Charge or talk? – how to make the good luck talisman work in full force. How to charge an amulet so that it really becomes a talisman? Charge talismans

An amulet or talisman begins to perform its functions only after charging. That is, the powers inherent in magical objects must be activated. Then they begin their action to protect the owner.

It is recommended to independently charge an amulet or talisman immediately after making the item. This must be done by the person who will use it. This creates a connection between the magical object and its owner. If you were given such an item (or it was purchased), then before activation it will be just a beautiful decoration (or toy). It still needs to be launched. And how to do it?

Charging the amulet with your energy

The amulet is designed to protect the owner from negativity. He just needs to pass this function. Use the energy of fire and your own prana (energy) for this. When the item that will become your amulet falls into your hands, it should be cleansed. That is, to free him from the energy that is in him. You don’t know what he’s already charged with, what he’s managed to pick up.

To clean, the item should be held over a candle light. At the same time, you need to say to yourself the phrase: “Burn the dirt, leave the evil!” Draw in your imagination a picture of negative energy (black) burning in a flame.

Sit comfortably, take the charging amulet in your hands and fill it with your intention. You should imagine how a flow of energy emanates from your palms and is absorbed into the thing.

You can say “Protect me!” If you want, you can list what it’s from. But this is not recommended, since this way you limit the power of the amulet. Just imagine how your energy is absorbed into the amulet, filling it. It's like blowing up a balloon.

Charging technique

The talisman not only protects, but also guides a person to well-being and happiness. Its function: to attract the most necessary situations and circumstances for the owner’s soul. Activating and charging the talisman requires the participation of the forces of nature and the Universe. It must have a connection with all things in order to perform its functions well.

For a talisman to work, it must be endowed with the powers of all the elements. You have to collect these forces and breathe them into an object that will become your talisman. It is believed that a magical object should be introduced to the powers gradually. That is, the energies of Fire, Water, Earth, Air must be absorbed by the object in a certain order.

Start with the forces of the Earth

To fill them, an object must be buried and kept in the ground for some time. It is best to do this in nature, where the energy is not polluted by the negativity of anger, violence, and so on. When burying it (wrap it in natural fabric), express your desire for the talisman to gain the powers of the earth.

Now charge it with fire

To do this, you just need to hold it over the flame. To fill with the element of Water - under a stream of water. In order for Air to breathe its strength into the talisman, it must be hung in a place where it will be blown from all sides. When doing everything described, remember that the main impetus for the work of the elements should be your intention. You must clearly formulate a command - a desire:

“Strength, fill my talisman with yourself!”

Then give them some time to work.

At all times, people have strived to become more successful, richer, happier. To achieve their goals, they often use magical objects - amulets, talismans, amulets. In order for a thing to turn from ordinary into sacred, to begin to perform protective functions, to attract good luck and money, after manufacturing it is activated using special magical rituals. If the item was made from natural materials - stone, minerals, metal - or passed to a new owner by inheritance, the amulet must be cleared of foreign energy before activation.

How to cleanse a talisman from negative energy

Purification by fire

Fire has long been considered one of the powerful, beyond human control, that cleanses a magical object from negative energy. Practicing magicians use a “living fire” to neutralize bad information on a talisman. It is laid out in the forest, away from people.

The collected brushwood is ignited in a primitive way - two branches are rubbed against each other until they ignite. You can use a fire that breaks out as a result of lightning striking a tree to start a fire.

To clean the talisman with fire at home, do not light a fire. A candle is used for these purposes. To work with Slavic amulets, buy an ordinary wax candle. If Christian symbols (inscriptions) are applied to the object, church candles are used in the ritual. The ritual is performed alone after sunset.

  1. The table is covered with a clean tablecloth.
  2. Place a candle on a candlestick in the center.
  3. Light the wick from a match.
  4. The amulet is held over a candle flame, passed over it if the amulet is made of flammable materials.
  5. They ask the gods to cleanse the talisman of bad energy and fill it with bright energy.

The color of the candle is chosen if you are working with objects of Slavic origin. Talismans that attract love are cleaned with the fire of a product made from Money magnets are cleaned with a green candle. Neutral white and yellow shades are universal.

Cleaning with water

Water is associated with purity and renewal. This element is often used if it is necessary to remove bad information from an item. There are many ways to clean the amulet with water.

  1. Using water collected from a spring, spring, or brought from a church. Such a substance is energetically charged. Forest spirits live near the springs - nymphs and mermaids. They sing songs to the sounds of rushing water, at the same time charging it with positive energy. The same recharging occurs during consecration. The item is dipped into a container with charged water and left in it for 3-8 hours. Then dried under the sun's rays.
  2. Ice. This is one of the transformations of water that has a powerful cleansing effect. This method is used primarily for cleaning Slavic amulet, which is not compatible with holy water. The amulet is immersed in spring water and frozen. After defrosting, the negative leaves the object along with the melt water.
  3. Flush. Express cleaning of the talisman involves placing the decoration under a stream of running water (tap, river, spring). The minimum session time is 5-7 minutes. During this time, the performer of the ritual must ask the elemental spirits to cleanse the amulet of evil, the evil eye.

