Turtle years of life. Why do turtles live so long? Aquatic turtle: lifespan in artificial conditions

When getting any pet - a parrot, fish, rabbit, cat or turtle, there is a natural desire to find out how many years it will live.

After all, many people perceive their pets as full-fledged members of the family and want to enjoy their company longer. People buying a red-eared turtle should keep in mind that although reptiles are long-lived natural world, but without proper care they risk not living even half the allotted time.

What kind of reptile is this?

The red-eared turtle (also known as the yellow-bellied turtle) belongs to the family of American freshwater turtles. Natural habitat is small, often swampy bodies of water with weak currents. They feed on both plant and animal foods. Distributed throughout North and South America.

The external feature is two symmetrical stripes, red, yellow or orange, located behind the eyes (on both sides of the head). The color of the dorsal part of the shell (carapace) is rich green with black and yellow lines. The lower part (plastron) is painted pale yellow with a dark pattern. The pattern from the shell extends to the skin of the paws and head, so the reptile looks striped.

How to determine age and gender?

It is possible to determine the sex of a turtle only after it reaches the age of sexual maturity. But even in adults, the differences between males and females remain very blurred and sex determination is possible only by secondary characteristics. The most notable include:

  1. Claws on the hind limbs. In males they are long, sometimes curved and thickened.
  2. Tail. The male is wide at the base, long with a narrow tip.
  3. Size. Females are noticeably larger.
  4. Shell shape. In males it is longer and narrower.
  5. The structure of the abdominal part of the external skeleton. The plastron of females is smooth, while that of males is concave.

Please note: some differences are subtle or may be absent altogether, so conclusions are drawn based on several signs.

To obtain more reliable data, you can use scientific methods- blood test for hormones, radiography and ultrasound.

Finding out how old a reptile is is an even more difficult task. The easiest way is to clarify this point with the seller. If this is not possible, then the date of birth can only be determined approximately. The error will be several years.

One of the most reliable ways to find out the age is to measure the turtle's shell with a ruler from the front to the back edge, without taking into account the bend. By one year, its length should be three to four centimeters.

In the future, sizes depend on gender:

  • 2 years. Females - 9 cm, males - 8 cm;
  • 3 years. Females – 14 cm, males – 10 cm;
  • 4 years. Females – 17 cm, males – 12 cm.

In addition, you can find out your age:

  1. Counting the rings on the shell. The first is formed before the turtle reaches twelve months. Every year 2–3 rings are added to the pattern.
  2. By color. The darker the shell, the older the animal. Young turtles (up to 4 years old) have rich, bright colors, then the shell begins to gradually darken.

How many live in the wild?

Although natural conditions are optimal for turtles; 10% of all individuals survive to old age. Their maximum age rarely approaches 30 years, more often the limit is 15-20 years. This is due to natural reasons: predators, diseases, human intervention in the ecosystem.

How many years have they lived at home?

In the absence of external threats, the life expectancy of turtles increases significantly. In a home terrarium they can live up to 50 years, in a zoo - 30 - 35 years.

Causes of premature death

The most common reasons Pet deaths are:

  1. Incorrect conditions of detention. Small aquarium, dirty unfiltered water, untimely cleaning, inappropriate temperature conditions.
  2. Infections. They can appear from aquarium plants, decorative elements, and live food.
  3. Poor nutrition and lack of vitamins. In nature, a turtle can compensate for the deficiency of any element on its own; when kept at home, monitoring the diet is the owner’s task.
  4. Lack of qualified veterinary specialists who can correctly and timely diagnose health problems and prescribe adequate treatment.

How to extend life?

The lifespan of a turtle depends only on its owner. When creating favorable conditions, proper care and a balanced diet it increases. To do this you need:

  1. Select the aquarium size. Minimum 150 liters per adult reptile. Smaller containers can only keep small turtles up to 2 years old.
  2. Equip your aquarium with more than just water, but also a small island of land (up to 1/3 of the total volume).
  3. Maintain a stable temperature and avoid drafts.
  4. Carry out timely sanitization once a week.
  5. Select decorative elements carefully. Some types of algae are poisonous to reptiles. In addition, you should not decorate the aquarium with artificial plants and shallow soil - turtles will definitely try to eat them.
  6. Handle the turtle carefully and avoid falling, even from a small height. In addition to the fact that they have a smooth, slippery shell that can easily slip out of your hands, some individuals can bite and scratch quite strongly.
  7. Ensure proper feeding. Turtles cannot eat processed food. It is forbidden to give beef, rabbit, turkey, pork, fruits, and grains. Be sure to include in the diet: animal protein (crustaceans, fish, snails, feed cockroaches), greens (algae, lettuce, dandelions).
  8. Add mineral supplements to food.

