How to draw conclusions correctly. How to write a conclusion correctly: example and recommendations

See conclude... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. draw a conclusion, conclude, deduce, decide, conclude, judge, draw a conclusion, come to a conclusion,... ... Synonym dictionary

Draw a conclusion- Kar. (Arch.). Exchange gifts (about the relatives of the bride and groom). SRGK 1, 254 ...

conclusion- Conclusion, inference, moral teaching, morality; judgment, syllogism. Wed. . See opinion, court.. draw a conclusion... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999. conclusion, inference, inference,... ... Synonym dictionary

to make a conclusion- See conclude... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. draw a conclusion, deduce, conclude, draw a conclusion, infer, deduce, conclude, judge, decide, come to... ... Synonym dictionary

do- emphasis do action choice do action conclusion do action stupidity do action business do action, ending good do action report do action task do implementation, elimination record do ...

conclusion- (not) draw hasty conclusions action conclusion do action conclusion suggests an action, subject conclusion is confirmed passive on xia, assessment, registration conclusion do action conclusion follows action, subject draws a conclusion action ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

CONCLUSION- Give a conclusion. Sib. Reply to whom l. FSS, 53; SRNG 7, 257. Draw a conclusion. Kar. (Arch.). Exchange gifts (about the relatives of the bride and groom). SRGK 1, 254 ... Big dictionary Russian sayings

conclusion- CONCLUSION1, a, m The result of logical reasoning in the form of a conclusion, an opinion. Everyone who can watch, analyze, and draw conclusions is obliged to answer only one question: is a near victory possible? (Yu. Sem.). CONCLUSION2, a, m Same as summary... Dictionary Russian nouns

CONCLUSION ()- CONCLUSION (in mathematical logic) Reasoning is usually called reasoning, in the course of which a series of sentences connected with each other is successively obtained, as well as the sequence of these sentences itself. Some of these proposals are not... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

CONCLUSION- CONCLUSION, ah, husband. 1. see deduce 1. 2. Inference, what is deduced (see deduce 1 in 5 meanings). Important c. Draw the necessary conclusions. 3. A wire, a device that comes out or outputs something. out (special). | adj. output, aya, oe (to 3 meanings).... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary


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    One of the general conclusions given in the conclusion, regardless of the topic and discipline of the abstract, is a conclusion about the degree of study of the problem included in the title. In the introduction, we indicate the source base on which the study is based (i.e., books by authors that are reviewed). In conclusion, we must inform you that the problem has been studied little (sufficiently, comprehensively, comprehensively, insufficiently, etc.).

    From the point of view of the methodology of working with text, conclusions are a generalization. Generalization is also a method scientific knowledge. Generalization is the process of establishing common properties and characteristics of objects; in the case of conclusions to an abstract, this is the ability to highlight the general (topic of the abstract) in various movements, concepts and approaches. In relation to our example (abstract on the topic ) is a generalization of knowledge about the emergence of Russian religious philosophy, where the main trends are Slavophil teaching, the philosophy of unity of Vl. S. Solovyov and Slavic religious anti-intellectualism.

    Each conclusion in the abstract must be justified and proven by the text of the work.

    Many teachers believe that the conclusion is the most difficult part of the essay, and, despite this, for some reason they do not indicate in their methodological recommendations how to write these same conclusions. Let us emphasize once again that the conclusion must answer the questions (tasks) posed in the introduction. A bad conclusion is summarizing sources on a topic; good – these are the thoughts of the author of the abstract about the topic being worked on, formulated in writing. After the actual conclusions, it is possible and necessary to give some advice on solving the problems raised in the abstract. The conclusion of the abstract shows the degree of elaboration of the topic, and this, by the way, is one of the evaluation criteria for the work. The assessment, of course, consists of many other components, but conclusions are the main thing.

    The last lines of the abstract are a conclusion about whether the goal of the study was achieved or not. They write the following: We found..., explored..., analyzed... Thus, the purpose of the abstract has been achieved. This phrase comes after the answer to the tasks posed in the introduction and the general conclusion on the work.

    Conclusions to the abstract can be written on the basis of a deductive method (from the general to the particular, from general judgments to particular conclusions) and inductive (from the particular to the general, from individual facts to generalizations). Can you answer the question on the basis of what method the conclusions in our abstract will be formulated? Russian religious philosophy XIX- XX centuries?

    Summarizing the above, we can formulate several rules that should be followed when writing conclusions to the abstract:

    1. the purpose, objectives and content of the work must be logically interconnected and reflected in the conclusions;
    2. specificity of conclusions, availability (if possible) of statistical and analytical data;
    3. conclusions should be characterized by premises only on the material of the authors discussed in the abstract, or on their own research;
    4. observance of clarity of wording, which should exclude ambiguity in their interpretation or interpretation.

