Conspiracy to the new moon for conception. How to conduct a conspiracy that will help you get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby

The main purpose of a woman is to become a mother. A family without children can be happy, but this happiness will be incomplete. If you really want to have a child, you can use magic.

There are a huge number of rites for conception that will help fulfill a dream. But before using the rituals for pregnancy, you need to make sure that there is no damage to the family for pregnancy and only after cleansing proceed with the rituals.

Damage to infertility

Where does damage to infertility come from

Sometimes a married couple cannot have children due to some kind of illness. Magic is not omnipotent, it can help, but does not guarantee complete healing. If doctors say that the spouses are healthy, but there is still no child, it is possible that the reason is damage to infertility.

Sometimes we are talking about a generic curse, which is not so easy to get rid of. It's easy to spot it. If there are many couples in the family who do not have children for inexplicable reasons, this is the effect of a curse. If the problems are only in your family, then we are talking about damage.

The evil eye or damage can bring ex-wives or mistresses, envious friends or relatives, and even a hostile mother-in-law. Very often this happens at a wedding, when all eyes are fixed on the bride.

It also happens that childless couples turn to witches who shift their curse onto another person. Then all their health problems miraculously disappear, but the victim suffers from diseases.

Signs of damage to infertility

Recognizing damage to infertility is not so difficult. Usually, girls begin to have nightmares in which there are ropes, spiders, knives, weapons, or coffins. Sometimes there are other signs.

The girl stops dreaming, she suddenly becomes obese, she feels constant dryness in her mouth, suffers from headaches, her skin becomes covered with spots and pimples. The woman looks bad, she has a feeling of anxiety, she does not want to live.

If damage is directed at a man, then he may start having problems with his heart or kidneys, he may suddenly become bald, get fat, there will be problems in bed, and difficulties with money.

How to remove damage to infertility

To get pregnant without problems, you need to remove the spoilage. This can be done with the help of various rituals, for example, we will talk about one of them.

It is necessary to collect 12 twigs. Every day you need to take three of them in your right hand and hit the fence saying: 2nd case symbolizes a dead tree. It is important that no one sees what you are doing.

Rules for the rites of conception

In order for the conception of a child to be successful, magical rituals can be performed. But before pronouncing conspiracies, it is important to observe a number of conditions that will increase the effectiveness of pregnancy rituals.

  • You only need to use these conspiracies if you are married, it is not recommended to use them to have a child from someone else's man.
  • The young month helps the growth of the fetus in the womb, so it is better to read conspiracies on the young moon.
  • You can turn to higher powers for help not only with the help of magic, but also by putting candles to the saints, who are the patron saint of children and pregnant women.
  • While reading the plot, you can not be distracted. Therefore, it is advisable to do this alone, turning off all phones.
  • For many peoples, it is the earth that is a symbol of fertility. A woman, in order to get pregnant faster, should perform rituals somewhere in nature, preferably standing barefoot on the ground. If it is winter outside, you can put flower pots around.

Rituals that will help you conceive a child faster

There are a huge number of rituals that help to get pregnant. You need to choose the one that you like the most.

Ritual with knots

One of the most popular rituals is the 40 knot ritual. Such a number of nodules is not accidental, because. It is 40 weeks that a woman carries her child under her heart. To get pregnant in the near future, you need to take a rope made from natural threads, cotton or hemp. Exactly at midnight, for forty days, knots must be tied on it, saying:

“That is not a knot tied, but the fetus is tied in the uterus. Will tie, will not untie. I begin, I begin, I conceive a child. God bless! Virgin Mary, help! Give me a child, God's servant (name). Amen".

When forty days have passed, you will have a talisman with bundles, which you need to put away in a safe place. It is needed not only to conceive a child, but also to help during childbirth, to alleviate suffering.

To conceive a child faster, you can use the egg ritual. For him, an ordinary egg is taken, on which you need to draw something symbolizing motherhood. You can depict a butterfly, a bird, a bee, a spiral.

The testicle is placed on the windowsill, where it must wait for the full moon. At night, you need to get up and pierce the egg with a needle. In the morning, the testicle is sprinkled olive oil. Then, dishes or other containers are taken (it is important that they do not drown) made from natural materials. An egg is placed in it and sent to float down the river.

If this is not possible, you need to draw water in the light of the moon, pour this water over the egg and bury it.

Strong conspiracy with church candles

This is one of the most powerful conspiracies that is suitable for conceiving a child. But it won't help everyone. If a woman has a mortal sin in her soul, she has ever got rid of a child with an abortion, then it is useless to wait for help.

In order for the plot to work, you need to choose the time of the growing moon. Before noon, go to church for seven candles. After the purchase, the change must be thrown into the donation box. Then you need to arrange candles in right order: first you need to approach the icon of Jesus Christ, then the Mother of God, after them - to St. Nicholas, and then place the remaining candles at any four icons.

Lighting a candle, you can’t leave right away, you have to wait for it to burn out at least half. At this time, it is advisable to read various prayers and pronounce the words of the conspiracy once.

Conspiracy on a church candle

“Lord, you created the earth in seven days. The bible speaks of seven sins. Seven days in one week, And seven letters in the word child. I ask you (the name of the saint), Send me pregnancy.

