All about the eastern horoscope rat. Chinese horoscope rat, (mouse)

Metal Rat

Water rat

Wood Rat

Fire Rat

Earth Rat

Metal Rat

Water rat

Wood Rat

Fire Rat

Earth Rat

Metal Rat

Water rat

Wood Rat

The Rat is the male yang principle, the sign of the first triangle, the element of water.

The rat is a symbol of realism, cunning, high adaptation to external conditions. She is gifted with various talents and loving. Those born in the year of the Rat are distinguished by their bright appearance, artistic talent, cunning and perseverance. The Rat is smart, educated, strives for success in society and material well-being. Rats are charming and have natural magnetism. They are very sociable, have a special charm, love and know how to charm. Disadvantages include greed, anxiety for no reason, and nervousness. Autumn and winter Rats are prone to hoarding. Spring and summer Rats love to squander money, are more frivolous, and can live at the expense of others.

Positive qualities of the sign

Insight, intuition and the ability to adapt to any conditions allow the Rat to achieve success where others retreat. Great lovers, Rats value romance. These are not boring partners, sensual and attractive. Those born under this sign have pronounced charisma, the gift of eloquence and are artistically gifted. Meticulous, persistent, ambitious. They love to communicate, are smart and charming.

Negative qualities of the sign

Cunning makes the Rat a manipulator by nature, and a cynical attitude towards life contributes to unreliability. She remembers insults for a long time, is inclined to take revenge on offenders, and can show ruthlessness and amazing stubbornness. Prone to all types bad habits. He intrigues and gossips with gusto.

In the year of the Rat It’s good to save, save money, move to a new place of residence, improve the quality of life. During this period, it is easier to get used to new conditions. This year is favorable for arranging a new home, nesting, and renovations. Surrounded by a lot of intrigue and rivalry. This is a period of searching for love and serious feelings. Good year for Rats, Bulls, Dragons, Monkeys and Pigs. A difficult year for Tigers, Rabbits, Horses, Goats and Roosters. Neutral year for Snakes and Dogs.

Celebrities of this sign

Pope John Paul I, William Shakespeare, Peter I, George Sand, Charlotte Brontë, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Mikhail Glinka, Thomas Hardy, Raj Kapoor, Leo Tolstoy, Jules Verne, Yves Saint Laurent, Marlon Brando, Maurice Chevalier, Prince Charles, George G. Bush. Actors: Jude Law, Cameron Diaz, Eminem, Alena Babenko, Gwyneth Paltrow, Scarlett Johansson, Valeria Gai Germanika.

Character of the sign by elements

Black (blue) Water Rat

Pleasant and courteous in communication, the most romantic of the representatives of this sign. She always strictly follows her desires, purposeful, emotional. If the Water Rat is in love, then he will achieve attention to himself with charm and charm. There are no prohibitions in love for her; strong intuition helps her to guess her partner’s desires and unmistakably respond to the flow of attention to herself. Water rat less ambitious in career matters than fellow tribesmen by sign. She always achieves her goals. To a greater extent, representatives of this sign are attracted to creativity and love. The Water Rat is the most restrained of all representatives of this sign, maintaining internal detachment in difficult situations and controlling feelings with reason.

Green Wood Rat

These representatives of the sign are distinguished by enviable constancy and remain faithful in relationships, unlike the more frivolous Rats of other elements. Reliability, practicality, prudence prevail over imagination. She is also prone to romance, but more adventurous. The Wood Rat is a truly generous, sincere and loyal friend.

Yellow Earth Rat

She is cautious and less ambitious than representatives of this sign of other elements. The Earth Rat is very hardworking and values ​​its achievements, because much is gained through persistent and painstaking work. Priority is given to family and caring for loved ones. A reliable partner in business and in love, positive and loving all the pleasures of life.

White Metal Rat

The element of metal gives the character of the Rat ambition, sensitive pride, and amazing determination. The desire for wealth and a prominent position forces the Metal Rat to engage in global affairs, work hard, get high results, despite any difficulties. She has a bright sexual temperament and is active, but the desire to realize herself in society reduces the value of the Metal Rat in a partnership. It is difficult to fully understand them and guess their next move.

