What happens to the deceased after death. How the soul leaves the body after death and where it is located

Is there life after death? Where do the souls of dead people go? Is it possible that the souls of dead people go to a better place? Agree, this is a very sensitive topic, although many people do not want to talk about it. However, what happens after death is a question that everyone pays attention to.

At a funeral, the hope of many mourners is that their loved one has not died completely, but that their soul has been transported to a better world. Within ourselves, we think that their life after death is free from all earthly suffering. If the biblical heaven and hell are real, we all hope that our loved one is in heaven, surrounded by friends and conversations with angels.

Is there life after death? When asking those who believe in life after death and why they think their loved one went to heaven, some say: “he was a good person.” Others will say, “he didn’t hurt anyone,” or, “I don’t believe a loving God would send them to hell.” Few consider the possibility that their loved one may not appear good in the eyes of God.

10 out of 10 people die - this is an unshakable fact. One day everyone will die - physical death is the only constant in our existence. When you die, the question of belief in life after death will be brought to a final answer.

If hell is a reality and you are not good enough for heaven, then according to scripture, your life after death will be eternal torment, without rest for a day or night - that's forever!

Is there life after death, when the good go to heaven and the bad languish in hell? Or maybe there is a chance to return to correct the bad deeds in this life?


When it comes to life after death - heaven and hell, eternity is wrong. You are invited to the Court of the Holy See! Only one “baggage” is important here, consisting of earthly actions. Even spoken words or thoughts will sound like the trumpet of the Archangel at the foot of the Throne.

There are many beliefs about life after death. Today there will be no stories of people who have looked beyond the boundaries of life. For what? You can read about this in our articles under the “” section. In this article, I invite you to think about one thing - the belief in a real heaven and a real hell found in the Bible.

If what the Bible says about life after death is true, then we should gain confidence that it will be spent in heaven. I think it is worth spending a few minutes on this to check your own future based on the current actions recorded in the book of life.

Is there life after death? No one except the wisdom of the ancestors reflected in the Bible will give an answer about life after death. Each person can independently summarize his life: in one column there is good, in another - evil - draw a conclusion to which final destination at the Great Judgment you will receive a ticket.

The Bible is the most read book in the world. It examines in detail the question: “Is there life after death?” And since it says that life after death for the wicked is eternal life in hell, it would be wise to think about who goes there and how to avoid ending up in a terrible place.


Surveys are often conducted on what people think about life after death. Some answer: “I just take advantage of life here and now.” Others say, “I try not to think about life after death,” or “If there is life after death, then I figure I’ll be good enough to go to heaven.”

Still others flippantly declare, “I’m going to hell with my friends.” Quite a rash thought, isn't it? It is extremely dangerous to ignore the subject or not take the matter seriously, playing with the eternal destiny of your own soul.

Is there life after death? If what the Bible says about life after death—heaven and hell—is true, but you ignore it or turn it into a joke, then eternal damnation is a worthy price to pay by being frivolous with your immortal soul.

If the Bible records are true, but you do not believe and act according to the scriptures, then when you die you will not go to heaven. Rather, your soul will go to hell after death, and life will be filled with eternal regrets and suffering with no hope of salvation. All eternity you will remember how today you ignored the opportunity to think about your future life.

The Bible says... “He is appointed to die one day, and after that there will be judgment.”

“And I saw a great white throne and him sitting on it, from whose face the earth and the sky fled... and I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened: another book was opened, which is the book of life, and of the dead judged on the basis of those things that were written in books, according to their deeds ... "

I don’t see the point in citing biblical truths in full, but a shiver comes from what is written in “Revelation”: and each one was judged according to his deeds, and death and hell were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And everyone who was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire!

“Do not be surprised at this, the hour is coming when all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come out, those who have done good for the resurrection of life, and those who have practiced evil for the resurrection of eternal damnation.”

So if you died today, where would you go? Heaven? Hell? The Bible explains to us:
The righteous will be welcomed into "eternal life"
The wicked will be consigned to "eternal fire"


Every life is precious. But one day life will end, and everyone will, in due time, become part of the final statistic. At the moment of death, everyone will face the greatest revelation - the Judgment of God. The day you die, your beliefs about life after death, heaven and hell, will be tested. Especially if hell is real and you're not good enough for heaven.

You may be thinking, as some people say, “I don’t believe in any of this.” The day you die will be tested. People often ask: if God exists and is really so omnipotent, then why doesn’t he return the deceased to earth so that he can tell everything about eternity beyond the grave? Are you sure that no one came into the world? After all, the son of God was once on earth, among us people.

Also, look at the question from a different angle: life here and now is just a prehistory to life in the larger world. But the assessment of the final destination - hell or heaven - will be based on earthly affairs.

Meanwhile the clock is ticking. One day your loved ones will hold your funeral. You should take time right now to think about what the Bible says about life after death. Eternity is a long time to regret lost opportunities.

150,000 people every day learn the truth about life and the afterlife because they are dying. By the time you read to the end of this line, about 10 more people have died (and not all of them went to heaven).