So it is necessary to bypass all seven icons. After that, it is advisable to stand a little in the middle of the church and go home. But this is not enough to conceive a child. Before you go to bed with your husband, you need to read another plot three times, and repeat this three more times after everything is over. This should be done until the desired pregnancy occurs. These are the words:

“A cow has calves, a horse has foals, a sheep has lambs, but I have no child. As the month grows, So God will send me a baby. Amen".

Carrying a baby under your heart is a great reward for every woman, however, not everyone can understand the joy of motherhood and get pregnant at their first desire. In this case, it is worth remembering that physiology is not always the cause of the inability to conceive. Often the reason may lie in the evil eye and damage, human envy - a conspiracy will help in this to get pregnant. You can read it yourself at home, and they do not require special preparation.

How does this magic work? As noted traditional healers and practicing magicians - such conspiracies help create a special, perfect biofield around a woman. The main thing is to tune in to the positive - this is the only way they will have their beneficial effect and help you get pregnant. It is worthwhile to conduct a ritual ceremony alone - experts call Thursday, the evening hours, the best day for this. Remember - the presence of a stranger or an inappropriate attitude will not allow you to achieve the desired result in the form of a desired pregnancy.

wedding ring spell to help you get pregnant

A conspiracy for pregnancy is carried out on your wedding ring - the ritual is simple and effective, while it can be carried out without any preparation. It is worth reading the following conspiracy over your own ring:

"Gathered together great people- all good people, all important birds are animals. As an image and a round ring roll into the light - so be my first-born in that ring. Old men - you look at the child with a wise eye, mothers - with a rough voice and speak, girls - scratch your hair, my first-born does not know grief. Like a ring in your pocket - so in the womb of my child to live, to be strong according to that word.

After that, just wrap the ring in a clean handkerchief and carry it in your pocket, as close to your body as possible - for example, a breastplate.

40 knot conspiracy - very strong

Next, you are presented with a strong conspiracy to conceive, carried out on a red woolen or cotton thread made of natural fiber - linen or cotton. It is carried out on the first day of the month according to the lunar calendar - it is in it that the 1st knot is tied on a thread and at the same time they say:

“You are a knot to a knot - you stick tightly. As I tied the knot, so I conceived a fetus in the uterus - they are strong and red, like my child is ruddy and healthy. Tie that knot - no one can untie it. Bless the Mother of God for the good deed."

After that, the thread should be hidden in a secret place - it’s not worth it to know about your ritual. So tie a knot every day in the morning, for 40 days - the main thing is not to miss a day, tying up the right amount knots on a thread. After that, the thread is hidden in a secluded place and they are waiting for the onset of pregnancy - this will be such a talisman and amulet, it will help to conceive a baby and facilitate her birth. When the woman in labor is safely delivered, the thread should be buried under a young tree or simply burned.

Conspiracy for the nascent month

A conspiracy to give birth to a child can also be carried out for a young month - it is advisable to carry it out in the evening, when a young month is visible in a clear sky. It is enough to open the window and say the words, referring to the night luminary.

“Lord God, Holy Most Pure Virgin Mary - as you conceived in your womb the immaculate Christ, help me, as the earth, to bear fruit and give birth, to your glory, to my joy.”

After that, you can strengthen the rite itself with honey - just put a simple bowl on the windowsill so that moonlight falls on it and then add some honey to it. When liquid honey is poured into it, you should say the following words:

“The more delicious this honey is for you, the healthier my child is.”

You can also adopt a conspiracy from the great Bulgarian healer Vanga - they spend it on the night from 1 to 2 lunar females according to the lunar calendar. To do this, go out into the yard or on extreme case balcony - look at the night sky, at the face of the young moon and at the same time it is worth stroking your stomach, clockwise, saying out loud:

“Our Lord, as you illuminated us with sunlight, gave us the moon, gentle clouds and bright stars - reward the servant of God ... name ... child. As the young moon is now conceived, so I will conceive in my womb.”

Such a simple ritual is carried out every growing month for lunar calendar- as practice shows, the desired pregnancy occurs in the next six months.

Next, consider another conspiracy to the growing night luminary - it must be carried out on Friday. But at the very beginning, before that, it is worth visiting the temple and praying to the icons of Christ and the Virgin, putting candles on them and collecting water consecrated in the temple. In the evening of the same day, they perform a ritual between 11 and 12 pm, or rather, already at night.

To carry it out, you should wear spacious, white color shirt and open the window shutters, or go out onto the balcony, dissolve your curls and put a basin of water on the floor, stand in it with bare feet. Take water from it and water yourself, while saying:

“As the water is holy and pure, it slid and rolled off me - so all the evil spirits and troubles roll off me. A young month is growing in heaven - and that servant of God ... name ... in the womb today will conceive a child. Help me Christ and the Mother of God - reward me with a child.

Then wipe yourself dry and make the sign of the cross three times, read the same number of times Orthodox prayer"Our Father" go to sleep. But the water itself should be poured outside the house - preferably under the roots of a tree.

Bath water conspiracy

Since ancient times, the bath has been associated with everything clean, and it was in it that for many centuries in Rus' children were conceived. To conduct a ritual for an early conception, it is worth preparing in advance a scoop and a trough, a long linen shirt.

