What is a mantra? Mantras - what are they? And what are they for? General meaning of mantras

- (Sanskrit verse, spell) in the ancient Indian religious tradition, a magical verbal formula for communication with the gods, privately broadcast from teacher to student. It was assumed that there was a special supernatural connection between a specific M. and... ... The latest philosophical dictionary

Exist., number of synonyms: 1 spell (14) Dictionary of synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

Mantra- (Mantras) A form of speech that has a significant influence on the mind, the emotions of the body and even on external objects. The idea that certain words and phrases can be similarly effective is based on the belief that any movement is accompanied by... ... Yoga Dictionary

- (from the root man to imagine, to believe + the instrumental suffix tra, i.e., an instrument for carrying out a mental act) a purely unusual text, pronounced to rogo, and often repeated in a low voice or almost silently muttered many thousands of times... ... Dictionary of Hinduism

MANTRA- (Sanskrit verse, spell) originally a phrase or sound (combination of sounds) from the texts of the Vedas, which has a sacred cleansing or inspiring effect. Subsequently, the Hindu and Buddhist traditions began to consider M. any phrases and... ... Modern philosophical dictionary

The sounding form of a deity corresponding to its name or aspect. These are cosmic, creative vibrations; spoken word; the sound is primordial; a powerful word; a name or syllable that has power. Japa is, as it were, a repetition of this appeal to... ... Dictionary of symbols

- (also Mantram) literally: a means of thinking. A speech, sacred text, prayer or hymn of supplication; a Vedic hymn or formula addressed to a personal deity or faceless spirit. It should be pronounced clearly, in the appropriate rhythm, in the appropriate tone... Dictionary of oriental terms

Hindu prayer formula or spell. Different sects have different M. They usually consist of the name of some deity and a short appeal to him and are divided into different categories: appeals, evocations, harmful, beneficial, etc... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

G. A sacred syllable, word or phrase, the repeated pronunciation of which has a huge spiritual and energetic impact on a person’s consciousness (in Buddhism). Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

In Buddhism and Hinduism, a magical verbal or, less commonly, musical formula that promotes the invocation of gods or concentration and meditation. Source: Religious Dictionary... Religious terms


  • Mantra Yoga and Meditation, S. Neapolitansky. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology. Mantras are sacred formulas that carry cosmic energy and have a transformative effect...
  • Mantra yoga and meditation, Neapolitansky Sergey Mikhailovich. Mantras are sacred formulas that carry cosmic energy and have a transformative effect on the consciousness, life, and destiny of a person. The science of mantras, which is the basis of the hidden…

Mantras are sacred words, one might say “hymns” in Buddhism and Hinduism. Mantras translated from Sanskrit mean an instrument of thought, a means of transmitting thoughts. Mantras, when pronounced, require accurate reproduction of the sounds of which they are composed. Every sound, word, syllable in mantras has a deep sacred meaning. Therefore, the correct pronunciation is so important. mantras - appealing to the gods of Hinduism, praising natural phenomena (such as mantras to the rising sun).

But mainly mantras are used to appeal to the gods. But mantras differ from prayers in that, when pronouncing them, a person tries, as it were, to identify with that god, with that hypostasis of God, which is indicated in the mantra. And after identification, a person receives the necessary qualities or changes in life that he wanted to obtain by reading mantras.

Mantras tune a person to a certain state, and as a result, his life begins to change. There are healing mantras, mantras of wealth, prosperity, good luck, success, mantras of love, mantras of knowledge, enlightenment, etc.

