The best essential oils for existing stretch marks. Like clockwork, or vegetable fats against stretch marks

For a very long time, there have been natural methods for treating stretch marks that are available to everyone. Essential oils for stretch marks for topical application help to minimize stretch marks. When using fragrant compositions, there are usually no problems, on the contrary, scrubs, wraps, massage with oils allow you to create a mini-salon and spa at home.

What aromatic substances help with stretch marks?

The therapeutic and cosmetic effect of fragrant liquids on a person has been proven by thousands of years of experience in their use, scientific research. The composition of essential oils is very rich, scientists still have not been able to decipher it completely. It is known that the main components are terpenes and terpenoids. Synthetic essential oils have a smell, but they do not have a therapeutic effect.

The smell of natural aromatic mixtures is due to volatile molecules of substances, many of which are named after the plants in which they were first found: limonene, geraniol, menthol. Enjoys good fame orange oil for stretch marks, which consists of over 30 components.

Almost all methods involve the use of a fragrant liquid after a shower, bath or while visiting the bath.

Skin problems in the form of rough lines on the surface of the abdomen, chest and other parts of the body occur very often. There is a misconception that stripes of stretched skin are a “fee” for losing weight, intense sports, there are other excuses for these flaws. Cosmetic defects are not only frustrating, but also reduce the quality of life, so true ladies and gentlemen do their best to get rid of stretch marks by any available means.

On the question of which oil helps with stretch marks, opinions practically do not differ. Suitable orange, rosemary, lavender, roses, neroli.

The impact of aromatic compositions covers two levels of regulation of processes in the body. Molecules of volatile compounds penetrate through the skin and mucous surfaces steamed by water procedures. Once in the blood, essential oils perform the same role as hormones. There are nerve endings in the integument of the body, which are also affected by aromas, forcing the body to more actively begin to regenerate damaged areas.

The skin is richly supplied with blood vessels and nerves, which ensures the high efficiency of the use of fragrant substances.

Video on making a cream for stretch marks with essential oils

Treatment and prevention of stretch marks with essential oils

Aromatic substances are used with jeweler's precision - they are added dropwise to the base.

Recipes for aromatic compounds that are suitable for everyone, including pregnant women:

  1. Measure out 4 tablespoons (40 ml) of carrier oil (olive or any other fatty oil). Add 2 drops of the following essential oils: orange, geranium, lavender.
  1. Measure out 40 ml of one of the fatty oils (olive, sesame, peach). Add 2 drops of lavender essential oil, 1 drop of orange and neroli to this base.

Treatment and prevention of stretch marks with the help of the above compositions consists in the daily application of the mixture to problem areas after taking water procedures. It is necessary to do a light massage with a canvas mitt, performing circular movements on the skin. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes, the multiplicity is 3-5 times a week. The entire course of treatment takes at least 2 months.

In advance, you can prepare the effective remedy for stretch marks described above in a volume larger than indicated in the recipe. The mixture will not lose its healing and fragrant qualities if stored in a refrigerator in a dark glass bottle (no more than 2.5 months).

Rosemary oil: how to use it effectively for stretch marks

The general properties of fatty and essential oils are well studied, a lot of information was collected by ancient healers. So, the components of fatty compositions improve lipid metabolism, nourish the body shell. Aromatic substances stimulate many processes in the body, anesthetize, tone the skin, and disinfect.

When it comes to the effect of fragrant liquids on stretch marks, this does not mean that an instant cure will occur.

Separately, essential oils are almost never used; they are included in body wraps, massage creams and other products. Rosemary oil for stretch marks is no exception. Of course, chronic stretch marks are difficult to cure with this remedy. If the skin has become flabby, then it will require much more attention than simply rubbing in liquids. Baths with rosemary oil give a wonderful effect.

For stretch marks, a mixture of equal volumes of almond oil and rosemary oil is used:

  • in the morning, apply 10 drops of the composition to problem areas of the skin;
  • rub the liquid into the surface of the stretch marks with massaging movements;
  • the next day, moisturize the skin with a suitable body milk;
  • continue treatment for more than two months with old stretch marks.