In the bathhouse itself, the woman stood in the tub with her feet and doused herself with water, while necessarily pronouncing the words of the following conspiracy:

“Like dirty water rolls off me, and all the hardships are washed off me - I water them with my feet, wash them with white hands. Like a young month - it is growing, so this servant of God ... name ... a child conceives. Our creator - help me, Mother of God - autumn.

After that, they wiped themselves dry and watered a tree or a bush.

Conspiracy with a silver cross

A conspiracy for a successful and quick pregnancy can be read at home and on a silver pectoral cross - this Orthodox ritual has long been revered in Rus' and considered successful even in difficult and hopeless cases. To conduct it, it is worth taking water from a well or a column into a jug from the very morning, and putting a pectoral silver cross there. They put it on the windowsill and leave it until the next morning - with the first rays of the sun they cover their heads with a scarf and take it out of the vessel, read the Orthodox prayer "Our Father".

“Hide my sickness, my seen - yes, not seen in a dark and deep pit, do not return to the servant of God ... name ..., perish and go away."

After that, you should cross yourself three times and sprinkle with water from a jug, and drink the rest throughout the day. As many couples who have not had children for a long time say, it was this ritual conspiracy that helped them conceive a child.

Ritual with a rag doll

The ritual with the so-called doll - a motanka for pregnancy - is a rite akin to the ancient magic of Voodoo, however, widely used in the vastness of many countries, and not just the hot continent. If a woman dreamed of a baby, she herself made a doll out of rags, and even old clothes can be used, but they didn’t cut her, but tore them with her hands.

In the process of creating a doll important condition was that the outfits were not sewn, but exclusively wound up, and the face itself remained without fail faceless. In each hand of the doll, they put grains as a symbol of future children, while the body was sculpted like that of a pregnant woman, with a convex belly. When your doll is ready, they read any of the conspiracies to conceive a baby over her head and did it exclusively in the attic, away from prying eyes. The main condition is that the process of creating a doll and reading a conspiracy should not be seen by more than one man, even if it is a spouse, and even more so to know where such a talisman is stored.

Ritual for rolling a chicken egg

How did our ancestors do before, if a woman could not conceive for a long time? They rolled it out like a curse or an evil eye - with the help of an egg. For this magical ritual it is worth preparing in advance a fresh, daily chicken egg, which should be taken from a laying hen, and the fresher it is, the better. After that, the woman is seated facing the iconostasis and given a lit wax candle from the temple in her hands - the assistant with the egg stands behind her back and, without taking it off the body, begins to roll, moving from the top of her head to the very tips of her toes. When carrying out such manipulations, it is worth pronouncing the following words:

“As I shake this egg over my body, I expel any illness from it. Wherever it passes through the body, so all the pain will go away into the egg. As the Lord saves the servant of God ... the name ... so this testicle will eliminate all ailments from her, give new life to her womb, and all sorrows - slanders will blow away.

Such rolling out is best done several times - after rolling out the egg was not broken, but completely buried somewhere under a bush or a tree. As a rule, it was enough to conduct 3-4 such sessions and the woman could safely conceive a child.

Every year more and more couples face difficulties in the process of conceiving a child. According to statistics, about 10% of families go to medical institutions with the problem of female or male infertility.

In women, the reasons most often lie in:

  • Adhesions of the fallopian tubes due to inflammation.
  • abnormal development of the uterus.
  • Violation of the menstrual cycle.

For men, if they do not have obvious congenital or acquired testicular defects - in reducing the number and viability of spermatozoa.

Of course, there are other reasons that cause infertility, for example, the immunological incompatibility of the organisms of the spouses. But even with the most pessimistic forecasts, there is always a small chance, from the incredible section, for a miraculous birth of a child.

Folk methods

With the development of medicine and an increase in the number of medical institutions, many methods and recipes of folk medicine have been forgotten and lost. But our great-grandmothers could solve problems with conceiving children without any IVF. They knew a conspiracy to get pregnant or prayed to certain saints, they did not shy away from witchcraft. Old recipes had a magical effect on childless couples.

The most effective conspiracies:

  • Conspiracy for the young month.
  • Ritual with knots.
  • Bath water conspiracy.
  • Ritual with a rag doll.
  • Ritual with willow or birch rods.
  • skating chicken egg.

Do not despair if you have not been able to get pregnant for a long time. In addition to traditional methods, there are many different magical ways to achieve successful fertilization.

Conspiracy for the birth month

The ceremony was planned for the evening. They opened a window, read certain words, turning to the night sky: Mandatory in the conspiracy was an appeal to God, the passionate wishes of a woman to give birth to a child, poetic phrases that compared the work of the Lord in creating the Earth with the sacrament of conceiving a new life. They ended the conspiracy with prayerful chants: “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Sometimes they strengthened the rite with honey. At the beginning of the action, they put a bowl on the windowsill, then, “charged” with holy words, they ate with their husband with the words: “The tastier the honey, the healthier the baby in the womb.”

Knot tying rite

This action symbolized 40 weeks of childbearing. For manipulation, a special rope was needed. At 12 o'clock for 40 days, they tied 1 knot on a stump, pronouncing a conspiracy to conceive: “It is not a knot that is tied, but the fetus is tied in the womb. Will tie, will not untie. I start, I start, I conceive a child. God bless! Virgin Mary, help! Give a child to me, God's servant (they were called). Amen".

