Distinguish the sex of an aquatic turtle. How to determine the sex of a red-eared slider? Determine the sex of a turtle by the location and shape of the cloaca

Red-eared turtles are amazing and funny creatures that today are found not only in the natural environment, but also in many home aquariums. The popularity of these pets is only increasing over time. They are cute, cheeky, lively, and are not averse to quarreling with their relatives and putting on a hilarious face. Of course, reptiles differ from more common pets - cats, dogs, parrots, they require special conditions maintenance and nutrition. In addition, they raise a lot of questions among novice owners, for example, it is not always clear why they behave one way or another, and even sexual difference individuals often remain in question . How to determine the sex of red-eared turtles, what to look for?

Unfortunately, it is not so easy to distinguish a male red ear from a female, and even a specialist will not be able to select babies of the desired sex among the young animals. More or less obvious signs appear only during puberty of individuals.

Red ears can reproduce from 6-8 years of age; it is during this period that sexual differences are most noticeable. But indirect signs are also present in 1.5-2 year old turtles, and if you compare them all, you can find out the sex of your pet.

An owner who is tormented by the question of the sex of a reptile living in his aquarium should pay attention to a number of physiological characteristics of these reptiles.

Claw length

Males of this breed, however, like most representatives of other varieties of turtles, have forelimbs equipped with elongated claws. Females also have them, but their length is much more modest, and there are no points at the ends. The male uses them during mating, holding the female with them, eliminating the possibility of slipping.

There is one caveat - when living in an artificial tank, a turtle can grind its claws on an island of land. In this case, it all depends on the material from which this section is made.

Features of the carapace

When determining the sex of a reptile, you can also take a closer look at the armor in which its body is packed. In order for the fertilization process to proceed most successfully, in males the surface of the plastron - the abdominal shield - has a slight concavity. Females do not have this sign.

There are also differences in the shape of the carapace - in males it is more oval, elongated, and in the area of ​​the tail resembles a pointed tick. In females, part of the shell at the tail is rounded; here you can see a decent-sized hole, necessary for the trouble-free laying of eggs.

Condition of the tail and cloaca

Since the male reproductive organ of turtles is located in the tail, this part is wider and longer in males than in females. The gender of individuals is also indicated by the location and shape of the cloaca. In females, it resembles a polygon like an asterisk and is located close to the shell. In males, the cloaca is located a little further from the carapace, and its shape is quite normal, resembling a straight line.

Other sexual characteristics

If turtles of the same age live in the same tank, then it is worth trying to find out the gender of the reptiles based on their size. Females are larger individuals - nature made sure that they could bear offspring and make a full clutch.

Experienced breeders or zoologists are able to distinguish between boys and girls by their muzzle - in the male it is more elongated, and in the female it is blunt, with smooth, rounded lines. Naturally, we are talking about an indirect sign that an ignorant person is unlikely to notice. On the limbs of males you can find noticeable spurs on the hips, which indicates their strength and stability when compared with the legs of females.

Behavioral features

Most animals change their character during mating, and red-eared turtles are no exception. By some habits you can understand which sex a particular individual belongs to. First of all, at this time the males perk up, become more active and mobile. How else? After all, the primary task is to attract the attention of a female who is ready to mate. To do this, they stage real performances demonstrating their own capabilities and advantages.

If an individual begins to wave its front legs with long, large claws in front of another turtle, then there should be no doubt that this is a male. In addition, gentlemen at this time become incredibly intrusive and literally do not allow the “brides” passage, while making enticing, playful head movements.

Video on how to determine the sex of red-eared turtles

Why know the gender of a reptile?

When breeding these domesticated reptiles, knowledge of the sex of the individuals is necessary, because if you miss this point, you may not get stable pairs of red eared birds ready to produce offspring. Turtles begin choosing a partner long before they reach sexual maturity. And if you place small individuals of different sexes in a tank, you can subsequently expect the appearance of small turtles.

