Why do my legs swell in the evening? What should I do? Reasons why legs swell

The problem of edema can be encountered for various reasons. In our article we will tell you what exactly can serve as a prerequisite for swelling of the legs and how to get rid of this problem.

Many people have swollen feet, and they usually suffer from this disease fat people. Most people mistakenly believe that this is a cosmetic problem caused by the use of large quantity liquids.

Causes of leg swelling

If your legs swell, it’s not without reason. Among the most common reasons are heat, tired legs, pregnancy, and the consequences of the habit of crossing your legs.

Legs swell mainly due to muscle insufficiency of the vein walls. This is facilitated by genetic predisposition, poor nutrition, poor physical activity. Gradually, the vein becomes weaker and begins to cope worse with its job - returning blood to the heart.

The blood begins to stagnate, and the veins gradually stretch, as a result of which the legs swell, characteristic pain and burning sensations appear. Therefore, if your legs are swollen, this suggests that the most likely cause is venous insufficiency.

At first, the legs feel as if they are burning, the legs swell and hurt, walking becomes more difficult, the skin looks transparent and blue or red wreaths appear on the surface. If venous insufficiency is not treated, it can develop into more serious problems, for example, phlebitis - venous thrombosis. Later complications such as venous eczema and hypodermatitis may appear.

Also, the causes of leg swelling can be flat feet, abnormal metabolism, lymph stagnation, heavy load on the legs and kidney problems.

If the ankles of your feet swell, this is a good reason to see a doctor, as these may be signs of a serious illness - heart failure. At a young age, swelling of the legs also causes vascular problems. And in older people, edema is most often caused by cardiac diseases.

Varicose veins can be recognized by the characteristic capillaries and wreaths on the legs, if swelling of the legs is accompanied by heaviness. Particular attention should be paid to the veins of those who have someone in the family who suffered from varicose veins. It is better not to look for the cause of edema on your own and not to diagnose yourself, but to consult a doctor. It is advisable to consult a therapist, cardiologist and phlebologist.

What to do if your feet are swollen

If the cause of swelling is orthopedic in nature, then in this case it is important to choose the right shoes. She shouldn't be on high heels, but the complete absence of a heel is also undesirable. It is best to find comfortable shoes with small heels; they should also be loose and wide enough so as not to squeeze the foot and toes, they should be in a natural position.

Daily wearing of special therapeutic compression socks and tights will be a good help in solving the problem of varicose veins and edema. They will help the vessels stay in good shape and prevent blood stagnation and promote its outflow. Such therapeutic products are made in such a way that the strongest compression is on the bottom of the legs, and the weakest on the upper part, this promotes good blood circulation. It is preferable to choose knee socks or tights. Ideally, varicose jersey is selected by a doctor.

To cope with swelling, try not to drink a lot of fluid after seven in the evening and remove excess fluid from the body. For this purpose, it is good to use decoctions of medicinal plants. A decoction of berries and elderberry bark is very effective for swelling of the legs and kidneys. Steamed elderberry leaves can be applied to varicose veins on the legs.


Herbs and plants

An excellent diuretic are decoctions of linden flowers, birch leaves and buds and extract horsetail. You can prepare this infusion: take 2-3 tablespoons of horsetail, knotweed and birch buds. Mix them and take 1 teaspoon of the mixture. Pour a glass of boiling water and leave for about 30 minutes, then strain. Drink 3 days with breaks for 1 day, 1 tablespoon after meals 3 times a day. Carry out a course of treatment for three weeks.

The astragalus plant will also help. A decoction of it can not only reduce swelling of the legs, but also has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system. Pour boiling water over 10 grams of astragalus, cool and strain. Take it 2-3 tablespoons for 2 weeks 2-3 times a day. After a 3-day break, the course can be repeated.

Baths and massage

Swollen and tired feet can benefit from foot baths or rubbing with ice cubes. Immerse your feet in a cold bath for 5-10 minutes, and then massage the swollen areas with light pinches, moving from bottom to top. You can also add sea or regular water to the water. table salt, or a few tablespoons of pine extract. Place your feet in this healing bath for 15-20 minutes - fatigue will go away as if by hand, and swelling will go away.

Garlic compresses

Garlic is also suitable for relieving swelling. Chop a head of garlic and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Rub the cooled paste onto the swollen areas and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse. If you have varicose veins, it is very important to avoid taking hot baths and showers, as hot water promotes blood stagnation and dilates blood vessels.