A rope with 40 knots tied was kept under the featherbed until the plan was completed.

For a magical effect, many women preferred to take not an ordinary rope, but from a linen or cotton thread, and always red.

bath water spell

The bath at all times carried an additional, sacred, load in addition to its direct function of cleansing the body. For magic:

  • They took a ladle, a trough, a long shirt.
  • In the washing room, the hostess went barefoot into the trough and rinsed, reading the conspiracy for pregnancy: “Like water from me, the servants of God (they were called), merges, rolls down and slides off, so the barren fruits roll down, merge, slip off. I trample with my feet, I wash with my hands. As the month grows in heaven, so the servant of God (they were called) begins. Creator help! Mother of God, autumn! Amen".
  • The hostess dried herself dry, changed her shirt.

A prerequisite: flower or fruit bushes are watered with charmed water and then observed for the ovary of fruits.

Conspiracy with a silver cross

There is another rite no less effective than the previous ones.

  1. In the morning, on a clear day, at sunrise, well water was poured into the jug and a silver cross was lowered.
  2. They put the dishes on the windowsill until the next day.
  3. In the morning, covering their heads, they crossed themselves, took out a cross, read the Our Father and prayed to St. Panteleimon the Healer.
  4. After that, a conspiracy from women's ailments was whispered into the water, repeating it for fidelity. They asked the disease to hide in the deepest hole, not to return to the servant of God (they were called), the abyss, to go far.
  5. Then they were baptized, sprinkled themselves with this water and drank the remaining water during the day in small sips.

For many childless couples dreaming of a child, this conspiracy has helped.

Ritual with a rag doll

A woman dreaming of children had to make a small rag doll. For these purposes, it is not forbidden to use old clothes.

What were the conditions for the plot to work:

  1. The fabric was not cut, but torn by hand.
  2. The outfit for the doll (scarf, apron, skirt) was not sewn on, but wound on.
  3. The face could not be painted - it was left faceless.
  4. Swaddling wrappers were put into the hands of the doll, which symbolized future children.
  5. The body at the amulet was sometimes very plump, simulating pregnancy.
  6. Over the finished doll, they read any conspiracy to conceive a child and hid it in the house. As a rule - in the attic, from prying eyes.

Men should never see the process of making and storing the amulet.

Ritual with willow rods

Very often infertility is associated with stress. A healthy woman cannot conceive a child, gets nervous, worries, begins to feel guilty. She is changing hormonal background and the problem gets worse.

To remove the cause, the ritual "Fence Punishment" was used. They prepared twelve birch or willow rods, and quilted with wicker, gathered in bundles of three, wattle, shouting: “I beat you for barrenness. Help get rid of infertility! To give fruit to the garden, and to the servant of God (they were called) to conceive children. As I command, so shall it be. Amen".

Thanks to the beating, tension and anxiety were relieved.

Rolling a chicken egg

Childlessness in the old days was interpreted by inducing damage, the influence of magic. And the evil eye and diseases were often treated by rolling a chicken egg over the body. For this action:

  • A daily egg was required, which was taken from a laying hen.
  • The sick person was seated near the icons and lit church candles.
  • The medicine man stood up behind and rolled the egg without taking it off the patient's body, starting from the top of her head and down to her feet.

There are many spells associated with divination or healing. One of them: “I roll an egg over my body, I drive out all kinds of ailment and misfortune. Wherever it passes, all the pain will be carried away from there. As the Creator of the servant of God (they were called) keeps, so the egg will eliminate all diseases, give new life, and blow away sorrows.

After the procedure, any conspiracy for pregnancy was pronounced. The shell was broken and examined. The picture was judged on the neglect of the disease.

Rolling out was subsequently repeated a couple more times until the person was cured.

Rites and prayers that do not require preparation

Every woman who dreams of the joy of motherhood had her own set of ritual words, incantations and prayers that she spoke daily. Here are just a few, but more than once proven rituals:

  1. Words about the birth of a child. They spoke them five times, in intercourse. They turned to the month, placing their palms on their stomachs: “A horse has foals, a cow has calves, a sheep has lambs, I have no child. As the month grows, it grows, so let a seed from a seed be a baby for me. Bless, Lord. Amen".
  2. Appeal to the four sides of the horizon. They said to each separately: “Where are you, my child, my body is waiting for you. Fire, air and water, help my dreams!

It does not matter which rite you choose for yourself. Your faith also plays a role here. After all, if there is no faith that the conspiracy will help, then the result may not be achieved.

How to perform rituals?

A conspiracy for pregnancy, magical actions that contribute to the appearance of a child, worked in a special spiritual and physical condition. So that the child was born healthy, they tried to feed the expectant mothers wholesome food with a high content of vitamins and essential macro and microelements. Of course, they didn’t know such words before, but by experience they found that vegetables, fruits, dairy products, cereals, fish and meat helped a woman achieve the necessary puberty, menstruate regularly and not throw off the fetus.

The weight of a woman was of great importance - with an average height and body weight of less than 50 kg, the chances of pregnancy decreased. However, excess weight also interfered with the birth of a child due to hormonal imbalance. Therefore, young women in the body were prescribed strict observance of fasts so that they could become pregnant, and indulgences were made for the thin ones.