Another nuance is that male red-eared turtles are quite aggressive towards their fellow turtles and can cause serious injuries to their opponents. The reasons for this behavior are related to their territoriality, and even outside the mating season they are unfriendly. In addition, any pet must have its own name, and so do the red-eared cats. What do you call a reptile without a specific gender?

Exoticism never ceases to attract people and forces them to make incredible decisions - to have snakes, boa constrictors, crocodiles, alligators and other incredible, and sometimes dangerous, living creatures. Among similar inhabitants, the red-eared turtle looks more than modest, and it may seem that it is very unpretentious and tenacious. But redfish are still reptiles with all the ensuing consequences.

The owner needs to provide the pet with suitable conditions and become familiar with the breed characteristics before purchasing. Otherwise, it will be difficult to understand what this turtle likes and dislikes, and whether it is a boy or a girl.

- These are terrarium pets that do not require complex knowledge in care and maintenance at home. But the difficult part is determining the sex of the red-eared turtle, because you need to make sure that it is a boy and a girl.

At an early age, it is difficult to determine the female. Red-eared turtles reach maturity only at 7–8 years after birth, when they begin to clearly appear characteristic features and it becomes easier to determine the sex of the baby.

How to determine the sex of a red-eared turtle

It is possible to distinguish the sex of red-eared turtles by external signs, which are present in every individual of this species. The main differences in the gender of animals:

  • Differences in shell color.
  • Tail type and size.
  • The color of a reptile's nose.
  • The size of the animal's shell.
  • Location of the cloaca.
  • Head.

A detailed examination of some characteristics helps to identify a female or male among several animals.

Claw length

The claws on the hind legs are dull in both animals. The male's is longer and sharper.

Males use their claws to secure themselves to their partners' shells during breeding.

This method does not reliably help to find out the sex, because in young reptiles the claws are not fully formed, and a mature animal wears off its manicure on hard ground.


Male reptiles have femoral spurs on their paws and small scales on their hind limbs.

Features of the shell

To determine the sex of a red-eared slider, look at the ventral part of the shell (plastron). In males it is concave, in females it is not.

The protective element of turtles of different sexes is different. The shell of males is long, in the tail part it forms the Latin letter V. In females, the shell is rounded and large, for bearing eggs. A special hole at the end is for storing.

Males have fewer female companions. There are some exceptions.

In individuals feminine color The plastron is different, in the male it is blue.

Tail and cloaca

The most reliable factor in determining gender. In males, the process at the back of the body is long, and the base and tip are wide. Females are characterized by the presence of a short tail uniform in length.

The female's cloaca is located closer to the base of the tail and resembles an asterisk. The reptile's anus is wide for laying eggs. The male's cloaca looks more like a longitudinal line, which is located in the back, closer to the tip of the process.

By behavior

The female has a calm character. She rarely moves unless necessary.

Males, on the contrary, are aggressive. When breeding, they chase the female individual. They try to attract attention by biting the female on the neck, and also nod often.

During mating games, males tend to squeak, attracting females. Some females are capable of making the same sounds, so this sign is uncertain.

Other signs

Each type of reptile has a special iris color. Aquatic turtles of different sexes have different eye colors.

The female specimen has a yellow nose. For men it is pointed and small.

The male's head is larger with a longitudinal stripe of a reddish hue, which becomes richer during reproduction. bright color. Upper jaw has a whitish color.

A rare method is a blood test and radiography. It is pointless to use the method before the age of seven. Males have not yet formed testes, and females have ovaries. Upon reaching puberty, a boy is identified by a blood test that shows elevated levels of testosterone. Ultrasound helps to identify a female individual during the formation of follicles.

  • Sex can be recognized after puberty.
  • A reliable option would be to make comparisons across multiple animals. Sometimes some signs are similar in turtles of different sexes. It is better to check pets based on several factors.
  • Living conditions in animals sometimes cause hormonal disbalance. Then only a veterinarian can determine the sex.

