When to go to the Dominican Republic Holiday season in the Dominican Republic

Tropical climate and exotic nature - that's what attracts tourists to the Dominican Republic. Here, sea winds soften the heat during the day, and at night they do not allow the air to cool too much. As a result, the weather in the Dominican Republic is almost always beautiful, and the temperature does not fluctuate too much - from + 22 ° С to + 30 ° С.

However, the weather in the Dominican Republic is not always stable, so we have prepared for you the most detailed information on when to relax in the Dominican Republic.

Temperature in the Dominican Republic

The hottest month in the Dominican Republic is August, when temperatures can rise to +31°C. The coolest is January, with a temperature of about +22°C.

True, far from the sea coast, the temperature is somewhat more contrasting. In the mountains, the temperature in winter can even approach zero.

The water temperature during the year rarely drops below +25°C, but sometimes it can rise up to 32°C in some places.

In the Dominican Republic, the year is usually divided into two seasons: the dry season and the rainy season. Although such a division is too conditional: it can rain here throughout the year, and it is always warm in this tropical country.

Dry or high season

It is believed that it begins in December and lasts all winter. During this period here perfect weather for relaxation: neither strong heat nor stuffiness, it is always and everywhere pleasant to sunbathe and swim. The usual air temperature is about +26..+28°C, the water temperature in the ocean is about the same. And in the Caribbean Sea, the water is even somewhat warmer. Heavy rains and strong winds are unlikely at this time.

Rain season

It starts in April and lasts until October. Fortunately, this does not mean that at this time in the Dominican Republic it rains non-stop and a strong wind blows. They happen during this period, of course, more often. But the rains usually fall at night and, in general, almost do not spoil the rest. After the rain, the sun only shines brighter, washed evergreen foliage shines in the sun, and a double rainbow shines over the sea in half the sky. So, you can go sunbathing and swimming.

beach season

The swimming season in the Dominican Republic continues all year round.

From November to March, the water temperature is always +25-27°C, so swimming is comfortable for both adults and children. There is almost no rain at this time, and a light breeze from the sea saves you from stuffiness, caressing tanned skin.

In summer, the water temperature is even higher + 27-32 ° С, which is a plus for some, and a minus for others, since swimming in the sea does not bring the desired relief after sunbathing.

The Velvet season

The velvet season in the Dominican Republic can be considered months with more stable mild weather - this is the second half of October and the beginning of November. But we want to warn you that the climate on Earth is becoming more and more unpredictable, and the velvet seasons in many countries are shifting in time.

hurricane season

It's catastrophic a natural phenomenon happens quite rarely. The Dominican Republic is saved from it by the Cordillera mountain range, which is why typhoons and hurricanes most often bypass the island of Haiti from the side where the state of Haiti is located.

If this does happen, then the most likely occurrence of a typhoon is from June to September.

The best time for excursions

It is always interesting to diversify a beach holiday with travel. The best time for this in the Dominican Republic is from November to March.

On cognitive excursions, you will be shown the wonders of local nature - waterfalls, National parks, caves, and ancient cities, cathedrals and fortresses, old villages, and much more.

For those who like to learn something new, the Dominican Republic has developed such types of outdoor activities as diving and snorkeling, jeep safari, rope crossings, kayaking and rafting, ocean fishing and much more.

whale season

If you are in the Dominican Republic from mid-January to March, then you have a unique opportunity to witness the most beautiful moments mating games and the birth of mighty giants - humpback whales.

Large humpback whales come to Samana Bay every year to create a family and breed. Whale watching is the most amazing and most unforgettable excursion in the world!

Winter season

Weather in Dominican Republic in December

Dominican Republic is the world's most popular time and holiday destination in December. Nowhere else in this period is there such warm sea and such a festively bright sun.

The air temperature on the island during the day is kept at + 28-29 ° C, and the water temperature is about + 27 ° C. There are usually no strong rains and winds in December, so you can be sure that your vacation will not be spoiled by bad weather.

However, holidays in the Dominican Republic in December are not so cheap - during the Christmas and New Year holidays, hotels and airlines significantly raise prices for their services.

Weather in Dominican Republic in January

Late December-early January is the most popular time to visit the Dominican Republic. And it's not just that new year holidays many want to spend under the palm trees on the ocean.

It is during this period that the Dominican Republic has the most beautiful weather - the sun is almost constantly shining, a weak warm breeze blows from the ocean, the air temperature is around 27-28 C degrees.