Mantras also differ from ordinary prayers in that they consist almost exclusively of the names of deities. Therefore, when pronouncing them, a person tunes into the energy of one or another deity, merging with him.
Most often, mantras are read during meditation. The most significant number of repetitions of mantras will be 108. The most active “mantrists” read mantras a thousand times or more. But in principle, it will be enough to read mantras in any number divisible by 9. To make the process of reading mantras clearer and more disciplined, beads made from sandalwood or rudraksha, as well as from other types of trees, are used. These beads are called "mala". The rosary contains 108 beads, and one large bead - “Meru”. You need to read the beads starting from “meru” and move further - one matra per bead. Having reached the “meru”, turn the rosary and start again, going “backwards”. You can’t go over the “measure”, because... It is believed that the rotation of the rosary will be the rotation of the “wheel of samsara,” and in Buddhism and Hinduism they try to avoid this - to get rid of samsara.
When pronounced, mantras should cause a vibration effect in the human body - each sound of the mantra resonates with internal organs and cells, causing a beneficial effect. Mantras are usually not pronounced, but sung. at the same time, the state should be joyful, pleasant, sublime.
Below are examples of mantras for different occasions.
1) mantras are universal.
a) OM - TRIYAMBAKAM - YAJAMAHE - SUGANDHIM - PUSTI - VARDHANAM - URVARUKAMIVA - BANDHANAN - MRITIYOR - MUKSHYYA - MAMRITAT (mantra for health, protection from accidents, diseases. gives a joyful mood, love, happiness, improves existing relationships, helps to meet your Love)
b) OM GAM GANAPATAYE NAMAHA (mantra to the god Ganesha. Gives good luck in business, prosperity in everything, purity of thoughts and intentions)
c) OM MAHADEVAYA NAMAH (mantra for unity with God. Clears all negativity on your life path. Calls on guardian angels for protection, protects from enemies)
d) OM GAM GANAPATAYE SARVE VIGHNA RAYE SARVAYE SARVE GURAVE LAMBA DARAYA HRIM GAM NAMAH (a mantra for gaining great wealth, and also brings joy, love and happiness)
2) mantras for wealth:
a) AUM MAHALAKSHMYAY VIDMAHE VISHNUPRIYAYAY DHIMAHI TANNO LAKSHMI PRACHODAYAT (Mantra to the goddess Lakshmi. Grants luxury, good position in society, promotion, wealth).
b) OM DRAM DREAM DRAUM SAH SHUKRAYE NAMAH (a mantra that helps increase material wealth, as well as the acquisition of spiritual wealth)
c) OM - HRIM - KSHIM - SHRIM - SRI - LAKSHMI - NRISINHAYE - NAMAH (a mantra that brings success, well-being and prosperity)
d) OM - RINJAYA - CHAMUNDE - DHUBHIRAMA - RAMBHA - TARUVARA - CHADI - JADI - JAYA - YAHA - DEKHATA - AMUKA - KE - SABA - ROGA - PARAYA - OM - SHLIM - HUM - PHATA - SVAHA - AMUKI - RAJODOSHA - NASHAYA ( this mantra includes the names of all the gods of wealth. Therefore, the mantra will help you get rich, give you prosperity and well-being)
3) mantras that help in love affairs:
a) AUM JALAVIMVAYA VIDMAHE NILA-PURUSHAYA DHIMAHI TANNO VARUNAH PRACHODAYAT (this mantra will help strengthen feelings between a man and a woman, strengthen relationships)
b) OM SRI KRISHNAYA GOVINDAYA GOPIJANA VALABHAYA NAMAH (mantra for those who want to find their soulmate, find love)
c) OM - SRI - KRISHNAYA - NAMAH (manta dedicated to Krishna. Gives love to everything that exists, allows you to feel universal all-pervading love)
d) OM KLIM KAMA DEHI SVAHA OM MITRAYA OM MITRAYA AHAM PREIMA AHAM PREIMA (a mantra that enhances love and passion in relationships)
4) mantras for health:
a) AUM SRI GAYA ADI SHIVA GAYA ADI KALI GAYA ADI KALA BHAIRAVA NAMAH FORAM (a mantra that helps to get rid of any form of addiction - alcohol, drugs, tobacco, etc. It is better to read on the waning moon)
b) OM BRAM BRIM BRAUM SAH BUDHAYE NAMA (a mantra that helps to achieve excellent health)
c) OM BHAIKANADZE BHAIKANADZE MAHA BHAIKANADZE RATNA SAMU GATE SVAHA (a mantra with a very strong healing effect. When you read it, imagine how the disease disappears, dissolves and goes away)
5) mantras that are protective and have a cleansing effect:
a) AUM APAVITRO PAVITRO VA SARVAVASTHAN GATOPIVA YA ISMARED PUNDARIKAKSHO SA VAHIYA ABYANTAR SUCHIH AUM (this mantra cleanses the field of your life very well. Everything negative becomes positive, purifies)
b) GATE - GATE - PORO - GATE - PORO - SOM - GATE - BODHI - SVAHA (very strong protective mantra)


Maha mantra – Great Mantra

Mach - Great.

Mantra - Liberation of the mind.

Transcendental vibration resulting from repetition mantras:

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare

Word Hara- this is a form of appeal to the energy of the Lord,

A Krishna And Frame- forms of appeal to the Lord himself.