About 1.8 people die per second.
= 108 people per minute
= 6,461 people per hour
= 155,060 people per day
= 56,597,034 per year

People die from heart attack, stroke, car accident, war, hunger, disease, old age, unborn from abortion...

10 out of 10 people die. Take time to think about what the Bible says about life after death. It won't kill you. Better spend some time now than regret this moment for an eternity in hell! Why should you think about this? Because one day you will become part of the ultimate statistic.


Now is the time to ask: “Is there life after death?” Is there really a hell? Is there a second chance after death? One day it will be too late to find answers. After death there will no longer be an opportunity to think about life after death. No one except you yourself will answer the questions posed.

Many people don't want to think about life after death or even just death. Here's the truth you can't escape:

Whether you are rich or poor, famous or unknown, beautiful or ugly, strong or weak, loved or hated, fat or skinny, happy or sad, healthy or sick, married or single, high income or are the same you will die!

You need to think about this now because, as one person said, “every beat of your heart is the drumbeat of your funeral march.” When you die, your beliefs about life after death will be tested. We keep talking about this because people don't seem to think about the eternity of the soul.

On the day you die, you will know exactly the answer - where the souls of dead people go. If hell is real and you are not a good person in the eyes of God, then life after death will be eternal torment for you. You can NOT escape death, but you can escape hell!


Do you have thoughts about life after death? Maybe religious belief or other beliefs? I'm not interested in what you think about paranormal stories experienced by people in moments of near death. For what? One day you will have your own experience after death with a specific answer about your future fate. Just give yourself the answer to an entertaining question when there is no one to lie to.

Most people make some kind of preparation for death, such as making a will. But much less prepare for life after death, in terms of ensuring the good reputation of their soul. Is there life after death? On earth it is a matter of philosophical opinion, supplemented today by the law of conservation of energy.

No one is calling you to any belief. God gave every person free will. But imagine for a moment that you are standing before Almighty God on the day of judgment. It’s better to find out now how this could end for you. Right now your book of life is being filled out, where each line will become a decisive argument about where your soul will go after death.

Probably, among the adult population of the entire planet, you cannot find even one person who has not thought about death in one way or another.

We are not now interested in the opinions of skeptics who question everything that they have not touched with their own hands and have not seen with their own eyes. We are interested in the question, what is death?

Quite often, surveys cited by sociologists show that up to 60 percent of respondents are sure that the afterlife exists.

Just over 30 percent of respondents take a neutral position regarding the Kingdom of the Dead, believing that most likely they will experience reincarnation and rebirth in a new body after death. The remaining ten do not believe in either the first or the second, believing that death is the final result of everything. If you are interested in what happens after death to those who sold their soul to the devil and gained wealth, fame and honor on earth, we recommend that you refer to the article about. Such people gain prosperity and respect not only during life, but also after death: those who sell their souls become powerful demons. Leave a request to sell your soul so that demonologists will perform a ritual for you: [email protected]

In fact, these are not absolute numbers; in some countries, people are more willing to believe in the other world, relying on the books they have read from psychiatrists who have studied issues of clinical death.

In other places, they believe that they need to live to the fullest here and now, and they are of little concern about what awaits later. Probably, the diversity of opinions lies in the field of sociology and living environment, but this is a completely different problem.

From the data obtained in the survey, the conclusion is clear: the majority of the planet’s inhabitants believe in an afterlife. This is a truly exciting question, what awaits us at the second of death - the last exhalation here, and a new breath in the Kingdom of the Dead?

It’s a pity, but no one has a complete answer to such a question, except perhaps God, but if we accept the existence of the Almighty in our equation as faithfulness, then of course there is only one answer - there is a World to Come!

Raymond Moody, there is life after death.

Many prominent scientists at different times wondered: is death a special transitional state between life here and moving to the other world? For example, such a famous scientist as the inventor even tried to establish contact with the inhabitants of the afterlife. And this is just one example of thousands of similar ones, when people sincerely believe in life after death.

But what if there is at least something that can give us confidence in life after death, at least some signs indicating the existence of an afterlife? Eat! There is such evidence, assure researchers of the issue and psychiatry specialists who have worked with people who have experienced clinical death.

As Raymond Moody, an American psychologist and doctor from Porterdale, Georgia, assures us, such a well-known expert on the issue of “life after death”, there is an afterlife beyond any doubt.

Moreover, the psychologist has many adherents from the scientific community. Well, let's see what kind of facts they give us as evidence of the fantastic idea of ​​​​the existence of an afterlife?

Let me make a reservation right away, we are not now touching on the issue of reincarnation, the transmigration of the soul or its rebirth in a new body, this is a completely different topic and God willing and fate allows it, we will consider this later.

I will also note, alas, despite many years of research and travel around the world, neither Raymond Moody nor his followers were able to find at least one person who lived in the afterlife and returned from there with the facts in hand - this is not a joke , but a necessary note.

All evidence about the existence of life after death is based on the stories of people who have experienced clinical death. This is what has been called “near-death experience” for the last couple of decades and has gained popularity. Although there is already an error in the definition itself - what kind of near-death experience can we talk about if death did not actually occur? But well, let it be as R. Moody says about it.

