Approximate work program for biology. Work program of the general education discipline biology for specialties. work program on the topic











D Director of the Kalmyk branch of MGGEU

Aidarova G.P.

"_____" _______________20__


DB. 06 "Biology"

by specialty 02/09/03 Programming in computer systems

qualification technician - programmer

Elista, 2016


Subject Cycle Commission of Natural Sciences and Mathematical Disciplines Protocol No.______

from "______"___________2016

Chairman of the PCC

______________/ Ts.Yu. Katrikova/

Developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary vocational education in specialty 09.02. 03 Programming in computer systems

Deputy Director for Educational and Methodological Work

______________/ V.V. Novgorodova/

Compiled by: Boldyreva A.Yu. , highest qualification category, teacher

Reviewers: Katrikova Ts.Yu, highest qualification category, teacher

Asarkhinova E.B., highest qualification category, teacher, BPOU RK "EPTK"


for the work program academic discipline"Biology" for students specialty 09.02.03 Programming in computer systems,developed by the teacher of the KF FGBOIU VO "MSGEU" Boldyreva A.Yu.

Working programm The academic discipline "Biology" was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for the specialty 09.02.03 Programming in computer systems of secondary vocational education of basic training.

The work program of the academic discipline “Biology” provides for the development cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities of students in the process of studying biological phenomena, instilling confidence in the possibility of knowing living nature, the need for rational environmental management, careful handling of natural resources and the environment, the health of other people and one’s own health, the use of acquired biological knowledge and skills in Everyday life to assess the consequences of their activities.

The work program includes: passport, structure, content, conditions of implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the academic discipline and consists of theoretical and practical classes, as well as independent work. The work program passport defines the scope of the program, the place of the discipline in the structure of the PPSSZ, and defines the goals and objectives of the discipline.

The work program of the academic discipline "Biology" can be recommended for use in educational process in the preparation of students in the above-mentioned specialty.

Reviewer: Asarkhinova E.B.

Chemistry and biology teacher

BPOU RK "Elista Polytechnic College"





  1. conditions for the implementation of the work program of the academic discipline

  1. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the academic discipline



    1. Scope of the program: Work program of the academic discipline"Biology" is part of the educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty 09.02.03 Programming in computer systems.

1.2. The place of an academic discipline in the structure of educational programs: Educational d The discipline "Biology" belongs to the disciplines of the natural sciences and mathematics cycle of the compulsory part of the PPSSZ cycles.

1.3. Goals and objectives of the academic discipline - requirements for results mastering the academic discipline:

4. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the ACADEMIC DISCIPLINE

Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the academic discipline is carried out by the teacher in the process of conducting various forms training sessions.

Learning outcomes

(mastered skills, acquired knowledge)

Codes of formed professional and general competencies

Forms and methods of monitoring and assessing learning outcomes





explain the role of biology in the formation of a scientific worldview; the contribution of biological theories to the formation of the modern natural scientific picture of the world; the unity of living and inanimate nature, the kinship of living organisms; the negative impact of alcohol, nicotine, and drugs on human embryonic and post-embryonic development; the influence of environmental factors on living organisms, the influence of mutagens on plants, animals and humans; relationships and interactions between organisms and the environment; causes and factors of evolution, variability of species; disturbances in the development of organisms, mutations and their significance in the occurrence of hereditary diseases; sustainability, development and changes in ecosystems; the need to preserve species diversity;

solve basic biological problems; draw up elementary diagrams of crossing and schemes for the transfer of substances and energy transfer in ecosystems (food chains); describe the features of species according to morphological criterion;

identify adaptations of organisms to their environment, sources and presence of mutagens in the environment (indirectly), anthropogenic changes in the ecosystems of their area;

compare biological objects: the chemical composition of living and inanimate bodies, human and other animal embryos, natural ecosystems and agroecosystems of one’s area; processes (natural and artificial selection, sexual and asexual reproduction) and draw conclusions and generalizations based on comparison and analysis;

analyze and evaluate various hypotheses about the essence, origin of life and man, global environmental problems and their solutions, the consequences of one’s own activities in the environment;

study changes in ecosystems using biological models;

find information about biological objects in various sources (textbooks, reference books, popular science publications, computer databases, Internet resources) and critically evaluate it;

OK 1 - 9

Interpretation of the results of observations of the student’s activities in the process of mastering the educational program

Current control in the form:

Oral survey;


Practical classes;

Creative projects.

Differentiated credit by discipline.


the main provisions of biological theories and laws: cell theory, evolutionary doctrine, V.I. Vernadsky’s doctrine of the biosphere, G. Mendel’s laws, patterns of variability and heredity;

structure and functioning of biological objects: cells, genes and chromosomes, structure of species and ecosystems;

the essence of biological processes: reproduction, fertilization, the actions of artificial and natural selection, the formation of fitness, the origin of species, the circulation of substances and the transformation of energy in a cell, an organism, in ecosystems and the biosphere;

the contribution of outstanding (including domestic) scientists to the development of biological science;

biological terminology and symbolism.

State budgetary educational institution

secondary vocational education in Moscow

"Medical College No. 8

Department of Health of the City of Moscow"



for specialty060501 "Nursing". 51


The program is based on the recommended program:

Expert Council on Vocational Education Protocol No. 24/1 of March 27, 2008



1.1 Scope of the program

The program of the academic discipline "Biology" is part of the approximate basic general education program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for the specialties of secondary vocational education: 060501 "Nursing".

1.2 Place of the discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program:

The discipline “Biology” is part of the “General educational disciplines” section of the professional cycle.

1.3 Goals and objectives of the discipline - requirements for the results of mastering the discipline:

should be able to:

  • explain the role of biology in the formation of a scientific worldview; the contribution of biological theories to the formation of the modern natural scientific picture of the world; the unity of living and inanimate nature, the kinship of living organisms; the negative impact of alcohol, nicotine, and drugs on human embryonic and post-embryonic development; the influence of environmental factors on living organisms, the influence of mutagens on plants, animals and humans; relationships and interactions between organisms and the environment; causes and factors of evolution, variability of species; disturbances in the development of organisms, mutations and their significance in the occurrence of hereditary diseases; sustainability, development and changes in ecosystems; the need to preserve species diversity;
  • solve basic biological problems; draw up elementary diagrams of crossing and schemes for the transfer of substances and energy transfer in ecosystems (food chains); describe the characteristics of species according to morphological criteria;
  • identify adaptations of organisms to their environment, sources and presence of mutagens in the environment (indirectly), anthropogenic changes in the ecosystems of their area;

Compare biological objects: the chemical composition of living and inanimate bodies, human and other animal embryos, natural ecosystems and agroecosystems of one’s area; processes (natural and artificial selection, sexual and asexual reproduction) and draw conclusions and generalizations based on comparison and analysis;

use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life:

  • to comply with measures to prevent poisoning, viral and other diseases, stress, bad habits(smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction); rules of conduct in the natural environment;
  • providing first aid for traumatic, colds and other diseases, food poisoning;
  • assessment of the ethical aspects of some research in the field of biotechnology (cloning, artificial insemination).

As a result of mastering the discipline, the studentmust know/understand:

  • the main provisions of biological theories and laws: cell theory, evolutionary doctrine, V.I. Vernadsky’s doctrine of the biosphere, G. Mendel’s laws, patterns of variability and heredity;
  • structure and functioning of biological objects: cells, genes and chromosomes, structure of species and ecosystems;
  • the essence of biological processes: reproduction, fertilization, the actions of artificial and natural selection, the formation of fitness, the origin of species, the circulation of substances and the transformation of energy in a cell, an organism, in ecosystems and the biosphere;
  • the contribution of outstanding (including domestic) scientists to the development of biological science; biological terminology and symbolism;

1.4. Number of hours for mastering the program of the academic discipline:

The maximum teaching load for a student is 209 hours, including:

obligatory classroom teaching load of a student 139 hours;

independent work of the student 70 hours.


2.1. Scope of academic discipline and types academic work

Type of educational work

Hours volume


Mandatory classroom teaching load (total)


Practical lessons

Independent work of the student (total)

Final certification in the form of an oral exam

When studying the discipline BIOLOGY, the following forms of control of students’ knowledge and skills are carried out:




Current control is carried out using the following methods: oral, written, test. To organize intermediate control, testing and written examinations are carried out.

2.2. Thematic plan and content of the academic discipline"Biology"

Name of sections and topics

Hours volume

Mastery level

1st semester


Biology is a complex of sciences about living nature.

Signs of living organisms. Diversity of living organisms

Levels of organization of living nature.

The role of biology in the formation of the modern natural science picture of the world

Level organization of living nature and evolution. Methods of knowledge of living nature. General principles of biology. Study of the basic laws of the origin, development and existence of life on Earth and its modern organization.

Section 1.


Topic 1. 1. A cell is an elementary system.

Chemical organization of the cell

A cell is an elementary living system and the basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms.Short story studying cells.

Topic 1. 2 Organic and inorganic substances of cells and living organisms

Chemical organization of the cell. Organic and inorganic substances of cells and living organisms. Proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and their role in the cell.

Making a crossword puzzle

Subject 1. 3. Cell structure and functions. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

Viruses as non-cellular life forms.

Cell structure and functions. Prokaryotic and

Eukaryotic cells. Viruses as a non-cellular form of life and their significance. Fight against viral diseases (AIDS, etc.)

Subject 1. 4. Cytoplasm and cell membrane. Cell organelles.

Cytoplasm and cell membrane. Cell organelles.

Independent work of students

Make a table “Structure and functions of cell organelles.”

Subject 1. 5. Metabolism and energy conversion in the cell. Plastic and energy metabolism

Metabolism and energy conversion in the cell: plastic and energy metabolism.

Subject 1. 6. Structure and functions of chromosomes

Structure and functions of chromosomes. DNA is the carrier of hereditary information.

Independent work of students

Make a model “Structure of the DNA molecule”,

Subject 1. 7. DNA replication

Genetic code.

DNA replication. Gene. Genetic code.

Theme 1.8

Protein biosynthesis.

Protein biosynthesis.

Independent work of students

Prepare flashcards with stages of protein biosynthesis

Subject 1. 9. Diversity of cells in a multicellular organism. Life cycle of a cell. Mitosis

Cells and their diversity in a multicellular organism.Cell differentiation. Cellular theory of the structure of organisms.

Life cycle of a cell. Mitosis.

Practical lessons

  1. 10. Microscope device. Observation of plant and animal cells under a microscope on finished micropreparations. Their description.

1. 11. Preparation and description of micropreparations of plant cells.

Comparison of plant and animal cells using finished micropreparations

1. 12. Physics – Chemical properties cytoplasm

Section 2.


Topic 2.1.

The body is a single whole. Diversity of organisms.

Topic 2.2.

Reproduction is the most important property of living organisms. Asexual reproduction.

Topic 2.3. Sexual reproduction. Meiosis

Sexual reproduction. Meiosis.

Independent work of students

Draw flashcards with the phases of meiosis, indicating similarities and differences with mitosis.

Subject 2. 4. Formation of germ cells.

Formation of germ cells

Independent work of students

Subject 2. 5. Fertilization.

Individual development body. The main stages of embryonic development.

Individual development of the body. Embryonic stage ontogeny. The main stages of embryonic development.

Independent work of students

Draw up a diagram of the division of a fertilized egg.