AND Krishna And Frame, both names mean “supreme pleasure”,

A Hara is the supreme energy of the Lord’s pleasure, taking the form in the vocative case Hare. The Supreme Pleasure Potency of the Lord helps us to reach Him.

This is the sublime method of reviving our transcendental consciousness. As living eternal souls, we are all primordially conscious Krishna beings, but now our consciousness is contaminated by the material atmosphere because from time immemorial we have been in contact with matter. The material atmosphere in which we now live is called Maya, that is, an illusion. Word Mayan means “that which is not there.”

They must be pronounced in the ancient language Sanskrit. That is why many people prefer to compare a mantra with a prayer or a conspiracy, and some see in it mystical combinations of words. But, perhaps, the most correct definition means a sacred ancient formula, which contains a strong energy charge. Its main concentration is in the vibration of sound, which is a powerful carrier of spiritual power and a code that hides higher knowledge.

The effect of mantra on consciousness

Before practicing mantras, you need to try to understand how they work. Only after a person realizes this will the mantra be read consciously and correctly. Her work can be compared to music that sounds without any voice accompaniment. This is how contact can be established between a person’s mind and his soul. A mantra is a kind of tuning fork. With the help of sound, which appears both in the soul and in the brain of a person, a vibration arises that promotes spiritual healing and finding inner peace.

The Om mantra, like other mantras, is the result of the meditative practice of ancient Indian sages. While in nirvana, they comprehended the truth given by the Universe, and having understood the essence, they immediately wrote it down in the Rigveda - the book of wisdom, so that descendants could use this knowledge. Many of the truths that were obtained by practitioners in nirvana were enclosed in powerful mantras, the reading of which spiritualizes, gives a perfect appearance to the surrounding world, helps a person’s cherished desires come true, gives success, and also heals from various ailments.

Mantra of love

With the help of mantras, you can return the love of a loved one or find a new feeling. There are a very large number of them, from which each person can choose for himself exactly the one that, in his opinion, can help in solving his problems.

You can listen to the texts of the mantras in recordings, or pronounce them out loud yourself - the result should be good in any case. You should not use different texts at the same time - magic mantras do not like it when attention is scattered. It is enough to choose one mantra and, adhering to the established rules, constantly meditate with its help. Experts advise beginners to listen to mantras.

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Health mantra

According to Eastern philosophers, a person is the personification of his own thoughts. That is why you can understand the cause of each disease by “digging” into its consciousness. The healing mantra directs its effect on the human subconscious. Vibrations of sound and phrases, which were selected by sages many centuries ago, constitute the principle of treating diseases in Indian traditions.

It is believed that reading mantras, in addition to the human subconscious, also affects the energy surrounding it, changing it according to the meaning of the text. But unlike drug treatment, they do not act on just one organ, but on the body as a whole, healing it at the same time.

Experts involved in Eastern teachings are confident that the development of any disease occurs due to the occurrence of an internal energy imbalance. Any physical pain is a consequence of fears, doubts and other negative emotions. With the help of such texts you can cleanse the energy field. After all, finding inner harmony helps a person to put an end to negative emotions, and thereby get rid of the disease.

You can learn about ways to combat diseases caused by negative energy at the School of Psychics and Healers. In difficult cases associated with damage, the evil eye, etc., it is necessary to contact an experienced healer, who, having previously established the correct diagnosis, will help get rid of the disease.

Mantra of wish fulfillment

You can read a mantra, which is considered an important type of spiritual practice, anywhere and without being tied to any specific time. Some recommend meditating at sunset, others, on the contrary, at dawn. There are also recommendations for reading mantras depending on the phase of the moon, in solitude or in company, lying on the sofa or sitting in a chair. As practice shows, there are no strict limits on this issue.

But it is better to do this in sunlight or moonlight. The sound of water flowing from a tap can also enhance the impact of the mantra. But meditating before bed can interfere with restful rest. A few hours before meditation you should not eat or drink alcohol. In order for the wish fulfillment mantra to bring the desired result, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. When reading, the posture should be comfortable and the body should be relaxed.
  2. Before pronouncing the mantra, you should focus on your desires and confidently say them out loud.
  3. It should be chanted, and if the text is heard in a recording, then you need to sing along, despite the incomprehensibility of the language.
  4. The desire mantra must be recited 108 times. This number is considered sacred by many. It is a symbol of infinity and perfection. In order not to get lost when counting, it is best to use a rosary with the required number of beads. In this case, the rosary is charged with the power of mantras and can subsequently be used as an energy talisman.