How to prevent swelling?

To prevent swelling and heaviness in your legs, perform a set of exercises regularly.

  1. Place your right foot on top of your left, raise your left toe as high as possible, then repeat the same with your right leg. Stand on your toes and stand there for a few seconds. Do 10 easy jumps on your tiptoes.
  2. While sitting on a chair, raise your legs and make circular movements with your feet. Bend your toes down and then sharply straighten them.
  3. Shift your weight from heel to toe, from inside to outside of your foot, and vice versa.

If your legs swell, you can use ointments

Also, to combat swelling of the legs, it is worth purchasing special ointments: troxevasin, lyoton, heparin ointment. They contain the substances heparin and rutin, which strengthen the capillary system. Horse chestnut-based ointments are also good.

Lemon infusion with parsley

A unique folk remedy helps get rid of swelling in the legs.

Grind about 200 g of parsley with roots using a meat grinder. A glass of the resulting mass is poured with boiling water (2 glasses), wrapped and left overnight. In the morning, strain and add the juice of a whole lemon. The product is taken twice a day, 1/3 cup. Take it for two days, and then take a break for three days. The course of therapy is carried out until complete recovery.

Compress with salt

A good remedy for puffiness. A kilogram of chicken fat is mixed with 0.5 kg of iodized salt. The mixture is left to cool and then used as a compress. The application should be done before bed, and in the morning the feet should be washed with a contrast shower.

Review your diet, give up spices and salt. Watch your weight and try to exercise; water aerobics is perfect. Also stop smoking, as it negatively affects the walls of blood vessels, slowing down blood flow.

Do you have swelling? How do you deal with them? Share with us!

Almost every person at least once in his life has encountered the problem of swelling of the legs in the evening. The causes of the pathology can be either relatively harmless or indicate the presence of serious diseases.

Physiological factors

The main causes of swelling of the legs that are not associated with a painful condition include:

  • Increased fluid consumption (in this case, the swollen face in the morning is “added” to the evening swelling of the legs).
  • Overweight.
  • Uncomfortable shoes to wear.

Such swelling always subsides in the morning, but if swelling begins to form again in the evening, then this is a reason to consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to determine the true cause of the pathology and tell you what to do.

Vascular pathologies

All problems with blood vessels, regardless of the cause, are accompanied by the development of swelling of the lower extremities. Quite often the swelling is unevenly distributed, which is a characteristic sign of this type of swelling. Regular periodicity is typical for vascular pathologies, i.e. swelling intensifies in the evening, and almost completely disappears after a night's rest.

Among the many reasons, it is worth highlighting the violation of local blood circulation - varicose veins. Most often, the pathology is diagnosed in women. The reason for stagnation of venous blood is a decrease in the elasticity of the vascular walls. The first signs of the development of pathology are the appearance of a venous network on the surface of the skin. Later, varicose veins may form.

The causes of varicose veins are:

  • Passive lifestyle.
  • Excessive physical activity.
  • High blood clotting rates.
  • Poor condition of blood vessels, etc.

What to do with varicose veins? Treatment of the disease is long-term and involves an integrated approach.

Especially common reason Evening swelling of the legs is due to the development of thrombosis, as a complication of varicose veins. Symptoms of the condition include:

  • Quite severe swelling.
  • Blue discoloration of the lower leg and/or foot.
  • Sharp pain in the affected leg.

In some cases, pain may be completely absent, but swelling will be present in any case. With deep vein thrombosis, edema can form in only one leg, which is completely atypical for edema of cardiac origin.

With thrombotic lesions appear and characteristic features. This:

  • Change in skin color.
  • Muscle soreness, also observed at rest.
  • The inflamed leg becomes cold.

Depending on the location of the pain, the area of ​​inflammation can be determined:

  • If pain is felt in the calf area during flexion of the foot, then the reason why the legs swell in the evenings is thrombosis of the veins of the lower leg.
  • Inflammation of the vein in the thigh, pain in the leg occurs when sneezing and coughing.
  • Damage to the veins of the iliofemoral leg is accompanied by pain in the lumbar region, thigh and abdomen. At the same time, the surface of the thigh itself swells greatly.