Near-death experience, journey to the afterlife.

Clinical death, according to the conclusions of many researchers in this area, appears as an exploratory path to the afterlife. What does it look like? Resuscitation doctors save a person’s life, but at some point death turns out to be stronger. A person dies - omitting the physiological details, we note that the time of clinical death ranges from 3 to 6 minutes.

The first minute of clinical death, the resuscitator carries out the necessary procedures, and meanwhile the soul of the deceased leaves the body and looks at everything that is happening from the outside. As a rule, the souls of people who have crossed the border of two worlds for some time fly to the ceiling.

Further, those who have experienced clinical death see a different picture: some are gently but surely pulled into a tunnel, often a spiral-shaped funnel, where they pick up crazy speed.

At the same time, they feel wonderful and free, clearly realizing that a wonderful and wonderful life awaits them. Others, on the contrary, are frightened by the picture of what they saw, they are not drawn into the tunnel, they rush home, to their family, apparently looking there for protection and salvation from something bad.

The second minute of clinical death, the physiological processes in the human body freeze, but it is still impossible to say that this is a dead person. By the way, during a “near-death experience” or foray into the afterlife for reconnaissance, time undergoes noticeable transformations. No, there are no paradoxes, but the time that takes a few minutes here, in “there” stretches to half an hour or even more.

Here is what a young woman who had a near-death experience said: I had the feeling that my soul had left my body. I saw the doctors and myself lying on the table, but it didn’t seem scary or frightening to me. I felt a pleasant lightness, my spiritual body radiated joy and absorbed peace and tranquility.

Then, I went outside the operating room and found myself in a very dark corridor, at the end of which there was a bright white light. I don’t know how it happened, but I was flying along the corridor in the direction of the light at great speed.

It was a state of amazing lightness when I reached the end of the tunnel and fell into the arms of the world surrounding me from all sides... a woman came out into the light, and it turned out that her long-dead mother was standing next to her.
The third minute of resuscitators, the patient was snatched from death...

“Daughter, it’s too early for you to die,” my mother told me... After these words, the woman fell into the darkness and remembers nothing more. She regained consciousness on the third day and learned that she had acquired a clinical death experience.

All the stories of people who experienced the borderline state between life and death are extremely similar. On the one hand, this gives us the right to believe in an afterlife. However, the skeptic sitting inside each of us whispers: how is it that “the woman felt her soul leaving her body,” but at the same time she saw everything? It’s interesting whether she felt it or did she look, you see, these are different things.

Attitude to the issue of near-death experience.

I am never a skeptic, and I believe in the other world, but when you read the full picture of a survey of clinical death from specialists who do not deny the possibility of the existence of life after death, but look at it without liberty, then the attitude towards the issue changes somewhat.

And the first thing that amazes is the “near-death experience” itself. In most cases of such an event, not those “cut-ups” for books that we love to quote, but a full survey of people who experienced clinical death, you see the following:

It turns out that the group surveyed includes all patients. All! It doesn’t matter what the person was sick with, epilepsy, fell into a deep coma, etc... it could generally be an overdose of sleeping pills or drugs that inhibit consciousness - in the overwhelming majority, for the survey it is enough to declare that he experienced clinical death! Marvelous? And then, if doctors, when recording death, do this based on the lack of breathing, blood circulation and reflexes, then this does not seem to matter for participation in the survey.

And another strange thing that little attention is paid to when psychiatrists describe the borderline states of a person close to death, although this is not hidden. For example, the same Moody admits that in the review there are many cases where a person saw/experienced a flight through a tunnel to the light and other paraphernalia of the afterlife without any physiological damage.

This really comes from the realm of the paranormal, but the psychiatrist admits that in many cases when a person “flew into the afterlife,” nothing threatened his health. That is, a person acquired visions of flying into the Kingdom of the Dead, as well as a near-death experience, without being in a near-death state. Agree, this changes the attitude towards theory.

Scientists, a few words about near-death experiences.

According to experts, the above-described pictures of “flight to the next world” are acquired by a person before the onset of clinical death, but not after it. It was mentioned above that critical damage to the body and the inability of the heart to ensure the life cycle destroys the brain after 3-6 minutes (we will not discuss the consequences of the critical time).

This convinces us that having passed the mortal second, the deceased has no opportunity or way to feel anything. A person experiences all the previously described conditions not during clinical death, but during agony, when oxygen is still carried by the blood.

Why are the pictures experienced and told by people who have looked “on the other side” of life very similar? This is fully explained by the fact that during the death throes, the same factors influence the brain function of any person experiencing this state.

At such moments, the heart works with great interruptions, the brain begins to experience starvation, the picture is complemented by surges in intracranial pressure, and so on at the level of physiology, but without an admixture of the otherworldly.

The vision of a dark tunnel and flying to the other world at great speed also find scientific justification, and undermine our faith in life after death - although it seems to me that this only breaks the picture of the “near-death experience”. Due to severe oxygen starvation, so-called tunnel vision can manifest itself, when the brain cannot correctly process signals coming from the periphery of the retina, and only receives/processes signals received from the center.