Mantra for attracting money

The sounds of individual syllables when reading mantras are not a guarantee of receiving a specific amount of money. The purpose of these special sounds is to create a special energy of success, which will not immediately, but after some time, bring harmony into a person’s life, which will make the process of making money easier, and will also create situations in life that are favorable for this. In order for the result to please you, the Ganesha mantra must be read 108 times and for at least half an hour.

Some esotericists recommend increasing the duration of the session to two hours, but for beginners such mantras for attracting finances overload the subconscious. Therefore, only prepared people can afford such a period of time. It is best to practice meditation alone, in complete peace and quiet. To concentrate well while reciting the money mantra, you can use a figurine of the god Ganesha, rosary beads or incense containing essential oils of jasmine, mint, and orange.

In order for improvements in life to begin to occur after meditation using mantras, it is important to believe in their effectiveness, keep love in your heart and strive to do good to other people. Only then will spiritual practice be complete, and reading mantras will bring long-awaited happiness.

According to tradition, mantra is called manana - constant reflection or mindfulness, which protects and saves a person from the cycle of rebirth. In the word "mantra", the syllable "man" comes from the first Sanskrit word "to think", and "tra" from "trai", which means "to protect".

A mantra is a word charged with power and divine light that comes to a person from deeper levels of consciousness. Therefore, the sounds that make up mantras have the ability to have a psychological effect on the human body and consciousness, cleanse it and fill it with energy.

Mantras are believed to be of divine origin in nature and are not works of literature, that is, they were not created by the intellect. The mantras known to us were heard by advanced yogis and rishis (sages) in the process of meditation. Yogis heard them as ordered sound frequencies emanating from a higher level of consciousness than the ordinary human. Therefore, a mantra is capable of transferring the consciousness of its repeater to the level of existence from which it came.

Each mantra has a patron deity. And since the word and the concept it denotes are one and the same (the word seems to contain the very essence of the phenomenon it denotes), then, thus, the mantra and its patronizing Devata (god or goddess) are one. The mantra itself is this Devata.

Pronouncing a mantra evokes in a person’s mind the image of a certain deity, which is the personification of one or another energy of the cosmos. So, the mantra serves as a kind of magnet, attracting certain vibrations from space.

Each mantra has six components.

1. Rishi. The prophet of this mantra. The one who first heard it in the process of meditation, through this mantra, gained self-awareness and passed this mantra on to others. For example, the Rishi of the Gayatri Mantra is Vishwamitra.

2. Poetic size. Each mantra has its own poetic meter, for example, Gayatri.

3. Devata. The deity is the patron of this mantra. For example, the Devata Panchakshara ("five-letter") mantra is Lord Shiva.

4. Binja. Binja is translated as “seed, grain.” Binja gives the mantra special power. This is the essence of the mantra. For example, the binja of the Ganesha mantra is the syllable GAM.

5. Shakti. Each mantra has its own shakti. Shakti is the strength, power, creative energy of the deity.

6. Kilaku (peg, wedge). It locks the mantra-chaitanya (the conscious essence of the mantra) hidden in every mantra. When continued repetition of the mantra clears the blockage, the hidden chaitanya is released.


1. Mantras explaining the Truth.

2. Mantras that give advice.

3. Mantras that promote certain emotional states.

4. Healing mantras.


Japa is the repetition of any mantra or name of God. Japa can be performed either with or without counting the number of mantras spoken. According to Japa Yoga, during Japa, all divine qualities quietly flow from the Lord into your mind, just as oil flows from one vessel to another vessel. Thanks to the constant repetition of the mantra, the person doing japa is saturated with the virtues and powers of the deity who guards the mantra.

And now, after a brief lyrical introduction, I will actually give practical examples of the use of mantras with their formulas.






Translation: "We meditate on the splendor of Ishvara, the creator of the universe, worthy of worship, the embodiment of knowledge and light, the remover of all sins and ignorance. May he enlighten our minds."

Gayatri Mantra is the mantra of all mantras

This is a universal mantra in all respects. Gayatri is the mother of the Vedas, the destroyer of all sins. According to yogis, there is nothing more purifying than Gayatri, neither on earth nor in heaven. She sends down excellent health, beauty, activity, vitality and magical power. It cleanses karma, heals physiological and psychological ailments, eliminates failure and helps achieve victory over life's adversities. Gayatri purifies the mind, bestows eight siddhis (paranormal abilities), and makes a person strong and intelligent.