    We emphasize that a conclusion is a statement about something (work results, analysis of sources) and it should be written as a statement, and not as a listing of what was done in the abstract. The affirmative content of the conclusion is what the author insists on, what he understood (made) when studying the topic of the abstract, in other words, conclusions are the beliefs of the author of the work, which, if necessary, he can prove (with the text of the work) and defend (what he understood from work - his own point vision).

    Stay with us!

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Defense of a diploma is the most important stage of study at any university, which will require high dedication.

During a student's speech, the committee members do not have time to read the entire work. The subject of their close attention are two sections - introduction and conclusion. It is in the conclusion that the entire concept of the study is briefly presented and significant results are collected. The preparation of this part of the project must be taken very seriously.

What should be in the conclusions of the chapters of the thesis:

  • Conclusions for Chapter 1 (theoretical) are formulated based on a study of various thematic sources. Studying the materials, you can notice their inconsistency. Therefore, the student’s primary task is to reflect his vision of the subject. It is necessary to emphasize the relevance of the topic, its significance in the scientific world and express your own opinion.
  • Conclusions to Chapter 2 (analytical) are usually in the nature of recommendatory developments. Since calculations are often very voluminous, it is recommended to summarize briefly for each paragraph considered.
  • The conclusion for Chapter 3 (practical) should emphasize the novelty of the research conducted. It should be indicated that the proposed activities can be applied in practice in relation to the object of study. All proposals voiced must be supported by factual material and data obtained.

How to write conclusions on a chapter in a thesis?

Most students believe that they can write in their own words, devoting several sentences to each question. However, this approach is wrong. Conclusions should be concise, but at the same time relate directly to the results of the study. We bring to your attention the following instructions:

  1. Your work will consist of approximately two to three chapters, and each of them should have at least two paragraphs. To make it easier to draw a conclusion at the end of the chapter, write intermediate paragraphs for each paragraph.
  2. The volume is 0.5-1 pages. It must be formulated very clearly and clearly, reflecting the main aspects of the study and the results obtained.
  3. The best way to write conclusions is to summarize them with key points. The number of points themselves can range from three to ten.
  4. The reader should get an idea of ​​the direction of your work and its specific results.

If you can’t draw your own conclusions? – Contact our training center! Our competent specialists will prepare high-quality work for you on any topic and in the shortest possible time! We are always happy to help you!

Examples of conclusions for chapters in a thesis:

Chapter 1 (theoretical)

Based on the considered theoretical material on managing the profit and profitability of a construction organization, the following was established.

The key category that underlies economic development, is profit. The integrity of the economic system, which unites all subsystems into one whole, is maintained due to its focus on making a profit. And precisely thanks to this landmark, market system does not disintegrate, as happened with the Soviet economy, where profit was an artificial category without real market content. Profit arises only in disequilibrium conditions, in other words, it is the potential for disequilibrium, and this in turn stimulates entrepreneurial activity.

Chapter 2 (economic)

Based on the assessment of profit and profitability management construction company The following conclusions can be drawn.
Analysis results economic activity LLC "" for 2011 – 2013. indicate an expansion of the scale of the enterprise’s activities, which is expressed by an increase in the volume of construction work by 19,123 million rubles. or 7.52% in relative terms.
As can be seen from the analysis of the dynamics of profit in Table 2.11., the gross profit of the enterprise in 2013 increased by 12,294 million rubles, the reason for which was the higher growth rate of sales revenue than the cost of production.

Chapter 3 (suggestions)

Based on the analysis of the activities of LLC "" in the second chapter of the work, it was found that the company needs measures to increase profits and profitability of activities. Taking this into account, measures were developed to improve the efficiency of using the LLC's existing resources. Based on the implementation of the proposed measures, the profit of the enterprise will be n - 157,023 million rubles, profitability will increase by 11.99%, which is a positive trend in the work of the enterprise, since those cash, which remains at the disposal of the company after payment of dividends, according to the proposed measures is 55%. These funds can be used to update fixed assets and replenish the working capital of the enterprise.

Thus, according to the proposed measures to improve the capital structure through optimization, it has an economic effect of 280.21% and its application is appropriate.

A coursework is a kind of research by a student on a specific topic issued by an educational institution. Coursework is written, as a rule, once a semester, when a course in a particular subject is taken. Most often, this work is given to a student in a specialized subject that makes sense to study in more depth.

It is quite difficult to write a term paper on your own if you do not initially delve into the manual and take advantage of all the tips and recommendations given by the teacher.

In order to write a high-quality paper on your own, you should not delay starting work until the last day. It will be much easier to master and structure the material if you distribute your time and energy adequately. In the same way you can save nervous system and good spirits.

First you should study everything guidelines To course work very carefully, paying attention to every little detail. If something remains unclear to you, do not hesitate to contact your coursework supervisor. We do not recommend turning to classmates for advice, since no one has guaranteed the quality and relevance of their information.