The person at this moment observes the effects of “flying through the tunnel towards the light.” Hallucinations are enhanced quite well by a shadowless lamp and doctors standing on both sides of the table and in the head - those who have had similar experience know that vision begins to “float” even before anesthesia.

The feeling of the soul leaving the body, seeing doctors and oneself as if from the outside, finally getting relief from pain - in fact, this is the effect of medications and a malfunction of the vestibular apparatus. When clinical death occurs, then in these minutes a person sees and feels nothing.

So, by the way, a high percentage of people who took the same LSD admitted that at these moments they acquired “experience” and went to other worlds. But shouldn’t we consider this the opening of a portal to other worlds?

In conclusion, I would like to note that the survey figures given at the very beginning are only a reflection of our belief in life after death, and cannot serve as evidence of life in the Kingdom of the Dead. Statistics from official medical programs look completely different, and may even discourage optimists from believing in the afterlife.

In fact, we have very few cases where people who actually experienced clinical death could say anything at all about their visions and encounters. Moreover, this is not the 10-15 percent that they are talking about, it is only about 5%. Among whom are people who have suffered brain death - alas, even a psychiatrist who knows hypnosis cannot help them remember anything.

The other part looks much better, although of course there is no talk of complete restoration, and it is quite difficult to understand where they have their own memories and where they arose after conversations with a psychiatrist.

But the instigators of the idea of ​​“life after death” are right about one thing; clinical experience really does greatly change the lives of people who have experienced this event. As a rule, this is a long period of rehabilitation and restoration of health. Some stories say that people who have experienced a borderline state suddenly discover previously unseen talents. Allegedly, communication with angels who meet the dead in the next world radically changes a person’s worldview.

Others, on the contrary, indulge in such grave sins that you begin to suspect either those who wrote were distorting facts and kept silent about it, or...or some fell into the underworld and realized that nothing good awaits them in the afterlife, so that’s what we need here and now.” get high" before dying.

And yet it exists!

As the ideological inspirer of biocentrism, Professor Robert Lantz, from the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, said, a person believes in death because he is taught so. The basis of this teaching lies on the foundations of the philosophy of life - if we know for sure that in the World to Come life is arranged happily, without pain and suffering, then why should we value this life? But this tells us that the other world exists, death here is birth in the Other World!

Even inveterate materialists want to know what happens after death to a close relative, how the soul of the deceased says goodbye to relatives and whether the living should help it. All religions have beliefs associated with burial; funerals can be held according to different traditions, but the essence remains common - respect, veneration and care for the otherworldly path of a person. Many people wonder if our deceased relatives can see us. There is no answer in science, but folk beliefs and traditions are replete with advice.

Where is the soul after death

For centuries, humanity has been trying to understand what happens after death, whether it is possible to contact the afterlife. Different traditions give different answers to the question of whether the soul of a deceased person sees his loved ones. Some religions talk about heaven, purgatory and hell, but medieval views, according to modern psychics and religious scholars, do not correspond to reality. There is no fire, cauldrons or devils - only ordeal, if loved ones refuse to remember the deceased with a kind word, and if loved ones remember the deceased, they are in peace.

How many days after death is the soul at home?

Relatives of deceased loved ones wonder whether the soul of the deceased can come home, where it is after the funeral. It is believed that during the first seven to nine days the deceased comes to say goodbye to home, family, and earthly existence. The souls of deceased relatives come to the place that they consider truly theirs - even if an accident occurred, the death was far from their home.

What happens after 9 days

If we take the Christian tradition, then souls remain in this world until the ninth day. Prayers help to leave the earth easily, painlessly, and not get lost along the way. The feeling of the presence of the soul is especially felt during these nine days, after which the deceased is remembered, blessing him for the final forty-day journey to Heaven. Grief pushes loved ones to figure out how to communicate with a deceased relative, but during this period it is better not to interfere so that the spirit does not feel confused.

After 40 days

After this period, the spirit finally leaves the body, never to return - the flesh remains in the cemetery, and the spiritual component is cleansed. It is believed that on the 40th day the soul says goodbye to loved ones, but does not forget about them - heavenly stay does not prevent the deceased from monitoring what is happening in the lives of relatives and friends on earth. The fortieth day marks the second commemoration, which can already occur with a visit to the grave of the deceased. You should not come to the cemetery too often - it disturbs the buried person.

What does the soul see after death?

The near-death experience of many people provides a comprehensive, detailed description of what awaits each of us at the end of the journey. Although scientists question the evidence of survivors of clinical death, drawing conclusions about brain hypoxia, hallucinations, and the release of hormones - the impressions are too similar in completely different people, dissimilar either in religion or cultural background (beliefs, customs, traditions). There are frequent references to the following phenomena:

  1. Bright light, tunnel.
  2. Feeling of warmth, comfort, safety.
  3. Reluctance to return.
  4. Meetings with relatives located far away - for example, from the hospital they “looked” into a house or apartment.
  5. Your own body and doctors’ manipulations are seen from the outside.

