How to choose a prenatal bandage for pregnant women. Which bandage for pregnant women is better to choose?

During pregnancy, a woman especially needs to feel cared for and supported. Day after day, week after week - time flies quickly! Mom’s belly begins to grow just as quickly, which becomes more and more difficult to “carry” with you. So, the question arises: maybe it's time to turn to a bandage for help?

What is a prenatal bandage?

Bandage (French bandage - bandage) in medicine- a special belt for holding the anterior abdominal wall and internal organs in a normal position during pregnancy and after childbirth, for abdominal wall hernias, etc. Bandages for pregnant women are called prenatal.

Doctors usually recommend wearing a prenatal bandage from the 5th-6th month of pregnancy - that is, when active growth of the fetus begins. When prescribing a prenatal bandage, the obstetrician-gynecologist must take into account the mother’s age, gestational age, fetal position and number previous births. Prenatal bandages can be used until last days pregnancy.

In what cases is a prenatal bandage necessary?

A bandage is necessary in some types of obstetric pathology (scar on the uterus, threat of miscarriage in the second and third trimester, excessive increase in the size of the uterus, low location of the placenta, change in fetal presentation from breech to cephalic). Thus, with an excessive increase in the size of the uterus caused by polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancies, large fetuses, as well as with a scar on the uterus after previous operations (caesarean section, conservative myomectomy), the bandage will prevent excessive stretching of the skin and muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, due to its design evenly distributing pressure over the entire surface of the abdomen. The role of a prenatal bandage is invaluable in threat of miscarriage in the second and third trimester. The use of a bandage in this case can significantly reduce the pressure of the presenting part of the fetus and amniotic fluid on the incompetent cervix. In case of placenta previa or low position, the role of the bandage is also reduced to the prevention of premature birth.

Also, using a prenatal bandage would be the right decision for a second pregnancy, because in this case the abdominal wall stretches faster and stronger.

If the expectant mother has weak muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, then a prenatal bandage will also be an indispensable aid when carrying a child. Sometimes it happens that the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are so weak and incompetent that it is possible to palpate (feel) the uterus with small parts of the fetus right under the skin of a pregnant woman.

Another case in which the use of a prenatal bandage will an important condition maintaining health is a curvature of the spine in the expectant mother, osteochondrosis, pain in the lower back and back. In this case, the bandage relieves the load from the lumbosacral spine.

Are there any contraindications for the prenatal bandage?

There are practically no contraindications to wearing prenatal bandages. There is only one obstetric situation when it is better to wait with a bandage: if after 30 weeks the fetus has not taken the correct position - head down, but lies in a transverse or pelvic position, then it is advisable to first try to “correct the position” with various special exercises and only then “fix” it. it in the correct position using a bandage.

But despite the obvious benefits of using prenatal bandages, there are a big difference in the opinions of obstetricians and gynecologists regarding the need for their use, especially for healthy women who do not experience obvious discomfort. Some doctors believe, for example, that wearing a prenatal bandage is not always necessary. Therefore, it is better not to neglect the instructions of your doctor and the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy. In any case, if you decide to choose a prenatal bandage, be sure to consult your doctor - he will take into account the characteristics of your pregnancy and your constitution.

How to choose the right prenatal bandage?

There are only three options for prenatal bandages, the most common among doctors and expectant mothers:

Bandage in the form of panties (bandage panties)
Universal (combined) bandage
Its main difference from other bandages is that it is used both before and after childbirth. This bandage is modeled in the form of a belt made of rubberized fabric and is fastened with Velcro. During the prenatal period, the wide part of the belt strengthens the back, distributing the load, and the narrow part supports the stomach and is secured under the abdomen. After childbirth, the belt is turned the other way around: the wide part holds the stomach, the narrow part holds the back. The main convenience of such a bandage is its versatility and the opportunity to save money that it provides. Indeed, in this case, you do not have to purchase special underwear twice: before and after childbirth.