Poor lymph drainage

The reason why legs swell in evening time, there may be poor lymph drainage. In this case, we are talking about the development of lymphanitis - a disease characterized by damage to the lymphatic vessels. Swelling here appears if the lymph nodes located deep in the tissues are affected.

The cause of leg swelling in the evenings can also be the development of a pathology such as elephantiasis. It is also characterized by inflammation of the lymph nodes located in the deep layers of tissue. The legs begin to swell gradually.

In total, the disease has three stages:

  1. On initial stage development of pathology, edema forms during heat with prolonged standing on the feet. If you take a horizontal position, the swelling subsides somewhat. In this case, the skin in the area of ​​​​swelling resembles soft dough when touched. If you press on the inflamed area, a hole will form here and the skin will turn pale.
  2. The second stage is characterized by thickening of the skin in the area of ​​edema. When you press on the swollen area, the hole no longer remains.
  3. During the third stage of elephantiasis of the legs, the epidermis becomes very thick. The skin takes on the appearance of a shapeless lump, severely disfiguring the limb. During this period of the disease, there is a high probability of the formation of dermatitis and ulcerative lesions.

Heart diseases

Very often, heart pathologies manifest themselves as swelling of the legs. Edema of cardiac origin requires treatment: diuretics are prescribed.

Edema of cardiac origin is called cardiac, and may be accompanied by an enlargement of the liver and the heart itself. The reason why cardiac edema develops may be the following diseases:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • cardiosclerosis;
  • heart muscle defects;
  • vascular aneurysm.

Edema of cardiac origin in the legs may persist in the morning (swelling of the face occurs a little later). The main difference between cardiac edema is symmetry, i.e. Both legs always swell. Another typical sign of leg swelling of cardiac origin is the appearance of shortness of breath.

What to do if cardiac edema occurs? It is recommended to consult a cardiologist here.

Swelling of the legs in the evenings can accompany kidney pathologies. At the same time, swelling can form on the face. Somewhat less often - in the abdomen and chest. The reasons why “renal” swelling of the legs develops may be:

  • kidney tumors;
  • kidney failure;
  • nephritis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • amyloidosis;
  • nephrosis.

The causes of edema are a violation of the composition of the blood - each time a person loses a certain amount of protein with urine - and a parallel accumulation of sodium salts. They are what contribute to fluid retention in the body.

Signs of renal edema are:

  • Gradual formation.
  • The swollen area can be slightly moved from one place to another.
  • Pale and dry skin in the area of ​​edema.
  • A significant decrease in urine output - less than 500 milliliters per day.

The doctor will tell you what to do in case of renal edema, but in any case you will need to treat the root cause and take diuretics.

Endocrine pathologies

The cause of evening swelling of the legs can be deviations in the functioning of the endocrine system. Swelling of the legs can occur with myxedema. Damage to the subcutaneous tissue is typical for the disease. If you touch the swollen area, you will feel hard, dense skin when touched. The indentation characteristic of a swollen area is not observed when pressing on the inflamed area.

Features of the hormonal cycle

Edema syndrome may depend on the period of the hormonal cycle.

Legs may swell during PMS (due to a decrease in the level of progesterone hormones) and during menopause. During this period, idiopathic edema is formed, characterized by:

  • Fluid retention in the tissues of the legs and arms.
  • The face also swells.
  • Depressive states.
  • Increased body weight.

Swelling of the legs in the evenings can develop in the postpartum period as venous insufficiency, thrombophlebitis or phlebothrombosis. The doctor will tell you what to do with swelling of the legs, since in case of chronic swelling it is necessary to consult a therapist.

Leg swelling is the filling of cells with excess fluid. More often, swelling is diagnosed in the feet and legs. This is due to the fact that a large load is placed on the lower parts of the limbs. Experts tell us why your legs swell in the evening and what to do about it.

Symptoms of alarming swelling

Swelling in the legs in the evening should alert you, because such a symptom may indicate a serious pathology. Pay attention to the following alarming signs of swelling:

Causes of leg swelling

Women often experience leg swelling, even at a young age. Walking in high-heeled shoes contributes to this unpleasant phenomenon. Fashion dictates its own rules, and if a woman chooses a pair of shoes unwisely and chooses compressive ballet shoes with a narrow toe, the foot becomes pinched and the inflammatory process begins. One of the causes of swelling of the feet in women is also wearing shoes that are not the right size.