The exceptional benefit for the body lies in the mixture of oils: rosemary, wheat germ, cocoa and almond oil. Already after two weeks of application, the effect will be noticeable, the skin will become softer, velvety, its surface will even out, and stretch marks will become less noticeable.

Essential oils perfectly stimulate cell regeneration, create conditions for the restoration of skin properties at the site of stretch marks.

If striae cannot be removed on their own, then there is always the opportunity to seek help from professionals. Chemical peels, polishing and other techniques can minimize even chronic stretch marks.

This material is posted for educational and informational purposes, is not professional. medical advice or scientific material and cannot serve as a substitute for medical advice.

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The problem of stretch marks is familiar to many women - most often these non-aesthetic phenomena on the hips, abdomen and chest appear during pregnancy. And although this reason for their occurrence is considered the most common, it is not the only one. Stretch marks can appear due to a sharp weight gain, hormonal surges and endocrine diseases.

Whatever caused the appearance, if stretch marks have already appeared, unfortunately, it will be very difficult to get rid of them without a trace. However, reducing the intensity and making them barely noticeable is quite possible - even with the help of simple cosmetic procedures. In order for skin care to have the expected effect, it must be used in combination with proper nutrition and exercise.

Not the last role in solving a delicate problem is the prevention of stretch marks. Preventive measures are important not only during pregnancy, but should also be used by people prone to sudden weight fluctuations, with endocrine diseases and hereditary predisposition. In these cases, the parts of the body that are usually prone to stretch marks require careful care at home.

Experts recommend using massage with the application of products to the skin that provide its nutrition and long-term hydration. And here both special cosmetics come to the rescue, for example, Weleda oil for the prevention of stretch marks, and organic matter, including vegetable oils, which nature generously shares with us.

Why do natural oils help with stretch marks?

Why do oils help?

It is the nourishing, softening and moisturizing properties of natural oils that make them effective means in the fight against stretch marks. Of great value is the ability of oils to increase skin elasticity and stimulate the production of its own collagen.

Some natural oils (mostly light texture products) are allowed to be used in pure form. Thick oil must be diluted and applied to the body against stretch marks only as an ingredient in oil and massage mixtures. Such viscous substances are introduced into the composition of home cosmetics in a certain percentage.

Rules for the use of oils

Although natural oils are natural, beneficial and healthy foods, when using them, you must follow certain rules:

  1. Before use, read the manufacturer's instructions and exclude the possibility of contraindications.
  2. Expectant mothers need to consult a doctor without fail.
  3. During lactation, it is also necessary to consult a doctor and take precautions.
  4. The oil or mixture should be applied after a shower, massaging into damp skin.
  5. Before use, slightly warm the oil in a water bath.
  6. Essential oils should not be used in pure (undiluted) form to avoid skin burns. They are added to base products in small concentrations, in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations or a recipe for a homemade mixture / mask.
  7. During pregnancy, it is better not to add esters to massage compositions and oil wraps.
  8. If stretch marks are not associated with pregnancy, before applying the oil, it is recommended to massage the problem areas of the skin with a scrub - this will improve blood circulation and enhance the effect of the composition.

The best oils for cellulite and stretch marks on the body

The best cellulite and stretch mark oils (before and after photos)

Every woman who has either already encountered the problem of stretch marks, or wants to prevent their appearance in a timely manner, is concerned about the question: what natural oil would be better for stretch marks? According to the reviews of the fair sex, the most effective remedies are olive, coconut and black cumin oil.

