Catchphrases for last call. Statuses about graduation, last school bell

School years fly by very quickly. It would seem that yesterday’s first-graders have become graduates today. We offer you a selection of funny graduation statuses that will help you get through these exciting moments and lift your spirits. We have also selected parting words for you from great people who have achieved a lot in life. Let them help all graduates take a step into their careers with confidence. adult life and make the right decision.

Graduation party opens the door to adulthood. This is the time when you have to choose future profession, perhaps leaving the parental home and starting an independent life. There are entrance exams, mastering a profession, new acquaintances and new opportunities ahead.

Every year the school graduates its students, everyone goes to different cities, each of them begins their own life. But, be that as it may, the school doors will always be open to every graduate. School will forever remain a second home, where everyone receives knowledge and makes friends. In order to re-immerse yourself in the carefree atmosphere of your school years and find out how your classmates are doing, there are alumni reunions. Some go to them to brag about their achievements, others sincerely miss their school friends.

A higher education institution is another place where a person spends best years in his life, learns to make decisions independently and be responsible for his actions. University graduation – no less significant event, because after training, work life awaits, and besides, you again have to part with people who have already become so close. Only after training do you understand that tests, exams and tests are mere trifles compared to the tests that life has prepared.


We've become adults now
We can't get our childhood back.
School opened the door to life for us
And showed the way. (S. Mikhalkov)

Graduation is the beginning of adulthood.

A completely uneducated person can only rob a boxcar, while a university graduate can steal railway. (Theodore Roosevelt)

Schools produce everyone, universities produce the best...

Thank you, teachers,
Because the Earth is round,
For Troy and for Carthage,
For benzochloropropylene,
For ZHI and SHI, for twice two,
For your kind words,
Those that we now keep within ourselves.
We THANK YOU for everything!

We owe school knowledge only to teachers.

In the morning sky, tinted by the sun's rays, a small blue ball was flying - their common dream. (E. Gabova. book Prom Tale)

Balloons are a dream that graduates send to the heavens.

Graduation is like the Olympics - you wait four years, and three people are having fun while the rest are crying over their dashed hopes. (From the movie Graduation)

At university there are 4, and at school there are all 11...)

It was a dress rehearsal for the future first ball, which for most will never take place, a false promise of a future continuous celebration of life, which will also not happen, parting with school, which for everyone without exception was a joyful event, but on this day it was painted with false romantic colors. (L. Ulitskaya, book Green Tent)

At graduation, everyone talks about a bright future, but no one warns about the difficulties ahead.

It is very difficult to concentrate and not give in to the internal monologue that constantly sounds in your head. Twenty years after my own graduation, I finally realized that the liberal arts cliché about learning to think is actually deeper and more serious than I thought: learning to think means exercising control over how and what you think. you think. That is, learning to be sensible and knowledgeable enough to consciously choose what is worth attention and how to extract meaning from experience. Because if you can't learn to make these kinds of choices as an adult, then life will seriously screw you up. Remember that hackneyed expression that says: The mind is the best servant and the worst master. (David Foster Wallace, graduate speech)

Graduation is a journey into adulthood, but you find your ticket 20 years after it.

Don't be sad that you won't be returning to school,
Youth is a wonderful time,
All we can do is wish
I wish you happiness, peace and goodness.

Saying goodbye to school is always filled with sadness.

As you get older, you will realize that the definition of success changes with age. For most of you today, success is downing 20 shots of tequila. For me, the more important thing is the opportunity to live your life honestly and not be under pressure all the time, not trying to do what you don’t want to do. Live as an honest and compassionate person, contribute to some cause. In conclusion, I would like to say: follow your passion, stay true to yourself. Never follow a path trodden by someone, unless you find yourself in a deep forest, you are lost, and this path is your only salvation (Ellen DeGeneres, speech to graduates)

After school, graduates are driven by ambitions; after a while, by goals.

Beautiful White dress The floorwear I wore to prom was in many ways reminiscent of those worn here, and yet could easily seem strange or vulgar. (A. Akulova, book Devil's Graduation)

When wearing a white dress to prom, graduates probably want to imagine themselves as a bride...

What does graduation mean to you?
This is the evening of farewell to childhood.
This is a holiday with an open soul
And a little wounded at heart.
This is the urge to go back
Where were you just yesterday?
This ball will spin until the morning,
So that you don't forget him.

Between childhood and adulthood there is one evening - Graduation.

Dear Graduates! Create your own compass and trust it. Take risks, don’t be afraid to make mistakes, remember, the one who first cuts a hole in the wall always makes mistakes. (Aaron Sorkin)

The one who does nothing makes no mistakes.


