How to dress stylishly for school: general recommendations. Dressing up a teen: Mission Possible How teen boys dress for school

How to dress stylishly for school, so that it is comfortable and fashionable? Despite the fact that school uniforms have been abolished in most schools in our country, there is still a certain dress code and it must be observed. But still, schoolchildren want to dress very stylishly for school, because they spend a lot of time there.

Unfortunately, many teenage girls dress quite freely for school: tight jeans, short skirts and dresses, T-shirts, T-shirts and sports shoes that are only suitable for youth parties. But this is not correct at all. Dressing so simply is unrealistic to look stylish and feminine.

How to dress stylishly for school when only uniforms are allowed

If suddenly a school uniform was introduced at your school, then you should not be upset about this and give up.

After all, even in a school uniform you can look just fine, the most important thing is to choose the right outfit for visiting school. By the way, school uniform has a lot of advantages.

For example, you do not need to wake up earlier in the morning before school to find the right clothes, you will have time to repeat all the given lessons or sleep longer in the morning.

So, if your school doesn't have strict clothing requirements and allows you to wear dark bottoms and light tops, then you can buy dark-colored tight pants that will visually make your legs look slimmer.

The trousers are perfect with a white golf or a shirt that can be worn loose or tucked into trousers. So you can look very beautiful and elegant.

In addition, it has recently become very fashionable to wear a high skirt, which should begin from the belt itself.

A shirt would also look great with a skirt. white color Don't forget to tuck your shirt into your skirt. The rest of the top of a light shade will also look great.

How to dress stylishly for school? It is not advisable for schoolgirls to wear clothes that are too saturated and acidic, outfits made of translucent materials, too tight clothes, styles with open areas of the body, as well as short shorts and miniskirts.

Also, for more suitable occasions, you will have to save wide trousers with patch pockets, leather trousers, tracksuits.

A suitable option for school clothes will be more restrained colors, as well as a style that is close to business.

In all other respects, the choice of suitable clothes for school is quite large: it can be jeans, trousers, skirts, shirts, blouses, turtlenecks, sweaters, as well as dresses and sundresses.

Jeans as school clothes can also work well, but in this case, try to go with classic cuts and discreet colors.

Low waist, too vulgar decor in the form of holes and iridescent rhinestones will be out of place.

If suddenly a school uniform has not been introduced at your school, then you may not think for a long time about the question of how to dress stylishly for school.

The most important thing here is to stick to one rule all the time: wear classics.

If you want to be fashionable and the most stylish while attending school, but at the same time remain a business lady, then you probably don’t need to explain at all that the classic is the most important and it must be present in your wardrobe.

The strict style of school clothes must be given preference, since modern psychologists have also found their explanation for this.

As psychologists explain, in classic clothes, each person is more attuned to the working mood than in home or ordinary clothes.

Therefore, in order to study well at school and focus on your studies, try to stick to the classical style.

Your school wardrobe must have these outfits: a few plain blouses and shirts, formal shorts, a pair of classic high-waisted skirts, black skinny or straight trousers.

As for high school students, they must wear high or medium heels without fail.

In order not to seem too boring to others in such clothes, you can add suitable accessories to your image.

It can be a beautiful belt, a stylish silk scarf, a beautiful handbag that will make even the most strict outfit sparkle with new and more attractive colors.

And to add more charm to your classic style, you can add a different color, for example, it can be a turtleneck, blouse or shirt in terracotta, yellow or pink instead of the usual white.

You can wear a colored sweater or vest over a white shirt.

Don't forget to choose the right bag for your school outfit. Stylish clutches are perfect for the classic style, but, unfortunately, you can’t always take them with you to school, in this case an elegant handbag is most suitable. small size, which should match your school outfit or shoes in color.

We hope that we have answered the question of how to dress stylishly for school, and now you know how to dress fashionably and beautifully when going to class. Listen to our recommendations to be the most stylish and elegant girl in school.

Parents believe that choosing a wardrobe for a boy is easier than dressing a daughter. This is a common misconception, as growing young men follow fashion and beauty no less than modern girls. They also want to look stylish and bright. Usuallyclothes for teenagers boysselected based on several factors. A significant role is played by the level of activity of the child - because the boys get dirty and wear out much faster.