In order not to make a mistake with the size of the bandage, it is best to seek help from a consultant at a specialized store or pharmacy. If you still prefer to do it yourself, keep in mind that the size of the bandage belts corresponds to your size before pregnancy: S (42-44), M (46-48), L (50-52), XL (52-54 ), XXL (56 and above), and to find out the size of the panty bandage, you should add one more size to your pre-pregnancy size. It's best to try on several options and settle on the one in which you feel most comfortable. A universal (combined) bandage is selected as follows: you need to measure with a centimeter tape abdominal circumference at the level of the navel and to the resulting figure add 4-5 cm for the growth of the uterus in the subsequent weeks of pregnancy - this figure will be the size of the bandage. Be sure to try on the bandage by wearing it over your underwear. If future mom When putting on a bandage, you feel comfortable in it, which means the bandage is chosen correctly. Sometimes you have to try on several types of bandages to decide which one to choose.

How to put on and wear a prenatal bandage correctly?

It is necessary to put on the bandage while lying on your back, slightly raising your hips. When a woman stands, the uterus drops under its own weight, and by fixing it in this position, we will only aggravate the problems that the bandage is designed to combat. It is also more convenient to remove the prenatal bandage while lying down.

It is also necessary to take into account that the bandage should not exert excessive pressure. A simple feeling of discomfort will indicate that he is sitting somehow wrong. However, often during the first 2-3 days it may be generally uncomfortable to wear a bandage, since it takes time to get used to the new sensations, only after that will your stay in a prenatal bandage become more comfortable.

A prenatal bandage is a special belt that is designed to hold the anterior abdominal wall and internal organs during pregnancy in an anatomically correct position. Doctors recommend wearing such a device starting from 5-6 months during the period of active development and growth of the fetus. When prescribing, the doctor takes into account the position of the fetus, gestational age, mother’s age, and number of births. You can wear a prenatal bandage until the last days, unless your doctor decides otherwise. But you should know how to put on a prenatal bandage correctly so that it does not create inconvenience, but also benefits the pregnant woman.

There are a number of indications for wearing this belt:

  • Scar on the uterus;
  • Change in fetal presentation;
  • Multiple pregnancy;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Threat of miscarriage (2-3 trimesters);
  • Repeated pregnancy;
  • Weakness of the muscles of the anterior peritoneal wall;
  • Scoliosis in the expectant mother, osteochondrosis, severe pain in the lumbar region, back;
  • Enlarged uterus.

There are contraindications to wearing a bandage. This is malpresentation of the fetus after 30 weeks. In such cases, it is recommended to first cope with the problem with the help of special exercises, turn the child head down, and then fix the correct position with a belt. How to properly put on a prenatal belt-bandage is described below.

Important! Healthy women, according to obstetricians, do not need to wear this product. Before purchasing it, you must consult a doctor.

Now about choosing a belt, as well as how to put on a prenatal bandage for a pregnant woman.

There are three types of products of this type:

  • Bandage panties. Looks like underwear that has a supportive panel in the front and under the belly. The model is comfortable for regular wear, but it will have to be washed constantly, which makes it difficult to wear constantly. When taking it off in the toilet, you will have to take a horizontal position to put it on correctly.
  • Bandage belt. It is an elastic band that is worn over underwear. The degree of fit can be adjusted thanks to the side flaps. The process is carried out without unfastening the product.
  • Combined bandage (universal). It can be used before and after childbirth. This is a fabric belt that is fastened with Velcro. During the prenatal period, it helps to strengthen the back, distribute the load, support and fix the stomach.
  • Tape is an elastic tape with Velcro. It wears out quickly, especially in the Velcro areas.
  • The corset usually has lacing, and at the back. This is the main disadvantage of the model. Plus, the one who helps tighten it may overdo it and thereby harm the pregnant woman and the fetus.

When choosing a product, you must take into account that they have different sizes. Either a doctor or a pharmacist will help you choose the right one. But if you decide to purchase a bandage yourself, then the size is determined based on the numbers before pregnancy.

Interesting: when choosing a panty bandage, one more size is added to the pre-pregnancy number. If you purchase a universal product, it is better to measure your abdominal circumference with a centimeter. Fitting is carried out over underwear. About 4-5 cm should be added to the results obtained (for fetal growth).

How to properly wear and put on a prenatal bandage is a whole science.

When the bandage is put on, the following steps are performed:

  1. The woman lies on her back on a flat surface.
  2. Your hips should be raised slightly.
  3. The belt is inserted under the lower back, after which it is fixed in the desired position using Velcro.
  4. The girth is adjusted.