These methods are suitable for use at home. They are effective and easy to implement.

Neutralization of negativity with the elements of earth

The earth evokes associations with swamp and mud. But it is a source of valuable minerals that can absorb negativity and cleanse the aura. These crystals include salt.

To remove negativity from the amulet, use seasoning without additives. The easiest way to cleanse is to immerse the item in crushed salt crystals overnight. But this method is not suitable for metal talismans - the aggressive environment causes corrosion of the material.

More gentle, but no less effective method cleansing amulets - placing them in a cave, salt room, for 1-3 days. The item is left on the floor of the shaft or suspended.

Why charge the talisman

After cleansing the jewelry from negative energy, you need to charge the amulet with good energy and make it work for the owner. Activating a magical item is a stage that distinguishes it from ordinary jewelry.

If the ritual is performed correctly, the person receives

If, during the manufacture of a Slavic amulet, additional symbols are applied to it, they will serve as a magnet to attract money, love, and good luck.

The action of magical items is cyclical. If they are charged, they work at full capacity. But over time, the energy charge is depleted, and the effect of the decoration weakens. To avoid cyclical operation, you need to periodically charge the amulet.

Activation methods

Magicians have developed many ways to activate individual talismans and amulets. The most common of them is the ritual with the four elements. It is spent completely alone.

  1. On the table there are containers with the elements: a lit candle, earth or salt, a glass of water and incense representing Air.
  2. Ritual actions are not technically complex. An amulet is placed in the middle of the table, in the circle of the Elements. The ceremony begins with the consecration of a makeshift altar and the lighting of a candle. A person who masters the art of visualization can activate a magical object in this way. First, you need to imagine how the amulet should work, what it should attract into the owner’s life. The jewelry is taken into the hands, warmed with the warmth of the palms, and charged with energy.
  3. The decoration is carried over the candle flame three times, each time saying: “I sanctify you with the power of the Holy Fire.”
  4. To charge the amulet with Air, it is carried three times over the smoke of lit incense (medicinal herbs or incense sticks), repeating: “I activate your powers with the energy of Air.”
  5. Then they dip the amulet into a container of water: “I consecrate you with the power of Water.” If the item is made of materials that cannot be wetted, liquid is splashed onto it with the middle and index fingers of the non-working hand.
  6. To consecrate the talisman with the Earth, place it on the palm of your hand and, sprinkling it with salt (sand) crystals, say three times: “I consecrate you with the fertile power of the Earth.”

After these actions, the object is taken in the palms of the hands, brought to the mouth and, taking deep exhalations, mentally say “I revive (activate) you with my spirit.”

The final part of activating a magical talisman around the Elements is an appeal to the Gods. To do this, take the jewelry in your working hand, raise it above your head and say:

“Oh, Gods (Slavic, Scandinavian, Christian - depends on the symbols that are applied to the base)! Give my work the power to protect me from evil thoughts, unkind deeds (attract love, money into my life). Let it be so".

After these words, the object is placed in the center of the circle of Elements and left there until the candle burns out and the incense goes out. Ritual objects are removed from the table. The amulet is used for its intended purpose - how

Charging the amulet with energy

To ensure that magical symbols do not lose power and work smoothly, the amulet must be periodically recharged after activation. You can charge the amulet in several ways.

  1. Personal energy. After cleansing using one of the methods, the object is placed on the palm and covered with the other hand. The talisman is kept in this position for at least 10 minutes, while simultaneously imagining how it is filled with light energy and begins to emit light and warmth.
  2. If the decoration contains Christian symbols, the inscriptions (ring “Save and Preserve”) can be charged using the energy of a church candle. It is carried over the flame, while prayers-amulets are read (“Save and Preserve, Lord,” prayer to the Mother of God “Save us”).
  3. To update energy balance artifacts of Indians, Hindus, it should be placed under the pillow for 3-5 nights. During this time, it will absorb the energy of the owner’s dreams, his warmth, true thoughts and desires.

To choose a recharging method, take into account the material from which the base for the amulet is made. To charge the amulet at home, place it on the windowsill at night, under the moon's rays. Symbols cast from gold, copper, yellow metal are left in the sun.

Working with Slavic artifacts

Working with Slavic amulets, their production, activation and recharging are carried out in a special way. Depending on the purpose, these magical items look different.

  1. Rusty nails are used to protect the home and family well-being.
  2. To protect against damage and the evil eye, bracelets are made for small children, on which symbols of pagan gods are applied.
  3. Young girls, women, as well as adults of the stronger sex used body jewelry (pendants) or on clothes with protective symbols encrypted in the pattern.

