The history of all dinosaurs. The very first dinosaurs on the planet - names, brief descriptions and photos

The Age of Dinosaurs, or Eras and Periods of the Earth

Scientists have identified several stages in the history of the Earth. They are called "era". Eras are divided into periods, each of which lasted several tens of millions of years. In different books The beginning and end years of eras and periods may vary slightly: There are different opinions in science. The Paleozoic era, or Paleozoic, began 570 million years ago. Over the 340 million years that it lasted, the living world changed amazingly. The waters and land were populated. Vertebrates arose (although the time of mammals and birds had not yet come). The living world has become incredibly diverse. But the molecules that made up the organisms of that time remained approximately the same. These molecules have changed little to this day. So the molecules that form human body, - are very similar to molecules, for example, of an ancient crustacean. The Paleozoic era is divided into 6 periods: Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian. At the beginning of the Paleozoic, an amazing “explosion” of life occurred: many species of invertebrates were formed. But at first this happened only in water, especially in warm seas. The land remained deserted. Mastering sushi. Somewhat earlier than 400 million years ago, plants began to populate the land. At first they were inconspicuous sprouts. But after millions of years, the Earth was overgrown with dense forests. Following plants, invertebrate animals mastered life on land. The abundance of food on land attracted lobe-finned fish. Only they could, relying on their unusual limbs, move outside the water. And primitive lungs allowed these fish to breathe air. Many millions of years passed, and lobe-finned fish, gradually changing, turned into new biological species. But these were already animals of a new class - the class of amphibians (amphibians). Carboniferous period Paleozoic era (or Carboniferous for short). Began 345 and ended 280 million years ago. In the humid heat, forests grew quickly and abundantly. After millions of years, these trees turned into coal. Amphibians reigned in the swamps and surrounding forests. And tiny ones. And huge five-meter tailed predatory stegocephals. At the end of the Carboniferous, the first reptiles appeared. The Permian period, or Permian (280-230 million years ago), was marked by the rapid emergence of new species of reptiles. The Mesozoic era, or Mesozoic, began 230 million years ago and lasted 165 million years. During this time, higher (flowering) plants arose. Giant lizards (dinosaurs, ichthyosaurs and others) appeared, reigned on the planet and mysteriously died. Mammals and birds evolved. The Triassic period of the Mesozoic, or Triassic (230-190 million years ago) was marked by the dominance of reptiles on land, in water and in the air. The most famous of these reptiles are dinosaurs. Dinosaurs walked either on four legs or on two. It is very likely that some dinosaur species were warm-blooded. Judging by the tracks of dinosaurs and the remains of the eggs they laid, these animals were caring parents. Dinosaurs laid eggs in piles of plant debris. As these remains decomposed, they released heat, and the clutch of eggs was heated. And the mother, remaining nearby, guarded the nest (the relatives of dinosaurs, crocodiles, also do this). Recently, paleontologists discovered traces of the tragedy: a small skeleton of a female dinosaur lying on a fossilized clutch of eggs. Probably the mother warmed the eggs and died, but did not leave them. The eggs of some other species may also have been incubated by dinosaurs. It is unknown what color the skin of dinosaurs was. Perhaps, like many lizards today, snakes are bright and colorful. This is how artists draw dinosaurs. The name comes from Greek words meaning "horrible" And "lizard". In fact, not all dinosaurs are “terrible.” Dinosaurs of the Triassic period were, as a rule, small, graceful, fast animals. They ran on their hind legs and a long tail helped maintain balance. And in the next almost one and a half hundred million years, when dinosaurs dominated the land, they were mostly small. Some are as tall as a man, some are a little bigger, and some are even as tall as a chicken. The Jurassic period of the Mesozoic, or Jurassic (190-135 million years ago) is the era of the appearance of gigantic dinosaurs. Supergiants. During Jurassic period the largest animals on land appeared - . A heavy body on thick legs, with massive blunt claws on the toes. The neck is long. The tail is even longer. Without moving from their place, moving only their necks, they plucked and ate whole mountains of greenery.

The brain of sauropods is too small in relation to the body - about the size of a fist, or even less. Despite this, the behavior of these lizards was most likely complex. They lived in herds (judging by the fossilized footprints). Perhaps together they defended themselves from predators that appeared in the Jurassic. But how did they fight back? This is unknown.

Powerful predator of the Jurassic period. A fast animal weighing about a ton, armed with huge claws and teeth that look like curved daggers. Allosaurs attacked large herbivorous dinosaurs in packs. Carnivorous dinosaurs could not chew food with their cutting teeth. They swallowed pieces of meat whole. With their teeth, predators ripped open the tough skin of their prey and crushed bones.

The largest of these dinosaurs reached 9 m in length. Such a mountain consumed tons of green food. Sharp long bone spikes stood out on the tail to fight off predators. The bone plates on the back are apparently shields, salvation from enemy teeth and claws. The Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic, or Cretaceous (135-65 million years ago) is the era when dinosaurs and other reptiles continued to rule the Earth. And at the same time, there were more and more mammals (they appeared in the Triassic) and birds (they appeared in the Jurassic). Mammals lived side by side with dinosaurs for many millions of years, hiding and running away from these ferocious predators. It was no easier for the birds: although dinosaurs could not fly, they even reached bird nests in trees. Reptiles in the sky. Pterosaurs (the name of the order of winged reptiles) took to the air at the end of the Triassic period and flew until the end of the Cretaceous. Each of their wings consisted of a leather membrane that was stretched between the body, limbs and one of the surprisingly long fingers of the forelimb. The remaining fingers were ordinary, and the reptiles clung to branches and stones with them, resting.