When one wonders how the soul of the deceased says goodbye to relatives, one must keep in mind the degree of closeness. If the love between the deceased and the remaining mortals in the world was great, then even after the end of life’s journey the connection will remain, the deceased can become a guardian angel for the living. Hostility softens after the end of the worldly path, but only if you pray and ask for forgiveness from the one who is gone forever.

How the dead say goodbye to us

After death, loved ones do not stop loving us. During the first days they are very close by, they can appear in dreams, talk, give advice - parents especially often come to their children. The answer to the question of whether deceased relatives hear us is always affirmative - a special connection can last for many years. The deceased say goodbye to the earth, but do not say goodbye to their loved ones, because they continue to watch them from another world. The living should not forget about their relatives, remember them every year, and pray that they will be comfortable in the next world.

When the body dies, the soul finds itself in completely unusual, new conditions. Here she can no longer change anything and must come to terms with what happened. The spiritual development of a person during life and his deep faith in God are essential. This is what helps the soul calm down, understand its true purpose and find a place in another dimension.

People who have experienced clinical death often describe their condition as rapidly moving through a dark tunnel, at the end of which a bright light shines.

Indian philosophy explains this process by the existence of channels in our body through which the spirit leaves the body, these are:

  • Navel
  • Genitals

If the spirit leaves through the mouth, it returns to Earth again; if through the navel, it finds refuge in space, and if through the genitals, it ends up in dark worlds. When the spirit leaves the nostrils, it rushes towards the moon or the sun. In this way, life energy passes through these tunnels and leaves the body.

Where is the soul after death

After physical death, the immaterial shell of a person enters the subtle world and finds its place there. The basic feelings, thoughts and emotions of a person do not change when moving to another dimension, but become open to all its inhabitants.

At first, the soul does not understand that it is in the subtle world, since its thoughts and feelings remain the same. The ability to see her body from above allows her to understand that she has separated from it and is now simply floating in the air, floating easily above the ground. All emotions that come in this space completely depend on the inner wealth of a person, his positive or negative qualities. It is here that the soul finds its hell or heaven after death.

The subtle dimension consists of numerous layers and levels. And if during life a person can hide his real thoughts and essence, then here they will be completely exposed. Its ephemeral shell must occupy the level it deserves. The position in the subtle world is determined by the essence of a person, his life actions and spiritual development.

All layers of the illusory world are divided into lower and higher:

  • Those souls who received insufficient spiritual development during life fall into the lower levels. They must remain only below and cannot rise upward until they reach a clear inner consciousness.
  • The inhabitants of the upper spheres are endowed with bright spiritual feelings and move without problems in any direction of this dimension.

Once in the subtle world, the soul cannot lie or hide black, vicious desires. Her secret essence is now clearly reflected in her ghostly appearance. If a person was honest and noble during life, her shell shines with a bright glow and beauty. The dark soul looks ugly, repulsive with its appearance and dirty thoughts.

What happens 9, 40 days and six months after death

In the first days after death, a person’s spirit is in the place where he lived. According to church canons, the soul after death prepares for God’s judgment for 40 days.

  • The first three days she travels to the places of her earthly life, and from the third to the ninth she heads to the gates of Paradise, where she discovers the special atmosphere and happy existence of this place.
  • From the ninth to the fortieth days, the soul visits the terrible dwelling of Darkness, where it will see the torment of sinners.
  • After 40 days, she must obey the decision of the Almighty about her further fate. The soul is not given the power to influence the course of events, but the prayers of close relatives can improve its lot.
Death This is the transformation of a person’s shell into another state, a transition to another dimension.

Relatives should try not to start loud sobs or hysterics and take everything for granted. The soul hears everything, and such a reaction can cause it severe torment. Relatives need to say sacred prayers to calm her down and show her the right path.

Six months and a year after death, the spirit of the deceased comes to his relatives for the last time to say goodbye.

Orthodoxy and death

For a Christian believer, death is nothing more than a transition to eternity. An Orthodox person believes in an afterlife, although in different religions it is presented differently. An unbeliever denies the existence of the subtle world and is absolutely sure that human life consists of the period between birth and death, and then emptiness sets in. He tries to make the most of life and is very afraid of death.

An Orthodox person does not see earthly life as an absolute value. He is firmly convinced of eternal existence and accepts his existence as preparation for the transition to another, perfect dimension. Christians are not worried about the number of years they have lived, but about the quality of their own life, the depth of its thoughts and deeds. They put spiritual wealth first, not the sound of coins or powerful power.

A believer prepares for his final journey, sincerely believing that his soul will gain eternal life after death. He is not afraid of his death and knows that this process does not bring evil or disaster. This is simply a temporary separation of the ephemeral shell from the body in anticipation of their final reunion in the subtle world.

Soul of a suicide after death

It is believed that a person does not have the right to take his own life, since it was given to him by the Almighty, and only he can take it. In moments of terrible despair, pain, suffering, a person decides to end his life not on his own - Satan assists him in this.

After death, the spirit of the suicidal person rushes to the Gates of Heaven, but entry there is closed to him. When he returns to earth, he begins a long and painful search for his body, but also cannot find it. The terrible ordeals of the soul last for a very long time, until the time of natural death comes. Only then does the Lord decide where the tormented soul of the suicide will go.

