Plan abstract for literary reading. Lesson plan and summary of literary reading


Name: Balandinskaya Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Place of work: municipality educational institution"Average comprehensive school No. 21, Engels Saratov region.

Position: Teacher primary school.

Subject: literary reading

Textbook: L. A. Efrosinina

Lesson topic: "E. Perm. Kite".

Type of lesson: lesson "discovery of the new"

The purpose of the lesson: to create conditions for students to understand and comprehend new information.



- ideas about literary genres;


- develop speech (the ability to formulate one's thoughts orally), thinking (to establish analogies; generalize and classify according to signs);

- develop the ability to plan their activities, correlate the work done in the lesson with an earlier plan, evaluate the results of activities;


- to cultivate accuracy;

- to form the ability to work in pairs, listen and understand the speech of others, jointly agree on the rules of behavior and communication.

Teaching methods: system-activity method, problem-based learning method (solving a problem situation), ICT.

Forms of organization cognitive activity students: frontal, steam room, individual.

Necessary technical equipment (learning aids): textbooks, workbooks, computer, projector.

Structure and course of the lesson:

Lesson stage

Teacher activity

Student activities

Self-determination to activity.

- Good morning and have a nice day!

We will start our lesson with a smile.

What lesson are you ready for?

What do we do in these lessons?

Children smile at each other.

- TO literary reading.

We read, answer questions, analyze.

Regulatory (ability to predict future work)

Personal (motivation for purposeful cognitive activity)

Knowledge update. Fixing difficulties in activities.

The task is to compare the title of the work and the author.

Children need to find an extra work.

In what section did we read these stories?

Why is it called this section?

What should be the new work if it is in the same section?

What do you have to do to find out what the piece teaches?

Good horse - Plyatskovsky

On the rink - Oseeva

About who Vovka studies for - Golyavkin

- "Learning the mind"

The name remains "Kite"


Activity planning.

Cognitive (the ability to extract information from diagrams, present in the form of a diagram)

Statement of the educational task.

Information about the creation of Permyak.

Try to predict from the title what this text is about.

What is a snake made of?


Children's statements.


Regulatory (the ability to evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task, plan activities)

Building a project for getting out of difficulties (“discovery”).

Dictionary work (words are highlighted in the text, a dictionary is below).

Hard-to-read words (underlined).

Reading by the teacher. I will read the text, your task is to remember the information about the snake.

What is the text about?

What did you learn about the kite?

Work in a notebook.

In what weather are kites launched?

Bast, shingles.

Lacked, flutters.

What a snake is made of.

Record materials.

With a light breeze.

Cognitive (the ability to navigate in a textbook, the ability to draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects and actions with them)

Reading by children. Your task is to determine the genre, the main idea, remember the heroes of the work.

What is the genre of the work? (prove)

Who are the main characters? (models)

Cover model.

What is the main idea of ​​the story?


Boys. Children.

Release versions. Fixation.

(this work teaches to be:



Communication (the ability to listen and understand others, work in pairs)

Teacher distinguishes semantic version from features heroes.

Available materials for boys. On the slide in the course of the children's answers.

Illustration work.

What do you think the name of the first boy is?

- Find proof in the text.

Who is in the center? Prove it.

What is the name of the third boy?

Prove the put forward versions.

Filling in the table in notebooks.

(work in pairs)

Heroes are defined.

Cognitive (the ability to identify the essence, features of objects)

Cognitive (ability to navigate in a textbook)

Regulatory (the ability to make assumptions based on textbook material)

Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech.

Whose version is not confirmed?

Has your version changed? How?

Who hasn't changed? Why? Prove it.

What were the boys supposed to do? SLIDE (all together)

What is the main idea?

Work with proverbs: choose the right one for the text.

Which life situations can you tell me when this happened to you?

How would you continue the story?

Fixation (minus-plus).


Work in pairs. Prove choice.

Children's stories.

Work in pairs.

Communication skills (ability to work in pairs)

Reflection of activity.

What have we done to learn what the story teaches?

It was interesting to me…

I can…

I was having a hard time...

I liked the work ... (classmate)

Self-esteem. success lines.

