What does it mean if you dream about a guy? Why do you dream about hugs and kisses with a guy?

Often our subconscious mind presents unexpected surprises, projecting in dreams those images that will be very pleasant to the dreamer. But is everything so smooth? It’s worth figuring out why the guy you like dreams about, according to well-known dream books.

To figure out what the appearance of a given young man in a dream means, you need to remember as many details as possible, collect them into one single image and find out the meaning of the dream from a dream interpreter.

  • If you quarrel with this man in your night dreams, then in reality everything will be exactly the opposite. You have a real opportunity to become closer to each other, which, perhaps, in the future could develop into a long and strong love affair;
  • In your nightly fantasies you saw a competitor. In real life, she does not lay claim to this young man at all. Either she's not his type;
  • Seeing a guy you like in a dream, but he is upset about something and looks upset. In reality, a completely different man is interested in you. He will soon make his intentions known. Interpreters recommend not to reject it immediately, but to at least think about it. Perhaps this person suits you much better than the guy from the Kingdom of Morpheus;
  • A passionate kiss with a guy you like in the Kingdom of Morpheus. No matter how beautiful this image is, this is a very negative message for the dreamer, signifying continuous troubles in reality. Interpreters recommend avoiding all kinds of conflicts and being more understanding. For some time, even the smallest disagreement with a loved one can cost you dearly;
  • Is alone in a romantic setting. This image warns of gossip behind your back. Enemies will try to unsettle you, but you will hold fast to your path in life;
  • If a guy you like hugs you in a dream, then in real life this person also experiences sympathy and affection for you. Dream Interpretations advise you to “strike hot iron” and start taking action. Then you can miss the opportunity and go into long-term depression;
  • If in a dream the object of your adoration suddenly turned into someone else, then in reality he subconsciously frightens you with something. Your dream directly indicates that you want to correct and change something in him. But you shouldn’t do this, because it never led to anything good. It is also a symbol that feelings may soon cool down;
  • The guy in the dream appears before you in the image of a prince on a white horse (or something similar to this) - in real life you idealize him too much. This image also indicates the dreamer’s low self-esteem. Dream interpreters recommend taking off your rose-colored glasses and stopping collecting.

Interpretation of the image according to famous dream books

Miller's Dream Interpreter

  • If you experience pleasant emotions in a dream, then in reality you should think several times before trusting him. This person may be one of those who is just playing with feelings. You should not count on a long-term relationship with such a person, but will only bring pain, disappointment and a heavy burden on your soul into your life;
  • But if the guy you like causes you unpleasant emotions in a dream, behaves defiantly and stupidly, then there is an opportunity to establish a good romantic relationship with such a person;
  • Miller also interprets the image of a man who arouses your sympathy as success in financial affairs. In the near future, you may receive a well-deserved promotion to a position that will not be limited to just one step on the career ladder.

The guy I like is Vanga's dream interpreter

  • The Bulgarian clairvoyant believes that if a given man appears to you in the form of a drunken and sloppy person, then this indicates your low self-esteem and excessive complexes. You should also open up to the world so that the world will open up to you;
  • The image of a “prince on a white horse” - You strongly idealize this person. One day this may play a cruel joke on you;
  • Seeing a beaten guy means great disappointments in love that this person will bring into your life. You need to love such a man extremely carefully so as not to get burned;
  • A quarrel in a dream marks a scandal with this guy in reality. After this, feelings will cool sharply and imperceptibly. What consequences this will bring depends only on you;
  • Indifference in night dreams leads to sympathy in reality. If the guy you like does not show any signs of attention in a dream, in real life he is very attached to you.

Interpretation of the image according to Tsvetkov’s dream interpreter

  • Kissing a guy you have feelings for in reality brings minor troubles and troubles related to your career and household chores. However, you can quickly deal with them, and they will not cause much damage. This symbol also portends disappointment in friends;
  • It's nice to spend time alone with a guy you like. This image also does not carry any positive interpretations. Dream Interpreter
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This dream has several different meanings. Usually a guy in a dream shows a girl business relationships, love and happiness, and young people - how others see them, as well as friendly relations or troubles.

To understand such a dream, pay attention to whether this person is familiar to you or not, what you liked or disliked about him, what he said and what he did. This is what a guy dreams about most often in various dreams.

Maiden's dreams

For girls, a young man may dream of a new acquaintance or an interesting proposal. A guy in a dream represents masculine energy, strength, masculinity, as well as the world of her own likes and loves.