Red Fire Rat

The most unpredictable and capricious Fire Rat is distinguished by passion and increased activity in all areas of life. Entrepreneurship and intuition help this Rat achieve success in business. A master manipulator, the Fire Rat uses charm to turn heads, but is rarely faithful. Often promises more than he can actually deliver. An unforgettable interlocutor, has a wonderful sense of humor, makes his life and the life of those around him interesting and vibrant.

Born 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 and 2008

Chinese name for Rat: Shu
First sign of the Chinese Zodiac
Time of day under the control of the Rat: 23:00 - 1:00
Corresponding Western Zodiac sign:
Element: Water
Polarity: Positive

Positive traits:
Rats charming and friendly, resourceful, flexible and intelligent, energetic and observant, possessing a vivid imagination and a sense of tact.

Negative qualities:
Prudence, greed, selfishness and ambition are combined in Rats with impulsiveness and naivety, they love to manipulate people.

Recommendations for choosing a profession:
For rat Any profession is good where she can use her charm and use a well-spoken tongue: show business, journalism, politics, literature.

The main features of a person born in the year of the Rat (Mouse):

You are cheerful happy man, people around you respect you. You love life and get along with people with amazing ease. Your loved ones feel comfortable and comfortable around you. Your wisdom is often sought for advice. People tend to bring their troubles to you and reveal their deepest secrets. There is no doubt that you are willing to work hard to achieve your goals. Plus, you are an inexhaustible source of unusual ideas.

It's a pity that you often lack the strength and self-confidence to put these ideas into practice. If you manage to gain self-esteem in your youth, then you will go far in life.

You are very observant and like to remember everything that happens around you. IN Year of the Rat many were born famous writers and journalists. Do you enjoy work that allows you to interact with people and means? mass media. If you manage to learn how to avoid problems, then in old age you can teach this to other people.

However, you can also be a narcissistic egoist. You love to be the center of attention, but in an oppressive "office" environment you can become an ordinary pedant. You grab any opportunity to improve your life quickly and tenaciously. But remember: by caring only about yourself, you will make many enemies.

In general, you have the right attitude towards money and even love it. It is possible that you may resort to meanness for the sake of money. You love collecting different things and don't throw away much, so your home sometimes looks like a warehouse or a museum. Rat Likes to take care of your family, you are generous with your spouse, children and close friends, and you are endlessly tolerant of your parents. But you also don’t mind spending money on yourself. Since greed and stinginess are not alien to you, you will never refuse an invitation to dinner or free tickets, for example, to a movie. Along the way, you may meet people full of doubts with whom you decide to create a joint business - keep in mind that you should stay away from them.

Despite your ability to express your thoughts clearly, you should remember that sometimes you can be rude and unrestrained. Gossip and intrigue accompany you in life. Frank conversation will help solve such problems. Moreover, you are smart enough to use mutual trust to your advantage. You are also smart enough to give an impartial and wise advice. Your charm is hard to resist, so most people will happily forgive you if you act carelessly somewhere.

You are charming and self-confident, able to quickly spot new opportunities. Often you change your point of view too quickly. In the eyes of others, this looks like inconstancy and a desire to adapt to the situation.

Fate (luck)
You know how to enjoy the simplest things in life and sincerely love your loved ones. You feel happy if you are understood and supported.

You are smart enough to preserve and increase what you have. You can even become famous in this field. Hobbies that you don't attach much importance to can turn out to be very profitable.

You love people and hate being alone. Your life is bright and colorful, you make friends easily. Any job that involves people will suit you.

Social life
You are inquisitive and always looking for new experiences. You love to be in the center of the holiday, but those around you must like you - otherwise you will not be able to give yourself free rein. Whatever you do, you enjoy living a full, fulfilling life.

You have your own opinion, you are cunning and know how to see opportunities. True, you like to be clever too much, so you can outsmart yourself.

You are romantic and sentimental. In addition, you tenderly care for your loved ones. Charm makes you an unrivaled flirt, and that's something to keep in mind. Few can resist your charms.

Most likely, you have caring and attentive parents. They sincerely want you to succeed in life, so sometimes they can be too demanding of you.

Brothers and sisters
You have excellent relationships with your brothers and sisters; love and mutual understanding always reign between you.

You love children very much. Sometimes you even act like a child. You will have many children, and they will have to learn to respect you.

You love to travel. You especially enjoy wandering around the city at night and exploring different facets nightlife in itself.