To charge Slavic amulet, it must be taken into account sacred meaning, origin story.

Men's mascots

In ancient times, people worshiped many gods. Each deity had its own sphere of power. There were also patrons of male power.

  1. This is a powerful male talisman, which is usually worn around the neck (pendant) or behind the belt (Hutsul axes). The amulet was made of metal. Activated and recharged with energy on a sunny day with the power of a Living Fire. Today it is recommended to charge the Ax of Perun in solitude using the fire of a wax candle.
  2. Right-handed. This image was applied to a gold or silver base, carving choosing solid male species. They made a talisman in order to protect themselves from damage, the evil eye, and to attract love and wealth. Before charging the amulet, it was cleansed with the power of the earth, and then filled with personal energy - the warmth of the body and breath.
  3. designed to protect warriors, gave men courage, courage, increased strength, and protected them from death in battle. The symbol was painted directly on the weapon. Less commonly used as body decoration. Recharged with fire energy.

The Gromovik and Grozovik badges were worn only by warriors. Symbols were painted above the front door, protecting the home from lightning strikes.

Women's protective signs

From time immemorial, Slavic women wore jewelry-amulets that ensured a happy family life, easy childbirth, health of all family members. The most popular protective symbols are the signs of the goddesses of gender and love.

  1. Makosh sign. It was painted on jewelry made of precious metals, and embroidered on clothing - hair ribbon, belt, shirt. The symbol attracts happiness and good luck to the owner, and promotes the development of female intuition. The amulet does not need constant recharging. It is important for him to contact the owner’s body. If the Symbol is used as decoration, it is cleansed with the element of Water twice a year on Solstice Day.
  2. , sign of the new Moon. It was made for girls and women of all ages from silver, gold, copper, and iron. The amulet protected from damage, the evil eye, and malicious intent, gave health, and ensured easy childbirth. The symbol is recharged by moonlight. Cleansing - with the energy of air and water.
  3. Woman in labor. This is one of the oldest Slavic talismans. The symbol was applied to jewelry, embroidered on clothes, and painted on the walls of the house. The main task of the amulet is to protect the woman, ensure easy childbirth, increase sexuality, and attract female happiness. The talisman was recharged with personal energy. For purification we used cold water (melt water) or air.

How to charge and “revive” a talisman?

Why are some lucky, while others are haunted by endless failures?

How to become loved, happy and rich?

The secrets of success and prosperity are usually kept in the strictest confidence.

We often forget that our lives are absolutely magical. Even surrounded by new technologies and high-tech design, we do not cease to be living beings with the presence of energy shells that, with a strong desire, can be easily destroyed.

Every action has an energetic basis. You beat your business competitor, and immediately received a large dose of negative radiation for it. At the energy level, this is a completely understandable physiological process, because negative waves torpedo your aura. These symptoms are familiar to everyone - tingling in the heart, headache, prostration. And if you don’t experience such “bombings” every day, how can you withstand all this? After all, you can lose not only your good health, but also your health, and even your life!

A strong amulet and amulet will never hurt anyone!

A properly charged and “animated” magic item will help you strengthen the protection of your aura, making it “bulletproof armor”. With such protection, you will easily and simply repel energy strikes, and also quickly recover if you are harmed. It is in vain that many underestimate the power of our magical helpers. Ritual magic has been tested for thousands of years and has proven its effectiveness. Many people today do not trust magicians and psychics - and such fears are not unfounded. Our ancestors also did not trust their amulets to anyone and made their own magical rituals, investing in them the forces of natural elements and a piece of your heart.

To protect the aura from damage, special rituals were performed with amulets and amulets, which we can repeat today.

An additional energy shell, which protects our aura from energy attacks, leaving it safe and sound.

Protect yourself, be careful when communicating with unfamiliar people.

Your psyche is in your hands and neglecting the means of protecting it is simply life-threatening!

What can an amulet or talisman be made from?

Protective amulets, as a rule, can be made from almost any material. It is very important to feel and choose the shape and material that you associate with your goal.

If you are wondering: how to make an amulet, then when choosing material for it, try not to use plastic, synthetic fabric and other artificial materials.

You can “revive” any object: a coin, a piece of wood, metal, stone or jewelry made from natural stones.

Why charge talismans?

According to psychics, reliable protection can only be provided by those talismans that have undergone a special “revival” ritual, i.e. magically attuned to their owner and correctly charged to solve a specific problem (to attract love, to financial well-being, to family happiness).

Question: If the talisman or amulet is not charged, will it work?

Answer: No. Will not be!

In order to work and fulfill its purpose, the talisman must be directly related to your mental personality. Only then is he able to activate strengths your personality and level out your shortcomings. To endow an item of your choice with magical power, you must literally breathe energy into it, transferring vitality to it. And only after this, the chosen item will become a real talisman that can help you.

If your amulet is not charged, don’t be upset! If you really want, you can charge it yourself.

