brown, while in dark-skinned girls these same private parts can be light pink or white.

Dark skin color between the legs, anus or labia usually depends on hereditary factors or is caused by big amount melanin. Frequent visits to the solarium can also cause darkening of intimate parts.

Recipes for lightening at home

Before using any home remedy to whiten your intimate areas, you should consult your doctor about possible skin diseases. In their absence, you can safely choose and use suitable recipes. During whitening procedures, it is necessary to protect the skin from exposure to sunlight and exfoliate dead cells using peeling (helps remove melanin from the epidermis). It must be taken into account that such procedures will require a lot of patience and hard work, since the result may not appear soon, but only after a few months.

Combine hydrogen peroxide (1 tablespoon) with ammonia (0.5 teaspoon) and treat the intimate areas with the resulting mixture. The procedure takes no more than 5 minutes. Before applying the solution, you need to test for an allergic reaction (try the liquid on your wrist or elbow). If no unpleasant symptoms appear within 20 minutes, then the mixture prepared at home from the simplest ingredients can be used without fear. A whitening course involves 10-12 procedures.

Grated cucumber can be mixed with nourishing cream, wrapped in gauze and applied to the intimate area that needs to be whitened. Keep the compress for at least 10 minutes.

Combine parsley juice with lemon juice and sour cream (1:1) and apply the product to the perineum, around the bikini area, anus or between the legs, leave for 20 minutes, rinse. After four days of using the product, you need to take a break. Reviews from women who have tried this remedy clearly indicate that it is the best and most effective, producing results within a week.

The following recipe contains coffee grounds, which should be mixed in equal proportions with lemon juice and apply this mixture in circular massaging movements around the intimate areas, and after 5 minutes rinse with warm water. Since coffee grounds are an abrasive agent, peeling before applying the mixture is not necessary. This procedure can be done quite long time(until the desired result) twice a week.

Juices of strawberry, birch, pomegranate, grapefruit and lemon, as well as bodyaga, honey and fermented milk products will help whiten the intimate area. The substances contained in these products help lighten problem parts of the body and reduce melanin.

Another recipe for whitening intimate areas of the skin, prepared at home, contains white cosmetic clay (1 tablespoon), diluted with cucumber juice to the consistency of thick sour cream (so as not to spread). Add a little lemon juice (a few drops) to the prepared mass and lubricate the skin cleansed before the procedure. After 10 minutes, rinse off the composition with cool water and apply the cream. If desired, cucumber juice can be replaced with strawberry or parsley juice, which also have whitening properties.

It is important to remember that after each whitening procedure, any nourishing cream must be applied to the treated areas.

The skin whitening procedure in intimate areas allows girls and women to get rid of serious complexes about their appearance, embarrassment in front of partners, and also makes it possible to wear any, even the super short, clothes without feeling any discomfort.

On the one hand, it seems that the problem of dark private places is funny, but definitely not for the girls who are faced with this. Women always want to look their best, and perfection should be achieved anywhere. Since dark skin is quite an unpleasant aspect, many are interested in how to whiten their armpits and bikini area at home.

Reviews show that even with the help of folk remedies you can easily get rid of this, and in the photo you can see the results of those who have tried it. If you follow all the recommendations and rules, the result will not keep you waiting, and the skin will become light, well-groomed and with a uniform skin tone.

Although it seems that girls rarely face this problem, judging by the statistics, the issue is quite relevant in the modern world.

Causes of darkened skin in intimate areas

Experts identify a number of main reasons that cause darkening of the skin, including:

  • Changes in the hormonal structure in a woman’s body. This may occur after puberty, pregnancy, or menopause.
  • Strong friction between the legs is due to excess weight.
  • Regular wearing of tight underwear, as well as fabric that is not suitable for a particular skin type.
  • Choosing the wrong deodorant for your armpits.
  • Individual characteristics of the skin.

Also, the cause of darkening of the skin can be a genetic predisposition. No less often, this problem can occur after illness, dermatitis, injury or surgery.