If a woman puts on a bandage while standing, the uterus drops under the weight. In such cases, it is impossible to fix the correct position of the abdomen and fetus. Moreover, incorrect positioning can aggravate the problems that caused the product to be worn in the first place. It should also be removed while lying down.

There should not be excessive pressure. If the product is not worn correctly, the woman will experience obvious discomfort. A woman may experience discomfort only in the first few days while wearing a prenatal bandage. Over three days, addiction to the sensations develops, after which a state of comfort sets in.

Interesting: the putting on process can be made easier if you place a pillow or cushion under the buttocks. After this, the product is placed according to the above diagram. This relaxes the abdominal muscles, bladder is not under strong pressure, the fetus moves freely to the desired position. If you put on the product while lying down, then the weight will be evenly distributed in a normal way. A correctly positioned product should cover a little of the pubic area, lower abdomen and cover the hips.

Basic wearing rules

Not every woman knows how to wear a prenatal bandage.

There are a number of rules that will ensure the correct and comfortable position of the product during use:

  • There should be no discomfort when wearing a belt or panties.
  • The product should be comfortable and lightweight, which should be taken into account when purchasing.
  • It is necessary to carefully inspect the product for defects and the quality of the materials used - the product must be “breathable”.
  • The product must have a wide and elastic waistband. This will prevent the appearance of stretch marks in the abdominal area.
  • The product cannot be worn constantly.
  • If it is necessary to go to the toilet, the woman must raise her stomach, secure it with a belt, and then relieve herself.
  • If the child becomes restless while wearing it or the mother feels excessive compression, the product should be removed immediately.
  • Doctors believe that a woman needs to wear a belt or panties for only three hours a day, but doctors do not see any contraindications for prolonged wear.
  • Even with prolonged wear, it is still necessary to remove the bandage. Every three hours for only half an hour.
  • The duration of wearing is determined by the strength and duration of lower back pain.
  • If you can’t put it on while lying down, you should try it while standing in front of a mirror.
  • A loose prenatal bandage will not provide the necessary effect of anatomically correct positioning and abdominal support.
  • The prenatal bandage can also be put on from a sitting position. To do this, you should strongly tilt your body back, lightly press your stomach with your hand and fix this position with the product.
  • When the belt is put on, you need to check the correct location and comfort of wear. To do this, you need to walk around in it for about 5 minutes. If there are no negative sensations, then the procedure was performed correctly.
  • Such a product can only be washed by hand, as a machine can ruin its shape and structure, as well as damage the fabric.
  • The universal bandage can be worn both before and after childbirth. But after giving birth, it needs to be turned around so that the element that was on the lower back lies correctly on the stomach.

Remember that when wearing a belt or panties, a pregnant woman should experience only comfort and convenience. Any negative impressions should be addressed immediately. In such cases, the bandage is removed. If you can’t wear it, you should contact your doctor or obstetrician, who will either help you put it on correctly or solve the problem by replacing the product.

You should not purchase a bandage remotely via the Internet, since before purchasing you need to make sure that it suits you. Plus, you should choose models made from high-quality materials that will ensure the skin breathes, the strength of the product and the preservation of its shape for the entire period of wear. Ribbon and corset models are considered one of the most inconvenient, and therefore it is better to choose those options that will serve you as comfortably as possible and will serve their intended purpose for a long time. Ideally, it is better to purchase a universal one that will help you after childbirth. You need to be guided in your choice by your own feelings, which will help you spend the remaining period in maximum comfort and safely for your health. It is better to coordinate the purchase of the product with your doctor, who will indicate the correct model and size, and also tell you how to wear a prenatal bandage correctly and with benefit not only for yourself, but also for the child.

The main function of a bandage for pregnant women is to relieve stress from lumbar region and abdominal support. As the gestational age increases, the fetus also grows, and with it. Back pain appears and the load on the spine increases. Sometimes pregnant women complain of chronic fatigue and heaviness in their legs. An orthopedic product for pregnant women helps distribute the load by shifting the center of gravity to the side.

The prenatal bandage is made of a special elastic fabric and secured with rivets or Velcro. Stretch fabric allows you to wear underwear until the end of your gestation period.

A prenatal device saves a pregnant woman from another unpleasant symptom – stretch marks. Supports the abdomen from the sides and bottom, and prevents excessive stretching of the skin on the buttocks, thighs and sides.

There are several types of orthopedic underwear for pregnant women.