Subject 2. 6.Organogenesis. Postembryonic development.

Organogenesis. Postembryonic development.

Practical lessons

2.9. The structure of gametes. Gametogenesis.

2. 10. Identification and description of signs of similarity between human embryos and other vertebrates as evidence of their evolutionary relationship

3. 12.. Drawing up the simplest monohybrid crossing schemes

3. 13. Solving genetic problems that model the patterns of monohybrid crossing.

3. 14. Drawing up the simplest dihybrid crossing schemes.

3. 15. Test for the 1st semester

Independent work of students

  1. Draw a diagram of the formation of gametes.

2nd semester

Subject 2. 7. Individual human development

Individual development of the body. Causes of disturbances in the development of organisms.

Subject 2. 8 Reproductive health.

Consequences of the influence of alcohol, nicotine, and drugs on human development.

Individual human development. Reproductive health. Consequences of the influence of alcohol, nicotine, drugs, environmental pollution on human development.

Independent work of students

Writing an abstract on the topic: “Reproductive health. Causes leading to human infertility."

Section 3.


Subject 3. 1. Genetics is the science of the laws of heredity and variability of organisms. The laws of genetics established by G. Mendel.

Genetics is the science of the laws of heredity and variability of organisms. G. Mendel is the founder of genetics. Genetic terminology and symbolism.

Subject 3. 2. Monohybrid crossing

The laws of genetics established by G. Mendel. Monohybrid cross

Independent work of students

Solving genetic problems

Subject 3. 3. Dihybrid crossing

The laws of genetics established by G. Mendel. Dihybrid cross

Subject 3. 4. Chromosome theory of heredity

Chromosomal theory of heredity.

Subject 3. 5. Interaction of genes.

Gene interaction.

Independent work of students

Independent problem solving

Subject 3. 6. Genetic determination of sex. Sex-linked inheritance

Genetics of sex. Sex-linked inheritance

Topic 3. 7.

The importance of genetics for breeding and medicine

Subject 3. 8. Hereditary human diseases, their prevention.

Hereditary human diseases, their causes and prevention.

Subject 3. 9. Patterns of variability. Hereditary and modification variability.

Patterns of variability. Hereditary or genotypic variability. Modification variability.

Independent work of students

Give 5 of your own examples of gene mutations, chromosomal mutations, genomic mutations.

Subject 3. 10. Genetics is the theoretical basis of selection. Domestication of animals.

Genetics is the theoretical basis of selection. Domestication of animals and cultivation of crops – initial stages selection. Teachings of N.I. Vavilov about the centers of diversity and origin of cultivated plants.

Independent work of students

Writing an essay or creating a presentation

Subject 3. 11. Basic selection methods. Biotechnology. Animal Cloning

Main methods of selection: hybridization and artificial selection. The main achievements of modern selection of cultivated plants, domestic animals and microorganisms.

Practical lessons

3.16. Solving genetic problems that model the patterns of dihybrid crossing.

3. 17. Solving problems on sex-linked inheritance.

3. 18. Analysis of phenotypic variability. Identification of mutagens in the environment and indirect assessment of their possible effect on the body.

Independent work of students

Writing an essayor creating a presentationabout the importance of GMOs for modern medicine

Section 4


Subject 4. 1. History of the development of evolutionary ideas. Significance of Linnaeus's work

History of the development of evolutionary ideas. The significance of the works of C. Linnaeus, J.B. Lamarck in the development of evolutionary ideas in biology.

Independent work of students

Filling out the table: “Comparison of the views of C. Linnaeus and J.B. Lamarck"

Subject 4. 2. Evolutionary doctrine of Charles Darwin. Natural selection

Evolutionary doctrine of Charles Darwin. Natural selection. The role of evolutionary teaching in the formation of the modern natural science picture of the world.

Subject 4. 3. The concept of the species, its criteria. Population is a structural unit of species and evolution

The concept of the species, its criteria. Population is a structural unit of species and evolution. Driving forces of evolution. Synthetic theory of evolution

Subject 4. 4. Microevolution. Modern ideas about speciation

Microevolution. Modern ideas about speciation (S.S. Chetverikov, I.I. Shmalgauzen).

Independent work of students

Abstract or presentation

Compilation of microevolutionary characteristics of the species

Subject 4. 5. Macroevolution. Evidence of evolution

Macroevolution. Evidence of evolution.Preservation of biological diversity as the basis for the sustainability of the biosphere and its progressive development.

Subject 4. 6. Main directions of evolutionary progress.

Causes of species extinction. The main directions of evolutionary progress. Biological progress and biological regression.

Independent work of students

Writing an essay on the topic “The evolution of Charles Darwin’s views and their modern assessment”



Subject 5. 1.Hypotheses of the origin of life. A brief history of the development of the organic world.

Hypotheses of the origin of life. A brief history of the development of the organic world. The increasing complexity of living organisms on Earth in the process of evolution.

Independent work of students

Writing essays or creating presentations on the topic “Evidence of the impossibility of the spontaneous generation of life

Subject 5. 2.Modern hypotheses about the origin of man. Human evolution

Modern hypotheses about the origin of man. Evidence of the relationship between humans and mammals. Human evolution.

Independent work of students

Writing a scientific and biological fairy tale “The Origin of Life.”

Subject 5. 3. Unity of origin of human races

Unity of origin of human races.

Practical lessons

5.4. Description of individuals of one species according to morphological criteria.

5. 5. Analysis and evaluation of various hypotheses of the origin of life and man.

5. 6. Adaptation of organisms to different habitats (water, land-air, soil).



Subject 6.1. Ecology - science about the relationships of organisms, species and communities with the environment

Ecology is the science of the relationships between organisms and the environment.

Subject 6.2.Environmental factors, their significance in the life of the body

Environmental factors, their significance in the life of organisms.

Independent work of students

Writing a report or creating a presentation

Subject 6. 3.Ecological systems. Interspecific relationships in ecosystems.

Subject 6.4. Food connections. Cycle of energy substances in ecosystems

Food connections, circulation of substances and energy conversion in ecosystems.

Independent work of students

Writing a report

or creating a presentation

Subject 6.5. Reasons for stability and change of ecosystems. Succession. Artificial communities.

Reasons for stability and change of ecosystems. Succession.Artificial communities – agroecosystems and urban ecosystems.

Independent work of students

Compilation of the table “The role of biosphere components”

Subject 6.6.Teaching of V.I. Vernadsky about the biosphere. Biosphere is a global ecosystem. The role of living organisms in the biosphere.

Biosphere is a global ecosystem. Teachings of V.I. Vernadsky about the biosphere. The role of living organisms in the biosphere. Biomass.

Subject 6. 7. Cycle of the most important nutrients in the biosphere

The circulation of the most important biogenic elements (for example, carbon, nitrogen, etc.) in the biosphere. Changes in the biosphere.

Subject 6.8. Global environmental problems and ways to solve them Noosphere

Consequences of human activities in the environment. The impact of production activities in the field of one’s future profession on the environment.Global environmental problems and ways to solve them.

Ecology as a theoretical basis for rational environmental management and nature conservation. Noosphere. Rules of behavior of people in the natural environment.

Practical lessons

6. 9. A comparative description of one of the natural systems (for example, a forest) and some agroecosystem (for example, a wheat field).

6. 10. Drawing up diagrams of the transfer of substances and energy through food chains in the natural ecosystem.

6. 11. Description and practical creation of an artificial ecosystem.

6. 12.Eco solution logical problems.

Independent work of students

Writing essaysor creating presentations

on the topic “Historical analysis of the ecological relationship between humanity and nature.”

Section 7.


Subject 7. 1.Principles of using bionics in the practice of medicine

Bionics as one of the areas of biology and cybernetics, which considers the features of the morphophysiological organization of living organisms and their use to create perfect technical systems and devices by analogy with living systems.

Subject 7. 2. Use of technical devices to restore the performance of disabled people

Principles and examples of the use of morphofunctional features of the organization of plants and animals in human economic activity

Independent work of students

Presentation on the topic “Biomechanics of natural and artificial organs, mechanical aspects of biomaterials.”

Section 8.

Summary lesson

Subject 8. 1. Main theories and laws of biology

Generalization of the material. Basic laws and theories of biology.

Final lesson.

Computer testing. Exam preparation


To characterize the level of mastery of educational material, the following designations are used:

1 - familiarization (recognition of previously studied objects, properties).

2 - reproductive (performing activities according to a model, instructions or under guidance).

3 - productive (planning and independent implementation of activities, solving problem

conditions for implementing the discipline program

3.1. Minimum logistics requirements

The implementation of the discipline program requires the presence of a BIOLOGY classroom

Classroom equipment:

  • tables, chairs for teachers and students;
  • cabinets for storage, visual aids, educational and methodological documentation;
  • blackboard;

Technical training aids:

  • computer
  • screen
  • interactive board
  • TV
  • video recorder
  • DVDs, CDs with educational films and presentations.
  • multimedia projector

3.2. Information support for training


  1. “General Biology” V. M. Konstantinov M.: “Academy”. 2012


Zakharov V.B., Mamontov S.G., Sonin N.I. General biology. 10 grades Workbook. – M., 2001.

Konstantinov V.M., Ryazanova A.P. General biology. Textbook manual for SPO. – M., 2002.

Ponomareva I.N., Kornilova O.A., Loshilina E.N. General biology. 10 grades Textbook. – M., 2002.

Ponomareva I.N., Kornilova O.A., Loshilina E.N. General biology. 11th grade Textbook. – M., 2002.

Chebyshev N.V. Biology. Textbook for colleges. – M., 2010.

Yarygin V.N. Biology ed. Moscow Higher School 2006

For teachers

Konstantinov V.M., Ryazanov A.G., Fadeeva E.O. General biology. – M., 2006.

Belyaev D.K., Dymshits G.M., Ruvimsky A.O. General biology. – M., 2000.

Zakharov V.B., Mamontov S.G., Sivoglazov V.I. Biology. General patterns. – M., 1996

Profile web sites on the Internet:

pedsovet. Su


  1. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the Discipline

Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the discipline is carried out by the teacher in the process of conducting practical classes, testing and students completing individual assignments, projects, and research.