Animals with thin, hollow (like bird) bones. The first pterosaurs had a tail and teeth. After millions of years, pterosaurs got rid of this “heaviness”. Pterosaurs were obviously warm-blooded. Their body was covered with hairs - “wool”. The brain of these reptiles was well developed. Small pterosaurs (from 8 cm in wingspan) caught insects. Large ones (wingspan 1 meter, 2, and 6 meters) snatched fish, cephalopods and other food from the water. Surely pterosaurs nursed their young. Pterosaurs are not dinosaurs! Reptiles that are not extinct. During the Mesozoic era, snakes, turtles, lizards, and crocodiles appeared. They were not very different from the current ones. Reptiles in the sea. The most adapted to life in water were ichthyosaurs. They appeared back in the Triassic. Outwardly, they are strikingly similar to dolphins. The reason is the same lifestyle. Only the tail fin of ichthyosaurs is not horizontal, like that of dolphins, but vertical.

In water, reptiles have no place to lay eggs, so ichthyosaurs immediately gave birth to “ready” babies. A variety of long-necked plesiosaurs, crocodile-like giant mososaurs, and other aquatic lizards hunted fish and cephalopods. And sometimes they fought fiercely with each other. All fossil aquatic reptiles are not dinosaurs! Predatory lizards were distinguished by their relatively large and developed brain, and their behavior was complex. Apparently, some even knew how to hunt together, “coordinating” their actions. Catastrophe. Until the end of the Cretaceous period, reptiles dominated both land and sea. It was at the end of the Cretaceous that the largest land predator of all eras appeared -. About 65 million years ago, dinosaurs and pterosaurs, all sea lizards, disappeared almost simultaneously. They all died out without leaving descendants. Died cephalopods- ammonites and belemnites. What happened? What is the cause of this environmental disaster? There are many assumptions, and all of them are controversial. Here is one of them: a colossal meteorite, even an asteroid, crashed into the Earth. The monstrous explosion created such a cloud of dust that the sunlight went dark for a long time. Living conditions deteriorated so much that the dinosaurs could not bear it. Everything is very likely. But why did the closest relatives of dinosaurs - crocodiles - survive this environmental disaster? The causes of the great extinction at the end of the Cretaceous period are still a mystery to science. Birds appeared on Earth in the Jurassic period. The first fossil bird found was named.

The ancestors of birds are very close to the ancestors of dinosaurs and crocodiles. The external similarity between birds and dinosaurs is undeniable. There are many similarities in other properties of the body of these animals (for example, scales on the legs of birds). However, one cannot assume that birds are descendants of dinosaurs. They are their close relatives. Archeopteryx was covered in feathers. Undoubtedly, he was warm-blooded. He could fly, but not for long. However, the skeleton of the tail of Archeopteryx is almost like that of a lizard (later this part of the spine disappeared in birds). The mouth is toothy. There is no beak yet. But there were three fingers left on each wing - to cling to tree branches. It is still unclear how the small (magpie-sized) Archeopteryx used its wings. Did he flutter from branch to branch? Or he ran on the ground and, jumping and flapping his wings, grabbed flying insects with his teeth and escaped from predators. Archeopteryx still has many signs of reptiles. Gradually, such signs became less and less. Already in the Cretaceous period, many different birds screamed (they did not yet know how to sing) in the crowns of trees. In swift, agile flight, the birds snatched prey from under the beaks of less agile pterosaurs. Mammals. The first mammals appeared at the end of the Triassic period - later than dinosaurs, earlier than birds. The ancestors of mammals were animal-like reptiles. They differed in many ways from other reptiles - the ancestors of dinosaurs. The beasts were most likely warm-blooded animals (at least many of them). Probably, instead of scales, their skin was covered with hair. There were other features of the body. So, there were many different glands on the skin that secreted sweat and other fluids. Perhaps in some species of these animal-like reptiles the glands secreted a liquid similar to milk. Such liquid could be licked and thus fed by the hatchlings from the eggs (as baby platypus do today). Then the cubs began to be born and develop as it happens today in marsupials. Finally, a special organ arose for feeding the baby inside the mother’s body - the placenta. The first mammals were small animals (like a shrew, like a hedgehog). For many millions of years they existed secretly in dangerous world dinosaurs. Apparently they were hiding in the thickets. They hunted only at night, for insects, shellfish, and other edible things. Perhaps they ate reptile eggs. , or Cenozoic. It began approximately 65 million years ago and continues to this day. During this time, mammals conquered land, water and air. Adapting to new living conditions, mammals have changed. Evolution continued.

Hello, dear friends! We are glad to welcome you to our children's page. You've probably heard about them, and maybe even seen them in movies and cartoons. We will tell you a lot of interesting things about dinosaurs. Chances are you have a lot of questions about these wonderful animals. We will try to answer them.

How long did dinosaurs live?

It has not yet been possible to answer the question at what age dinosaurs died. But they don’t give up trying to do it. Scientists are trying to estimate the lifespan of dinosaurs by the growth rate of fossil bones. This does not seem to be the case for determining the age of trees by tree rings.

Is it true that a dinosaur's lifespan depended on its size?

Scientists suggest that large dinosaurs lived longer than small ones. The little dinosaur developed and grew faster and lived life more intensely.

Which dinosaur was the biggest?

The largest dinosaur was Seismosaurus. Part of his skeleton was found in the USA, but the excavations are not over yet. Scientists suggest that this dinosaur weighed more than 50 tons and was about 36 m long

Did dinosaurs live in the sea?

Dinosaurs did not live in the sea, as do whales or dolphins, for example. Dinosaurs could enter the water to hunt fish or swim across a river to save them from a predator. But no dinosaur spends its entire life in the sea. Dinosaurs should not be confused with such inhabitants of the seas of the Mesozoic era as pliosaurs or plesiosaurs

Could dinosaurs fly?