When organizing a teenage boy's wardrobe, parents often tend to get lost. Boys want to stand out from their peers, express their individuality, emphasize taste, point of view. If everything is more or less clear to the mother with the girl, then difficulties may arise with the selection of clothes for a representative of the opposite sex.

For school

school todayclothes for boysshould be not only practical, but also fashionable. School administrations are becoming more democratic in terms of school uniform, recedes into the background required condition: "black bottom, white top". At the same time, the current school "look" is still distinguished by businesslike modesty. It is necessary to have a strict jacket in a modern design. This season, red and green tartans are in trend. From them is created stylish men's shirt, vests, jackets that look perfect in combination with trousers. Velor inserts at the elbows will add zest to the image. Checkered shorts paired with elongated jackets are an everyday attribute - they have replaced old-fashioned trousers. To emphasize the look, cute moccasins in gray, brown and shades of blue made of natural suede, nubuck or leather.

For the street

Teenagers spend most of their time with their peers, with friends and in large companies. You don't often find boys at home. They spend time outside, in active games - that is why special requirements are placed on street clothes. In addition, a young organism quickly grows out of any thing, it will be impractical to acquire extra wardrobe items. You need to buy models on the basis that it will change for washing every 1-3 days - therefore there should be at least 3-4 T-shirts, sweatshirts, sweaters, while jeans, shorts and sweatpants change less often - 1-2 times in Week.

As a rule, boys are against dullness and monotony. They want to stand out from others. Styles their clothes depend on which subculture the circle of friends belongs to. Guys prefer to wear what they like in their company, which suits her interests. The main requirements in terms of practicality are that the clothes are comfortable, not too tight and made of high quality hygroscopic materials. Clothing must also be appropriate for the weather. temperature regime and time of year.Winter clothes for a teenager boyshould be warm, cozy and moisture resistant.

For Sport

Features of the choice of sportswear for the growing child are several requirements:

  • naturalness and environmental safety of the material. Good hypoallergenic fabrics are hygienic. They do not wrinkle, do not deform when washed, do not shed, do not fade. Even difficult dirt can be easily washed off clothes;
  • sports paraphernalia should be comfortable, not constrain or constrain movements. Baggy and tight clothes are not the best option for active activities. It is better to purchase clothes in size so that they do not look like a set "from someone else's shoulder";
  • relevance - should be taken into account fashion trends teenagers - they do not want to lag behind their peers, they want to differ in style and style of clothing.

Many modern brands offer sets of tracksuits.from quality materials,stylish design solutions. Particular attention is paid to the cut, which fits the anatomy of a growing young man.

For celebrations

Celebrations are different - a special holiday, the wedding of relatives, friends and acquaintances. One of the brightest events in the life of a teenager is the last school bell, graduation, 16th anniversary. Each of these holidays should be marked by something special, an indescribable atmosphere of solemnity, light nostalgic notes. You can’t do this day without a suitable outfit. As options, this could be:

  • a full-fledged suit - the color can be varied: gray tones, strict black, blue, maroon shades. Some parents prefer to purchase several suits for their child - light and dark;
  • tuxedo - an elegant outfit will transform young man on any holiday;
  • the shirt-pants-tie combination is a great and economical alternative to suits. youth shirts, fashion pants, ties will also be appropriate at the celebration.

Modern guys find an alternative to jackets - these are knitted jackets, vests. On summer days, you can completely do without these attributes.


You should make sure that the guy has a wide range of things for everyday wear. Experienced parents pay special attention to the selection of the following wardrobe items:

  • jeans - there should be several of them. You need to make sure that the cut is comfortable and practical. One pair may be disco style while the other is more classic;
  • a sufficient number of t-shirts, T-shirts for the summer. Their colors should be different, they can have interesting prints, drawings - such products will attract attention, allow you to stand out;
  • light summer shorts and sweatpants - better when there are several for a shift change;
  • Sweaters and sweatshirts - Coarse knit sweaters are now popular. Sweatshirts are timeless and fashionable - they are always in demand;
  • windbreakers, vests, jackets with hoods. Clothing with hoods will appeal especially to those teenagers who cannot stand hats;
  • n Don't forget about things like underwear and socks. Close attention should be paid to the quality of materials.