Learning outcomes (mastered skills, acquired knowledge):

Forms and methods of monitoring and assessing learning outcomes

mastered skills:

1. explain the role of biology in the formation of a scientific worldview; the contribution of biological theories to the formation of the modern natural scientific picture of the world; the unity of living and inanimate nature, the kinship of living organisms; the negative impact of alcohol, nicotine, and drugs on human embryonic and post-embryonic development; the influence of environmental factors on living organisms, the influence of mutagens on plants, animals and humans; relationships and interactions between organisms and the environment; causes and factors of evolution, variability of species; disturbances in the development of organisms, mutations and their significance in the occurrence of hereditary diseases;

Solving situational problems

2. solve basic biological problems; draw up elementary diagrams of crossing and schemes for the transfer of substances and energy transfer in ecosystems (food chains); describe the characteristics of species according to morphological criteria;

Test control using information technology

Solving situational problems

Assessment of classroom and extracurricular independent work of students

3. identify adaptations of organisms to their environment, sources and presence of mutagens in the environment (indirectly), anthropogenic changes in the ecosystems of their area;

Test control using information technology

Solving situational problems

Assessment of classroom and extracurricular independent work of students

Test control using information technology

Solving situational problems

Assessment of classroom and extracurricular independent work of students

5.analyze and evaluate various hypotheses about the essence, origin of life and man, global environmental problems and their solutions, the consequences of one’s own activities in the environment;

Test control using information technology

Solving situational problems

Assessment of classroom and extracurricular independent work of students

  1. find information about biological objects in various sources (textbooks, reference books, popular science publications, computer databases, Internet resources) and critically evaluate it;

Test control using information technology

Solving situational problems

Assessment of classroom and extracurricular independent work of students

acquired knowledge:

1.explain the role of biology in the formation of a scientific worldview; the contribution of biological theories to the formation of the modern natural scientific picture of the world; the unity of living and inanimate nature, the kinship of living organisms; the negative impact of alcohol, nicotine, and drugs on human embryonic and post-embryonic development; the influence of environmental factors on living organisms, the influence of mutagens on plants, animals and humans; relationships and interactions between organisms and the environment; causes and factors of evolution, variability of species; disturbances in the development of organisms, mutations and their significance in the occurrence of hereditary diseases; sustainability, development and changes in ecosystems; the need to preserve species diversity;

Test control using information technology

Solving situational problems

Assessment of classroom and extracurricular independent work of students

Test control using information technology

Solving situational problems

Assessment of classroom and extracurricular independent work of students

2. solve basic biological problems; draw up elementary diagrams of crossing and schemes for the transfer of substances and energy transfer in ecosystems (food chains); describe the characteristics of species according to morphological criteria;

Test control using information technology

Solving situational problems

Assessment of classroom and extracurricular independent work of students

3. identify adaptations of organisms to their environment, sources and presence of mutagens in the environment (indirectly), anthropogenic changes in the ecosystems of their area;

Test control using information technology

Solving situational problems

Assessment of classroom and extracurricular independent work of students

4. compare biological objects: the chemical composition of living and inanimate bodies, human and other animal embryos, natural ecosystems and agroecosystems of one’s area; processes (natural and artificial selection, sexual and asexual reproduction) and draw conclusions and generalizations based on comparison and analysis;

Test control using information technology

Solving situational problems

Assessment of classroom and extracurricular independent work of students

5. analyze and evaluate various hypotheses about the essence, origin of life and man, global environmental problems and their solutions, the consequences of one’s own activities in the environment;

Test control using information technology

Solving situational problems

Assessment of classroom and extracurricular independent work of students

6. find information about biological objects in various sources (textbooks, reference books, popular science publications, computer databases, Internet resources) and critically evaluate it;

Test control using information technology

Solving situational problems

Assessment of classroom and extracurricular independent work of students


REGIONAL state AUTONOMOUS professional

educational institution

"West Ural Technological College"


at the methodological association Deputy Director for MMR

Chairman of the Moscow Region ___________ E.N. Korotkikh

Shestakova M.N__________

"___" _____________ 2015 "___" _____________ 2015

working programm

academic discipline


Specialty 02/19/10"Technology of catering products"

Krasnokamsk, 2015

The work program of the academic discipline Biology is developed for general education training of mid-level specialists in the specialty of secondary vocational education natural science profile 02/19/10 Technology of catering products according to the basic training program for secondary general education in accordance with the “Recommendations for the implementation of the educational program of secondary (complete) general education in educational institutions of secondary vocational education in accordance with the federal basic curriculum and model curricula for educational institutions Russian Federation implementing general education programs" (letter of the Department of State Policy and Legal Regulation in the Sphere of Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 29, 2007 No. 03-1180), sample programs of educational general education disciplines for NPO professions and vocational education specialties, approved and recommended for use in practice in NGO/SPO institutions by the Department of State Policy and Legal Regulation in the Sphere of Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia 04/16/2008

Development organization:

KGAPOU "West Ural Technological College" Krasnokamsk


Vyaznikova Ekaterina Nikolaevna, teacher of the highest qualification category





  1. conditions for the implementation of the academic discipline

  1. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the academic discipline




1.1. Scope of application of the work program

The work program of the academic discipline is part of the main professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty of secondary vocational education in the natural sciences 02/19/10 Technology of public catering products.

The program of the academic discipline can be used as a program for elective courses on individual topics in additional education.

1.2. The place of the academic discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program:

General education cycle

1.3. Goals and objectives of the academic discipline - requirements for the results of mastering the academic discipline:

Mastering the content of the academic discipline “Biology” ensures that students achieve the following results:

personal :

−− the formation of a sense of pride and respect for the history and achievements of domestic biological science; ideas about a holistic natural-scientific picture of the world;

−− understanding of the relationship and interdependence of the natural sciences, their influence

impact on the environment, economic, technological, social

and ethical spheres of human activity;

−− the ability to use knowledge about the modern natural scientific picture of the world in educational and professional activity; possibilities of the information environment to ensure productive self-education;

−− mastery of a culture of thinking, the ability to generalize, analyze, perceive information in the field of natural sciences, set a goal and choose ways to achieve it in the professional field;

−− the ability to be guided in their activities by modern principles of tolerance, dialogue and cooperation; willingness to interact with colleagues and work in a team;

−− willingness to use basic methods of protection against possible consequences accidents, disasters, natural disasters;

−− Possession of safe work skills during design, research and experimental activities, when using laboratory equipment;

−− the ability to use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to comply with measures to prevent poisoning, viral and other diseases, stress, bad habits (smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction); rules of conduct in the natural environment;

−− readiness to provide first aid for injuries, colds and other

diseases, food poisoning;

meta-subject :

−− awareness of the social significance of one’s profession/specialty, having motivation to carry out professional activities;

−− increasing the intellectual level in the process of studying biological phenomena; outstanding achievements of biology that have become part of human culture; complex and contradictory ways of developing modern scientific views, ideas, theories, concepts, hypotheses (about the essence and origin of life, man) in the course of working with various sources of information;

−− ability to organize cooperation of like-minded people, including

including using modern information and communication technologies


−− ability to understand the principles of sustainability and productivity of living things

nature, ways of its change under the influence of anthropogenic factors, ways

passion for systematic analysis of global environmental problems and issues

state of the environment and rational use of natural resources


−− the ability to justify the place and role of biological knowledge in practical

human activities, development of modern technologies; identify living

objects in nature; conduct observations of ecosystems in order to describe them;

sanitation and identification of natural and anthropogenic changes; find and

analyze information about living objects;

−− the ability to apply biological and environmental knowledge to analyze applied problems of economic activity;

−− ability to independently conduct research, formulate

natural science experiment, the use of information technology

nologies for solving scientific and professional problems;

−− ability to evaluate the ethical aspects of some research in the field of biotechnology (cloning, artificial insemination);

subject :

−− the formation of ideas about the role and place of biology in the modern scientific picture of the world; understanding the role of biology in shaping our horizons and functional literacy for solving practical problems;

−− mastery of fundamental concepts and ideas about living nature, its level organization and evolution; confident use of biological terminology and symbolism;

−− mastery of basic techniques scientific knowledge, used for

biological research of living objects and ecosystems: description,

measuring, conducting observations; identification and assessment of anthropogenic

changes in nature;

−− developed skills to explain the results of biological experiments and solve basic biological problems;

−− formation of one’s own position in relation to biological information obtained from various sources, global environmental

problems and ways to solve them.

    1. When studying the discipline, general competencies are formed:

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it.

OK 2. Organize your own activities, choose methods and methods for performing professional tasks from those known, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK 3. Solve problems, assess risks, make decisions in non-standard situations.

OK 4. Search and use the information necessary to effectively perform professional tasks, professional and personal development.

OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

OK 6. Work in a team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, colleagues.

OK 7. Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control their work, taking responsibility for the results of completing tasks.

OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan professional development.

maximum academic load of a student - 221 hour, including:

obligatory classroom teaching load of the student - 147 hours;

independent work of the student - 74 hours.


2.1. Scope of academic discipline and types of academic work

Type of educational work

Hours volume


Mandatory classroom teaching load (total)



laboratory works


practical lessons


test papers


course work (project) ( if provided)


Independent work of the student (total)



independent work on course work(by project)


Working on abstracts

Carrying out illustrations on topics

Project activities




Final certification in the form differentiated credit

2.2. Thematic plan and content of the academic discipline BIOLOGY

Name of sections and topics

Hours volume

Mastery level

1. Introduction

1. Introduction to general biology

2. Biological Sciences

3. The role of biology in the formation of the ENC of the world and the practical activities of people

4. The importance of biology in mastering a profession

Laboratory classes:

Practical lessons:

Test papers

Independent work: Essay “Biology in my profession”

2. Live nature

1. Methods of knowledge of living nature

2. Signs of wildlife

3. Diversity of wildlife

4. Kingdoms of nature

Laboratory classes:

Practical lessons: “Drawing up a diagram of the kingdom of living nature”

Test papers:

Independent work: work on abstracts: “Kingdoms of Living Nature”

3. Levels of organization of living nature

1. Level organization of living nature

Laboratory classes:

Practical classes: “Levels of organization of living nature and evolution”, “Characteristics and properties of humans in various levels organizations", "History of the formation of biology"

Test papers

Independent work: Preparation of presentations on the topic “Levels of life organization”

4. The doctrine of the cell

1. Cytology - the science of cells

2. History of the development of cytology

3. Basic principles of cell theory

4. Chemical composition cells

5. Macronutrients

6. Microelements. Ultramicroelements.

7. Water and mineral salts

8. Structure of proteins

9. Functions and properties of proteins in living organisms.

10.Functions, structure and properties of carbohydrates in living organisms.

11.Functions, structure and properties of lipids in living organisms.

12. Types of nucleic acids.

16. Cells of prokaryotes and eukaryotes

17. Viruses as a non-cellular form of life.

18. “AIDS – the plague of the 21st century”

19. The main organelles of the cell.

20. Nucleus, chromosomes.

21. Cell organelles.

22. Plastic metabolism.

23. Energy metabolism.

24. Gen. Genetic code.

25. Protein biosynthesis

Laboratory classes:

Practical classes: “Cell morphology”, “Chemical composition of the cell”, “Protein functions”, “Amino acids”, “Plant and animal cells”, “Prevention of viral diseases”, “The role of cell organelles”, “Cell division. Mitosis", "Cytokinesis"

Test papers

Independent work: Preparation of presentations on the topic “Cell Morphology”, Compilation of an annotation for the film “Secrets of DNA”, preparation of posters on AIDS prevention, Preparation of abstracts on the topic “Harmful and Beneficial Bacteria”. Drawing up diagrams of mitosis and meiosis

5. Organism. Reproduction and individual development of organisms.

1. The body is a single whole

2. Organs. Organ systems

3. Musculoskeletal system of the human body

4. Digestive system human body

5. Urinary system of the human body

6. Circulatory system human body

7. Nervous system of the human body

8. Sense organs

9. Reproductive system of the human body

10. Sexual and asexual reproduction.

11. Human ontogeny

12. Embryonic stage of human development

13. Postembryonic development.

14. Biogenetic law

15. Causes of disorders in human development.

16. Reproductive health

Laboratory classes:

Practical classes: “Organ systems”, “ Oral cavity human”, “Human intestinal tract”, “Barrier role of the liver”, “Vegetative reproduction”, “Consequences of the influence of alcohol”, “Influence of the environment on human health”, “Formation of germ cells”

Test papers

Independent work: Work on projects “Harms of alcohol”, “Harms of nicotine”, “Prevention of surfactants”; preparation of presentations “Prevention of the use of surfactants”. Compiling a collage “Methods of reproduction of organisms”

6. Basics of genetics and selection

1. Genetics is the science of heredity.

2. History of the formation of genetics.

3. ABC of genetics

4. The laws of genetics established by Mendel.

5. Monohybrid crossing.

6. Dihybrid crossing.

7. Chromosomal theory of heredity

8. Mutual influence of genes

9. Genetics of sex

10. Sex-linked inheritance.

11. Hereditary human diseases

12.Variability. Patterns and types

13. Modifying heredity

14. Mutation heredity

15. Human genetics.

16. Genetics and medicine.

17. Basics of selection.

18. Centers of origin of cultivated plants.

19. Selection methods.

20. Achievements of selection.

Laboratory classes:

Practical classes: “Genetics terminology”, “Solving monohybrid crossing problems”, “Drawing up dihybrid crossing schemes”, “Solving genetic problems”, “Analysis of phenotypic variability”, “Teachings of N.I. Vavilov”, “Artificial selection”

Test papers:

Independent work: Work on abstracts “Genetics and Medicine”, “G. Mendel”, “Vavilov N.I.”;. Compiling a collage “Plant varieties and animal breeds”, solving genetic problems.