Dinosaurs could neither fly nor glide. All dinosaurs were wingless land animals. But at the same time, reptiles lived with dinosaurs, which were relatives of dinosaurs, but could fly. They are called pterosaurs. Also, in the Jurassic period there was an animal called Archeopteryx. Archeopteryx was not a dinosaur. Scientists are still arguing about whether Archeopteryx is classified as a bird or a reptile. Outwardly, he looked like a bird, but the claws and teeth were like those of a reptile

Which dinosaur had the biggest teeth?

One of the largest dinosaur teeth ever discovered belonged to a Tyrannosaurus rex. This tooth was located in the side of the jaw, not far from the front teeth. The length from root to apex was about 30 cm. And the tooth did not rise above the gum of the tyrannosaurus 18 cm.

Which dinosaur had the longest neck?

Of all the dinosaurs known to paleontologists this moment, Mamenchisaurus is considered the longest-necked one. Mamenchisaurus lived about 150 million years ago. on the territory of modern China. The neck of Mamenchisaurus was about 14 m long. Mamenchisaurus could easily peer through the roof of a three-story building. Perhaps, when the complete skeleton of Seismosaurus is dug up, it will turn out to be the longest-necked dinosaur.

Which dinosaur ran the fastest?

Scientists suggest that the fastest dinosaurs were ornithomemmosaurs - ostrich-like dinosaurs. This group includes such dinosaurs as: galimmymus, ornithomimus, pelicanim , struthiomeme. Scientists suggest that these dinosaurs reached speeds of up to 50 km/h.

Did dinosaurs hibernate?

During the Triassic and Jurassic periods, the climate on earth was warmer and wetter than it is now. Moreover, all the land was not very far from the equator. Therefore, there was no need for dinosaurs to hibernate. Later, in the Cretaceous period, the continents began to diverge further and further. Antarctica began to shift towards the south pole. At the end of the Cretaceous period, the climate on earth began to change, and the differences in temperatures between summer and winter became increasingly stronger. The winter of the Cretaceous period was not as severe as it is now, but still, the temperature could drop to 0 °C. At this temperature, cold-blooded reptiles such as dinosaurs became very cold. Therefore, it is very likely that they hibernated to avoid freezing.

How big were dinosaur eggs?

Dinosaur eggs vary in size. Eggs only 2-3 cm long were found near the Mussaurus skeleton. Large dinosaurs from the sauropod group had much larger eggs. But still, even the largest dinosaur egg found was no larger than a soccer ball.

Did dinosaurs have ears?

Dinosaurs had small bones in their skulls that transmitted sound from the eardrum to the parts of the brain responsible for hearing. In the general sense, dinosaurs did not have ears. The dinosaur's "ears" were small holes on the sides of its head. The ears of modern lizards look the same.

Which dinosaur had the most teeth?

Hadrosaurs, duck-billed dinosaurs, had the most teeth. On the bottom and upper jaws hadrosaurs had 480 teeth. That is, a total of 980 teeth. Considering that dinosaurs' teeth were restored, it can be assumed that hadrosaurs replaced about 10,000 teeth throughout their lives.

Did dinosaurs have fur?

So far, no evidence has been found that dinosaurs had fur. However, we are unlikely to ever be able to find out for sure. Fur is a soft and delicate material and it could not survive for many millions of years. However, none of the modern reptiles have fur. Therefore, most likely dinosaurs also did not have fur.

Did dinosaurs know how to climb trees?

It is possible that some small dinosaurs were agile and agile enough that they could easily climb trees and jump on branches. Most dinosaurs were too large and heavy to climb trees. Giant herbivorous dinosaurs could simply knock down a tree to get to the luscious foliage.

Did dinosaurs have a developed sense of smell?

Some dinosaurs breathed through rather large nostrils. The part of the dinosaur's brain responsible for smell was also large. Therefore, most likely, dinosaurs’ sense of smell was well developed.

Is it true that dinosaurs swallowed rocks?

Yes, some dinosaurs swallowed rocks. These stones are also called gastroliths. They served to grind hard leaves and shoots directly in the dinosaur's stomach. Similarly, modern chickens swallow small pebbles to help them digest grain.

Was there a brontosaurus?

A few years ago, a set of postage stamps with dinosaurs was released in the United States. This caused confusion. The dinosaur depicted on one of the stamps was mistakenly called a brontosaurus. This name, meaning “thunder lizard,” was coined by paleontologist O.K. March in 1879 But two years earlier, the dinosaur with such a skeleton was named Appatosaurus. Therefore, there is no dinosaur called Brontosaurus. This dinosaur should be called Appatosaurus.

Why did dinosaurs need claws?

Dinosaurs used their claws for a variety of purposes. The claws of predators, sharp and thin as daggers, were used to tear the meat of the victim. Wide and flat claws replaced hooves and served as support when walking. There were also other types of claws adapted for digging the ground, scratching, and protecting from enemies.

Did dinosaurs form herds?

Scientists have found much evidence that some species of dinosaurs led a gregarious lifestyle. During excavations, thousands of bones belonging to one type of dinosaur were discovered collected in one place. Presumably the piles of bones are the remains of herds that died as a result of a sudden natural disaster.

Did dinosaurs migrate?

Dinosaurs could migrate over vast distances in search of food or nesting sites. The remains of dinosaurs discovered by paleontologists indicate that some species of dinosaurs crossed entire continents during such migrations. Nowadays, some birds, flying to warmer regions, cover no less impressive distances.

Has man ever met dinosaurs?