Why else can the lower extremities swell?

  1. If a person is forced to take a vertical position throughout the day. Often this is required by profession. Hairdressers, salespeople, and blue-collar workers have a lot of stress on their legs.
  2. Heart failure, leading to stagnation of blood in the veins. Both legs suffer from swelling. The swelling may decrease in the morning.
  3. If not only the limbs, but also the face swell in the evening, the cause is hidden in renal pathology.
  4. Phlebeurysm. As soon as the patient takes a horizontal position, the swelling subsides.
  5. Disruption of the lymphatic system of the extremities. This includes erysipelas and lymphedema.
  6. Pathologies found in the articular system.
  7. Diseases that cause inflammation and infiltrate formation in soft tissues under the skin.
  8. PMS and pregnancy.
  9. Hyperfunction of the adrenal glands.
  10. Exhaustion, anorexia, prolonged fasting, vitamin deficiency.
  11. Neuroparalytic disorders due to malfunction nervous system, excessive excitability.

Only a doctor can say how serious the situation is after listening to the patient’s complaints and assessing his general well-being. Before starting treatment, it is important to determine the disease that caused the swelling and is manifested by swelling in the lower extremities.

How to treat swelling

Despite the complex nature of the edema, it is still possible to get rid of it. Doctors draw patients’ attention to the fact that folk remedies only remove the symptom, while the underlying disease develops in the meantime.

The medication treatment regimen may be as follows:

  1. If swelling that appears in the evenings is not caused by illness, it is recommended to limit the load on the legs. You may have to change your profession. Unload your calf muscles by raising your legs up and placing a pillow under them. Don't neglect massage and light exercises. Use compression stockings and tights. These products allow you to retain fluid in the vascular plane using soft tissue compression. Periodically lubricate the skin with swelling of the tissue underneath with ointments and gels with an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. In case of heart failure and kidney dysfunction, edema is treated with diuretics. If the swelling is large, it is advisable to temporarily switch to injectable loop products. For long-term, maintenance therapy, diuretics in tablet form from the thiazide category are more suitable. Combine them with Veroshpiron - and the result will appear faster. Try to touch the condition of the lower leg, ankle, and back of the foot. If the skin is supple and soft, Panangin and Asparkam are recommended - effective potassium preparations. Exceptions include patients with renal dysfunction. It will not hurt to undergo a course of treatment with cardioprotectors. They perfectly strengthen the heart muscle, which means they help avoid heart failure and swelling of the lower extremities.
  3. Chronic venous insufficiency requires long-term treatment. The legs and feet are treated with elastic bandages or compression products. Doctors prescribe phlebotonics to patients - Aescusan, Detralex, Normoven and Troxevasin. They strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Herbal medicines can be taken by those who do not yet have obvious varicose veins.

Blood-thinning drugs Aspecard, Cardiomagnyl, Lospirin and Clopidogrel can protect against the appearance of edema in the legs. The swelling goes away along with a decrease in blood viscosity. However, be careful with long-term use of medications - they are fraught with poor blood clotting and bleeding.

Lyoton gel, Heparin ointment, Troxevasin, Hepatrombin, Aescin and Venitan are used as local ointments and creams for the feet.

Anyone should be attentive to their health, monitoring the body's signals about any violation.

Women should be more likely to notice visible changes, especially during reproductive age, when there is a need to take care not only of themselves, but also of their children.

Those who watch themselves with special attention often turn to the doctor with the question of why their legs swell.

The reasons for women, what methods to treat are questions that are determined jointly in consultation with a specialist and after examinations, if frequent complaints and changes in general health are noted.

Causes and symptoms of edema

To understand the origin and exact causes of such a symptom as swelling of the legs, this condition should be explained. Edema generally refers to a condition in which there is an increased amount of fluid in the body.

It is because of its large volume that the problematic part of the body increases in size, which creates both physical and psychological discomfort in a woman.

The reasons why legs swell may vary.

The reasons why legs swell can be of different origins., therefore, the answers to the question of how to treat can be found out after diagnosing the body during basic tests, necessary studies and a conversation with a doctor.

Based on such obvious symptoms as impaired blood flow through the veins and vessels as a result of pressure or venous diseases, the causes are recognized, then a method is chosen for how to treat swelling of the legs in women.