Popular styles

Teenage boys always adhere to a certain style in their clothes. They follow the chosen social role, preferring to usually look more solid than their young years. To date, teenage styles are presented in the following versions:

  • romantic - includes accessories such as hats, modern caps, soft tissues, pleasant calm shades, narrow shoes;
  • business style - can not do without strict straight styles of clothing, appropriate shades, shirts in combination with ties and bow ties;
  • ethnos - youth teenage style of clothing, loose-fitting, made of natural materials and with various decorated inserts. Consonant with the hippie style;
  • casual - casual style of clothing, which is preferred by most young peopleteen boys. This is considered the best compromise style for children and their parents;
  • sports - also very much loved by many boys, especially if they are seriously interested in sports, the obligatory elements are sports jackets, sweatshirts, sneakers.

Depending on age

The age of a young man is one of the most important criteria for designing a wardrobe.Clothes for teenage boysmust also be selected in accordance with this parameter. Adolescence is considered to be between the ages of 11 and 17. The spread in things is diverse, based on taste preferences and the culture to which the child belongs. 11-12 year old boys love prints with their favorite characters. Most often, idols are popular superheroes, characters from games, comics, books, fantasy. 13-year-olds are already more of a fan of real-life stars - singers, bands, dancers, comedians, actors, athletes. Clothing with images of your favorite bands, their logos will also come in handy. Boys of 14-16 years old are already striving not only for recognition in their circle, but also actively want to please girls. At this time, they are already looking at how adults dress, especially the main characters of popular youth films.



The first of September, and with it the new school year, is already on the threshold, and we decided to tell you and show you how to dress a high school student or a student at school or university / institute.

Today, in the 17th year of the 21st century, we will not tell you about the hard, strict and most businesslike dress code: today, if you like, you can wear it in your educational institution almost anything, unless it is prohibited by the Charter of your school or university.

And yet, we will allow this "anything" to impose small restrictions.

How not to dress for school for a high school student / for a university student

In 2019, naturalness is in fashion, and only comfortable clothes are considered feng shui. This automatically means that a schoolgirl / student should be excluded from the wardrobe for the school / university:

  1. Very short skirts. If you go to your educational institution for knowledge, give others the opportunity to receive it, do not distract them with your appearance.
  2. Short shorts for the same reason;
  3. Blouses and dresses with a deep neckline;
  4. Transparent blouses and dresses;
  5. Too tight dresses (it is uncomfortable in them - neither gasp nor breathe);
  6. Shoes on high heels. In principle, it is quite possible to wear them, but if you are of average height and above, then first answer yourself the question why you need heels in principle.
  7. Jeans with huge holes. Yes, we understand that this is a trend and all, but maybe you can show off in them after class?

How to dress fashionably for school or university in 2019: making up a capsule wardrobe

Your everyday wardrobe for school or university should include:


Choose plain or with a not very large print. Remember that the larger the print or plaid, the more informal the image is, and a university or school is still an official institution, respectively, large-plaid shirts or blouses with huge flowers will not work better not to wear.

And by the way, the combination of "white top - black bottom" is not always boring!

Cover photo -Benjamin Voros, photo images -

In autumn and winter 2019-2020, romantic style is in fashion - all kinds of frills, ruffles and puffy skirts. Feel free to include them in your school / college / university wardrobe!

You can wear blouses as in the photo with trousers, culottes, jeans, skirts ... In general, blouses, from our point of view, should be as much as possible in the wardrobe. Unlike trousers and suits, but more on that later.

Sweaters and cardigans for autumn and winter 2019-2020 in the wardrobe of a schoolgirl / student

In the cold season of the school year, without cozy knitted sweaters and cardigans, which, by the way, are extremely popular in the coming fashion season, not to do without the word "absolutely".

Skirts in the everyday wardrobe of a schoolgirl / student

You will need one pencil skirt, and then how it goes. Can get more fluffy skirt, an A-line skirt, short (preferably no shorter than in the photo on the left), denim, ... Wear your skirts with, ballet flats, or soldier's boots.

Pleated skirt in high school/student wardrobe

business suit

In the fall and winter of 2019-2020, trouser suits are more popular than skirt suits, and it is desirable that your trouser suit be checked.