During this period, it can sometimes rain, but they do not cause much trouble - tropical showers in January are most often short and very warm.

Weather in the Dominican Republic in February

The last month of winter is the driest month of the year in the Dominican Republic. The air temperature during this period during the day on average stays at + 26 ° С - + 28 ° С. The water temperature in the ocean is also about +26°C.

There is especially little rain during this period, but this does not mean that the sky will be cloudless. In the tropics, it is extremely rare to see the sky without a single cloud.

It is believed that the ocean is the coldest in February, but you must admit that 26 degrees for a Russian tourist is very warm!

spring season

Weather in the Dominican Republic in March

In March, the dry season continues in the Dominican Republic - the perfect time to relax: it is still warm and dry, but it seems a little hotter. During the day, the air still warms up to + 28-30 ° С, and the water in the sea - almost to + 26-28 ° С.

During this period, ocean currents are weaker than in winter.

That is, the weather favors both swimming and excursions, and outdoor activities.

Weather in the Dominican Republic in April

It is believed that April is the start of the rainy season in the Dominican Republic. Precipitation this month is still not too much, but still the rest becomes not so cloudless. Sometimes the rain can charge for the whole day.

The average air temperature in April in the Dominican Republic is slightly higher than in March - about 30°C during the day, and 24°C - 25°C at night, the water temperature rises to about + 27-29°C.

Weather in the Dominican Republic in May

In May, real tropical showers happen, but fortunately, mostly at night. Clear weather for the whole day happens much less often at this time, but a real show is going on in the sky - clouds and clouds of all kinds, sizes and shades that can only be seen in the tropics!

During this period, quite strong ones can fly in, although warm winds. The air becomes noticeably more humid. The air temperature during the day is still about +30°C, and the ocean warms up to +28°C.

Summer season

In June in the Dominican Republic, the weather and average temperatures are about the same as in May. But still more often there are fine days. During the day the air temperature is about +30°С, water - about 28°С.

June officially marks the start of hurricane season in the Caribbean. However, you definitely should not worry, in the Dominican Republic, real hurricanes are extremely rare, and even if they do, then closer to the end of summer.

Weather in the Dominican Republic in July

In July, the Dominican Republic is often affected by tropical cyclones. Therefore, the weather is unstable. Heavy rains, squalls, storms and significant pressure drops are quite likely. It rains most often at night and early in the morning.

The air temperature during the day in July is on average about +30°C, and the water is about +28°C.

Weather in Dominican Republic in August

The hottest days in the Dominican Republic are in August. And just in this month falls and the largest number precipitation. At night, thunderstorms are accompanied by beautiful lightning and loud peals of thunder.

In August average temperature air maximum in a year, and sometimes reaches +32°С. Humidity is also the highest.

autumn season

Weather in the Dominican Republic in September

Most often, typhoons and tropical hurricanes came to the Dominican Republic just in September. Although, in general, no one will insure against such a disaster at any other time of the year. Another thing is that hurricanes most often hit western part the islands are the Republic of Haiti, and the Dominican Republic is touched only in the form of prolonged precipitation.

Nevertheless, in September you can have a wonderful rest in the Dominican Republic. Dominican weather in early autumn is humid, hot, the temperature rises to + 31 ° C, and the water warms up to + 29 ° C.

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When is the best time to visit the Dominican Republic? What can I say. Holidays in the Dominican Republic can be called a vacation in paradise. The high season in the Dominican Republic does not begin when cold, wind, snow and sub-zero temperatures come en masse to native latitudes. It lasts from November to April. During these months, during the day the temperature is about +27ºС, and at night it is about +23ºС.

The water temperature at this time is usually + 26ºС. The coldest time in the Dominican Republic is in January. During this period, the air can warm up to only + 24ºС. Which, as we understand it, is very good.

Summer reigns here from May to October. And it is precisely during this period that the notorious tropical rains and even typhoons happen. The air temperature does not fall, moreover, it rises to +31ºС.

And although it is warm here, we can talk about the low season in the Dominican Republic. Few people want to get caught in a storm, get wet in a tropical downpour, or swim in a real storm. Although some people are not afraid, of course.

In general, the climate in the Dominican Republic is very comfortable, mild and comfortable. Water caribbean and the Atlantic are always warm and friendly, and you can not only swim in them or sunbathe on sandy beaches, but also engage in water sports sports.