7. Origin and development of life on Earth. Evolutionary doctrine.

1. Hypotheses of the origin of life.

2. Stages of development of life on Earth.

3. The formation of evolutionary teaching.

4. Evolutionary doctrine of Charles Darwin

5. Natural selection

6. Concept of view.

7. Type criteria.

8. Population is a structural unit of species and evolution.

9. Driving forces of evolution.

10. Micro- and macroevolution.

11. Evidence of evolution.

12. Biological progress and biological regression.

Laboratory classes:

Practical classes: “Description of individuals of one species according to morphological criteria”, “Adaptability of organisms”, “Analysis and assessment of various hypotheses of the origin of life”, “Development of life on Earth”, “Chronological table of the development of life on Earth”

Test papers:

Independent work: Compiling notes “Modern ideas about speciation by S.S. Chetverikov and I.I. Schmalhausen", presentation: "Synthetic theory of evolution"

8. Origin of man.

1. Anthropogenesis.

2. Modern hypotheses about the origin of man.

3. Evidence of the relationship between humans and mammals.

4. Stages of human evolution.

5. Human races.

Laboratory classes:

Practical classes: “Analysis and evaluation of various hypotheses about the origin of man”, “Atavisms and rudiments”

Test papers:

Independent work: Essay “What I think about racism”

9. Fundamentals of ecology

1. Ecology as a science

2. Biosphere and man

Laboratory classes:

Practical classes: Excursions: “Ecology of the city”, “Diversity of species”, “Seasonal changes in nature”, “Diversity of varieties”, “Artificial ecosystems of the city”, “Natural ecosystems of the city”

Test papers:

Independent work: compiling a report on the excursion “City Ecology”

10. Bionics

1. Bionics - a branch of biology

2. Technical systems-analogues of living systems

Laboratory classes:

Practical lessons:

Test papers:

Independent work: preparation for testing and defense of projects.


      1. Thematic plan of the academic discipline BIOLOGY


Topic name

Maximum amount hours

Independent work


Live nature

Levels of organization of living nature

The doctrine of the cell

Organism. Reproduction and individual development of organisms.

Basics of genetics and selection

Origin and development of life on Earth. Evolutionary doctrine.

Human Origins.

Basics of ecology





3. conditions for the implementation of the academic discipline

3.1. Minimum logistics requirements

The implementation of the academic discipline requires the presence of a “Biology” classroom.

Classroom equipment:

Technical training aids:

    PC "Celeron Intel Inside"

    Copier "Canon Laser Base MF 3228"

    Multimedia projector "TAXAN"

3.2. Information support for training

Main sources:


For students

Belyaev D.K., Dymshits G.M., Kuznetsova L.N. and others. Biology (basic level). Grade 10. -M., 2014.

Iontseva A.Yu. Biology. The entire school course is in diagrams and tables. - M., 2014.

Zakharov V.B., Mamontov S.G., Sonin N.I. General biology. 10 grades Workbook. – M., 2001.

Kamensky A.A., Kriksunov E.A., Pasechnik V.V. General biology. 10-11 grades – M., 2001.

Konstantinov V.M., Ryazanova A.P. General biology. Textbook manual for SPO. – M., 2002.

Lukatkin A. S., Ruchin A. B., Silaeva T. B. et al. Biology with fundamentals of ecology: a textbook for students. institutions of higher education education. - M., 2014.

Mamontov S. G., Zakharov V. B., Kozlova T. A. Biology: a textbook for students. Higher institutions education (bachelor's degree). - M., 2014.

Nikitinskaya T.V. Biology: a pocket guide. - M., 2015.

Ponomareva I.N., Kornilova O.A., Loshilina E.N. General biology. 10 grades Textbook. – M., 2002.

Ponomareva I.N., Kornilova O.A., Loshilina E.N. General biology. 11th grade Textbook. – M., 2002.

Sivoglazov V.I., Agafonova I.B., Zakharova E.T. Biology. General biology. A basic level of. Textbook for 10-11 grades. – M.: Bustard, 2014

Sukhorukova L. N., Kuchmenko V. S., Ivanova T. V. Biology (basic level). 10-11 grade. - M., 2014.

Tupikin E.N. General biology with the basics of ecology and environmental protection. Textbook Guide for beginners prof. education. M.: Academy, 2000

Chebyshev N.V. Biology. Textbook for colleges. – M., 2005.

For teachers

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation.”

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 17, 2012 No. 413 “On approval of the federal state

national educational standard of secondary (complete) general education.”

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 29, 2014 No. 1645 “On amendments to the Order

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 17, 2012 No. 413 “On approval

definition of the federal state educational standard of secondary (complete) general


Letter from the Department of State Policy in the Field of Workforce Training and

DPO of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 No. 06-259 “Recommendations for the organization of obtaining

of secondary general education within the limits of mastering educational programs average

professional education on the basis of basic general education, taking into account the requirements

federal state educational standards and the profession being acquired or

specialties of secondary vocational education.”

Biology: in 2 volumes / ed. N.V. Yarygina. - M., 2010.

Biology: a guide to practical training / ed. V. V. Markina. - M., 2010.

Darwin Ch. Works. - T. 3. - M., 1939.

Darwin Ch. Origin of Species. - M., 2006.

Kobylyansky V. A. Philosophy of ecology: short course: textbook manual for universities. - M.,


Orlova E. A. History of anthropological teachings: a textbook for universities. - M., 2010.

Chebyshev N.V., Grineva G.G. Biology. - M., 2010. Konstantinov V.M., Ryazanov A.G., Fadeeva E.O. General biology. – M., 2006.

Belyaev D.K., Dymshits G.M., Ruvimsky A.O. General biology. – M., 2000.

Zakharov V.B., Mamontov S.G., Sivoglazov V.I. Biology. General patterns. – M., 1996.


Sivoglazov V.I. Workbook on biology 10th grade. /V.I.Sivoglazov. – M.: Bustard, 2010

Sivoglazov V.I. Workbook on biology 11th grade. /V.I.Sivoglazov. – M.: Bustard, 2010

    Information support:

Educational electronic multimedia publications on CDs, intended for use in teaching a specific biology course: “Biology. 10-11 grade"

Educational electronic multimedia publications designed to support general-purpose application software already installed on a personal computer: CD set + methodological guide “Using Microsoft Offi Se at School” using the example of biology lessons (developed by the Moscow representative office of Microsof and the Republican Multimedia Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation) ;

Library of electronic visual aids in biology. 10-11 grades (developed by the Republican Multimedia Center of the RF Ministry of Defense).

www. sbio. info (All biology. Modern biology, articles, news, library).

www. window. edu. ru (Single window of access to educational Internet resources on biology).

www.5ballov. ru/test (Test for applicants for the entire school biology course).

www. vspu. ac. ru/deold/bio/bio. htm (Telecommunication quizzes on biology and ecology on the server of Voronezh University).

www. biology. ru (Biology at the Open College. The site contains an electronic textbook on biology, On-line tests).

www. informika. ru (Electronic textbook, large list of Internet resources).

www. nrc. edu. ru (Biological picture of the world. Section of a computer textbook developed at the Moscow State Open University).

www. nature. ok. ru (Rare and endangered animals of Russia - a project of the Ecological Center of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University).

www. kozlenkoa. people ru (For those who study themselves and teach others; full-time and remotely, biology, chemistry, and other subjects).

www. schoolcity. by (Biology in Questions and Answers).

www. bril2002. people ru (Biology for schoolchildren. Brief, compact, but quite detailed information on the sections: “General Biology”, “Botany”, “Zoology”, “Human”).

  1. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the Academic Discipline

Control and evaluation mastering the subject results of the academic discipline (at the level educational activities) is carried out by the teacher in the process of conducting theoretical and practical classes, testing, as well as students completing individual assignments, projects, and research.

Learning outcomes

(at the level of educational activities)

Forms and methods of monitoring and assessing learning outcomes

Explains the role of biology in the formation of a scientific worldview; the contribution of biological theories to the formation of the modern natural scientific picture of the world; the unity of living and inanimate nature, the kinship of living organisms; the negative impact of alcohol, nicotine, and drugs on human development; the influence of environmental factors on living organisms, the influence of mutagens on plants, animals and humans; dependencies and interactions between organisms and the environment; causes and factors of evolution, variability of species; disturbances in the development of organisms, mutations and their significance in the occurrence of hereditary diseases; sustainability, development and changes in ecosystems; the need to preserve species diversity

Solves basic biological problems; draw up elementary diagrams of crossing and schemes for the transfer of substances and energy transfer in ecosystems (food chains); describe the characteristics of species according to morphological criteria

Finds and analyzes information about living objects;

Reveals adaptations of organisms in their environment, sources and presence of mutagens in the environment (indirectly), anthropogenic changes in the ecosystems of their area

Compares biological objects: the chemical composition of living and inanimate bodies, human and other animal embryos, natural ecosystems and agroecosystems of one’s area; processes (natural and artificial selection, sexual and asexual reproduction) and draw conclusions and generalizations based on comparison and analysis

Analyzes and evaluates various hypotheses about the essence and origin of human life, global environmental problems and their solutions, the consequences of one’s own activities in the environment

Finds information about biological objects in various sources (textbooks, reference books, popular science publications, computer databases, Internet resources) and critically evaluates it

Uses acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to comply with measures to prevent poisoning, viral and other diseases, stress, bad habits (smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction); rules of conduct in the natural environment

Uses acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to provide first aid for traumatic, colds and other diseases, food poisoning

uses acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to evaluate the ethical aspects of some research in the field of biotechnology (cloning, artificial insemination)

Understands the basic provisions of biological theories and laws: cell theory, evolutionary teachings, the teachings of V.I. Vernadsky in the biosphere, the laws of G. Mendel, patterns of variability and heredity

explains the structure and functioning of biological objects: cells, genes and chromosomes, the structure of species and ecosystems

explains the essence of biological processes: reproduction, fertilization, the actions of artificial and natural selection, the formation of fitness, the origin of species, the circulation of substances and the transformation of energy in a cell, an organism, in ecosystems and the biosphere

The program is written for the following specialties:

02/35/07 – “Mechanization of agriculture”

02/35/12. – “Gardening and landscape construction”

02/23/03 – “Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles”

02/21/05. – “Land and property relations”

The maximum load is 54 hours. Developed by the author taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education and an approximate program.