You are in good health. Over the years, you become stronger; diseases cannot control you. People born in year of the rat, hardy and live long.

If you are not greedy, your investments will be successful. You have a talent for making money, so you can become a very rich person.

Your intelligence and resourcefulness help you solve problems. You know how to be a diplomat and know how to behave in a given situation. You can also be quite generous, but fortunately you never spend money aimlessly.

If you are able to take care of your loved ones, then rest assured that your life will be interesting and eventful.

Rat is an earth sign eastern calendar. People born under this sign can be described as attractive, but at the same time aggressive. From the outside it may seem that the Rat is full of equanimity and self-confidence. In fact, this is not so, because she has a lot of fear and anxiety, and she does not want to show it.

Rats love to adapt in everything, and therefore often seek benefits. They make good businessmen and politicians. It is impossible not to mention the organizational skills of the Rat, which they are endowed with from birth: they are loved at parties, in companies, all the attention certainly goes to them.

Rat Man

He is attractive, erudite, and truly handsome. The rat man will always seem calm and confident, but only until you get in his way. In anger and critical situations, he is scary and unpredictable. But if you don’t piss him off, he will make a good partner.

Men of this sign do not stand out for their generosity, but if there are situations where he needs to prove himself, he will not spare money to show others his confidence and power.

Rat Woman

She is charming, active, inquisitive. The Rat woman is afraid of criticism because it is very important to her what others think of her. In general, representatives of this sign respect laws and rules, so from the outside they may seem meticulous. In the depths of such a woman’s soul, there is excitement and fear, and only a family hearth can give this woman peace. Therefore, rat women try to get married as quickly as possible.


In love, representatives of this sign show great care and do not hide the depth of their emotions. If they do not receive reciprocity from their partner, they may harbor a grudge, or even become cold and withdraw. They need constant replenishment of new strength and emotions in order to be comfortable and self-confident.

Negative qualities: The Rat often likes to be the center of attention, and where there is attention, scandals and gossip occur. Representatives of this sign are characterized by excessive distrust of others. When it comes to money and achievements, Rats get it in a cunning way, even if friendships are jeopardized.

We have already talked a lot about the Year of the Rat. We also wrote the general one, now let's delve into the character of the Rat woman! The Rat woman is what she really is and will tell you the Horoscope Guru.


She is very attractive - not at all what is considered beautiful, but the way she dresses, the way she carries herself! Everyone is delighted! At the same time, astrologers claim that the Rat, in general, is a masculine sign, therefore the Rat woman has a number of masculine qualities. She is determined, dynamic, energetic and very independent!

Rat woman and her ingenuity

The Rat has a very rich imagination. At the same time, she strives to bring her fantasies to life at any cost. Sometimes she experiences strong internal anxiety - rational thinking prevents her from simply relying on fate. The Rat often criticizes, which is why she has very few close friends. Although I really want to get married - firstly, family, and secondly, position in society! The Rat will make an excellent wife, mother, and housewife, although her frequent mood swings can drive anyone crazy.

The Rat loves shopping very much, especially sales, inexpensive things - then they can lie in the closet for years. In his youth, the Rat often does a lot of stupid things, and then starts all over again. Sometimes she destroys other people's families simply for her own benefit. Then he often regrets it.


In general, the Rat is an active, business woman, and manages to combine family with work in such a way that everyone is happy with everything. At the same time, she also has a lot of fans, so the Rat woman will not live long with a jealous partner. In household matters, although she can do everything herself, she requires no less investment from her partner in everyday life. In itself, she is very romantic, and may sometimes not love someone mutually... and be happy about it.

He very actively saves money - not “for something,” but just to have a nest egg. There should be everything for the family, and there should always be an opportunity to take out a large sum from somewhere! At the same time, the Rat usually works in the intellectual sphere: she is very smart and inventive, and usually earns good money. And if he is in charge, then he stands up for his subordinates! By the way, there are quite a lot of Rats among both politicians and show business figures.

The Rat begins the circle of the Eastern Zodiac. According to legend, when 12 animals and fairy-tale creatures rushed forward to take first place, the little Rat (according to another version, it was a Mouse) settled on the back of a strong, resilient Ox (Bull), and when he overtook his rivals, she jumped in front of him at the finish line and became the first.

