“Policeman from Rublyovka” Sergey Burunov: “Fans should be surprised with their roles, and not with what you ate for breakfast. Sergei Burunov - personal life, biography, wife, children New roles and series with his participation

0 4 May 2019, 11:00

42-year-old Sergey Burunov can now be seen in almost every high-profile project. Of the latter - the series by Konstantin Bogomolov, where the artist played an official who regularly cheats on his wife with "girls with low social responsibility," as Burunov himself put it. Before that there were "House Arrest", " Short course family life"," Kitchen "and dozens and dozens of other roles. We share interesting facts from the biography of the artist.

He was going to be a pilot

If Sergei Burunov had not become a screen star, most likely he would have been sitting at the helm of the aircraft. The artist dreamed of the profession of a military pilot since childhood: the family lived not far from Domodedovo, and his father often took his sons to demonstration performances at the Tushino airfield and the air base in Kubinka.

According to Burunov, when at the age of 13 he first appeared on such performances, he "blew the valve": he decided that he would become a pilot. In high school, he studied at the flying club, after school he entered the Kachin Higher Military Aviation School for Pilots. But the student got bored with the chosen profession over time: mainly due to the fact that the teachers paid more attention to theory rather than practice - and there was already much less romance in this.

Sergei Burunov on the set of the series "Policeman from Rublyovka"

He started with KVN

During his studies, Sergei had another passion: he began to play KVN, loved to parody officers and classmates. As a result, the dream of the stage outweighed, and Burunov dropped out of school. Because of this, by the way, there was a big scandal at home, and his parents did not talk to him for two months.

Having abandoned the dream of flying, Burunov failed the exams at the Shchukin Higher Theater School and studied at the circus school for a year. On the second attempt, Sergei nevertheless became a student of "Pike", where his comedic talent was revealed.

Work in the theater

After graduating, the actor spent four years on the stage of the Moscow Academic Theater of Satire, where he was engaged in several performances, played one role in "Teatre.doc", but soon began acting in the show " A big difference"and finally said goodbye to the theater.

In addition to frequent appearances in the frame, Burunov also works a lot behind the scenes: he is now one of the most sought-after dubbing actors and has voiced more than 200 films, as well as some computer games. Sergey's voice is spoken by numerous Hollywood stars, from Johnny Depp to Danny DeVito, and most often Leonardo DiCaprio, whom he voiced in more than a dozen films. According to Burunov, this job is no easier than filming a movie:

The most difficult thing is to play all this in front of a microphone. For what the artist does in the frame, he prepared for a long time, trained, rehearsed ... As they say, he doesn’t do all this with a cold nose. And you are standing in front of a microphone in a warm studio in an incomprehensible mood, and you have to manage to do all the same.

During an interview with Yuri Dudyu, Burunov admitted that the work of a dubbing actor is obscenely badly paid.

He is the most popular artist of the show "Big Difference"

Many viewers recognized Burunov thanks to the Big Difference parody show on Channel One. In this program, the actor began to act from its very first release and, according to the audience ratings, was the most popular artist of the show. And also to those who played the largest number roles in this project: the heroes of Burunov's parodies in "Big Difference" were dozens of celebrities - from Philip Kirkorov to Bruce Willis. Interestingly, at the casting for the project, Burunov portrayed Vladimir Etush, the rector of his school.

He never married

The actor has no wife and children. He himself says that the point is natural shyness, which he easily copes with during work, but in life it is much more difficult for him to liberate himself:

Sometimes people ask me: "How is this possible, you're an artist?". I answer: “What does this have to do with it? The artist is my profession, and human qualities nobody canceled."

The press knows almost nothing about Burunov's personal life, and he does not give journalists any special reasons for rumors. He rarely talks about relationships, mentioning only that he likes "oriental-type women" with dark hair and an athletic figure.

In the meantime, the closest people for Sergei are his father and brother (the actor's mother died a few years ago). He even bought an apartment for himself not far from his parents' house. About his mother, the actor said:

No one will be closer. Never. For some reason, as life shows, I am convinced of this and I am sure that even your wife will not become closer to you than your mother. And some kind of internal connection is torn, very powerful. The pain doesn't go away, it gets duller. And all these fairy tales about time; what it heals. It doesn't cure anything! It only hurts!

He is friends with Alexander Petrov

Photos often appear on Burunov's Instagram with his colleague in the series "Policeman from Rublyovka" Alexander Petrov, whose unprecedented popularity has long been a joke. Journalists, on the other hand, often cannot decide whether Alexander and Sergey best friends, or between them, as some headlines say, "a cat ran through." Especially since the actors love to tease each other. So, on the show of Yuri Dudya, Burunov laughed at Petrov's statement that he dreams of an Oscar:

Did he seriously say that? I don't even know what to answer to that. I have dried up everything! No, well, it's great, of course, that he has such ambitions. I just really didn't know. Well, in terms of growth - it's cool. Will not die of modesty.

