Wear compression stockings on the plane. Compression jersey for long road trips

Back in 1972, US President Richard Nixon almost died on a plane over the ocean when a piece of blood clot blocked his pulmonary artery. No one is immune from thrombosis among travelers.

We all love to travel: some explore the corners of their country by car, train or bus, others go to distant countries by plane. On the way, the risk of thrombosis increases several times. A person spends a long time in an airplane or car seat, his legs are clamped and bent at the knees, the speed of blood flow decreases, and the pressure in the airplane cabin is reduced. These factors contribute to the formation of blood clots, or blood clots. The trip can end badly if a blood clot breaks loose and causes a pulmonary embolism. That is why it is recommended to wear special compression socks for flights, which can be purchased in our store.


Deep vein thrombosis occurring during flight is under close scrutiny world organization healthcare. There is even a special commission that is developing measures to prevent thrombosis of travelers, otherwise known as “economy class” syndrome. In fact, the risks of thrombosis in business class are no lower than those in economy class. When flying on business, you simply have more comfortable conditions, wider seats, and the opportunity to stretch your legs. To prevent thrombosis, additional protection is necessary, namely wearing special compression socks for flights, you can buy them in our store. This is recommended for those who travel by car and do not have the opportunity long time move.


They put pressure on the muscles of the leg and on the walls of the veins, their diameter decreases and blood flow increases, there is no possibility of blood stagnating. And those minor movements or exercises that can be done in an airplane seat will increase the “pumping” function of the muscles, preventing blood stagnation. Thus, you will significantly reduce the risk of thrombosis.

Your actions before the flight.

  • Buy compression socks for flights
  • Do not drink alcohol on the plane or the night before your trip.
  • Do not take anti-anxiety medications that will limit your mobility.
  • If you already have venous disease, then you should wear products of the class that you wear every day.

Your actions are on the way.

  • It is advisable to take off your shoes in the salon
  • Walk around the cabin during the flight, or do simple exercises for your feet while sitting in a chair.
  • Drink more fluids, preferably plain water
  • If you are traveling by car, then stop for 15 minutes every three hours to warm up.

In the Venocomfort online store you can buy compression socks for flights, the effects of which have been clinically proven. This model is especially popular among men. Having assessed the effect and convenience, they often purchase similar compression socks for everyday wear. Buy the best for yourself!

Let only a sea of ​​positive emotions remain from your vacation.

Your VenoComfort.

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Traveling by plane from one country to another or between cities is today considered one of the most comfortable and fastest travel options. Air communication saves a lot of time and it is this fact that becomes decisive for many when choosing transport. But rising to heights also creates certain risks, and primarily they are related to health. Many doctors advise wearing special compression garments on a plane, what they are intended for, and the effect of their use can be found in the material below.

Air travel - what to expect

Raising to a great height above the ground creates certain changes in the human body. And the biggest risk is associated with the possible formation and separation of a blood clot. This pathology occurs due to prolonged immobility lower limbs with simultaneous blood thickening. Stagnation also leads to the formation of heaviness in the legs, swelling, and pain. There are also certain provoking factors that increase the likelihood of thromboembolism, primarily these include:

  • History of thrombosis.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Long-term use of contraceptives with estrogens.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Pathologies of the hematopoietic system.
  • Recent surgical interventions.
  • Oncological diseases.

In case of such pathological changes in the body, travel by plane must be planned after consultation with a doctor. The attending doctor will prescribe pills, recommend gymnastics, prerequisite is also the use of compression, that is, creating pressure on the vessels. Previously, this could only be achieved with the help of elastic bandages, but their use created certain inconveniences and difficulties. The elastic bandage must be properly fixed on the leg; when using it, it was necessary to select comfortable clothing. Compression underwear produced by modern enterprises is much more comfortable - it’s easy to put on, and different colors allow you to choose knee socks, tights or stockings to match the main style of the outfit.

How to choose compression garments for air travel

Many people endure a long flight without obvious health consequences, and the gymnastics performed on the plane ensures the lowest risk of complications, the use of large quantity drinking water. The following categories of travelers are advised to purchase compression garments for the period of air travel:

  1. For those who on earth feel periodic heaviness in their legs and observe their swelling in the evening. In such conditions, it will be enough to purchase preventive compression garments, which you can choose yourself.
  2. Compression jersey when flying, it is necessary for those people who have all the pathologies associated with the formation of blood clots (they are listed in the subheading above). For such categories of travelers, the selection of underwear should be carried out by a doctor; this is necessary for the correct selection of the degree of compression. Usually, with obvious pathologies with blood vessels, patients already have recommendations from a phlebologist on the choice of compression socks or tights, so before flying they are advised to use the recommendations received before purchasing.

Compression garments will only provide the desired effect if they are chosen correctly. There are many fakes on the market, so you need to approach your purchase with all responsibility. For any compression garment there are strict quality standards and a reliable manufacturer follows them. The best therapeutic compression garments have the RAL-GZ-387 symbol, indicating that the product has passed the appropriate certification in Switzerland or Germany. You can buy such underwear without fear. Stockings, knee socks and tights should be made of hypoallergenic and breathable material, this provides additional comfort and prevents the development of changes on the skin. It is also necessary to take into account that the compression properties of underwear decrease after six months of constant use, so knee socks and stockings must be changed periodically.

Did you know that professional athletes, who travel frequently by air, almost always use ? Sports doctors, who are with every team, insist on this.
Let us give just one quote from the Chief Doctor of the Russian national football team, Eduard Bezuglov:
- Just three years ago, almost no football players wore them. And now after training, when their legs are swollen, many people wear them for 2–3 hours. There are many people in Anzhi, Lokomotiv, and the Russian volleyball team. It is very important. Especially when you fly often.

When going on a long trip by car or taking a multi-hour flight, we expose our health to secondary risks that have nothing to do with road accidents or plane crashes. We are talking about deep vein thrombosis - it develops from prolonged sitting, especially in an uncomfortable position. Thrombosis, in turn, can lead to pulmonary embolism, and this, as is known, is fraught with fatal consequences.

Researchers at Taiwan University found that the risk of developing deep vein thrombosis increases 12 times among air passengers who never wear compression stockings:, or. According to scientists, such knitwear is this moment is the only method of mechanical therapy and prevention of thrombosis that does not have side effects. It is useful to combine this therapy with movement and drinking plenty of fluids.

If you think deep vein thrombosis is not an option for you, consider the following information. This disease is asymptomatic at a certain stage, causing only a slight feeling of discomfort. There may be swelling or swelling in the thigh or lower leg area. Symptoms are likely in some cases to be limited only to increased sensitivity in the affected area. You may not notice impending troubles.

Weigh your risk factors, they are as follows: smoking, excess weight, pregnancy, hormonal drugs, long journeys or flights. There are also “first-line” risk factors (injuries, prolonged bed rest, increased blood clotting). But we won’t mention them now.

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