Changes in hormonal background, the influence of ultraviolet rays in large quantities, use of oral contraceptives - this can also lead to darkening of the skin.

The main thing is not just to start lightening the skin, but to get rid of the reason from which this happened. You should definitely consult a doctor so as not to harm yourself and prevent possible complications. For example, a dermatologist will advise you to get tested for fungal diseases. Only if the cause is completely excluded, as well as treatment (if necessary), can whitening begin using special means.

  1. Exfoliate the top keratinized layer of the skin.
  2. Reduce the production of the hormone melanin.

Then you can start choosing a whitening product.

Folk remedies and recipes for whitening

It is difficult to replace ingredients such as parsley, lemon, strawberries, pomegranate and grapefruit when making masks and scrubs at home to get rid of dark areas on the skin. They are the main and basic components for effectively getting rid of the problem.

The most effective and popular recipes are:

  1. For this method you will need parsley juice, kefir (can be replaced with sour cream) and lemon juice. All ingredients should be mixed and placed on a dark area of ​​the intimate area or armpits for 10 minutes. The procedures should be repeated no more than 5 times a day. If used correctly, the result will appear within 3 days. The skin brightens before your eyes.

  1. The following recipe calls for cucumber and your favorite moisturizer. You need to grate the cucumber and mix it with the cream, and then apply it to the desired area of ​​skin for a few minutes. Thanks to the cucumber, lightening occurs, and the cream will make the skin sufficiently moisturized.

  1. White clay is an excellent bleaching agent. To do this, it must be combined with cucumber juice in such an amount that a thick paste is obtained. Cucumber can be replaced with parsley or strawberries. You also need to add lemon juice. Then you should apply the mixture to the skin for 15 minutes and after the time has elapsed, rinse with cold running water.

  1. An equally effective recipe is a scrub made from coffee and lemon. They need to wipe the required area every day and soon the result will appear.

Such methods do not give instant results, but this does not mean that they are ineffective. You just need to do them regularly and after a month you can forget about the problem of dark areas in the bikini area and armpits.

Whitening with hydrogen peroxide

Every girl has heard about the ability of peroxide to bleach hair, but it can also be used to whiten darkened areas of the skin. But if you use peroxide in pure form You can not only make your skin dry, but also get burned.

To make the procedure safe, it is better to dissolve it with water in a 1:1 ratio, and then add a little gel or liquid body soap - this can make the skin softer. You can also mix peroxide with camphor oil, which is also effective for getting rid of pigmentation.

Dark spots on the inner thighs are a common problem for many people. Excessive production of melanin or discoloration of skin areas can be caused by various reasons:

  • irritation from uncomfortable synthetic clothing and underwear;
  • hormonal disorders during pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • taking hormonal or chemotherapy drugs;
  • sunburn;
  • dry skin;
  • overweight;
  • diabetes;
  • heredity.

Although pigmentation is not a disease, it reduces a person’s self-esteem and makes a person want to get rid of a cosmetic defect. 13 ways to whiten dark spots between your legs and lighten your bikini area at home will help you avoid the help of cosmetologists.

Natural substances that whiten skin

Darkening of the skin in intimate places and on the inner thighs can be easily corrected. Any over-the-counter treatment that is lightening in nature should be carefully tested for the possibility of an allergic reaction.

Soy, vitamin B 3, ellagic acid, which is found in plants, are included in creams and serums and are suitable for almost everyone. But substances of plant origin such as arbutin, kojic acid and licorice can cause discomfort and increased pain, so their presence in cosmetics requires a preliminary sensitivity test.

Coconut oil with lemon

A mixture of coconut oil and lemon juice will help whiten the skin in intimate places. Citrus is a source of vitamin C and is a well-known bleaching agent. Coconut oil will moisturize the skin and soften the effects of acid.

Mix the juice of half a lemon with a few tablespoons of coconut oil and massage into dark spots for 10 minutes. Then remove excess product from treated areas of the body. Repeat the procedure daily to achieve maximum effect.