Last call: More than three thousand police officers are on heavy duty and protect Muscovites from drunken school graduates.

They have lived to see that they are no longer protecting them from scammers, but from graduates...)))

Boys are made into men by the army, and girls are made into women by graduation.

Men and women are made to test and age.

At the prom, young people, faced with a non-standard bra clasp, kiss until dawn.

You can learn anatomy at graduation better than in biology class...)

The longest graduation ceremony was recorded in Norilsk - the guys waited for the dawn for six months.

Well, at least you waited?)

Looking at some of the graduates, one can’t help but want to ask: where did they graduate from?

Imagine from school)

The more you achieve in life, the harder it is to ignore alumni reunions.

The alumni meeting is a reason to brag about your achievements.

Today, graduates will be fished out of fountains, oh, these kids.

They need to somehow put themselves in order, so they climb into the fountains...)

Why 3rd, there is also a 4th - those that are not prepared at all)

In general, many university graduates are suitable for the army, but only for war with a virtual enemy!

Suitable for training too... only part-time and distance learning...)

CHEF (looked into the water): Are you a university graduate?? Yes, you will miscarry him!!

Some students educational establishments they release others, they throw them out...)

Rector at graduation: “After graduation, go to America. Let their economy collapse there.”

It’s immediately obvious that the university prepares real specialists!

If school is a prison, then we will soon have an amnesty.

When you begin to live an adult life, you understand that school is not a prison, but a heavenly place. And, if it’s a prison, then you’re ready to suffer your punishment in it again, but, alas, they won’t take you anymore.

School graduation is the only day in life when all parents chip in for alcohol for their children!

They chip in, and then reprimand them for going too far...)

Goodbye, oh school, oh resident evil. And hello to the institute, oh citadel of vice!

Where has virtue gone?)

And only after graduation you realize how much you have fallen in love with these idiots over the past 10 years...

The friendliest class is after graduation!)

Graduation is a holiday where everyone cries because they have to leave forever an institution that they dreamed of leaving with tears in their eyes for many years in a row...

You begin to truly love school and classmates only when the time comes to part with them.

Surveillance cameras captured the liquor store robbery - the only video from School 7's graduation.

At least something will remain as a memory...)

I remember my graduation party at the university, damn, I once thought that I should be ashamed of my graduation at school!

Wait, you haven’t even made it to the wedding yet...)

Chic outfits, warm words, beautiful bouquets, dawn... Soon all schools and universities will open the doors to adulthood for their students. Graduation is tears of joy and sadness, the understanding that childhood and youth are leaving, there are a thousand roads ahead, from which you need to choose one. Let every graduate do right choice in life and find your happiness!


(Short thumbnails

are played by graduates)


– Do you know why in our school they work practically only women?

– Because all the best is for children!

– GUO Commission gave our teachers are highly appreciated, but so that they more often gave away her children.

The good half teachers at our school writes comments in diaries, and the angry one also calls parents to school.

– We have seen from experience that what more absent-minded teacher, the better he is sows reasonable, good, eternal.

– Psychologists at our school have found that in school there is more and more difficult boys, but girls are all lighter and lighter...

“Did you hear that our sixth-grader bit a fifth-grader, and a year later the fifth-grader... also became a sixth-grader.”

– And in the humanities there are two eleventh-graders didn't share Guys, they’re not doing well with division; in our physics and mathematics department, girls don’t have such problems.

11 "A" speaks Russian, English, French better than anyone else at school... and in other lessons too.

A first grader approaches a student 11 "A" class.

– Zhen, how to draw a figure eight?

– Yes, it’s as simple as shelling pears: we take the infinity sign and in the Cartesian coordinate system we rotate it by an angle P/2.

– Only students 11 “A” were able to correctly decipher the name of the school position head teacher– Knownly a Smart Man!

– Once upon a time, with the help of a globe, scientists proved to everyone that the earth is round, and the boys of our class, with the help of a globe, can prove that the earth is empty!

- Anton! What subject did you like most at school?

- Director's cell phone! (Or something different.)

- Vova! How much is in your 11 "A" will there be medalists?

Apart from me, ten.

– Are you a medalist?

- No. That's what I said - not counting me!

– We propose to Sergei Nikolaevich (name of the school director) to be the first in the city to introduce in our school glossy cool magazines and also do school walls made of transparent material so that children do not smoke behind school.

– And in the literature lesson, Inessa Mikhailovna (the name of the literature teacher) taught us bad things.