Holidays in the Dominican Republic in winter

The weather in the Dominican Republic is dry and cool in winter. There is almost no precipitation, the sea is calm, many swim confidently in warm water. Even at this time, they admire the whales that swim to the shores of the island. You can visit any of the cities in the country, from Santa Domingo to all sorts of resorts like or Cabarete. This is a good time for excursions around the island, conquering the mountains in the heart of the country and numerous adventures in cities and reserves. In Rio San Juan winter time especially cool, so if you are afraid of a sharp change in climate, coming from the middle latitudes and cold winters, you are here.

Holidays in the Dominican Republic in the spring

Spring on the island of Haiti is quite friendly. The first noticeable rains begin towards the end of the season, in May. So in March and April you can safely sunbathe and swim. The weather in the Dominican Republic is warm in spring. In Azua and Santo Domingo, for example, there is almost no rain during the entire season. By the way, somewhere in early spring, carnivals can take place here. And Samana and Las Terrenas are good all year round. By the middle of spring, a slight decline in tourists begins, as it becomes too hot for many. But if that doesn't scare you, then spring is the perfect time to travel.

Holidays in the Dominican Republic in the summer

Flying to the Dominican Republic in the summer is not recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases and other serious health problems. It's very humid here, it's raining. The weather in the Dominican Republic in the summer will please those who prefer a hot climate, so this is a matter of personal choice. By the end of the season, noticeable storms begin, and the showers here are tropical. Monte Cristo and Barahona have the least rainfall. So at this time there is something to do and where to go. And choose better the southern coast with its resort areas, or small lagoons in the area of ​​the Samana Peninsula, there is less risk of getting to know really terrible typhoons.

The Dominican Republic is a country where summer never ends. However, it should be noted that there are more comfortable seasons for recreation in the Dominican Republic..

When is the best time to visit this country?

Although the thermometer does not drop below +25ºC, there are distinct seasons: the rainy season, the hurricane season and a wonderful season with favorable conditions for recreation.

Summer in the Dominican Republic is the rainy season, which lasts from May to September. Most heat keeps in August (up to +31ºC). It is worth noting that the heat is well tolerated in this corner of the planet thanks to the wind that blows from the sea. Therefore, there are no conditions for exhausting heat.

Vacationers should not be afraid of the rainy season on Dominican beaches. Heavy but brief showers usually occur in the evening and at night. And during the daytime, nothing prevents you from having a great time on the beach. According to statistics, the most precipitation falls in May and in September-November. At the same time, most of the rain falls on the northern coast of the Dominican Republic, which is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. And in the south, where you can enjoy swimming in the waters of the Caribbean Sea, there is no such abundance of rain. The tourist season continues.

The average indicators of the rainy season, which characterize the weather conditions, indicate that at this time it is warm and moderately hot on the territory of the island state (during the day the temperature does not fall below + 28ºC, and at night it averages + 22ºC). Temperature sea ​​water– not lower than +27ºC. Humidity, of course, is high - it stays at 90%.

During the rainy season in the Dominican Republic, you can have a great time, especially since prices are lower compared to the high tourist season, so a trip to this amazing state, located in a tropical climate, from May to November, becomes more affordable.

Rainy is a great opportunity to spend a vacation for those who go in for extreme sports. The fact is that the Yaca del Norte river becomes full-flowing, and its rapids are perfect for rafting and kayaking.

Diving during the rainy season is not very good, and for deep sea fishing off the coast of the Dominican Republic there are excellent conditions at any time of the year. Many species of fish in coastal waters live throughout the year. And some species, such as barracuda, swim to these shores only during the rainy season.

The end of summer in the Dominican Republic is the time when the wind increases and typhoons are likely to occur. The holiday season freezes for a while. Travel agencies are selling vouchers for this time carefully, warning customers about adverse weather conditions.

You can expect hurricanes starting in August. This unfavorable holiday season lasts until November. During the hurricane season, the sea begins to become very stormy, and the wind gusts are characterized by very strong force. Strong hurricanes bring severe destruction. They happen quite often, but not every year. In the past 80 years, the Dominican Republic has been devastated by hurricanes 11 times. Hurricanes occur on the southwest and west coasts. In the center of the typhoon, wind speeds reach 320 km/h.

Of course, the risk of experiencing the effects of a hurricane in the Dominican Republic is quite high. But you should know that at present the staff is well prepared to act quickly and effectively in extreme situations. At the same time, when building hotels, the risk of destruction from storm winds is taken into account, and therefore special attention is paid to ensuring the strength of structures.