The assumptions were made

analyzed the text: singled out the main characters, determined the nature of their relationship, filled in the table.

If the original version was correct - green chip, if wrong - red.

Regulatory (the ability to exercise reflection), personal (the ability to express their emotions)

Literary reading lesson

Subject: A. Platonov "Still Mom" ​​(lesson 2, lesson generalization)

EMC "School of Russia"

Class: 3.

Target: continue work on the work of A.P. Platonov "Still Mom";children's awareness of the meaning of the title of the story "Still Mom", the ability to know the depth of the work. What does "more" mean?


1. Educational - the ability to analyze the text, determine the genre of the text, control the level of comprehension, the depth of knowledge, expand the association spaces, namely, comparison with another work, sensory associations.

2. Developing: ability to compare, systematize, draw conclusions, develop critical thinking, communication skills; develop your own opinion based on the comprehension of the text

3. Educational - the development of an attentive, caring attitude towards parents, a respectful attitude towards teachers.

Planned results:

subject : know what a dialogue is and how it is written in a letter; find dialogues in the text, replace them with indirect speech when retelling episodes, reproduce an episode from the text, keeping the main idea and theme of the episode.

Metasubject :

Regulatory: formulate the learning task of the lesson, plan your statement; evaluate their own speech statements and statements of peers.

Cognitive: highlight at the request of the teacher the necessary episodes from the text; highlight the main idea and theme of the episode.

Communicative: build your speech statement according to a pre-planned plan, reproduce a planned statement, conveying the feelings of the characters and your attitude towards them.

Personal: to understand the meaning of the acquired skill, to understand where else this skill can be useful.

Lesson type: combination lesson,using ICT.

Type of lesson: a lesson in open thought, a lesson in exploration.

Used methods and techniques:

1. Verbal methods: story, explanation, conversation, work with a textbook.

2. Visual methods: observation, demonstration of illustrations.

3. Practical methods: oral exercises, dramatization of parts of a literary work.


1. Audio recording.

2. Computer,multimedia projector, screen, presentation, slide filmA. Platonov "Still Mom".

3. Costumes or elements of costumes for staging.

4. Native speech. Textbook for grade 3 elementary school.

Lesson plan:

Lesson stage


Summary stage


Organizational stage



The teacher encourages students to cooperate, sets the emotional background of the lesson.

Inclusion in the educational process.



Articulation warm-up



Students perform exercises aimed at developing error-free, expressive reading.

Subject learning activities.

Check D/3



Comparison of illustrations in the textbook and children's work.

Formation of search activity skills.

Knowledge update



Partial search activity, practical work.

Subject learning activities.

Phys. minute



Recreation of students to the music.

Rules and culture of interaction.

Work on content



Students answer questions from the teacher, "selective" reading.

Subject learning activities.

Dramatization of the text



Children are divided into groups, prepare a dramatization of the text, speak to others


All groups participate in the discussion of the results of the work.

Formation of the ability to work in a group, evaluate the work of others according to specified criteria.

social competence.


5-6 min

Students evaluate their performance in class.

Formation of self-assessment, analysis of the work performed.


2-3 min

Students express their attitude to the lesson

Reflection of motivation, ways of communication activity.


1-2 min

The teacher explains homework


Lesson summary:

    Organizational moment (slide number 1 music)

Sit comfortably, relax, imagine that a ray of sunshine has touched your head. You feel his warmth, like a warm mother's hand stroking your hair. Tell yourself: I feel warm and calm.

2. Articulation warm-up

On the street a wonderful time of the year - spring. Breathe in the smell of spring freshness. Imagine that the first drop of rain fell on your palm, blow it off.

On the screen: ... With a clear smile nature (slide number 2)

Through a dream meets the morning of the year ....

Read expressively.

How amazing good life! Like a mosaic, it consists of different pieces of impressions. Today in the lesson we will continue to work on the work of Andrei Platonovich Platonov"More Mom", which he dedicated to his first teacher.

Our task is to understand what a mother means for each of us and what is the role of a teacher in the life of each of you.

    Checking d\z.

Look at the interesting title of the work “Still Mom”.

What is another name for mother? Let's try to find the same root words for the word mom.