If you dream of a handsome and well-groomed guy, then at this time a certain admirer is thinking about you. Talking to him or meeting him, especially if he is still unfamiliar to you, means a new acquaintance or an interesting offer from another person.

Such a dream means love, joy, and also irritation if you don’t like the fan. After all, many young girls like not boys, but adult and independent men, quite experienced and mature.

Therefore, if a guy dreams of an ordinary student, completely and completely dependent on his parents, then the dream book predicts for such a girl a boyfriend, a man in love who will irritate her terribly.

If a girl dreams of a guy she likes, then what is this dream for? If you are not dating yet, then such a dream can predict an unexpected meeting or conversation with him.

Pay attention to how he is dressed in a dream, what he looks like, whether it is interesting to communicate with him or not. If he looks at you in a dream, offers his hand, says hello, then the guy in the dream means that this person in reality may show interest in you. True, not to the extent that you imagine.

It is possible that he also likes you, but he is looking closely or does not yet see a reason for conversation and meeting. Usually the dream book of a guy in such a situation refers to a conversation with him or about him. You will learn some news or see him with another person. Such a dream can predict your disappointment in this person or, on the contrary, acquaintance and communication with him.

Why do you dream about your friend’s boyfriend who shows sympathy for you? In fact, everything is exactly the opposite: you may subconsciously sympathize with this person, although in some cases the dream book interprets such a dream to mean that he actually has an interest in you.

Pay attention to what the dreamed person said and how pleasant he was to you.

Sometimes such dreams do not mean anything, since they turn out to be simply the result of comparison.

Someone else's guy may seem better, more handsome and more interesting. And, if you dreamed about him, handsome, attractive, kind and sympathetic, showing his feelings not to his friend, but to you, then this is the result of a subconscious comparison. Although in some situations sleep may be in your hand.

Why do you dream of a guy you don’t know who starts kissing and hugging, showing signs of attention, and communicating? The dream book writes that seeing a guy like this in a dream usually means a new acquaintance or trouble.

Notice whether he is pleasant to you or not.

Why you dream of a handsome young guy is quite clear: you will soon meet someone like that.

If you dream of a man being ugly and drunk, then expect an unpleasant incident or coercion.

This dream for girls can predict that she will be pestered by an unpleasant and disgusting type, from whom it will not be so easy to get rid of, and also that a fan will appear who does not arouse any sympathy.

The dream book also warns that you may be accosted by an arrogant person, from whom it will be difficult to get rid of. It is especially bad to see in a dream and make love with a drunk, homeless, sick person, and even worse - with a dead person. Such a dream predicts illness and a significant deterioration in your condition.

It is also bad if someone gives money to someone other than you in a dream and begins to rape you. Especially a foreigner, a drug addict or a drunkard. This dream can even represent illness, submission to evil will and significant problems. Try not to believe beautiful fairy tales and avoid suspicious acquaintances. Why dream if your boyfriend or boyfriend starts courting another girl or your friend, hugging and kissing her? The dream interpretation of a young guy in such a situation means not only jealousy, but also resentment, a feeling of uselessness and trouble.

A young man you like, if he is hugging another woman or even going to marry her, subconsciously tells the girl in a dream that she either has little chance of winning his heart, or she does not know which way to approach him.

If you dreamed of a guy stalking you in your sleep, what does that mean? The dream book writes that such a dream symbolizes fear of danger or men. A group of guys chasing a girl and hooligans in a dream means various disasters and troubles.

In some situations, the dream book writes that such a dream means trouble, especially in the dark. Please exercise caution. Fighting back against strangers is a good sign. You will be able to cope not only with your own fears, but also with various unpleasant people.

Men's dreams

What does it mean if a man or young man dreams of any guy? This is most often a reflection of his own personal qualities and manner of communication.

Seeing him different from yourself is a sign of change. Sometimes such a dream means that an old friend will remind you of yourself. In some situations, the dream book writes that this dream means troubles, quarrels and resentments. Or that there is no way to avoid a showdown in your situation. A group of healthy guys who attack you, want to rob you, or even kill you - will lead to big trouble. The dream book writes that this dream predicts scandals and showdowns for you.

In some situations, fighting back against tall and healthy impudents means victory over your enemies. The dream book writes that you will have to answer for some action and will not evade responsibility in any way.

If you dreamed of a stupid and idiotic guy at whom everyone laughs, then you yourself can find yourself in this situation. A sick and weak young man can predict illness for you, and a dead man even means that in some situation you will not behave like a man.