The last dinosaurs disappeared around 65 million years ago. at the end of the Cretaceous period. The first people, according to scientists, appeared about 150 thousand years ago. This means humans appeared more than 64 million years after the extinction of the dinosaurs. It is unlikely that any people could meet a living dinosaur.

Did dinosaurs use camouflage?

Like many modern animals, some dinosaurs needed to be invisible. This is necessary either to hide or to sneak up unnoticed. Perhaps the color of dinosaurs allowed them to hide well in the area where they lived.

How do paleontologists distinguish the tracks of different dinosaurs from each other?

Only a specialist can determine which dinosaur left this or that trace. First, paleontologists study the shape of both the feet and fingers. They then study the age of the rock in which the fossilized dinosaur footprint was found. After this, the found prints are correlated with the appearance of those dinosaurs that lived during the era of the formation of the rock.

Did dinosaurs see well?

As far as we can tell, most dinosaurs had very good eyesight. The eye sockets of the dinosaurs found are large, therefore the eyes were large. The areas of the brain responsible for vision are also well developed.

What color were dinosaurs?

No one knows what color dinosaurs were. The fact is that dinosaur skin is a very rare find. However, no coloring pigments were preserved in the fossils found. Experts believe that the color of dinosaurs corresponded to their habitat. And it was adapted for camouflage. But some dinosaurs did not need camouflage coloring, since due to their large size they did not have enemies. In this case, scientists can only speculate.

How can fossils be protected from damage during transport to the laboratory?

The fossilized remains of dinosaurs are removed from the earth with the greatest care. Each bone is wrapped in tissue paper and then cast in plaster. The plaster hardens and protects the bones from damage during transportation.

Did dinosaurs eat eggs?

Some dinosaurs ate the eggs of other animals. One of these dinosaurs was Oviraptor. Oviraptor means "egg stealer", precisely because it robbed the nests of other dinosaurs. In the oviraptor's mouth there were special growths with which it cracked eggs.

How do scientists determine the age of fossils?

Fossils are found in rocks made of sedimentary rocks. Over millions of years, the rocks have changed under the influence of wind, sunlight, rain and temperature changes. The age of a fossil is determined by the layer of rock in which it is found. In addition, radioactive elements help determine the age of dinosaur remains. Scientists measure the level of radioactivity in fossilized bones and use these measurements to determine the approximate age of the dinosaur.

Which dinosaur had the biggest eyes?

Dromiceomimus had huge eyes. His name means "emu-like". Judging by the fossil skulls of this lizard, its eye sockets were larger than those of any other known dinosaur. Therefore, Dromiceomimus is considered the largest-eyed dinosaur. The eyes of Dromiceomimus were located on the sides of the head, which provided excellent visibility and an advantage over predators.

Did dinosaurs sweat?

Dinosaurs couldn't sweat. The dinosaur's skin was scaly and had no pores through which sweat could escape.

Which dinosaur came first?

Two lizards compete for the title of being the first dinosaur in the history of the earth. These are Herrerosaurus and Eoraptor. Both of them were bipedal predators and lived around 230-225 million years ago. The search for fossils continues and it is possible that even more ancient dinosaurs will be discovered.

How do dinosaurs get their names?

Since the 1820s, paleontologists have been inventing dinosaur names. Having discovered the remains of a new species of dinosaur, scientists describe the discovery in a special diary. In the future, in order to distinguish this species from others, a special name is chosen for it, which has never been used before. Often the name contains the name of the area in which the dinosaur was found.

Could dinosaurs smell?

Many dinosaurs had an excellent sense of smell. This helped them from afar to smell a predator, prey or a potential mate. It is also likely that dinosaurs could emit special signal odors, like many animals.

Did dinosaurs build their own houses?

Most dinosaurs were too large to build homes for themselves. However, some dinosaurs built nests for themselves to lay eggs.

Is there a place on earth where dinosaurs did not live?

The remains of dinosaurs have been found on all continents of the Earth. Until recently, it was believed that there were no dinosaurs in Antarctica. Over the past few years, fossil remains of an armored dinosaur and a small herbivorous dinosaur have been found on the rocky coasts of this icy continent.

Why are so many fossils found in Alberta, Canada?

During the time of the dinosaurs, the area that is now called the Alberta Wastes was literally teeming with dinosaurs. This was the intersection of the routes along which dinosaurs migrated from south to north and from north to south. In Alberta national park dinosaurs, hundreds of skeletons of prehistoric lizards have been found. A large burial was discovered, from which the bones of more than 50 dinosaurs were extracted.

Did dinosaurs sleep?

All animals, including humans, need sleep and rest. And dinosaurs are no exception. Modern reptiles spend most of their lives sleeping. And there is no reason to believe that dinosaurs could survive without sleep.

Were all dinosaurs bloodthirsty?

Most dinosaurs were peaceful herbivores. Most of the time they grazed. There were much fewer predators.

Did dinosaurs maintain mating relationships throughout their lives?

Experts are inclined to believe that dinosaurs did not create stable mating pairs. But some dinosaurs nested together and looked after their offspring. However, it is unlikely that the male and female remained together for a long time after mating.

How long did it take for baby dinosaurs to develop in eggs?

To date, it is not known how long dinosaurs developed in eggs. One can only speculate on this matter. It is only known that some dinosaurs, for example Maiasaurs, led a nomadic lifestyle, but came to the same place to lay eggs.

Which dinosaur had the longest tail?

Diplodocus had the longest tail. The length of the diplodocus tail reached 11 meters. Diplodocus used it as a whip to drive away predators.

Did dinosaurs live in caves?