How were the rituals for pregnancy:

  1. They began to prepare for conspiracies and rituals in advance, predicting their beginning by the time when the crescent of the moon resembled an inverted "C". It was believed that the growing month strengthens the woman's requests for the gift of a child.
  2. Some prayers and ancient magic spells were spoken only on a certain day of the week, for example, on Thursday. This happened because of the special significance of this day in Holy Week. Great Clean Thursday personified the transition from a sinful life to spiritual cleansing. According to the Bible, on this day the Last Supper took place, where the Lord introduced his disciples to the rite of Holy Communion. The belly of a woman is often called the vessel of life, so requests for conception are enhanced by the spiritual content of this day of the week.
  3. During rituals, church candles were used. They were lit in order to apply the power of holiness and to cleanse the space from demons that could enter the womb of a woman.
  4. At the time of reading conspiracies or prayers, the woman focused on thoughts about the child. She visualized his presence in her stomach, imagined how the fetus was growing and moving.
  5. The plots were read by heart. Great importance in the fulfillment of desire had faith in a miracle.
  6. Before embarking on rituals, a married couple must undergo a rite of purification and repentance.

A man, the wife of a woman, should want a child and help his wife pray for his coming. Men's vitality and confidence in a miracle multiply the woman's prayers tenfold.

It is important to remember that the consequences of an incorrectly performed rite are deplorable. At best, children will not be born, at worst, health will be greatly undermined.

Prayers at the icons

In Orthodoxy, there are several prayers that helped spouses become parents. Previously, in each hut there was a red corner with icons, and among them were the beloved patron saints, to whom they prayed especially earnestly.

Icons were especially revered by women who yearned for motherhood:

  • Xenia of Petersburg.
  • Matrona of Moscow.
  • Alexander Svirsky.
  • Serafimo-Dievskaya.
  • Assistance in childbirth.
  • Mother of God.
  • Luke Krymsky.

Infertile couples devoted a lot of time to prayers to saints and trips to monasteries. This helped the woman become pregnant, her mind and body were in goodness and peace. The monastic diet, drinks with herbs, a measured daily routine, the harmonious effect of prayers on spouses worked magic. Conspiracies and prayers helped women conceive a child.

There are many places known for their holiness and healing of the terminally ill:

  1. Zachatievsky Monastery. For the grace performed by Tsar Fedor as a gift to the Creator, God gave his barren wife Irina Godunova a daughter. In the temple there is an icon of the Merciful Mother of God, which grants the happiness of motherhood to barren women at their insistent requests.

  2. Murom convent. There are the relics of St. Peter and Fevronia. For a successful conception, they come to prayer on July 8.
  3. The Diveevsky Monastery is famous for the fact that it was in it that Tsar Nicholas II and his wife Alexandra Feodorovna begged for their heir Alexei. The relics of Seraphim of Sarov are kept in the monastery.
  4. The Chapel of Xenia of Petersburg is located at the Smolenskoye Cemetery in St. Petersburg. St. Xenia the Blessed deserved her ascension by meek and devoted love for her husband. Patronizes expectant mothers.
  5. In the Pokrovsky Monastery there are relics and an icon of St. Matrona Righteous. A saint who called on the afflicted to come to her with grief and joy.
  6. The source of the Holy Great Martyr Paraskeva in the village of Salaur, Ryazan Region. At the annual religious procession, women pray for the miracle of the birth of a child. It is famous for its healing power. Pilgrims come to him from different places.

With the help of prayers to the saints, much can be achieved. The main thing is to believe in the power of the Lord and that He will help.

Childbirth rituals may be the last chance for some girls to get pregnant. There are a huge number of reasons that can prevent conception and successful pregnancy. To deal with such reasons, you can use one of the existing rites of black or white magic.

From a very early age, girls dream of growing up and becoming mothers, this is evidenced by the corresponding children's games, diary entries and much more. When a girl becomes a woman, she understands that life is much more complicated than it seemed to her before and becoming a mother is not so easy. Pregnancy conspiracies are designed to help a girl have her own child, they can be used to overcome a variety of obstacles, including various female diseases. Be that as it may, any such ritual can significantly increase the chance of pregnancy.

How effective are these rituals?

No matter how powerful magical rites are, none of them can give a 100% guarantee for pregnancy and a successful birth. In life, we can face insurmountable obstacles and various troubles, and only a real miracle can help some women have a baby. Magic can become just such a miracle, but it may not become one, it depends on a large number of different, sometimes completely individual factors.

It is necessary to choose the time of the ritual very carefully, since a temporary separation from a loved one or the inability for some reason to have intimate contact can nullify all efforts. In addition, if immediately after the ceremony there are difficulties with the beloved, due to the magical effect, not quite what we want may happen, for example, pregnancy from another man.

The consequences of rituals for pregnancy

Any magical influence has its consequences. Most often, when using black rites, for temporary well-being and happiness, the performer will have to pay in the future. Black magic can have an extremely negative impact on the health of a woman, as well as on the health of a baby. Pregnancy can take place not in the most prosperous way, a variety of difficulties are possible. Therefore, if the black rite is your last hope, you need to take a very responsible approach to its implementation.