The tutelary deity of the Gayatri Mantra is Savitri. Therefore it is also called Savitri Gayatri Mantra.

The Gayatri Mantra should be performed three times: morning, afternoon and evening. Repeated three times a day, it brings great benefit and liberation.

A person can repeat the Gayatri Mantra in his mind in any position - sitting, walking and even lying down.

There are five main pauses in the Gayatri Mantra, namely: after OM//BHUR BHUVAH SVAH//TAT SAVITUR VARENYAM/BHARGO DEVASYA DHIMAHI//DHIYO YO//NAH PRACHODAYAT. While repeating this mantra, you should take a short pause at each of the designated places.

There is also a whole class of gayatri mantras of various deities. For example, Shiva-gayatri, Brahma-gayatri, etc. Gayatri mantras consist of 24 sounds-syllables, not counting the syllable OM. In general, the Gayatri Mantra can be translated as follows:

May we comprehend (name of the deity).

To do this, we will meditate on (name of the deity).

May (the name of the deity) encourage us to do this.

Example of Gayatri Mantra.





Binja mantras are "seed mantras", usually consisting of one or more syllables. It is believed that they are stronger than ordinary mantras because they carry, so to speak, the very essence of concentrated power, the energy of a particular deity. Therefore, in order to increase the power of mantras, binja mantras are often added to them, either at the beginning or at the end.

Binja mantras usually do not have a verbal meaning, but always point to specific gods or goddesses or mahabhutas (natural elements: earth, water, fire, air and ether). Some binja mantras are shortened forms of longer mantras.

Each god or goddess has his own binju.


The greatest of all binja mantras is the syllable AUM. It contains all other binja mantras.

According to Indian mythology and yogic teachings, our entire world came out of the sound AUM, resides in it and disappears in it. Thus, AUM is the universal sound, the common grain from which all other sounds come. The letters of the alphabet are only an emanation of the syllable AUM, the root of all letters and sounds; it is, as it were, the matrix of all sounds. AUM is the symbol of the god Brahma.

The AUM mantra clears the mind, opens energy channels and enhances vital energy, expands and cleanses the aura. In case of strong nervous excitement, it is a calming mantra. Gives power to everything it is aimed at. In addition, the AUM mantra strengthens all other mantras. Therefore, it is recommended to combine the recitation of other binja mantras with the AUM mantra. For example, AUM HUM, or AUM GAM.

This Binja Mantra is a Fire element mantra and is astrologically associated with the North Node of the Moon. RAM is an excellent mantra for attracting protective light and divine grace. It gives strength, support, calm and peace. Helps with mental disorders. This binja mantra is a calming and fear-dispelling mantra. But at the same time, it is a very powerful mantra, stimulating the digestive fire and charging the body with indomitable energy. It is used to replenish psychic energy, as well as to invoke the protection and patronage of divine light. It opens the aura for the divine mind and protects against the influence of the lower forces of the astral plane. A very powerful protective mantra. According to the teachings of yogis, it burns all sins and the consequences of karma.

This binja mantra is associated with the goddess Mayaya, also known as Bhuvaneswari. This binja mantra is a cleansing, calming and fear-dispelling mantra. It gives energy, joy and ecstasy. Promotes any detoxification process. This binja syllable is known as tantric pranava, in other words, the sound HRIM occupies the same position in the teachings of tantra as the syllable AUM occupies in Vedanta.

This binja mantra is associated with the god Shiva and therefore is one of the best mantras for repelling negative influences directed at you: pathogenic factors, negative emotions and even black magic. In addition, it helps strengthen the digestive fire. The Binja mantra HUM is used to replenish wasted mental and vital energy. It is also often used to expel asuras (demons); it is one of the best cleansing and calming mantras. HUM is the mantra of fire, it can neutralize any negative influences. This Binja Mantra awakens the Kundalini energy.

The devata (goddess) of this binja mantra is Mahalakshmi - the goddess of wealth, luxury and material wealth. Pronouncing this seed syllable promotes prosperity, well-being, health, beauty and the development of creativity. This binja mantra has the properties of the planets Moon and Venus, therefore it can strengthen the feminine principle and bring into harmony the mental and energy currents in the human body. This mantra also helps to increase vital energy and sexual power.

It is known that one’s energy potential can be enhanced by attracting currents of certain planetary influences.