There is a protected place on the island at this time of the year:

  • The famous resort of Punta Cana is well located under the protection of a fairly high mountain range.
  • The weather here is calm even during hurricanes, therefore, choosing a vacation in Punta Cana, you can not be afraid that your vacation will be spoiled by adverse weather conditions.
  • A beach holiday in Punta Cana is a great opportunity to rejuvenate and get a boost of energy even at a time when the rainy season is in the Dominican Republic!

From November to April, you can relax on the beaches of the wonderful tropical state of the Dominican Republic. This time is called the dry period and the high season. For vacationers, this time of year can be compared to the idea of ​​paradise conditions. Coastal beaches, the warm waters of the Caribbean Sea in the south, as well as the Atlantic Ocean in the north of the island - all this makes it possible to enjoy a wonderful vacation. There is very little precipitation at this time. Humidity, however, is high (at 80%). At this time, the rest in the Dominican Republic is amazing! Sea expanses delight with tranquility. Gentle sun provides a bronze tan. Diving, fishing, snorkeling - for all this in the Dominican Republic during the dry season, fabulous conditions!

The temperature during the day averages +27ºC, at night - +24ºC. The water during the holiday season is gentle - its temperature does not drop below +26ºC. In the mountains at this time it is quite cool - at high peaks, even minus temperatures. The probability of occurrence of typhoons is extremely insignificant. Despite the fact that the construction of hotels is changing the local landscape, many beautiful beaches remain in the Dominican Republic. Clear water on the coast, sand and wonderful sun - a vacation at this time in the Dominican Republic is really unforgettable!


Rain season

May - September. Precipitation is short. The highest air temperature is observed in August, but rarely exceeds +31ºC. The water is quite suitable for swimming - not lower than +27ºC. The wind brings coolness from the sea. Exhausting heat is absent.

September - November. The wind is getting stronger. The probability of formation of typhoons is high. The sea is very stormy.

holiday season

November - May. Dry period. There is very little precipitation, but at the same time, a fairly high humidity remains, up to 80%. The sea is calm and great for surfing, fishing and swimming. Day temperature: +27ºC, night: +24ºC.

The Dominican Republic is a great place to relax on the seashore. Tourists from Europe, Russia and America come here almost all year round to enjoy a calm, measured rest on the huge white beaches in the shade of coconut palms. modern civilization almost did not touch this paradise, lost in the Atlantic Ocean. Therefore, beautiful tropical vegetation and crystal clear sea have been preserved here in their original form. In addition, the Dominican Republic is famous all over the world for its unique exotic culture, incendiary dances and carnivals.

The best months for holidays

With the exception of remote mountainous regions, in the Dominican Republic, an endless summer continues throughout the year. Daytime air temperature never drops below +23 ºC, and in the hottest and driest months it can rise to 31-35 degrees.

The holiday season in the Dominican Republic begins in early November, when long tropical downpours finally subside. The average temperature throughout November is about 28 degrees Celsius. Sunny, warm weather favors outdoor activities, excursions, hiking and various types sports, because at this time there is almost never a strong heat. Thus, November can be called velvet season which is great for families with children.

December is considered the beginning of the high period, which lasts until the end of April. When snowstorms rage in the northern countries, tourists enjoy the beautiful sunny summer weather and open the swimming season in a tropical paradise. The air temperature in December, January, February, March is about 30 degrees, rains and strong winds never happen during this period. But a pleasant and refreshing sea breeze often blows from the Atlantic Ocean. In addition to excellent weather conditions, winter months popular among tourists due to the fascinating wildlife show, which you will not see in any dolphinarium. It is during the period high season you can see with your own eyes the huge humpback whales swimming very close to the coast.

At the end of April, the rainy season begins in the Dominican Republic. However, it rains quite infrequently, and the weather is often fine and sunny. Therefore, May, June and July are also considered suitable months for holidays in the Dominican Republic. Real torrential downpours and typhoons come here only in August, and rage until November.

Season by month

Worst time to rest

The rainy season in the Dominican Republic usually does not deter tourists. Of course, from April to July, the beaches are not as crowded as during the high season. However, travelers from Europe and Russia continue to come here to enjoy a beach holiday on the Caribbean coast.

What is really to be feared is the monsoon season. Squall gusty winds begin to rage on the islands in August, and often become a real natural disaster. Thus, travel can be not only uncomfortable, but also life-threatening. If suddenly there is some desperate traveler who wants to get to the Dominican Republic during the hurricane period, any travel agency will dissuade him and warn him of the possible consequences.