Be sure to follow all the requirements and recommendations, leave a payoff, put up protection, carry out cleaning and everything that is required in such cases.

If you are completely inexperienced in witchcraft, then you should not start immediately with dark magic in any case. The consequences of a strong ritual performed by an inexperienced person can be simply catastrophic.

In some cases, one of your relatives will have to pay for your happiness. Experienced magicians say that an entity can appear to the mother of a woman who has become pregnant with the help of a dark ritual and offer to pay with her life or health, for the life and health of the baby.

How to conduct a ceremony for the birth of a child

Exists a large number of conspiracies and rituals, the purpose of which is pregnancy. The ritual is chosen depending on each individual case and taking into account the many individual characteristics of the performer, goal, lover and much more. Below are effective magical rites.

Full moon ritual

The most favorable time for a pregnancy ritual is the new moon. At this time, otherworldly forces are most active and it is easiest to get in touch with them.

To perform the ceremony, you need to wait for the night, open the window from which the new moon is visible and expose your naked stomach to the light. Now we stroke the stomach with the palm of the left hand clockwise (if the clock hung on the stomach).

At this time, we pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“Lord God, Heavenly Father, as you gave people the sun and moon, earth and clouds, clear skies and clear stars, so give me a servant of God (name), give me a baby, let me carry and give birth to a child. As a young month was born in heaven, so let a child be born in my womb. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Now you need to brew fresh tea for yourself and your lover. Add some honey to tea and say the words:

“The sweeter the tea, the stronger the fruit. Amen".

Have some tea and go to bed.

Ritual with a rope

In order to get pregnant, it is tedious to take a long rope (best of all from natural materials).

Now, for the next forty days, tie one knot on that rope every night and say:

“As I tie knots, so the fruit is tied in my womb. Tie up and never untie. Every day the fruit arrives, grows stronger. I start, I start, I start a new child. Lord Jesus Christ Mother Holy Mother of God have mercy on me, servant of God (name), give me a child. Amen. Amen. Amen".

If you manage to get pregnant during this ceremony, do not interrupt the cycle in any case. You need to read 40 days and tie 40 knots. This will not only allow pregnancy to proceed as safely as possible, but will also facilitate and secure childbirth.

Ritual for another girl

The main feature of this ritual is that the performer cannot be the target. It can be performed on any woman who is not your blood relative. The rite must be performed in the forest at sunset. You need to prepare in advance:

  • a little rowan;
  • red clay;
  • silver spoon;
  • candles.

In the forest, you need to place candles around the girl. Now you need to draw a circle on her stomach with red clay (you can directly on the clothes). Read the words of the conspiracy three times:

“Because of the high mountains, because of the black seas, a fair maiden will come in white robes, in snow-white attire. In her name I conjure the servant of God (the name of the target), I put her name in her stomach, I lay the child. Let it be so".

Rowan berries need to be crushed in a clay or wooden bowl with a silver spoon.

Now give the mountain ash to the girl with the same spoon so that she eats it. Pronounce words:

“The red rowan enters inside, brings the white soul inside. It flows down to the belly, from the scarlet lips to the very navel. The red veins in the body will receive the message, it will be carried through all the veins. As the name of the girl says, so it will appear inside the servant of God (name). Yes, in nine months the child will appear in the family. I'll hide the key in a silver spoon. I will save you from the hustle and bustle. No one sees the key, no one can open the lock from the girl (name). As I say, so shall it be."

After that, it is necessary to completely coat the spoon with red clay, wrap it in a white cloth and throw it over the girl - the purpose of the ceremony. The girl needs to pick up a spoon and hide it under her bed. The spoon should remain there until the woman incurs.

On the way out of the forest, you need to carefully consider the people you meet. The first man and woman to wear a red shirt or hat should be asked about their name, and that name will need to be given to the baby born.

This rite can be performed only during the growing moon, as soon as it is favorable for conception and pregnancy.

It should be noted that it is not always necessary to read a conspiracy for a very quick conception for the appearance of pregnancy. There are a number of signs and rituals that, without reading and requests from higher powers, will help in solving such a problem. We will consider the most effective of them below.

If you cannot get pregnant, but you have all the prerequisites for this, doctors do not forbid you to have children, then you can resort to the following method: go up and ask the pregnant woman for something. It can be candy, seeds or water. In general, what you can eat. This method has been used in old times. Some villages in Kievan Rus for the birth of warriors, all married women were driven into the bathhouse, and one pregnant woman gave them seeds, after which the women steamed and left the bathhouse. What you asked for a pregnant woman must be eaten without fail. Do not worry: the person who gives you will not lose the fruit and nothing bad will happen to her. Conception will occur throughout the year.

The last way without the use of conspiracies for pregnancy and conception - literally immediately after intercourse, lie flat on your back (before that, do not go anywhere or get up), close your eyes and put your hands on your stomach. Now your fantasy should work: imagine how a new life. Say out loud or to yourself:

"I allow, and I'm pregnant," and go to bed. The main thing here after the ritual is not to get up and not go anywhere. You should go to sleep. This method helps to immediately conceive a baby.