Don't use too much lemon juice - it can cause irritation.

Sugar peeling

Sugar will help fade brown spots if they are caused by a build-up of dead skin cells. It gently and carefully exfoliates dead skin particles. Scrub recipe: 1 teaspoon refined sugar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey plus a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Gently apply the sticky mixture to dark areas of the body, massage for several minutes, then rinse with water. Peeling helps remove stains between the legs and helps whiten the skin in intimate areas.

Oatmeal and yogurt scrub

Oatmeal will help get rid of dark spots between your legs. Acting as an exfoliating component, it helps reduce skin redness and inflammation. Yogurt is a source of lactic acid and zinc, which are beneficial for damaged skin. To create a gentle scrub, mix equal parts oatmeal and yogurt. This paste should be smeared on darkened areas of the skin and the area around them. After this, carefully remove the residue and rinse with clean running water.

Almonds with milk and honey

Contains a record amount of vitamin E, which brightens red areas, moisturizes the skin, and restores its integrity. For whitening, mix powdered almonds with a little milk and honey. Apply the resulting paste to the areas of the thigh that are darkening and let dry completely. Use a damp towel or a little water to skim off the mixture. Repeat three times a week - the dark skin between your legs will noticeably lighten.

Orange and turmeric

Orange, unlike lemon, makes the skin whiter in a more gentle way. It contains vitamin C and has exfoliating properties, while turmeric helps lighten the dark surface of the epidermis by several tones. Mix dried orange peel powder with 2 teaspoons of turmeric, moistening the paste with honey or rose water. To remove stains between your legs, apply the product to your inner thighs for 20 minutes and then rinse off. cold water. 2-3 orange masks per week will help get rid of blemishes effectively.

Baking soda

Using baking soda requires caution. Whitening the inner thighs using a scrub or mask with soda should be done for people with insensitive skin, free from open wounds, a few days after depilation. Baking soda acts as a scrub and brightener at the same time. Mix equal parts baking soda and water, apply a thin layer to dark spots in the groin or thighs, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse. After use, moisturize your skin with oil or cream.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera-based gel has a soothing effect, so it can be used by girls whose pigmentation is caused by frequent diaper rash, uncomfortable or synthetic underwear that causes chafing. Aloe contains a substance called aloin, which has a lightening effect. Aloe is a plant antioxidant that effectively nourishes the skin with moisture. After applying the gel, the product does not need to be washed off - just let it absorb completely and wipe off the excess with a cotton pad.

Potato compress

The use of compresses based on raw potatoes has long been effective. folk remedy for whitening darkened areas of the body. The whole secret is the content of the catecholase enzyme in the tubers, which changes the color of the skin. Rub raw potatoes grate or simply cut into thin slices, apply to the affected areas for 15 minutes, and then rinse with cool water. With each procedure, the skin will become brighter and smoother.

Cucumber juice

To whiten dark spots between legs, use on cucumber. Its juice has whitening properties, helps clean pores and get rid of dead cells. Apply fresh cucumber juice to darkened areas of the body and rub it in for 10 minutes. For better effect, add a few drops of lemon juice. Then rinse off the mixture with water and wipe with a damp towel.


Tomatoes have long been used in cosmetology to give skin natural glow, they are able to deeply nourish cells. Tomatoes are a source of antioxidants that protect the skin from harmful effects. environment. To whiten, rub crushed tomato pulp for 20 minutes. Then rinse off the mixture with water.

Cosmetic cream with hydroquinone

This method can only be used under the supervision of a dermatologist, as it requires adjustment of the dose and frequency of use. The synthetic compound hydroquinone, which is part of medicinal creams, is present in small concentrations, but they are enough to effectively whiten dark spots and skin in other places. Removing dark spots is achieved by blocking the enzymes responsible for the production of melatonin.

The negative side of the method is that it can provoke severe skin irritation, changes in the functioning of the immune system, and the occurrence of certain types of tumors.

