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GEF SECOND GENERATION. UNIVERSAL TRAINING ACTIONS. (methods of formation). PLAN. GEF - the essence of transformation

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    UNIVERSAL LEARNING ACTIONS (methods of formation)

    GEF - the essence of transformation The conceptual apparatus of the formation of UUD Possibilities of subjects for the implementation of the competency-based approach Basic educational technologies: approaches to the selection of UUD Formation in the lessons of history and social science

    The logic of the development of society and production led to the realization that the true improvement of life is associated not so much with the external education of a person, the assimilation of one or another system of knowledge and skills, but with the development of his mind and abilities, value system and motivational attitudes18. KNOWLEDGE? Relevance of information? Diploma? Past accomplishments? ! Skills! Working with different information CAPABILITIES!!! A GOOD WORKER How to teach: "Teach to learn" Master different ways work with information

    “There is a demand for a specialist who will not wait for instructions, but will enter life with the existing creative, design-constructive and spiritual-personal experience”1 Development of skills for independently solving “tasks” and evaluating the results of one’s activities GOOD WORKER How to teach: New knowledge is “discovered by children » Reflection as a way to develop self-esteem

    Students solve subject problems, but in life all problems are interdisciplinary Formation of general educational skills, skills and competencies How to teach: Working on meta-subject results

    Group work: TASK No. 1: Make a cluster out of “cubes” (in the case, method. Recommendations for compiling a cluster)

    The logic of the development of society and production led to the realization that the true improvement of life is associated not so much with the external education of a person, the assimilation of one or another system of knowledge and skills, but with the development of his mind and abilities, value system and motivational attitudes18. “There is a demand for a specialist who will not wait for instructions, but will enter life with the existing creative, design-constructive and spiritual-personal experience”1 Pupils solve subject problems, and in life all problems are interdisciplinary activities Formation of general educational skills and competencies Skills! Working with different information CAPABILITIES!!! KNOWLEDGE? Relevance of information? Diploma? Past accomplishments? A GOOD WORKER How to teach: Working on meta-subject results “Teaching to learn” Mastering different ways of working with information New knowledge is “discovered by children” Reflection as a way to develop self-esteem


    Federal State Educational Standard of the second generation “The great goal of education is not knowledge, but actions” Herbert Spencer change in the teaching method (from explanatory to activity) change in the assessment of learning outcomes (assessment not only of subject ZUN, but, above all, meta-subject and personal results) change in the certification system teachers (assessment of the quality of student learning management)

    GEF: The goal of the system-activity approach is to educate the personality of the child as a subject of life. VECTORS OF EDUCATIONAL POLICY 2010 – 2015 Activity approach Competence-based approach Individualization of education individual educational trajectories, individual results, individual success of students, individual growth, individual achievements, individual qualitative increments. The learning process is understood not only as the assimilation of a system of knowledge, skills and abilities that make up the instrumental basis of the student's competencies, but also as a process of personality development, gaining spiritual, moral and social experience GENERAL: Introduction of personal meaning into the educational process (for students) Learning - the process of acquiring experience in solving significant practice-oriented problems allows you to form integral abilities to solve specific problems that arise in various areas of life, using abilities in conditions different from those in which these competencies initially arose (Andreev A.L.) The result is readiness for a productive and responsible action at the next stage of education (in principle, the standard is not set, and training and verification of the result are carried out on non-standard tasks) Prescribed by both the Council of Europe (Council of Cultural Cooperation) and the Russian "Concept for the modernization of Russian education until 2010"

    The development of the main areas of personal development through the development of universal and specific methods of action for individual subjects, the achievement on this basis of the ability to develop “competence to update competencies” GEF is the essence of transformation ACTIVITY PARADIGM: COMPETENCE-BASED APPROACH

    EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES AND QUALITY FUNCTIONAL LITERACY KEY COMPETENCES SOCIAL EXPERIENCE Learning skills as the basis of educational (educational competence) Game Mathematical literacy Practices Language literacy Educational cooperation as the basis of communicative competence Organizational activities Science literacy Reading literacy of information texts as the basis of information competence Labor activity Reading literacy QUALITY OF EDUCATION (socialization and success) Cross-cutting educational outcomes (initiative, independence, responsibility)

    THE OBJECTIVE OF THE MODERN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM is the formation of universal educational activities (UUD) that provide students with the ability to learn, the ability for self-development and self-improvement. At the same time, knowledge, skills and abilities (KAS) are considered as derivatives of the corresponding types of purposeful actions, i.e. they are formed, applied and preserved in close connection with the active actions of the students themselves. The quality of knowledge assimilation is determined by the variety and nature of the types of universal actions. In reality, there are "two formations". WHAT USED TO BE A SIDE, NOW BECOMES A PRIORITY educational process(all results that contribute to the formation of competence, personal experience and other indicators of education that cannot be added from a set of knowledge and skills) Second

    The emergence of the concept of "universal learning activities" is associated with a change in the paradigm of education: from the goal of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities to the goal of developing the student's personality. - Skills), we come to realize the need to change the character educational process and methods of student activity.

    Group work Task #2: Read the text fragment “From the ability to cooperate to the ability to teach yourself”. Write out from the text: The main idea The most valuable quote (thesis) 2-3 arguments in favor of the thesis Choose a “speaker” who will voice the work of the group for other listeners

    STAGES OF FORMING UUD The formation of any skills and actions (including UUD) goes through the following stages: The formation of any personal neoplasms - skills, abilities, personal qualities - is possible only in activity (L.S. Vygotsky). 4. Control. 1. Primary experience of performing UUD and motivation. 2. Mastering how this UUD should be performed. 3. Training, self-control and correction.

    MECHANISMS OF THE IMPACT OF THE STANDARD ON THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS Standards are a document of indirect action. They influence the educational process through a set of normative and instructive and methodological documents: STRUCTURE OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM: Explanatory note. Planned results. Syllabus. The program for the formation of universal educational activities in students. Programs of individual subjects and courses Basic educational plan Main educational program (three for each level) Planned results and approximate learning programs in individual subjects Program for the formation and development of universal educational activities Models of assessment activities Basic educational technologies

    CONCLUSIONS The ultimate goal of learning is the formation of ways of action. Ways of action can be formed only as a result of activity, which, if it is specially organized, is called learning activity. The task of the teacher is not the transfer of knowledge, but the management of educational activities. The task of the trainee is to learn the ability to carry out an activity or perform actions and operations with the help of which it is implemented.