Having bought a suit, you can wear trousers separately with any of your blouses, and separately - a jacket: with a plain skirt, with jeans and over a dress.

Trousers and jeans for school / university / college everyday life

With trousers, you can wear all your sweaters, jackets, and - early autumn- T-shirts.

Jeans 2019 in the wardrobe of a teenage girl / high school student / student

Holes in student jeans are acceptable, but not very large.

A shirt and jeans is a perfect everyday option.

Casual dresses in the wardrobe of 2019 high school or student

Dresses will suit both plain and printed / plaid.

Accessories that you choose for your plain dress can completely change the image, see the photo and see for yourself:

A plain dress of any length can be worn with an oversized 90s-style denim jacket that is fashionable in the fall of 2019.

  • Skirts: 1-3;
  • Pants: 1-2 pairs;
  • Jeans: 1-3 pairs;
  • Blouses: 3 or more, if possible, of course;
  • Turtleneck: 1-2;
  • Sweaters, cardigans: 1-3;
  • Dresses: one or more;
  • Suits: if possible, 1-2

Accessories in the wardrobe of a schoolgirl / student

Accessories personalize the style, and we recommend that you definitely use them. If you have a problem dress fashionably for school, but at the same time, according to the school charter, you must to wear uniform, then it is the accessories that will “make” your image.

If possible, there should be two bags (or one bag and one backpack). Let one of the bags be plain - for any clothes with a print, let the backpack be with a print, for plain things. Or vice versa:)

Buy neckerchiefs - they can make even the simplest stylish put on something image. When buying a neckerchief, imagine at least two looks that it will suit.

You can also wear detachable collars with dresses and blouses - lace, small beads or plaid. By the way, the Internet is full of patterns and examples of how to make a collar with your own hands. Turn on your imagination, and let them imitate you and your style!

WikiHow is a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. When creating this article, 194 people worked on editing and improving it, including anonymously.

If you are studying in high school It is very important to look attractive and dress well. However, sometimes it can be difficult to do this, especially when you don't have much time to get ready in the morning. With this guide, you can look great every day. Always try something new, create your own own style but keep in mind the rules of your school.


    Shower regularly. Do this with a scented shower gel and a soft sponge. Wash thoroughly with warm water to get really clean. You must Always be neat and smell good when you go to school; don't forget to wear deodorant. While showering, shave your underarms and legs (if your parents let you), wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner. Use a washcloth with a small amount of soap or shower gel and rub your entire body thoroughly. Use a comb (but not a massage brush) on wet hair to dry it more gently. Try to take a shower every other day or every day, but do not wash your hair every day - wear a shower cap. After showering, you can apply detangling or leave-in conditioner to your hair if your hair tends to be frizzy.

    Cleanse and moisturize your face. Wash your face with a facial cleanser, then apply a light moisturizer. A gel, mousse, or soap cleanser helps remove dirt, oil, and make-up from your face, making your skin less prone to breakouts. Make sure you are not allergic to any of the products you are using.

    Brush your teeth. Do this every morning and evening. Choose a good toothpaste and don't forget to use mouthwash to keep your breath fresh and teeth white. Try not to use whitening gels and strips - they damage the enamel of your teeth and are harmful to your gums. If you have used whitening toothpaste before, start brushing with an enamel-protecting toothpaste. Wear lip balm to keep your smile flawless. If you wear braces, brush your teeth as thoroughly as possible. Your smile may not be perfect (yet!), but at least you won't have food particles stuck between your teeth.

    Try to smell good. Now that you're older, you're sweating more, so wear deodorant. In addition, you can apply a little perfume with a delicate aroma.

    Pick the right outfit. When choosing clothes, always try them on and look in the mirror. If a thing is good on a hanger, but does not suit you, discard it. Choose clothes that match your color and fit well. If the outfit looks good on you and you are comfortable in it, look no further. Keep in mind, you are going to school, so you need to choose something comfortable and modest, but cute. Be bold and try new styles. If you have never worn skirts in primary school, try one day to go to class in a skirt to see if you like it. You may be surprised! Shorts have always been and will always be in fashion, so be sure to get a few. Keep in mind that many schools have uniform requirements - it must be secular in nature and comply with generally accepted business dress code.