This is the main signal of a malfunction in the body, which requires refutation or confirmation during examination, for correct setting diagnosis. It helps to identify possible disease of large vessels in the form of blood clots and exclude Negative consequences which may appear in the absence of necessary therapy.

Taking medications that may cause side effects may also be the reason

We will determine all the main reasons why women's legs swell, both for the purpose of self-prevention, tracking swelling of the extremities, and for contacting medical institutions to prescribe treatment.

Basic disorders in the body

These include:

  • disruption of the outflow of fluid from body tissues, which leads to stagnation of blood flow in the veins;
  • high rates (compared to the norm) of permeability in capillaries;
  • a change in blood flow as a result of a decrease in blood pressure and circulation.

Diseases that may result in swelling of the lower extremities

Among them, the following vascular dysfunctions are noted: internal organs or joints, like:

  • thrombosis, varicose veins or dysfunction of venous valves;
  • tumors of various manifestations;
  • unbalanced diets or eating disorders;
  • condition after injury or surgery;
  • disruption of hormones;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • joint diseases that cause discomfort when moving.
Swollen legs may develop as a result of thyroid disease.

Taking medications that may have side effects may also be a cause.

Test-confirmed circulatory disorder

This includes:

  • decreased elasticity of blood vessels and tone of veins;
  • changes in the activity of vascular valves;
  • changes due to disease in the composition of blood cells.


This reason can be considered as the norm with the usual indicators of a woman’s blood tests. The appearance of the symptom is usually noticeable in the evening, and after rest the swelling goes away. In this case, leg swelling is not a serious cause for concern.

When women's legs swell chronically

There are also situations of other origins when the legs swell.

The reasons for women, what methods and medications to treat in case of chronic edema can be explained by studying the symptoms of the following chronic diseases.

Prolonged heart failure

Swelling in this disease begins in the feet and moves to the area of ​​the legs above the knee.. Additional symptoms of heart failure include difficulty breathing, increased fatigue and general weakness during the day.

In this disease, fluid tends to accumulate in the body, and there is pain when light pressure is applied to the swollen areas of the body. Treatment of such a disease is prescribed after cardiac examinations, namely on the basis of data from an ultrasound examination of the heart and a cardiogram.

Varicose veins of the legs

Swelling of the legs with this disease can pass and return to long time . Characteristic symptoms is heaviness and pain in the legs, discomfort when moving, as well as the formation of varicose veins.

If you have varicose veins, you need to undergo an examination and consult a phlebologist

All these factors impede the flow of blood through the veins, making it difficult for fluids in the body to circulate through the tissues. To treat edema, you need to see a vein specialist - a phlebologist.

Chronic kidney disease

Edema in this disease appears due to two factors. The first refers to a violation of blood flow in the kidneys, and the second refers to a change in the normal protein content. A feature of swelling in kidney diseases is the frequency of the symptom.

It is noted that the legs swell in the evening, and in the morning there is significant swelling of the face and lumbar region.

Pathologies in liver failure

Experts note swelling of the legs in the ankle area with this disease. Examinations reveal disturbances in the composition of hormones.

Lung diseases

Pathologies in this organ lead to the appearance of swelling. And the authenticity of the cause can be determined after ordering an ultrasound examination.

Excessive fatness

Swelling can appear as a result of severe compression of the veins and obstruction of blood flow in the body. Because of this, fluid accumulates during exercise and walking in the lower extremities and causes heaviness. In this situation, it is necessary to monitor your diet and balance your meals.

Excessive fatness can also cause leg swelling

In addition to these diseases, there are other (rarer) causes.

Rare causes of swelling of the lower extremities

Rare causes of swollen legs in women include metabolic disorders and protein content in the body. How to treat edema in these cases can be discussed individually based on the characteristics of the disease in each patient.

Rare factors for the development of swelling are:

  1. Strict dietary restrictions that disrupt the processes of saturation of body cells nutrients. For example, those who fast have impaired protein absorption. Big loss of this important element lead to swelling of the lower extremities, which can also appear with abnormal water consumption.
  2. Diseases of the thyroid gland, different low level hormones. The formation of edema appears mainly from a lack of protein component in the blood and cells. Secondary symptoms of swelling are dry skin, hair loss and severe general fatigue of the body.

However, there are situations when swelling appears only in the evening. There are also medical explanations for this.

Why do my legs swell in the evening?