- Like this?!!

– Inessa Mikhailovna (name of literature teacher), Nina Vasilievna (name of chemistry teacher)! Judge for us, what is T. Dreiser's book about? Titanium": about the opening chemical element(metal) titanium or about a superhuman financier?

– Galina Leonidovna (name of physics teacher)! But the truth is our city Omsk named after Ohm? Otherwise I'll lose my bet.

– Nadezhda Ivanovna (name of the mathematics teacher)! We firmly promise you show off for the Unified State Exam in mathematics... with new gold earrings, chains and rings.

– Here’s some great advice Galina Gennadievna (the name of the computer science teacher) gave us: “If a thought doesn’t fit in your head, then archive it.”

“We have a sure sign in our class: if you lean out the window the night before the exam... and memorize all the tickets, you will definitely pass.

– Yes, our dear parents, not just put children on their feet... especially early in the morning.

Have you heard the good news? This year, graduates who did not pass the Unified State Exam will be able to take an ECG and fluorography.

Galina Petrovna, Galina Petrovna (name of biology teacher)! And Romka spent the whole night surfing websites gymnosperms plants!

Do you know why our physics student was given a biology teacher as a class teacher? Yes, because if a student is good at mathematics, physics, computer science, he will - botanist!

Only Galina Petrovna (name of the biology teacher), like a real biologist, knows how to raise a whole forest... hands.

There are 25 in our class goals smart and 250 goals scored into the opponent's goal. Our boys are the smartest football players (as well as basketball players, volleyball players, etc.). “Physics and Mathematics” can and should be deciphered as a physical education and mathematics class!

The last bell is a favorite holiday for schoolchildren completing their studies. As a rule, it is held at the end of May before final exams. This day is kind of the end of a learning marathon with lessons, tests, breaks, homework and activities. All students, both junior and senior students, teachers and parents of schoolchildren are involved in the celebration of this significant day. The ceremony involves speeches by the director, invited guests, class teachers, members of the parent committee, theatrical performances from first-graders and creative groups of the school. On this day, the graduates themselves dress either in a school uniform or in formal suits, over which they tie ribbons with the inscription “Graduate” and pin small bells.

Show congratulations

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And now it rings for the last time,
Your last school bell
Even if your favorite class is nearby,
But you won't go to class!

You will wave your hand to the school,
You have a very long journey ahead of you,
Work or college
But don't forget school!

After all, you gave her ten years,
And don't forget the teachers,
You have found true friends here,
And step boldly into life with them!


The last one, it is the most wonderful call,
It is a sign that the last lesson has been learned.
Another day, one hour is over.
Giving new knowledge to you.
It rings like a stream, announcing success,
Or maybe glory, which awaits everyone soon.
You are free to achieve a lot yourself
To recapture fate with your strength and labor.
Be ready for a new path!

Enjoy life and love!
Good luck and always appreciate yourself!


There are tears in my eyes today,
And we say goodbye to school,
She will remain in our hearts
The last call, sad.

I wish all graduates
Go through life, don't give up,
And he slipped and fell -
Don't be discouraged, but rise up!

With a desire to help people,
Study tirelessly
You can't recognize bad habits
Adopting a healthy image.

Let happiness light the way,
Love protects from pain
And God will show life the essence
And protects from temptations!


A special bell is ringing today,
For everyone, it strikes its own hour.
We just say goodbye to school today,
Last lesson, let's leave our class.

We embark on the road of victories and quests,
Ready to fight, to answer fate.
Let life show us that path, without suffering,
For everyone to their most cherished dream!


The school years are wonderful,
Funny and interesting,
We passed right on time,
The bell will now ring!

It's a spring day outside
And the last bell rings.
Announcing the beginning
A new path in life!

Graduate, don't be upset
In adulthood, don't get lost
Without longing and without sadness,
Be brave, friend, look forward!


The last time it rings sadly
The girls are whispering about something...
We will forget a lot, accidentally,
Let’s just remember their bangs!
Tears drop onto a handkerchief
Oh, how worried they are now
After all, life is a continuous ellipsis
It is impossible to hide from sadness!
When will we come to the meetings now?
...we can't all get together, of course...
Parting words flow like a river
Let's leave while we're still careless!


The last farewell bell is ringing
It sounds joyful and cheerful to you
The school waltz will spin you around in dance
You will remember this day for an hour.
The school opened its doors wide open,
Are you on new way walk in faith.
There are so many opportunities for you
Choose only the right road
You strive for the heights of success
This is what you will work for
We will be proud of your successes.


