School uniform - school dress code. How fashionable to dress for school: a stylish look What to wear to school for a boy of 16 years old

Parents believe that choosing a wardrobe for a boy is easier than dressing a daughter. This is a common misconception, as growing young men follow fashion and beauty no less than modern girls. They also want to look stylish and bright. Usuallyclothes for teenagers boysselected based on several factors. A significant role is played by the level of activity of the child - because the boys get dirty and wear out much faster.

When organizing a teenage boy's wardrobe, parents often tend to get lost. Boys want to stand out from their peers, express their individuality, emphasize taste, point of view. If everything is more or less clear to the mother with the girl, then difficulties may arise with the selection of clothes for a representative of the opposite sex.

For school

school todayclothes for boysshould be not only practical, but also fashionable. School administrations are becoming more democratic in terms of school uniform, recedes into the background required condition: "black bottom, white top". At the same time, the current school "look" is still distinguished by businesslike modesty. It is necessary to have a strict jacket in a modern design. This season, red and green tartans are in trend. From them is created stylish men's shirt, vests, jackets that look perfect in combination with trousers. Velor inserts at the elbows will add zest to the image. Checkered shorts paired with elongated jackets are an everyday attribute - they have replaced old-fashioned trousers. To emphasize the look, cute moccasins in gray, brown and shades of blue made of natural suede, nubuck or leather.

For the street

Teenagers spend most of their time with their peers, with friends and in large companies. You don't often find boys at home. They spend time outside, in active games - that is why special requirements are placed on street clothes. In addition, a young organism quickly grows out of any thing, it will be impractical to acquire extra wardrobe items. You need to buy models on the basis that it will change for washing every 1-3 days - therefore there should be at least 3-4 T-shirts, sweatshirts, sweaters, while jeans, shorts and sweatpants change less often - 1-2 times in Week.

As a rule, boys are against dullness and monotony. They want to stand out from others. Styles their clothes depend on which subculture the circle of friends belongs to. Guys prefer to wear what they like in their company, which suits her interests. The main requirements in terms of practicality are that the clothes are comfortable, not too tight and made of high quality hygroscopic materials. Also, clothing should be appropriate for the weather, temperature and time of year.Winter clothes for a teenager boyshould be warm, cozy and moisture resistant.

For Sport

Features of the choice of sportswear for the growing child are several requirements:

  • naturalness and environmental safety of the material. Good hypoallergenic fabrics are hygienic. They do not wrinkle, do not deform when washed, do not shed, do not fade. Even difficult dirt can be easily washed off clothes;
  • sports paraphernalia should be comfortable, not constrain or constrain movements. Baggy and tight clothes are not the best option for active activities. It is better to purchase clothes in size so that they do not look like a set "from someone else's shoulder";
  • relevance - fashion trends of teenagers should be taken into account - they do not want to lag behind their peers, they want to differ in style and style of clothing.

Many modern brands offer sets of tracksuits.from quality materials,stylish design solutions. Particular attention is paid to the cut, which fits the anatomy of a growing young man.

For celebrations

Celebrations are different - a special holiday, the wedding of relatives, friends and acquaintances. One of the brightest events in the life of a teenager is the last school bell, graduation, 16th anniversary. Each of these holidays should be marked by something special, an indescribable atmosphere of solemnity, light nostalgic notes. You can’t do this day without a suitable outfit. As options, this could be:

  • a full-fledged suit - the color can be varied: gray tones, strict black, blue, maroon shades. Some parents prefer to purchase several suits for their child - light and dark;
  • tuxedo - an elegant outfit will transform young man on any holiday;
  • the shirt-pants-tie combination is a great and economical alternative to suits. youth shirts, fashion trousers, ties will also be appropriate at the celebration.

Modern guys find an alternative to jackets - these are knitted jackets, vests. On summer days, you can completely do without these attributes.


You should make sure that the guy has a wide range of things for everyday wear. Experienced parents pay special attention to the selection of the following wardrobe items:

  • jeans - there should be several of them. You need to make sure that the cut is comfortable and practical. One pair may be disco style while the other is more classic;
  • a sufficient number of t-shirts, T-shirts for the summer. Their colors should be different, they can have interesting prints, drawings - such products will attract attention, allow you to stand out;
  • light summer shorts and sweatpants - better when there are several for a shift change;
  • Sweaters and sweatshirts - Coarse knit sweaters are now popular. Sweatshirts are timeless and fashionable - they are always in demand;
  • windbreakers, vests, jackets with hoods. Clothing with hoods will appeal especially to those teenagers who cannot stand hats;
  • n Don't forget about things like underwear and socks. Close attention should be paid to the quality of materials.