There are many rituals for “reviving” talismans and amulets. All of them are very interesting and easy to do at home. Some depend on a person’s religion, but some are universal.

I will give you the simplest ones in this article.

Ceremony using candles

A ritual using candles is one of the simplest and most common rituals that is used in their practice not only by magicians, but also by ordinary people. Light one or two classical candles white. It’s even better if the color of the candle matches the predominant shade of the talisman.

Lighted candles should be placed on a real or makeshift altar.

The talisman is held in clenched palms and stood opposite the altar. Magic talisman objects in this ritual are charged with the forces of the owner’s own energy, so it is important to be in good shape. How much of his spirit a person puts into this object, how much he can concentrate, how much power his magical assistant will subsequently add. You need to stand and hold the talisman in your hands for several minutes, focusing on what it is intended for. Mentally imagine the purpose that your magic item will serve. When you get the feeling that enough of your own strength and energy has been invested in the ritual, you need to exhale sharply and try to blow out the candles in one go. The talisman itself can give you a sign when you need to exhale sharply - it will become noticeably warmer in your hands. Listen more carefully to your feelings! The duration of the ceremony is determined according to individual feelings.

The revived talisman takes on its own character, a new energy structure is born that will communicate only with you and with higher powers!

Ancient Ritual of Power

A very beautiful and interesting ritual of “reviving” amulets with the help of 4 elements - the Ancient Ritual of Power, practiced by European magicians for many centuries.

To carry it out you will need: a handful of earth, a candle, a fan, a drop of aromatic oil, incense sticks, plain water.

The future amulet is placed in the center of the table (preferably round). You need to face north and start working, first of all, with the air element.

Take an open fan in one hand, an incense stick in the other and say the words: “With Pure Breathing, I give you oblivion of your previous existence, be here and now!”

While pronouncing ritual words, you need to use a fan to direct a stream of aroma-containing air onto the amulet.

Then take the magic object in your palm, close your eyes and imagine its image, think about it for a couple of minutes. Contact him mentally, as if he were a living being, and communicate your request to help you achieve a certain goal. You need to feel unity with your amulet. At this moment it is time to call upon the forces of the fire element.

Make a cross-shaped gesture with the amulet over the burning candle 4 times, repeating: “With the power of the Heavenly Fire, I cleanse you from the south.”

Next in line is an appeal to the earthly elements. You need to pour a small handful of earth into the very center of the table and place the future talisman on it. Say once, referring to the magical object: “With the power of the generous and fertile Mother Earth, I charge you, I give you will and strength.”

To turn to the element of water, you need to take a transparent glass (without patterns or edges) of running water and dip an amulet into it with the words “With the Power of Water I cleanse you, remember only goodness and help, be with me, your master at all times.”

Finally, the charged amulet must be placed in a dark, dry place for a day so that all transformation processes are completed.

Ritual "Four Elements"

Another ritual of charging the talisman with the help of four elements: fire, water, air, earth. A universal ritual that is popular among many peoples of the world.

Take a handful of earth, a glass of running water, an incense stick and one candle. Sprinkle your future talisman with soil three times. As you sprinkle, say each time: “I endow you with the power of the earth.” Then sprinkle it with water 3 times, saying three times: “I endow you with the power of water.” Well, in conclusion, also move the talisman three times over the smoke of an incense stick with the words: “I endow you with the power of air,” repeating these words three times. The same must be done over the candle, repeating three times: “I endow you with the power of fire.” Then take your talisman in your hands and breathe your energy into it, saying: “May you live by my breath.” Now the talisman can be used.

The ancient Ritual of Power is quite simple, but effective for charging and “reviving” any amulets, talismans and amulets in the form of any magical objects, including, of course, stones.

Never handle your talisman carelessly! It should not be thrown on the table, placed in a common jewelry box and stored anywhere!

A magical object is an intermediary between you and higher powers, so it must be cherished and cherished, treated with great respect and love. Each talisman needs a separate box. Charged amulets should not be shown to anyone, even close people! The fewer eyes that saw him, the better. Magic objects react to all living things and absorb all information!

That's why securely hide your magical objects away from prying eyes, preserving their original energy, which was invested during the “revival” ritual.

It is very important to choose the right time to charge the talisman. Practicing magicians and psychics do not recommend performing this ritual on the waning moon. Best time- immediately after appearance new moon. A good result will be obtained on the waxing Moon. The ritual can be performed both at home and in the lap of nature.

Before performing the ritual, experts recommend taking a shower to wash away negative energy flows. Water will take on negative information. It is also better to wear clean clothes. These conditions will help the talisman receive the maximum amount of power from your energy fields.

How to charge silver talismans

Silver talismans are a special chapter in ritual magic.