The peak of hurricanes is in August and September. In October, there are fewer of them, but this month is still considered unfavorable for visiting the resort. No one can guarantee that a strong storm or typhoon will not break out in October. In addition, the monsoon season adversely affects health due to high humidity. During this period, the tropical heat becomes a real test for the body.

None of the foreigners come here during hurricanes to relax. However, sometimes there are business or working visits. In this case, it does not hurt to know that the safest place in the Dominican Republic is the city of Punta Cana, protected from the ocean by a mountain range.

When is the rainy season

If the vacation fell in April or May, then this will not be an obstacle to traveling to the Dominican Republic. Of course, "officially" the rains begin in early April. However, it is important to know that rainfall is short in April and May. A tropical downpour lasts no more than 30 minutes a day, and then the sun comes out again. At the same time, the air temperature is about 30 degrees, and the sea temperature is stable at + 28ºC. In a word, this time is quite suitable for beach holiday, and many travelers are in no hurry to close the season. In addition, the period from April to August is the cheapest. Prices for hotels and excursions are noticeably reduced compared to the tourist season.

Rains continue in June and July in the Dominican Republic. Most often they go at night, without interfering with travelers sunbathing on the beaches and swimming in the sea. However, June and July are considered riskier times to visit the Dominican Republic compared to spring months. The sky can often be covered with gray clouds, there may be small gusts of wind. Therefore, experienced travelers are advised to check the weather forecast in advance when planning a trip in the summer months.

In August, September and October, it is better to refuse a trip altogether, since it becomes much more rainy. In addition, hurricane-force winds come to the islands. The period from August to November is considered a real off-season here, and often brings a lot of trouble and trouble to the locals.


*Air and water temperature by month during the day (air/water)

Despite the fact that the Dominican Republic is located in a mild tropical climate zone, the weather at different resorts may vary.

In December, when the rainy season ends in the Dominican Republic, many tourists come to the beach resorts. However, if at this time you go to the mountainous regions, then you should not expect the same summer heat there as in the south. For example, in the Central Cordillera, the average temperature in winter is only plus 15 degrees, and at night it can even drop to zero.

Travelers who want to see the mountain villages and waterfalls of the Dominican Republic should definitely stock up on warm clothes during the winter months. By the way, one of the mountainous regions of the Dominican Republic is called La Nivera, which can be translated into Russian as “freezer”. Although, compared to Russian frosts, it is, of course, quite warm there.

The holiday season in the Dominican Republic lasts from December to March and ends in April. But tourists continue to come here until August. If you also decide to go during the rainy season, then it is advisable to choose resorts in the southern part of the country, which are located on the Caribbean coast. These include the luxurious beaches of Boca Chica and La Romana. In addition, it is in the south that the largest city in the entire Dominican Republic is located - the capital of Santo Domingo.

In the east, the Dominican Republic is washed by the Mona Strait, and in the north by the waters of the Sargasso Sea. In these areas you can perfectly relax during the beach season. However, during the rainy season it is better not to look here. The fact is that much more precipitation falls on the northern and eastern coasts than in the south.

How to rest at any time

In the Dominican Republic, you can have a great vacation at almost any time of the year. The main thing is to know which places are more suitable for each season.

The dry season is ideal for holidays on any coast of the country. At this time, the weather is always clear, warm, you can swim, sunbathe, and also try yourself in sea sports. Snorkeling, diving and jet skis are available almost everywhere, and for surfers and windsurfers the best place considered the Sargasso Sea. High waves and excellent sea breeze are always available here. The city of Cabarete is especially popular with surfers.

Winter months - best time to go to the central regions of the country, to see mountains and waterfalls. In winter it is quite cool here - about 10-15 degrees Celsius, but there is no rain, which often erodes mountain trails and roads.

The low season in the Dominican Republic is best spent in the Caribbean Sea, where it rains the least. And for lovers of rafting and kayaking, from April to August, a fascinating opportunity opens up to ride the turbulent river with the steep rapids of Yaca del Norte. In addition, during the rains you can go deep sea fishing and catch exotic sea ​​fish barracuda, which comes here only during the rainy season.

When the hurricane season is in the Dominican Republic, it is hardly possible to fully relax here. The period from August to November is only suitable for freelancers who want a secluded life away from civilization. It is best to wait out hurricanes in Punta Cana, which is fenced off from sea typhoons by a mountain range. At the same time, you will have to spend more time in the hotel, contemplating from the window a solid wall of rain and palm trees swaying under strong gusts of wind.