In fact, extending the life of a turtle is quite simple - you need to provide it with comfortable living conditions that are closest to natural ones, monitor its condition and promptly apply the necessary measures.

These are truly unique and mysterious animals! They don't age. There is also an opinion that they can live for three centuries. Does this mean that if you get such a pet at home, you will have to pass it on to your great-great-grandchildren? Let's find out how many years do turtles live? different types so that you can draw the correct conclusion.

For these reptiles the rule is: the more, the longer. How many years turtles live in the wild depends primarily on their size. Their lifespan can be 30 - 50 years (small), 80 years (medium) to 120 - 150 years (giant individuals).

How many years sea turtles live is determined by their size. They are usually large - from 70 to 140 cm. They live in warm seas and oceans. On average, they live up to 80 years in freedom. But most do not reach such a venerable age. Many die at the embryonic stage, while in the egg (due to unfavorable temperatures). Others are eaten by predators when the babies try to get to the water.

How many years do land turtles live? Depending on the size - from 50 to 100 years. Among them there are tiny ones - about 10 cm, but there are also large specimens. The latter, naturally, have a greater chance of surviving to “retirement” age.

Aquatic species are represented by medium-sized individuals. Their size does not exceed 30 cm. They take root well in captivity. They live for about 50 years, both in aquaterrariums and in the natural environment.

All of these reptiles have a slow metabolism, which explains their longevity. The most tenacious of them are large turtles. How many years do they live? From 100 to 120 years. Perhaps many of them could live to an older age, but in their natural habitat many dangers and diseases await them, so only a few of them die a natural death. There are record holders who lived 175 and even 188 years.

The maximum age of the largest reptiles is 200 years. There is evidence that some representatives of the giant tortoises living on the Galapagos Islands are over 300 years old.

What will a turtle eyelid look like at home?

Today it is fashionable to keep such reptiles at home. They are unpretentious, do not require tedious care and walks, and are also quite cute. How many years turtles live at home is determined both by their species and the conditions of their detention. Their life expectancy, unfortunately, is usually almost half that of similar species living in the wild. With the proper care at home, turtles live 30 - 40 years. On average, this figure is 30 years. But if you create ideal conditions for them, they will live up to half a century.

European landlubbers (which are most often bred in captivity) typically live 40 years. Small aquatic turtles (including red-eared turtles) live 25 - 50 years, but it is simply impossible to keep giant sea turtles in an apartment or house.

Very often, the premature death of such pets is associated with mistakes in their maintenance made by animal owners (improper feeding, temperature conditions and other factors).

Today there are up to 300 species in the turtle family. Each of them has its own life expectancy. Of course, not all of them can become your pet (due to their size, feeding method and living conditions). When choosing such an exotic pet, you need to focus not only on its appearance. There are many indicators to consider, including expected lifespan. Let's consider to what age the most famous and common representatives of this class live.

Land turtle in a terrarium. How long will she live?

Turtles that live on land can live 30 years, but can live four times longer - 120 years. Their distinctive features are a rounded shell and fused fingers. Small individuals in an aquarium live up to 30 years, in nature they may well celebrate their 80th birthday. Giant tortoises (with a shell up to a meter) live from 30 to 50 years in captivity, and up to 100 to 120 years in freedom.

Maximum age (in years) of land turtles kept at home:

  • musky - from 23 to 28;
  • Egyptian - 30;
  • star-shaped (Indian) - 30;
  • Central Asian - 30;
  • Mediterranean - from 35 to 40;
  • Balkan - 50.

Some people believe that it is not necessary for land reptiles to have special housing, and leave them to “free range”. This usually ends very badly. Someone in the household may accidentally step on an animal crawling on the floor. Heat-loving turtles run the risk of catching a cold from drafts; their health is negatively affected by dirt and dust.

On a note! One individual requires a horizontal type terrarium with minimum dimensions: length - 50 cm, width - 40 cm, height - up to 30 cm.