Prenatal, postnatal and universal:

  • prenatal are used in the gestational period to relieve stress;
  • postpartum are used to tighten the sagging muscle layer on the front wall of the abdomen, as well as to restore the tone of the uterus;
  • universal - worn both during pregnancy and after the birth of the baby.

Color range: standard colors are white, black and nude.


  • A belt is a common type of product. Advantages of the belt: regulation of the degree of fit, effective fixation of the fetus in the uterine cavity and prevention of premature descent of the fetus. No deficiencies were identified.
  • elastic panties - a seamless type of underwear has several models. The advantages of wearing are comfort, lack of visibility under clothing and acceptable price. The disadvantages are as follows: it is unacceptable to wear on a naked body and the air flow is limited.
  • combined look - looks like an elastic wide ribbon with additional woven elastic inserts. The fastening can be with Velcro, hooks or zippers. Some manufacturers produce orthopedic combined underwear with a wide center and internal pockets. The advantage is considered to be wearing both during the prenatal period and after the birth of the child. In addition, it fixes the abdomen, prevents the appearance of stretch marks, distributes fat mass and improves the movements of the pregnant woman. The only drawback is the stretching of the material without the possibility of recovery.

Manufacturing companies offer a wide selection of products.

Relaxen - panties, and Tonus Elast - tape (combined type) are popular among consumers.

How long should you wear a bandage?

Wearing a bandage should be discussed with your doctor. Each patient has an individual time frame for wearing orthopedic underwear.

Gynecologists recommend starting to wear it from the 20th week of gestation. During this period, the fetus increases in size, the uterus protrudes more and the muscle layer weakens.

Women who lead an active lifestyle or do standing work are recommended to wear underwear from 16-18 weeks.

If a pregnant woman has prerequisites for spontaneous abortion due to early pregnancy, the prenatal orthopedic product begins to be worn from the first week of the second trimester (at 13 weeks of gestation), but only with the permission of the attending physician.

Indications for use

  • gestation;
  • back pain;
  • lower limbs;
  • malposition;
  • threat of interruption;
  • history of miscarriages;
  • heavy weight fetus;
  • excess amniotic fluid level;
  • own initiative;

In what cases is it contraindicated?

Contraindications to wearing underwear are allergies to the fabric from which the underwear is made and the transverse position of the baby.

How and how much to wear

An orthopedic support product is worn during pregnancy as prescribed by a doctor.

There are several tips for wearing a bandage during gestation:

  • the product should be worn on a naked body or on a cotton T-shirt;
  • place and secure it only in a horizontal position;
  • In order for wearing the product to be beneficial, you should wear it for at least 10 hours a day;
  • a properly secured belt or tape does not compress the abdominal cavity, but is placed under the lower segment of the abdomen, lifting the uterus upward.

If the pregnant woman assumes a horizontal position during the day, the product should be removed.

Wearing a bandage provides relief and no increased stress on the spine, so it is advisable to wear the product until the end of pregnancy.

The effectiveness of wearing may not be due to several reasons:

  • wrong size;
  • inconvenient shape or cut of the elastic band;
  • Dressing rules are not followed;
  • the product is stretched.

The appearance of discomfort or chafing of the skin indicates improper fastening of the product or excessive tension of the fabric.

Where to buy

There are several ways to purchase orthopedic support garments:

  1. At the pharmacy. There is a wide selection of bandages, varying in price, color and shape. It is worth noting that not all pharmacy retailers allow you to try on the product to make bearing a baby easier.
  2. On the official website of the manufacturer.
  3. In a store that sells medical equipment.

The price of underwear is variable and depends on the brand and type of product. The estimated cost of a belt is 850-900 rubles, panties or a corset - from 1100 to 1500.

Useful video: bandage for a pregnant woman - how to wear and which one to choose

Why is a prenatal bandage necessary?

The prenatal bandage is a special device for pregnant women. With its help, the anterior abdominal wall and internal organs are held in the desired anatomical position during pregnancy.

What is the bandage for? It supports the growing tummy, reduces and correctly distributes the load and weight of the body, and reduces pain in the lumbar region. The device helps the fetus take a comfortable and correct position, which has a positive effect on its development.

By wearing a bandage, the chances of safely bearing a child during a difficult pregnancy and the risk of premature birth are increased.