Even if you don't plan on breeding red-eared turtles, you might be wondering whether the turtle in your home is a boy or a girl. How to determine the sex of a red-eared slider?

Please note that when purchasing a baby or juvenile turtle, it is almost impossible to determine the gender. Whether you got a male or a female, you can reliably find out when your pet reaches puberty. In captivity, this occurs by the age of four in male turtles, and by five to six years in females. It is easier to determine the sex of an animal in comparison with another individual. By what signs can you distinguish a boy from a girl?

Claws are a sure sign

Perhaps the first thing you should pay attention to when determining the sex of a red-eared turtle is its claws. Nature has awarded males with longer and more powerful claws on their front paws. Such claws help the male sex in " mating games" Lady turtles have much shorter claws and are not as curved.

The shell will tell you

Carefully inspect the shell. In males it is longer and narrower. The lower part of the shell (plastron) of the male is slightly concave in shape. This feature helps him stay on his girlfriend during mating. In lady turtles, the plastron is slightly convex or flat.

Sexually Dimorphic: Size Matters

Males and females differ markedly in size. The female sex is larger. Females also have more developed jaws.

Distinctive feature: tail

Males have a more elongated tail, which becomes thicker towards the base (the reproductive organ is hidden there). The tail of females is shorter and without thickening.

There are differences in the location and shape of the cloaca. In females it is located closer to the edge of the shell and is shaped like an asterisk. In males, the cloaca is located in the middle of the tail and has the shape of a longitudinal line.

Muzzle: a controversial feature

Look at the muzzle: in males it is usually a little longer and sharper than in females. However, it should be noted that this sign is very controversial and has not yet been confirmed by scientists.

Observing behavior

Typically, male red-eared turtles are by nature more active and mobile than females. Aggression is not uncommon among male turtles, especially if they are kept with other males.

It is very easy to determine the sex of red-eared turtles by being able to observe their behavior in mating season. The male, showing his ardent temperament, pursues the female, flirts with her, nods his head, bites his girlfriend’s neck. In the presence of “competitors,” the male can demonstrate a violent temper, claiming superiority.

This is probably enough to reliably determine the sex of your red-eared slider.

How to determine the sex of a turtle? A question that is asked not only by any novice breeder, but also by ordinary people who want to give a suitable name to their new pet. Here we should immediately note the disappointing fact that at a very early age it is difficult to find out who is in front of you - a boy or a girl. And often it is impossible and useless.

Despite the fact that the sex of the turtle is formed in the egg, external differences between them become noticeable only during puberty. And females in childhood often imitate the mating behavior of their potential partners, nullifying all observations.

But this does not mean at all that for an unambiguous “diagnosis” it is necessary to wait until the turtle reaches the age of sexual maturity. Five to eight years is too long. It is possible to determine whether an amphibian belongs to one sex or another already in the first year of life. Or even a little earlier: the differences between females and males become noticeable when the length of their shell reaches 8-11 centimeters. In this case, you should pay attention to:

  • shell;
  • paws;
  • tail.

The main differences are described below.

How to determine the sex of a red-eared slider?

Length and appearance of claws, shell

The most obvious thing that will almost immediately catch your eye if there are several red-eared turtles in the aquarium is their claws. The claws of females are rather short and blunt. Whereas in males, unlike them, they are long. This feature has two practical applications. Firstly, such claws make it much easier to cling and hold on to the female’s shell during mating. And secondly, red-eared turtles use them to flirt with their significant other, performing peculiar dances and attracting attention to themselves. But there is one caveat: in captivity, turtle claws can wear down o the rough material of the island of land in the aquarium.

The size and shape of the red-eared slider's shell also matters. First of all, this is its lower half - in males the plastron is concave inward. And in general, their shell is somewhat different from those that the girls “wear”. He smaller, more elongated and oval in shape. As with claws, these features make it easier for turtles to fertilize.