Hitting a guy in a dream means achieving something. If he fought back or ran away, this means a quarrel. Sometimes the dream book writes that such a dream predicts trouble for you and that you will not achieve anything from someone.

Seeing your girlfriend with another guy means underestimating yourself. Sometimes such a dream predicts jealousy and underestimation of your personality. Wrestling a guy away from a girl you know means victory on the personal front.

Many different dreams can visit us. They all have a certain meaning. Girls, of course, pay more attention to interpretations. Some of them are bad, others are very pleasant. The latter include a vision where a guy you like dreamed about. What could this mean? It should be sorted out.

Esoteric dream book

The guy I like dreamed: what could this mean according to the esoteric book of interpretations? If in life a girl does not have a love or even just a warm relationship with him, but only an ordinary acquaintance, then this vision has a rather interesting interpretation. First, you need to remember how the young man treated the girl in the dream. It is advisable to remember everything down to the smallest detail - starting with manners, ending with speech and its content. If he treats a girl in a dream coolly, as if looking down on her, then this means that very radical changes will soon arise in her personal life. And usually in such cases it all starts with friendship, but then develops into a relationship.

It could also mean a fateful meeting. Probably, fate will soon bring the girl together with the person who can become her reliable support. In any case, changes will bring only positive emotions.

Modern dream book

What does it mean if you dreamed of a guy who a girl likes and is her soul mate? There are two interpretations here. So, first, perhaps bad times will soon come for the girl and the guy. This will most likely manifest itself in the young man hiding his betrayal or in his bad attitude towards his beloved. All this can lead to a noisy scandal. What to do? Astrologers claim that most often the situation is resolved by breaking up the relationship. In rare cases, a girl and a young man “take a break” and rest from each other, after which everything resumes.

Unpleasant turn

Another possible scenario is quarrels, disagreements and disputes. But the dream is interpreted in a similar way if the guy you like seemed to dream at a distance - that is, not in close proximity to the girl in her vision. Most likely, the conflict will arise on the basis of a problem that has been brewing for a long time or some important issue.

English book of interpretations

If you dream about a guy you like, you need to be patient and decisive - this is what the English dream book advises. Most likely, the girl will soon have problems in her life or obstacles that she will have to cope with on her own. If it was an unfamiliar young man, and the dreamer communicated with him, shared what worries her - this is a sign from above, calling for attentiveness, caution and distrust. Perhaps the girl is too naive and is used to trusting everyone. It is necessary to get rid of this quality, since it is possible that soon someone will appear in her life who will be able to gain her trust and make her tell him all her most secret things. Therefore, if you don’t want to hear “nice things” about yourself later, enjoy rumors and see sidelong glances in your direction, you need to be more careful in communicating with people, especially with unfamiliar attractive young men.

Hidden meaning of a dream

To understand the question of what it means if you dreamed about a guy you like, you need to pay attention to the plot and details of the dream. So, if a girl sees that everything is going too well for them, there is no need to trust it. True, this only applies to those cases when young people meet each other for a short time. There is no need to rely on dreams of this kind, otherwise it will be very difficult to recover from disappointments later. In fact, such a dream promises success in other areas and areas of life. Moreover, they have practically nothing to do with the dreamer’s personal life. This could be study, work, career - but not her love front. So it’s worth using the sign from above! Start something that you have long wanted to do, but were not sure of the required result, for example. Or start a new job, start learning something new - in general, do what you want. You can be sure that everything will be as smooth as in a dream, with that same young man.

Details and nuances

To understand what it means if you dreamed about a guy you like, you also need to reconstruct the plot of the vision. This is a very important point. So, for example, you should remember what the mood of the young man in the dream was. Bad, angry, aggressive, the mood for a quarrel and scandal is an excellent sign. That’s what Miller’s dream book says, at least. This means that in real life the girl and this boy will become closer people. Seeing in a dream a person whom the dreamer, deep down in her soul, considers to be her rival is also a good sign. You can immediately cross her off from the list of girls who, in the dreamer’s opinion, want to “steal away” her chosen one. He is not her type at all - so all sorts of experiences should be swept aside. But being disappointed in a young man in a dream means that someone else is interested in the girl in reality. And the moment is not far off when he decides to confess his feelings. Or, in any case, it will make itself known.