The bandage minimizes the risk of uterine hypertonicity, the muscles and skin do not suffer from unnecessary stretching, and after childbirth fewer stretch marks form on the body.

Features for which it is necessary to purchase a bandage:

  • High risk of early birth and miscarriage in the 2nd and 3rd semester
  • Existing scars on the uterus
  • The placenta is low
  • Fetal pelvic adherence
  • Big size unborn child
  • Multiple pregnancy
  • This is not the first time a woman gives birth
  • Painful sensations in the back, osteochondrosis, varicose veins, scoliosis
  • Weakened muscles of the anterior abdominal wall
  • Severe enlargement of the uterus
  • Too active rhythm of life

It is not recommended to decide on your own whether a prenatal bandage is needed. Only a gynecologist or obstetrician can prescribe the use of a bandage, having assessed all the specifics of the course of pregnancy. For absolutely healthy expectant mothers, wearing a bandage may not be advisable. Although the use of a prenatal bandage does not have any particular contraindications.

What types of bandages are there?

There are three types of prenatal bands. Only a pregnant woman can decide which one is better and more comfortable, after consulting a doctor and trying on different models.

  1. Bandage - panties. Externally, these are ordinary panties with an elastic insert at the belly area. There are modern bandage panties, decorated with openwork stitching in various shades. You need to change such a bandage, just like your usual underwear, every day. How to choose? The size of this bandage corresponds to the size of pre-pregnancy underwear + 1 size.
  2. Bandage belt. This invention is the most popular. You need to put the belt on top of underwear, tights or T-shirts. It is an elastic band with Velcro. You don't have to remove it to make adjustments. The bandage belt can be laced, then it is convenient to use it at any time.
  3. Universal belt. A woman can wear such a bandage before the birth of a child and immediately after childbirth. It is an elastic material with Velcro, it is wide at the back and narrower at the front. After childbirth, the belt is worn in reverse, so that the wide side is in the abdomen area, and the narrower part is adjacent to the back.

How not to make a mistake when choosing

How to choose a bandage? When choosing a bandage, it is important to accurately determine the size; you can contact your sales consultant for advice. Since the bandage is placed under the abdomen, you need to use a measuring tape to measure the circumference of this area and look at the size table.

Bandage size S – body circumference under the abdomen up to 85cm

M – 85-98cm

L – 98-105cm

XL – 105-115 cm

XXL – 115-126cm

Size charts may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Therefore, it is important to measure several offers and choose the one that provides the greatest comfort for the pregnant woman.

To choose the right universal bandage, you need to measure the abdominal circumference in the navel area and add another 5 cm to the figure.

How to wear a prenatal bandage

The duration of wearing the bandage and the birth of the child is decided individually by the doctor who monitors the pregnancy. But it is not advisable to be in the device continuously.

It is enough to wear the bandage only three hours a day. But based on lower back pain and the progress of pregnancy, the doctor may extend the wearing time. However, every 2-3 hours you should take a break of 30 - 40 minutes.

A good bandage should not cause any discomfort or pressure when worn. When purchasing, you should give preference to “breathable” materials.

If, when wearing a bandage, the child becomes restless and begins to actively push, the device must be removed. The bandage is also removed at night.

In order for the bandage to “not interfere” and be beneficial, you need to know how to put it on correctly. The bandage is first laid on a horizontal, flat surface, and the woman lies down on it. You need to inhale and exhale a couple of times, and lift your buttocks. After this, the belt must be fastened on the stomach so that the palm “passes” between the skin and the fabric.

It is also better to remove the bandage in a horizontal position. Wash by hand only.

Correctly positioned bandage - under the abdomen, below the gluteal muscles, resting on the hips, gripping in front of the pubic bone.

When should I start wearing a brace? Obstetricians advise no earlier than 22 weeks. But only a doctor will be able to individually determine from what time the bandage should be worn.

Bandages overview

Among Russian manufacturers of bandages, the companies “Fest” and “Trives” are popular.

Russian company"Fest" offers women products developed with the participation of gynecologists. You can wear the Fest bandage from 20 weeks until delivery. The manufacturer offers several different modern models that are not visible under clothing. There is a comfortable seamless bandage-pants on sale, with a fastener at the bottom, like a bodysuit.

Bandage Trives Made from materials with a high content of cotton thread, it allows air and moisture to pass through well.