The hour of parting with school has come
Your childhood is left behind
The bell will ring for the last time
New paths are open for you.
You cannot avoid separation from friends.
A certificate is ready for everyone
You will often think about school
You will say a lot of warm words about her.
Like birds you will fly to the heights of life
...I wish you to find your right path
Rainbow dreams so that they all come true
Successful admission to college.


Last farewell call
He sums up school life
It rings good luck to graduates
You can't get your school childhood back
The school walls became family,
And how fun it was during recess.
Memories of crazy school years
They will remain for life, forever.
How long have we been waiting for this finest hour?
... but school and class will remain in the past.
The moment is filled with joy and optimism
Walk through life with confidence and dignity.


Let it ring, but not say goodbye.
Everything just begins with ringing notes.
The future is yours, your path is beautiful,
It is worthy to walk along it and not turn off.
Let your life flow like a beautiful river,
And let success lift you up like a rainbow.
Always strive for knowledge in everything,
However, do not forget the threshold and the school house.
You could always come to him,
Work or home, always find advice!
Good luck on your great journey in life!


Everyone will feel a little sad
On the day of the last call.
We've been waiting for him for ten years,
Well, he’s still not there.

And the desired moment comes,
When are you used to school?
One moment - There is no school,
But ten years have passed.

And it remains to remember
How he loved to race in the yard...
Years of fun, twos of pain,
Or maybe first love...

He'll be a little sad, but then
You will remember a common Home with someone,
Who gave joy.
Mathematics teacher?

There is consolation for you -
After all, you scolded her, loving!
The last call is sadness,
But don't answer it.

Then sadness will leave you.
Let there be fun in your soul.
You invite your friends
Dispel the boredom of these days.
And the pain of last call
It will be easy among them.


The last time the bell rings
For the graduation class,
And the road will lead you
Around the earthly path!

May happiness await you along the way,
Luck and luck,
And don't let it stop you
Annoying doubt!

May joy and love always
They accompany you everywhere
Let school friendship be in everything
Helps you in life!


Our dear girls and boys,
Have you always wanted to grow up faster?
And hide all the school books away,
And enter the beckoning adult world as soon as possible!

You graduated from school, congratulations on that,
The last bell is ringing, just for you,
We sincerely wish you a bright, interesting life,
Don't forget school and your favorite class!


The first-graders look enviously.
The stupid ones cannot understand,
How sad and painful it is unimaginable
Let us part with our childhood.

And in the farewell waltz it’s sweet
The whirlwinds of years pass by.
The joy of first love is in them.
They contain true friend advice.

Rings in every heart with beats
Today is the last call.
And words of gratitude to school
They flow, and love flows!


The last call rang today,
It marks the end of a milestone
How much he means to school life,
How he spins his head forward and hurrying into the distance.

The upcoming class will open up for someone,
And for some it will be graduation,
And the graduate, perhaps, will not hide his tears,
That adult life will soon see the light.

So let the tears of joy touch you,
Cheeks of teachers and their students,
Let all tender feelings wake up,
They parted with each other in spite of each other.


The last bell will ring loudly,
The first-grader spares no effort,
And a copper bell rings in his hand
He announced the end of his studies.

The soul is both happy and sad,
It's a holiday, but it's sad.
How many problems did we solve orally?
Here's another example solved.

In dresses of an unusual style,
In fashionable and shiny jackets,
We spent three hours in the salons,
To do the styling - just wow!

We see the teacher sad on the side,
He calls us the best
Of course, you will forgive us now,
There will be more geniuses among you!

Maybe it will be a little quieter
In the school corridors, we will leave,
Let's just never stop remembering
School is, in fact, our second home!

Very soon, schoolchildren will celebrate the holiday of the last bell. He will send some guys on a long-awaited vacation, while others will draw an even line under a multi-year marathon of disciplines, assignments, tests, tests, exams. In any case, this day is equally heartfelt for every student in his school and touching to the point of tears... Sad or joyful! It’s worth preparing for such an event in advance and choosing not only an outfit and a bouquet, but also poems for the Last Call for the patient class teacher, beloved subject teachers, classmates who have become family, and even cozy school walls. In this good old way, graduates of grades 9 and 11 can congratulate each other, thank the teachers, and simply diversify the ceremonial line-up.