Sweet bliss

Of course, I often have very pleasant dreams. Sometimes you don't even want them to end. And it’s even more interesting what exactly such visions can mean. It’s worth talking about why you dreamed about kissing a guy you like. Well, this is a very pleasant vision, but there is no need to let your guard down. A dream may seem as sweet as possible, but in reality it promises only troubles and problems. In any case, that’s what Vanga’s dream book says. Disappointment, minor losses, deterioration in health - all this can happen. It is advised to try to avoid unnecessary quarrels and empty disputes. It is possible that some little thing could develop into a violent scandal. And it certainly won’t end well.

By the way, if the situation in the dream is romantic (lit candles, languid twilight, pleasant smells, etc.) - this is a sign from above, warning the girl that rumors and gossip of a very unpleasant nature have been swirling around her and her chosen one for a long time. Their couple is a persistent object of close attention of rivals, envious people and ill-wishers. It's worth knowing.

Nice interpretation

What pleasant things can a dream book tell about such visions? I dreamed of a guy I like in the arms of the dreamer - this is good. Perhaps one of the best dreams you can have. Firstly, such a vision will charge you with a positive mood for the whole day, and secondly, it is a symbol of good news and joyful anticipation. Most likely, something positive will happen in the near future, something that the girl has wanted for a very long time. In general, the subtext is friendly.

And finally, if in a dream you dreamed of a guy you like, and he really is the girl’s lover, then this is a very good sign. In the event that everything was fine in their vision. Hugs, kisses, a pleasant pastime, beautiful words - all this, if it appeared to a girl in a dream, means a long and strong relationship with her lover. And if he proposed marriage to her, maybe everything will develop into something more. Who knows, what if this dream turns out to be prophetic in the future?

The dream carries a deep meaning. A dreaming guy most often represents the subject of a girl's dreams. If a man had such a dream, it can be interpreted as a series of upcoming important events.

However, before drawing conclusions, take a look at the dream books. Dream interpretations often depend on small details. Only by remembering them can you answer the question of why a guy dreams in a dream.

Who exactly was this young man?

So, what does it mean if you dream about a guy you like? Dream Interpretations believe that the sleeping woman constantly thinks about the subject of her sighs, thereby preventing other happy acquaintances from happening.

Do you often dream about your favorite guy? The dreamer's thoughts are occupied with her lover. Mutual, lasting happiness in love awaits the sleeping woman.

– the relationship with your lover is strong and harmonious, nothing can destroy it, your love cannot be broken. Over time, mutual affection will only intensify, passion and sympathy.

- the sleeping person should be careful and monitor her reputation; your passion will be made public. Don't trust the first person you meet - or you will be deceived.

Courtship - meeting a serious guy in the future; someone really likes the sleeping woman.

Scandals and dramas in dreams

Quarrel means reconciliation and resolution of conflicts in reality. Don’t worry - problems will remain in the past, pleasant events await the dreamer ahead.

- such a dream means that there is no harmony in your couple, there is no boyfriend, or you are not satisfied with your current relationship, and you want to change a lot. In reality, betrayal of a lover is possible.

Parting - a dream means that the sleeper is still too young for deep and real relationships. The dreamer is a superficial and frivolous person; you have “wind in your head.”

I dreamed about people associated with the main character

The guy's parents are dreaming: the dreaming girl is waiting for her lover's matchmaking and a happy marriage with him.

The guy's friends are dreaming - the sleeping person's loved one - a cheerful and sociable person. There is too little room for you in your lover's heart.

The dreamer - who is he?

Lonely girl - a quick promising acquaintance, true love, meet a sincere, kind guy. Guy - the dreamer has a rival in love or career, betrayal of his beloved woman, betrayal.

A girl in a relationship is a life changer. You are with the wrong person or unhappy in your current relationship. An unfree guy - an envious person will ruin your life. Be wary of people - excessive trust in your case is wrong.

A pregnant lady may also wonder why she is dreaming about a guy. However, this dream only expresses changes in well-being. You shouldn't attach any importance to it.

Married woman - in reality, your husband is cheating on you, infidelity in marriage, family well-being will collapse. A married man - his wife does not love you, his wife leaves for another person, the destruction of a strong union, sad changes. The betrayal of a beloved woman will be extremely cruel and sudden.

Let's turn to the dream books

If you had a sad, dreary dream, do not rush to get upset - the dream only reflects internal experiences. Try to set yourself up for favorable events, and they will undoubtedly happen.

The dream book opens...