    GEF - the essence of transformation The conceptual apparatus of the formation of UUD Possibilities of subjects for the implementation of the competency-based approach Basic educational technologies: approaches to the selection of UUD Formation in the lessons of history and social science

    Formation of UUD Group work Task No. 3: (see case) correlate the concept with the decoding Task: Make a nesting doll from concepts Answer: 1 - a, 2 - b, 3 - c, 4 - d.

    UUD formations

    UUD formations UNIVERSAL LEARNING ACTIONS According to the Federal State Educational Standard, UUD are generalized actions that generate a broad orientation of students in various subject areas of knowledge and motivation for learning. In a broad sense, the term "universal learning activities" means the ability to learn, i.e. the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. In a narrower (actually psychological meaning), this term can be defined as a set of student's ways of action (as well as the skills of educational work associated with them) that ensure his ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process.

    Formation of UUD What did your nesting doll turn out to be? How do we associate concepts? System-activity approach

    Formation of UUD The subject is the master of his activity: guided by reason, he sets goals, solves problems, determines the trajectory of achieving the goal (tasks), is responsible for the results, engages in introspection (reflection). Structural "unit" of educational activity: its complete closed cycle: children - independently or with the help of a teacher - discover and explore the subject of activity, transform it, partially - remember.

    Formation of UUD To know means not just to remember certain knowledge, but to perform certain activities related to this knowledge. A learning action is only that action that "clings" the mind of the student. Internalization is the mastery of socially developed methods of action, the transformation of external actions into internal mental processes (appropriation). The formation of the internal structures of the human psyche through the assimilation of the external social activities, the appropriation of life experience, the formation of mental functions and development in general. Any complex action, before becoming the property of the mind, must be implemented outside.

    Formation of UUD Semantic personal attitude (A.G. Asmolov) is a form of expression of personal meaning in the form of readiness to perform a certain directed activity (actualized by the motive of activity). Meaning, acting as a link between motivation and cognition, ensures the unity of values ​​in their incentive and regulatory functions. The action of meaning formation is aimed at establishing the personal meaning of the action. Personal meaning (within the framework of the system-activity approach) characterizes the reflection in the consciousness of the individual of the motive for the goal of the action.


    GEF - the essence of transformation The conceptual apparatus of the formation of LE Possibilities of subjects for the implementation of the competency-based approach Basic educational technologies: approaches to the selection of LE Formation in the lessons of history and social science

    Implementation of the competency-based approach Group work TASK №4: Fill in the table, a) distributing the available text into columns, b) think over your own version of the text in the columns with missing text.

    Implementation of the competency-based approach How were the subjects distributed?

    Implementation of the competency-based approach What is the basis of the content?

    Implementation of the competency-based approach What is the degree of implementation of the comp. approach?

    Implementation of the competency-based approach What means of formation have been proposed?

    Implementation of the competency-based approach Forms and methods of assessment?

    Competence-Based Approach Implementation What is the role in EHR?

    GEF - the essence of transformation The conceptual apparatus of the formation of UUD Possibilities of subjects for the implementation of the competency-based approach Basic educational technologies: approaches to the selection of UUD Formation of technologies in the lessons of history and social science: approaches to selection Methods of study educational material All methods will be effective only if they cause intense mental work of the student, aimed at solving cognitive and practical problems. With any method, work must be structured in such a way that children have cognitive questions that require independent understanding of the material, conclusions, generalizations and testing them in practice.

    Technologies: approaches to selection BASIC TECHNOLOGIES OF GEF Informatization of education is bringing the education system in line with needs and opportunities information society INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES Educational activities based on ICT: open (but controlled) space of information sources, information support of the educational process.

    Technologies: approaches to selection Between training and mental development a person is always worth his activity

    Technologies: approaches to selection Triad: concept - -implementation - -product PROJECT ACTIVITY Stages: Decision Purpose Tasks Plan and Program Check "for feasibility" Implementation Presentation

    Technologies: approaches to selection PROJECT ACTIVITY: technology of teaching cooperation Particular attention is paid to teaching children how to work with information sources (textbook table of contents as a student's program; tables, diagrams, illustrations of textbooks, their reference books and dictionaries). The ability of children to work in a group, accept help from classmates and provide assistance, teach a lesson (a fragment of a lesson), formulate the content of the project, draw up the result (report, newspaper issue, reportage, presentation ...)

    Technologies: approaches to selection Basis: differentiation of requirements for the level of mastering, explicit allocation of basic and advanced levels uch-Xia, voluntariness in the development of higher levels of requirements, work with groups of "rolling" stock, accumulative evaluation system.

    Technologies: approaches to selection Do not give samples Put the child in a situation where his usual ways of acting are obviously unsuitable Motivate the search for the essential features of a new situation in which the technological basis of the system-activity approach (SAP) G. A. Tsukerman, Dr. Psi. Sciences

    Technologies: Approaches to Selection Group Work Task #5: Read the text “Standard”. Compose a syncwine according to the text you read (“author” - group - see line 4). SCHOOL TEACHER. POSITIONING THE TEACHER

    Technologies: approaches to selection The position of a professional teacher demonstrates cultural patterns of action initiates trial actions of children consults, corrects actions, looks for ways to include everyone in the work The position of an educator creates conditions for children to acquire life experience (communication, choice, responsible behavior, self-regulation ...), self-development of life values ​​“co-participant”, “arbitrator” The position of pedagogical support provides targeted assistance to the child: not relieving the problem situation, but helping to overcome it SCHOOL TEACHER. POSITIONING THE TEACHER

    Technologies: selection approaches Portable laboratory "mobile classroom" SOME SAMPLES OF TRAINING EQUIPMENT training models