Silver is a very “living” metal, instantly reacting to all negative energy structures. Silver amulets and talismans are extremely popular because they are universal helpers in achieving happiness and success. For many centuries, people have made talismans from pure silver. Their size was quite large - about 5 centimeters in diameter and 1.5-2.0 millimeters in thickness. Special magical signs and symbols were carved on them, which were supposed to realize one or another task, fulfill the dream of the owner of the talisman.

Before you start using the talisman, a special “revival” ritual is carried out in order to “infuse” it with a certain Spirit, which will work with the owner of the talisman and perform a specific task.

Charging a silver talisman is very simple - you need to let it lie for one night in the rays of the waxing Moon (yes, only on the Waxing Moon!). Before leaving your talisman on the windowsill, to activate it, hold it in your palms for a while and mentally form an intention - a task that it must realize. If the night turns out to be cloudless, then it will be enough to keep the talisman on the windowsill for one night. If the Moonlight is interrupted by clouds, then a couple more nights will be needed on the waxing Moon. Before going to bed, the owner of the amulet can read a prayer-invocation to the Moon Goddess or one of the traditional new moon prayers:

This night I let go of everything old,

This night I absorb the power of the new.

Let all my sorrows disappear

Let all my sorrows melt away!

Prayers for good luck, Guardian Angel and others are also suitable.

After several moonlit nights, the power of the silver talisman will increase significantly.

The work of the “animated” silver talisman is obvious - during energy attacks, the silver medallion instantly turns black!

Therefore, at first you have to clean it almost every day. Immediately after the ceremony, the “animated” talismans are worn daily without taking them off.

After 2-3 months, when all the attacks that come from the environment of the owner of the talisman are repelled, he will turn black much less often, only when meeting new people with negative energy.

And at the end of our conversation...

If you have the opportunity to pay more attention to the ritual and devote the whole day to this ritual, be sure to do it! After all, the more you invest in your talisman, the faster you will achieve your goal!

With a charged talisman and amulet, you can make any NEW decoration - both with and without symbolism.

And do not forget that talismans, amulets and amulets are very personal things. They should belong only to you.

Remember: success in achieving your goals depends on how much mental strength and energy is invested during the ritual of “revitalizing” the talisman. During the ritual, we form an image of a magical object in our minds and attach a thought form to it, which we endow with our energy. We also connect the talisman with the forces of the four elements. After all, a talisman is an intermediary between the secret and the obvious. Invest in the magical ritual to the fullest, and let the talismans bring you good luck and help you get closer to your dreams!

....Beautiful Life by Elena Belova..

In this article:

How to charge an amulet is a very common question due to the fact that activating a talisman is the most important action, endowing a simple object with magical power. Ideally, activation should be carried out immediately after the item is made, and also by the person whose hands the amulet was created.

Until the moment of activation, any talisman is nothing more than a simple decoration, a trinket that is not capable of in any way affecting a person’s energy, and certainly will not be able to influence the world around us.

To endow an object with magical powers, you need to literally breathe energy into it, endow it with vitality, only after this the decoration will become a real talisman that can help a person. The made amulet must be carried with you at all times, especially for the first time after activation, this is necessary so that the energy of the magical object interacts with the human biofield and is adjusted in the right way.

The energy of everything

It is important to remember that in our world there are energetic connections that allow everything that exists to feel and be aware of its existence. This same energy is the source from which all active forms of life originate, from single-celled microorganisms to humans. This energy cannot be explained in terms of modern science, but not a single scientist will refute the very fact of its existence.

Higher energy was familiar to almost all ancient peoples; for example, the northern Germans called it “Meigin”, which translates as “internal energy”. The Hindus called this force “prana”, which means “Absolute energy”; the Polynesians had the term “mana”, that is, “Miraculous force”.

How to charge a talisman with higher energy

It is this highest, absolute energy that needs to be put into the talisman at the moment of its activation. For many centuries, there have been various magical rituals that make it possible to endow an inanimate object with vital energy and configure it to work in a certain direction.

In most rituals that have survived to this day, all the actions of the magician were similar steps aimed at uniting the four elements - Fire, Water, Air and Earth.

In addition, powerful sources of energy such as the Sun and Moon also played an important role in such rituals.

Charge silver and gold amulets

To endow a talisman with the powers of all four natural elements, the object must pass through each of them. It doesn’t matter what material you use the amulet from, the main thing is to carry out the initiation ceremony correctly. But it is always important to remember that the activation ritual must involve the person who will subsequently wear the amulet.

First stage

At the first stage, the talisman is dedicated to the power of the earth. The prepared object must be coated with washable gold or blue paint and buried in the ground. The main strength of this element is stability and immunity to negative energy. At this stage, the amulet will be endowed with energy that allows it to protect itself from negative influences and other troubles. Ideal place to conduct this ritual - any place in nature (forest, meadow, field).

The energy of the earth gives the talisman strength

Dig a hole, concentrating on your desire to give the selected object the property of earth. Place the future talisman in the ground, fill it up, and then step over the embankment three times. At this time, you need to ask the earth three times for permission to place the amulet in it. After this, you can go home and return for the talisman no earlier than three days later.