Interpretation of a dream in which a girl dreams of a guy she likes

  1. The guy strokes your hand (right or left, it doesn’t matter) - he’s waiting for even the slightest initiative.
  2. He runs away - he is afraid of relationships.
  3. He looks at you intently - he is waiting for you in reality.
  4. Loudly - screams loudly - he feels your superiority over him.
  5. He called you by name - you are very dear to him. Unspeakably expensive!
  6. The guy I liked said a nice compliment - you look great!
  7. He accused him of something - he himself is to blame for something (specifically in front of you).
  8. He confessed his love - he feels the feeling, but is not yet sure that this feeling can be considered love.
  9. The guy laughed at you - he doesn’t take you seriously, even if there was seriousness before.
  10. He gave a gift - he is waiting for attention. All you have to do is take a step in his direction.
  11. He changes clothes in front of you - he lacks affection and warmth.
  12. Why does a guy hug another woman in a dream? - wants to cause jealousy.
  13. The guy is tickling you - the guy wants to check whether you are a jealous lady.
  14. Standing naked nearby - something needs to change in the relationship between you.
  15. I dreamed of a guy kissing an unfamiliar girl - he thinks that you don’t need him. The opposite will have to be proven.
  16. He pesters - a serious relationship is brewing. If you don't mind, everything will work out.
  17. He asks for forgiveness - you will be disappointed.
  18. If you dream that a guy is swearing, you won’t have a good relationship with him.
  19. The guy leads to the registry office building - he is not afraid of responsibility.
  20. He shows the tattoo - he wants to see changes in you, he’s already on fire!
  21. Introduces you to mom or dad - hints at something.
  22. The guy is calling - he will never forget you, even if nothing works out between you.
  23. He throws vulgarity at you - you have a lot of sexuality that you don’t recognize in yourself.
  24. He eats something and doesn’t give you a treat - your paths will not converge. It doesn't cost anything to start.
  25. He invites you to go for a walk in an unfamiliar place - romance has run rampant in it.
  26. Gives jewelry (or jewelry) - feels sympathy.
  27. The guy husks the sunflower seeds and is indifferent.
  28. He hides his eyes - he is embarrassed for his actions. Or he's lying.
  29. Which means if he tries to hide his tears, he is offended that you do this to him. How? You know better.
  30. Makes it so that you agree to have sex with him (and it “happens”) - everything is only in your hands!
  31. He asks for advice - his soul is heavy, to the point of complete impossibility.
  32. He dies right before your eyes, dies - a new life will begin.
  33. He is dressed somehow strangely - he treats you just as strangely (he doesn’t know how).
  34. He talks on the phone without noticing you - this guy has another girlfriend.
  35. The guy complains about life - he is not as comfortable with you as he seems.
  36. Sings a song (any song) - wants to do something pleasant. What? While thinking...
  37. He threatens - it’s better not to mess with him, so as not to accumulate troubles.
  38. He remembers the past - he misses something that was before.
  39. He brags about something and suffers from a huge “self-esteem addiction.”
  40. The guy “travels” in your mobile - he cares what you live and what you breathe.
  41. He makes a remark - when you wake up, you will need to reassess your values.
  42. He plays games on the computer - he is not ready for a relationship with you.
  43. He sat you on his lap - he needs you for sex, and that’s all.
  44. He offers to meet next time - he begins to fall in love.
  45. He can’t remember you at all - you’re driving him crazy.
  46. He lights a cigarette without asking permission - he treats it with arrogance.
  47. He gives you rides in the car - he has a “frivolity” in his head.
  48. If a guy dreams of him visiting in the hospital, you will have to beware of government houses.
  49. You may dream that he sneezed - he is testing his politeness. Not just “thank you very much.”
  50. The guy scattered all his things - he was tired of what was happening and would have to spend all his efforts to restore order in his mind.

Whatever you dream about, don’t lose the opportunity to build a relationship with a guy if he is dear to you! The dream, in general, may not come true, but you listen to the interpretation of it and miss your loved one, who, perhaps, can become your husband.

Feelings are a wave. They can disappear at any moment. Just don’t allow this to happen so you don’t get upset and killed later.

It’s better to close the meaning of the dream and pick up the phone to dial the number of the person without whom you feel bad - bad.... If he doesn’t answer, it’s okay. It will get easier anyway. He will answer - offer to meet. Even if you dreamed about the wrong meaning. You need to catch the positive in everything! It will settle in you too, because everything will turn out well, no matter how life goes on.

A girl can't stop dreaming about good things! If you do this (stop occupying your thoughts with dreams), then life will go upside down, turning away from all the luck in the world….