Orthopedic bandage Orlett German production has good feedback among pregnant women. Recommended from 6 months and can be worn throughout the day.

When choosing a prenatal bandage, it is important to listen to the doctor’s words and evaluate the degree of comfort and convenience of various models.

A prenatal bandage is a convenient modern device for pregnant women. But not all expectant mothers need it. It is better to wear only as prescribed by a doctor.

Updated: 02/11/2018 16:54:14

Over time, when a pregnant woman's belly grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to walk with it. It pulls down, changes the position of the spine and may cause back pain. But in order not to overshadow the baby’s waiting time, doctors recommend wearing a bandage from the 25th week.

The opinions of doctors are unanimous on the issue of wearing a bandage - it is needed both in the prenatal period and in the postpartum period. This is especially true for those who are not pregnant for the first time. In this regard, there are several types of bandages:

    The prenatal belt is designed to support the abdomen. It does not compress the stomach at all, but last weeks, when the fetus is very large and it becomes difficult to carry, it helps to relieve the load on the lower back.

    The postpartum bandage is made in two versions: wide belt and high-waisted briefs. Both options are made of dense natural fabric with the addition of elastane, which ensures maximum fit to the body.

    A universal option, it allows you to save a lot, as it is used for wearing before and after childbirth.

In order to support your body and minimize the load on the spine, it is advisable to start wearing a bandage from 20-25 weeks, during the period when active growth of the fetus begins.

The bandage is designed in such a way that, when attached to the lumbar region, it promotes proper distribution of the weight of the fetus and eases the load on the spine, significantly reducing back pain.

Important! Thanks to the dense fabric used to sew the belt, the abdominal muscles are not overstretched, so they will quickly return to normal after childbirth.

There are 3 types of prenatal bandages, differing in appearance:

    In the form of panties, where the main supporting element is an elastic insert located in front under the stomach and in the lumbar region. A significant drawback of this device is the need for daily washing. In addition, the belly is constantly growing, so over time you will need to buy a larger size.

    Laced up. This option is quite rare because it is not convenient to use. Most often it is made of inelastic fabric and does not support the stomach well. And thanks to the lacing, quick putting on and taking off is difficult.

    Bandage in the form of a belt. It has gained particular popularity among consumers because it is made of elastic fabric and fastened with Velcro. There may also be additional valves for length adjustment. It is worn over a T-shirt and is practically invisible under clothes.

Modern technologies do not stand still, so the light industry has learned to create breathable fabrics that are quite dense and elastic to the touch. The hygroscopic materials used in the manufacture of bandages meet all hygienic requirements. Some European companies, such as MedTextile, have proven themselves with the most the best side, because their production is aimed exclusively at developing comfortable clothes for expectant and nursing mothers. The products have an attractive design and exceptional wear resistance even after many washes. And they are presented in different colors.

In order not to make a mistake with the size of the bandage belt, be guided by your sizes before pregnancy:

If you have chosen a panty bandage, then purchase a product one size larger, because your tummy will quickly grow.

Although the benefits of wearing a bandage are obvious, some doctors do not recommend wearing them without special indications. Arguing this with a very strong argument - in the last trimester the baby begins to roll over and try to take the correct position, and a tight-fitting bandage can prevent this. If the fetus has not reached the proper position before the 30th week, then the bandage cannot be worn. The patient is prescribed special gymnastics that will help turn the child around and only after positive result You can and should use a belt to secure the baby in the desired position.

Constantly wearing a bandage will also not lead to anything good, since the peritoneum is compressed and blood flow to the pelvic organs is disrupted.

If you bought a bandage and are wearing it, and the child begins to push intensely, you should remove it and let the baby calm down. The belt may be putting too much pressure on your baby and you should reconsider how it is positioned correctly under the belly.

Important points in conclusion

When purchasing a bandage, the fundamental factors are the price and the material from which it is made. Often this is what influences the cost. Quality item Made from natural fabrics that have a hypoallergenic structure and allow the skin to breathe. It is very important that the body does not sweat under the belt, because irritation may occur.

The belt is put on as if lying down; in this position, the pressure on the lower abdomen is less, as a result of which it will be possible to secure it more tightly. Subsequently, standing up, you will feel how the weight of the fetus is evenly distributed and it has become much easier to hold it. Focus on your feelings and then wearing a bandage will not cause you discomfort.

Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a guide to purchase.