Aquatic turtle: lifespan in artificial conditions

Let's start with the most popular type of such reptiles: how many years do red-eared turtles live? If you provide them with proper care, they will delight you with their presence for 25 to 30 years (the same applies to yellow-eared ones). Depending on the size of the aquarium, they can grow to the size of a large saucer (maximum - up to 30 cm). They look peculiar and can make sounds resembling a squeal or hiss.

The average lifespan of aquatic turtles living in a human home is:

  • silt loggerhead - 23 years;
  • Trionix Chinese Far Eastern - from 25 to 30;
  • Caspian - 25;
  • European marsh - 25.

On a note! Aquatic turtles require an aquarium with a pond and an island where they can rest! They definitely need access to air. And change the water promptly!

Crumbs in the shell: the life period of little turtles

Not everyone is ready to have a large reptile at home. Much more often, babies up to 13 cm in size act as original pets. Despite their miniature size, such “cuties” live quite a long time.

Lifespan of a tiny turtle:

  • three-keel - from 20 to 25 years;
  • musk - 23;
  • spotted - from 30 to 40;
  • silt - from 50 to 60;
  • Reeves (pond) - 58.

Nature itself made sure that such animals lived for at least 100 years. After all, they can arbitrarily stop their heartbeat, go without food and water for several days, and independently change their body temperature. In order for the life of this wise, calm animal to be full and long, adhere to the main principle - try to create for him a natural environment in which he would live in the wild. A turtle doesn’t need much, but you must follow a few rules for keeping it.

What will help prolong the life of a pet turtle:

  • Proper nutrition. Her diet should not include dry food from a pet store, but natural food that reptiles of this type eat. And don’t forget to “feed” it with mineral supplements and vitamins!
  • Large area tank. For example, if you have a medium-sized reptile, it needs a terrarium with a volume of at least one hundred liters.
  • Suitable "housing". Basins, boxes, containers are a bad choice for a turtle. They do not live long in such “houses”.
  • Aquarium with special equipment. It must be equipped with a UV lamp, a water filter, and a heater.
  • Regular water procedures. At least once every 7 days, bathe your pet for no longer than half an hour and clean its shell with a soft sponge.
  • Optimal temperature: water - within 20 - 24°, air - from 31 to 33°.
  • Daily feeding. Preferably at the same time.
  • Calm environment. If you have small children growing up in your family, explain to them that this is a living creature and not a toy. The turtle should not be frightened by loud noises, dropped or turned over. Stress shortens her life.
  • Veterinarian examinations. If you find any uncharacteristic changes in its appearance, shell shape, behavior, it is better to show the turtle to the doctor.

On a note! Remember that hibernation is always a big risk for a pet turtle. There is a danger that she will become too weak and die. Better not let her fall asleep!

On globe, in water and on land, there are about 290 species of turtles. These extraordinary creatures are considered long-lived, capable of existing in different conditions. They are hardy, can go without food for a long time, are immune to many infections, and, finally, their body is protected by bone “armor.” Turtles are favorites not only of many children, but also of adults, and they are willingly kept as pets. Some of the most frequently asked questions regarding turtles: “How long do they live?” and “How to determine their age?” Well, let's find out.

There are two ways to do this:

  • along the length of the shell.

At birth, these reptiles have a shell of only 3 cm in length (this is an approximate figure). For each year lived, it lengthens by about 2 cm. Thus, to determine the age of a land turtle, you need to subtract 3 cm from the previously measured length of the shell and divide the resulting difference in half. For example, let's calculate the age of a turtle with a shell length of 19 cm: (19-3):2=8. Eight is the approximate age of the reptile.

If a turtle lives in poor conditions, its growth is inhibited, so it may appear much younger than its true age.

  • Counting rings on shell plates.

It is known that during the first 2 years of life, 6 annual rings are formed on the shell, and in subsequent years only 1-2 annually. To calculate age, take any one plate of the shell and count the rings on it. Next, we subtract 6 from the resulting number (these are the rings formed in the first 2 years), divide the resulting difference by one and a half, and finally add 2 to the quotient (these are the first 2 years of life).

For example, we counted 36 rings on the shell plate. Let's create an example: (36-6): 1.5+2=22. The result was the approximate age of the turtle.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is difficult to apply to old animals, because it is impossible to count the exact number of rings in them, since over time they become increasingly difficult to distinguish or they are completely erased.

It is important to remember that both methods provide only approximate figures. To accurately determine the age of a reptile, its body must be examined in detail, which only a specialist in this field can do.