Popular styles

Teenage boys always adhere to a certain style in their clothes. They follow the chosen social role, preferring to usually look more solid than their young years. To date, teenage styles are presented in the following versions:

  • romantic - includes accessories such as hats, modern caps, soft tissues, pleasant calm shades, narrow shoes;
  • business style - can not do without strict straight styles of clothing, appropriate shades, shirts in combination with ties and bow ties;
  • ethnos - youth teenage style of clothing, loose-fitting, made of natural materials and with various decorated inserts. Consonant with the hippie style;
  • casual - casual style of clothing, which is preferred by most young peopleteen boys. This is considered the best compromise style for children and their parents;
  • sports - also very much loved by many boys, especially if they are seriously interested in sports, the obligatory elements are sports jackets, sweatshirts, sneakers.

Depending on age

The age of a young man is one of the most important criteria for designing a wardrobe.Clothes for teenage boysmust also be selected in accordance with this parameter. Adolescence is considered to be between the ages of 11 and 17. The spread in things is diverse, based on taste preferences and the culture to which the child belongs. 11-12 year old boys love prints with their favorite characters. Most often, idols are popular superheroes, characters from games, comics, books, fantasy. 13-year-olds are already more of a fan of real-life stars - singers, bands, dancers, comedians, actors, athletes. Clothing with images of your favorite bands, their logos will also come in handy. Boys of 14-16 years old are already striving not only for recognition in their circle, but also actively want to please girls. At this time, they are already looking at how adults dress, especially the main characters of popular youth films.



Children grow up very quickly. Until recently, it was a baby crawling in a crawler in crawlers, then a first grader proudly trying on a school uniform, and now this toddler has turned into a teenager. Mom's worries increased. He will no longer wear what his mother bought him, his grandmother knitted, or his relatives gave him without his knowledge.

First of all, a teenager wants to look fashionable and modern. There is nothing strange in the fact that he wanted to look like everyone else. Later he will form his own taste. A teenager needs to be given the necessary knowledge about clothing styles. He must know exactly where and what thing to wear. For example, he must know for sure that it is unacceptable to go to school, as well as to the theater, in torn jeans and his favorite sneakers.

A teenager should know that there is a business dress code for school. In the future, he will know what the dress code is and how to dress properly for work. In elementary grades, boys are still happy to wear a school suit and a white shirt, but in adolescence, this is not forced to dress them.

Many mothers have found an alternative to the school suit. Clothes for the child must be bought in his presence. Otherwise, most of it will remain untouched in the closet on the shelf.

Instead of a suit hated by teenagers, you can choose trousers and a jacket separately. Pants may not be of a classic cut with arrows, but sewn like jeans, only from black stretch fabric. Teenagers generally do not like to wear jackets even on holidays. But if it is a modern velor jacket with patches on the sleeves, they will wear it with pleasure. A jacket can be an alternative to a jumper or jacket with a clasp, also with patches on the sleeves. A jumper or sweater for school should be a discreet color - black, navy blue, brown or dark gray, so as not to stand out from the school crowd.

Teenagers also announced a boycott of white or blue shirts. They should be left for a festive occasion and not be forced to wear them every day. T-shirts with long sleeves look good for every day under a jacket or jumper. In them, a teenager does not feel as constrained as in shirts. T-shirts must be of the same color - black, gray, white and without a pattern.

Also modern teenagers T-shirts, which were usually worn under shirts, were also abandoned. Well, with shoes in general, a separate conversation. Wearing sneakers under a school uniform is a sign of bad taste. If you really don’t want to wear classic shoes at all, then you can pick up leather shoes of a sporty style.

ran out summer holidays it's time for school. You can also update your wardrobe during the school year, as schoolchildren, boys and girls, "grow not by the year, but by the hour." Our children, especially teenagers, spend most of the day at school. There are many lessons, extracurricular activities, a lot of work, and, of course, we adults should think about making school clothes not only practical, comfortable, but also stylish.

If the school has approved the rules for wearing the same uniform, then in this case you can not think about it and dress teenagers according to the charter.