Second phase

At the second stage, the amulet is dedicated to the powers of water. Water has unique purifying properties; it removes all the negativity that could remain on the selected item and gives it its own clean energy. It is necessary to use clean natural water, for example, taken from a stream or river. Turn to the water three times, ask permission to place the talisman and ask for forgiveness for this. Then place the amulet in a vessel and put it in a secluded place for three days. After this time, the talisman is carefully taken out of the vessel, all the water is allowed to drain from it, and only then is it removed. Under no circumstances should you wipe the object after this part of the ritual. Used water must be disposed of at a road intersection.

Third stage

Fire burns away the remains of negativity

At the third stage, the amulet must undergo purification by fire. To do this you will need a candle made of natural wax. You need to carry the amulet three times over a burning candle, asking the fire for forgiveness for this, and asking for help in creating the talisman. After this, the fire must be carefully blown out by blowing on it three times, the first two times weakly so that it does not go out, and the last time strongly.

Fourth stage

At the last stage, the amulet is endowed with the powers of the air element. You need to put the talisman on the palm of your left hand and bring it to your lips. Make a “tube” with your second palm and blow through it onto the amulet with all your strength. With each exhalation, you need to focus on your desire to breathe life into the chosen object. It is at this stage that the activation of the amulet is completed and after that it can be considered not only alive, but also belonging to the person who completed all the actions of the ritual.

When the amulet has just been purchased or made, it needs to be charged. This is the activation of the magical qualities inherent in it. Without this procedure, it will just be a beautiful thing. If it is made by someone else, it is necessary to remove foreign energy from it. We offer a description of rituals for cleaning amulets and charging them with the help of various elements.

What is an amulet

This is the word on Arabic means "to wear". This is an item endowed with magical powers. According to the plan, it should bring benefit to its owner and protect him from all sorts of troubles.

Often amulets are used as jewelry to be worn on the body. They are often found in cockpits, cars and other vehicles.

They are placed in houses. They can surround a barnyard. The materials of amulets are different. This includes wood, steel, and silver.

It is very important to clean and charge them in the right ways. Eat natural views amulets. They do not require additional feeding. By default, they already have powerful natural strength. These species include many animal elements, for example:

  • It gives its owner remarkable strength, like that of a bear.
  • A stone with a hole in the center. He protects livestock.
  • Clover with four leaves.

Cleansing procedure

It is based on prayer. A frying pan is used. Salt is poured into it. It is heated for 10 minutes. Fire mode - slow. During these minutes you need to stir the salt and say prayers, for example: “Our Father.” The salt is removed from the flame when it turns a little yellow.

After cooling, it is poured into a cup. An amulet is placed in this dish. The salt should cover it completely. He remains in this state all night. In the morning you can charge it.

There are different methods for this. They are outlined below.

Operation using a church candle

How to charge the amulet in this way? A church candle is placed on the table. You need to say prayers while moving the object over the fire. The displacement vector does not matter. Then the amulet should receive a charge of your energy.

He takes in left hand. You need to look at him and beg for help. You need to explain to him his purpose, what you expect from him. After this, the amulet is covered with the palm of the right hand. You should feel how the energy flow is directed from it. He fills the amulet. The transformed energy comes to you through your left hand. So this object becomes one with you.

Using the Elements

As you know, there are four elements: water, air, fire and earth. How to charge the amulet with one of them or all of them in combination?

The ritual requires components associated with them:

  • A handful of earth.
  • A glass of water.
  • Fire.

Working with the ground

The earth is poured into a clay cup. The amulet itself is buried. At the same time, you should read a prayer.

It is important to comply with the following criteria:

  • The soil must be dry.
  • The duration of the amulet's stay in the ground is the whole night. Under these conditions, it will receive the necessary charge.
  • When you take out the amulet, dig up the place where it was located.

Application of water energy

How to charge an amulet with water? First, it comes from a spring or other natural source. Secondly, it needs to be poured into a crystal glass. Place the amulet in this bowl. Read conspiracies over it that correspond to your goals (for protection, for luck, and so on). You need to really focus on your desires.

You can go to a natural spring. There, place your amulet at the bottom. Ask the water spirits to fill it with power.

If the material of your amulet is afraid of water, you can simply sprinkle it lightly on it.

You should not use waves that flow onto the shore and recede back for this ritual. They are believed to bring a lot of negativity.

Working with air

How to charge the amulet using this method? To solve this problem, wind is usually used. If it is on the street, this is the right moment for the intended procedure.

You need to stand where it blows more powerfully. Take the amulet in your hands and lift it. It should be well ventilated. At this moment, you can ask for help from the Higher powers and the wind.

Charging can also be done with smoke. Most often they burn juniper or wormwood. You can use them together.