But in the same interview, Sergey spoke about his warm relationship with a colleague:

I, I will die, will not forget his face! In fact, if we ignore the jokes, Sasha is a professional, a wonderful person with some kind of inner truth and pain, who is absolutely not indifferent to the profession. Since we became almost relatives on this project, I know him as a person, he surprised me by and large. I had a great time working with him.

He does charity work

On the day of his 42nd birthday, Burunov transferred 42,000 rubles to the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation for the treatment of children with severe brain diseases. By the way, Alexander Petrov again inspired Sergey:

On your birthday, you can talk about yourself, or you can talk about those whose life you are able to make at least a little better. Sasha Petrov (yes, not a minute without him, even today) famously entered his DR. And I want to follow his example.

He also called on fans to raise money for the fund and break the record of Petrov's fans, who had previously donated 300,000 rubles.

He has a joint project with Alexander Malenkov

Burunov has not performed on the theater stage for a long time, but at present he has new project"Reading Minds", which he created together with the editor-in-chief of Maxim magazine Alexander Malenkov. Both were involved in the sensational project "Unprincipled Readings", where Malenkov performed his miniatures, and Burunov read the stories of writers participating in the project.

In the wake of the success of joint work, Malenkov and Burunov had the idea of ​​a solo program. As they say on the project website, "this is a new format, a mixture of stand-up, literary readings, theater and cinema, an interactive performance in which humorous monologues are interspersed with communication with the public and videos.

Burunov says.

He has appeared in several music videos

Burunov's last appearance in a music video today is his role in the clip of the Bi-2 group "Philosopher's Stone". On his Instagram, the actor wrote about the group:

The other day I went to their live performance for the first time and was even more glad that I took part in this video. Interestingly, the guys did not follow the path of illustrating the words of the song, but created their own completely crazy world.

Also on account of Burunov are two clips of the Leningrad group with his participation - "Not Paris" and "Terrible Revenge".

He appeared in the most resonant video about the elections

You probably remember this sensational video, but you may have forgotten that Sergey Burunov also starred in it. We remind you: we are talking about a video released in February 2018 that went viral in a matter of hours. The video urged viewers to go to the presidential elections, and Burunov played the head of the family, who wakes up in the morning and discovers many changes around him: his son walks in a pioneer uniform from the times of the USSR, a “gay overexposure” lives at home, and they are trying to take the hero himself into the army.

The reaction of the video was mixed: some rushed to accuse the creators of the video of homophobia, others attacked the actors (including Burunov) for "selling out to the Kremlin" and "participating in propaganda." Some commentators even predicted Sergey's career collapse after participating in a near-political project - but, as you can see, the prophecies did not come true and the actor's career is more than good.

Photo Stills from series/Instagram

Where Sergey Burunov lives now cannot be said with 100% certainty. The actor does not like to talk about his personal life.

Sergey was born in 1977 in the family of an electrical engineer and a nurse. The actor also has an older brother who works as a translator.

The parental home was located near the Domodedovo airport. Watching the planes, Burunov became seriously interested in aviation. After graduating from school, he entered the Volgograd Aviation School.

But after the third year, Sergei left aviation for the sake of an acting career and, after some difficulties, entered the Shchukin school.

After studying, Burunov starred in episodic roles and participated in humorous programs. As part of the TV project "Big Difference", Sergey parodied most of the men Russian show business. Burunov was also actively engaged in dubbing. Many world-famous stars in Russia speak in his voice.

But real popularity came to Sergei after participating in the TV series "Policeman from Rublyovka". Burunov himself claims that he is very similar to his character - officer Yakovlev.

Today Burunov remains single. Apparently, while pursuing a career, he completely forgot about his personal life.

The hero of the article is a vivid proof that a talented person is talented in everything. He is subject to theater and cinema, satire and humor, parodies and dubbing. He is loved by the audience and is in demand in the profession. Our today's story is about the biography of the beloved actor and the personal life of Sergei Aleksandrovich Burunov.

Childhood and childhood dreams

Sergei was born in Russian capital in March 1977. He was the second child in the family. The eldest is brother Oleg. Parents are unremarkable people: mom is a nurse, dad is an electrician in an electrical repair shop. From childhood, Sergei grew up cheerful, cheerful, loved to play tricks on his friends.

The Burunov family lived near the Domodedovo airfield. The father loved to attend air shows with his sons, where they demonstrated the prowess and courage of the flight crews. Admiring the flights of liners from the window of the apartment, the boy dreamed that he would someday take off into the sky. The dream of becoming a pilot led young man after graduating from school in the Moscow flying club named after Talalikhin. And from 1993 to 1997, he mastered the intricacies of flying art at the Kachin Higher Aviation School.

The decision not to change the dream, but to change it

In his youth, as a student of the flight school, the future actor got into the KVN team and, having shown artistry and resourcefulness, played with rapture as part of the team. The scene dragged on. Sergei realized that the childhood dream of becoming a pilot is only a dream. But in reality, he was more and more attracted to acting.

Parents did not approve of their son's decision to enter the theater, but the young man was able to reasonably explain his choice. He failed to enter the Pike. But, having set a specific goal for himself, Sergey decided to break onto the stage at any cost. So he became a student at the circus school, where he studied for one year. The second attempt to enter the Shchukin Theater School was successful. Burunov was enrolled in the number of students. The young man received the coveted document confirming his involvement in the profession of an actor in 2002.

The beginning of an acting career

The path to popularity was thorny. Sergei began his acting career on the radio, where he acquired the skills of voice acting for cartoons and parody. Very soon Shirvindt appreciated the talent of the parodist, who arranged young actor at the Theater of Satire.

2003 was the year of his film debut for Sergei. He starred in the film “Moscow. Central District. Then there was the role of Captain Tushin in Echelon, adjutant in Ostrov, Captain Kalinin in Autumn Detective, prisoner Yegor in Witch Doctor. To date, the actor's filmography includes more than 60 diverse roles from comedy to drama. And although there are few main roles on his account, the supporting roles are different. high level acting performance.

The work of Sergei Alexandrovich in the role of policeman Yakovlev in the comedy series "Policeman from Rublyovka" was appreciated by the viewer.

In addition to performing skills, Burunov has a talent for dubbing. They have voiced over 200 roles. Leonardo DiCaprio, Danny DeVito and others speak in his voice.

The actor was widely known for the project "Big Difference", in which he starred from the first days. His jokes and parodies are sharp, bright and memorable. Humorous miniatures touching on political, scientific, sports topics are an attempt to revive intellectual humor. And Burunov succeeds in this. His popular videos can be found on YouTube channel.

Having tried himself in different genres, the actor considers the comedy the most difficult. Once in an interview, he noted that work in comedy requires a serious analysis of all the nuances of the proposed role, and here it is important not to mix humor with vulgarity.

Personal life

Despite popular love, the actor is still in search of the only one with whom he will be both in sorrow and in joy. The young man is an ardent opponent of fleeting romances with film partners, because, having extraordinary decency, he understands that a momentary weakness can cost a woman a discord in the family (in the event of her marriage).

And although Sergei has not yet acquired a family, wife, or children, he does not lose hope of being happy. And his fans believe that a handsome and brutal man in the prime of life will soon find his soul mate.

There are rumors...

The personal life of celebrities is of interest to both admirers and ill-wishers. Our hero was no exception. Evil tongues attribute to him a propensity for unconventional orientation. But the sincere desire of the actor to have a family and many children dispels all doubts and proves that he is not gay. It's just that Sergei is not very lucky. But we believe that soon everything will change, and the audience will witness his happy family life.

Actor's parents

In the meantime, Sergei gives his unspent love to his loved ones. Unfortunately, in 2010, my mother passed away, and the loving son was very upset by the death of a loved one. For a long time I analyzed whether I had done everything so that she would be healed of a terrible disease. He often visits her grave, brings flowers and talks about life and successes. Sergey is sure that his mother hears and prays for him. In order to see his father more often, the actor even bought an apartment in a neighboring house. They often spend their free time together.


The beginning of the theatrical activity of the actor dates back to 2002, when he was hired by the Theater of Satire, where he worked until 2006. He participated in theatrical productions of The Apple Thief, Schweik, and Mad Money.

After leaving Satire, Sergei collaborated with the theater groups The Other Theatre, Teatr.doc, where he was engaged in performances and non-repertory productions.

Despite the active life in the frame, the actor considers the theater a means of real, live communication with the audience. In his opinion, there is something here that no one will get during screen viewing - the improvisation of the actor and the colossal energy of both sides from the cast and the audience.

The actor's Instagram contains a huge number of photos from various performances.

New roles and series with his participation

The actor is a lot of and successfully filmed. Of his latest works, the audience marked films:

  • "All or Nothing", where the actor played a hero who calls himself Kolya the black hawk;
  • "Only not them" in the role of Professor Xavierov.

Sergey Burunov, possessing all the recognized acting talent, will delight and surprise his admirers with new roles and projects for a long time to come.

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:

Russian theater and film actor, dubbing master, parodist. Known for participating in the television show "Big Difference".


As a child, Sergei did not dream of becoming an actor - he wanted to fly and dreamed of the profession of a military pilot. The family lived near Domodedovo Airport, so the boy was interested in everything related to airplanes. Together with their father, they went to demonstration performances of aces pilots in Tushino and Kubinka.

In high school, Serezha worked as an amateur pilot at the 2nd Talalikhin Moscow Flying Club. By 1993, at the age of 16, he completed the course "Flight operation of the Yak-52 training aircraft".

In 1994, the young man left for Volgograd and entered the Kachin Higher Aviation Pilot School named after A.F. Myasnikov, where he studied for three years. Here Sergey Burunov first tried himself in the comedy genre - the school had a local KVN team, and the young student took part in parody productions with pleasure.

Sergey recalls: “In our second year, we were lucky to get to the medical unit - this is a lafa, a resort for a military man. There, having come up with another joke for the performance, my friend Lekha Kozlov thought: “What if I go to the artists?” He thought, and I went ...

I toiled for a long time - here and there. I wanted to stay in the specialty, I thought to enter the Academy civil aviation. Went to one lecture and left. Because I saw there the engine turbine in the context of some boy. It had to be drawn on a giant Whatman paper engine. I say: "No, it's definitely not mine."

In an attempt to find himself, Sergey Burunov in 1997 ended up in the State Variety and Circus School named after M.N. Rumyantsev. However, the very next year the young man left and from there, he entered the VTU named after B.V. Schukin on the course to M.A. Panteleeva.


In 2002, the aspiring actor graduated and was accepted into the troupe of the Moscow Academic Theater of Satire, where he worked until 2006.

Among the productions with his participation: "Schweik", "Too Married Taxi Driver", "Apple Thief", "Mad Money".

After leaving Satire, he collaborated with the Theater.doc team, where he played in the play "The Blue Locksmith", and also participated in the "Other Theater" in the non-repertory production of "Manifestations of Love".

"A big difference"

Sergei Burunov won wide popularity and love of the audience after participating in the popular show "Big Difference". He immediately declared himself as a talented comedian and parodist, outplaying a lot of celebrities.

Whom only the artist had a chance to parody: TV presenters Alexander Gordon, Vladimir Pozner, Alexander Maslyakov, Dmitry Krylov, Leonid Parfenov, Mikhail Shats, poet Alexander Pushkin, actors, singers Vyacheslav Butusov, Philip Kirkorov and many, many others.

However, the actor himself claims that he does not make parodies: "I play these people. I try to show human processes. How a person thinks, how he speaks, why he says so."

“Someone immediately understands how to do it, you find something consonant with him in yourself. You read an interview from someone, you can learn a lot from there. In life you can watch it, in a movie. and you see that he is completely different there. Here he is, it turns out, what he really is!" - Sergey admits.

Voice acting

Sergey Burunov is also known as a master of dubbing. He first appeared in this capacity in 1991 in the film "In Bed with the Enemy", then there were "Braveheart", "Trapped in Time", "Double Fast and the Furious", "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days", "Italian Job" ".

Since 2004, he has been voicing almost all films with the participation of: Body of Lies, Revolutionary Road, Shutter Island, Inception, J. Edgar, Django Unchained, The Great Gatsby, The Revenant ".

The actor has more than 200 dubbed paintings. Many other stars also speak in his voice at the domestic box office.

In addition, Sergey is engaged in voice acting for cartoons ("The Adventures of Rolly 3D", "Despicable Me") and computer games("SWAT 4", "Dreamfall: The Longest Journey", "The Witcher").

"The most difficult thing is to play all this in front of a microphone. For what the artist does in the frame, he prepared for a long time, trained, rehearsed ... As they say, he doesn’t do it all with a cold nose. And you are standing in front of a microphone in a warm studio in an incomprehensible what mood, and you need to manage to do all the same.

The second is the difficulty of translation. In English, there are other rhythms, other meanings, which often simply disappear during translation. And the third is the issue of text styling: it is necessary that all phrases in Russian fall in duration into the phrases of the characters that sound in English version. You have to spend a lot of time to play all this in Russian.

A live plan, I mean people and feature films, is much easier to sound. There is some misconception about cartoons: many of my colleagues dream of voicing a cartoon because it is "so cool, so much fun." This, of course, is great, but not always fun, because in animated films it is easy to cross the line and slide into a caricature. Now the animation has reached such a scale that the characters are endowed with a very deep psychology. You can’t speak in a funny voice or make faces, you need to find the right sound for the character, which will be truthful. This is a rather laborious story," Burunov notes.

Radio and television

  • From 2006 to 2008, Sergey Burunov was the voice of the MTRK Mir channel and the announcer of Radio Russia announcements.
  • From November 3, 2013 to January 26, 2014, he was the mentor of the team of parodists in the show of reincarnations "Repeat!" on Channel One.
  • In 2014-2015, he took part in the parody show "Superheroes" on the Friday TV channel.


Sergei Burunov made his film debut in 2002, playing in an episode in the serial action movie Code of Honor. Then he starred in the detective "Moscow. Central District."


One of the very first memorable works on the screen was the role of a political officer in a military drama (2005).

Sergey says: "The series about the Great Patriotic War, the action of the picture takes place at its very end, in the echelon in which one of the battalions is transferred to Manchuria.

There are three main characters in the film: senior lieutenant Glushkov, lieutenant Startsev and captain Trushin, the political officer of the battalion, which I play. These are three friends who went through the whole war together. "Echelon" just tells about friendship, about love and about the main human values.

So here is my hero, who appears in all eight episodes, at first glance - just an idiot, notorious, evil, terrible bore, careerist, capable of betrayal. Everything in his life is calculated, no one loves him, he is a terribly lonely person. And in general, it is not clear what can connect this person with two normal young guys who live just backhanded, not thinking about any career, this especially applies to Glushkov.

When I was thinking about this role, I came to the conclusion that my character has something from Shakespeare's Iago. Drawing parallels with other characters, Glushkova, whose role was played by the actor of the Theater Russian Army Andrey Egorov, I compared, for example, with Othello.

The actor also took part in such popular TV shows as: "My Fair Nanny", " Women's stories"," Who is the boss in the house? "," Trust Service "," Galina "," I am a bodyguard "," Landing "," Wild ".

And in 2009-2010, the artist received the main roles in two films - "Reflections" (expert Eremin) and "Without the right to make a mistake" (Sable).

Burunov is often asked: "Does he regret that he left aviation?" To which he honestly admits that it happens sometimes. In 2010, Sergei starred in the military film "Heart of the Enemy", where he played a German pilot: "This picture turned a lot of things in my life. The air battle was filmed in an airplane, on real aerobatics. The Yak-52 is my plane, on which I I took tests at the second Moscow city flying club. And now they put me in it! "Orange" fell off me right away! Since then, I began to go to the airfield. I even thought: "Damn, maybe come back?"

The success of the actor was consolidated by work in the TV series "Short Course happy life", where he played the role of the brutal police officer Timur Valeev. Then he could be found in the comedy "What else do men talk about", and in 2012 he appeared as a restrained FMS major in the popular TV series "Kitchen".

Sergei Burunov also played Tom Taylor, a sailor in Her Majesty's Navy, the rector in the youth film "Only Girls in Sports", the father of one of the eleventh graders in the comedy "Graduation", a psychologist in the mystical film "Ghost", Boris Berezovsky in the crime film "Unjudicial ", Sergei Shokhin in the drama "Duhless 2", an official from the Presidential Administration in the comedy "Election Day 2".

"Policeman from Rublyovka"

In 2016, the artist became a member of another popular project. He got used to the role of Vladimir Sergeevich Yakovlev, a police lieutenant colonel, in the comedy-crime series "Policeman from Rublyovka".

The film tells about the life of a young, cynical and gambling policeman - a senior detective of the criminal investigation department in Barvikha Grigory Izmailov (). Grisha makes no effort to work, spins novels and regularly mocks his own boss, Yakovlev. But the main difference between a police officer and colleagues from other areas is that Izmailov investigates unusual cases and complaints from famous and simply rich people in the city.

In 2017, Sergei returned to his character in a sequel called "Policeman from Rublyovka to Beskudnikovo". In the new season, the main characters receive a long-awaited promotion, but the joy is overshadowed by the fact that the police are being transferred from Barvikha to the poor and dangerous Beskudnikovo.


Burunov also received leading role- Anton Ivanov - in the family comedy "Ivanov-Ivanov". At the center of this series is a plot based on real history. Heroes - two Russian families Ivanovs. They do not know each other, they have different incomes and range of interests. Some are poor and provincial, others are more than wealthy and arrogant. They would be happy to live life without knowing anything about each other, but one fine day it turns out that many years ago the heirs of these families were mixed up in the maternity hospital, and all these years the son of the poor lived in a chic mansion, and the offspring of the rich Ivanovs huddled in a small apartment. Of course, now everyone wants to get their blood heirs back.

Sergey Burunov (rich Ivanov): “It is paramount for my hero that he has all the best and most expensive. I would call it snobbery, since he does not perceive people who do not have such wealth. It would seem that he has achieved everything that wanted, just does not know what to do with it. And I think that in fact he is experiencing a deep sense of loneliness. However, the other Ivanovs, by their appearance, bring something completely different into his life - something that he lacked so much. And if at first Anton perceives them as disaster, then he realizes that he can no longer live without this family.

"The Last Hero"

One of the recent works of the actor is Vodyanoy, the lord of rivers, lakes and sea ​​waters, in a fantasy comedy.

The heroes of the picture are characters of folk tales and epic heroes: Dobrynya Nikitich rules Belogorye, Baba Yaga flies in a mortar, Vodyanoy drinks the river. There is a frog princess, Miracle Yudo and a revived hut on chicken legs, but the story played out with their participation, referring to the bygone days, remains, nevertheless, modern.

Viewers of The Last Hero will have a chance to take a fresh look at the characters they have known since childhood. And the plots of old fairy tales will receive an unexpected continuation.

Personal life

Sergey Burunov is single. “Why am I not married? A good question, I still can’t answer it myself ... I remember when the beautiful flight attendant offered me water, although my mouth was dry, I refused - I was so shy. And still I am horror, how shy with women. Sometimes people ask me: “How is this possible, you are an artist?” I answer: “What does this have to do with it? The artist is my profession, and no one has canceled my inherent human qualities, ”the actor explains.


About the roles:

"Character roles are very difficult to play, it's what they say, walking on the razor's edge, step to the left, step to the right - and the parody will cease to be a parody. One careless movement - and you can slide into vulgarity. In our business, as my teachers said, there is such the concept is "a little bit", which you must always feel, hold on to and in no case go over. This skill is developed at the institute, skills, professional activities. "

"You need to be absolutely selective, because the role played is your face. The producer can remove his last name from the credits or change it. The director can say that the actor has not coped with the task, and thus deflect the blow of critics from himself. And the actor will remain, who has to answer to the audience. So I am completely for selectivity in the choice of roles - this is the face of the actor, his profession, respect for himself and his work. "

“I don’t presume to judge, any choice is worthy of respect, but it seems to me that negative characters are much more interesting to play, they are deeper, more ambiguous, unlike positive characters, with whom it is much easier. and it is even more interesting to find them in oneself. After all, there are enough angels and demons in each person! And it is fascinatingly incredible to explore someone's character. F. M. Dostoevsky wrote: "I am a trembling creature, or I How much of a right do I have?"

About comedy:

“Comedy is the most difficult genre. It is a synthesis of all genres, in principle. In drama, everything is clear, in tragedy, too. But in comedy, going along the edge, keeping the line and not falling into vulgarity is very difficult. "It's interesting. And very difficult. That's what fascinates me about it. It's a very difficult path of exploration, life experience, exploration of oneself, because the nature of the comic is incredibly multifaceted, and it can take great revenge if it is not taken seriously."

About English actors:

"I am guided by the English school. I really love English actors. It's fantastic. And I watch some things with the British avidly. These are my teachers. Monty Python, my favorite Simon Peg. I recognized them after dubbing the movie "Cool Cops" "It's the bible of humor. Tim Roth, Ian McKellen. It's cosmic. It can't be taught... Although, they are taught, but how to reach it? Which is what we are trying to do in Big Difference, at least I am."

About popularity:

“In general, I am very wary of the term“ star ”. It seems to me that it doesn’t matter: we will be some kind of stars or not. We must do our job well. Well, yes, God forbid, if we become famous. I don’t care. I care who I am And what I do And how I do it In front of myself, so as not to be ashamed The "big difference" for me is a great success I did not place any bets on it, it gradually developed and together we collected this bit by bit. We did not immediately come to this, to these subtleties. There are thousands of actors, there are a lot of them, who are maybe a hundred and twenty-five thousand times cooler than us, but they have not been lucky so far. Success is largely a matter of chance ".

About Me:

"Compliant. But quick-tempered, although I quickly move away and do not consider it shameful to be the first to ask for forgiveness. I am not a neurasthenic, a fairly balanced person, quite capable of controlling my emotions."

What kind of girls do you like?

"Short, of course, because I myself am not very tall. Brunettes, women of the oriental type, with a sports figure, slender."

What qualities do you value in people?

"A sense of humor is the most important thing. If I had the opportunity, I would teach it, I would create some special methodology. I also appreciate decency, goodwill, patience and, undoubtedly, intelligence."

About leisure:

“I can’t deny myself the pleasure of flying on piston light aircraft. In addition to flying, I really like to ride a motorcycle, get away from the bustle of the city. Another component of my leisure time is a sofa (laughs). Sometimes I want to sleep and recover, and after all, after a series of shifts, the actor’s batteries run out. work time actor is not standardized, sometimes you don’t understand what planet you are on (laughs)."

Blitz Poll:

Favorite writer - Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Favorite music - "Infected mushroom" - duet from Israel, electronic music, Depeche Mode. From the films I like "The Grand Budapest Hotel", "Gravity", "The Best Offer", "Like the tough cops".

According to Wikipedia and websites:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Filmography: Actor

  • The Last Hero: The Root of Evil (2019)
  • Debtor's Shack (2017), TV series
  • The last hero (2017)
  • Policeman from Rublyovka in Beskudnikovo (2017), TV series
  • Ivanov-Ivanov (2017), TV series
  • Life ahead (2017)
  • Man from the Future (2016)
  • Friday (2016)
  • Policeman from Rublyovka (2016), TV series
  • Island (2016), TV series
  • Well, hello, Oksana Sokolova! (2016), short
  • Broken Promise (2016) Short
  • Eclipse (2016)
  • Groom (2016)
  • Mysterious passion (2015), TV series
  • Urgently get married (2015)
  • Ghost (2015)
  • Nesterov's loop (2015), TV series
  • Concerned, or Love of Evil (2015), TV series
  • Outlaws (2015), TV series
  • Spiritless 2 (2015)
  • Election Day-2 (2015)
  • Ambulance "Moscow-Russia" (2014)
  • Looking for a wife with a child (2014)
  • Graduation (2014)
  • In sports only girls (2014)
  • Neformat (2013-2014), series
  • Sherlock Holmes (2013), TV series
  • Super Max (2013), TV series
  • Between Us Girls (2013), TV series
  • All Inclusive-2 (2013)
  • Heart of the Enemy (2012), never completed
  • Kitchen (2012), TV series
  • Cinderella (2012)
  • Fairy tale. Yes (2011)
  • What else men talk about (2011)
  • Manticore (2011)
  • A short course in a happy life (2011), TV series
  • Burnt by the Sun 2: Anticipation (2010)
  • Detective Samovars (2010), TV series
  • Zaitsev, burn! The Showman Story (2010)
  • No room for error (2010)
  • 220 volts of love (2010), TV series
  • Tukhachevsky. Marshal's Conspiracy (2009)
  • Crazy Help (2009)
  • Specialist (2009)
  • Forty-third number ... (2009), TV series
  • Seven wives of one bachelor (2009), TV series
  • Petrovka, 38. Team Semenov (2009), TV series
  • Reflections (2009), TV series
  • On the Game (2009)
  • burdocks: episode one (2009)
  • Tender May (2009)
  • Cross in a circle (2009), TV series
  • Wild (2009), TV series
  • Desantura (2009), TV series
  • I am a bodyguard (2008), TV series
  • Steal from ... (2008), TV series
  • S.S.D. (2008)
  • Autumn Detective (2008), TV series
  • Witch Doctor (2008), TV series
  • Ermolovs (2008), TV series
  • Galina (2008), TV series
  • Trust Service (2007), TV series
  • Experts (2007), TV series
  • Four taxi drivers and a dog-2 (2006)
  • Theft (2006), TV series
  • Stalin.Live (2006), TV series
  • Chasing an Angel (2006), TV Series
  • Island (2006)
  • Who is the head in this house? (2006), TV series
  • Women's stories (2006), TV series
  • My Fair Nanny (2005) TV Series
  • Echelon (2005), TV series
  • Adam and Eve's Transformations (2005)
  • Four taxi drivers and a dog (2004)
  • Code of honor-2 (2004), TV series
  • Moscow. Central District (2003), TV series
  • Code of honor-1 (2002), TV series

Sergei Alexandrovich Burunov was born into a family of ordinary employees on March 6, 1977. Her mother worked as a nurse, and her father worked as an electrical engineer. He is not the only child in the family, Sergei has an older brother Oleg.

The family lived in a small apartment located near the Moscow airport called Domodedovo. Sergei watched every day as liners take off into the sky.

He followed this with such enthusiasm that he soon became interested in everything that has a connection with aircraft. The father contributed to the development of interest among his sons, and therefore often took them to pilot performances in Tushino.

Youth years

At the age of 16, the boy decided to go to the flying club. In 1993, he became an amateur pilot and completed a training course on the operation of a training aircraft under the marking "YAK-52".

Already after graduation from school, Burunov entered the Kachin Military Aviation School and moved to Volgograd.

Only when he was in place, Sergei caught himself thinking that the dream of a pilot was no longer interesting to him, and dreams of an acting career began to appear in his head.

The guy actively participated in KVN, took part in all competitions organized by universities. The hobby seemed to him so interesting that Sergey devoted all his time to it. Not surprisingly, in his second year, he began to do poorly. By the end of the academic year, Sergei was expelled.

In 1997, Burunov returned to his native land and tried his hand at entering a theater university.

The attempt was unsuccessful. The guy entered the second year of the circus school and was pleased with this.

In 1998, he again decided to enter the theater university. Schukin, and again there was a failure.

He could become a student of the paid department, and therefore Burunov's father, seeing his great desire, decided to help his son.

So Sergey began to study acting in "Pike". In 2002, the artist completed his studies.

Personal life and hobbies

Sergei remains single. The actor assures that this status is provided to him by natural shyness, which, unfortunately, women do not peck at.

In front of the cameras, he successfully liberates himself, but in his personal life he fails to achieve this.

In his free time from filming, Sergey is also fond of aviation. He visits the airport.

Burunov even admits that sometimes he regrets that he did not complete his studies at the aviation university.

professional life

Sergei's theatrical career after completing his studies at the university did not develop for a long time. It was for this reason that he decided to go to work at a radio station. The work found him.

The artist was to the liking of A. Shirvindt when he performed with him with a small parody skit. So he was enrolled in the troupe of the Theater of Satire. For four years, Sergei played in productions of Too Married Taxi Driver and Schweik.

In 2002, Sergei played in a series called "Code of Honor". After that, he was often invited to projects, however, he had to play secondary roles.

A year later, he tried himself in dubbing, Danny DeVito, Tim Roth, Adam Sandler, Johnny Depp and Gerard Butler speak in his voice. In fact, this list could go on for a long time. One of the significant voice acting was the role of the late A. Panin in the series "Zhurov".

Burunov's bright work was the film "Echelon". The film was released in 2005. After that, Burunov played in a couple of series in the lead roles "Without the right to make a mistake", "Reflections".

In 2007, Burunov staged the play "The Blue Locksmith", which was staged on the stage of the Theatre.doc. In the same year, Sergei successfully passed the casting for the Big Difference project, where V. Etush played. The stellar time for the artist came a little later than desired. Sergey became a master of the parody genre, parodying more than a hundred heroes.

Interesting Notes:

In 2011, Sergei played a role in the film A Short Course in a Happy Life. After 2 years, he starred in the films "Neformat" and "Only girls in sports." It became possible to talk about the great popularity of Burunov after participating in the Big Difference project. in which he is involved to this day.

In 2013, Sergey performed in a new parody project “Repeat!”, This was followed by films and series: “Galina”, “Yermolovs”, “Burnt by the Sun 2: Anticipation”, “Kitchen”, “Neformat”. In 2016-2017, he played in the series "Policeman from Rublyovka".

Today Sergey Burunov has become a popular artist. He is a brilliant actor, in demand in modern cinema. The filmography of the actors includes more than 40 roles in serials and feature films.

Films by Sergei Burunov

Year Name Role
1998 Composition for Victory Day

aircraft passenger

2002 Code of honor

episode (episode 13 and 14)

2003 Moscow. Central District

Repeynikov's grandfather in his youth

2004 Code of honor-2

hitman (episode "Bankers Prefer to Die")

2005 Tourists
2005 Echelon

Trushin, captain of the Red Army, political officer of the battalion

2005 My beautiful nanny

agent of the real estate company "Monotep" (series "Moving Love")

2006 Island adjutant
2006- 2008 Who is the head in this house?

Albert Moiseevich, doctor (series "Dasha treats!")

2007 chasing an angel

Tolkachev ("White-haired")

2007 Trust Service pimp Misha
2008 Autumn detective

captain Kalinin

2008 Galina

Vasiliev, protocol officer

2008 Steal from…

investigator Yuriev

2008 medicine man

Egorsha, the escaped prisoner

2008 Cross in a circle Salnikov
2008 burdocks: episode one physicist
2008 S.S.D.

reality show director

2008 I bodyguard
2008 Crazy Help robber
2008 Petrovka, 38. Team Semyonov

Matusevich, killer

2009 Wild

Klim Sherstopyatov, porn dealer

2009 220 volts of love Pasha
2009 Heart of the Enemy Franz
2009 Tender May

official from Moszhilstroy

2009 On the game

Boris, Pokrovsky's assistant

2009 reflections

Pavel Alekseevich Eremin, forensic expert

2009 Zhurov (Season 1)

partially re-voiced the deceased actor Andrei Panin, who played the main role (uncredited)

2009 Landing

Sergey Alexandrovich Kochin, captain

2009 Seven wives of one bachelor

Khomutov, Major

2010 Burnt by the Sun 2: Anticipation a prisoner
2010 Tukhachevsky: The Marshal's Conspiracy

Pavel Efimovich Dybenko, commander of the 2nd rank

2010 No room for error Sable
2010 number forty three

investigator Shchegolkov

2010 Detective Samovarov Hermann
2010 Zhurov-2

dubbed Andrey Panin (uncredited)

2011 Manticore

Sergey, co-pilot

2011 What else do men say? Sigmund Freud
2011 A short course on a happy life

Timur Valeev, police captain

2011 Fairy tale. Eat Geochem
2012 Cinderella

Boris Markovich, music producer of the singer Korolevich

2012 Kitchen (episode #16)

Pyotr Ivanovsky, Major of the FMS of Russia

2013 All inclusive 2

Kots, a Turkish bandit

2013 Super Max

military school officer

2013 Sherlock Holmes

Tom Taylor, sailor of the fleet of Her Majesty the Queen / Dr. John Watson (voiced by Andrey Panin)

2014 Only girls in sports

rector of the institute

2014 Unformatted

Arkady, film director

2014 High school graduation

father of school graduate Demyan

2014 Caucasian prisoner!

Shurik (voiceover)

2014 Looking for a wife with a child Boris
2015 Spiritless 2

Sergei Sergeevich Shokhin

2015 Concerned, or Love of Evil

Roman Eremin, host of the awards ceremony

2015 Between Us Girls (episode #20)
2015 Out of jurisdiction