In ancient times, people who committed suicide were prohibited from being buried in a cemetery. Their graves were located on the edges of roads, in dense forests or swampy areas. All objects with which a person committed suicide were carefully destroyed, and the tree where the hanging took place was cut down and burned.

Transmigration of souls after death

Proponents of the theory of transmigration of souls confidently claim that the soul after death acquires a new shell, another body. Eastern practitioners assure that transformation can occur up to 50 times. A person learns about facts from his past life only in a state of deep trance or when he is diagnosed with certain diseases of the nervous system.

The most famous person in the study of reincarnation is the US psychiatrist Ian Stevenson. According to his theory, irrefutable evidence of the transmigration of the soul is:

  • Unique ability to speak strange languages.
  • The presence of scars or birthmarks in identical places in a living and deceased person.
  • Accurate historical narratives.

Almost all people who have experienced reincarnation have some kind of birth defect. For example, a person who has an incomprehensible growth on the back of his head, during a trance, remembered that in a past life he was hacked to death. Stevenson began an investigation and found a family where the death of one of its members had occurred in this manner. The shape of the deceased's wound, like a mirror image, was an exact copy of this growth.

Hypnosis will help you remember details about facts from your past life. Scientists conducting research in this area interviewed several hundred people in a state of deep hypnosis. Almost 35% of them talked about events that had never happened to them in real life. Some people began to speak in unknown languages, with a pronounced accent, or in an ancient dialect.

However, not all studies are scientifically proven and cause a lot of thought and controversy. Some skeptics believe that a person during hypnosis can simply fantasize or follow the hypnotist's lead. It is also known that incredible moments from the past can be voiced by people after clinical death or by patients with severe mental illness.

Mediums about life after death

Adherents of spiritualism unanimously declare that existence continues after death. Proof of this is the communication of mediums with the spirits of deceased people, receiving information or instructions from them to loved ones. According to them, the other world does not look terrible - on the contrary, it is illuminated with bright colors and radiant light, warmth and happiness emanate from it.

The Bible condemns intrusion into the world of the dead. However, there are admirers of “Christian spiritualism” who defend their actions by citing the teachings of the Zodiac, a follower of Jesus Christ, as an example. According to his legends, the other world of spirits consists of different spheres and layers, and spiritual development continues even after death.

Absolutely all statements of mediums arouse curiosity among paranormal investigators, and some of them come to the conclusion that they are telling the truth. However, most realists are confident that fans of spiritualism simply have a good ability to persuade and excellent insight by nature.

"Time to Collect Stones"

Every person is afraid of death, so he tries to get to the bottom of the truth, to learn as much as possible about the unknown subtle world. Throughout his life, he tries with all his might to extend the years of his existence, sometimes even resorting to unusual methods.

However, the time will come when we will have to part with our familiar world and go into another dimension. And in order for the soul to not wander after death in search of finding peace, it is necessary to live the allotted years with dignity, accumulate spiritual wealth and change something, understand, forgive. After all, the opportunity to correct your mistakes is only on Earth, when you are alive, and there will be no other chance to do this.

After a loved one passes away, our consciousness does not want to accept the fact that he is no longer around. I would like to believe that somewhere far away in heaven he remembers us and can send a message.

In this article

The connection between the soul and a living person

Followers of religious and esoteric teachings consider the soul as a small particle of Divine consciousness. On Earth, the soul manifests itself through the best qualities of a person: kindness, honesty, nobility, generosity, the ability to forgive. Creative abilities are considered a gift from God, which means they are also realized through the soul.

She is immortal, but the human body has a limited lifespan. Therefore, at the end of earthly life, the soul leaves the body and goes to another level of the universe.

Basic theories about afterlife

Myths and religious views of peoples offer their vision of what happens to a person after death. For example, the “Tibetan Book of the Dead” describes step by step all the stages through which the soul passes from the moment of dying to the next incarnation on Earth.

Heaven and Hell, Heavenly Court

In Judaism, Christianity and Islam, a person after death awaits a Heavenly court, at which his earthly deeds are evaluated. Depending on the number of mistakes and good deeds, God, angels or apostles divide dead people into sinners and righteous people in order to send them either to Heaven for eternal bliss or to hell for eternal torment.

However, the ancient Greeks had something similar, where all the dead were sent to the underground kingdom of Hades under the guardianship of Cerberus. Souls were also distributed according to their level of righteousness. Pious people were placed in Elysium, and vicious people were placed in Tartarus.

The judgment of souls is present in different variations in ancient myths. In particular, the Egyptians had a deity, Anubis, who weighed the heart of the deceased with an ostrich feather to measure the severity of his sins. Pure souls headed to the paradise fields of the solar god Ra, where the rest were not allowed to go.

The souls of the righteous go to heaven

Evolution of the soul, Karma, Reincarnation

The religions of ancient India look at the fate of the soul differently. According to traditions, she comes to Earth more than once and each time she gains invaluable experience necessary for spiritual evolution.