Beautiful poems for the last call to teachers from graduates

The last bell sounds different for everyone: for first-graders it’s festive, for junior and middle grades it’s fun and cheerful, for graduates it’s solemn and a little sad. It echoes with the same sad trills in the souls of parents and teachers who are releasing the next generation of “children” from their arms. But even despite the sad looks of teachers and farewell tears of graduates, the Last Bell is a bright holiday that opens the way for children to new life. In addition, this day gives 11th grade students last chance I have the rights of adults to express words of gratitude to my beloved parents and dear teachers. To this end, graduates prepare beautiful and heartfelt poems for teachers for the Last Call in advance and buy nice gifts and lush flower bouquets. And even if you can’t do without material surprises at the graduation party, at the school assembly it is still better to congratulate your mentors with spiritual gifts. And you can choose the most beautiful poems for the last call to teachers from graduates in our collection.

Examples of the best poems from graduates for teachers on the last call

Last call, there are tears in our eyes.
School and childhood dreams are over.
We hasten to say thank you to the teachers,
I wish you patience and success in your business.

You are like parents, like relatives,
Forgive us, dear teachers,
For the nerves, for running away from class,
For what the family didn't do.

May the students bring joy
Let your graduates praise you,
After all, you, like no one else, are worthy of honor.
Health and success for many years to come!

We don’t know whether your hopes were justified:
After all, the final exam is still so far away,
In the meantime, we invite you to visit us
For our happy holiday - Last call!
And please forgive all my sins,
What we have accumulated by the last day:
And tests with a load of wrong decisions,
And vague answers, and chatter,
But you know one thing: we will remember school
And not only in these excited words.
We will never forget our teachers,
And your work will resonate in our affairs.

We went to first grade, we sat down at our desks
And many people don’t remember their first lesson.
And every spring, every time it came closer,
Our sad, sad, farewell call.

School called us, science beckoned us
And we were bored playing in the yard.
Became habitual, lessons for a minute,
There are so many good things in school time.

Here we were taught and raised,
There were good teachers here.
We are leaving school for new children,
Farewell and see you my school.

Poems touching to tears for the class teacher from graduates on Last Bell

Of course, the main characters of the Last Bell lineup are considered to be graduates of grades 9 and 11. But this significant day belongs not only to them. The class teacher deserves no less attention. He is the one who is considered the second mother of every student in the class, and there are good reasons for this. The class teacher cares every day for the progress of his students, regularly holds educational conversations, controls the atmosphere in the classroom, tries to peacefully eliminate conflicts between the children and in every possible way brighten up their school life with cultural events. Poems touching to tears for the class teacher from graduates on the Last Bell are an elementary tribute of gratitude for all the work done and every grain of soul invested in what they love.

Texts of touching poems for the last call from graduates to the class teacher

Today memory turns back time -
Oh, how many joyful events there were!
We hasten to say for your invaluable work
Thank you, our great leader!

Thank you for always pushing us
Forward, making you believe in strength,
We managed to unite our class through friendship
And they taught unchanging truths.

Patriotism, honesty, kindness,
Love and mercy... Forever
We are indebted to you, our teacher.
For instilling humanity in us.

Health to you, success day after day
We wish you the trill of the last bell!
And know that we will not let you down,
What we remember, adore and miss!

You spared no time for us,
Sharing trouble and joy with us.
With a smile they entered the bright classroom,
Forgiving all antics and pranks.

You taught us to be friends and love,
They gave warmth and understanding.
We can never forget
Those days that we spent with you.

Thank you for your kindness.
For your knowledge, lessons, warmth.
For everything you taught us to see.
For everything you were in a hurry to teach us!

You always tried to understand us,
Forgive for stupidity and pranks,
Shared joy and trouble with us,
You taught us to work and work.

We are so glad that life has connected us,
That we ended up in your class.
We wish you spiritual fun.
Always have a great mood!

Poems “to tears” for subject teachers from graduates on Last Bell

At the solemn assembly dedicated to the last bell, not only graduates are in a hurry to share their ability to recite touching poems that bring tears to tears. This is how first-graders thank their parents for a new open door, middle school students share their fun school experiences during Last year with their friends, high school students, through poems on the Last Bell, express gratitude to their subject teachers for the science they have received. Each member of the line, who prepared sad or funny poetry that brought tears to tears, has his own important goal.

Poems “bringing tears” to subject teachers from graduates on Last Bell are most often short and laconic. After all, it is impossible to offend any specialized teacher with attention, and the time of the event is often strictly limited. Best options See below for poems for subject students.

The best tearful poems for subject teachers for the Last Call

Thank you. Even if it's a simple word
Will not express all the feelings of these years.
Thank you for putting up with us so much
And we have endured so many troubles.

Today we are leaving - a relief.
But we see tears in your eyes.
For so many years, following our lives,
You still loved us so much.