Let's answer questions #1 after the text in the textbook on page 143.

At home you were artists and drew an illustration for the work "Still Mom". I decided to name your drawings

"Stop, moment..."

What or who do you depict in your drawings?

Yes, you are good observers. I really liked your drawings, I hope you will give them to me.

Exhibition of children's drawings at the blackboard.

    Actualization of knowledge.

What genre does the read work belong to? (story)

Why did you decide so? Prove it.(all events follow one after another, there is a plot)

Let's turn To explanatory dictionary Russian language

S. I. Ozhegov said the story is ...(child reads)

Do you agree with the statement that school is a second home? Why?

- I propose again. you to return to the world in which the heroes of this interesting story live

What is the name of the main character in this story?

What kind of family did Artem have?

Did the boy want to go to school? Why?(The boy loved his mother very much and did not want to go to school only because he was afraid to leave his mother alone, he was afraid that “she would not wait for him and would die of longing.”)

What happened when Artem was seven years old.

(p. 137-138) reading by roles of the passage “The conversation of a boy with his mother”

With what intonation will we read? Try to convey with your voice internal state heroes, remember yourself when you first went to school.

What did he ask his mother before leaving? (Make sure she waits for him)(slide number 3)

“... the mournful and attentive look of the child meant his constant fear;

he seemed to say: mother, always live with me, never die "

What order did the mother give?(Obey the teacher, she will be your mother at school)

Why did Artem not want to agree with his mother's words?

(He could not imagine another woman as a mother)

What desire did Artyom and his mother have when he went further alone?(They both wanted to go home)

Why didn't they come back?(They both understood that they had to go to study)

(Show what trials fell to Artyom's lot?)

Do you think he never walked down this street? Then why does everything seem alien and hostile to him?(He went many times, but not alone, but with his mother, and now he goes alone, and he sees everything as a stranger, dangerous and scary)

Let's remember the work of L. Tolstoy, where the author tells us about a little boy who ran away to school. -What is the title of the piece?(Philippok )

What was the main character's name?(Philippok )

    Phys. minute (slide number 4 music).

I suggest you get some rest. Lie on your arm and listen to who and to whom can sing this song? (Anna German "Lullaby")

6. Work on the content.

How did the teacher meet Artyom at school?

- What artistic technique does the author use?

(comparison "as small")

Why did Artem feel in her loved one? (She smelled of warm bread and dry grass, like her mother)

Why didn't Artem listen to the teacher?(He thought about his mother)

And how did Apollinaria Nikolaevna react to his inattention?(I didn’t scold, I understood that he was at school for the first time. I felt his anxiety.)

With what words did the teacher begin to teach Artyom to read and write?(Mom, Motherland)

Why? What proverbs do you know? (Bread, land, Motherland, mother is something without which a person cannot live.) (One man has a mother, one and the Motherland)

Find and read the passage that describes how the boy began to diligently learn to read and write.(p. 142)

(slide number 5)

What qualities should a teacher have to be considered a mother?Let's characterize the teacher, what was she like?









( Artyom liked the teacher. He found support in her. The boy realized that he now had two mothers: one at home and the other at school.)

    Group work. Dramatization of parts of the text.

Remember what text we can stage? (IN literary work there must be characters, action, dialogue). Costume elements are used: a scarf, a cap, etc.

Children are divided into groups and act out parts of the text:

    The conversation of the boy with his mother.

    Meeting with "terrible" animals.

    Artem at the first lesson.

    The teacher and the boy.

    The son returned home.

The groups are performing. Children read the text “by roles”, using elements of theatricalization.

Listen to the part of the story not included in the textbook.

(slide number 7)

And Artyom saw the black head of a bull in the window. The bull looked at Artyom with one bloody eye and went to the school.

- Mother! Artyom shouted.

The teacher grabbed the boy and pressed him to her chest.

- Don't be afraid! - she said. "Don't be afraid, my little one. I won't give you to him, he won't touch you.

- Wu-u-u! boomed the bull.

Artyom wrapped his arms around Apollinaria Nikolaevna’s neck, and she put her hand on his head.

- I'll chase the bull.

Artyom did not believe.

- Yes. And you're not a mom!

- Mom! ... Now I'm your mom!

- Are you still a mom? Mom is there, and you, you are here.

- I still. I'm still your mom!

Why didn't Artyom believe that the teacher could drive the bull away? (I thought only mom could do this)

Let's give the floor to ourresearchers

8. Summing up

At different periods of life, a person feels love for his mother in different ways, the need to be close to her.

Why do you need closeness to your mother?

Guys, during the lesson I evaluated you, and now I want you to evaluate me.(The questions are written on the blackboard.)

1. How old is Artem?

2. Where was Artem sitting during the lesson?

3. What were the first words the boy wrote?

4. What word did the teacher praise Artyom for his diligence and beautiful writing?

5 . Why did Artyom start getting ready for school early in the morning?

Examination (slide number 9)

Checkyour answers. Who made mistakes?

Guys, thank you for the lesson, put your grades in your diaries. I really enjoyed working with you. You are smart, reasonable, attentive.

And if you think that today we have a dialogue with you, if I was able to win you over, you felt that I was for youstill a mom – show me with a signal, as shown on the screen.(slide number 10)

9. Reflection

Finish the phrase.

At the lesson…

I understand…

I like it…

I found out…

I want…


10. D/Z I suggest come up with a continuation of the story at home.

Outline of a lesson on literary reading in grade 2

The lesson plan for literary reading in grade 2 was created to help teachers working in primary school. The lesson is designed in such a way that good example to educate children in moral qualities: a sense of responsibility, sincerity, kindness and trust. Possible use various kinds working with text (reading along the chain, using the technique "I will start, you continue"
Author: Pilimon Ekaterina Andreevna, primary school teacher public institution education" high school No. 40 in Vitebsk"
Subject: L.N. Tolstoy "Bone"
1. to introduce students to the work of Leo Tolstoy and his biography;
2. improve reading skills, its correctness, fluency, awareness;
3. to cultivate strong-willed qualities, to promote the development of a good attitude towards people, to cultivate a sense of friendship, empathy.
Portrait of L.N. Tolstoy, illustrations of the covers of his books, words with proverbs (printed on sheets), images of a sad and cheerful sun, rays (for reflection)
During the classes:
1. Organizational moment.
- Hello guys! Let's get ready for work, smile at ourselves and our neighbor and wish each other successful work!
2. Checking homework.
What piece did you learn in the last lesson?
- Who is its author?
- Right. Who will expressively read the poem to us? (a survey of several guys + reading analysis)
- And how did you imagine the boy Vitya? Who wants to describe it?
3. Reporting the topic and setting learning objectives.
- Today in our lesson we will get acquainted with a non-fictional story called "Bone". This story is about a boy who first blushed, then turned pale, and about his act. We will find out why this happened. And, of course, we will get acquainted with the author of this work.
4. Curriculum vitae.
- Guys, you probably already know the name of Leo Tolstoy?
- Do any of you know who this writer is? (answer)
- That's right, Leo Tolstoy lived a long time ago, back in the days of your great-great-grandmothers, almost 200 years ago. He was born in the estate of Yasnaya Polyana into a large noble family. He was the fourth child. When the boy was 2 years old, his mother died. My father also died early. The children were raised by a distant relative.
All his life, and Tolstoy lived 82 years, he devoted to literature. He loved to study and independently studied history and medicine, studied music, drawing. L. Nikolaevich opened a school for peasant children in Yasnaya Polyana and taught them himself. He began working on the "ABC", he wrote more than 100 new fairy tales and stories, including "Three Bears", "Hedgehog and Hare", "Bone", "Philippok", etc.
His works have been translated into many languages ​​of the world.
5. Preparation for the initial perception
A). The form of organization is the introductory word of the teacher with elements of a conversation.
- Guys, do you know when and from what people blush and turn pale? (answer)
- Has this happened to you? (answer)
b). Vocabulary work.
Now let's start reading the story. Open your textbooks to page 112.
- There are unfamiliar words in the text, which we will now explain by referring to the dictionary (written on the board, read by 1 student):
Upper room - a room or a clean half of a peasant's hut
6. Primary perception and analysis of primary perception.
A). Method of organization - reading by the teacher
So, get ready to listen carefully to the story. Try to answer the question: “Is the plot of the story invented by the writer, or could it actually be?”
(teacher reads)
- Let's get some rest now. Get up, get out of the desk.

Pinocchio stretched:
Once bent over, twice bent over.
Raised hands to the sides -
Apparently the key was not found.
To find the key
You need to get on your toes!
- Sit down, let's continue our lesson.
b). Conversation to test primary perception:
- So, do you think the plot of the story is fictional or could it really be so? (answer)
- Why do you think so, prove (answer)
- Indeed, after all, Tolstoy wrote his stories only about what really happened. And he did not invent anything, like our case with Vanya.
- Think, if our story is not fiction, then what genre of literature can it be attributed to? (true)
- Well done! Tell me, please, what characters of the story do you remember? (answer)
- Who main character? Why? (answer)
- Can we say that the main character is a plum? Prove (answer)
7. Preparing for Rereading
- Guys, now you will read the text on your own, but before that, let's prepare.
- Pay attention to the board. On it you see tongue twisters (they are written on the board). Read. (read by 2 students at a normal pace):
A ripe plum is sweet, filled with sweet juice;
I paint the roofs red with red paint.
- Now try to pronounce them with different intonations (surprise, get scared, whisper)
- Well done!
8. Repeated reading and analysis of the work.
A). Type of reading - in paragraphs

b). Reading conversation:
Why did Vanya blush like cancer at dinner? Explain.
- At what point did Vanya turn pale? Why? Read out.
- Why did the boy eat the plum? How is this described in the story?
- How long has Vanya been preparing to eat a plum? Read, think, with what intonation should these lines be read?
- Did he have time to enjoy the taste of plums? Read out. With what intonation shall we read these lines?
- What do you think, did the father guess who took the plum?
- Let's characterize the father. What he was (written on the board, you need to connect):
- Read what the father said to other children?
- So why did Vanya cry?
How else could this story end?
V). Other types of work (planning):
- Well done boys! Did you like the story? At home you have to retell it to make it easier, let's try to make a plan (recorded during the discussion):
- So, how do you think, how many parts can the story be divided into? (for 4)
- That's right, we divide our story into 4 parts.
- What does the first one say? (that Vanya never ate plums and kept looking at them)
- How shall we name it? (Vanya looks at plums)
- What is the second part about? (about the fact that Vanya could not resist and ate a plum, and lied to his father)
- How shall we name it? (Who ate the plum?)
What is the third part about? (about what the father said about the missing plum)
- How shall we name it? (Father's words)
- What do we learn from the fourth part? (the fact that Vanya was very scared and cried)
- How shall we name it? (everyone laughed, and Vanya cried)
- Well done! What a detailed plan we have!
9. Final conversation.
- Guys, here we are reading the story. Think, so what did the boy do wrong?
- What feelings does it evoke in you? Do you laugh at him or do you feel sorry for him?
- How do you feel about his behavior?
What did the author of the story want to teach us? (be patient, have willpower, be honest)
- Pay attention to the blackboard (words from proverbs are written randomly on it, you need to restore the word order. Wrong ones are written, and the correct version is set from the printed words). Proverbs are written here, but the trouble is, while I was preparing for the lesson, the breeze blew and mixed up all the words. Let's try to make them right:
Always, obvious, secret, becomes;
Better than the truth, sweet, bitter, lies.
- How do you understand their meaning?
- How else could we call our story, using a proverb?
10. Creative activity following what has been read.
- Try to imagine yourself in the place of your father and read his words with the appropriate intonation (several students read).
11. The results of the lesson.
What story are we talking about today?
- Who is its author?
What genre of literature does it belong to?
12. Reflection.
- Well done boys! You all did a good job today, I'm happy with you. Let's evaluate our lesson (open the board, on it are images of two suns - sad and cheerful)
- The one who liked him, let him attach his ray to the cheerful sun
- Well, the one who was bored, let him give his ray to the sad sun.
13. D/Z
- Your home. ass There will be a retelling of the story we read. The lesson is over.