Any life is a kind of lesson that is passed in order to reach a new level of the Divine game. All actions and deeds of a person during life constitute his karma, which can be good, bad or neutral.

The concepts of “hell” and “heaven” are not here, although the results of life are important for the upcoming incarnation. A person can earn better conditions in the next reincarnation or be born in the body of an animal. Everything determines behavior during your stay on Earth.

The space between worlds: the restless

In the Orthodox tradition there is the concept of 40 days from the moment of death. The date is important, since the Higher powers make the final decision about the residence of the soul. Before this, she has the opportunity to say goodbye to places dear to her on Earth, and also undergoes tests in the subtle worlds - ordeals, where she is tempted by evil spirits.

The Tibetan Book of the Dead names a similar period of time. And it also lists the trials encountered on the path of the soul. There are similarities between completely different traditions. Two beliefs tell about the space between the worlds, where a deceased person resides in a subtle material shell (astral body).

In 1990, the film “Ghost” was released. Death overtook the hero of the film suddenly - Sam was treacherously killed on a tip from a business partner. While in the body of a ghost, he investigates and punishes the culprit.

This mystical drama perfectly outlined the astral plane and its laws. The film also explained why Sam was stuck between worlds: he had unfinished business on Earth - protecting the woman he loved. Having achieved justice, Sam gains passage to heaven.

Restless souls become ghosts

People whose lives were cut short at an early age, as a result of murder or an accident, cannot come to terms with the fact that they are gone. They are called restless souls. They wander the Earth as ghosts and sometimes even find a way to make their presence known. This phenomenon is not always caused by tragedy. The reason may be strong attachment to spouses, children, grandchildren or friends.

Video – a film about restless souls:

Is it true that dead people can see us?

There are many similarities in the stories of those who have experienced clinical death. Skeptics doubt the reliability of such an experience, believing that post-mortem images are hallucinations generated by a fading brain.

The famous healer Mirzakarim Norbekov talks about how he led a study of clinical death for four years. 380 out of 500 patients described the experience exactly the same, the difference was only in the details.

The person saw his physical body from the outside, and these were not hallucinations. Another vision was turned on, allowing one to observe what was happening in the hospital room and beyond. Moreover, a person could absolutely accurately describe a place where he was not physically present. All cases are carefully documented and verified.

What does a person see?

Let’s take the word of people who have looked beyond the physical world and systematize their experience:

  1. The first stage is failure, a feeling of falling. Sometimes - literally. According to the story of a witness who received a knife wound in a fight, he first felt pain, then began to fall into a dark well with slippery walls.
  2. Then the “deceased” finds himself where his physical shell is located: in a hospital room or at the scene of an accident. At the first moment he does not understand what he sees from himself. He does not recognize his own body, but, feeling the connection, he can mistake the “deceased” for a relative.
  3. The eyewitness comes to the realization that in front of him is his own body. He makes the shocking discovery that he is dead. There is an acute feeling of protest. I don’t want to part with earthly life. He sees the doctors working their magic on him, observes the anxiety of his relatives, but can do nothing.
  4. Gradually, a person gets used to the fact of death, and then the anxiety recedes, peace and tranquility comes. A person understands that this is not the end, but the beginning of a new stage. And then the way up opens before him.

What does the soul see?

After this, the person receives a new status. Humanity belongs to the Earth. The soul is sent to Heaven (or a higher dimension). In that moment everything changes. The soul perceives itself as a cloud of energy, more like a multi-colored aura.

The souls of loved ones who passed away earlier appear nearby. They look like living substances emitting light, but the traveler knows exactly who he has met. These essences help to move on to the next stage, where the Angel awaits - a guide to the higher spheres.

The path the soul follows is illuminated by Light

People find it difficult to describe the image of the Divine being on the path of the soul in words. This is the embodiment of Love and a sincere desire to help. According to one version, this is a Guardian Angel. According to another, he is the progenitor of all human souls. The guide communicates with the newcomer using telepathy, without words, in the ancient language of images. He demonstrates the events and misdeeds of his past life, but without the slightest hint of condemnation.

The road passes through space filled with Light. Those who have experienced clinical death talk about the feeling of an invisible barrier, which probably serves as the border between the world of the living and the kingdom of the dead. None of those who returned comprehended beyond the veil. What lies beyond the line is not given to the living to know.

Can the soul of the deceased come to visit?

The religion condemns the practice of spiritualism. This is considered a sin, since a tempting demon may appear under the guise of a deceased relative. Serious esotericists also do not approve of such sessions, since at this moment a portal opens through which dark entities can penetrate into our world.

The Church condemns seances for communicating with the dead

However, such visits can occur on the initiative of those who left Earth. If there was a strong connection between people in earthly life, then death will not break it. For at least 40 days, the soul of the deceased can visit relatives and friends and observe them from the side. People with high sensitivity sense this presence.

The deceased uses the dream space to meet the living. He may appear to a sleeping relative to remind him of himself, provide support or give advice in a difficult life situation.

Unfortunately, we do not take dreams seriously, and sometimes we simply forget what we dreamed at night. Therefore, the attempts of our departed relatives to reach us in a dream are not always successful.