Taking us from the hands of mothers, grandmothers and aunts,
You raised, bringing knowledge.
They gave eternal, reasonable, and also
They gave each of us themselves.

Let me hug you, second mothers.
Those who showed the path of life.
Today we must say goodbye to you,
But we promise: we will visit.

From “twice two” to complex equations
We have traveled a very interesting path.
To this day from ancient teachings
You brought this science to us.

Thank you for everything you've learned,
For the load of knowledge brought to us.
We wish you to have in your life
All numbers only have a plus sign

Here Bach's fugues sound reverently,
Here is the sun of life, the smells of the sea
Mozart's sonatas speak to me.
I am glad that there is a teacher at school,
The one I love the most.
For my music, born of the piano,
I thank him from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you for your kindness and affection,
For a bright moment of success
And the cry of false notes,
For competitions an exciting fairy tale.
May the Music lesson last forever!

Farewell poems for the Last Bell, 11th grade about school

Farewell poems about home school on Last call from 11th graders is a good tradition, strengthened over decades, worthy of continuation in every generation of future graduates. Only high school students, having gone through a difficult path of learning and becoming many times smarter, are able to look at their teachers with respect and sincerely thank them for their invaluable life experience. Only high school students can say goodbye to school not joyfully, anticipating the imminent holidays, but sadly, with a sad look and tears of separation. Only high school students, letting go of the last strings of childhood, truly suffer from the imminent parting with cozy classes, fun recess, fun school holidays and friendly staff of their “second home.”

Take the trouble to choose farewell poems for the last bell of grade 11 about school in advance, so that at the right moment you can convey in poetic form everything that has been said so far in prose.

Example of farewell poems about school for the last bell of 11th grade

The last call will not be ruined by the weather,
Sharikov’s wreath soars into the sky...
The school years are over,

Today they come to school without laziness.
Joy - the painful period ends
Girls, boys, happy liberation!
At school today is the last call.
Rejoice! There will be no more school for you!
Why don't you run away as fast as you can?
The bell rings loudly for you:
At school today is the last call.
They won't give you homework,
Don't wake up for first lesson
This just made me sad.
At school today is the last call.
School is now a thing of the past for you,
You have made a very important point.
School will be remembered only for good things.
At school today is the last call.

The last bell rang.
How quickly time flies.
Just recently in first grade.
And the sadness in my heart grows.

Just recently we were together
But let's run in all directions.
Everyone has their own path.
Goodbye school years!

The last call sees off
To an adult, big life.
A tear appears involuntarily.
We will keep the school in our hearts.

Call. Last. All. Will not
Duties, desks, teachers...
And the wind, the free wind blows!
Well, let it blow stronger.

We will scatter like pollen over a meadow.
But everyone will say, just like me:
Let's be honest with each other.
We are all united, we are one family.

Someday, winter or summer
Someone will hear: “Bah! Wow!
Seryoga, my God, is that you?”
Spaces and years will separate us.

Last bell, my last class...
Will first-graders remember us?

Poems of Russian classics for the last call from grade 9 to teachers, principals, head teachers

School time is incredibly poetic in itself. It is not surprising that dozens of Russian classics depicted it so colorfully and emotionally in their stanzas. They contain the first love, and genuine friendship with a bosom neighbor at the desk, and a wise teacher with reasonable life views, and a difficult overcoming of the bumpy path through school sciences. So why not prepare poems by Russian classics for the Last Bell from 9th grade for teachers, principals, and head teachers. Surely such poetry will be the best gift and manifestation of universal respect for the teaching staff and administration of the school.

We have collected the best poems from Russian classics for principals, head teachers and teachers on the last call from grade 9 and placed them in this section.

Classic poems about school years for teachers, principals and head teachers from 9th graders

Good luck to you, dear rural and urban teachers,
Good, evil and no captains on the bridge of the ship!
Good luck to you, debutants and aces, good luck! Especially in the mornings
when you enter school classrooms,
Some are like being in a cage, others are like being in a temple.
Good luck to you, busy with things that you can’t complete anyway,
Tightly shackled by instructions and shouts from the city government.
Good luck to you, looking differently, with ideas and without any ideas,
loving or hating these - be they three times... - children.
You know, I still believe that if the Earth survives,
Teachers will someday become the highest dignity of humanity!
Not in words, but in the things of tradition, which matches the life of tomorrow.
You will have to be born as a teacher and only after that you will have to become a teacher.
He will have talented and daring wisdom, he will carry the sun on his wing.
A teacher is a long-range profession,
Home on Earth!