Since ancient times, juniper has been considered a plant of Veles. They drove out evil spirits. Place the amulet so that it is enveloped in smoke. Then set fire to a sprig of this plant. When smoke appears, ask the deities and nature to fill the amulet with power.

Ritual with fire

In order for the amulet to receive the energy of fire, a fire is often used for this. It can be diluted on any important day for you. For example, on the day of Perun or Mokosh. This is Thursday and Friday.

The impact of a fire will be enhanced if it is built from specific types of wood. It should be free of trash and debris.

Light a fire. Place the amulet in your palms. Pass it over the flame. Ask for help from fire, gods, ancestors. In many cases this is enough.

If the amulet is fire-resistant, you can briefly put it directly into the fire, but so that it can be taken out without any problems. The noble fiery power will eliminate all negativity and fill the amulet with its energy.

You can use a new candle for the ceremony. To light it, use only a match. The amulet flies over her flames. In this case, you can ask for help from both fire and the gods. The task is that the amulet must acquire protective abilities.

After the procedure, the candle should burn out completely.

The color of the candle also matters. If it is green, the amulet will be aimed at healing. If - white, for the reign of goodness and understanding in your home. If it's red, it's for love.

If your amulet is not resistant to flame, then hold it in your palms. It will charge even after short contact of your hands with the fire.

Solar energy is also equivalent to fire energy. On a clear day, place the amulet in an open place so that the sun's rays fall on it.

You can charge the amulet during the full moon. The second acceptable option is during the ascending month. It's better to act on a clear night. This way the moonlight will completely touch the amulet.

Territories of power

Special energy is concentrated in religious areas. It can be transferred to objects if the material from which they are made is energy-intensive. Then the amulet will acquire enormous power. Precious metals have such qualities.

How to charge an amulet if it is made of silver or gold? First, the desired location is selected. There is power where rituals have been carried out since ancient times, sanctuaries have worked, and pagan celebrations have been held.

Ancient settlements are also suitable for this purpose. Even if only ruins remain of them today, magical power is still preserved here.

Examples of such places:

  1. Xin Stone
  2. Horse-Stone.
  3. Fool's stone.
  4. Arkaim.

You need to listen to the chosen place. Its energy should correspond to your intentions. You should feel it. Charging the amulet happens like this:

It is located on an earthen or stone surface. You ask the spirits of a given territory to grant him strength. Leave it here for 10-20 minutes. If conditions allow, you can leave it for a day. But 10 minutes is enough for a full charge. Energy transfer is instantaneous.

After the procedure, be sure to thank the spirits of the place for their support.

Elements in complex

How to properly charge an amulet using all the elements at the same time? To do this, all the necessary components are taken from nature. This is a handful of earth, a little spring water, smoke from lighted twigs, the sun or the flame of a fire. You can also use a candle.

How to charge the amulet at home with such a kit? The following algorithm is carried out:

  1. The amulet is sprinkled with a handful of earth.
  2. Spray with water or place in a container with it.
  3. Fumigated by smoke.
  4. It is carried out over a lit candle.

You can perform the ritual in nature. The same steps are performed. The place for the ceremony can be a clearing in the forest, some area in the meadow, on the bank of the river, in the garden.

Power from the trees

Trees can also imbue an amulet with positive energy. If you have your own highest patron, then the amulet is charged from his tree. Then the amulet will acquire the potential that you personally need.

The Slavs dedicated a specific tree to each deity:

  • Oak - Perun.
  • Spruce and juniper - Veles.
  • Maple - Rod.
  • Birch - Lada.
  • Aspen - Makosh.
  • Nut - Chernobog.
  • Ash - Yarile.

How to charge an amulet with wood energy? For the ritual, you need to find the right places on the tree itself. It could be:

  • Hollow.
  • Peeling bark.
  • Branching.

Place the amulet in any of these places. Contact the deity of this tree and the spirits of the forest with a request to help realize your plans.

Charging via yourself

This implies a connection with the cosmos, passing its energy through oneself. And then it penetrates into the amulet. The person himself is nourished by it. The ritual is contraindicated for people with very weak energy. They may faint and become seriously weakened.

How to charge an amulet at home in this way? Get some privacy. Light the green candle. Hold the amulet in your hands. Look at the burning candle for a couple of minutes. This will make it easier for you to fall into a trance.

Sit on a chair. Feet should touch the floor surface. This is a connection with the earth. Maintain an upright posture. Imagine this picture: a ray of light emerges from the top of your head. With its help you are in contact with the cosmos. It expands, you accept large amounts of positive energy. The whole body is gradually filled with light. You feel warm.

When the cosmic light, with the help of your imagination, appears in your hands, imagine that it penetrates the amulet. At this moment, you merge with the amulet. You can say these words:

“Give me me when I am weak, for you are me.”

Then return to the real world. Complete this connection. This procedure and one visual contact with the amulet is enough to feel a surge of fresh strength.