To strengthen the influence of your planet, on the waxing moon (1st - 15th lunar days) perform japa of the corresponding binja mantra associated with the planet that prevails in your horoscope or is the ruling planet of your zodiac sign:

SUM - Sun

COM - Moon

AM - Mars

BOOM - Mercury

GUM - Jupiter

NOISE - Venus

SHAM - Saturn

RAM - northern lunar node

KEM - southern lunar node.

It must be said that mantras dedicated to any deity are essentially veneration of this God. And they can be performed both in the form of “prevention” or worship, and for a specific magical purpose. For better attunement, appropriate incense, musical accompaniment, preliminary fasting and concentration on the image of the Divine can be used. External ritual actions are not obligatory, the main thing is purity of spirit and the desire to find unity with the divine.

Below I will give a number of mantras that are dedicated to specific Deities and can help in developing your energy and consciousness. To do this, it is not necessary to be a zealous follower of Eastern teachings, to believe in the ancient gods literally (as children believe in a grandfather in heaven) - after all, they are nothing more than the personified forces of the Cosmos, a window into the depths of the inner “I”. Naturally, mechanical repetition of formulas will give only minimal effect, and openness of the heart and the desire for harmony are extremely important. The higher a person stands on the stages of spiritual development, the more fully he will be able to reveal the power of these sounds.


Surya is the god of the Sun ("surya" - "sun"). One of the main deities of the Vedas. Lord Surya is worshiped during harvest festivals. He gives a happy life. Repeating the surya mantra brings health, long life, activity, and gives the body vital energy.

Mantras dedicated to the god Surya eliminate all diseases of the body and create a pure and powerful aura around a person, preventing painful vibrations from penetrating into the human body.























Saraswati (“fluid, graceful”) is the goddess of arts and sciences (sometimes Saraswati is correlated with the goddess Matangi). She is called upon to achieve excellence in any form of art, craft or science. This goddess bestows wisdom, increases the ability to concentrate and improves memory. Gives a person the art of oratory and leads to enlightenment. Repetition of Saraswati mantras bestows divine wisdom and sanity. Develops creative abilities. Goddess Saraswati is associated with water (Saraswati is the name of one of the three main rivers in India), so mantras dedicated to her are cleansing. They bestow vitality, cure diseases, and eliminate imbalance through cleansing of negative vibrations.









The goddess Durga (“unattainable, incomprehensible”) is usually depicted as having ten arms, riding on a lion.

She is a demon slayer. Durga is approached to bestow strength, health and remove all unclean things. In Indian mythology, Durga represents all the forms and forms of the Divine Mother, that is, she represents the Divine Mother herself. Each of the gods gave Durga some kind of weapon. Therefore, Durga is called upon both for protection and for the destruction of everything that interferes with further development. Mantras dedicated to the goddess Durga do not so much destroy negative forces in the literal sense, but transform and transform them. Durga brings victory over obstacles, pain and suffering. One of the most popular and revered goddesses of the Indian pantheon.













And, finally, about pronunciation technique.

Mantras are read as you exhale, breathing should be even and measured. While chanting the formula (a guttural, somewhat monotonous sound), it is advisable to meditate and reflect on the Deity or power associated with this mantram. Mantras are usually vibrated, a process similar to the pronunciation of the Kabbalistic names of God in ritual magic. Here AUM turns into AA-A-A-UU-U-U-M--M-M.. After all, in essence, a mantra is a sound spell, and provides an effect from just one utterance. If there is intention. But, of course, the best result will be if you know well who you are addressing and are familiar with the philosophy and history of Hinduism. All this will help to better tune in to the cosmic Channels.

Good luck in practice!..

A mantra is a syllable, word or verse that has the ability to influence a person’s consciousness and helps in spiritual improvement if they are repeated, listened to or meditated on. Mantras are powerful sacred formulas that have a targeted positive effect on the consciousness, mind, body, and destiny of a person. The mantra contains energy that has an effect regardless of its use; a mantra is energy, energy in sound, it is a carrier of special spiritual energy. Mantras are compared to psalms, prayers and spells. Hindus believe that a mantra is a certain form of speech that has a significant influence on the mind, emotions and even external objects. Usually a mantra is a combination of several sounds or words in Sanskrit. Moreover, each word, syllable or even individual sound of a mantra can have a deep religious meaning (for example, one of the most famous mantras - the sacred sound “Om” in some religious and philosophical teachings is considered to be a combination of three sounds (A, U and M), each of which, in turn, has various meanings and interpretations).

Why and where are mantras used?