But if the choice of uniform is free, then you should carefully approach this issue and, taking into account all the criteria, decide what clothes to wear to school. When choosing a school uniform, listen to the opinion of your child, because adolescence is a difficult period. Children learn to live and often believe that they are already adults and in the matter of how to dress stylishly for school, they are much more enlightened than their parents. So stay friends with your children and choose clothes together for everyone's pleasure!

Convenient, safe, high quality, comfortable

Choose a simple silhouette, clothes should not hinder movement, choose materials that are breathable from natural fibers that provide ventilation. Consider weather conditions and temperature regime school premises. The color of the material must be stable.

Choose comfortable shoes, the child should feel comfortable in it, the expression “foot is sleeping” indicates that the shoes are chosen correctly. Lightweight, high-quality, breathable, with a flexible non-slip sole, shoes will ensure your child's safety both in physical education classes and at breaks.

Clothing, as well as shoes, must be chosen in size, but not for “growth”.

All criteria fulfilled will ensure your child's well-being and increased performance.

Stylish, fashionable, practical, versatile

The style of clothing for school is a dress code, which means business. We develop taste and teach a teenager to choose clothes and shoes strictly for their intended purpose, what is suitable for a party is unacceptable for school.

How stylish and fashionable to dress for school for a guy

Your boys have begun to grow up, and their appearance becomes important to them. How fashionable to dress for school for teenagers to be appreciated by friends and girlfriends? Consider everything possible options, adhering to the fashion of our time.

A classic suit for special occasions should be in the wardrobe of every teenager. To look elegant and stylish is the way to the formation of taste. Shirts can be of various solid colors, if desired, you can add an accessory - a tie or bow tie.

And, of course, shoes should match the chosen suit - these are classic-type boots or sneakers, what is stylish and comfortable today.

Remember that your children are in their teens, they have developed their own judgments, they strive to establish themselves among their peers, they try to look like their friends.

In everyday school life, many boys prefer sports style, so they feel more comfortable. To dress fashionably for school, you need to purchase jeans or trousers of various colors: black, gray, blue, brown. We choose shirts, jumpers, turtlenecks, trowels, sweatshirts of various calm shades and different styles and, of course, we pay attention to comfortable favorite sneakers.

How to dress stylishly and fashionably for school for a girl

Our girls mature earlier than boys. Even as a child, they try on their mother's shoes, paint their lips and think how "beautiful" and "adult" they are. Parents should help their girls to right choice school wardrobe, because this is a whole art that will help them in adulthood buy comfortable, stylish and diverse clothes.

If the school has approved a form of a certain sample - this is not discussed, we will adhere to the rules established by the school.

We will talk about a diverse selection of clothes for school. Classics will be in fashion at all times, but even here you can show imagination and individuality. Jackets, pencil skirts and flared skirts, dresses, sundresses of various styles of calm colors in combination with a variety of turtlenecks, blouses, shirts, vests, jackets, cardigans, jumpers always look feminine and harmonious. Accessories - straps, belts, ties, bow ties and even a frilly frill are a good addition to the outfit.

Classic jeans and high-waisted trousers will look feminine and elegant, they are essential in a girl's wardrobe, girls feel comfortable and stylish in them. The color scheme is calm: gray, black, burgundy, brown, blue, dark green.

Shoes for girls should be comfortable, varied and stylish. Slip-ons, sneakers, moccasins, ballet flats, as well as sneakers white color Will go well with both jeans and elegant dresses. You can also buy comfortable shoes on not high heels.

Teenage boys and girls should understand that attending school is necessary for gaining knowledge and appearance should not distract them from educational process. When choosing a school wardrobe, it is necessary to discuss with teenagers how to dress beautifully for school and how not to dress, as well as hint to them that they are adults and should take care of their wardrobe themselves.

How not to dress for school

When buying clothes, pay attention to the composition of the fabrics from which the clothes are sewn. Synthetics and all "glassy", electrifying and breathable fabrics are not suitable for school clothes, they are unhealthy and uncomfortable to use.

It is not necessary to wear very tight, transparent shirts and blouses with a deep neckline in bright, flashy colors to school - this is unacceptable for attending school.

Denim with rhinestones, holes and appliqués should be avoided.

High-heeled shoes, like oversized shoes, are unacceptable for school, they can cause discomfort and even injury.

Talk to your loved ones about the fact that school is a serious educational institution and that the main task is to get excellent knowledge, and there will be an opportunity to demonstrate their outfits at a school evening party or disco, which they have been looking forward to since the beginning of the school year.

Looking elegant and stylish is the path to self-assertion, self-confidence and even the path to the desire to learn and with the desire to go to school. Choosing the right clothes that your children love and that teachers welcome will help keep you comfortable throughout the school year.

Summer 2020: fashion for teenagers 9-14 years old.

More and more fashionistas and fashionistas appear on the catwalk adolescence. This trend appeared due to the desire of parents to look not only stylish and fashionable themselves, but also to choose clothes for their child, according to the same parameters. Couturiers meet this need and offer their own vision of fashionable children's clothing.

Spring-summer fashion for girls 9 - 14 years old in 2020

The main fashion trends of the summer season:

  • Sport style- various models of t-shirts with a hood and print imitating the image of different animals

Two-component models for cool summer evening. A sweatshirt with a T-shirt or a shirt with a turtleneck. Sweatpants with appliqué, stripes, bright contrasting inserts.

Fashion returns to glowing laces and flashing sneakers. Reflective applications are gaining a real boom.

  • Retro style 20s- offers bouffant skirts, velvet dresses.
  • Sea style- Primary colors are white and blue. Dilute that can be color sea ​​wave, black, red, gold. Various embroideries, marine-style prints are welcome: anchor, yacht, lifebuoy, etc.
  • Young lady style- offers various pleated, lace. Lightweight chiffon fabric, organza, guipure. A bohemian hat will complete the look.

If we talk about a 9-10 year old girl, then it should be noted that at this age her figure takes on a feminine shape. This must be said when choosing clothes. After all, the first attempts to capture the attention of the opposite sex are already appearing.

  • Fitted dresses in the style of the 60s are the best option. The emphasized waist does not allow you to relax and make you behave accordingly.
  • Monochromatic soothing colors are suitable, which are successfully combined with sophisticated and modest dresses.
  • We choose the fabric in unison with the weather conditions: cotton or guipure, jeans or knitwear.

At 11-14 years old, teenagers are suitable for girls:

  • Voluminous skirts with frills, blouses with flounces. At this age, the difference between the sexes is actively manifested, which is softened by outfits.
  • Leather pants, leggings will create biker image.
  • Military style sewn shoulder straps, massive fasteners, iron buttons are emphasized, creating a rough, somewhat sharp image. Young ladies welcome this style very much.
  • Defiant "sporty chic" interesting in combination with high stilettos. This style simultaneously emphasizes femininity and crosses out the unisex image.
  • Summer fashion for little ladies offers tailored models with
    prints of various types and colors, shiny materials with sequins and beads.
  • Romanticism, convenience, sportiness - are welcomed by designers in fashion for teenagers of the summer season.

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Summer fashion for boys 9 - 14 years old in 2020

  • Fashion trends for young dandies intersect with fashion for little princesses.
  • A sporty image is also popular. Keds, baseball caps. T-shirts and shirts with bright geometric prints and all kinds of inscriptions. marine image. Dandy styleSandals, sneakers and classic perforated shoes are offered by designers for the summer of 2020 in fashion for boys.
  • For cultural events, the classic shirt and suit and expensive fabrics remain unshakable.
  • Offer this summer designers and vintage style for teenagers. Pants in a box, give a chance to stand out from the crowd.

The trend of the season is skinny jeans. Pants loose and with lowered motney are a thing of the past.

Children's fashion for boys 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for boys 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for boys 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for boys 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for boys 9-14 years old

How fashionable to dress for school for a girl of 9 - 14 years old in 2020?

The school is an official institution, with its own specific regulations.

  • The best option in this case is the classic. Jackets, trousers and skirts are essential clothing for formal occasions.
  • You can diversify strict suits of dark colors with bright accessories, various thin sweaters, T-shirts, blouses, shirts. Complementing with diverse elements, you can daily transform in a new direction.
  • You can replace the jacket with a vest. This is a comfortable, warm option. Worthy strict, but not overly official alternative.
  • With the help of a sundress, you can complete various ensembles of clothes. Wearing as an independent element or combining with various tops. It looks very impressive and fashionable.
  • In winter cold cardigans and jumpers are suitable.
  • And if you add all kinds of sweater dresses, a checkered sundress, a sheath dress, a shirt dress or a trapeze to your wardrobe, you can forget about the boring gray uniform.
  • Favorite jeans are also suitable if you choose a style of calm tone and shape. Without shiny stones, bright stickers and holes. It is better to save these clothes for clubs or dances.
  • For a sporty image, we put on knitted tank tops with jeans, sweatshirts, T-shirts, turtlenecks. Add sneakers, sneakers, moccasins. We save sneakers and suits for sports for physical education.
  • A mandatory accessory is a briefcase, you can replace it with a fashionable backpack. Indeed, in addition to convenience, it correctly forms a posture.
  • Do not refuse beautiful belts, headbands, headbands. Properly and moderately selected, they make it possible to look more extraordinary and romantic.