From class to class we will go up, as if by steps,
And the most important thing here will be the working class,
And the first duty we will, naturally, cancel
Exploitation by teachers of us!

Long live the new school!
The teacher will drop it, and you pick it up!
There are children of both sexes here
People will become huge!

We are building a school to gnaw at science boldly,
We will destroy everything from the inside and revive it,
We will whiten the grayness and scrape it to shine,
We will cover up all the shadow with light!

So grow a school for us, builder, -
For our children's souls, a greenhouse, a greenhouse, -
Where they study - everyone, where the teacher -
I am still a student in some ways!

Reach every heart
Those whom you decide to teach,
And the secret door will open
To the souls of those
who could love!

And some
overslept boy
Late for first lesson
And the prankster in the past
Will invite you to the Last Call!

And many more years will pass,
Maybe someone's fate will work out,
And both pain and adversity will disappear,
Stop shooting everywhere!

In the meantime, there will be everyday life of study
And the answers are heard at the blackboard,
Peace without violence and without anger,
And donated rose petals!

Mark Lvovsky

Poems for the Last Call are not only a dry tribute to tradition, no matter how it may seem at first glance. Poems touching to tears for the class teacher, principal and subject teachers are the appearance of gratitude, respect and deep appreciation from graduates of grades 9 and 11.

Without a doubt, the most touching and unforgettable celebration of all school holidays is the Last Bell. For each of us, this holiday evokes certain and similar associations. The fact is that this particular holiday is both sad and joyful. On this day it is customary to congratulate all schoolchildren, graduates, and teachers. All users social networks who are studying at school or finishing their studies, try to post the brightest, most interesting statuses about the Last Call on their page. Smart, perhaps sad, statements provide an opportunity to congratulate your friends on the end of school, provide the basis for discussion and communication, and attract new users to your account.

Many are tired of banal phrases of wishes and not particularly attractive statements on the topic of this celebration. I want new, more modern thoughts, beautiful words and really kind congratulations with meaning. Our unique collection offers you to find worthy, exclusive statuses about Last Call.

The last bell and school lesson are already behind us, the last bell and a new lesson are in store for us in life ahead...

When we leave the schoolyard, to the sounds of an ageless waltz, the teacher leads us to the corner...

Graduation... the last day of school life... And yet, school, I will love you!! I had the most best class!!! Guys, I love you all!!

The headmistress makes a speech at the last bell: “People are made in our school.”

Tomorrow is the last First Call... and already somehow sadly realizing that he will no longer be in your life..

Students wear their uniform 2 times: on September 1 and at the last bell... a fact of life - statuses about graduation and the last bell.

It's last call for everyone, and I'm not a drinker!

The last bell rings, we are leaving, forgive me Farewell to the teacher and keep in your heart Believe us it hurts, It hurts to tears... But we are leaving... We are leaving seriously...

Tomorrow is the last call... what a pity when the best years end...(((

I like this - the last call went by, everyone walked around in the center - and half of the contacts changed their profiles.

I wish I could become a first-grader, I could return the day to yesterday, I could take it and start all over again. Warm summer evening And the last call We will remember with love.

For the first time in all the years of studying at school, I don’t want the last bell... After all, this year very close and Dear people…Love them=***

Love sometimes comes at school, Jealousy, betrayal, showdown During recess. A lot of things happened within the school walls. I remember my class, my first lesson, graduation came, the last bell rang...

Congratulations on graduating from school and wishing that the road to adulthood follows blooming garden so that the carriage of life carries you easily and happily along the roads of life, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties, so that everyone you need is nearby.

Only when I reached the eleventh grade at school did I begin to understand why essays “What I did this summer” are written only in the lower grades.

I put it in the status: “How I want to accidentally oversleep school tomorrow, accidentally forget to turn on the alarm clock today...*(“. The historian writes in a PM: “How I want to give an unexpected test tomorrow and give 2 to everyone who didn’t show up...”.

PRAYER BEFORE GRADUATION: Lord, help me not to get drunk! Wake up in MY bed in the morning! Help me not to lose my image! Don’t lose things, including my head! Help me not to write drunk SMS to anyone at 2 am and not to call! Help me come home on two, and not on 4! And if I do anything....then erase my memory forever and ever! AMEN!)))

“I remember how my mother brought me to school in the first grade, and how my father took me away from graduation. They love me very much, very much! Like no one else! Love your parents!

After graduation, schoolchildren, going to greet the dawn, take Trudovik with them to see how this ghoul writhes in the sunlight.