  • Peach pits. This light, nourishing oil is an excellent base for massage blends and can also be used neat. It has a rejuvenating effect on the skin that has lost its tone, improves the elasticity of the skin, promotes regeneration, moisturizes, softens and tones the skin.
  • Jojoba. It has a powerful moisturizing and nourishing effect, prevents the appearance of stretch marks, and is well absorbed by the skin. It is an antioxidant, tightens sagging skin and improves its elasticity. It contains a protein that is similar in structure to collagen. Jojoba oil is introduced into massage mixtures in a volume of up to 50%.
  • Sweet almond. This is a valuable natural product obtained from almond kernels by cold pressing. The rich fatty acid composition in combination with vitamins and microelements makes almond oil the best way to soften the skin. It has a delicate and light texture, is well absorbed, moisturizes and tones, strengthens and tightens the skin. Helps smooth out scars and scars, makes stretch marks less noticeable. Almond extract can be used as a base for oil blends and diluting essential oils.
  • Grape bones. One of the best natural moisturizers. It has a tonic, nourishing and protective effect on the skin. The oil does not clog pores, absorbs well and does not leave a greasy film on the skin. It tones and improves microcirculation, accelerates regeneration, stimulates the synthesis of its own collagen in the skin, and increases its elasticity. Suitable for sensitive skin, used both in pure form and in mixtures.

All of the above products can be used individually, or to enhance the effect of their use, make an oil mixture. For her, take equal amounts of almond oil, grape seeds, jojoba and peach - all components are mixed, slightly heated in a water bath and used twice a day after a shower, rubbing with massage movements into problem areas of the skin. Excess is removed with a napkin after 10 minutes.

Olive oil

This oil does not need a special introduction, its emollient and nourishing properties have been known since ancient times. No wonder the ancient Greeks called olive oil "liquid gold", because its role in preserving youth, beauty and health of the skin is difficult to overestimate. Unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins included in its composition provide the skin with necessary food and antioxidants prevent premature aging.

Olive oil serves as an excellent tool for restoring the skin and promotes the production of collagen in cells. Promotes tissue regeneration, softens the skin and restores elasticity. In the absence of contraindications, it is possible to use olive oil for stretch marks during pregnancy.

It can be used both in mixtures and undiluted. The oil heated in a water bath is applied twice a day to clean, damp skin, wrapped in a towel for 10 minutes, and then washed off with water.

coconut oil

Coconut oil is an effective remedy for stretch marks, as evidenced by the reviews of women who have used it. The refined extract obtained from the pulp of coconuts can be used both undiluted and in combination with other products. It is applied after a shower on damp skin with light massage movements, and after 10 minutes the excess is removed.

A big plus of coconut oil is naturalness and ecological cleanliness. Coconuts grow in favorable natural conditions, and firs do not contain preservatives, dyes, flavors and any other chemical additives.

Unrefined coconut oil is extracted by cold pressing. This thick product contains a lot useful substances, however, due to its heavy texture, it should be used with great care, and only diluted.

Use in its pure form can lead to clogging of pores and the formation of comedones.

Black cumin oil

The oil is obtained from cumin seeds by cold pressing. The composition contains more than a hundred useful components, including unique polyunsaturated fatty acids, trace elements, vitamins and other valuable substances that contribute to the natural normalization of skin cells.

Black cumin oil has a powerful antioxidant and anti-cellulite effect, restores the immunity of the skin and eliminates stagnant processes. It tones, smoothes the skin, increases its elasticity, softens and tightens, promotes regeneration.

The product is introduced into the body skin care products in an amount of 2% to 6% of the total volume. Apply funds to problem areas with massaging movements after a shower. After 10 minutes, the excess must be removed.

Using essential oils for stretch marks

Can essential oils help?

These concentrated natural remedies are also used in the fight against stretch marks. The effect of the application depends on the individual properties of the essential oil:

  1. juniper. Increases the barrier functions of the skin, has a powerful disinfecting and healing effect. Gives a strong regenerating effect, moisturizes and nourishes the skin, improves its elasticity and tones. It has detoxifying and lymphatic drainage properties.
  2. Roses. Tightens flabby skin, due to moisturizing increases firmness and elasticity. Promotes healing of scars, evens out skin color. It is also used for rosacea (spider veins).
  3. orange. Contains a large number of vitamins, promotes the regeneration of skin cells, enhances blood circulation. Do not use orange essential oil in sunny weather, as this can cause skin burns.
  4. ginger. Increases the elasticity of the skin, helps to eliminate cellulite, scars and stretch marks. Increases skin tone, stimulates regeneration, improves blood circulation.
  5. Ylang-ylang. It has a smoothing effect, smoothes and "grinds" the surface of the skin, stimulates the restoration of its cells. Tightens the skin and improves elasticity.

Essential oils contain vitamins, trace elements and other valuable substances in high concentration, so they cannot be used undiluted. For use, esters are dissolved in the base - vegetable oil or other cosmetic product.

When mixing essential oils with base oils, the following dosage is usually used: from 1 to 5 drops of etherol per 15 grams (approximately one tablespoon) of the base. The amount of ether depends on its type and should be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Essential oils can be mixed different types. During pregnancy, their use is best avoided.

Contraindications and precautions

Before using each of the selected oils, an individual intolerance test should be carried out to ensure that there are no allergic reaction. For testing, the most sensitive area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is chosen, more often on the wrist or the inner bend of the elbow.

A drop of the product is applied to it and after a while the reaction is checked. In the absence of burning, itching, redness of the skin and other unpleasant sensations, it can be used and applied to areas of the body with stretch marks.

Stretch mark oil is used during pregnancy with precautions. Pregnant women, as well as nursing mothers, should definitely consult a doctor before using natural remedies.

The naturalness of the product does not guarantee its harmlessness - remember that you are dealing with bioactive substances!

Perhaps, it is impossible to think of a more responsible period in a woman's life than pregnancy and childbirth. Future mom plunges into the joy of motherhood, and all the events in her fate begin to automatically divide into “before” the birth of the baby and “after”. However, bearing a child does not always bring only joy. A sharp weight gain sometimes leads to the appearance of stretch marks on a woman's body. And if a young mother can lose extra pounds with the help of exercise and food restrictions, then stretch marks are not so easy to get rid of. They are like uninvited guests - they come when you do not expect, and it would seem that they are not going to leave. But we're not going to give up, right? And will we fight for the beauty of our body to the last? Moreover, the weapon is known. These are essential oils. They help prevent the appearance of stretch marks and get rid of existing stretch marks.

So, be patient. We are going to mysterious world aromatherapy to find out which essential oils relieve stretch marks. But first, let's look at the very essence of the problem: why do striae still occur, and what kind of lifestyle you need to lead so that treacherous stripes do not appear on the body.

Stretch marks: studying the pedigree

Stretch marks, and in the medical world - striae, appear as a result of a sharp weight gain. This usually happens during pregnancy or after a sharp weight loss (here it is - the destructive effect of diets!). But it is not a sharp weight loss that is to blame, but a lack of elastin and collagen in the body. That is, the skin simply does not have time to respond to a change in the readings on the floor scales, and tears appear on it. The skin becomes thinner, and dark purple stripes appear at the site of its lesion.

With time natural process regeneration makes stretch marks lighter, but not everyone can completely get rid of stretch marks. Moreover, damaged areas of the body due to the lack of pigment are absolutely not subject to sunburn. That is, if you want to hide unflattering stretch marks, lying on the beach for a couple of days, you are forced to disappoint: it will not work. Striae will remain the same color as before. Moreover, you will increase the contrast between the main areas of the body and those that have undergone stretching.

Many, after being on the body of the strips, begin to run around the doctors with questions about how harmful it is. We hasten to reassure you, striae do not affect human health. Unless it’s only for a psychological state, since few women like to see skin in the mirror instead of a slender toned body with many deep stripes of a lilac hue. Add to this postpartum depression, and you will understand how difficult it is for a new mother to come to terms with the changes that pregnancy has brought with it.

Essential oils for stretch marks: how to prevent them

Agree that any problem is easier to prevent than to look for methods to solve it for a long time. Therefore, if you do not want to become the owner of freshly obtained stretch marks after childbirth, you need to carry out a number of preventive procedures while carrying a child, which will also help to significantly strengthen your nerves. And the thing is that essential oils help people relieve irritation after a hard day's work, normalize arterial pressure and… get rid of the appearance of stretch marks. So, be patient and start the procedure!

  • carrot

Wash, peel and grate medium-sized carrots. After that, pour the grated mass with boiled water at room temperature so that the liquid slightly covers our carrots. Leave the mixture for fifteen minutes, then squeeze out the carrot mass and discard. Add 5-6 drops of almond oil to the remaining water. Let's insist. The therapeutic composition is ready, you can wipe the so-called “risk zones” with the resulting solution - the stomach, chest, legs, buttocks. In a word, all those parts of the body on which stretch marks usually occur.

  • Almond

To make this tincture, you will need a tablespoon of almond oil and three drops each of orange tree and geranium oils. Mix all the ingredients and rub the resulting mixture before going to bed.

Treat fresh stretch marks

Let's say that you patiently wore prenatal bandage and even did a massage against stretch marks, as ordered by the doctor. But naughty white stripes still appear. How to be? First, don't panic. All problems can be solved if desired. And to cure fresh striae, according to doctors, is much easier than it seems at first glance. And all thanks to natural essential oils and the boundless desire to preserve the beauty of the body.

  1. Do you have any almond butter left? Wonderful. Mix a teaspoon of this essential wonder with eight drops of rosemary. The tincture is ready. Happy rubdown!
  2. And again, almond oil, taken as a basis. 10 drops. In a duet with him, 5 drops of lavender essential oil perform. According to doctors, it is this mixture that neutralizes fresh striae even before childbirth. Happy healing!
  3. If you're allergic to almond oil, or just want some variety, here's another recipe. This time we will need 5 drops of rosehip seed oil and two drops each of mandarin and neroli oils. The resulting infusion should be rubbed into problem areas daily.
  4. If you like soothing smells, you should try the following tincture: mix two drops of frankincense, neroli and lavender. With this remedy, you will cure not only stretch marks, but also nerves.

Old striae: reconcile or say goodbye?

Even if your stretch marks are as old as the world, you should not consider them a part of your life. And even more so, you don’t need to think that now a closed swimsuit is all that threatens you on the beach. Old striae are curable. Don't believe? And you try essential oils against stretch marks, and your problem, if not completely resolved, will become less acute. That is, the skin in damaged areas will gradually begin to tighten, and the stretch marks themselves will be less noticeable. However, this method has one drawback - time. It will take you at least a year for the stripes to become less noticeable, and you yourself begin to look at yourself with great optimism in the shower. Shall we try?

  1. We take as a basis 50 ml of wheat germ oil. Add two drops of lavender, neroli and mandarin oil to it. Use once a week as a massage oil. Here it should be noted that the standard massage in the fight against stretch marks is not suitable. Intensive massaging movements can further stretch the skin in the affected areas and cause the appearance of new stretch marks. Therefore, use the so-called "pinch massage": apply oil to your fingertips and lightly pinch into the affected areas. Remove any remaining essential oils with a paper towel. Do not worry about the fact that the product has not had time to be absorbed. From the first minutes of the massage, your skin has managed to get enough of the healing infusion, and what remains on the surface is the excess.
  2. No less effective is an aromatic bath. Take water, add sea salt and a couple of drops of chamomile and lavender oil to it. Only lie in hot water you need not five minutes (if suddenly the household starts knocking on the bathroom door), but at least an hour. Therefore, either warn your relatives in advance that you will become a mermaid for a while, or take water procedures when everyone is asleep.
  3. Daily rubbing of aromatic mixtures, according to eyewitnesses, also work wonders. To prepare a medicinal infusion, we need nine tablespoons of olive oil, 15 drops of rose essential oil and one tablespoon of wheat germ oil. As you can see, all the ingredients are quite affordable and simple.
  4. If you have an hour and a half left, and you are sure that nothing and no one will disturb your peace, you can make an aromatic wrap. We can offer two options for wrapping oils. In the first case, therapeutic mud is taken as the basis and 2 drops of lavender essential oil and one drop of lemon and neroli oil are added to it. In the second option, the basis of the wrap will be medicinal algae, to which you need to add three drops of neroli essential oil. Of course, it is best to carry out this procedure in the salon under the supervision of a beautician. However, if you do not have time or opportunity, simply apply the essential mixture on a regular cling film, wrap it around the affected areas and leave it to act for half an hour. Be careful not to burn the skin. Feeling a strong tingle? Then it is better to stop the procedure.
  5. If all the proposed methods have been tried, but no result is observed, make a special compress with essential oils. It is believed that this method of treatment is more effective than conventional rubbing. To do this, mix two drops of rose oil and one drop of neroli and petite grain oil. Dissolve the resulting mixture in a glass of warm boiled water. Now take a piece of gauze, soak it in our aromatic tincture and apply it on the affected areas of the body for 30-40 minutes. Just don't expect instant results. In order for the striae to become less noticeable, the procedure must be repeated at least three times a day.

Each treatment has its own contraindications and warnings. Of course, essential oils are a natural thing, but you need to be careful with them. First, before rubbing the tincture into the body, make sure that you are not allergic to the selected ingredients. Secondly, do not perform the procedure in a cramped bathroom, but in a ventilated bedroom, since essential oils have rich aromas, and a pregnant woman is highly sensitive to odors. Do you feel a connection? The third piece of advice would be a competent purchase of oils. Do not buy this product from the hands or in subway crossings. Real essential oils are sold in pharmacies. Of course, there is a chance that the bearded uncle from the escalator stool will sell you natural rose oil. And if not? Then one should only hope that the bottle will contain colored water, and not some poisonous substance.

The last advice I would like to give to those women who have long and unsuccessfully tried to get rid of stretch marks. Do not despair. Look at your problem from a different perspective. And every time you change clothes, remember not about the lost beauty, but about the beloved children who were given life. Are their smiles and glowing eyes not worth all your stretch marks? Moreover, for your family, you are already the most beautiful mother in the world. Believe!

Stretch marks or striae- these are atrophic manifestations on the skin, which appear in the form of linear stripes and appear in places of the greatest overload (stretching) of the skin.

Stretch marks are not dangerous to human health, they are formed in men and women.

Fresh stretch marks that have a pinkish or dark red color are already the result of scarring of collagen and elastin fibers after microtears.

Stretch marks can form during pregnancy, with weight gain, and with rapid growth during adolescence.

Other causes of stretch marks can be long-term use of steroid medications and a condition called Cushing's disease where the body produces a lot of glucocorticoid hormones. High level steroid hormones reduces collagen stores in the body, resulting in a loss of skin elasticity.

If you are looking for a natural way to minimize the appearance of stretch marks, then essential oils can be an effective solution.

Certain essential oils can minimize the inflammation and scarring that is always present with stretch marks.

Application is also important for the unborn child, because then he is born with strong immunity and a strong nervous system.

12 essential oils for stretch marks

Each of these oils has regenerative properties that slow down skin aging, improve elasticity and repair damaged cells.

Avoiding stretch marks is not easy, but it can be done if you use therapeutic grade essential oils.

If you take care of the skin with the help of essential oils, then it will remain elastic and stretch marks will not form.

Stretch marks are very annoying. They disfigure the skin and make it less elastic and elastic. As a rule, stretch marks appear during pregnancy. And in order to fight them, special means are needed that will not affect the development of the child in any way. But chemical creams of this type are quite expensive. Therefore, many expectant mothers resort to using folk remedies. AND best oil from stretch marks, for example, will be no worse than an expensive cream. If used correctly.

The best oil for stretch marks

The effectiveness of oils in the fight against stretch marks

Stretch marks form when the skin is stretched for a long time. The tension forces the collagen fibers and the deep layers of the skin to tear, to put it bluntly. From this appear bright and noticeable lines that are very difficult to remove:

1. Essential oils, on the other hand, can help the skin acquire more elasticity and not tear under the strain of a growing belly.

2. You can not delay the destruction of stretch marks. If they start to lighten, oils will no longer be able to cope. You will have to resort to more serious means up to skin resurfacing in the cabin.

3. Oils are able to penetrate deep into the skin and act from the inside, nourishing and moisturizing the tissues. This action saves the skin from deep breaks and dehydration.

Which oil is best for stretch marks

Many oils can positively affect stretch marks and prevent their appearance. However, only a complex application can really help. It is problematic to choose one best oil for stretch marks. After all, in everyone there is something very useful for solving the problem.

It is worth paying attention to the following, without a doubt, useful oils:

1. Coconut. It can not only moisturize, but also restore elasticity. It is very convenient because it does not leave greasy stains behind.