In all in these ways there is one minus - it is not known who you will have: a boy or a girl. In most cases, there is a pattern: if a pregnant woman has a boy's fetus under her heart, then you will have a girl. And vice versa. In the case when you performed the ceremony for conception at home according to the third method, then here is an additional solution. You can put a toy soldier under your pillow for several days. Only the future father should do this and quietly from his wife, then the birth of a son will be for sure.

In the first and second cases, it is better not to do such a ritual using a toy, otherwise it can lead to a loss of pregnancy or, which is also not very good, affect the child externally. A daughter will be born with the appearance or behavior of a boy. Therefore, it is better not to conduct such experiments with a long-awaited pregnancy.

Conspiracies and prayers

The strongest conspiracy or rite for conception should take place only during the new moon or the first phase of the moon. You can choose which day you like best. Some healers recommend adhering to women's and men's days. It all depends on who you want: a son or a daughter. Please note that it is recommended to carry out a strong conspiracy to conceive a child only when the woman is confident in her thoughts. To use such sacraments, you must be sure that you want a child for yourself, and not for a strong family or because your husband wants it that way. There is a main rule here: a woman must be sure that the child is necessary for her personally. Once you have that confidence, any strong spell or prayer will help.

Let's get down to specifics. So, you have complete confidence that you, as a mother, not only want a child and are able to give him everything for life ( wealth do not take into account):

  • Love;
  • warm;
  • understanding;
  • guardianship;
  • friendship.

Now you should choose the day when to conduct the ceremony and read conspiracies or prayers. In no case do not listen to those who recommend reading conspiracies or performing rituals during church holidays. Especially often, people practicing black or gray magic recommend asking higher powers for conception and reading conspiracies during Holy Week or Easter. Remember! This is strictly prohibited. The fact is that Holy Week itself has a designation for every day. The Easter holiday is very important, since on this day prayers are read only for health and for the praise of the Son of God, for his resurrection. So, interrupting such prayers for a second with your petition for such an important event in your life, you will break the harmony and arouse the wrath of the Almighty.

Conspiracies that are real and will help in any case exist and belong to white magic. If the tips described at the beginning of the article did not help you, then the problem lies in the damage or curse of the clan. It is advisable to contact a healer for purification, but if there is no such possibility or the grandmother claims that there is nothing on you, but pregnancy does not occur, and there are no children, you should go to church for communion and absolution. Next, visit a sauna or bath with your husband (be sure to take sacred water, which you should drink all the time while you are steaming), after which you can proceed to rituals and reading conspiracies for the appearance of children.

If you are afraid to use a strong conspiracy (which is understandable and understandable), you can purchase a prayer book in the church, in which there will be prayers for cleansing your family from sins, from illnesses and for the quick birth of children. It should be noted that this is the best means to safely endure and give birth healthy child.

Provided that you don’t want to wait and prayer is not your style, there is a strong conspiracy using water that both you and your spouse (chosen one) will need to drink: for salt and for the moon. Let's get to know them better.

Early in the morning during sunrise, one might say with the first rays, draw unopened water into a 3-liter bottle. Now whisper the following words to her:

“The sun is rising, the water is flowing. She moves, spins, keeps me tangled. Help me, pure water, to conceive healthy baby to receive into the bosom. Let the seed of the husband in my body be fruitful, grow. Whether it be a son or a daughter, it makes no difference to me. Pour you, untouched water, help - give me a child. Amen (3 times)."

Such a conspiracy is strong, subject to all the rules: the new moon, unopened water, it cannot be boiled or boiled on it. Drink during the day with your husband in equal amounts. This procedure is carried out daily for a week. Always draw at least 3 liters of water. By the end of the day it should be gone.

For the appearance of children, you can use a plot for salt. For this, it is necessary to consecrate new salt along with water and food during baptism or Easter. Make sure that the salt bag is unpacked and water (at least one drop) gets into it. Bringing home, do not forget to do all the rituals described earlier: cleansing in the bath, visiting the church for communion. Only in this way can you be sure that the birth of a healthy child is guaranteed to you. Now let's move on to reading the text in salt:

“Salt on the table, salt in food, salt in the head, in the blood. With her, my happiness will quickly come, salt will give me children.

Now you can use it for cooking, just add salt and add to the blockage.

There are simple effective conspiracies for the possibility of conception, which do not require special skills and training, but are based mostly on the power of thought. The simplest conspiracies for pregnancy are best read before going to bed, looking out the window. The prayer is read five times:

Into the window

“The cat has kittens, the dog has puppies, the sheep have lambs, the cows have calves, and the servant of God (name) has no child. As the moon grows in the sky, it fills the cheeks, so from a grain of wheat - a spikelet grows. So from a seed a baby will grow for me. Amen".

Another effective rite for conception or a conspiracy for pregnancy is performed on the new moon in front of a mirror. Standing in front of the mirror, in a nightgown, with your hair down, put your hand on your stomach, and imagine how a little life grows inside, feel the warmth, imagine how a small heart beats. When you are ready, start reading the plot:

On a full moon mirror

“As a new month was born today, so would I give birth to a healthy boy. As the moon grows in the sky every day, so life grows in my stomach. Very soon we will live not together, but three.”

In combination with the above conspiracies, you need to read prayers for water:

On the water

“Holy Mother of God, help me feel the joy of motherhood. They sent angels to me from heaven: a son like a falcon, and a daughter like a swallow.