Ritual at home with water and spells

How to charge an amulet at home using water and spells? Follow the amulet to the bathroom. For ritual use only cold water. Wash your hands with soap. Wash yourself. Say three times:

“Water, wash my face, take away the pain, give me relief.”

Hold the amulet with your hands. Place it under the flow flowing water. Indulge in the feeling of it water flow. This makes it easier to dive into trance. Tell: " The purest water He washes away all the obstacles on his road. Nothing and no one can cope with its powerful flow. Remove all the dirt from my amulet, little water, and brighten it with your noise. So that all the dirty tricks would leave him, all sensations would leave him. May he be reborn and brighten again. Thank you, water."

You can use another conspiracy. There are many ready-made options. Choose any one you like.

After this, hold the amulet under water for a while. It is important to capture your energy and his. After the ritual, sleep one night away from the amulet. For example, place it in another room. This way it will finally recover and recharge.

Love rituals

How to charge an amulet for love? Usually the actions depend on the type of amulet with such a program. They are as follows.

Special runes

For example: Laguz, Kano and Gebo. A runescript is formed from them. The main requirement for it is harmony. You should feel that the created structure carries power. Signs can be of different colors. The color depends on your purpose:

  • Red is for passionate love.
  • Pink is for romance.
  • Green - for calm and deep relationships.

WITH reverse side amulet, write your details (date of birth and full name) and goals. Take it in your hands with the signs facing upwards. Imagine that each rune is charged from the penetrating light. Then comprehensively charge this entire rune system.

Pouch of Gris-Gris

Its material is red suede. Parameters: 5 x 10 cm. It contains ruby, turquoise, dried verbena, rhodolite, rosebuds and horse chestnut. Also add to this set an item associated with you, such as a ring, scarf, etc.

The required number of components here is: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 or 13. Odd order. It must be adhered to. Before being placed in the bag, all items are blessed on the altar. They can be baptized or spells cast over them.

When the bag is complete, a special mixture is added to it. It is created from amber, cardamom, rose and lavender. The bag is also coated with it on the outside. It needs to be pinned on the inside of the clothing. That's how he runs around.

Intuitive amulet

It is created from those components that you think are associated with love. For example: a heart figurine, a red ribbon, or a rosebud.

A red candle is used for charging. The process goes on over her flame. At the same time, you cast spells that you have personally created.

If you have difficulties with such an amulet, seek assistance from experts in this field.

About money amulets

For this purpose, it is optimal to work with several amulets at once. This opens up more ways to replenish the budget.

Amulets are divided into the following categories:

  1. Type of impact.
  2. Appearance.
  3. Observance of certain customs.

Amulets of the first category presented can be aimed at:

  • Receiving a sudden amount. As a rule, it is insignificant.
  • Income growth from an existing business or job. The increase in cash flow depends on the initial position of the business and the power of the amulet. The effect lasts for a very long time.
  • Creation of new money routes. For example, people often have a hobby that can bring them significant income, but they have no idea about it. Thanks to the amulet, the road to additional income opens.

The appearance of amulets can be elegant, like coins with holes, or simple, like ordinary banknotes or stones.

By custom these items may be Scandinavian, Chinese, Egyptian or Wiccan.

The most popular money amulets are:

  • Imperial coin.
  • Chinese

How to charge amulets with money? The methods depend on their types. They are outlined below.

First bill

Having received it, mentally say “I am opening the path to prosperity.” During the year, as income appears, say that money is drawn to money.

How to charge an amulet with money differently? You can imagine that other banknotes are attracted to this bill. Over time it will happen


It must be purchased on the first day of the new moon. You should not haggle or take change. When you bring the toad home, say that this is now its domain. Here it should bring financial well-being. Put her in her proper place and thank her. Clean it with water once a week.

How to charge the Toad money amulet in another way? With each arrival of finances, put part of the funds under it. One coin or banknote is enough.

Imperial coin

If it was done correctly, it will definitely attract monetary well-being to its owner.

How to charge an imperial amulet and handle it correctly? Charging occurs with your own energy. It’s as if you are communicating with the amulet, as if with best friend. Ask him for help. This procedure must be repeated 1-2 times in 14 days.

Proper handling of the amulet implies compliance with the following formalities:

  • Hide this item from everyone.
  • Do not give or give it to anyone.
  • Don't tell anyone about him.
  • Keep it clean and tidy.

It is best to always carry it with you. It is effective both at home and at work.

About the Slavic “Istok”

How to charge the amulet of origin? This question often interests those who want to purchase this item. By default, Slavic amulets are already charged. They give their owner clean solar energy.

However, there are opinions that such an amulet cannot be charged. This is true in many cases, but only for the average user.

This amulet is charged by the master for a specific person. This is a purely individual item of amulet. He speaks only with the consent of the customer. At the same time, his goals are taken into account.