Laser skin lightening

Laser procedures whiten the skin as much as possible without leaving scars. After the procedure, it will take some time for final healing. The method is practically painless - it all depends on the degree of sensitivity of the person. The laser has a number of contraindications - pregnancy, blood diseases, tumors, diabetes. It will be of no use if hip friction is caused by obesity.

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Hello! In this article we will talk about whitening the intimate area. Today you will learn how to choose a cream and what home remedies for whitening the bikini area exist.

It's no secret that the skin of many people's intimate parts darkens. Some people don’t pay attention to this, while others have a complex, especially if the contrast between the main skin color and the skin of the perineum is great. However, not many people know that the problem of darkening of the skin in the intimate area can be eliminated.

What causes darkening of the intimate area?

Increased pigmentation in the perineum, genitals and anus occurs due to the production of melanin in large quantities, which is known to perform protective functions for our skin. There can be many reasons why the skin begins to darken:

  1. Age. As we age, the skin invariably begins to darken.
  2. Excess weight. Excess weight can also cause pigmentation: friction in the perineal area, increased sweating, diaper rash, etc.
  3. Underwear. Poor quality materials and uncomfortable models lead to constant friction and roughening of the skin, as a result of which the skin begins to become rough.
  4. Skin injury. Constant epilation or shaving causes irritation, which over time can develop into age spots.
  5. Malfunctions of the endocrine system. Darkening may indicate deeper problems, especially if the skin begins to darken not only in the perineal area, but also on the elbows, armpits, and chest.
  6. Fungal diseases and infections.
  7. Pregnancy. Sometimes the skin changes color due to hormonal changes in the body. There's no need to worry. If the problem really arose during pregnancy, it will go away within three to four months after birth.
  8. Genetics.
  9. Effect of drugs. Sometimes the cause of pigmentation is prolonged use of medications: antibiotics or other potent drugs.
  10. Oral contraceptives. Birth control pills taken incorrectly can cause hormonal imbalance.
  11. Phlebeurysm. During this disease, there is a disturbance in the blood supply to the pelvis and the skin of the reproductive organs.
  12. Ultra-violet rays. Often on the beach or girls neglect protection in the intimate areas. But in vain. The crotch also needs sunscreen with a protection level of at least 25.
  13. Negroid acanthosis. This is a disease manifested by darkening of the labia and anus.
  14. Diseases internal organs . Especially the kidneys and liver.
  15. Lack of vitamins. Specifically PP, C, A, B9.

Whitening intimate areas in the salon

Salon methods of whitening intimate areas are quite popular among girls today. Cosmetologists offer various options to solve the problem of darkening of the skin.


At its core, skin resurfacing is a fine-particle exfoliation. It removes dead dark cells, resulting in lighter skin. This procedure is quite painful and feels similar to sandpaper rubbing against the skin. If you are ready for such a test, then this procedure is for you.


All manipulations in this procedure occur thanks to light: flashes, various impulses. Due to light exposure, various biochemical processes occur in the skin. This method of skin lightening is absolutely painless and comfortable. However, it has contraindications:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Diabetes;
  • Dermatitis;
  • Skin inflammation;
  • Inflammatory processes in the body.

Despite the unlimited number of advantages, this method has a disadvantage that becomes decisive for many: the high price.

Laser whitening

Laser whitening of intimate areas is very popular among stars, public figures, dancers and models.

Before the procedure, an anesthetic cream is applied to the intimate area so that no painful or unpleasant sensations arise during whitening. After the anesthetic has taken effect, laser resurfacing begins. The procedure takes on average fifteen minutes. Redness on the skin after the procedure is normal and will go away over time.

After four days, the skin will begin to peel off. Once all the dead skin is peeled off, the laser treated area will appear noticeably lighter.

It may take about three treatments to achieve results. They need to be done at intervals of one to two months.

Whitening intimate areas at home

Many girls refuse salon services in favor of home treatments. For many, this decision is dictated by their financial situation, embarrassment in front of a stranger who will perform the procedure, or distrust of cosmetology in general. One way or another, you can whiten your skin at home. However, you need to understand that this will not happen as quickly as we would like, so you should be patient.