The causes of swelling of the legs, which appear in the evening, most often include physiological indicators of the body. Evening swelling in women is associated with blood retention due to obstructed outflow; it is noticed as a result of prolonged movement during the day or, conversely, a complete lack of physical activity.

The movement of lymph in the body changes in the evening, so women notice heaviness in their legs and tightness in their shoes. This symptom can be eliminated by following general recommendations alternating rest and physical exercise.

Diagnosis and treatment

The study of diseases is a diagnosis of the body. At the same time, experts explain, on the basis of tests, the symptoms that cause swelling of the legs, the causes for women, and how to treat with the technique in the process of eliminating the disease.

Treatment should be prescribed by the doctor whose activity profile indicates the underlying disease that caused swelling of the legs. Then the doctor can prescribe a treatment algorithm, give recommendations on how to follow all stages and alleviate the condition.

Swelling is treated using two methods: medication and compression.

Medicinal treatment includes drug therapy, which restore the functioning of the walls of large vessels and capillaries, and also help normalize blood flow.

Most often, phlebotonic drugs are prescribed, which eliminate or alleviate the condition of the following symptoms:

  • swelling;
  • pain and heaviness;
  • sensations of heat in the extremities.

Wearing compression garments is one of the methods for treating leg swelling

Compression treatment includes wearing supportive compression garments(mainly from knitwear). Its selection is carried out taking into account individual indicators and characteristics of the course of the disease. This type of underwear helps reduce discomfort and tension on swollen legs when moving.

Treatment of external manifestations

An explanation of how to treat a disease in which women's legs swell depends on the cause. External manifestations of swelling in the lower extremities can be eliminated with both symptomatic therapy and vitamin preparations.

The following treatment methods are used:

  1. Use of the medicine in the form of heparin-based ointments and solutions for intramuscular administration (strictly as directed and individually for each patient).
  2. Use in the treatment of diuretics, in the dosage prescribed by the doctor. They help remove excess fluid from the body.
  3. Purpose vitamin complexes with magnesium and preparations with calcium to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  4. Performing physical exercises recommended by the doctor, which help eliminate severe symptoms of the disease. Exercises are especially recommended for varicose veins, as movements improve blood flow through the veins and relieve general tension.

Exercising is also a treatment option

The following exercises are prescribed:

  • foot rotation;
  • raising legs on toes;
  • walking in place or slow walks;
  • flexion and extension of the legs at the knee joint.

External manifestations of swelling in the lower extremities can be eliminated with both symptomatic therapy and vitamin preparations

These include measures including:

  • increasing motor activity of the legs at a moderate pace;
  • balanced diet with sufficient macro- and microelements;
  • temporary use of aspirin to prevent blood clots;
  • limiting large amounts of sweet foods;
  • limiting the consumption of drinks containing alcohol;
  • wearing knitted compression garments.

There are also treatments folk remedies, which should be selected wisely.

Balanced diet - prevention of leg swelling

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies that help women treat the reasons why their legs swell should be discussed with their doctor. He will explain how this or that method can improve the condition of a particular patient.

Such methods can be used on the advice of the attending physician and in addition to the main treatment process under supervision

The most effective auxiliary methods of folk origin are:

  1. Contrast foot baths with the addition of soothing herbs that help reduce skin irritation from excessive stress and fluid influx. The basic rule is alternating warm and cool water; immersing your feet in such baths should last no more than 7-10 minutes.
  2. Lung self-massage of areas affected by swelling.
  3. Rubbing your feet with a mixture of turpentine and castor oil. After rubbing, you can go to bed wearing soft socks.

It should be noted that such methods can be used on the advice of the attending physician and in addition to the main supervised treatment process.

Foot baths - treatment of swelling of the feet with folk remedies

Thus, we can say that the occurrence of swelling of the legs in women is a good reason to consult a doctor to identify the causes. The examination will allow you to eliminate disease factors or support you during treatment.

The correct approach to the situation and following the basic recommendations of specialists will help restore women Health, improve well-being and normalize the emotional background.

To quickly relieve swelling, you can do a lymphatic drainage massage of the legs. Watch the technique in this video:

You can reduce leg swelling if you adhere to certain conditions. About them, traditional methods of treatment and prevention, see in detail in this video:

The most simple ways, with which you can get rid of swelling in the legs, see here:
