What is lipstick made from? The composition of lipstick

Lip paint or lipstick was already known in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. And this is more than 5000 years ago. In Egypt, it was made from animal fat, beeswax and red pigment. Lipstick spread from Egypt to Ancient Greece, then to Rome and so on ... There were interesting recipes for coloring lips. But, for example, from the early and late Middle Ages, many cosmetic recipes were lost, as women were forbidden to paint ...

In Rome, lipstick was made on the basis of cinnabar and red lead, and these are poisonous pigments. The Roman philosopher and physician Claudius Galen was an ardent opponent of such lipstick.

In the 19th century, lipstick was in France in the form of a pencil. It was French perfumers who introduced lipstick in a case with a piston mechanism. And finally, in the form in which it is familiar to us, lipstick appeared around 1920. We will not specify which of the best cosmetics manufacturers has made a greater contribution and who owns the palm for the design of lipstick in a tube, as it is now, or the company. Most importantly, each of them has made a lot of efforts in the field of cosmetics, and in particular, decorative cosmetics.

What are the ingredients in lipstick?
It is based on waxes, oils and fats. In addition to decorative properties, lipstick also has hygienic, moisturizing and nourishing properties.

Wax provides strength, plasticity and shape. Wax allows lipstick to easily lay on the lips. However, wax was a strong allergen for many, so now natural waxes of plant origin are used instead.

As oils, castor oil, extracted from castor beans, was more often used. But other oils can also be included in lipstick, such as coconut, olive, avocado, as well as lanolin, petrolatum and mineral oils.

The fats used in lipstick give it firmness and protect lips from chapping and moisture loss. Of course, you can not do without preservatives. To prolong the life of lipstick, antioxidants and preservatives are added to its fatty base.

The gloss and durability of lipstick is provided by polymers and silicate derivatives, which, like fats, protect lips from moisture loss.

Carmine is used as a dye in lipstick. It is also used in the food industry. Carmine is registered as food additive- E120. It is obtained from red-brown insects - false scale insects. The habitat of these insects is El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Azerbaijan, Armenia. The insects are dried, then powdered, treated with ammonia or sodium carbonate solution, then filtered. As you can see, the process of obtaining carmine is quite laborious. And besides this, the color of carmine can be changed from gray to purple-violet. That is why it is more expensive than other dyes.

Vitamins are also added to the lipstick, which protect our lips from inflammation and various negative influences of external factors. Most often, these are vitamins A, C and E. Lipstick also contains sunscreens. All components contribute to the preservation of healthy and youthful skin. A fragrance is also added, which creates a pleasant smell and eliminates the smell of raw materials.

The more oils and waxes in a lipstick, the more moisturizing your lips will be. Waxes and oils, if lipstick has best properties moisturizers are in the list of ingredients in the first place, that is, there are more of them in this lipstick than other ingredients. Pay attention to the expiration date. Lipstick can last from six months to five years. Such a big difference talks about the manufacturer and the quality of the product. If the lipstick changes its consistency or acquires an unpleasant odor, you can not use it.

Lipsticks according to decorative properties can be divided into persistent, matte and satin.

The durability of the lipstick is due to the presence of wax and water-repellent components. The presence of these ingredients allows the lipstick to stay on the lips for a long time, while not losing its decorative qualities. But persistent lipstick is afraid of contact with fatty foods. Therefore, before applying such lipstick, you should wipe your lips well with a napkin, removing fat and moisture from the lips. This lipstick is washed off with cosmetic milk.

A long-lasting and super long-lasting lipstick. This lipstick does not leave marks on clothes or on glasses. It stays on the lips well and for a long time, does not blur or fade. Resistant lasts up to 12 hours, super-resistant - up to 24 hours. Say - this is the most convenient, you do not need to constantly correct, tint, look in the mirror. Yes, this is true, because long-lasting lipstick contains a dye that, together with a fatty cream base, penetrates deep into the skin of the lips. And that is why it stays on the lips for a long time. But these lipsticks are too tight on the lips. There may even be a feeling of heaviness on the lips. What to do? Do not wear long-lasting lipstick daily, especially if your lips are dry.

Therefore, in the latter case, use such lipstick only in exceptional cases. Although any company will claim that the composition of their long-lasting lipsticks is balanced with moisturizers, and they do not dry out the lips. But still, listen to your lips, they will definitely answer you - whether you should use permanent lipstick or not. Otherwise, these lipsticks are not harmful to health.

Matte lipstick also contains a large number of wax, and powder. It is because of the powder that this lipstick has a slight shine, and its color is deeper. It favorably emphasizes the eyes and the freshness of the face. This lipstick can be called the standard of elegance. It lays down well, intensively stains, but for the lips there may be a not quite comfortable feeling. In order not to visually create a feeling of "dryness" of the lips, you can apply a drop of oil to the middle of the lower lip and rub it towards the teeth - to soften the mucous membrane. There are also matte lipsticks with nourishing properties. They contain various fats and waxes. Matte lipstick is suitable for those who have plump lips. But those who have thin lips, she will not decorate.

Satin lipstick visually increases the volume of the lips. It is distinguished by shine and radiance, evenly falls on the surface of the lips, moisturizes them and makes them smoother. Satin lipstick is a moisturizing lipstick. It not only colors, but also softens the lips. It often includes cocoa or castor oil, coconut oil, chamomile extract. This lipstick is best used in spring and summer, but it wears off quickly.

Here we should also pay tribute to hygienic lipstick, which is absolutely necessary, especially in winter time years, as it contains nourishing, moisturizing, antiseptic components, as well as vitamins. Therefore, this lipstick helps prevent dry and cracked lips. This lipstick can also be used in the summer, if it includes UV filters that protect the delicate skin of the lips from the sun's rays. Its only drawback is that it does not give the lips a new shade.

lipsticks foreign manufacturers are divided into:
matte - matte, resistant, rich in color;
creame - oily, gives lips moisture and juiciness;
frost - mother-of-pearl;
sheer - transparent, similar to glitter (suitable for natural makeup);
satin - satin.

Lipstick really looks good only on well-groomed and smooth lips.

A good lipstick should not spread or melt like ice cream in warm sunny weather, but roll in the cold.

Should have a smooth and lump-free stem surface. The rod must be strong.

Should not dry or irritate the skin.

It should not be too oily or too dry.

The smell of lipstick should only be pleasant.

It should be easy to apply and lie flat on the lips.

Lipstick should be pleasant on the lips.

The demands of the market force us to improve technologies in order to obtain a more perfect and comfortable lipstick. Therefore, we are waiting for new discoveries.

Lipstick is an essential item in every woman's makeup bag. Its use improves the appearance of the lips, they become plump and appetizing, and attracts the eyes of men. But before using this tool, you should consider its quality. A woman must definitely know what lipstick is made of, because a low-quality product can negatively affect appearance and cause health problems.

What is lipstick made from?

Before you start using, you should find out what lipstick is made of. This is a mandatory requirement if you do not want to experience unpleasant effects. This product contains many chemical components. But since it is applied to the lips, popular firms take as a basis natural elements that do not cause side symptoms.

Allocate the main elements that make up the lipstick:

  • Wax. This component can be different types- candelilla, bee, rose, carnauba. Sometimes fat can be used instead of this component;
  • Coloring and pigmenting elements. They can be natural or artificial;
  • Fragrances, fragrances, additional additives.

By mixing these components, a lipstick with the desired consistency is obtained. It is easily applied to the surface of the lips and can retain a long-lasting color for a long time.

The most basic components

What lipstick is made of, we briefly reviewed. But still, few people know what these components are. Do they really not provide negative impact on the state of health, do not provoke negative effects? This is worth looking into in detail.

These components are required to maintain the shape and firmness of the lipstick, as well as to keep it well on the surface of the lips. The amount of ingredients should be 30%. Many manufacturers use beeswax. It has a positive effect on the condition of the lips, does not cause unpleasant reactions.