How long do land turtles live?

How long a turtle will live depends on its species and the conditions in which it lives. It is believed that the lifespan of “wild” individuals is longer than that of their relatives living in captivity. However, this is not always the case. Of course, longevity in captivity is possible only with proper care, quality food and the absence of stressful situations.

The larger the turtle, the longer its lifespan and vice versa. U small species it ranges from 30 to 80 years, and in large ones the average is 150 years.

Among these land reptiles there are many long-livers.

  • Eg, average age Mediterranean turtles are over 40 years old,
  • there are more than 100 and even 120 Central Asian ones (as stated in observation records found in some monasteries in Jerusalem).

There are also many examples of turtle longevity in zoos.

  • So, elephants reached 150 years,
  • and spur-bearing ones - 115.

In nature, snapping turtles live at least 150 years, Seychelles turtles - 250, Galapagos turtles - 200, box turtles - 100, Balkan turtles - on average 90-120.

The most famous old turtle She is even listed in the Guinness Book of Records, and her age is 152 years!

Elephant turtle.

How long does the Central Asian turtle live?

This type is the most common. Their average life expectancy is 40 years, but most often (including when kept at home) they only live up to 20-30 years. The record holder among representatives of this species is the Marion tortoise. She was able to cross the 152-year-old mark, which is even documented.

How to determine the age of an aquatic turtle

Aquatic turtles in amateur aquariums can be found no less often than land turtles. That is why the issue of determining age is also relevant for them.

There can be two ways to determine:

  • Along concentric annual rings. During the first year of life, 2-3 rings are formed, and for each subsequent year only one. To determine your approximate age, you need to count all the rings and subtract 2.
  • Along the length of the shell. It is believed that in a one-year-old individual the length of the shell does not exceed 6 cm. At 2 years, the female has a shell of 9 cm, in the male - 8 cm. At 3 years, the length of the shell is 14 cm in females, 10 cm in males. At 4 years - 16 and 12 cm respectively. In five-year-olds - 18 and 14 cm. And finally, in a six-year-old female, the shell grows to a maximum of 20, and in a male - up to 17 cm.

You can also use a special formula for calculation: divide the length of the shell in half and subtract one from the quotient.

As is the case with land turtles, both of these methods give only very approximate results.

Swamp turtle.

How long does an aquatic turtle live?

There is no specific answer to this question. But not because animals are little studied, but because different species have very different life expectancies. This figure ranges from 30 to 300 years! The average duration is considered to be 100 years. Within a species, different animals also live for different periods of time. For example, it can live up to 120 years in the wild, but only 30 at home.

How long does a red-eared turtle live?

Breeders love this creature very much. It captivates not only with its bright and exotic appearance, but also because it quickly gets used to life in a city apartment. If it has water, space, good nutrition and careful care, then it can easily live 30 years, or even 50. However, with owners who are irresponsible and do not have the necessary knowledge, they do not live up to 3 years. And this happens, unfortunately, quite often.

Pond slider.

A little about sea turtles

It is believed that on average sea turtles live 80 years, and centenarians live 300! However, pollution and poaching have taken their toll, and so nowadays seeing even a 100-year-old turtle is almost a miracle.

  • sea ​​turtles They often get entangled in trawl nets, eat plastic bags, mistaking them for jellyfish, and die from this.
  • Many of the quiet coastlines where they previously laid eggs have been “taken away” from them and turned into noisy beaches.
  • They are destroyed by predators immediately after hatching, etc.

You also need to take into account their long maturation and low reproductive rate. All this combined has brought sea turtles to the brink of extinction.

And in conclusion, it remains to be said that natural death in turtles is very rare. Most often they die from disease, are destroyed by predators or people, and when kept at home they die from poor care. That’s why if you have a turtle, please take good care of it and give it a long life!

And finally, useful video tips on how to find out the age of a turtle:

The future owner of a turtle must understand that the life expectancy of a pet depends not so much on its natural characteristics, but on the quality of care. Unfortunately, there are a lot of cases where a turtle died as soon as it moved to a new home. This happens for various reasons: due to the breeder’s dishonesty and the presence of diseases in the turtle, due to incorrect transportation, due to unsuitable living conditions, contact with sick turtles, etc.

Before getting a pet, it is recommended to learn as much as possible about it and create the necessary conditions for it in advance - preferably with the support of an experienced specialist. If your turtle is happy, he will live happy life and will delight you and your family for many years.