After you have delved into the methodological recommendations and understood what is required of you educational institution, try to collect as much as possible more information on your topic. Only relevant and brief information, which does not contain unnecessary information.

When you have selected and processed the information, leaving only the information you need, you can begin to solve the practical part of the course work, which includes your calculations of the tasks set by the teacher.

Next, you need to give your work an appropriate structure. This is very important because the coursework must be readable and easy for your instructor to understand. The text must be concise, understandable and formatted in accordance with all rules and standards.

The structure of the coursework involves writing work according to the following scheme:

  • Title page;
  • Content;
  • Introduction;
  • Main theoretical part;
  • Main practical part;
  • Conclusion and conclusions;
  • Applications;
  • Bibliography.

Each of these points must be performed correctly and in accordance with all the rules. This article will discuss perhaps the most important section, which summarizes all the results of the work. Teachers pay special attention to the conclusion when checking work. It's about the conclusion.

Conclusion in course work: what is it?

The conclusion in the course work plays the main role, since it should contain all the material described in the main part, only briefly and harmoniously presented, your own conclusions about the work done, answers to the introduction questions, recommendations and further wishes.

In addition, the conclusion in the course work should be a harmonious continuation of the main part. As a rule, this section has a volume of 2 to 3 sheets of A-4 format, but contains on these sheets the main idea of ​​your course work.

The conclusion in the course work intersects very closely with the introduction. The conclusion should contain information about the extent to which the goals and objectives of the course work have been achieved and whether they have been completed at all. This should definitely be emphasized.

The relevance of the chosen topic and its justification is mandatory information for the conclusion. You must come to these conclusions yourself and express your own thoughts on this matter, based on the research you have conducted.

In addition, the conclusion in the course work must contain a description of the activities you have carried out, the actions you have taken, which must be summarized. That is, you must briefly describe the content of the main part and talk about your actions when performing the practical part. All information must be supported by your conclusions and recommendations, which you yourself must draw up based on the work done.

The conclusion of the course work is not complete without an analysis of your activities, or rather, the failures and obstacles that you had to face while researching a given topic. You shouldn’t place a strong emphasis on the events that failed, but you also can’t do without describing them. Just focus more on your achievements.

All your recommendations and conclusions made on the basis of the practical part must be supported by evidence. The evidence may be your calculations, applications or references to laws and regulations. You can provide several proofs at once that you are right.

Take a very responsible approach to writing the conclusion, since when checking your coursework, they will pay attention first of all to it. The conclusion in the course work is the face of your activity. So that you can correctly write and structure your conclusion, we offer you some tips on writing it.

How to correctly write a conclusion in a term paper

So that you do not forget to include the necessary information in the conclusion, we recommend that you structure this section sequentially, following the following procedure:

  1. Re-read the goals and objectives described in the introduction. The conclusion in the course work should reflect them and be closely related to the introduction. Describe in detail the extent to which you were able to complete the objectives and achieve your goals in your study.
  2. At the end of each section of the main body, try to write short description this section. This is kind of the conclusion to this part. Summarize, structure, combine all the conclusions obtained during the writing of the course work and harmoniously fit it into the conclusion, without violating the structure of the conclusion. Remember that each paragraph must be connected to the previous one.
  3. When you have drawn conclusions about the theoretical part, proceed to summing up the practical part. Feel free to talk about your calculations, make suggestions and recommendations, describe your motives and methods. You must show that you can think and make decisions on your own.
  4. Tell us your opinion about this topic, describe the problems you encountered in the study, and highlight the features of your study. Remember that your findings, and especially your description of them, should be interesting, informative and relevant. The teacher must realize that the topic of the course work is interesting to you, and you really tried to study it. Your narrative should be lively, and your information should be extremely clear.
  5. Review the written conclusion and remove everything from it. detailed descriptions, because they are already contained in the main part. The conclusion in the course work is a very brief narrative about all the main things that you consider necessary to highlight.

How to start writing a conclusion in a term paper

You can start writing your conclusion when your course work is completely ready. You can understand this by re-reading the introduction. If you have already been able to complete all the tasks set in the introduction and achieve the goals that you planned to achieve, then your work can be said to be completed and you can begin writing the conclusion.

Your conclusion to your coursework may begin with the following words:

  • So;
  • Thus;
  • Summarizing;
  • Based on the research conducted, we can conclude;
  • After writing my course work, I came to the following conclusion;
  • The results of the studies showed that;
  • Based on mastery of the received topic;
  • The relevance of the course work lies in;
  • In conclusion, it can be noted that;
  • Summarizing the research conducted;
  • We state the following features of the study;

Thus, writing a conclusion is an extremely important stage in the research of a term paper. Be careful and watch your every step. By listening to our advice and following all our recommendations, you will be able to write a high-quality and readable conclusion to your course work, which will only emphasize your professionalism.