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Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education Federal State Educational Standard Federal Law of December 1, 2007 No. 309-FZ a new understanding of the content and structure of the concept of "Federal State Educational Standard" (FSES) Law Russian Federation “On Education”, Article 7 “In the Russian Federation, federal state educational standards are established, which are a set of requirements that are mandatory for the implementation of basic educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education ...” 2 Status of development and approval of standards 1. GEF of primary general education approved by order of October 6, 2009 No. 373 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 22, 2009 No. 15785) ) 3. GEF of secondary (complete) general education - under development (draft standard published on February 15, 2011) Training according to the Federal State Educational Standard will be mandatory: at the penalties for basic general education from the 2015/16 academic year at the level of secondary (complete) general education from the 2020/21 academic year. 4 Introduction of the federal state standard of general education The transition to the Federal State Educational Standard can also be carried out in stages, at the levels of general education after the approval of the relevant standards and as educational institutions are ready for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard: in 5 grades starting from the 2012/13 academic year in 10 grades - from 2013 / 14 academic year 5 Introduction of the federal state standard of general education - introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard as soon as it is ready - mandatory introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard 2010-11 academic year - continuation of education according to the Federal State Educational Standard, introduced as soon as it is ready 1 M O 2011-12 academic year 1 2 N And 2012 -13 ac. year 1 2013-14 ac. year 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 2014-15 ac. year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 2015-16 ac. 3 5 T O R I N Y 11 A 2016-17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 academic year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 10 11 ST 2021-22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 b 6 Key features and the new standard The new standard includes requirements for the structure, conditions of development and results of general education The new standard takes into account the age and individual characteristics of students, including the needs of students with disabilities (including children with disabilities) The new standard takes into account the importance of the level of general education for development children 7 The main characteristics of the new standard Primary school (grades 1-4) - the foundation of all subsequent education result - learn to learn Basic school (grades 5-9) - education and upbringing for further development result - learn communication, decision-making, choice, creativity Secondary school (grades 10-11) - sufficient and necessary preparation for continuing education result - implementation of a choice for the purpose of socialization and professional self-determination 8 The organizers of the introduction of the Standard are federal, regional and municipal educational authorities; federal resource center; regional and municipal resource centers; educational institutions of general education; other interested institutions and departments 9 Main activities in the framework of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC creation of regulatory support for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard; creation of financial and economic support for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard; creation of organizational support for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard; creation of staffing for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard; creation of information support for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard; creation of logistical support for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard 10 Normative support for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC OOP LLC educational institution; the normative base of the educational institution, including the definition of the list of textbooks and teaching aids; plan - a schedule for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in the educational institution. Financial and economic support for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC development (amendment) of local acts regulating the establishment of wages for employees of educational institutions, including incentive bonuses, additional payments, the procedure and amount of bonuses; the conclusion of additional agreements to the employment contract with teachers. 11 Staffing introduction of GEF LLC schedule for advanced training; intra-school advanced training (scientific and methodological seminars); updating the job descriptions of OS employees. Organizational support for the introduction of GEF LLC coordination of the activities of the subjects of the educational process, organizational structures of the institution; implementation of models of interaction between institutions of general and additional education for children; modernization of the methodological work system; involvement of public educational institutions in the design of the PLO. 12 Information support for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC study of public opinion; public report; OS website; discussion (; official documents ( Logistic support for the introduction of GEF LLC requirements for OS infrastructure facilities, their equipment; room equipment; educational and methodical sets, ESM; bank of programs, development of classes, didactic materials. 13 Algorithm for the activities of the head of the educational institution for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC The introduction of the standard requires work on the algorithm. The most important requirement for the preparation and implementation of FGT and GEF is: - scientific and methodological support; - information support; - advising all participants in this process. 14 Algorithm of the activities of the head of the educational institution for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard Organize activities for the study by the teaching staff of the Federal State Educational Standard. Create a working group to develop the main educational program of the educational institution. Develop a work plan working group and an action plan to prepare for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. To harmonize the regulatory framework of the educational institution. Organize methodological and informational support for the preparation for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. Determine the optimal needs to ensure the conditions for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, built on the basis of an analysis of educational, didactic and material resources OU. 15 Criteria for the readiness of an educational institution for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard The main educational program for the basic general education of an educational institution has been developed and approved. with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education and new qualification characteristics job descriptions employees of an educational institution 16 Criteria for the readiness of an educational institution for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard A list of textbooks and teaching aids used in the educational process in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education and the amount of bonuses in accordance with the NSOT The optimal model for the organization of the educational process for implementation, which ensures the organization of extracurricular activities of students (for example, a model of interaction with institutions (s) of additional education for children) 17 Criteria for the readiness of an educational institution for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard The professional development of teachers was carried out (possibly in stages as the Federal State Educational Standard is introduced) Personnel, financial, logistical and other conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of general education in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. 18

Individual needs - personal, social, professional success of students Social order - a safe and healthy lifestyle, freedom and responsibility, social justice, welfare State requirements - national unity and security, human capital development, competitiveness GEF OO as a social contract

"On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Part of Changing the Concept and Structure of the SES" State Educational Standards Federal State Educational Standards Article 7 basic general, secondary (complete) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education by educational institutions with state accreditation FEDERAL LAW 309-FZ of December 1, 2007.

Comparison of State Educational Standards and Federal State Educational Standards LLC Federal component Regional component / Component OU Invariant (mandatory) part - 80% or less Variable part - 20% or more Minimum set of didactic units (reduced program) Requirements: for the results of mastering the OEP; to the OOP structure; to the conditions for the implementation of the BEP SES Basic educational program Sample Programs disciplines GEF The main educational program of the educational institution An approximate basic educational program Comparison of GOS and GEF LLC

Academic year academic year - mandatory introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard - introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard as soon as it is ready 1 MONITORING REPORTING 1 Introduction of the federal state standard general education academic year academic year academic year academic year academic year academic year academic year academic year academic year

Status of development and approval of standards 1. GEF of primary general education approved by order of October 6, 2009 373 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 22, 2009 15785) 2. GEF of basic general education - approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2010 d (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 01, 2011 GEF of secondary (complete) general education - under development

9 Federal State Educational Standards Requirements for results personal, meta-subject, subject results are fixed continuity of results for different levels a system-activity approach is fixed to the structure the presence of parts, mandatory and formed by participants in the educational process and their correlation, sections of the BEP are fixed (contentively and quantitatively) extracurricular activities included "out-of-class employment" under the conditions of personnel financial logistical and other (information and educational environment, educational and methodological support)

Requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program Personal readiness and ability for self-development Motivation for learning and cognition Value-semantic attitudes Social competencies, personal qualities

Different arrangement of elementary, middle and high school junior schoolchildren master the ability to learn. The formation of motivation for further learning is paramount. Teenagers learn to communicate, express themselves, take actions and realize their consequences, try themselves not only in educational, but also in other activities. Senior students, choosing the profile of education, find themselves in the field of future professional activity.