Below we list the most popular types of land and aquatic turtles for home keeping and their average life expectancy with proper care. Take note!

How many years do pet turtles live?

Average life expectancy with proper care.

– 40-60 years.

– 20-40 years.

Impressive, right?

By approaching the selection and maintenance of a turtle with due responsibility, you are acquiring not just an exotic pet, but a real family member and friend with whom you will share many happy years. By the way, don’t forget to see how big the turtle you choose grows to. Most likely, you will have to change your terrarium to a larger model more than once!

How old are your turtles? Tell us!

The turtle is rightfully considered one of the most interesting orders of reptiles. Scientists who studied ancient remains in order to find out how many years she had been living on the planet found that their existence on Earth lasted more than 220 million years. These are rare animals that can live on land and in water. The turtle is a reptile that has 328 species, grouped into 14 families.

Origin of the name

If we consider the Slavic and Latin origins of the name of the reptile, it is easy to see the commonality. Both languages ​​demonstrate a response to appearance in the word: translated from Latin “tile”, “clay vessel”, “brick”; from Slavic - “shard”.

Indeed, many turtles resemble the stone for which the people who gave them this name mistook them. Despite this etymology of the name, it also contains an indication of the unique shape and color of the hard shells.

What do turtles look like?

In the diversity of turtle species, there are common characteristics for all that unite them into one order.

Main hallmark detachment is the shell, which absolutely all representatives have. It consists of a carapace (dorsal) and plastron (abdominal), connected to each other. This durable device serves, first of all, to protect the animal from enemies. When necessary, the turtle is fully capable of hiding its body and head in it, lowering its upper part and remaining protected from any attack on it.

The shells are covered with hard horny scutes, different in color and shape depending on the species. There are holes into which the paws, head, and tail extend and retract as needed.

The strength of the shell, as studies have shown, is so great that it can withstand a weight exceeding the weight of the animal by 200 times.

Reptiles molt periodically: the old skin peels off from their shell in scales, and the color becomes brighter.

How much does a turtle weigh? Turtle sizes

The turtle is a unique reptile. Some species can reach gigantic size– up to 2 meters, and weigh up to a ton. But there are also tiny representatives whose weight does not exceed 120 grams and size - 10 cm.

Each type of turtle has its own parameters, which we will talk about, characterizing them separately.


All species have four paws, which can be hidden in the shell if necessary.

The structure depends on the lifestyle and species. Terrestrial animals are distinguished by thickened front paws, suitable for digging soil, and powerful hind paws, which help to move along the surface. The river turtle, which lives in fresh water, has membranes between its toes. The sea turtle, evolving, acquired fins instead of paws, and the front ones are much larger than the back ones.


Almost everyone has a tail, the length of which depends on the species and lifestyle. If necessary, the tail can be retracted into the shell.

For swimming reptiles, it serves as a kind of rudder that helps maneuver in the water, and is more developed than that of its land-based counterparts.

Head and neck

All turtles have a medium-sized head with a streamlined shape. When danger arises, many representatives of this class hide their heads in their shells. But there are turtles who have enough big size heads and cannot pull it in.

Depending on the species, the front of the head can be elongated or flat, but it always ends with the nostrils.

The eyes are also positioned differently: in reptiles living on land, they are directed downward, while in swimming reptiles they are directed much higher. Animals have excellent vision and see this world in color.

Some turtles have quite long necks. In other representatives they are of medium size and are perfectly retracted into the shell if necessary.

Sometimes these animals, sticking their heads out of the water, are mistaken for huge snakes.

In many representatives of the species, the oral part begins with a hard beak-shaped process, with which they easily bite off even the hardest food and are able to catch prey. The edges of these processes can be either sharp or jagged.

But they don't have teeth. The chewing movements that reptiles make are necessary in order to move food into the pharynx. Language also helps them with this.

Despite the lack of teeth, turtles have powerful jaws that can handle almost any food.

Sexual characteristics of a turtle

The sex of turtles is determined by appearance and in behavior, since these animals do not have clear genital differences, and it is almost impossible to figure out the gender at first glance. However, males differ from females:

  • according to the shape of the shell (in females it is more elongated);
  • the lower part of the shell is slightly concave in males, flat in females;
  • the tail of males is longer, wider and thicker, it is more curved down;
  • according to the shape of the anus;
  • in males, the claws of the front paws are slightly longer;
  • a small notch in the shell in the tail area is present only in males;
  • The behavior of males is characterized by activity.