Females, in turn, are somewhat larger and much more rounded in shape., since they need to bear and lay eggs. What is the connection with the other, less obvious distinguishing feature plastron: in males in the area of ​​the tail it forms a V-shaped contour, while in females this edge is short and “shaped” into a semicircle.

Tail and cloaca

To find out the gender in this case, you also need to pay attention to the shape and size. Boys have a wider and long tail , because it is in it that the sexual organ is located. Consequently, females are deprived of such features - their tail is shorter and not thickened at the base.

It would also be useful to look at the location of the cloaca, which clearly identifies the sex of the pet. In females it is located closer to the base of the tail. and in my own way appearance looks like a star. But the boys’ cloaca, on the contrary, can be located almost at the very edge of the tail and has the appearance of a fold, similar to a transverse line.

How to determine the sex of a land turtle?

Paws and shell

Many of the external sexual characteristics of the land turtle are similar or identical to those of the red-eared turtle. For example, in their case male claws are also longer, thicker and stronger than in females. And they serve a similar purpose: the need to stay on the female’s shell at the time of fertilization. But at the same time, the claws of land turtles are much more likely to be worn down due to their constant stay on the “land” of the terrarium. Therefore, you should not rely only on this sign, despite all its obviousness.

You can also determine the sex of an adult reptile by simply examining the shell.

Apart from the obvious presence of plastron concavity, hind legs almost always “equipped” with powerful spurs. Which, like the long claws in front, help him stay on his partner.

The female has a flat or even convex plastron shape. Its shell is larger, with distinct tubercles, which smooth out with age in males. But there is another characteristic feature- it bends strongly in the tail area.

Tail and cloaca shape

Here it is similar to aquatic turtles:

  • The male has a long tail, wide at the base and quickly tapering towards the end. With all this, he is almost always completely hidden under the shell.
  • The female has a thin and short tail located outside the shell.

An addition to this feature may be the shape and location of the cloaca on the tail. In females land turtle it, like the red-eared one, has the outline of a star and is located at the base of the tail. In males - closer to the middle or even the tip, in shape approaching the longitudinal stripe.

Finding out the sex of the turtle may be necessary in order to plan the breeding of these exotic animals. When buying a turtle in a pet store, sales consultants will probably tell you its gender. But having received a turtle as a gift or purchased it at the market, the gender may be unknown. There are several well-known rules by which you can determine which individual has become your new friend.

Determine the sex of a turtle by the shape of its shell

In males, the shell has a more elongated shape, while in females it is more round.

Determine the sex of a turtle by the type of plastron

The plastron is the lower (ventral) part of a turtle's shell. Based on its structure, it is possible to determine the sex of a turtle only during its maturity. By this time, the animal's shell has grown to its normal size - approximately 10-11 centimeters in length. The female's plastron at this time has a completely flat shape, and the male's plastron in the area of ​​the tail is slightly concave inward.

Determine the sex of a turtle by the shape of its claws

Males have much longer claws than females.

Determine the sex of a turtle by tail size

Males have a longer and wider tail than females. In females it is quite short. In this case, the tail of a male turtle is bent down, while that of a female turtle is located parallel to the plane of the bottom of the terrarium.

Determine the sex of a turtle by the location and shape of the cloaca

The cloaca of all turtles is located on the inside of the tail. The anus of the male has an elongated shape - it looks like a narrow slit and is located closer to the tip of the tail. In females, the cloaca has the shape of an asterisk and is located much higher, i.e. closer to the base of the tail.

Determine the sex of a turtle by behavior

Female turtles are usually very shy and try to keep their heads pulled into their shells. Females are not very active and try to sit in one place. Males are much more active and inquisitive - they love to walk, so they rarely hide their heads.

You can accurately determine the sex of a turtle yourself only if you have several individuals living in your house and they can be compared with each other. If you buy one turtle, you can take it to a store or local zoo, where you can ask specialists to help determine its gender.