Most dinosaurs were too big. They wouldn't fit in the cave. Some paleontologists believe that small dinosaurs may have hidden in caves during dry periods. But this is just a guess.

How did dinosaurs sleep?

How dinosaurs slept remains a mystery. Perhaps large herbivorous dinosaurs slept standing up. As for predators, for example, the Tyrannosaurus rex had large curved bones in the lower part of the pelvis, and an additional row of bones located under the ribs. This allowed the tyrannosaurus to lie on the ground without fear, and protected it internal organs from overload.

Did dinosaurs eat fruit?

Some dinosaurs, such as ornithomimides, had toothless jaws, like modern ostriches. They belong to the group of omnivorous dinosaurs. Their diet included insects, small animals, roots and possibly fruit. It is also impossible that other dinosaurs could eat fruit.

How much meat could a Tyrannosaurus rex eat in a day?

Given its size, a hungry tyrannosaurus could eat 120-150 kg of meat at one time. After such a lunch, the dinosaur could go without food for several days.

Did all other reptiles go extinct along with the dinosaurs?

No. Many reptiles were able to survive and even live to this day. These are lizards, snakes, turtles and crocodiles.

Did dinosaurs blink?

Dinosaurs had eyelids, so they could blink. An interesting find was the eyelids of armored dinosaurs ankylosaurs. These dinosaurs had bony eyelids. When the ankylosaur lowered its eyelids, its eyes were reliably protected.

Were there viviparous dinosaurs?

Scientists do not yet know of any evidence that viviparous dinosaurs existed. All dinosaurs found laid eggs. Reptiles that lived in the sea adapted to viviparity, but they were not dinosaurs.

Did dinosaurs shed their skin like lizards do?

Dinosaurs are not closely related to lizards. Their skin has a different structure. The outer layers of skin were not completely shed, but in small fragments, like those of crocodiles.

How did dinosaurs keep themselves clean?

Dinosaurs had no fur or wool, so their skin did not need to be cleaned. The dirt that stuck to the skin of dinosaurs either dried up and fell off, or was shed along with old skin scales, like modern reptiles. Dinosaur skin was constantly renewed.

Background under the question mark (LP) Gabovich Evgeniy Yakovlevich

When did dinosaurs live?

When did dinosaurs live?

Spain's Casares Cave, also dating from the Ice Age, features a group of three monstrous dinosaur-like creatures. Two of these animals are large, possibly adults, and the third animal is small, most likely a baby. All three have long necks, massive but ill-defined torsos, and strange reptilian heads. They look menacing.

As in other cases, the logic of the caves themselves suggests that these are creatures that the artists actually saw outside the walls of their homes.

Baigent, Michael. Forbidden archaeology. Sensations and hoaxes of ancient and early history. Page 102

This question seems to have nothing to do with the problem of correct dating of the life of primitive people, but, nevertheless, its consideration demonstrates on what shaky foundation the entire edifice of prehistoric chronology is built. The fact is that the finds of dinosaur bones, which allegedly completely disappeared from the face of the Earth 60 million years ago or even went extinct for tens of millions of years before the corresponding global cosmic catastrophe that destroyed the last of them, amaze archaeologists with their freshness and excellent preservation.

As the newspaper Die Welt reported in its scientific section on October 9, 2006, in September 2005, American and Mongolian paleontologists found 67 skeletons of small dinosaurs in the Gobi Desert in two days. Apparently they didn't have to dig too deep! Moreover, a year before, Jack Horner, who led the search for dinosaurs, had already excavated 30 such skeletons.

In the Gobi Desert, dinosaur skeletons often lie right on the surface, but by some miracle they are perfectly preserved in an area where sandstorms demolish archaeologists’ tents well anchored in the rock many times a year. And grains of sand flying at great speed during such storms treat the surface of skeletons no worse than high-quality sandpaper. However, as Heinsohn writes, such finds are often difficult to external signs considered older than the skeletons of animals that clearly died in very recent times.

When reading the reports of the corresponding expeditions of paleontologists, one often gets the impression that scientists who find well-preserved dinosaur skeletons understand perfectly well that these dinosaurs lived very recently, but do not dare to come up with heretical short dates, fearing the revenge of their academic colleagues from the quiet of their offices, in which there are no sandstorms and in which dinosaurs clearly have not lived for a long time ..

Even worse, the dinosaur bones that scientists so easily find are not always completely fossilized: they often contain preserved genetic material. For example, the genetic material of tyrannosaurs that were completely unfossilized and at least 80 million years old was found (it is believed that these cute little animals went extinct 20 million years before the bulk of the more peaceful dinosaurs, which they ate without using the services of fire for cooking) . Until recently, scientists were confident that undergoing gradual mineralization organic matter cannot preserve DNA for more than two million years (also, of course, fantastic long term!), so this discovery would mean that dinosaurs lived simultaneously with the first hominids, which supposedly roam our planet for at least four million years.

But the idea of ​​the simultaneous existence of humans and dinosaurs is one of the axiomatic taboos accepted by science. Otherwise, we can even agree that numerous legends about dragons carry the existence of dinosaurs side by side with humans into the late stone Age, if not even in early historical times!

In order to at least for some time free themselves from the need to seriously deal with this paradox, colleagues simply suspect the authors of the finds of careless handling of dinosaur bones found close to the surface (for example, in Utah in the USA), during which, they say, the finds were contaminated with human genetic material. It would be interesting to know whether geneticists have learned last years distinguish between human and dinosaur DNA. Or, indeed, the DNA of dinosaurs differed so little from that of our ancestors that we, too, may have descended not from ugly monkeys, but from cute dinosaurs.