First of all, people who practice meditation know the essence of a mantra, what it is and what it is for. They are needed to immerse yourself in a special state of peace and relaxation. You can use them in an esoteric sense, but in fact meditation is the most common way to relax and clear your mind. Performing mantras helps the brain tune in to the desired wavelength. Sound vibrations help the mind and body relax. Also, people who know the power of sound well can say that these prayers are of great importance for improving life.

What else are mantras needed for?

  1. Mantras are a means of communication between a person and the Universe. It has long been proven that human thoughts and words have a wave structure, that is, they consist of a certain matter that cannot be destroyed. Accordingly, by pronouncing mantras, a person charges the Cosmos (Universe) with a frequency that responds to his request with results in the physical world. This property was discovered thousands of years ago by monks in Tibet and has now been proven by scientists.
  2. Mantras help a person attract wealth, health and happiness into his life. When we say a prayer or a certain phrase, we are asking the Universe to give us what it has at its disposal. It is obvious that there are more than enough blessings on Earth for all people. Almost everyone strives to find peace of mind, material security and a healthy, fulfilling life.
  3. Chanting or reading mantras helps normalize the functioning of the central nervous system. This is similar to meditation or sleep, when the subconscious becomes most receptive to the outside world. Thus, a person calms down and brings his thinking into balance. Scientists have proven that the physical and nervous membranes are inextricably linked with each other. That is, in order to feel peace, it is important to work on the physical body. Mantras allow you to achieve this goal.
  4. Mantras help control a person’s energy and use it for their needs. When we say a prayer or a spell in the form of mantras, we thereby generate energy within ourselves and give it to the Universe. The latter responds to our request with a result in the physical world.

How do mantras work?

  • Magical Buddhist prayers can heal a person with the help of sound vibrations arising from their pronunciation. They are aimed at improving the health of the entire body, and not a specific organ. With regular practice, harmony of the soul and the whole body is achieved.
  • Buddhist monks believe that all diseases existing today are far-fetched. They arise due to an imbalance in the body.
  • Constant stressful situations and negative influences from the surrounding world can disrupt the harmony that exists in us. This is where our illnesses arise. We need mantras to tune the body, they harmonize it. The constant use of magical prayers allows us to cleanse our energy field, as well as the energy of the room. Correct pronunciation of prayer has a beneficial effect on a person. His worldview changes over time, and his illnesses recede.
  • Regardless of the method of reproducing a magical prayer, it has a beneficial effect on the practitioner in any way. Mantras can be read, listened to online, watched videos, chanted, or pronounced silently. According to practitioners, using multiple types of reproduction has a stronger effect on the body. Mantras with musical accompaniment have the most effective effect. They make you feel more relaxed and ready for further life changes.
  • To achieve positive results from practice, you need the right attitude. A practicing person must be ready for further changes and believe in the power of the mantra. Without faith in yourself, in the miraculous effect of prayer, it is very difficult to achieve positive results. Monks believe that if you chant a mantra over food, medicine or plain water, it acquires new valuable properties.

How to practice mantra correctly?

At the initial stage, beginners are recommended to practice the simplest and easiest to use prayers. They are auditioned online, watch videos on the Internet, and attend classes. This is how you can remember the correct sound of a Buddhist prayer.

Regularity is a very important point. Buddhist monks do not recommend skipping classes. Thus, you break the chain of energy accumulation. If you are unable to attend class, you must practice in any way that suits you. This can be chanting a prayer either out loud or silently. You can read it or just listen. In any case, you should be completely relaxed and have no extraneous thoughts in your head. If you are tense and constantly thinking about some of your own affairs, the magical power of the mantra will not work on you.

If, when saying a prayer, you feel unity with it, you have noticed positive changes - the magical effect of prayer has affected you. Now you can move to the next level. At the next stage, you will be able to use several magic spells at once. Thus, you will be able to influence several areas of your life at once. For example, you can use mantras of wealth, good luck, prosperity, healing and protective at the same time. The prayer must be sung in a special way. To do this, special sound vibrations must arise in your voice when pronouncing the mantra. These very vibrations in the voice have the necessary healing effect. Your body relaxes, saturates with peace and spiritual balance.

The number of repetitions for any mantra should be divided by three. It can be pronounced three times, six, nine, twelve, fifteen, eighteen and so on. Repeating the mantra one hundred and eight times in a row has the best effect. It is considered a symbol of sacred energy and is perfection itself, the most sacred number, symbolizing eternity and infinity.

Why is it important to pronounce the mantra correctly?