    • Don't wear see-through shirts. Sometimes when you wear a white or light-colored shirt, your bra can show through the fabric. Try wearing a tank top underneath to avoid this. Under white blouses or shirts, it is best to wear not a white, but a flesh-colored bra.
    • Don't try to look sexy; you're still in high school, so revealing clothing can give people the wrong impression of you. Dress modestly so as not to get into the director's office. For example, if you're wearing a low-cut shirt, wear it with a matching top so you don't expose too much of your body.
  1. Add accessories. Accessories are always great, they will emphasize your style and add variety even to such a boring outfit as a school uniform. Accessories can be color matched with clothing or, conversely, be contrasting to add a color accent. Try wearing bracelets, pendants, rings, earrings, or necklaces; see which one you like best.

    Experiment with your hair. Just dry them with a hair dryer, curl, straighten, make a corrugation, weave braids. Remember to use a special thermal protection spray that protects the hair when exposed to high temperatures. If you have thick or dry hair, use a leave-in conditioner to style it. Finish off with a fragrance-free hairspray. Add a dainty touch, like a cute headband, headband, crab or flower.

    • Do different hairstyles. For example, instead of the usual ponytail, braid the French braid. If you're ready to make a radical change, go for a brand new haircut or even side swept bangs. You can start with side bangs: they will give you a completely different look, but if you don’t like the result, you can always pin them up or put them under a hoop.
  2. Try to use cosmetics. Just because you're in high school doesn't mean you're must do makeup. However, if you want to paint, remember that there should be very little makeup on your face. Make sure your makeup looks natural. A little mascara and lip balm or neutral lip gloss is enough for middle school. Paint your nails and tweeze your eyebrows only if you think you can't do without it.

    smile And be confident . A smile is always beautiful. No outfit will make you charming if you are gloomy and unhappy with yourself. Try to be different, but do not forget that you will be respected only if you respect yourself. Self-esteem will help you become truly happy and attractive. Don't lose confidence in yourself and don't let others hurt you. There are people who just love to say or do mean things, so don't mind them.

    Apply body lotion. Apply it on your hands, feet, and if necessary, on the whole body. This will give your skin a clean, velvety and healthy look.

  3. Be yourself! You need to be self-confident! If you feel insecure without makeup, wear it, but try not to overdo it. Remember, always be yourself. An original is always more valuable than a copy. Be natural and you will notice that you get more compliments.

    • Pick an outfit the night before school so you don't have to stand in front of your closet for an hour in the morning.
    • Don't let other people pressure you. You are you, and this is the best that can be!
    • If you are not a fan of accessories, then you are not required to wear them. You can manage without them and still look absolutely perfect. Just wear attractive clothes that suit you, style your hair accordingly, and you'll be fine!
    • Experiment! Don't limit yourself to one style. And if you always shop at one particular store, try visiting a few others.
    • Never worry about what others think, it's only your life. If people judge you by your clothes, don't let that bother you, the main thing is to keep your confidence.
    • Take a shower in the evening before school.
    • Brand names are not everything. Be yourself and smile.
    • If branded clothing doesn't suit your personal style, don't buy it. If other people don't like it, that's their problem; let someone else wear such clothes, don't let others make fun of you or anything like that because of the rejection of such brands.
    • If you need more time to clean up, get up earlier than usual.
    • Try on your chosen outfit and show off to someone before you wear it to school.
    • Ask your friends for honest advice.
    • When wearing a uniform, choose the most attractive option.


    • Do not pluck your eyebrows in the morning before school, they will turn red! If you need to, do it the night before.
    • If you're happy with yourself, don't turn up your nose. Be simple.
    • Don't be influenced by the crowd - be yourself!
    • Shave your legs the night before school or get up early to do so.
    • Do not overdo it when choosing an outfit for school. Every girl is beautiful in her own right.
    • If you do waxing feet in the morning, at school they will be red.
    • If you don't have shaving cream, use a lather or lotion like cocoa butter. Shave carefully!
    • If you've been shaving in the evening, make sure you don't miss anything by daylight.
    • Be confident in yourself all day, because there is nothing worse than self-doubt!
    • If you don't know how to apply makeup, don't do it. Don't risk your self-esteem!
    • Ignore what others say. If you yourself like your outfit, this is enough.
    • Never do not shave without water or shaving cream. You may cut yourself and your skin will become irritated.