The Standard is based on a system-activity approach, which involves the education and development of personality traits that meet the requirements of the information society, innovative economy; transition to a strategy of social design and construction in the education system; orientation to the results of education as a backbone component of the Standard; recognition of the decisive role of the content of education, ways of organizing educational activities and interaction of participants in the educational process in achieving the goals of personal, social and cognitive development of students; taking into account the individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students; ensuring the continuity of preschool, primary general, basic and secondary (complete) general education; a variety of organizational forms and taking into account the individual characteristics of each student; guaranteed achievement of the planned results of mastering the main educational program.

The main educational program determines the content and organization of the educational process, contains a mandatory part and a part formed by the participants in the educational process. PLO of primary general education. The obligatory part is 80%, and the part formed by the participants in the educational process is 20% of the total volume of the BEP. OOP of basic general education. The obligatory part of the BEP is 70%, and the part formed by the participants in the educational process is 30% of the total volume of the main BEP. OOP of secondary (complete) general education. The obligatory part of the BEP is 40%, and the part formed by the participants in the educational process is 60% of the total volume of the BEP. The main educational program is a holistic document

Requirements for the structure of the main educational program The requirements for: - the number and title of sections, including the curriculum of a general education institution; - minimum and the maximum number teaching hours; - the content of each section; - the ratio of parts of the main general education program; - organization of extracurricular activities

Requirements for the structure of the main educational program The target section includes: an explanatory note; the planned results of mastering the BEP by students of basic general education; a system for assessing the achievement of the planned results of mastering the BEP of basic general education.

Requirements for the structure of the main educational program Content section: - a program for the development of universal educational activities, including the formation of students' competencies in the use of information and communication technologies, educational, research and project activities; - programs of individual subjects, courses, including integrated ones; - a program of education and socialization of students at the level of basic general education, including such areas as the spiritual and moral development and education of students, their socialization and professional orientation, the formation of an ecological culture, a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle; - program corrective work.

Requirements for the structure of the main educational program The organizational section includes: - the curriculum of basic general education as one of the main mechanisms for the implementation of the BEP; - a system of conditions for the implementation of the main educational program in accordance with the requirements of the Standard.

The program for the development of universal educational activities for students at the level of basic general education should contain: 1) a description of the value orientations of the content of education at the level of basic general education; 2) connection of universal educational activities with the content of educational subjects; 3) characteristics of personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative universal learning activities of students; 4) typical tasks of the formation of personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative universal educational activities; 5) a description of the continuity of the program for the formation of universal educational activities in the transition from primary general education to basic general education.

Formation and development of ICT competence of students Present a comprehensive program aimed at implementing the requirements of the standard for personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the main educational program of basic general education, which ensures the formation and development of educational (general and subject) and general user ICT competence.

Research and project activities of students should be: Aimed at mastering by students a set of educational and cognitive techniques and practical action for solving personally and socially significant tasks and finding ways to resolve problematic issues through independent actions with a mandatory presentation of the results obtained.

Programs of individual subjects, courses should: Ensure the achievement of the planned results of mastering the BEP of basic general education. Programs of individual academic subjects, courses are developed on the basis of: 1) a program of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia; 2) the fundamental core of the content of general education; 3) requirements for the results of mastering the BEP of basic general education; 4) programs for the development of universal educational activities.

The program of education and socialization of students should be aimed at: 1) Education of a highly moral, creative, competent citizen of Russia. 2) Acceptance of basic national values Russian society. 3) Introducing students to the cultural values ​​of their ethnic or socio-cultural group in the context of the formation of their civic identity. 4) Formation of the way of school life. 5) Formation of an active citizenship among students.

The program of education and socialization of students should be: Aimed at providing psychological, pedagogical and informational support to students in their choice of the direction of further education at the level of secondary (complete) general education, in vocational education institutions, as well as in social, professional self-determination.

The program of education and socialization of students should be aimed at: the formation and development of knowledge, attitudes, personal guidelines and norms of behavior aimed at maintaining and strengthening the physical, psychological and social health of students at the level of basic general education.

The program of correctional work should be: Aimed at correcting deficiencies in the mental and (or) physical development of children with handicapped health, overcoming difficulties in mastering the basic educational program of basic general education, providing assistance and support to children in this category.

The final assessment of the results of mastering the BEP includes two components: the results of the intermediate certification of students, reflecting the dynamics of individual educational achievements of students; the results of the state (final) certification of graduates, characterizing the level of achievement of the planned results of mastering the BEP.

The final assessment of the results of the development of the BEP Should be taken into account the formation of skills for the implementation of project activities and the ability to solve educational, practical and educational tasks based on: the mastered system of fundamental elements of scientific knowledge; ways of acting in relation to the knowledge system; mastered UUD and competencies; acquired experience in obtaining, applying and transforming knowledge and methods of action.

Final assessment of the results of mastering the BEP State (final) certification of graduates is carried out in 5-6 subjects: compulsory (Russian language (native language), mathematics and history of Russia) and 2 at the choice of the graduate. One exam is selected from the following subjects: literature (native literature), foreign language, social studies, general history, geography; The other is from subjects: physics, chemistry, biology. Additionally, the graduate must defend an individual project completed in the learning process.

Final assessment of the results of mastering the BEP The results of individual achievements of students that are not subject to final assessment include: value orientations of the student; individual personal characteristics, including patriotism, tolerance, humanism, etc. A generalized assessment of these and other personal results of mastering the BEP by students should be carried out in the course of various monitoring studies.

Extracurricular activities MAIN DIRECTIONSTYPES OF ACTIVITY Sports and recreation Spiritual and moral Social General intellectual General cultural Game; cognitive; Problem-value communication; Leisure and entertainment activities (leisure communication); Artistic creativity; Social creativity (socially transformative volunteering); Technical creativity Labor (production) activity; Sports and recreation activities; Tourist and local history activities.