Texts can be long or short. Sometimes, a mantra consists of only 3-4 words. All of them are words made up of the names of the gods. Either way, they work the same way. The words and syllables of the mantra vibrate in space, adjusting your connections with the Cosmos as required. If such vibration constantly surrounds you, then harmony comes. Everything goes according to the Creator’s original plan. This does not mean that you need to constantly recite mantras. Once a day is enough.

Some people combine singing with meditation or yoga. It is up to you to decide how and when to practice. But it won’t make sense if you do it very rarely, only when you remember. Practices must be carried out regularly.

Three rules

Just three. Note that this is the same way people learn to pronounce words in any language in a phonetics lab. The mantras are written in Sanskrit, an ancient language that has not been used for thousands of years. It is very complex, so only monks, researchers, linguists, and historians know it. In those days, language was not just a set of words, each of them carried an energetic meaning. Mantra is the key to understanding the harmony of life. Awareness of balance comes gradually with practice.

If you pronounce words thoughtlessly, incorrectly, then do not expect any effect. It's like trying to speak a foreign language without rules, pronunciation, distorting words. You will be misunderstood, if at all. This situation can be dangerous if you pronounce mantras for health and normalization of the nervous system. The cosmos will hear you, but will not understand what you want.

First rule: understanding the meaning

You have a mantra in front of your eyes. For example, one of the most revered in Tibet

Medicine Buddha Mantra



It has a healing effect on humans. If you feel physical pain, are sick, or have a chronic illness, then this revered sacred mantra will help you. It is long, but it will be necessary to learn it.

At first glance, it is very complex. But the first thing you need to do is understand its meaning. This is not a painkiller that will act immediately, removing all manifestations of pain. She will begin to build you up inside and out.

Life around:

  • your nutrition, forming new, correct habits;
  • interests, protecting you from dangerous, harmful activities;
  • communication, proper communication with pleasant people harmonizes our mind and body;
  • your home, making it the most suitable for you.

Life gets better, and along with it, the disease goes away.

Second rule: listen

When you already understand the meaning, move on to the second stage. You need to listen to it. On the Internet, on disks, you can find a lot of traditional chants. They are performed by professionals who know all the intricacies of reading mantras. Some recordings were made while the monks were praying; they pronounce the words very accurately.

You can simply turn them on at home. It's best when you relax. You can lie down, sit and listen to the singing, noticing some moments, individual words. It's good if you have the text in front of your eyes. Start with simple mantras, such as one of the most famous Gayatri Mantra. It is the most sacred hymn, even small children know it in India.

Holy Gayatri Mantra


Third rule: say it along with the recording

When you have already memorized the text a little, focus on working on pronunciation. Listen and repeat. Relax while reading and let the words come from your heart. At this stage, you can already conduct meditation. Peek into the text if you want. It is important to start pronouncing words that you understand on your own. Knowing the meaning, just imagine the mantra in your head. This makes it much easier to start repeating on your own.

When you learn, you will feel an indescribable harmony from what you say out loud. Many mantras can be recited to calm down. If you find yourself in a stressful situation, you are nervous: say your favorite mantra 7 times. Very soon it will get better, consciousness will clear up. They help those who are truly dedicated to the practice.


Chanting mantras helps you stay focused and focused on whatever task or goal you are pursuing and trying to achieve. The use of mantras evokes a specific feeling of light, peace or contentment. If you understand the real inner meaning of the mantra, then you can make the process of meditation more spiritual and effective.

In other words, a mantra is sound-based energy. Hindu metaphysical traditions say that the human body is created from 5 elements, one of which is sound. The study of the sound symbol system usually states that everything that is filled with sound has its own meaning, whether you are aware of it or not. And that there is confidence that there are countless layers in the system of symbols that correspond to any sound.

Even if you don't understand mantras, they definitely have some meaning; since there is no sound signal without meaning. The subconscious of any person can find a way out through meditation, as well as through reading a mantra. When you repeat mantras frequently during meditation, either loudly or silently, it changes your consciousness.

Mantras are like seeds. The seeds can grow into a whole tree. Thus, any sound vibration has all the possibilities of creation. There are mantras that resemble a seed; they are called bija mantras. There are also other mantras called Gayatri mantras. A mantra is usually a secret and if you keep it secret, your mind will be alert. In addition, the mantra works at the level of self-awareness.

A mantra is a tool for achieving strength. These words and sounds are very complex, they originate from ancient times, but they still work. More precisely, mantra means “freeing the mind.” A mantra is a tool that the mind uses to cleanse itself of everything.