In some species, gender, in addition to the indicated characteristics, is expressed by the color or shape of the head.

In nature, these reptiles are completely herbivorous, carnivorous and omnivorous. Most eat both plant and animal foods.


On average in wildlife turtles live about 20-30 years. But it depends on the type of reptile. There are centenarians who can reach 200 years of age. As a rule, turtles live longer in captivity, but this also depends on the species and conditions of detention.

Types of turtles

The long stay of representatives of this order on the planet allowed them to divide into 328 species, differing external signs, size, habitat, nutrition and lifestyle.

The classification involves the division of reptiles, depending on how they hide their heads in the shell, into cryptonecks and side-necks. The first group presses its head into the shell due to contraction neck muscles. The second is folded to the side, under one of the front paws.

Another classification is based on the habitat of these reptiles:

  • sea ​​turtle - lives in the salty waters of the seas and oceans;
  • terrestrial - capable of living both on the surface of the earth and in fresh waters; this variety, in turn, is divided into freshwater and land.

This sea turtle chose the waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and even Indian oceans for its life.

There are two subspecies of these reptiles: Atlantic and eastern Pacific. Its elongated shell can be not only green, but also dark brown with yellow and white stripes or spots.

Reptiles got their name not from their external coloring, but from the color of the meat they ate.

The green turtle is one of the largest species. The length of its shell can reach up to 2 m, and its weight can reach 400 kg.

Young individuals live exclusively in water, where they feed on small fish, mollusks, and jellyfish. Adult reptiles come ashore, where they begin to feed on plant foods, which over time become their main diet.

The tasty meat of these animals was traditionally used for food (they are even called soup animals), which led to a decline in the population. Hunting them is currently prohibited in many countries.

The onset of puberty occurs after 10 years, sometimes much later. Reptiles mate in water, but lay their clutches on the shore, in the same places where their predecessors laid eggs. They dig very large holes in which they place up to 200 eggs. Small turtles, hatching, run towards the water. If they managed to get there, they will spend many years in the ocean, until the moment comes when they themselves have to go ashore to give birth.

If your pet is a sea turtle, keep in mind that caring for it at home is much more difficult than for land-based ones, since you need to have spacious aquariums with water adapted for the reptile.

Another name for this species is Chinese trionix, or Chinese tortoise. The Far Eastern turtle prefers to live on the silt-covered bottom of large lakes and rivers with gently sloping overgrown banks. Their habitat is Primorye, South part Amur in Russia, Vietnam, China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan.

The Far Eastern turtle is green-brown or green-gray in color with pale yellowish spots. Its usual size is about 30 cm, but there have been specimens up to 40 cm and weighing more than 4 kilograms. They have fleshy lips covering strong jaws.

The shell of these animals in young individuals has a rounded shape. It becomes flatter with age. Distinctive feature young individuals have a bright orange abdomen, the color of which becomes pale over time.

The Chinese turtle is capable of hunting both in water and on land, where it goes out to bask in the sun. These reptiles hibernate by burying themselves in the mud.

The diet of these predatory reptiles consists of fish, shellfish, amphibians and insects. The Far Eastern turtle can guard its prey for a long time by burying itself in the mud.

At the age of 6-7 years, the Far Eastern tortoise becomes sexually mature. Usually in July they lay eggs at a short distance from the water. During the season, the female makes several clutches, from which about 70 turtles emerge. After 1.5 - 2 months, babies appear, the size of which is no more than 3 cm. They quickly run to the water and hide for a long time in coastal vegetation and between stones.

The Far Eastern tortoise has a fairly aggressive character and can strongly bite its attacker.

If this turtle lives in a house from an early age, it easily gets used to a person and can even feed from his hands.

Living in the southeast of Eurasia, this steppe loves wet areas in river valleys, foothills, agricultural lands, sandy and clay semi-deserts. Animals dig holes or occupy empty ones.

Observations shed light on how many years this turtle lives. It turns out that life expectancy depends on its activity. At home in a closed terrarium, it is unlikely to overcome the 15-year mark, when in the wild it can live for 30 years. Not in a natural environment, the Central Asian tortoise, even if care and nutrition are as close as possible to natural ones, lives much shorter.

The Central Asian tortoise does not grow more than 20 cm, while males are slightly smaller in size than females.