When I was in school, it was customary to wear a uniform. I still remember those terrible brown dresses and terrible black aprons, as well as unthinkable collars and armlets. Only when I moved to the 7th grade, this terrible duty was removed from us. And the era of anarchy has come - rubber jeans, bright leggings and long Chinese T-shirts. Needless to say, both were extreme.

Today the site Stylish Trick will tell you about how to dress stylishly for school without crossing the line of reason.

Modern canons of school style

Why has the idea of ​​returning to school uniforms been repeatedly raised by our politicians? Not only because they absolutely have nothing else to do. The absence of strict rules and canons led to the fact that complete confusion and vacillation began on the issue of school style.

In addition, issues of social inequality suddenly sharply escalated. If earlier everyone dressed the same way (equally bad), then with the abolition of the school uniform, the simplest instrument of competition appeared - with the help of clothes.

No, of course, we do not believe that all children must be dressed according to the principle “white top - black bottom”. School is not Sberbank after all. However, the school is an official institution, whatever one may say. That's why adhere to certain clothing standards, going into it, is worth it.

- Classics are always relevant. And for students too. Jackets, trousers and skirts were, are and will be the most suitable clothes for official events (which can be conditionally ranked as lessons). And many students in business attire are attracted to the fact that it allows you to look a little more mature.

Of course, strict gray, brown and black suits look a little boring, and youth does not tolerate this. Then bright accessories will come to the rescue.

- The key to the diversity of images is the presence a large number turtlenecks, T-shirts, blouses and shirts. They can be combined with a variety of things and look fresh and new every day.

- A great alternative to a business jacket is a vest. In it, the child will be comfortable, easy, not hot and not cold. At the same time, he looks quite strict, but not too official.

- A sundress is a practical solution for every day, thanks to which you can create a lot of wonderful sets. It can be worn as an independent product, combined with jackets, blouses, shirts, T-shirts, turtlenecks. Sundresses always look very stylish, relevant and feminine.

- For the cool season, you should get cardigans and jumpers.

- A schoolgirl's wardrobe should definitely be enriched with several practical models of dresses - sweater dresses, a simple checkered preppy sundress, a sheath dress, a dressing gown or a line.

Jeans are the traditional clothes for schoolchildren, and there is no getting away from them. Yes, and no need. You just need to choose a jeans model so that the school class does not look like a docker team. Jeans should be of a classic color and silhouette, without the abuse of rhinestones, appliqués, and even more holes - these models should be left for a disco or a party.

Don't underestimate the importance of tank tops in your school wardrobe. Knitted sleeveless jackets are a "unisex" thing that helps to form cozy and comfortable looks.

- If your child is a stable fan of sports style, then you can build it on the basis of jeans, sweatshirts, T-shirts, turtlenecks and comfortable shoes (sneakers, sneakers, moccasins). Just do not abuse purely sports paraphernalia. Tracksuits and leave your sneakers for physical education lessons. Alternatively, perhaps your child will be fascinated by the military style.

In general, American students and schoolchildren prefer standard sports uniforms - jeans, sneakers, T-shirts. In it, they go not only to school, but also on dates, parties, walks. However, Americans can hardly be called trendsetters, so this is hardly the case when they should be imitated.

School accessories

This is worth mentioning separately - after all, it is in this field that schoolchildren have where to roam.

By far the most typical school accessory is the bag or briefcase. The difficulty is that the student, as a rule, does not have too many of them, but they should fit everything. Therefore, it is advisable to choose combinatorial universal model. At the same time, one should not forget about posture. Backpacks provide an even distribution of the load on the shoulders, therefore they are considered the most suitable bag for schoolchildren. In any case, make sure that the weight of the bag itself is minimal.

Original belts, cute hairpins, hoops, headbands - all this allows you to make the image more vivid and individualized.

Do not forget about practical accessories - hats, scarves.

As you can see, the school canons of fashion today are quite democratic and allow any child to dress with taste, stylishly, and not lose their individuality.