Heinsohn cites other examples of dinosaur remains that have not decayed and yet are not completely fossilized (for example, dinosaur eggs), which make even less justifiable hundreds of thousands of years for which no evidence has been preserved or for which, despite the energetic efforts of scientists, there is no evidence yet. no remains of human skeletons were found. He believes that here too we are talking about the need to radically shorten the chronology of prehistory.

It is interesting that a supporter of a radical reduction in the chronology of prehistory is also one of the most active critics of the New Chronology of Fomenko and Nosovsky, Ustin Valeryevich Chashchikhin (who characterizes himself as a “graduate of Moscow State University and MEPhI”). This is what he writes on his website on the Internet in the section, in an article entitled “When did dinosaurs live?” on a geochronological scale is incorrect; it is based on outdated ideas. In addition, there is a logical error in “dating” on a geochronological scale - a vicious circle […]. Therefore, the claim that dinosaurs supposedly lived 100 million years ago has no evidence, and the geological layers were formed quickly as a result of a tectonic catastrophe, a rapid split. (The author refers to the split of the ancient continent, as a result of which Europe and Africa on the one hand and both Americas on the other quickly, within days, and not millions of years, diverged over a gigantic distance - E.G.) When did dinosaurs live? Dinosaur experts point out […] that usually most original dinosaur bones have not yet undergone fossilization […] and fossilization can be very rapid, depending on the concentration of minerals in the solution. This indicates that dinosaurs became extinct relatively recently. At the beginning of the 20th century, American alligators with a length of 6.5 m were found […]. According to National Geographic magazine […], 500 years ago on the island of Madagascar there lived a bird-dinosaur, Aepiornis, 3 meters long and weighing 500 kg.

The author then exclaims: “PEOPLE have seen dinosaurs!” And then he quotes the Bible, in the book of Job of which, in chapter 40 (verses 10-19), a huge creature is described with “a tail like a cedar” (Job 40:12) and “legs like copper pipes” (Job 40:13) . He gives a long quotation from the book of Job and analyzes it, after which he formulates the following conclusions:

This description only applies to dinosaurs (diplodocus, sauropod). Thus, the “hippopotamus” described in Job 40 is simply a dinosaur! Consequently, dinosaurs and humans coexisted. The writing of the Book of Job dates back to about 4,000 years ago. (Here the critic of the new chronology played a little at the favorite game of historians of stretching time intervals - E.G.)

In addition, in the Bible, in the book of the prophet Isaiah, chapter 30, art. 6, along with such living animals as lions, donkeys and camels, a flying serpent is also described. Is this a pterodactyl?

Noting that in other cultures there are also descriptions of lizards and dragons (Chinese dragons, the Celtic epic Beowulf), which could be chronicle evidence of dinosaurs, and mentioning the Russian epic about “Ivan Tsarevich and the Serpent Gorynych,” Chashikhin comes to the following conclusion: “ From all this it is obvious that dinosaurs lived recently - several centuries ago and were described by many peoples (Chinese, etc.) as dragons, and as "behemoth" in the Bible, Job 40:10-19. And they died out, accordingly, recently, several centuries ago due to cooling and the ice age.” As we see, the radical reduction of prehistory finds allies on both sides of the barricade that separates supporters of historical analytics from fans of TI.

Chashchikhin’s point of view is not only accepted, but also actively promoted by the German author Hans-Joachim Zillmer, who devoted several books from the series [Zillmer1-5] to the coexistence of dinosaurs and humans on Earth, as well as criticism of geological dating. for example books:

Darwin's mistake. Antediluvian finds prove that dinosaurs and humans lived together, 1998.

Errors in the history of the Earth. The desert is in place Mediterranean Sea, deep forests in the Sahara and the global dominance of dinosaurs. The deepest antiquity was yesterday, 2001.

Guide to Dinosaurs. Facts, findings, contradictions, 2003.

I note that in the second of the books named here, chapter 5 is entitled “The Fictitious Stone Age?” In it, the author, in particular, refers to Heinsohn’s book discussed here. Sections of Chapter 5 of Zillmer's book, entitled "Fresh Dinosaur Fossils" and "The Phantom Middle Stone Age," are also based on the work of Illig and Heinsohn.

From the book Forbidden Archeology by Baigent Michael

Chapter 4. Living Dinosaurs On February 19, 1980, Professor Roy McKell of the University of Chicago, a biologist with a long passion for cryptozoology, was making his way through the virtually unexplored Liquali Swamp, in the jungles of the north. African republic Congo. Suffocating

From the book Forbidden Archeology by Baigent Michael

African Dinosaurs There is no doubt that the natives, who have lived for centuries in the area of ​​​​the Liqual swamps, have always known about this monster and have seen no reason to feel anything other than a great sacred fear of it. Among some of the tribes living in this region,

From the book Good Old England by Coty Katherine

Dinosaurs in Victorian style I wonder what Jurassic Park would have looked like if it had been created back in the 19th century? You can easily find an answer to this question, especially since it was then that dinomania arose - a craze for dinosaurs - the fruits of which we are still reaping today.


From the book Reconstruction true history author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

From the book The Beginning of Horde Rus'. After Christ. The Trojan War. Founding of Rome. author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

7. When did the “ancient” American Mayans and Aztecs live? Where did they come to America from? For the history of the emergence of “ancient” civilizations on the territory of the American continent, see our book “Biblical Rus'”, as well as KhRON5 and KhRON6. Apparently, these civilizations arose during the era

author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

13. When did “ancient” eclipses occur and when astronomical zodiac horoscopes were created? Ancient chronicles contain many descriptions of eclipses of the Sun and Moon. It turned out that, being under pressure from the already established Scaligerian chronology, astronomers of the 17th–19th centuries

From the book Reconstruction of True History author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

32. When did the great Italian Renaissance artists live? We provide numerous evidence that the dates of life of many famous Renaissance artists are actually closer to us by about 100–150 years. We are talking, in particular, about Leonardo

From the book The Third Project. Volume III. Special Forces of the Almighty author Kalashnikov Maxim

They will go extinct like the dinosaurs. Bruce Sterling has a magnificent visionary novel about America in the mid-21st century - "Disintegration." And there is one curious episode in it. A large automobile manufacturing corporation funds a talented biologist. He made it “alive”

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CHAPTER 1 The World in the Early 16th Century: When the Rich Lived in the East CHAPTER OVERVIEW: In 1500, Europe was not the richest region in the world. Although the Europeans mastered some technologies and borrowed others, including watchmaking, gunpowder weapons, and sea sailing ships, they were amazed

From the book Ancient America: Flight in Time and Space. Mesoamerica author Ershova Galina Gavrilovna

From the book Crazy Chronology author Muravyov Maxim

Why did dinosaurs become small? All the problems began for the dinosaurs after Foraminifera seized power in the Fora tribe. This happened 70 million years ago. Then the mighty giants, dinosaurs, ruled the Earth. Now 70 million years later

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1. Dinosaurs of the Baltic states: skeletons of industrial enterprises in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia When you drive through the territory of the Baltic states, your gaze comes across them from time to time. Large concrete boxes, dilapidated buildings with boarded up windows, rusty fittings. This

From the book Vatican [Zodiac of Astronomy. Istanbul and the Vatican. Chinese horoscopes] author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

From the book When I Was Baptized Kievan Rus? by Tabov Jordan

Chapter ten. When did the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius live? § 1. Introduction This chapter examines chronological information about St. Cyril and Methodius and the creation of Slavic writing. The dating of the life of the holy brothers and the creation of writing is considered as a whole

From the book The Picts and Their Ale author Fedorchuk Alexey Viktorovich

Many people will be very interested to know where dinosaurs lived? The answer to this question is very simple - dinosaurs lived all over the Earth. They lived in North America, South America, Australia, Europe, Asia, Africa and even Antarctica. They lived on land, in the skies, and in the depths of the sea.

However, not all dinosaurs lived at the same time and in the same place.

North America.

A large number of fossilized dinosaur skeletons have been found in North America. Across the plains of Canada and Mexico, from New York to California, lived some of the largest dinosaurs to ever walk the planet.

Let's list the largest ones:

Tyrannosaurus Rex, Ankylosaurus, Coelophys, Deinonychus, Diplodocus, Ornithomimus, Stegosaurus and Triceratops.

South America.

Although not as many dinosaurs have been discovered in South America as in North America, paleontologists believe that the very first species of dinosaurs appeared on this continent. Let's list the most famous:

Abelisaurus, Anabyssia, Argeninosaurus, Austroraptor, Carnotaurus, Eoraptor, Giganotosaurus and Megaraptor.


A science such as paleontology appeared in Germany and Great Britain. In fact, very few dinosaur fossils have been found in Europe, but the species that have been found in Europe have been very impressive. These include: Archeopteryx, Balaur, Baryonyx, Cetiosaurus, Compsognathus and Europasaurus.


Not as many species of dinosaurs were found in Africa as in the Americas, but some of the dinosaurs that lived on this continent were the most aggressive and fearsome of all dinosaurs. These dinosaurs include the following: Spinosaurus, Aardonyx, Ouranosaurus, Carcharodontosaurus, Heterodontosaurus, Eocursor, and Afrovenator.


Over the past 20 years, large numbers of dinosaur bones have been discovered in Asia. These discoveries have given scientists a wealth of information about the evolution of dinosaurs. Where did dinosaurs live in Asia? Everywhere, throughout the continent, but the lizards were especially concentrated in the central and eastern parts mainland. Here is a list of dinosaurs found here: Dilong, Dilophosaurus, Mamenchisaurus, Microraptor, Oviraptor, Pittacosaurus, Shantungosaurus, Velociraptor and Sinosauropteryx.


Not found in Australia large quantity dinosaurs, but a rather impressive collection of therapods and sauropods was found there. These include Cryolophosaurus, Lielinosaurus, Rhedosaurus, Antarctopelta, Muttaburrasaurus, Australovenator, Diamantinasaurus and Ozraptor.


At that time, it was much warmer in Antarctica and there was practically no snow. And as a result, many species of dinosaurs were able to populate this continent. These include such small specimens as Cryolophosaurus Ellioti, Antarctopelta Oliveroi, Glacialisaurus Hammeri and Trinisaurus Santamartaensis.

As you can clearly see, dinosaurs were a diverse group of animals that colonized virtually the entire planet. Billions of dinosaurs spread throughout the world. One hundred percent - it was a brilliant spectacle.

lutionated from a population of archosaurs (Archosauria), which shared the planet with many other reptiles, including the bestial reptiles - therapsids (Therapsida) and pelycosaurs (Pelycosauria). As a distinct group, dinosaurs have been identified by a set of (mostly obscure) anatomical features, but the main thing that makes them easier to identify and distinguishes them from archosaurs is bipedal or quadrupedal walking, as evidenced by the shape and arrangement of the femur and tibia bones. See also: " " and " "

As with all such evolutionary transitions, it is impossible to determine the exact moment when the first dinosaur appeared on Earth. For example, the bipedal archosaur Marasuchus (Marasuchus) was perfect for the role of an early dinosaur, and Saltopus lived with the dinosaurs (S. elginensis) and procompsognathus (P. triassicus) during the transition between these two forms of life.

Newly discovered genus of archosaurs - Asilisaurus (Asilisaurus), can move roots family tree dinosaurs until 240 million years ago. There are also controversial tracks of the first dinosaurs in Europe, dating back 250 million years!

It is important to keep in mind that archosaurs did not “disappear” from the face of the Earth after becoming dinosaurs. They continued to live side by side with their eventual descendants for the remainder of the Triassic period. And just to confuse us completely, around the same time, other populations of archosaurs began to evolve into the first pterosaurs (Pterosauria) and prehistoric crocodiles. For 20 million years, during the Late Triassic, landscapes South America abounded in similar-looking archosaurs, pterosaurs, ancient crocodiles and early dinosaurs.

South America - Land of the First Dinosaurs

The earliest dinosaurs lived in the region of the supercontinent Pangea, corresponding to the territory of modern South America. Until recently, the most famous of these creatures were the relatively large Herrerasaurus (about 200 kg) and the medium-sized Staurikosaurus (about 35 kg), which lived about 230 million years ago. But now, some of the attention has shifted to Eoraptor (Eoraptor lunensis), discovered in 1991, a small (about 10 kg) dinosaur.

A recent discovery could revolutionize our understanding of the South American origins of the first dinosaurs. In December 2012, paleontologists announced the discovery of Nyasasaurus (Nyasasaurus), who lived in the Pangea region corresponding to modern-day Tanzania, Africa. Amazing! Fossil remains of this dinosaur are 243 million years old, which is approximately 10 million years earlier than the first South American dinosaurs. However, it is possible that Nyasasaurus and its relatives represented a short-lived offshoot from the family tree of early dinosaurs, or were technically archosaurs rather than dinosaurs.

These early dinosaurs gave rise to a hardy group of reptiles that quickly (at least in evolutionary terms) spread to other continents. The first dinosaurs quickly migrated to the regions of Pangea, corresponding to North America (a striking example is Coelophysis (Coelophysis), thousands of fossil remains of which were discovered in Phantom Ranch, New Mexico, USA, as well as the recently discovered tawa (Tawa), which are cited as evidence of the South American origin of dinosaurs. Small to medium-sized carnivorous dinosaurs, e.g. , soon made their way to the eastern part North America, and then further to Africa and Eurasia.

Specialization of early dinosaurs

The first dinosaurs coexisted on equal terms with archosaurs, crocodiles and pterosaurs. If you were to travel back in time to the end of the Triassic period, you would never guess that these reptiles were superior to all others. Everything changed with the mysterious Triassic-Jurassic, which wiped out most archosaurs and therapsids. No one knows exactly why dinosaurs survived, but it may have something to do with walking upright or having a more complex lung structure.

By the beginning of the Jurassic period, dinosaurs began to diversify the ecological niches left behind by their extinct counterparts. Split between lizards mi (Saurischia) and ornithischians (Ornithischia) dinosaurs occurred at the end of the Triassic period. Most of the earliest dinosaurs were saurischians, such as sauropodomorphs (Sauropodomorpha) that evolved into bipedal herbivorous prosauropods (Prosauropoda) in the Early Jurassic period, as well as larger sauropods (Sauropoda) and titanosaurs (Titanosaurus).

As far as we can tell, ornithischian dinosaurs, including ornithopods, hadrosaurs, ankylosaurs, and ceratopsians, evolved from eocursor (Eocursor)- a genus of small, bipedal dinosaurs from the Late Triassic South Africa. Eocursor most likely descended from an equally small South American dinosaur (possibly Eoraptor), which lived 20 million years earlier ( clear example, how such a huge variety of dinosaurs could have arisen from such a humble progenitor).

List of first dinosaurs

Name (genus or species) Short description Image
a genus of lizard-hipped dinosaurs related to herrerasaurs (Herrerasaurus).
Coelophysis (Coelophysis) a genus of small dinosaurs that lived in North America.
a genus of small dinosaurs, a close relative of Compsognathus (Compsognathus).
Compsognathus (Compsognathus) a genus of dinosaurs the size of large chickens that lived in the late Jurassic period.
Demonosaurus (Daemonosaurus) predatory reptiles from the suborder theropods (Theropoda).
Elaphrosaurus (Elaphrosaurus) a genus of carnivorous dinosaurs from the late Jurassic period.
Eodromaeus (Eodromaeus murphi) view of the ancients predatory dinosaurs from South America.
Eoraptor (Eoraptor lunensis) a species of small dinosaur, one of the first of its kind.
a genus of early dinosaurs named after Godzilla.
Herrerasaurus (Herrerasaurus) a genus of the first predatory dinosaurs from the vastness of South America.
Lilienstern genus of the largest carnivorous dinosaurs of the Triassic period.
Megapnosaurus (Megapnosaurus) Translated from Greek, the genus name means "big dead lizard."
Pampadromaeus barberenai an ancient species of herbivorous reptiles and the ancestor of sauropods.
a genus of one of the earliest dinosaurs in North America.
Procompsognathus (Procompsognathus) a genus of prehistoric reptiles that may have been related to archosaurs.
Saltopus as in the previous case, it is not known exactly whether Saltopus belonged to dinosaurs or archosaurs.
Sanhuansaurus (Sanjuansaurus) a genus of early dinosaurs from South America.
a genus of carnivorous dinosaurs from the wider England of the Early Jurassic period
a genus of small reptiles from the suborder of theropods that lived in North America during the Jurassic period.
Staurikosaurus primitive carnivorous dinosaur of the Late Triassic period.
Tawa (Tawa) a genus of lizard-hipped carnivorous dinosaurs found in southern North America.
Zupaisaurus (Zupaysaurus) a representative of early theropods discovered on the territory of modern Argentina.