Department of Education and Science of the Kostroma Region

OGBPOU "Sharya Agrarian College"

Kostroma region"

Working programm

Disciplines Biology

For specialties:

02/35/07 – “Mechanization of agriculture”

02/23/03 – “Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles”

02/21/05. – “Land and property relations”



Subject (cycle)





Order No._____ dated ______20

Deputy Director for Academic Affairs _______________Lisina I.M.

developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for the specialty of secondary vocational education 02/35/07 - “Agricultural mechanization”.

02/35/12. – “Gardening and landscape construction”


Academic discipline programdeveloped on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard) for the specialty of secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as SVE)

02.35.07 – “Mechanization of agriculture.”

02/35/12. – “Gardening and landscape construction”

02.23.03 – “Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles.”

02/21/05. – “Land and property relations.”


Kazarina N.I., teacher of the Sharya Agrarian College of the Kostroma Region

Review:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CONTENT




1.1. Scope of application

The work program of the academic discipline is part of the approximate basic professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for the specialty 02/35/07 - “Agricultural Mechanization”.

02/35/12. – “Gardening and landscape construction”

02.23.03 – “Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles.”

02/21/05. – “Land and property relations.”

1.2. The place of the discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program:The discipline is included in the general education cycle.

1.3. Goals and objectives of the discipline - requirements for the results of mastering the discipline:

Mastering the content of the academic discipline “Biology” ensures that students achieve the following results:


−− formation of a sense of pride and respect for history and achievements

domestic biological science; ideas about the holistic natural

scientific picture of the world;

−− understanding of the relationship and interdependence of the natural sciences, their impact on the environment, economic, technological, social and ethical spheres of human activity;

−− ability to use knowledge about the modern natural scientific picture of the world in educational and professional activities; possibilities

information environment to ensure productive self-education;

−− possession of a culture of thinking, the ability to generalize, analyze, perceive information in the field of natural sciences, set goals and make choices

ways to achieve it in the professional sphere;

−− the ability to be guided in their activities by modern principles of tolerance, dialogue and cooperation; willingness to interact with colleagues and work in a team;

−− readiness to use basic methods of protection against the possible consequences of accidents, catastrophes, and natural disasters;

−− possessing safe work skills during design, research and experimental activities, when using laboratory equipment;

−− ability to use acquired knowledge and skills in practical

activities and daily life to comply with measures to prevent poisoning, viral and other diseases, stress, bad habits (smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction); rules of conduct in the natural environment;

−− readiness to provide first aid for injuries, colds and other diseases, food poisoning;


−− awareness of the social significance of one’s profession/specialty, having motivation to carry out professional activities;

1 The exam is carried out by decision of a professional educational organization or at will

students when studying the academic discipline “Biology” as a core academic discipline.

− increasing the intellectual level in the process of studying biological

phenomena; outstanding achievements of biology that have become part of human culture; complex and contradictory ways of developing modern scientific views, ideas, theories, concepts, hypotheses (about the essence and origin of life, man) in the course of working with various sources of information;

−− ability to organize cooperation of like-minded people, including using modern information and communication technologies


−− ability to understand the principles of sustainability and productivity of living nature, ways of its change under the influence of anthropogenic factors, ability to systematically analyze global environmental problems, environmental issues and rational use natural resources;

−− the ability to substantiate the place and role of biological knowledge in the practical activities of people and the development of modern technologies; identify living objects in nature; conduct observations of ecosystems in order to describe them and identify natural and anthropogenic changes; find and analyze information about living objects;

−− ability to apply biological and environmental knowledge for analysis

applied problems of economic activity;

−− ability to independently conduct research, set up natural science experiments, use information technologies to solve scientific and professional problems;

−− ability to assess the ethical aspects of some research in the field of biotechnology (cloning, artificial insemination);


−− the formation of ideas about the role and place of biology in the modern scientific picture of the world; understanding the role of biology in the formation of horizons and functional literacy for solving practical problems;

−− possession of fundamental concepts and ideas about living nature, its level organization and evolution; confident use of biological terminology and symbolism;

−− mastery of the basic methods of scientific knowledge used in biological research of living objects and ecosystems: description, measurement, observation; identification and assessment of anthropogenic

changes in nature;

−− developed skills to explain the results of biological experiments and solve basic biological problems;

−− formation of one’s own position in relation to biological information obtained from various sources, global environmental

problems and ways to solve them.

The maximum academic load for a student is 54 hours, including:

the student's mandatory classroom teaching load is 36 hours;

independent work of the student 8 hours.


2.1. Scope of academic discipline and types of academic work

Type of educational work

Hours volume

Mandatory classroom teaching load (total)


laboratory works

practical work

test papers

Independent work of the student (total)


Writing an abstract / making an electronic presentation / on a given topic

Topics of extracurricular independent work

final examinationin the form of differentiated test

2.2. Thematic plan and content of the academic discipline"BIOLOGY"

Name of sections and topics

Hours volume

Mastery level


Introduction. Biology as a science. Methods of scientific knowledge. Signs of living organisms. Diversity of living organisms. Level organization of living nature and evolution. Methods of knowledge of living nature. General principles of biology. Subject of study of the general course “Biology”, goals and objectives of the course.


Biological systems of different levels: cell, organism, population, ecosystem, biosphere.

Kingdoms of living nature.

Section 1 A cell is a unit of living things.

Topic 1.1. Cell structure.

Cell structure.Development of knowledge of the cell (R. Hooke, R. Virchow, K. Baer, ​​M. Schleiden and T. Schwann). Cell theory. The role of cell theory in the development of the modern natural science picture of the world. The main parts and organelles of the cell, their functions; prenuclear and nuclear cells. Structure and functions of chromosomes.

Cell division is mitosis.

Lab 1

Observation of plant and animal cells under a microscope on finished micropreparations, their description.


The structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, the structure and diversity of plant and animal cells.

The structure of the virus.

Photos of chromosome structure diagrams.

Gene structure diagram.


Topic 1.2. Chemical composition of a living cell.

Chemical organization of the cell. Elementary composition of living matter: macroelements, bioelements and microelements; the content and role of water and mineral salts in the cell.

Organic substances of the cell: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, RNA, DNA ATP.

Structure and biological significance of carbohydratesdov, lipids and vitamins.

RNA, ATP, genetic code.DNA is the carrier of hereditary information. The importance of the constancy of the number and shape of chromosomes in cells. Gene.

Plastic and energy metabolism. Structure and functions of chromosomes. DNA is the carrier of hereditary information. DNA replication. Gene. Genetic code. Protein biosynthesis.


Structure and structure of protein.

The structure of DNA and RNA molecules.

DNA replication.

Schemes of energy metabolism and protein biosynthesis.

Section 2. Organism.

Topic 2.1. The body is a single whole

Reproduction of organisms.The body is a single whole. Diversity of organisms. Reproduction is the most important property of living organisms. Sexual and asexual reproduction. Meiosis. Formation of germ cells and fertilization. Diversity of organisms.

Fertilization in plants.


Diversity of organisms.

Metabolism and energy conversion in the cell.


Cell division.


Embryonic stage of ontogenesis. The main stages of embryonic development. Organogenesis. Postembryonic development. The similarity of embryos of representatives of different groups of vertebrates as evidence of their evolutionary relationship. Causes of disturbances in the development of organisms.

Individual human development.Reproductive health. Consequences of the influence of alcohol, nicotine, drugs, environmental pollution on development



Asexual reproduction of organisms.

Formation of germ cells.


Fertilization in plants.

Individual development of the body.

Types of postembryonic development of animals

Control on the topic:Working with cards

Independent work

Approximate topics of extracurricular independent work:

Writing an abstract on topics 2.1.- 2.2.

SECTION 3 Basics of genetics and selection.

Topic 3.1. Basic concepts of genetics and lectures.

Genetics is the science of the laws of heredity and variability of organisms.G. Mendel is the founder of genetics. Genetic terminology and symbolism. The laws of genetics established by G. Mendel. Heredity and variability are properties of organisms. D. Genetic terminology and symbolism. Patterns of inheritance established by G. Mendel. Chromosomal theory of heredity. Modern ideas about the gene and genome.Dihybrid crossing.Mendel's third law. Mendel's experiments in crossing peas.


Monohybrid and dihybrid crossing.

Chromosome crossing.

Chained inheritance.

Patterns of variability.Hereditary, or genotypic, variability. Modifying, or non-hereditary, variability. Human genetics. Genetics and medicine. Material bases of heredity and variability. Genetics and evolutionary theory. Population genetics



Hereditary human diseases.

The influence of alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking on heredity.

Control on the topic in the form of testing.

Basics of selection of plants, animals and microorganisms.Genetics is the theoretical basis of selection. Domestication of animals and cultivation of cultivated plants are the initial stages of selection. The doctrine of N. I. Vavilov about the centers of diversity and origin of cultivated plants. Main methods of selection: hybridization and artificial selection. The main achievements of modern selection of cultivated plants, domestic animals and microorganisms.

Biotechnology, its achievements and development prospects.Ethical considerations

some advances in biotechnology. Animal Cloning(problems with human cloning).


Centers for the diversity and origin of cultivated plants and domestic animals.


Artificial selection.

Practical lesson 1.

Solving problems on mono- and dihybrid crossing.Conducting biological research: identifying signs of similarity between human embryos and other mammals as evidence of their relationship, sources of mutagens in the environment (indirectly) and assessing the possible consequences of their influence on one’s own body; drawing up simple crossing schemes;solving basic genetic problems; analysis and assessment of ethical aspects of the development of some research in biotechnology.


Independent workMaking presentations on topic 3.6.

SECTION 4. Origin and development of life on Earth. Evolutionary doctrine.

Topic 4.1. The emergence of biology in the pre-Darwinian period.

The emergence of biology in the pre-Darwinian period.The concept of evolution, the system of organic nature of C. Linnaeus, the evolutionary theory of J.B. Lamarck, the contribution to the theory of evolution of J. Cuvier and C. Bera.History of evolutionary ideas. The significance of the works of C. Linnaeus, the teachings of J.B. Lamarck, the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin.

The emergence of life on Earth. Hypotheses of the origin of life. The increasing complexity of living organisms on Earth in the process of evolution. Hypothesis of A.I. Oparin, experiments by S. Miller and S. Fox. Panspermia is the hypothesis of eternal life, the hypothesis of the spontaneous generation of life.

The beginning of the development of life on Earth.

Development of the organic world in the Archean, Proterozoic and Paleozoic eras.Development of the organic world in the late period.Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras.

Topic 4.2. Darwin's teaching on evolution.

Darwin's teaching on evolution.History of creation and main provisions of the theory of Charles Darwin.The role of evolutionary teaching in the formation of the modern natural science picture of the world. The driving forces of evolution, their influence on the gene pool of the population. Synthetic theory of evolution. Results of evolution. Preservation of species diversity as the basis for sustainable development of the biosphere.


Evolutionary tree of the plant world.

Evolutionary tree of the animal world.

Representatives of rare and endangered species of plants and animals.

Topic 4.3. Type, its criteria and structure.

Type, its criteria and structure.Type, its criteria. A population is a structural unit of a species, a unit of evolution. Microevolution. Modern ideas about speciation (S.S. Chetverikov, I.I. Shmalgauzen). Reasons for the struggle for existence. Macroevolution , transitional forms of organisms, phylogenetic series. Evidence of evolution. Preservation of biological diversity as the basis for the sustainability of the biosphere and its progressive development.Causes of species extinction. The main directions of evolutionary progress. Biological progress and biological regression.


Type criteria.

Population structure.

Practical lesson 2.Description of individuals of one species according to morphological criteria.Adaptation of organisms to different habitats (water, land-air, soil). Analysis and evaluation of various hypotheses of the origin of life and man.

Adaptation of organisms to environmental conditions.Adaptation: protective coloration and protective behavior, other forms of adaptation.


Type criteria.

Population structure.

Adaptive features of organisms, their relative nature.

Control on the topic in the form of testing

SECTION 5. Origin of Man

Topic 5.1. Human Origins.

Human Origins. Anthropogenesis. Evolution of primates. Modern hypotheses about the origin of man. Evidence of the relationship between humans and mammals. Stages of human evolution.

Human races.Kinship and unity of origin of human races. Criticism of racism.


Similarities and differences between humans and animals.

Similarities between humans and primates.

Human Origins.

Human races.

Independent workWorking with additional literature.

SECTION 6. Fundamentals of ecology

Topic 6.1. Fundamentals of ecology.

Fundamentals of ecology.Ecology is the science of the relationships between organisms and the environment.Environmental factors, their significance in the life of organisms. Ecological systems. Species and spatial structure of ecosystems. Food connections, circulation of substances and energy conversion in ecosystems. Interspecies relationships


Environmental factors and their influence on organisms.

Layering of the plant community.

Food chains and networks in biocenosis.

Ecological pyramids.

Ecosystem diagram.

Control on the topic in the form of individual work on cards.

Topic 6.2. Biosphere and biomass. Functions of living matter in the biosphere.

Teachings of V.I. Vernadsky about the biosphere.Biosphere is a global ecosystem. Teachings of V.I. Vernadsky about the biosphere. Evolution of the biosphere. The role of living organisms in the biosphere. Biomass. The circulation of the most important biogenic elements (for example, carbon, nitrogen, etc.) in the biosphere. Changes in the biosphere. Consequences of human activities in the environment. The impact of production activities in the field of one’s future profession on the environment. Global environmental problems and ways to solve them. Rules of behavior in the natural environment.


The circulation of substances and the transformation of energy in an ecosystem.


Topic 6.3. Habitat of living organisms. Interrelations of organisms in communities.

Fundamentals of nature conservation.

Practical lesson 3

Description of anthropogenic changes in the natural landscapes of your area.

A comparative description of one of the natural systems (for example,

forests) and some agroecosystem (for example, a wheat field).

Drawing up diagrams of the transfer of substances and energy along food chains in the natural environment

ecosystem and agrocenosis.

Control on the topic in the form of a test.

Topic 6.4. Bionics. Genetic Engineering.


Bionics. Genetic engineering as one of the areas of biology and cybernetics. Principles and examples of the use of morphofunctional features of the organization of plants and animals in human economic activity.

Independent work:

Making presentations

state autonomous institution

Kaliningrad region

professional educational organization

"College of Service and Tourism"


Deputy Director for SD Director of GAU KO POO KST


N.N. Myasnikova _____________ T.A. Bugakova

"_" _____________ 2015 "__" _______________ 2015



technical profile


The work program of the academic discipline "Biology" was developed in accordance with the approximate program of the academic discipline "Biology"recommended by the Federal State Autonomous Institution« Federal Institute for Educational Development» ( FGAU« FIRO») Protocol No. 3 of July 21, 2015 taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary general education, the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary vocational education (SVE) and the profile of vocational education.

For the training program for mid-level specialists (PPSSZ) in vocational training specialties For the training program for mid-level specialists (PPSSZ) in vocational training specialtiestechnical profile :

Developer organization: state autonomous institution of the Kaliningrad region, professional educational organization “College of Service and Tourism”.

Developer: Trifonenko E.V., biology teacher, State Autonomous Institution of Educational Institution KST

Protocol of the Central Control Commission No._________ dated “____”__________2015.

Chairman of the PCC ___________ Tsvetaeva L.V.





  1. conditions for the implementation of the academic discipline program

  1. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the academic discipline



1.1. Scope of application

The program of the academic discipline is part of the basic professional educational program (OPEP) in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard on the basis of basic general education with secondary general education of the training program for mid-level specialists (PPSSZ) in vocational specialtiestechnical profile:

02.29.04 Design, modeling and technology of garments

02/20/04 Fire safety

1.2. The place of the academic discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program: The discipline is included in the general education cycle.

1.3. Goals and objectives of the academic discipline - requirements for the results of mastering the academic discipline:

The content of the Biology program is aimed at achieving the followinggoals:

obtaining fundamental knowledge about biological systems (Cell, Organism, Population, Species, Ecosystem); history of the development of modern ideas about living nature, outstanding discoveries in biological science; the role of biological science in the formation of a modern natural scientific picture of the world; methods of scientific knowledge;

mastering the skills to think logically, justify the place and role of biological knowledge in the practical activities of people, the development of modern technologies; identify living objects in nature; conduct observations of ecosystems in order to describe them and identify natural and anthropogenic changes; find and analyze information about living objects;

development of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities of students in the process of studying biological phenomena; outstanding achievements of biology that have become part of human culture; complex and contradictory ways of developing modern scientific views, ideas, theories, concepts, hypotheses (about the essence and origin of life, man) in the course of working with various sources of information;

instilling confidence in the need to understand living nature, the need for rational use of natural resources, caring for natural resources and the environment, and one’s own health; respect for the opponent’s opinion when discussing biological problems;

using acquired biological knowledge and skills in everyday life to assess the consequences of one’s activities (and the activities of other people) in relation to the environment, the health of other people and one’s own health; justification and compliance with disease prevention measures, first aid for injuries, compliance with rules of conduct in nature.

Mastering the content of the academic discipline “Biology” ensures the achievement

students the following results:


the formation of a sense of pride and respect for the history and achievements of domestic biological science; ideas about a holistic natural science picture of the world; understanding the relationship and interdependence of the natural sciences, their impact on the environment, economic, technological, social and ethical spheres of human activity; the ability to use knowledge about the modern natural scientific picture of the world in educational and professional activities; the possibilities of the information environment to ensure productive self-education; mastery of a culture of thinking, the ability to generalize, analyze, perceive information in the field of natural sciences, set a goal and choose ways to achieve it in the professional field; the ability to be guided in their activities by modern principles of tolerance, dialogue and cooperation; willingness to interact with colleagues and work in a team; readiness to use basic methods of protection against the possible consequences of accidents, catastrophes, and natural disasters; Possession of safe work skills during design, research and experimental activities, when using laboratory equipment; the ability to use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to comply with measures to prevent poisoning, viral and other diseases, stress, bad habits (smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction); rules of conduct in the natural environment; readiness to provide first aid for injuries, colds and other diseases, food poisoning;


awareness of the social significance of one’s profession/specialty, having motivation to carry out professional activities; increasing the intellectual level in the process of studying biological phenomena; outstanding achievements of biology that have become part of human culture; complex and contradictory ways of developing modern scientific views, ideas, theories, concepts, hypotheses (about the essence and origin of life, man) in the course of working with various sources of information; the ability to organize cooperation between like-minded people, including using modern information and communication technologies; the ability to understand the principles of sustainability and productivity of living nature, the ways of its change under the influence of anthropogenic factors, the ability to systematically analyze global environmental problems, issues of the state of the environment and the rational use of natural resources; the ability to substantiate the place and role of biological knowledge in the practical activities of people and the development of modern technologies; identify living objects in nature; conduct observations of ecosystems in order to describe them and identify natural and anthropogenic changes; find and analyze information about living objects; the ability to apply biological and environmental knowledge to analyze applied problems of economic activity; ability to independently conduct research, set up natural science experiments, use information technologies to solve scientific and professional problems; ability to evaluate the ethical aspects of some research in the field of biotechnology (cloning, artificial insemination);


the formation of ideas about the role and place of biology in the modern scientific picture of the world; understanding the role of biology in the formation of horizons and functional literacy for solving practical problems; mastery of fundamental concepts and ideas about living nature, its level organization and evolution; confident use of biological terminology and symbolism; mastery of the basic methods of scientific knowledge used in biological research of living objects and ecosystems: description, measurement, observation; identification and assessment of anthropogenic changes in nature;

developed skills to explain the results of biological experiments and solve basic biological problems; formation of one’s own position in relation to biological information obtained from various sources, global environmental problems and ways to solve them.

As a result of mastering the academic discipline, the student must know and understand:

the main provisions of biological theories and laws: cell theory, evolutionary doctrine, V.I. Vernadsky’s doctrine of the biosphere, G. Mendel’s laws, patterns of variability and heredity;

structure and functioning of biological objects: cells, genes and chromosomes, structure of species and ecosystems;

the essence of biological processes: reproduction, fertilization, the actions of artificial and natural selection, the formation of fitness, the origin of species, the circulation of substances and the transformation of energy in a cell, an organism, in ecosystems and the biosphere;

the contribution of outstanding (including domestic) scientists to the development of biological science;

biological terminology and symbolism;

As a result of mastering the academic discipline, the student should be able to:

explain the role of biology in the formation of a scientific worldview; the contribution of biological theories to the formation of the modern natural science picture of the world; the unity of living and inanimate nature, the kinship of living organisms; the negative impact of alcohol, nicotine, and drugs on human embryonic and post-embryonic development; the influence of environmental factors on living organisms,

the influence of mutagens on plants, animals and humans; relationships and interactions between organisms and the environment; causes and factors of evolution, variability of species; disturbances in the development of organisms, mutations and their significance in the occurrence of hereditary diseases; sustainability, development and changes in ecosystems; the need to preserve species diversity;

solve basic biological problems; make up elementary

schemes of crossing and schemes of transfer of substances and energy transfer into

ecosystems (food chains); describe the features of species according to

morphological criterion;

identify adaptations of organisms to their environment, sources and presence of mutagens in the environment (indirectly), anthropogenic changes in the ecosystems of their area;

compare biological objects: the chemical composition of living and inanimate bodies, human and other animal embryos, natural ecosystems and agroecosystems of one’s area; processes (natural and artificial selection, sexual and asexual reproduction) and draw conclusions and generalizations based on comparison and analysis;

analyze and evaluate various hypotheses about the essence, origin of life and man, global environmental problems and their solutions, the consequences of one’s own activities in the environment;

study changes in ecosystems using biological models;

find information about biological objects in various sources (textbooks, reference books, popular science publications, computer databases, Internet resources) and critically evaluate it;

use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities

and everyday life:

to comply with measures to prevent poisoning, viral and other diseases, stress, bad habits (smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction); rules of conduct in the natural environment;

providing first aid for traumatic, colds and other diseases, food poisoning;

assessment of the ethical aspects of some research in the field of biotechnology (cloning, artificial insemination).

maximum student workload 54 hours, including:

student's mandatory classroom teaching load 36 hours;

independent work of the student 18 hours


2.1. Scope of academic discipline and types of academic work

Type of educational work

Hours volume


Mandatory classroom teaching load (total)



practical lessons


Test papers


Independent work of the student (total)



Work with notes, educational literature (by paragraphs, chapters of textbooks indicated by the teacher)

Completing an individual task (abstracts, messages, posters with drawings)

Creating presentations on a given topic

Final certification in the formdifferentiated credit

2.2. Thematic plan and content of the academic discipline Biology (technical profile )

Name of sections and topics

Contents of educational material, laboratory and practical classes, independent work of students

Number of hours

Mastery level






Diversity of living organisms. Level organization of living nature and evolution. Methods of knowledge of living nature.

Subject of study of the general course “Biology”, goals and objectives of the course.

Section 1. The doctrine of the cell.


Topic 1.1.

Contents of educational material:

A cell is an elementary living system and the basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms. A brief history of the study of cells.Cell theory.Chemical organization of the cell. Organic and inorganic substances of cells and living organisms.

Topic 1.2. Cell structure and functions.

Contents of educational material:

Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Viruses as a non-cellular form of life and their significance. Fight against viral diseases (AIDS, etc.)

Cytoplasm and cell membrane. Cell organelles.

Practical lessons :

Observation of plant and animal cells under a microscope on finished micropreparations, their description.Comparison of the structure of cells of plants, animals, fungi and bacteria.

Topic 1.3.

Metabolism and energy conversion in the cell.

Contents of educational material:


Plastic and energy metabolism.

Types of metabolism. Photosynthesis. Hereditary

information and its implementation in the cell.

Practical lessons :

Preparation and description of micropreparations of plant cells.


Topic 1.4. Life cycle of a cell.

Contents of educational material:

Cells and their diversity in a multicellular organism.


Cell differentiation. Cellular theory of the structure of organisms

Practical lessons : Comparison of the structure of plant and animal cells using ready-made micropreparations.


Test papers : testing on the topic(according to options)

Independent work on section 1:

3. Execution homework under section 1.

Approximate homework topics for section 1:

The chemical composition of the cell, the structure and functions of the cell, providing cells with energy, hereditary information and its implementation in the cell.

"Organic and inorganic substances plant cell, evidence of their presence in the plant." "Structural and functional differences between plant and animal cells."

Section 2. Organism. Reproduction and individual development of organisms.


Topic 2.1. Reproduction of organisms.

Contents of educational material:

Cell division. Mitosis. Asexual and sexual reproduction

Meiosis. Formation of germ cells and fertilization.

Topic 2.2. Individual development of organisms.

Contents of educational material:

Embryonic and postembryonic development of organisms

The body as a whole.

Practical lessons : Identification and description of signs of similarity between human embryos and other vertebrates as evidence of their evolutionary relationship:

1. Study of the similarities between embryos of different species.

2. Study of the influence of drugs, tobacco, alcohol on the development of the embryo.

Test papers : testing on the topic 2.1., 2.2.

Independent work on section 2:

1. Work with notes, educational literature (by paragraphs, chapters of textbooks indicated by the teacher).

2. Creating presentations on a given topic.

3. Doing homework for section 2.

Approximate homework topics for section 2:

Reproduction of organisms, individual development of organisms.

Sample topics for presentations (abstracts) ):

"The influence of the environment and its pollution on the development of organisms."

"The influence of smoking, alcohol and drug use by parents on the embryonic development of the child."

Section 3. Basics of genetics and selection.


Topic 3.1. Basic patterns of heredity phenomena.

Contents of educational material:

Monohybrid crossing.

Dihybrid crossing.

Practical lessons:

1. Drawing up simple crossing schemes.

2. Solving problems on monohybrid crossing.

3. Solving dihybrid crossing problems.

Topic 3.2. Patterns of variability.

Contents of educational material:

Types of variability: modification and hereditary.

Hereditary human diseases.

Practical lessons : Analysis of phenotypic variability.

Test on the topics of sections 1,2,3 (according to options)

Topic 3.3. Genetics and selection.

Contents of educational material:

Domestication. Principles of selection. Works of Vavilov.

Selection methods. Biotechnology.

Practical lessons : Detection of mutagens in the environment

environment and indirect assessment of their possible impact on the body

Independent work on section 3:

1. Work with notes, educational literature (by paragraphs, chapters of textbooks indicated by the teacher).

2. Creating presentations on a given topic.

3. Doing homework for section 3.

Approximate homework topics for section 3:

Basic patterns of heredity phenomena, patterns of variability. Basic concepts of genetics and selection.

Sample topics for presentations (abstracts) ):

“Hereditary information and its transmission from generation to generation.”

“Advances of modern genetics in medicine and healthcare.”

"Centers of diversity and origin of cultivated plants."

"Centers for Domestic Animal Diversity and Origins."

Section 4. Evolutionary teaching.


Topic 4.1. Origin and initial stages of development of life on Earth.

Contents of educational material:

Origin and initial stages of life development

on the ground. Hypotheses of the origin of life.

Study of the basic patterns of occurrence,

development and existence of life on Earth.

Complication of living organisms in the process of evolution.

Diversity of the living world.

Practical lessons : Description of individuals of one species according to morphological criteria.

Topic 4.2. History of the development of evolutionary ideas.

Contents of educational material:


Development of evolutionary ideas. Evidence of evolution.

Evolutionary theories of J.B. Lamarck, C. Darwin.

Driving forces of evolution. Types of natural selection. Evidence of evolution. View. Population.

Variability, struggle for existence, adaptation.

The concept of the species, its criteria. Population is a structural unit of species and evolution. Driving forces of evolution. Synthetic theory of evolution.

Practical lessons : Identification of adaptations of organisms to their environment.


Topic 4.3 Microevolution and macroevolution.

Contents of educational material:


The concept of the species, its criteria. Population is a structural unit of species and evolution. Driving forces of evolution. Synthetic theory of evolution. Microevolution.

Modern ideas about speciation

(S.S. Chetverikov, I.I. Shmalgauzen). Macroevolution.

Evidence of evolution.

The main directions of evolutionary progress.

Biological progress and biological regression.

Practical work : Analysis and evaluation of various hypotheses of the origin of life.


Independent work on section 4 :

1. Work with notes, educational literature (by paragraphs, chapters of textbooks indicated by the teacher).

2. Creating presentations on a given topic.

3. Doing homework for section 4.

Approximate homework topics for section 4:

Development of evolutionary ideas, evidence of evolution, mechanisms of the evolutionary process.

Sample topics for presentations (abstracts) ):

“Prerequisites for the emergence of Charles Darwin’s evolutionary theory.”

"Modern ideas about the mechanisms and patterns of evolution."


Section 5.0. Human Origins.


Topic 5.1. Human Origins

Contents of educational material:


Anthropogenesis.Evolution of primates.

Factors of human evolution.

Topic 5.2. Human Origins.

Contents of educational material:


Evidence of human kinship with mammals



Stages of human evolution. Human races.

Practical lessons :

1. Analysis and assessment of various hypotheses of the origin of life and man.



Independent work on section 5 :

1. Work with notes, educational literature (by paragraphs, chapters of textbooks indicated by the teacher).

2. Creating presentations on a given topic.

3. Doing homework for section 5.

Approximate homework topics for section 5:

Theories of the origin of life on Earth. Development of life on Earth. Human Origins.

Sample topics for presentations (abstracts):

“Principles and patterns of development of life on Earth.”

"Early stages of the development of life on Earth."

“The reasons and possible history of the emergence of plants and




Section 6. Fundamentals of ecology.


Topic 6.1.Ecology is the science of the relationships between organisms and the environment.

Contents of educational material:

Ecology as a science. Ecosystem, its properties.

Types of ecosystems.



Change of ecosystems. Agrocenoses. Power circuits.

Practical lessons :

1.Drawing up power circuits.2. Comparative description of the two




Topic 6.2.The biosphere is a global ecosystem. Biosphere and man.

Contents of educational material:


The doctrine of V.I. Vernadsky about the biosphere. The role of the living

organisms in the biosphere. Biomass.


The circulation of the most important biogenic elements (for example, carbon, nitrogen, etc.) in the biosphere.Composition and functions of the biosphere. Cycle of substances. Global environmental problems.

Noosphere. Rules of behavior for people in the environment

natural environment.

Practical lessons : 1. Description and practical creation of an artificial ecosystem (freshwater aquarium).

2. Solving environmental problems.



Independent work on section 6:

1. Work with notes, educational literature (by paragraphs, chapters of manuals indicated by the teacher).

2. Creating presentations on a given topic.

3. Doing homework for section 6.

Approximate homework topics for section 6:

Ecosystem, its structure and properties; concept of the biosphere, protection of the biosphere.

Sample topics for presentations (abstracts) ):

“The danger of global disturbances in the biosphere. Ozone "holes" acid rain, smog and their prevention.”

“Ecological crises and environmental disasters. Preventing their occurrence»



Section 7. Bionics.


Topic 7.1. Bionics. Basic concepts of bionics.

Contents of educational material:



Bionics as a science. Using knowledge about living nature in technology.


Test work in the form of a differentiated test


Independent work on section 7 :

1. Work with notes, educational literature (by paragraphs, chapters of manuals indicated by the teacher).

2. Creating presentations on a given topic.

3. Doing homework for section 7.

Approximate homework topics for section 7:

Basic concepts of bionics. Goals and objectives of this direction in science.

Sample topics for presentations (abstracts) ):

“Tubular structures in living nature and technology”, “Aerodynamic and hydrodynamic devices in the living world and technology”



Total :


To characterize the level of mastery of educational material, the following designations are used: 1. – familiarization (recognition of previously studied objects, properties); 2. – reproductive (performing activities according to a model, instructions or under guidance) 3. – productive (planning and independent implementation of activities, solving problematic problems)

3. conditions for implementing the discipline program

3.1. Minimum logistics requirements

The implementation of the discipline program requires the presence of a Biology classroom.”

Classroom equipment:

- workplace teacher;

- seating according to the number of students;

- educational and methodological complex in the discipline “Biology”;

- visual aids: tables, cards with tasks.

Technical training aids:

- a computer with a license software;

- multimedia projector;

- interactive board.

3.2. Information support for training

List of recommended educational publications, Internet resources, additional literature.

Main sources:

1. Belyaev D.K., Dymshits G.M., Kuznetsova L.N. et al. Biology (basic level). Grade 10. -M., 2014.

2. Iontseva A. Yu. Biology. The entire school course is in diagrams and tables. - M., 2014.

3. Lukatkin A.S., Ruchin A.B., Silaeva T.B. and others. Biology with fundamentals of ecology: a textbook for students. institutions of higher education education. - M., 2014.

4. Mamontov S. G., Zakharov V. B., Kozlova T. A. Biology: a textbook for students. institutions of higher education education (bachelor's degree). - M., 2014.

5.Nikitinskaya T.V. Biology: a pocket guide. - M., 2015.

6. Sivoglazov V. I., Agafonova I. B., Zakharova E. T. Biology. General biology: basic level, grades 10-11. - M., 2014.

7. Sukhorukova L. N., Kuchmenko V. S., Ivanova T. V. Biology (basic level). 10-11th grade. - M., 2014.

Additional sources:

1.Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation.” 2.Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 17, 2012 No. 413 “On approval of the federal state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education.” 3.Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 29, 2014 No. 1645 “On amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 17, 2012 No. 413 “On approval of the federal state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education.”

4. Letter of the Department of State Policy in the field of training of workers and additional vocational training of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 No. 06-259 “Recommendations for organizing secondary general education within the framework of mastering educational programs of secondary vocational education on the basis of basic general education, taking into account the requirements of federal state educational standards and the acquired profession or specialty of secondary vocational education.”

5.Biology: in 2 volumes / ed. N.V. Yarygina. - M., 2010.

6.Biology: a guide to practical training / ed. V. V. Markina. - M., 2010. Darwin Ch. Works. - T. 3. - M., 1939.

7. Darwin Ch. Origin of species. - M., 2006.

8. Kobylyansky V.A. Philosophy of ecology: a short course: textbook. manual for universities. - M., 2010.

9.Orlova E.A. History of anthropological teachings: a textbook for universities. - M., 2010.

11. Chebyshev N.V., Grineva G.G. Biology. - M., 2010.

Internet resources

www. sbio. info (All biology. Modern biology, articles, news, library). (Single window of access to educational Internet resources in biology).

www.5ballov. ru/test (Test for applicants for the entire school biology course).

www. vspu. ac. ru/deold/bio/bio. htm (Telecommunications biology quizzes -

ecology on the server of Voronezh University). (Biology at the Open College. The site contains an electronic textbook on

biology, On-line tests).

www. informika. ru (Electronic textbook, large list of Internet resources). (Biological picture of the world. Section of a computer textbook, developed

taught at the Moscow State Open University).

www. nature. ok. ru (Rare and endangered animals of Russia - project of the Ecological

center of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov). (For those who study themselves and teach others; full-time and remotely, biology, chemistry, and other subjects). (Biology in questions and answers).

www. bril2002. people ru (Biology for schoolchildren. Brief, compact, but quite detailed information on the sections: “General Biology”, “Botany”, “Zoology”, “Human”).

4. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the ACADEMIC DISCIPLINE

Control and evaluation the results of mastering the academic discipline are carried out by the teacher in the process of conducting practical classes and laboratory work, testing, as well as students completing individual assignments, projects, and research.

Training content

Characteristics of the main types of activities of students

(at the level of educational activities)

Forms and methods of monitoring and assessing learning outcomes


Familiarization with biological systems of different levels: cell, organism, population, ecosystem, biosphere. Determining the role of biology in the formation of a modern natural scientific picture of the world and the practical activities of people. Training in observing the rules of behavior in nature, caring for biological objects (plants and animals and their communities) and their protection

Expert assessment of the results of tests, practical work, differentiated independent work

-expert review completing homework.

Chemical organization of the cell

The ability to compare the chemical organization of living and nonliving objects. Gaining insight into the role of organic and inorganic substances in a cage

testing, expert assessment as part of ongoing monitoring of practical exercises; expert assessment of homework completion.

Cell structure and functions

Studying the structure of eukaryotic cells, the structure and diversity of plant and animal cells using micropreparations.

Observation of plant and animal cells under a microscope on finished micropreparations, their description. Preparation and description of micropreparations of plant cells.

Comparison of the structure of plant and animal cells using finished micropreparations

Expert assessment of results:

-testing;- grade tests; oral survey; written survey; assessment of the protection of completed independent work; assessment of the protection of completed work;expert assessment as part of ongoing monitoring in practical classes; differentiated independent work;

Metabolism and energy conversion in the cell

The ability to build diagrams of energy metabolism and protein biosynthesis.

Gaining an understanding of the spatial structure of protein, DNA and RNA molecules

testing; assessment of tests;oral survey; written survey; assessment of the protection of completed independent work; assessment of the protection of completed work;expert assessment as part of ongoing monitoring in practical classes;

Cell life cycle

Introduction to the cellular theory of the structure of organisms. The ability to independently search for evidence that the cell is an elementary living system and the basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms

Expert assessment of the results: completing homework;testing; assessment of tests;oral survey; written survey; assessment of the protection of completed independent work; assessment of the protection of completed work;expert assessment as part of ongoing monitoring in practical classes;

Reproduction of organisms

Mastering knowledge about reproduction as the most important property of living organisms.

The ability to independently find differences between mitosis and meiosis, determining the evolutionary role of these types of cell division

Expert assessment of the results: completing homework;testing; assessment of tests;oral survey; written survey; assessment of the protection of completed independent work; assessment of the protection of completed work;expert assessment as part of ongoing monitoring in practical classes;

Individual development of the body

Familiarization with the main stages of ontogenesis using the example of the development of vertebrates.

The ability to characterize the stages of postembryonic development using a human example. Familiarization with the causes of disturbances in the development of organisms.

Development of the ability to correctly form an evidence base for the evolutionary development of the animal world

Expert assessment of the results: completing homework;testing; assessment of tests;oral survey; written survey; assessment of the protection of completed independent work; assessment of the protection of completed work;expert assessment as part of ongoing monitoring in practical classes;

Individual human development

Identification and description of signs of similarity between human embryos and other vertebrates as evidence of their evolutionary relationship.

Gaining an understanding of the consequences of alcohol, nicotine, drugs, and environmental pollution on human development and reproductive health

Expert assessment of the results: completing homework;testing; assessment of tests;oral survey; written survey; assessment of the protection of completed independent work; assessment of the protection of completed work;expert assessment as part of ongoing monitoring in practical classes;

Patterns of variability

Familiarization with hereditary and non-hereditary variability and its biological role in the evolution of the living world. Gaining an understanding of the connection between genetics and medicine.

Familiarization with human hereditary diseases, their causes and prevention. Studying the influence of alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking on heredity using video material. Analysis of phenotypic variability. Detection of mutagens in the environment and indirect assessment of their possible effect on the body

Expert assessment of the results: completing homework;testing; assessment of tests;oral survey; written survey; assessment of the protection of completed independent work; assessment of the protection of completed work;expert assessment as part of ongoing monitoring in practical classes;

Basics of selection of plants, animals and microorganisms

Basics of breeding plants, animals and microorganisms Gaining an understanding of genetics as a theoretical basis selection. Development of meta-subject skills in the process of finding on the map the centers of diversity and origin of cultivated plants and domestic animals discovered by N. I. Vavilov. Study of methods of hybridization and artificial selection. Ability to understand the ethical aspects of some advances in biotechnology: animal cloning and problems of human cloning. Familiarization with the main achievements of modern selection of cultivated plants, domestic animals and microorganisms

Expert assessment of the results: completing homework;testing; assessment of tests;oral survey; written survey; assessment of the protection of completed independent work; assessment of the protection of completed work;expert assessment as part of ongoing monitoring in practical classes;

Origin and initial stages of development of life on Earth

Analysis and evaluation of various hypotheses of the origin of life. Gaining an idea of ​​the increasing complexity of living organisms on Earth during the process of evolution. The ability to experimentally identify the adaptive characteristics of organisms and their relative nature. Familiarization with some representatives of rare and endangered species of plants and animals. Carrying out a description of individuals of one species according to morphological criteria when performing laboratory work. Identification of traits of organisms’ adaptability to different habitats (aquatic, land-air, soil)

Expert assessment of the results: completing homework;testing;

assessment of tests;oral survey; written survey; assessment of the protection of completed independent work;

assessment of the protection of completed work;expert assessment as part of ongoing monitoring in practical classes;

History of the development of evolutionary ideas

Studying the heritage of mankind using the example of acquaintance with the history of the development of the evolutionary ideas of C. Linnaeus, J. B. Lamarck, C. Darwin. Assessing the role of evolutionary teaching in the formation of a modern natural scientific picture of the world. Developing the ability to clearly and accurately express one’s thoughts, logically justify one’s point of view, perceive and analyze the opinions of interlocutors, recognizing the right of another person to have a different opinion

Expert assessment of the results: completing homework;testing; assessment of tests;oral survey; written survey; assessment of the protection of completed independent work; assessment of the protection of completed work;


and macroevolution

Familiarization with the concept of a species, its criteria, selection of examples that a population is a structural unit of a species and evolution. An introduction to the driving forces of evolution and its evidence. Understanding that the main directions of evolutionary progress are biological progress and biological regression.The ability to defend an opinion on the conservation of biological diversity as the basis for the sustainability of the biosphere and its progressive development. Ability to identify causes of species extinction

Expert assessment of the results: completing homework;testing; assessment of tests;oral survey; written survey; assessment of the protection of completed independent work; assessment of the protection of completed work;expert assessment as part of ongoing monitoring in practical classes


Analysis and evaluation of various hypotheses about the origin of man. Developing the ability to build an evidence base for comparative characteristics humans and primates, proving their relationship. Identifying the stages of human evolution

Expert assessment of the results: completing homework;testing; assessment of tests;oral survey; written survey; assessment of the protection of completed independent work; assessment of the protection of completed work;expert assessment as part of ongoing monitoring in practical classes

Human races

The ability to prove the equality of human races on the basis of their kinship and unity of origin.

Development of tolerance, criticism of racism in all its manifestations

Expert assessment of the results: completing homework;testing; assessment of tests;oral survey; written survey; assessment of the protection of completed independent work; assessment of the protection of completed work;expert assessment as part of ongoing monitoring in practical classes

Ecology is the science of the relationships between organisms and the environment

Expert assessment of the results: completing homework;testing; assessment of tests;oral survey; written survey; assessment of the protection of completed independent work; assessment of the protection of completed work;expert assessment as part of ongoing monitoring in practical classes

Biosphere - global ecosystem

Familiarization with the teachings of V.I. Vernadsky about the biosphere as a global ecosystem. Having an idea of ​​the diagram of an ecosystem using the example of the biosphere, the cycle of substances and the transformation of energy in the biosphere. Ability to prove the role of living organisms in the biosphere using specific examples

Expert assessment of the results: completing homework;testing; assessment of tests;oral survey; written survey; assessment of the protection of completed independent work; assessment of the protection of completed work;expert assessment as part of ongoing monitoring in practical classes

Biosphere and man

Finding connections between changes in the biosphere and the consequences of human activity in the environment. The ability to determine the impact of production activities on the environment in the area of ​​their future profession. Introduction to global environmental problems and the ability to determine ways to solve them. Description and practical creation of an artificial ecosystem (freshwater aquarium). Solving environmental problems. Demonstration of the ability to set activity goals, plan one’s own activities to achieve set goals, and foresightpossible results of these actions, organizing self-control and evaluating the results obtained. Training in observing the rules of behavior in nature, caring for biological objects (plants, animals and their communities) and their protection

Expert assessment of results:

doing homework,


-evaluation of tests;

-oral survey;

-written survey;

Bionics as one of the areas of biology and cybernetics

Familiarization with examples of the use of morpho-functional organizational features of plants and animals in human economic activity when creating perfect technical systems and devices by analogy with living systems.

Acquaintance with tubular structures in living nature and technology, aerodynamic and hydrodynamic devices in living nature and technology.

Ability to build models of folded structures used in construction

Expert assessment of results: completing homework,testing;

-evaluation of tests;

-oral survey;

-written survey;

- assessment of the protection of completed independent work;

- assessment of the protection of completed work;

-expert assessment as part of ongoing monitoring during practical classes;