Not exactly a fair move, but the winners are not judged. Moreover, starting the Zodiac is not only an honor, but also difficult. Not everyone can handle this. The small, but smart and dexterous Rat has been successfully coping for many centuries. Therefore, despite her deception, she enjoys great respect in the East. Years corresponding to the year of the Rat in the Eastern horoscope: 1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984,1996, 2008, 2020.

Character of people born in the year of the Rat

People born in the year of the Rat are charming, endowed with charm and are able to charm even with a not very attractive appearance. Cute, pleasant, sociable Rats people are liked by others. However, people feel that everything is not so simple with the cheerful Rat, and that she is not at all as frivolous and easy-going as it seems at first glance. This contradictory nature of their nature adds charm and captivates people. Rats are gambling and ready to take risks, but at the same time they are practical and take risks only if they are sure of victory. Good intuition tells them when their chances are good. Once they get something, they won’t let it out of their hands. This is not just about money, things or business success. The Rat also values ​​close people and never breaks off relationships. If a secret is shared with her, she will not tell anyone. That is, this is a very thrifty sign in everything. Thanks to this, he always has a reserve of money, a reliable profession, a rich home, loyal friends and a loving family. After all, while others waste time and energy, the Rat saves. The rat is very attached to its home. Comfort and coziness, “full bins,” stability and reliability are important to her. She cannot live in an unkempt environment. Rat women are considered excellent housewives; they have an innate gift for arranging a cozy home. For them, home is not a subject of boasting, but a very intimate part of life. In case of any troubles and worries, the Rat withdraws at home, focuses on household chores, and finds support and protection in the house. But clouds rarely gather over them: these people have simply amazing instincts, they see the approaching threat in advance, and therefore safely avoid it.

People born in the year of the Rat: compatibility in love

People of the Year of the Rat enjoy great success with the opposite sex. But this did not spoil them; they are not supporters of frivolous relationships and numerous novels. They take the choice of a partner seriously, they are reliable and faithful. They are looking for stability in relationships. While fans hover around them, they are friendly and charming, maintain even, decent communication with everyone, and do not get close to anyone. The abundance of fans (or admirers) pleases them not because they “diversify” their personal life so much, but because it gives them the opportunity to choose. And only after the Rat has made up her mind, she begins to build a relationship with her chosen one. Her goal is marriage and life together until the end of her days. The Rat is not mercantile and chooses not by calculation, but by love. To strong, broad natures, passionate and temperamental, the personal life of the Rat seems boring and bourgeois. But, fortunately, there are many people who can appreciate the loyalty of the Rat, the comfort and stability that it offers. Therefore, it is not difficult for her to find a mate. The best partners for the Rat are considered to be, and. With these people, everything works out for the Rat the way she wants - reliably and stably.

People born in the year of the Rat: compatibility in friendship

The rat is sociable and makes contact easily. When starting a friendship with a Rat, you can be sure that you will not be disappointed over time. Her friendliness is not a mask, she really treats people well and takes a keen interest in the affairs of her friends. Often the Rat is the life of the party, she is sweet and charming without arrogance or arrogance. She is smart, knows how to listen, supports her friends in word and deed. She has many friends and acquaintances. In the company she is valued for her lively character and energy, and close friends can count on her support. But the Rat does not dissolve in friends. She remembers well own interests, ambitious and more diplomatic than sincere. She will not sacrifice her plans for her friends. She is capable of manipulating people, but, to her credit, she rarely does this - rather, she knows how to build relationships so that her friends cannot make claims against her if she betrays their friendship for profit. To do this, the Rat uses his brilliant diplomatic talent, knowing how to make friends, but not promise anything. A Rat develops a good friendship with another Rat, with, with, and.

People born in the year of the Rat: compatibility at work

The Rat is an excellent organizer. She radiates enthusiasm and finds an approach to a variety of people. She is energetic at work and aggressively pursues her goals. Tries to control everything, very practical. Rats make good leaders and owners own business. And developed intuition helps them avoid mistakes and see benefits. The rat is concerned about the future, so it looks for promising job, in which you can make a career or save money. In the role of a boss, the Rat takes care of his subordinates, but sometimes interferes too unceremoniously in their affairs. She is reliable when working with business partners, does not run away from work, but is not averse to getting the biggest piece of the pie when sharing income.