Educational results and effects of extracurricular activities The educational result of extracurricular activities is the direct spiritual and moral acquisition of the child through his participation in one or another type of extracurricular activity. The educational effect of extracurricular activities is the influence of one or another spiritual and moral acquisition on the process of development of the child's personality (a consequence of the result).

Levels of educational results The first level is the acquisition of social knowledge by the schoolchild (knowledge about social norms, about the structure of society, about socially approved and disapproved forms of behavior in society, etc.). Achieved in collaboration with the teacher

Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program personnel conditions the ability to require a qualification category in state and municipal educational institutions advanced training once every five years financial conditions the funding standard does not depend on the number of training days per week material and technical conditions a functional approach to determining conditions (opportunity obtaining information different ways, conducting experiments, creating material objects, etc.) the opportunity for unhindered access of students with disabilities to infrastructure facilities the information environment of an educational institution

slide 1

slide 2

November 5, 2008
Message to the Federal Assembly
Presidential initiative: "Our new school"
“If in the second half of the last century the Russian educational system was recognized throughout the world, then at present it “leaves much to be desired”. We rolled back from our forward positions. The weakness of the educational system is a threat to the competitiveness of the country as a whole”

slide 3

Transition to new educational standards
Improving the teaching corps
Development of a support system for talented children
Changing school infrastructure
Preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren
"Our New School" includes five items:

slide 4

The introduction of the federal state educational standard of primary general education will begin in all educational institutions of the Russian Federation in the 1st grade from

slide 5

FAMILY Personal success Social success Professional success
SOCIETY Safety and health Freedom and responsibility Social justice Welfare

slide 6

Phased introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education
Transition to the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education of General Educational Institutions: Grade 1 -2011. Grade 2-2012 Grade 3-2013 4th grade-2014

Slide 7

Slide 8


To provide each student with the opportunity to develop their abilities, to prepare for life.
New generation of educational standards

Slide 9

Slide 10

Transition to new educational standards
3 groups of requirements:
requirements for the structure of educational programs requirements for the conditions for the implementation of educational programs requirements for the results of their development
The main thing is not knowledge, but the ability to obtain and use them.

slide 11

to the results of mastering the main educational program
to the structure of the main educational program
to the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program
organization and content
planned and achieved results
resources and conditions
FGOS requirements:

slide 12

FGOS requirements:
Personal Outcomes
Metasubject Results
Subject Results
Personal results (system of value relations, interests, motivations of students, etc.)
Meta-subject results (methods of activity mastered on the basis of one or more subjects, applicable both within the educational process and in solving problems in real life). life situations)
Subject results of knowledge and skills, experience of creative activity, etc.

slide 13

Purpose of education:
1st generation GEF 2004
Assimilation of knowledge, skills, skills
2nd generation GEF 2010
General cultural, personal and cognitive development of students
The new generation of the Federal State Educational Standard is based on a system-activity approach

Slide 14

Purpose of education:
New social demands define the goals of education as general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students, providing such a key competence of education as "teach to learn".

slide 15

Activity approach
- this is the organization of the educational process, in which the main place is given to active and versatile, to the maximum extent independent cognitive activity schoolboy.

slide 16

New school - new standards
Features of the organization of the activities of the teacher and students in the lesson of a new type
Traditional didactics
Teacher activity
Student activities
New didactics
Joint activity of teacher and student

Slide 17

System of didactic principles
The principle of a holistic view of the world. the child should form a generalized, holistic view of the world (nature - society - himself), about the role and place of each science in the system of sciences.
The principle of continuity. continuity between all levels of education at the level of methodology, content and methodology.
Minimax principle. the school must offer the student the content of education at the maximum level, and the student must acquire this content at the minimum level.
The principle of psychological comfort. removing, if possible, all the stress-forming factors of the educational process, creating an atmosphere at school and in the classroom that unchains children and in which they feel “at home”.
The principle of variability. involves the development of students' variant thinking, that is, an understanding of the possibility of various options for solving a problem and the ability to carry out a systematic enumeration of options.
The principle of creativity (creativity). implies a maximum orientation towards creativity in the educational activities of schoolchildren, the acquisition of their own experience of creative activity.
The principle of activity. the formation of the student's personality and his advancement in development is carried out not when he perceives ready-made knowledge, but in the process of his own activity aimed at “discovering” new knowledge by him.

Slide 18

One of the main differences between the Second Generation Standards and the First Generation Standards: The first generation Standards are process-oriented, content-oriented; The second generation standards are result oriented. What does this mean? Previously, the teacher had to issue the program (content). Today - the teacher must ensure the achievement of the planned results.

Slide 19

the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience; a set of student actions that ensure his cultural identity, social competence, tolerance, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process.

Slide 20

Transfer of ready-made knowledge
Explain everything so that the student remembers and retells knowledge
Reproductive questions - repetition and memorization of other people's thoughts
Need to exclude
Development of skills for the application of knowledge
Director teacher. The student himself discovers new knowledge through the content of the teaching materials.
Productive tasks - getting a new product - your conclusion, assessment. Application of knowledge in new conditions. Transfer of knowledge.
Need to strive

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slide 22

self-determination (personal, professional, life self-determination) meaning formation (the student must ask himself: what is the meaning and meaning of the teaching for me? - and be able to answer it); moral and ethical orientation (assessment of digestible content, providing a personal moral choice.)

slide 23

(provide students with the organization of their educational activities.) goal-setting planning forecasting control correction assessment self-regulation

slide 24

general educational universal actions (self-selection and formulation of a cognitive goal, search and selection of the necessary information, structuring of knowledge, choice of the most effective ways problem solving, problem setting and formulation, independent creation of activity algorithms for solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature, etc.) logical (analysis of objects in order to highlight features, synthesis, choice of bases and criteria for comparison, classification of objects, subsuming under a concept, derivation of consequences; establishment of cause-and-effect relationships; construction of a logical chain of reasoning; proof; hypotheses and their justification; actions of setting and solving problems.) setting and solving the problem (formulation of the problem; independent creation of ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.)

Slide 25

(provide social competence and take into account the position of other people, communication partners or activities) planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers - determining the purpose, functions of participants, ways of interaction; posing questions - proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information; conflict resolution, decision making and its implementation; management of the partner's behavior - control, correction, evaluation of his actions; the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication; possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech; conscious and arbitrary construction of a speech statement in oral and written form;

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Slide 27

interim certification results
final work results
Two components of the final grade

Slide 28

Carrying out control tests (in the form verification work, exams, tests or in another form determined by the federal education authority); Presentation by graduates of general education institutions of a portfolio - a package of certificates of their achievements in any type of socially significant activity.

Slide 29

An individual folder in which individual achievements are recorded, accumulated and evaluated over a certain period of time in a variety of activities: educational, creative, social, communicative.

slide 30

The portfolio of a student in grades 1-4 is compiled by parents; The portfolio of a student in grades 5-6 is compiled by the student with the participation of parents; The portfolio of a student in grades 7 - 9 is compiled by the student, drawn up with the participation of parents; Maintaining a portfolio is mandatory for students in grades 9 and 11, students in pre-profile and profile classes. Portfolio management is under control class teacher with the involvement of subject teachers. A student's portfolio in grades 10-11 is compiled and executed by the student.

Slide 31

Section 1. General information Section 2. Main areas of activity Section 3. Progress Section 4. Social activities Section 5. Success Section 6. Perspectives

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Slide 33

loving his people, his land and his homeland; respecting and accepting the values ​​of the family and society; inquisitive, actively and interestedly knowing the world; possessing the basics of the ability to learn, capable of organizing their own activities; ready to act independently and be responsible for their actions to the family and society; benevolent, able to listen and hear the interlocutor, justify his position, express his opinion; following the rules of a healthy and safe lifestyle for yourself and others.

slide 34

Explanatory note
Planned results of mastering the main educational program
Extracurricular activities
Program for the formation of universal educational activities
Program of spiritual and moral development, education
Healthy and Safe Lifestyle Culture Program
Corrective work program
System for assessing the achievement of planned results
Programs of individual subjects, courses
Main Educational Program

Slide 35


slide 36

Requirements for sections of the main educational program
Extracurricular activities
Organized in the areas of personal development:
Sports and recreation
Spiritual and moral
general intellectual
general cultural

Slide 37

Extracurricular activities
No. Name of the course Teacher Number of hours per week
1. Reporting Moiseeva I. N. 1
2. Pochemuchka Moiseeva I. N. 1
3. Rhetoric Chernyakova E. E. 1
4. Outdoor folk games Chernyakova E. E. 1
5. Young researcher Shcherbachenko T. A. 2
6. Magic palette Lekomtsev S. I. 2
7. Musical theater Lopatchenko L. N. 1
8. Informatics in games and tasks Mamontova L. V. 1

Slide 38

Educational, methodological and information support
Logistics conditions
Information and educational environment

Slide 39

Directions of the national educational initiative
A system of incentives for the best teachers, continuous improvement of their qualifications, attraction of a new generation of teachers.
Improving the teaching corps

Slide 40

New quality of education in modern Russia
“We must get new teachers and new students (in the figurative sense of the word), that is, trained teachers, regardless of their age, who love their job and want to work at school ...” D.A. Medvedev

Slide 41

The key figure of the New School is the teacher, who is primarily responsible for the quality and accessibility of education. The new teacher is a creative, independent, versatile, cultural, morally and spiritually developed personality. Also, the teacher of the new school must be an active user of information technology, communicate freely in this information space. A man who loves his job and his students. This is a person close to the ideal, and not just a teacher.
It is the love for children that makes the personality of a teacher unique and distinguishes this profession from the rest. That is why it is necessary to start the transformation of the school with the teacher (in particular, with the teacher primary school), because the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard is carried out precisely in elementary school. If a teacher wants to be needed in the 21st century, he must adjust to the new requirements. "Whoever comprehends the new, cherishing the old, he can be a teacher" Confucius. Changing the school infrastructure
GEF high school (continuity and development)

Slide 50

GEF high school (continuity and development)
From the Concept of profile education (2002): to provide an in-depth study of individual subjects, to create conditions for a significant differentiation of the content of education for high school students with the possibility of building individual curricula, to expand the opportunities for socialization of students, to ensure continuity between general and vocational education, more effectively prepare school graduates for the development of vocational education programs

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

What qualities do you want to see in your child when they leave school so that they can be successful in modern life? The ability to set a goal and achieve it The ability to adapt to the situation The ability to communicate The ability to navigate the world To acquire and apply knowledge independently To be able to care for others, to be a moral person To maintain health ... The goal of education through the eyes of parents

2 slide

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3 slide

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Leading ideas of the Federal State Educational Standard The requests of the family, society and the state The concept of spiritual and moral education fundamental core content of general education

4 slide

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Features of GEF Standard as a conventional norm, social contract leading component of GEF - requirements for results, portrait of a graduate; contractual relations between the participants of the educational process; distribution of responsibility for achieving the planned results; variability of education

5 slide

Description of the slide:

The system-activity approach At the heart of the second generation standards The system-activity approach, a change in the general paradigm of education, which is reflected in the transition from: defining the goal of schooling as the acquisition of knowledge, skills, skills to defining the goal as the formation of the ability to learn as a competence that ensures the mastery of new competencies; "isolated" study by students of the system of scientific concepts that make up the content of the academic subject, to the inclusion of the content of education in the context of solving significant life tasks, i.e. from focusing on the educational and subject content of school subjects to understanding learning as a process of education and generation of meanings; the spontaneity of the student's educational activity to the strategy of its purposeful organization and systematic formation; individual form of learning to the recognition of the decisive role of educational cooperation in achieving learning goals

6 slide

Description of the slide:

active and active creative inquisitive initiative open to the outside world, benevolent and responsive positive attitude towards oneself, self-confidence communication skills self-organization and a healthy lifestyle research interest self-regulation responsibility feeling dignity respect for others, for a different point of view LEARNING INDEPENDENCE ≡ ABILITY TO LEARN Expected results: portrait of a primary school graduate

7 slide

Description of the slide:

formation of subject and universal; methods of action that ensure the possibility of continuing education in the basic school; education of the ability to learn - the ability to self-organize in order to solve educational problems; individual progress in key areas; personal development - emotional, cognitive, self-regulation. Requirements of the Standard: the main results of primary education

8 slide

Description of the slide:

Requirements for the results of mastering the main general educational programs The subject results of educational activity are expressed in the assimilation by students of specific elements of social experience studied within a separate academic subject - knowledge, skills, experience in solving problems, experience in creative activity, values. on the basis of one, several or all academic subjects, methods of activity applicable both within the framework of the educational process and in solving problems in real life situations. process and results

9 slide

Description of the slide:

Formation of basic competencies modern man The basis of modern educational standards is the formation of the basic competencies of a modern person: informational (the ability to search, analyze, transform, apply information to solve problems); communicative (ability to cooperate effectively with other people); self-organization (the ability to set goals, plan, treat health responsibly, make full use of personal resources); self-education (willingness to design and implement their own educational trajectory throughout life, ensuring success and competitiveness)

10 slide

Description of the slide:

Ways to implement the Federal State Educational Standards, three "T" Changes in the appearance of the school, compliance of the staff with the tasks set (fulfillment of "T" - requirements for the conditions for the implementation of educational programs) Development of a modern educational program (fulfillment of "T" - requirements for the structure of educational programs) Use of modern teaching materials, technologies, assessment systems, etc. (fulfillment "T" - requirements for the results of the development of educational programs)

11 slide

Description of the slide:

Primary general education Option 1 School subjects Grades Number of hours per week Total I II III IV Invariant part Russian language 5 5 5 5 20 Literary reading 4 4 4 4 16 Foreign language - 2 2 2 6 Mathematics 4 4 4 4 16 World around 2 2 2 2 8 Spiritual culture of the peoples of Russia - - - 0/1 0.5 Music 1 1 1 1 4 Artistic work 2 2 2 2 8 Physical Culture 2 2 2 2 8 Total: 20 22 22 22.5 86.5 Variable part (6-day academic week) - 3 3 2.5 8.5 Maximum classroom load (6 days) 20 25 25 25 95 Maximum classroom workload (5 days) 20 22 22 22 86 Extracurricular activities 10 10 10 10 40 Total funding (6 days) 30 35 35 35 135

12 slide

Description of the slide:

Extracurricular activities Directions Classes I II III IV Total Sports and recreation 3 3 3 3 12 Spiritual and moral 2 2 2 2 8 Scientific and educational 2 2 2 2 8 Military patriotic 2 2 2 2 8 Socially useful activities 2 2 2 2 8 Project activity 1 1 1 1 4 Total to finance 10 10 10 10 40

13 slide

Description of the slide:

Approximate basic educational program of IEO Staffing requirements, etc. WHAT DOCUMENTS DO THE FSES COMPLETE THE FEDERAL STATE EDUCATIONAL STANDARD REQUIREMENTS TO THE STRUCTURE RESULTS OF mastering the main educational program (so far - only for elementary school) CONDITIONS OF IMPLEMENTATION DEPARTMENTAL DOCUMENTS (specify, supplement, regulate the FSES) BUP when, what and how much to study The system of evaluation of results by what means to evaluate results - assignments for actions (use of knowledge) Programs of subjects what and how should be studied - guidelines for developers of work and author's programs Program for the formation of UUD what should be learned in all subjects Federal list Program spirit.-nature. parenting what values ​​the child can adopt Planned outcomes what the child will learn or have the opportunity to learn Healthy lifestyle program

14 slide

Description of the slide:

Purpose Functionally literate person Person independent person A person who knows how to live among people “A person who is able to use all the knowledge, skills and abilities constantly acquired throughout life to solve the widest possible range of life tasks in various areas of human activity, communication and social relations. This is a person who orients himself in the world and acts in accordance with social values, expectations and interests. The concept of "Pedagogy of common sense" (1995) A.A.Leontiev

15 slide

Description of the slide:

SYSTEM OF TEXTBOOKS Educational program Goal: functionally literate person. Unified technologies (problem approach): Problem dialogue Productive reading Project technology Assessment technology A set of textbooks and manuals in all subjects (preschool education - Primary School- primary school - high school) Public organization Conferences, methodological centers Implementation and approbation Teacher training WHY TEACH? HOW to teach? WHAT to teach? WHO?

16 slide

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traditional education Developing education L.S.Vygotsky A.N.Leontiev and others. educational standard Developers of standards Developers of standards "Zankovites" "School 2100" New results of education

17 slide

Description of the slide:

Subject experience of obtaining, transforming and applying subject knowledge the knowledge system is the basis of the scientific picture of the world Meta-subject universal learning activities (cognitive, regulatory and communicative) are the basis of the ability to learn interdisciplinary concepts Personal value-semantic attitudes of a personal position, the basis of Russian and civic identity, social competence , motivation EDUCATIONAL RESULTS OF GEF are requirements for ... STRUCTURE RESULTS of mastering the main educational program CONDITIONS for implementation

18 slide

Description of the slide:

OLD RESULT Learning process Ways of assessing KNOWLEDGE often understood as a large set rather than a system SKILLS SKILLS

19 slide

Description of the slide:

The concept of UUD GEF (federal state educational standard): Universal learning activities are activities that ensure the mastery of key competencies that form the basis of the ability to learn. Regulatory Cognitive Communicative PEP (main educational program): UUD Development Program: Regulatory Cognitive Communicative + Personal!

20 slide

Description of the slide:

ALL EDUCATIONAL IMPACTS ON THE STUDENT, THE ENTIRE EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT OF THE SCHOOL NEW EDUCATIONAL RESULT PERSONAL The ability to evaluate one’s own and others’ actions, the desire for creative activity COGNITIVE The ability to extract, transform and present information COMMUNICATIVE The ability to convey one’s position, understand others, agree to do something together REGULATORY Ability to organize your affairs: set a goal, plan, receive and evaluate the result

21 slide

Description of the slide:

What is the main educational program? explanatory note; planned results; the curriculum of the educational institution; UUD formation program; programs for individual academic subjects; program of spiritual and moral development and education; the program for the formation of the value of health and a healthy lifestyle; evaluation system. The main educational program of primary general education determines the content and organization of the educational process of primary general education We are used to many separate programs, and this is a single program for the entire life of the school

22 slide

Description of the slide:

STRUCTURE OF OOP Curriculum when, what and how much to study Outcome evaluation system by what means to evaluate results - assignments for actions (use of knowledge) spirit.-temper. upbringing what values ​​the child can adopt Planned results what he will learn or get the opportunity to learn ORGANIZATIONAL Structure PEP Corrective Work Program PURPOSE OF THE TASK PLANNED RESULTS METHODS OF DETERMINATION

23 slide

Description of the slide:

Two options for creating the main educational program of the school Option 1 - refuse family life, sit down at night in libraries and create the main educational program of the school yourself. Option 2 - go to the site, download the version of the main educational program, remove the excess, supplement and title it.

24 slide

Description of the slide:

What problem of GEF implementation will be, in your opinion, the main one? 1. How to ensure a meta-subject result (to develop universal learning activities)? 2. How to build upbringing in a new way? 3. What to do with the second half of the day (10 hours)? 4. How to evaluate new results? 5. How to properly report to the authorities about the "implementation" of the Federal State Educational Standard?

25 slide

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27 slide

Description of the slide:

HOW TO IMPLEMENT THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE STANDARD Meta-subject results Regulatory. Communicative. Cognitive New result Subject content Russian language. Literary reading. Mathematics. The world. Technology and art. Computer science. Rhetoric. Problem dialogue technology Assessment technology Productive reading technology Form of group work Personal results Project technology and Life tasks EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT Extracurricular (educational) activities

28 slide

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29 slide

Description of the slide:

New Standards proclaim new development goals, but HOW to do it? GEF (2009): goal - "competent person"; - functionally literate personality Main educational results: GEF (2009) personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative, Subject results - GEF (2009) system of actions with subject content. Productive tasks that develop actions with subject knowledge

30 slide

Description of the slide:

PRODUCTIVE TASKS - the main means of developing skills Traditional tasks PRODUCTIVE TASKS Why did people begin to call Peter the Great? (OKM) 1. Why don't ships made of iron sink? 2. Given several rectangular rugs, choose among them one that completely covers a room 3 m long and 2 m wide? List the main properties of water Name the formula for the area of ​​a rectangle Retell the text about Peter I. LITERATURE How do people use energy? 1. Work in pairs: one name the source of energy, the other way to use it in the human economy? (OKM 4 cl.)

31 slide

Description of the slide:

How to build a complete answer to a productive question? Comprehend the task (what needs to be done?) Find the necessary information (text, figure ...) Transform the information in accordance with the task (find the reason, highlight the main thing, give an assessment ...) Formulate a mental answer using the words: “I think that ..., because in -first ..., secondly ... etc. ") Give a complete answer (story), not counting on the teacher's leading questions

32 slide

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33 slide

Description of the slide:

In life, we constantly have to solve problems! Does the school teach this? Solving problems in life 1. Life puts us in a situation of difficulty. We formulate a goal: “What do we want to achieve?” 2. We consider possible solutions, determine whether there is enough knowledge and skills. 3. We try to solve the problem (getting new knowledge if necessary) 4. Having received the result, we compare it with the goal. We conclude whether we have achieved our goal or not. Traditional view of the lesson (c / f) 1. Homework: “Retell ...” 2. Topic: “Today we will study ...” 3. Explanation: “So, listen carefully ...” 4. Consolidation: “Repeat what ...? When…?"

34 slide

Description of the slide:

Traditional view of the lesson (c / f) 1. Homework: “Retell ...” 2. Topic: “Today we will study ...” 3. Explanation: “So, listen carefully ...” 4. Consolidation: “Repeat what ...? When…?" Problem-dialogical lesson 1. Statement of the problem: - “On the one hand ..., but on the other hand ...”; “What surprises you? ... "-" What is the question? (problem)" 2. Actualization: "Remember what we already know about this problem?" 3. Search for a solution: “From the text, determine ...” 4. Solution: “How can we answer our question?” Problem-dialogical technology (since 1999) Purpose - to teach independent problem solving (FSES) Means - discovery of knowledge together with Melnikov's children

35 slide

Description of the slide:

What group of new results, first of all, does the problematic dialogue develop: personal, regulatory, communicative, cognitive? Regulatory - the ability to solve problems: the goal is a solution Communicative - conduct a dialogue Cognitive - extract information, draw logical conclusions, etc. Personal - if the problem of a moral assessment of the situation, civil choice was raised

36 slide

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3) After reading the text - reflective reading, conceptual. questions. Result: understanding the author's meaning, correcting one's interpretation 2) While reading the text - studying reading (including dialogue with the author, subtext reading). Result: interpretation of the text before reading the text - viewing reading Result: anticipation of reading, creating a motive for reading Productive reading technology ensures the development of communication skills (since 1999) Goal - understanding of texts Means - three stages of working with any text: Texts of textbooks of all subjects with subtext, intriguing titles, etc.

37 slide

Description of the slide:

Every educated person can read different texts. Does the school teach this? Communication through text in life 1) Before reading. At the bookshelf we decide for ourselves whether to read or not to read, comparing our desires, motives with the title, author, illustration, skimming through the text, etc. 2) While reading. We read and do not discard if we find in the text hidden questions and answers to them that intrigue us (subtext) 3) After reading. In a conversation with friends, we share our impressions, comparing our understanding of the text (its main, conceptual idea) with the understanding of others Traditional ways of working with text at school A. Read at home and retell (Why do I need this?) B. Answer who is acting in this text, what does it do when (factual info only) Q. Quickly read to yourself and briefly name the main features (... What is the main thing here if half of the words are not clear?...)

38 slide

Description of the slide:

Three stages of working with text 1) Before reading the text. An assumption about what the text will be about by its title, illustrations, etc. (viewing reading) Result: anticipation of reading, creating a motive for reading 2) While reading the text. Learning reading (at the stage of learning aloud) in the mode of dialogue with the author: making pauses in reading in order to: ask the author a question about what was read (B), guess the answer (O), while reading further, find the answer to the question in the text and check yourself (P). Result: reading not only factual information, but also subtext, your own interpretation of the text. 3) After reading the text. Formulation of its main idea (concept) incl. through reflective reading. Result: understanding the author's meaning, correcting one's interpretation Productive reading technology Goal - understanding texts: explicitly, implicitly, and most importantly Means - active techniques at three stages of working with text

39 slide

Description of the slide:

What educational results does the technology of productive reading provide? Communicative - formulate one's position, adequately understand the interlocutor (author) Cognitive - extract, interpret, use textual information Personal - if text analysis generates value judgments Regulatory - the ability to work according to a plan (algorithm)