Modern school fashion 2020 is not too conservative and allows every teenager to look stylish and individual.

Children's fashion for school Children's fashion for school

Children's fashion for school

Children's fashion for school

Children's fashion for school

Children's fashion for school

How fashionable to dress for school for a boy of 9 - 14 years old in 2020?

Choosing school clothes for a boy in 2020 is a little easier.

  • She is most distinguished by her business manner of dress. Stylish suit with plain shirt or turtleneck for everyday wear, with or without a tie.
  • Suitable fashionable british style a plaid shirt with a colorful vest and jeans for young dandies. After all, this vest is the bow of the season and will help diversify school standards.
  • To look like elegantly classic trousers or simple jeans will help. Which do not allow any finishing and additional elements. In a set with a natural plain shirt, a large-knit vest or a checkered sleeveless jacket.
  • lovers sporty manner it is permissible to wear jeans with a T-shirt of a not bright, gaudy color and a practical sweatshirt. Suitable for this image - a cropped jacket with an indispensable element of this style of hood, sneakers, sports shoes, sneakers. In the event that the school does not have a strict dress code, then milatari can be allowed.

Children's fashion for school

Children's fashion for school

Children's fashion for school

Children's fashion for school

Evening and holiday dresses and clothes for girls

Designers offer little princesses for special occasions:

  • Blue and turquoise tones. Pastel shades of peach, lavender, pale pink
  • Petite floral and neat lace collars, yokes and cuffs, voluminous flounces, ruffles, flowers, embroidery and appliqué
  • Prom dresses are real ball gowns
  • Maxi length and voluminous, layered skirts
  • Airy, delicate and elegant outfits
  • Laconic cut, wraparound short bodice
  • Light fabrics - tulle, chiffon or organza
  • Simple but expressive decor. For example, one but big
    chic flower on the belt

Hit of the season - tutu skirts in bright orange, lime or fuchsia colors

Children's fashion for special occasions Children's fashion for special occasions Children's fashion for special occasions Children's fashion for special occasions

Children's fashion for special occasions

Evening and festive costumes and clothes for boys

The range of holiday clothes for boys is not as wide as for girls.

  • But to look decent, it is enough to purchase a wool jacket, a white shirt, straight trousers and classic shoes. Add a tie and a young man will become more stylish and mature
  • And if you wear a white suit with a light-colored shirt and a jacquard vest, the young geltman will charm all his friends with a charming chic look.
  • I don’t like the suit, we put on jeans, a shirt to match them. Add a sports blazer and branded sneakers.
  • For a summer not too solemn holiday - light-colored shorts and a shirt.
  • The main thing in choosing festive clothes for boys is to stick to the main fashion trends described above.

Children's fashion for special occasions

Children's fashion for special occasions

Children's fashion for special occasions Children's fashion for special occasions All respectable mothers care about the presentable and beautiful appearance of their child. But getting carried away fashion trends it is important to remember the basic rules when choosing clothes for children - comfort, convenience, practicality and the natural composition of the fabric.

There is no strict uniform mandatory form for schoolchildren for a long time. Students can express themselves through their appearance, unless prohibited by the charter of a particular educational institution. But it is worth remembering that you still need to do this carefully and tastefully.

What is the best way for a girl to dress for school?

The beautiful half of humanity in childhood begins to pay much attention to their beauty. Therefore, this issue is of particular importance to her.

In fact, you can look bright even in the usual “black bottom, white top” or in any monochrome look. Play with classic elegant hues (black, beige, grey, chocolate, navy, etc.), cuts, lengths and of course accessories.

Important! With those things that are in the basic wardrobe of a schoolgirl, you can create unique and stylish images every day.