But since it melts quickly and makes the lipstick not bright, it is often mixed with other types of wax - with carnauba and candelilla. They make the consistency more solid and the color brighter. The first type is extracted from palm leaves. This component is used to regulate the consistency of lipstick. But carnauba wax causes the binding of the liquid component of the base and an increase in temperature indicators.

Candelilla wax is obtained from certain types of cacti that grow in the United States and Mexico. It provides a high color fastness to this product and also gives it a bright sheen.

Rose wax is often used in the manufacture of lipstick. It is a by-product that is formed during the manufacture of rose oil. It is endowed with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, has a pleasant aroma.

But it should be borne in mind that natural wax and oils are expensive, so many cosmetics manufacturers often use their synthetic substitutes:

  • Isopropyl palmitate. This substance consists of several elements - isopropyl alcohol and palmitic acid ester;
  • Butyl stearate. This component is based on several substances - palm and stearic acid;
  • Isopropyl myristate. This substance allows you to create emulsions with low viscosity. It helps to easily absorb the foundation into the cover, eliminates oiliness and stickiness.

The waxy substances cause other lipstick ingredients to bind. Thanks to them, the composition acquires a homogeneous, plastic and solid structure. After application, a thin protective film appears on the surface of the lips, which prevents the composition from spreading.

Oils are definitely added to the composition of lipstick. They are required to dissolve dyes, prevent them from precipitating. The presence of oil components ensures uniform distribution of the composition on the lips.

Lipsticks are made from the following types of oils:

  • Natural. These include castor oil, olive oil or cocoa;
  • Mineral or substitutes. They have no smell, no color. Lipstick, which is made from these types of oils, is safe for health and does not cause negative effects.

Dyes are required to give lipstick the desired color. Usually they give the composition a red or pink color, as well as their shades. The popular dye includes D&S under No. 5 and No. 22. Variants under these numbers have an orange or red color.

The basis of these dyes consists of bromine. One has two atoms of this component, and the other has four. The dyes are made from fluorescein, which has a yellow tint. When connecting a different number of atoms, you can get a variety of shades of red.

All the dyes that any lipstick contains are made from coal tar and petroleum. It is they who allow you to create the required consistency for further coloring the base. Sometimes manufacturers of this cosmetics use natural dyes, which are obtained from carmine, this substance is extracted from cochineal mealybugs.

These are insects that are first boiled in sodium carbonate. After that, they are prepared on the basis with the addition of potassium alum. As a result, red crystals are formed, which are also known as E 120.

When coloring components are added to the lipstick base, they are completely dissolved in the fat and oil base of this cosmetic product. By themselves they do not bright colors, they act as a transparent basis for the future color.

Dyes react strongly enough to light, they can quickly fade. For this reason, they are often added to the composition of lipstick along with pigments, which in the subsequent period give its base the desired shade.

Pigmenting components are often added to the composition of the lipstick. It is they who give the base a pearly hue. Natural species are mined from mica, quartz, sometimes from fish scales. The latter is usually used for expensive cosmetics. This is due to labor-intensive and heavy mining, which requires financial costs.

Artificial pigments are made from titanium and iron oxides. Thanks to them, the color of the base appears. Iron oxide gives the base red tints, and when titanium oxide is added, the color of the base will turn pink.

Additionally, the composition of lipstick includes flavors and fragrances. They are required to give a pleasant aroma and eliminate unpleasant odors that may be from other chemical components.

Perfumes are used to prevent unpleasant odors from fats. For example, the chemical fat component, lanolin, has an unpleasant odor. Instead, cosmetics manufacturers began to use its ethoxylated variety, which does not have unpleasant odors.

But in order for lipstick to become pleasant to the taste and have a good smell, flavors often go into the composition. Many of them are chemical, but they do not harm health. Often on sale you can find cosmetics with fruit flavors.

Additional natural ingredients

Many hygienic lipsticks, which have a caring and softening effect, contain various natural and healthy ingredients. They help prevent the negative effects of external factors.