- And I didn’t go to my graduation because I... - .. gay. - No, my girlfriend and I had a fight the day before because.. - ... you were gay. - No, I wasn’t gay until... - .. was born.

Favorite phrases of teachers: “Don’t argue with the teacher! Tell everyone, we'll laugh too. Leave the class and come in normally! I repeat for the especially gifted - the call is not for you, but for the teacher. Forest of hands, well then according to the magazine... Am I not bothering you?

Don’t be sad that you won’t return to school, Youth is a wonderful time, All we can do is wish you happiness, peace and goodness.

The longest graduation ceremony was recorded in Norilsk - the guys waited for the dawn for six months.

I saw absolutely charming primitive dolls in school uniform a la Soviet years: brown dress, white apron, collars, cuffs. This is suitable for those teachers who have actually experienced this form.

It’s only at graduation that you realize how much you’ve fallen in love with these idiots in 9 years.

Remained the last week- Last call - Unified State Exam - Presentation of certificates - GRADUATION - Another life...

- What will they give you for graduation? - judging by the Unified State Exam results, a bunch of bullshit.

A city full of hefty tipsy women in white transparent blouses and black minis? No, this is not the beginning of a German porn film. This is the last call.

Students wear their uniform 2 times: on September 1 and at the last bell... a fact of life - statuses about graduation and the last bell.

Only our schoolchildren go to school on September 1st with a briefcase and flowers, and at the last bell with beer and a cigarette)

Graduates who failed to pass the Unified State Exam are invited to take an ECG, FCG and much more.

But girls can grow their hair for 3 years and their nails for 3 months for the sake of prom!

Ehh, I’m sitting here, remembering... how my mother took me to school... How my dad carried me home from graduation...)))

Graduation is the only day when your parents chip in for booze!

Graduation, like virginity, only happens once in a lifetime...

Years flew by in just one minute. It was the first bell, and now it’s graduation...

Director, speaking at the last call: “Dear guys, as I see you off on the last call, let me wish you…”

He was 10 years older than her. But she sat on his neck and dangled her legs. May 25th is the last call in all cinemas across the country.

The last call, the last meeting, there is nothing more terrible than her. You dream about it all the time, but when the time comes, you try to avoid it!!!(((

Goodbye to school, I drink to you... the years flew by in a minute, the first bell rang, and now graduation! Now, I can’t hold back my treacherous tears... thank you for the fact that everything was serious! THANK YOU..!!!))

Of course, graduation is cool and beautiful, but it’s so sad to realize that you will see your classmates very rarely, and in 11 years we have practically become a family...

The last bell and school lesson are already behind us, the last bell and a new lesson are preparing for the life ahead of us...

It used to be like graduation: first sex, first cigarette, first drink. And now: Well, is it time to call it a day?

Sometimes I close my eyes and remember again... How mom took me to first grade, how DAD carried me home from graduation!)

If school is a prison, then we will soon have an amnesty...

Drink! Oh, come on, drink, I told who! - No, I will not. I can't do it anymore! - And I tell you, drink it. - Well, Dad! Well, what are you doing?! - Drink, daughter, I’m preparing you for your graduation!

Folk sign. If a girl meets the dawn after graduation without a jacket draped over her shoulders, then she is still ugly!!!

Only after the last call do you understand why parents are not on VKontakte, but on Odnoklassniki.

Could you turn it on for last call at least once a year? hot water in the fountains!

Nothing brings a class together like graduation!

No matter what the prom is, even the nerds will be drunk by the morning!

Exams don't test your knowledge, they test how much you can remember overnight!

I remember my graduation party at the university, damn, I once thought that I should be ashamed of my graduation at school!

Respect your parents, they graduated from school without Yandex and Wikipedia!

Grades are not an indicator of intelligence, and age is not an indicator of maturity!

Why haven't they come up with a pen with a copy-paste function yet?

At graduation, everyone has a habit of putting much more meaning into books than the author himself intended!

A real teacher is not the one who has 10 medalists in his class, but the one who is invited to a restaurant after graduation!

So why don't you like toffee so much? “Once at school, after graduation, she glued my teeth together so much that I couldn’t say no.”

June. High school graduation. Certificates. Restaurant. Walks until the morning. Morning. Feeling of freedom. Joy. Admission. Satisfied with their independence. End of summer. Saying goodbye to parents and friends. The realization that childhood cannot be returned!

Graduation... the last day of school life... And yet, school, I will love you!!! I had the best class!!! Guys, I love you all!!!

All paths are open to you - luck awaits you impatiently everywhere. I will walk next to you, and I wish you to be happy.