This steppe turtle hibernates quite early: at the beginning of summer, immediately after laying eggs. This is due to the fact that this particular time in their habitat is the driest. Lack of food in sufficient quantities forces them to wait out in a state of sleep.

The Central Asian turtle has a very beautiful shell - reddish-olive with dark round spots.

Reptiles of this species are dark brown, dark olive, almost black in color with small yellow streaks or spots. Distinctive feature is very a long tail and lack of beak.

The habitat of these animals is unusually wide: they can be found in the European part of Russia, the Caucasus, Bashkiria, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and even in northwest Africa. They prefer forest, forest-steppe and steppe areas, the banks of slow-flowing rivers, and wetlands.

These reptiles are found in mountainous areas at altitudes of up to 1500 meters above sea level.

Say what it is aquatic turtle, it is forbidden. She prefers to get out onto land quite often and moves relatively quickly along it.

The diet of representatives of this species is unusually wide: it eats worms, mollusks, small reptiles, fish, and chicks of waterfowl. She does not disdain carrion.

Depending on the region, they become sexually mature at the age of 5-9 years. Eggs are laid near water bodies. The sex of the offspring depends on temperature. When the levels are high, females are born, while when they are low, males are born.

Unfortunately, the clutches are attacked by predators (foxes, raccoons, otters, crows), who are happy to feast on both the eggs themselves and the small turtles.

Another name for these reptiles is directly related to their habitat - the Seychelles giant tortoise. This terrestrial animal is endemic to Aldabra Island.

The size of the shell of this large animal reaches a meter. It flaunts clearly defined shell segments, has fairly large legs that help it move on land, and a relatively small head.

Given its size, the reptile is a herbivore. Everything a turtle eats grows around it. She happily eats all low-growing bushes and grass.

There are currently only 150,000 left in the wild, so the reptile is protected. On the island where they live, not only hunting is prohibited, but also any economic activity.

Reptiles lay eggs from May to September, and they are able to regulate the population size: if there was not enough food, their clutches will contain only 5-6 eggs.

Is the most major representative your squad. These reptiles live only on the Galapagos Islands and are not found anywhere else. Their weight sometimes exceeds 400 kg, and the length of the shell reaches 2 m. They have fairly muscular paws, which have sharp claws (5 on the front and 4 on the hind). In case of danger, they pull their head and limbs into the shell.

At the end of the 20th century, the population of these animals decreased to 3,000 individuals, which became critical, so a decision was made to protect the reptiles.

Currently, there are two varieties of these reptiles, differing in habitat (relatively small individuals live in arid areas), size, color and shape of the shell.

Scientists actively researching the life of Galapagos endemics have identified Interesting Facts about turtles of this species: for example, what they can eat poisonous plants, which no animal eats. In some cases, they are able to live for several months without food or fresh water.

Mating and laying of eggs of these giants occurs at any time of the year, but peaks of activity occur in certain seasons.

This reptile is also called the yellow-bellied reptile. The water turtle received its original names solely for the bright accents in its color: there is a red spot on its head, and its abdomen is yellow.

There are 15 subspecies of these reptiles belonging to the American freshwater family.

The size of the animal depends on the subspecies and gender - from 18 to 30 cm, with males slightly smaller than females.

Its main habitat is America, but its presence is also noted in Europe (Spain and England), northern Africa, and Australia. For their life, they choose swampy areas with low banks, since this river turtle loves to get ashore and bask in the sun.

In Australia, the water turtle is considered a pest and its numbers are controlled.

The water turtle lays its eggs on land, where it digs out a spherical nest and places up to 20 eggs there. Reptiles of this species do not care about their offspring.

The water turtle feeds on insects, small fish, and worms. She chews her food with her head completely immersed in the water. If you have a water turtle living in your home, care and feeding should be consistent with its natural needs.

We have long found out how many years a turtle lives at home. If the maintenance and care are natural, it can easily live for half a century. In nature, this age is somewhat less.

One of the subspecies is the yellow-eared turtle. As the name suggests, its main decoration is the bright color of the shell and the yellow spot in the area of ​​the auricle.

The yellow-eared turtle differs from its red-eared counterparts only in color. Their habitat, diet and reproduction are identical.

The yellow-eared turtle thrives at home. Maintenance and care do not require much time and do not cause much trouble for the owners.

Small in size ( maximum length shell no more than 13.5 cm), the reptile has chosen the American continents.