This is not always a snow-white strict thing. Today's assortment allows you to choose any fabric, color and additional details, such as a collar, sleeves of various lengths and shapes, ties, etc.

It definitely won't be boring!


For creating business style it is better to look at the length just above the knee (5-6 cm). by the very a common style is a skirt-sun- it is comfortable, beautiful and suitable for a girl of any age.

Also high school girls often stop at a pencil skirt, which is especially attractive in tandem with high heels.

Dresses and sundresses

These elements will certainly never lose their relevance, because they look very feminine and interesting. You can combine any blouses, blouses, t-shirts or turtlenecks with a sundress. The main thing is that things have something in common with each other and be in the same style (or in suitable colors).

Advice. It is better to choose a modest dress for school, for example, a black case.


Such a detail can turn every look into an official and elegant one. The jacket can even be worn with a beautiful T-shirt, mixing styles a bit.- this technique will help to look informal and appropriate at the same time.


The only requirement is not to overdo it! Exclude bright and massive earrings, bracelets, beads.

Enough wrist watch on a thin strap and a neat plain handbag (or a cute backpack). And if you really want to stand out, then look at colorful tights and interesting butterflies.

What to wear to school for a full girl?

Some beauties during puberty begin to be very shy of their forms.. Especially if the body looks much more feminine than that of classmates. In such cases, in order not to be embarrassed every minute during lessons and breaks, but to feel confident and comfortable, you can resort to little female tricks. Among these - blouses and dresses with a V-neck that visually reduce the chest.

Also perfect for skirts with a wrap or visible vertical zipper - they visually stretch the silhouette. And, of course, it's worth avoid overly tight clothes.


Shoes for a girl are always one of the most favorite topics. However, schoolgirls need to pay attention first of all not to the grace and attractiveness of the couple, but to convenience and relevance.

Hair, makeup and manicure

Do not transfer the entire home supply of cosmetics! For harmonious image just a couple of neat strokes will suffice. For example, in makeup, it can be black mascara and moisturizing lipstick(preferably regular hygienic).

Instead of “war paint”, it is better to pay attention to skin care, because a clean healthy complexion is practically business card for any girl, especially at such a tender age.

Advice. You don't even need to work on your hair too. Just take care of the cleanliness of your hair, style it neatly or braid it in beautiful braids. You can also collect a high tail or a flirty bun.

Manicure should be done as calmly as possible. It is not even necessary to varnish your nails, ordinary neat and clean pens will be enough. But if such a desire is still present, then use colorless or pastel beige and pink shades.

How to dress for school for a guy?

Of course, it is much easier for boys to choose a suitable bow for study than for girls. However, even here there are pitfalls.

Without a doubt, your favorite bright t-shirts and T-shirts with colorful prints will have to be put aside for meetings with friends and summer walks. Stylish tight trousers in gray or dark blue, along with a shirt or turtleneck, will fit more into the school dress code. A jacket will be a good addition.

Important! Festive black and white suits are more suitable for festive occasions.

If it is preferable sport style, then classic pants can be replaced dark blue jeans with a strict sweater, jacket or even a vest.

How can you decorate an image if there is a form?

Even in cases where the internal rules of the school oblige to dress in a specific color scheme or even sew the same clothes, you can find an interesting way out.

Advice. The highlight of your appearance small bright details should become: colored buttons, elegant collars, original bow ties and ties, small brooches, hairpins or colored hair bands. By the way, for example, even in this case, you can choose a blouse not white, but cream, beige, blue or pale pink.

What should you never wear to school?

There is a whole list of things that are excluded in educational institution . Agree, it would be extremely inappropriate to see a tenth grader who came to class in a transparent blouse, through which a bra is visible, with a deep neckline or in an ultra miniskirt.

The same ridiculous image is drawn if you imagine an eighth grader at an exam in tracksuit. And from screaming acid and neon colors, the eyes and head of the classmates sitting behind them can already hurt in the middle of the day. Also it is worth giving up torn jeans, huge bright prints(including images of your favorite movie characters and cartoon characters), abundant decoration with rhinestones, low-waisted trousers and leggings.

Make a choice only in favor of an appropriate wardrobe that will not bring discomfort to you or others.

In fact, getting ready for school is not as difficult a task as it seems at first. It is enough just to find your style, which does not go beyond the limits of decency, and pick up the appropriate things in the store, which must be suitable in size.