The main purpose of hygienic lipsticks is to protect the lips from the effects of wind, frost, snow, sun. They make the skin soft, prevent it from cracking and chapping.

As the main natural elements are used:

  • Vitamin A. It softens the skin;
  • Beeswax. It creates a protective film on the surface of the lips. Gives skin firmness and elasticity;
  • Vitamin E. It has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, eliminates wrinkles;
  • Squalene Saturates the skin with essential vitamins, has an antioxidant effect;
  • Jojoba oil. Has in the composition high rate protein, eliminates inflammation and redness. Has a rejuvenating effect;
  • Aloe vera. It has a softening, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect;
  • Vitamin C and B12. They have a strong healing effect, eliminate inflammation.

You can also see the production process of making lipstick from Oriflame:

The use of lipstick is prerequisite for many girls and women. But you should not take her choice lightly, this can lead to the fact that a low-quality cosmetic product will cause severe health problems and a severe allergic reaction. It is important to carefully study the composition of the lipstick, it must contain ingredients such as wax, oils, they are considered the main ones. Many manufacturers use chemical substitutes for production, but they do not pose a danger to human health.

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The two-story Oriflame production center is located in the Noginsk district of the Moscow region. It is quite new - it opened in February of this year - but the factory has already become the largest manufacturer of lipsticks in Russia. The company's products are sold in Russia and exported to dozens of countries around the world. In addition to lipsticks and lip glosses, the factory produces shampoos, shower gels, deodorants, liquid soaps and other cosmetic products. The distribution center is also located here, where individual orders are collected, which are then sent to customers. The Village went to the factory to see how and what lipstick and lip glosses are made of.


Swedish manufacturer of cosmetics, household chemicals and perfumes

LOCATION: Noginsk, Moscow region


SQUARE: 26 ha

Opening date: 2015


Despite the dense texture, the lipstick is 80% liquid. There are five main components that are used in production: lanolin (fat from sheep wool), oils (mostly castor), waxes (of natural origin - candelilla and carnauba), dyes and mother of pearl. Food-grade polyethylene is often found in the composition. According to employees, this ingredient should not be afraid, it is harmless. An example is heart valves, the parts for which are made of polyethylene. In lipstick, it performs the function of a film former - cosmetics lays down tightly, while not clogging into cracks on the lips.

The dye is produced here at the factory. It happens like this: powder dye is mixed with castor oil in a shaker. Then this mixture is ground, bringing the particle size to 10-20 microns using a bead mill: all so that the texture of the lipstick is uniform, without "sand". To make lipstick at the factory, 12 colors are used, among them are shades of red, yellow, black, blue. By mixing these colors, you can get the desired shade.

Mother-of-pearl is stored in paper bags or boxes and looks like golden or silver pollen. It is produced on the basis of mica: it is washed, crushed and sprayed with various dyes and titanium dioxide. Plus, perfumes are always added to lipstick, which consist of a mixture essential oils. Vanillin can also be a fragrance. The factory explains that if you leave the lipstick completely unscented, it will smell like a wax candle.

The composition of lip glosses is different from lipstick. Here, either liquid lanolin is taken as the basis (it moisturizes well), or polybutene (makes the mass viscous, preventing it from spreading). Then wax, dye, mother-of-pearl, wetting agents and additives are added to the substance. For example, vitamins A or F.

Oriflame buys all ingredients from foreign suppliers, in Russia only packaging is ordered. The company does not test cosmetics on animals - only on volunteers and under the supervision of experts. Employees and visitors entering the production put on bathrobes, caps and shoe covers, and also disinfect their hands with a special gel.

Production process

Vladimir Migulin, production manager for Oriflame lipsticks, compares the process of making them with cooking in a slow cooker: the operator puts the right ingredients into the cauldron and cooks them until cooked. By and large, this is what happens.

In accordance with the recipe from Sweden, the master weighs all the components of the lipstick and puts them one by one into the mixer. Waxes and oils are loaded first, and volatile components such as perfumes are loaded last.

Everything is mixed until smooth and cooked for about six hours at a temperature of about 80 degrees. After the hot lipstick is ready, a sample is taken from the boiler. It is compared with a reference sample: if the color is different, then it is corrected with a dye.

All this happens under a special lamp that simulates different lighting. The sample from the mixer is checked first on white paper and then on the skin. Further, the hot mass is poured through a pipe into metal containers, the bottom of which is covered with food-grade polyethylene. In this form, lipstick cools for about eight hours.

Most often, operators have to cook lipstick in pink and clover shades - in Russia these are the most popular colors. They are produced an order of magnitude more than, say, red or wine. Each brew in the laboratory is also checked for compliance with physical and chemical parameters. If everything is in order with them, then a green tag is attached to the briquette with the batch number, date, composition and product name.

Then such a briquette, which weighs about 20 kilograms, enters the packaging area. It is first cut like a piece of butter with a large knife and then melted in a cauldron. After the liquid mass enters the molding machine. With the help of a dispenser, it is poured into molds - silicone or copper - and then, to harden, it undergoes a six-minute cooling.

Next, a tube is automatically placed on the lipstick, the lipstick is screwed in and closed with a lid. All tubes arrive at the factory washed and sterilized, and the equipment is regularly disinfected with isopropyl alcohol. The finished lipstick undergoes quality control - both automatically and, additionally, manually: the operator looks into a magnifying mirror.

Lip glosses are filled and packaged by hand. Then markings and labels are applied to the products, lipsticks and glosses are placed in thick cardboard boxes: products from Noginsk are exported to dozens of countries around the world - both to Europe and the CIS, and to other continents.

Lip makeup is very important element, able to both decorate and cross out any image. To avoid negative consequences It is possible only if high-quality cosmetics are selected. That is why it is very important to know the composition of lipstick and be able to understand its ingredients.

The expired lipstick is immediately noticeable - the amount of pigment decreases, durability deteriorates, moisturizing properties disappear altogether. What does it depend on?

  • preservatives

One of the most important components of the composition, which is directly responsible for the shelf life. It is difficult to argue that preservatives are dangerous - because without them, lip cosmetics would deteriorate extremely quickly. However, the amount of preservatives must be adjusted: if the shelf life is more than 2-3 years, it is worth considering what harm this product will cause to the skin.

  • Flavors

The smell of any lip product should be as gentle as possible, not harsh. It is best if the product does not smell at all.
If the aroma is strong enough and cosmetic, this means that the composition contains a large number of “harmful” elements, the smell of which had to be covered with flavors.

  • Pigment

High-quality pigment is expensive - respectively, and for the finished product High Quality will have to pay more. However, if the pigment is of poor quality, then soon the product will begin to lose its original properties, it will lay down in an uneven layer or wear off quickly. Therefore, a too short shelf life is also not very good.

The ideal shelf life of high quality lipstick is 1 or maximum 2 years after opening the package. Deviations of six months are allowed. If the expiration date is different, you need to refer to the composition and check if it contains low-quality elements and preservatives.

Basic composition of the product

The composition of lipstick can be logically divided into two parts - base , which is available in any product, and additional , which gives distinctive features. Consider the basis of the composition of high-quality lip cosmetics and the elements that must be included in it:

The main element of the composition, due to which its plasticity and strength are determined. Previously, natural beeswax was used for manufacturing, however, it was found that this is the strongest allergen. To date, high-quality lip products are created using vegetable wax.

  • Dyes

It is this element that provides the shade of the product. The first dye was carmine - today there are many different dyes - natural and artificial.

  • Oils

Vegetable oils are added to the composition of lip cosmetics in order to produce a softening effect and care for delicate skin. Most often in the composition you can find such types of oils as castor, coconut or shea butter.

  • Perfume

A special element that is used to hide the unpleasant smell of raw materials. Due to it, a special cosmetic smell of the product is created.

In addition, vitamins and minerals, sunscreens, components to ensure the stability of the product when applied to the lips can be included in the composition.

Due to the large number of different ingredients included in lip cosmetics, the procedure for choosing the right product can take a long time. However, it is not necessary to spend a lot of time on the selection - you can quickly see a quality product if you are aware of its main characteristics. Which ones - we learn from the following video:

Hygienic cosmetics for lips

The composition for the most part should consist of caring and moisturizing elements - the same applies to various lip balms. The main task of these products is to care for the lips - therefore, the product can be used equally by women, men and children. As a rule, these products do not have shades (or mild shades), have a natural, natural smell. Therefore, during use, they do not harm delicate skin.

Consider the main elements of the composition and their features:

  1. Vitamin complex. Any lip hygiene product should be enriched with vitamins to soften, smooth wrinkles and activate protective properties. The main vitamins in the “hygienic” should be E, A or B12. The manufacturer adds others to expand the functional properties of the product.
  2. Herbal Ingredients. They heal and regenerate, help the skin breathe, provide firmness, elasticity and protection. Among the main plant ingredients are beeswax and honey (the content of which, as a rule, is always written on the packaging in the first place), calendula and chamomile, aloe vera and Icelandic moss.
  3. Vegetable oils. Aimed at activating the healing function of the skin, activating the protective properties, softening, moisturizing, protecting. Most often in the composition you can find components such as jojoba oil, cocoa, apricot or castor oil.
  4. UV filters. Most relevant in the hot summer period, when the skin needs special protection from ultraviolet radiation.

Almost everything that hygienic type lipstick is made of is created by nature. These are absolutely natural ingredients that practically do not harm the skin, take care and care for it, help get rid of cracks and prevent their appearance. However, products containing petroleum jelly or paraffin should be avoided: due to them, the breath of the skin of the lips is limited, which further leads to dryness or cracking.

The danger of poor quality products

Many people say that it is very important to know what lipstick is made of. However, how can a low-quality product be dangerous and how can it harm the body? A cheap product can simply be poisonous. In addition, its composition often includes salts of heavy metals, aggressive dyes and other components that contribute to irritation. What is harmful products of low quality and is it harmful at all?

  1. Cheap lip cosmetics, which have a glossy effect, often contain components that contribute to deforming in sunlight into a special substance - atomic oxygen. This substance significantly accelerates skin aging. Moreover, the longer the remedy is on the lips, the more dangerous its effect.
  2. Paraffin and wax in microcrystals. These elements are made from refined petroleum products. Once in the body, they settle in it, affecting the kidneys and lymph nodes. Accordingly, the frequency of use of products with their content increases the danger.
  3. The well-known humectant lanolin, when ingested (which is inevitable, albeit in small quantities), can cause intestinal pain or stomach irritation.
  4. Dyes of low quality contribute to the strongest allergic reactions, discomfort and burning.
  5. Vaseline, which moisturizes the skin well, actually produces only visual hydration. The fact is that it creates a moisturizing effect through a kind of film on the lips. In fact, products containing petroleum jelly dry out the skin of the lips. And the more often it is used, the skin dries harder and faster. Women, noticing this, begin to use the product more often in order to moisturize their lips, however, here the circle closes.
5803 09/03/2019 8 min.

Lipstick is the only cosmetic product that no woman can do without. Whatever moments of crisis need to be overcome, a suitable lipstick will help you feel more confident.

When buying this decorative product, few people are interested in its composition, usually the choice is limited to the color and texture they like, everyone cares that it does not spread on the lips. And if you set a goal and find out what is contained in a beautiful tube, then you can find out the main ingredients that the manufacturer indicated on the label glued to it.

Composition of decorative lipstick

What is lipstick made from? It contains more than a hundred different chemical components, their main composition in most cases is natural, especially those that are in direct contact with the lips.

Five ingredients are used that form the basis of any decorative lipstick:

  1. wax (candelilla, bees, rose and carnauba) or fat (lanolin, paraffin or mink product);
  2. dyes, both natural and artificial;
  3. oils (castor, perfume and olive);
  4. pigments;
  5. preservatives, parabens, various additives and fragrances.

Lipstick is obtained by mixing these products and then heating them to give them shape. After cooling, it is fired so that the cosmetic product acquires shine and becomes transparent. Then the workpiece is placed in a tube.

The video tells what the composition of the lipstick is:

Wax and fats

These substances are needed so that the lipstick is in a solid state and keeps well on the lips. Their total number is usually about 30%.

Beeswax - produced by striped workers. It improves the formation of the lip, is well perceived by the skin, as it is similar in composition to sebum. However, with one application, the lipstick is not bright, and besides, it can melt right on the lips so that this does not happen, to bee product added carnauba and candelilla wax.

The first waxy substance is obtained from palm leaves. It is used to adjust the consistency of the lipstick. Carnauba wax binds the liquid component and raises the temperature of the product.

Candelilla wax is made from certain varieties of cacti that grow in the United States and Mexico. It is responsible for the durability of the color of the cosmetic product and its shine.

Rose wax is obtained as a by-product from the production of rose oil. It has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, has a pleasant aroma.

These natural substances are very expensive, so manufacturers often replace them with synthetic counterparts:

  • isopropyl palmitate - consists of two ingredients: isopropyl alcohol and palmitic acid ester;
  • butyl stearate - a two-component mixture of palm and stearic acids;
  • isopropyl myristate - contributes to the production of emulsions, the consistency of which has low viscosity and easily absorbed into the skin, without feeling greasy or sticky.

All wax components bind together the rest of the lipstick ingredients. They make its composition homogeneous, plastic and solid. Thanks to them, a thin film is formed on the lips, which does not allow the product to spread. Waxes heat melting, which reaches 60 degrees.

But what it is, you can understand if you read the contents of this article here.


Due to them, red and pink colors are obtained, as well as their shades. The most popular is the D&S dye No. 5 and No. 22, they have orange and red colors. They contain bromine, one has two of its atoms, and the other has four. These dyes are made from fluorescein, which has yellow. After various combinations of its atoms, different shades of red are obtained.

All dyes are obtained from coal tar and petroleum. But there are natural substances that are obtained from the carmine found in cochineal mealybugs. These insects are first boiled in sodium carbonate and then cooked in potassium alum to produce red crystals known as E 120.

Dyes dissolve in the fat and oil base of the lipstick, but they do not give saturated shades, they serve only as a transparent base for the future color, besides, it is very sensitive to light and can fade, so adding them without pigments that “show” color will not give lipstick the right tone.


This product is needed to dissolve dyes and prevent them from precipitating. Oil components evenly distribute the labial over the entire surface of the lips and prevent it from rolling. They leave 65 percent of the total volume.

In the lips are used:

  • natural oils - castor, olive oil or cocoa;
  • their mineral counterparts, which are produced at chemical plants. They are odorless and colorless, safe for humans. Most often they are called liquid paraffins.


Their natural varieties are obtained from quartz, mica, and even the scales of some species of fish. The latter type of pigment is used only in expensive cosmetics, because its extraction is very laborious and requires large material costs.

Artificial pigments are made from titanium and iron oxides. They help to show the color of the lipstick. Iron oxide is responsible for the red hues, and if titanium oxide is added to it, the color will change and become pink.

The pigments also give the lipstick a pearly sheen.

Preservatives and other additives

All cosmetics contain these ingredients, even natural ones. Their percentage in lipstick plays an important role. They are necessary for a long shelf life of a cosmetic product. They are selected for their safety. Until recently, boric acid and formalin were used in this capacity, and then it was replaced by a small amount of salts of benzoic acid.

Fragrances are needed to eliminate the smell of fats. For example, lanolin has a very unpleasant odor and has recently been used not with it, but with its oxyethylated form, odorless.

As additional substances, softening, flavoring, moisturizing and protecting lips vitamins, oils and UV filters are used.

The composition of lipstick is constantly changing, chemists are developing new substances that improve the brightness of colors and prolong the durability of shades.

The composition of the hygienic

This product is mainly designed to protect lips from wind, sun and frost. It is universal and can be used both for adults of both sexes and for children.

This lipstick contains fatty and moisturizing ingredients, it also necessarily contains vitamins and UV filters. Some products contain extracts of medicinal plants.

On the video composition of hygienic lipstick:

The main components of lipstick are:

  • vitamin A - necessary to soften the skin;
  • beeswax creates a protective film, retains moisture inside the lips, makes the skin supple and elastic;
  • squalene serves as a conductor for vitamin entry into the skin, has an antioxidant effect;
  • auselen is a good moisturizer, it is hypoallergenic and can eliminate irritation from the skin;
  • honey - prevents drying of the lips, refreshes them;
  • vitamins C and B 12 - they have a healing effect, relieve inflammation;
  • jojoba oil differs from the rest by its high protein content, it copes well with inflammation and redness of the skin, acts on it in a rejuvenating way;
  • UV - filters protect the skin from the sun;
  • Icelandic moss, which has a wound-healing effect. It contains many useful vitamins;
  • chamomile and calendula protect the skin from harmful effects environment they feed them;
  • vitamin E - rejuvenates the skin and smoothes wrinkles around the mouth;
  • aloe vera has many properties, its softening, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action is very useful for the skin;
  • Lanolin forms a protective film and retains moisture, protects lips from dehydration.

Depending on the layout of the main ingredients, hygienic lip products are: nourishing, sun-protective, anti-herpetic and moisturizing.

Now that you understand what lipstick usually consists of, you can compare the safety of the ingredients of various cosmetic companies. Consider their various compositions on one of the selected products.

From Oriflame natural series with the name "Aloe and Arnica"

It softens and protects lips from overdrying. Contains the following components:

  • beeswax;
  • arnica extract has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • octyldodecanol - protects the skin from moisture loss and forms a thin film on its surface;
  • caprylyl glycol - it is made from coconut, similar in content to sebum, used in the lip as a preservative;
  • aloe extract has a softening effect, prevents the aggressive effect on the skin of other components;
  • palm oil contributes to the easy application of the lip, fills in all the cracks on the surface of the skin;
  • vitamin E is an antioxidant;
  • mica - a silicone additive that provides shine;
  • lecithin. It is found in legumes, eggs and sunflowers and penetrates deep into the skin cell.

Hygienic lip from Nivea "Pink Velvet"

Usually such cosmetics come without color, but this one has a pleasant pink tint that gives the hoods a barely noticeable color.

The lipstick contains:

  • almond oil contains a high percentage of vitamin E, therefore it has a rejuvenating and healing effect;
  • polyisobutene is a substitute for mineral oil. Safe for skin;
  • castor oil, softening the skin;
  • candelilla cera is a natural wax made from cacti. It has a moisture-retaining effect;
  • shea butter is obtained from trees growing in the Savannah, it softens the skin and replenishes moisture loss;
  • tocopherol - softens and makes the skin elastic;
  • citrus juice provides additional skin nutrition with vitamins;
  • sopropyl palmitate - a synthetically obtained component from fat that protects the epidermis from moisture loss, forming a protective coating;
  • rose extract - smoothes the skin, improves its elasticity.

MAC Matte Lipstick

This decorative cosmetics provides even coloring, has high durability and does not have shine, it contains:

  • vanillin - aromatic additive;
  • octyldodecanol - an oil component that is absorbed into the skin, moisturizing it, does not leave a greasy film;
  • isononyl isononanoate - silicone stabilizer, which is responsible for the adhesion of all components of the decorative agent, ensuring their uniformity;
  • tin oxide is used to give a haze;
  • Castor oil;
  • yeast extract is a natural ingredient that eliminates dry skin and stops moisture loss.

But what reviews about Mary Kay lipsticks currently exist, you can understand if you read the contents of this

But what it is, you can find out from the content in this article.

You may also be interested to know what names of hair dyes exist. This is covered in great detail here.