Before taking active steps, you should consult a dermatologist. It is necessary to exclude the presence of fungus and other skin diseases. Only after consulting a doctor can you begin whitening procedures. They all consist of three main stages:

  1. in any convenient way;
  2. Peeling (not earlier than one day after hair removal);
  3. Procedures aimed at reducing the amount of melanin in the skin.

Throughout the entire period of whitening the intimate area, you need to remember and regularly apply it to the skin if you decide to go to the beach or wear short shorts.

Intimate area whitening creams

The beauty industry offers a huge variety of different skin whitening products, but not all of them can be used in the perineal area without fear of consequences. The skin on our private parts is very sensitive. There are much more nerve endings concentrated in it than anywhere else. Therefore, you should approach the choice of whitening cosmetics responsibly. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Avoid regular whitening creams. This will bring you nothing but irritation, pain and burning.
  2. The cream should not contain acids. The exception is acids of plant origin, such as kojic acid.
  3. Choose creams that include natural ingredients: cucumber, licorice, bearberry, yarrow, parsley, etc. It’s good if the cream contains arbutin. This substance is also of natural origin and helps reduce the amount of melanin produced.
  4. If during use you feel any discomfort (itching, burning, pain, etc.), stop using the product.
  5. Check in advance if you have an allergic reaction: apply the cream to your wrist and leave for 20 minutes. If there is no discomfort, the product can be used. The same goes for homemade recipes.
  6. Do not wait quick results. The first changes can be noticed only after one or two weeks of daily use of the cream.
  7. Before use, read the instructions and follow them.
  8. Avoid getting the cream into your eyes.
  9. Don't sunbathe.
  10. Apply the cream in a thin layer to avoid allergic reactions, irritation, etc.
  11. Do not use the cream if there is damage to the skin: abrasions, scratches, cuts.

Folk recipes

If you think that only modern girls If you are concerned about the problem of pigmentation in intimate areas, then you are mistaken. Women at all times have strived for ideal beauty and confidence in themselves and their bodies. Therefore, on the Internet you can find many recipes on how to cope with the problem of darkening of the skin in delicate places.

Composition of the product Time on skin Notes
Hydrogen peroxide - 1 tbsp. l.
Ammonia- 0.5 tsp.
5 minutes10-12 procedures, no more than 1 time per week.
Grated cucumber - 1 pc.
Nourishing cream - 1 tbsp. l.
10 minutesApply the composition to a bandage or gauze and apply to the desired area.
Parsley juice - 1 tsp.
Lemon juice - 1 tsp.
Sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.
20 minutesRepeat the mask for 4 days. A break is required afterwards.
Honey - 1 tbsp. l.
Lemon acid- 1 tsp.
Olive oil- 1 tsp.
10 minutes
White clay - 1 tbsp. l.
Cucumber or parsley juice (dilute the clay with juice until thick sour cream)
Lemon juice - 2-3 drops
10 minutes
Grated tamarind15 minutesApply to gauze and apply.
Boiling water – 100 ml
White clay – 30 g
Dried yarrow herb (or St. John's wort) - 20 gr.
10-15 minutesBrew the herb and leave for half an hour. Strain. Mix with clay until smooth.
Use the mask two to three times a week for a month.
Tomato - 1 pc.
Red currants - 100 gr.
Honey - 40 gr.
Ripe strawberries - 15 gr.
30 minutesRemove the peel from the tomato. Mix all ingredients and grind using a blender.
Coffee grounds - 1 tbsp. l.
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
5 minutesUse 2 times a week. Before such a mask, you do not need to use a scrub or peeling.
Apple cider vinegar (less than 6%) - 3 parts
Water - 1 part
Wipe the darkened areas with the mixture.

Is it worth getting rid of dark spots on the skin? Every woman must answer this question independently. If this is not a small thing for you, if pigmentation interferes with your sex life, causes a lot of inconvenience and adds complexities - definitely worth it!