Can a deceased person become a guardian angel?

Everyone perceives the passing of a loved one differently. For a mother who has lost a child, such an event is a real tragedy. A person needs support and consolation, because the pain of loss and longing reign in the heart. The bond between mother and child is especially strong, so children feel suffering acutely.

Children who die early can become guardian angels

However, any deceased relative can become a guardian angel for a family. It is important that during his lifetime this person is deeply religious, observes the laws of the Creator and strives for righteousness.

How can the dead contact the living?

The souls of the deceased do not belong to the material world, therefore they do not have the opportunity to appear on Earth as a physical body. In any case, we will not be able to see them in their previous form. In addition, there are unspoken rules according to which the dead cannot directly interfere in the affairs of the living.

  1. According to the theory of reincarnation, deceased relatives or friends return to us, but in the guise of a different person. For example, they may appear in the same family, but as a younger generation: a grandmother who has passed on to another world may return to Earth as your granddaughter or niece, although, most likely, her memory of the previous incarnation will not be preserved.
  2. Another option is spiritualistic seances, the dangers of which we discussed above. The possibility of dialogue, of course, exists, but is not approved by the church.
  3. The third communication option is dreams and the astral plane. This is a more convenient platform for those who have passed away, since the astral plane belongs to the immaterial world. The living enter this space also not in a physical shell, but in the form of a subtle substance. Therefore, dialogue is possible. Esoteric teachings recommend taking dreams involving deceased loved ones seriously and listening to their advice, since the dead have greater wisdom than the living.
  4. In exceptional cases, the soul of the deceased may appear in the physical world. This presence can feel like a chill down your spine. Sometimes you can even see something like a shadow or silhouette in the air.
  5. In any case, the connection between the departed people and the living cannot be denied. Another thing is that not everyone perceives and understands this connection. For example, the souls of the departed can send us signs. There is a belief that a bird that accidentally flies into a house carries a message from the afterlife calling for caution.

This video talks about communicating with the dead through dreams:

Scientists' opinions on the soul and the afterlife

Representatives of science took the position of materialism, and the church always condemned atheists.

In earlier times, scientists believed that there was no soul. Consciousness and psyche are the activities of the brain and nervous system. Accordingly, with the cessation of life of the physical body, consciousness also dies. Scientists also did not take the afterlife seriously. They were convinced that in church they talked about heaven and hell in order to achieve obedience among parishioners.

About a century ago, Albert Einstein put forward the general theory of relativity, which revolutionized scientific views on the structure of the Universe. It turned out that such categories of matter as time and space are unstable. And Einstein questioned matter itself, declaring that it was more reasonable to talk about energy in its various manifestations.

The development of quantum physics has also made adjustments to the worldview of scientists. A theory has emerged about many variants of the Universe. And it has been experimentally proven that consciousness can influence processes in the world of microparticles.

This video talks about the view of modern scientists on the phenomenon of death:

What individual scientists say

As they moved into outer space and immersed themselves in the processes of the microworld, scientists pushed the boundaries of perception and came to the idea of ​​the existence of a Universal Mind, which religions call God. They became convinced of the animation of the Cosmos not through blind faith, but during numerous scientific experiments.

Russian biologist Vasily Lepeshkin

In the 1930s, a Russian biochemist discovered energy emissions emanating from a dying body. The bursts were recorded on ultra-sensitive photographic film. Based on observations, the scientist came to the conclusion that a special substance is separated from the dying body, which in religions is usually called the soul.

Professor Konstantin Korotkov

Doctor of Technical Sciences has developed a method of gas discharge visualization (GDV), which makes it possible to record fine-material radiation from the human body and obtain an image of the aura in real time.

Using the GDV method, the professor recorded energy processes at the moment of death. In fact, Korotkov’s experiments gave a picture of how a subtle component emerges from a dying person. The scientist believes that then consciousness, together with the subtle body, goes to another dimension.

Physicists Michael Scott from Edinburgh and Fred Alan Wolf from California

Adherents of the theory of many parallel Universes. Some of their options coincide with reality, others radically differ from it.

Any living being (more precisely, its spiritual center) never dies. It is simultaneously embodied in different versions of reality, and each individual part is unaware of its counterparts from parallel worlds.

Professor Robert Lantz

He drew an analogy between the continuous existence of humans and the life cycles of plants, which die in the winter, but begin to grow again in the spring. Thus, Lanz’s views are close to the Eastern doctrine of personal reincarnation.

The professor admits the existence of parallel worlds in which the same soul lives at the same time.

Anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff

Due to the specifics of my work, I observed people on the verge of life and death. Now he is sure that the soul has a quantum nature. Stewart believes that it is not formed by neurons, but by the unique substance of the Universe. After the death of the physical body, spiritual information about the personality is transmitted into space and lives there as free consciousness.


As you can see, neither religion nor modern science denies the existence of the soul. Scientists, by the way, even named its exact weight - 21 grams. Having left this world, the soul continues to live in another dimension.

However, while remaining on Earth, we cannot voluntarily make contact with departed relatives. We can only keep good memories of them and believe that they also remember us.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!