Its dirty-brown shell has three longitudinal ridges, and light stripes are visible on its head.

It lives in small rivers with silted banks, where this river turtle hunts and lays eggs.

When the water temperature drops below 10 degrees, the reptile begins to dig a hole for hibernation. Unlike many species, muskies can sleep in groups. The period of sleep itself depends not on the season, but on the temperature: in the southern regions, where there are no low temperatures, this reptile is active throughout the year and does not hibernate.

If you have a musk turtle in your home, keeping it alone is not advisable. It is better to have several individuals at once. This will affect how many years the turtle lives at home.

The musk turtle is quite common in home aquariums; keeping, feeding and caring for it does not require much effort.

Where do turtles live? Habitat

Reptiles of this order live on almost all continents of the world. The only exceptions are Antarctica and desert areas, the climate of which is completely unsuitable for these animals. Any coast - be it the oceans or small rivers and lakes - can boast of its own view, or even more than one.

They find food almost everywhere: it can be insects, worms, small fish, crustaceans and vegetation. Its unpretentiousness in food makes the reptile able to survive in almost any place.

Even in reservoirs located in large cities, you can find these animals. They go ashore to bask in the sun. During the breeding season, you can come across clutches of their eggs on deserted beaches.

A turtle is a reptile that has long settled in homes, becoming a favorite pet. Home care for this reptile is insignificant, so many people choose them for their home.

How many years a turtle lives at home, first of all, depends on the species, age of the animal that comes to you, and the conditions in which it will live. Comfortable existence and feeding as close as possible to natural habitat conditions will allow your pet to live long enough. If the turtle feels good in the house, and the maintenance and care are appropriate, then it can live up to 50 years.

Which turtle is best for a home?

Usually river reptiles become pets. A river turtle, once at home, adapts quite quickly. Its maintenance does not require an overly spacious aquarium, but it is very important to equip it correctly, creating a swimming area and dry land for your pet to go to when necessary.

  • water (red-eared and yellow-eared);
  • European (swamp);
  • Central Asian (steppe);
  • Far Eastern;
  • musk turtle.

Keeping sea turtles in home aquariums is very problematic. Even young individuals require special water, reminiscent of ocean water. And for older ones, very spacious tanks are needed, since in limited spaces the animal will not be able to be active enough, and this also determines how many years a turtle lives at home.

Before purchasing an animal, get to know useful information about him. Temperature, nutrition and care, activity and the ability to live alone or in pairs are very important for the reptile.

What does a turtle prefer to eat at home?

If you live pet turtle, nutrition, maintenance and care of her should resemble her natural look life. Before adopting a pet, study what it eats in nature and during what periods it is active.

Young individuals, as a rule, consume 70 percent of live food (food worms, insects, small crustaceans). Growing up, they switch almost entirely to plant foods. Suitable for feeding:

  • vegetables and their tops (tomatoes, peppers, pumpkin, carrots, and occasionally cucumbers);
  • berries (strawberries, wild strawberries, watermelon);
  • fruits (plums, peaches, apples, bananas).

Do not overfeed the animal! If you see that there is food left after feeding, be sure to remove it and subsequently reduce the portions.

If you have a turtle at home, caring for it must necessarily include cleaning the aquarium. Be especially attentive to leftover food: stale food can lead to intestinal upset, which will affect how many years a turtle lives at home.

  • Representatives of this order of amphibians can boast that they have left their mark on the history of astronautics. Two individuals of the Central Asian tortoise species were the first among animals to fly around the Moon and return alive to Earth.
  • The meat of these animals is a delicacy. But some species are not recommended for consumption. This happens because this turtle sometimes eats poisonous mushrooms or jellyfish. They do not eat the meat of box turtles, leatherback turtles and hawksbill turtles.
  • Reptiles of this order can swim well and move on land. But the European tortoise can also be called a jumping tortoise. She can jump into the water from three-meter mountain ledges.
  • Turtles have their own long-lived lives. So in 2006, the oldest turtle, Advaita, died, whose age, according to experts, was more than 150 years.
  • Many people wonder how long a turtle can live without food. In the natural environment, determining this time is quite difficult. But for pets, this is a maximum of 3 weeks, taking into account the fact that the animal is hibernating. In nature, the sleep period can last several months. It is believed that at this time the reptile does not eat at all.
  • During the period of courtship and mating, sea turtles stick their heads out of the water and make drawn-out sounds similar to howls.