After this conspiracy, you should drink some water and go to bed as soon as possible.

Conception with the help of effective conspiracies

In this article:

Every woman dream of becoming a mother. This is a natural and correct desire. When pregnancy does not occur for a long time, and doctors only shrug their shoulders - try conspiracies to conceive.

Effective conspiracies help everyone, but it will be necessary not only to prepare, but also to conduct a small ritual. This magic does not contradict your faith, because it does not carry negativity. This good words strength. They will help you be happy. There are many conspiracies. Some of them can only be done by an experienced practitioner. You better start with simple ones - any woman can independently conduct such a ritual.

Conspiracies to conceive a child

When you have already tried everything from drugs to acupuncture, and pregnancy still does not occur, try conspiracies. This is very strong white magic. It is practiced by women all over the world, because no one is immune from problems with conception. It is not necessary to tell your husband that you are performing a ritual.

If he does not believe in this method, then he can only interfere with you with his doubts.

Your choice is correct.

Why pregnancy does not occur

Very often it is energy causes that lead to infertility:

  • evil eye;
  • damage;
  • the curse of the family;
  • past abortions.

Someone could envy your happiness, jinx it, send damage. Someone may laugh at this, but damage, the evil eye, the curse were and remain an energy danger. Beautiful, successful woman a good husband always envy. Some only sigh kindly, while others wish her to lose all this out of envy. Such people destroy themselves, but they can do much harm.

If you have a long-standing evil eye, then pregnancy may not occur.

Doctors say that everything is in order, you just have to wait. The woman has been waiting for years. Strong conspiracies for pregnancy to allow you to free yourself from the influence of negative energy. They cleanse you, literally reset the female program.

If you have health problems, then do not neglect the prescribed treatment. In combination with a conspiracy, the treatment will work faster and more efficiently. Abortions carry a strong negative program. If you had to have an abortion - be sure to go to church, ask for forgiveness. Situations are very different, but abortion leaves a very strong negative imprint on you. Pray, light candles. Asking for forgiveness is hard, but possible. You will succeed, because now the conspiracies of white magic are on your side.

The rite will get rid of the evil eye

If traditional methods and easy conspiracies do not help you, then damage or evil eye is on you. This conspiracy helps to get rid of negative program. Go to the new moon in the evening in the forest, park. Break off 7 branches from any tree. You can’t cut, saw off, you just need to break it with your hands. Come to wooden fence. Now you need to repeat the plot and whip the fence with twigs. It symbolizes a dead tree that will no longer give shoots, leaves, flowers.

“I beat you for infertility! Help inform him! blooming garden give fruits, And I, God's servant (name), give birth to children. It will be as she said!

In some cases, serious cleaning from negative influences may be required.

You can whip as many times as you want. Repeat this ritual for 4 days in a row. If on the 5th day you find out that one of your relatives or friends suddenly fell ill, it was this person who imposed the damage. Now all the negative is gone, and you will be able to get pregnant in the next 6 months.

Conspiracy for candles

It only helps those who have not had an abortion. If this sin lies on a woman, then try another way. In the church, buy 7 candles, and give all the change to the poor. Candles should be placed near the icon of the Virgin, Panteleimon the Healer. Put the rest at any other icons. Say 7 times:

“Lord, you created the earth in seven days. The bible speaks of seven sins. Seven days in one week, And seven letters in the word child. I ask you (the name of the saint), Send me pregnancy.

You need to stay in the church until all the candles burn out.

Slavic ritual for early conception

The Slavic conspiracy for conception is done on the day of the goddess Makosh. She patronizes women and helps in conducting good rituals. This rite is done from June 21 to 24 or any Friday. During this period, your feminine energy is especially strong. Near the river, find the most beautiful willow, which has already given green leaves. Tear off a few branches, weave a hoop. You will need to lower it onto yourself - lower it on your head, run it all over your body and put it on the ground. As you lower the hoop, say:

“A mother came into the world, brought her children, and gave me (her name) a belly. I became pregnant. She went through the circle, found happiness in motherhood.

Weaving a hoop from willow branches is not a difficult task.

After that, you can plant twigs in the ground close to the water or let it flow. Willow has healing powers. It would be useful to make or buy a real talisman - a piece of willow. Wear it around your neck.

You need to be prepared for the fact that the conspiracy can work very quickly. The more you desire a child, the higher the effectiveness of the conspiracy to conceive. If one doesn't work, be sure to try another. The right way is there.

This can't be done

This is white magic, which is aimed at making a woman or an entire family happier. There are restrictions:

  • You can't conspire out of revenge. Some women want to get pregnant as soon as possible in order to receive alimony, tie a man to themselves, and marry successfully. Your selfish goals are not spoken out loud, but the Universe sees and knows everything. A child is happiness, not an instrument for making a profit;
  • Trying to get pregnant in this way from someone else's husband is also a sin. Your happiness should not make anyone else unhappy;
  • If you are not sure that you want a child, in no case do a conspiracy and a ceremony. Getting pregnant through a white conspiracy, and then killing the child, giving it to others is an unforgivable mistake.

In all other cases, you can do any of these conspiracies. They bring happiness, love, make the family really complete.
