1956 is the year of the monkey according to the eastern calendar. Features of the sign of the Fire Monkey according to the Chinese calendar

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Monkey is the eighth sign in the Eastern horoscope.

1956 according to the Eastern calendar - the year of the Fire Monkey

In this article you will learn:

1956 what year according to the eastern calendar

People who were born this year, life is a big game. Representatives of this sign have a stormy temperament, cunning and a sharp mind. By nature, this sign is rewarded with irascibility and willfulness. The monkey is a solid generator of ideas, her head is full of thoughts, plans, new ideas.

Monkey - optimistic by nature, her life is rich in events.

She is smart and educated, so she can handle any business. The Monkey has no equal in communication, she is always in the spotlight, she has a huge number of friends.

With the dexterity of a magician, the Monkey manipulates people and things. Despite its unbalanced character, the Monkey never wastes time in vain, but always spends time for its own benefit. Representatives of this year are very attentive, noticing details that may benefit them in the future. In case of failure, the Monkey rarely loses power over himself and panics, but carefully gets to the bottom of its cause and draws the right conclusions.

People born under this sign are loyal and reliable friends who will never let you down or leave you in trouble. But they do not forget their offenders, patiently waiting for the moment to take revenge.

Features of the sign of the Fire Monkey according to the Chinese calendar

1956 - the year of the Red Fire Monkey - people who were born this year have unlimited vitality and easily win the respect of others. Thanks to his natural curiosity, the Monkey is always up to date. The character of the Fire Monkey is lively and cheerful, and is popular with the opposite sex. The monkey is very secretive and mysterious, few people manage to find out what she hides in her soul.

The monkey is a conservative, even if life circumstances change, he will never change his life. She will lead the lifestyle to which she is accustomed, even when such circumstances do not suit anyone and her environment. Selfish by nature - she indifferently observes the troubles and anxieties of others.

The location of the Monkey is very easy to win, for this you need to shower her with compliments. Monkey's excellent sense of humor brings sparkle and fun to relationships. But because of the secrecy of the Monkey, the partner begins to be jealous and suspect of infidelity.

Financial well-being is an important incentive for action. Every action of the Monkeys is directed to receive a monetary reward. They generally do not like to perform meaningless actions.

In doing business, the Monkey does not always have the patience to complete them, but thanks to his natural gift of persuasion and influence on people, he will definitely find those who want to complete the work she has begun. To change the interior and get new emotions, they can easily go on a trip.

Monkeys have an excellent talent - diplomacy, thanks to which they easily get out of any situation with impunity. Monkeys are wonderful interlocutors, you can easily discuss any topic with them. They constantly need a fresh stream of information, and if there is none, then without any difficulty they will come up with it themselves.

Advantages and disadvantages of people born in the year of the Fire Monkey

  • Representatives of this sign are smart and resourceful, easily trained, sociable and cheerful. There is practically no such activity in which the Monkey cannot succeed. She easily finds a way out of difficult situations, thanks to her cunning and the ability to tell lies with a smile on her face.
  • The monkey can be called a skillful liar - this is the only sign of the Eastern horoscope that owns this talent.
  • The monkey is always successful in finance, knows how and where the next cash flow will flow.
Published: 2016-08-10 , Modified: 2016-11-23 ,

According to the Chinese calendar, people born between February 12, 1956 and January 30, 1957 are ruled by the Fire Monkey. They are erudite and intelligent, endowed with high intelligence.

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Representatives of this sign know how to win over people, and they are very successful with the opposite sex. Monkeys are always open to communication, have a good memory and ingenuity. A person of this year of birth does not go into his pocket for a word, he is witty and talkative, because of this, he often has enemies. A monkey can hardly be trusted with his secrets, he does not know how to keep his mouth shut.

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    general characteristics

    Those born in the year of the Fire Monkey are quite changeable. They do not know how to sit still, excessive energy constantly pushes them to move. The mood of this person changes several times a day. The monkey easily passes from violent fun to deep sadness, but in none of the states does it linger for a long time. The monkey grabs several things at the same time and manages to do everything, but she does it with anguish.

    A person born in 1956 is prone to delaying deadlines. The monkey is used to living carefree, and important things scare her, so she puts everything off until the last moment. However, it cannot be called irresponsible. If she promises something, she will definitely do it. Only here all this will happen in an emergency mode.

    The monkey is fussy and fearful, and with its haste and nervousness it creates chaos around itself.

    Life together with the Monkey is unlikely to be calm and planned, this mischievous woman always finds reasons for fun. It’s good to work with her in the same team, because you definitely won’t be bored. She diversifies even routine work with jokes and casual chatter.

    Monkeys born in 1956 have the following character traits:

    Love and marriage

    By Chinese horoscope The monkey is quite a family sign. She does not like loneliness, therefore she is always looking for a mate, but she cannot be called faithful and devoted. If an attractive person appears on the horizon, the Monkey immediately forgets that her heart is occupied by another. She loves to flirt and flirt with members of the opposite sex. However, it is difficult to convict her of treason, intuition and resourcefulness allow the Monkey to have affairs on the side with impunity.

    Features of the behavior of the fiery Monkey in a relationship: a person in love with this year of birth forgets about everything. The monkey completely surrenders to his feelings, but such a period does not last long. She quickly pulls herself together and begins to seek out benefits from a relationship with a chosen one. If the partner cannot offer her anything worthwhile, the Monkey breaks up with him.

    IN family life The monkey is calming down. This person honors traditions and social values. She treats her husband with respect, but often becomes a consumer in the family. She is able to sit on her partner's neck so that he does not even notice. However, it is easy to live with her, she is non-conflict and easy-going. In a serious quarrel, it is easier for her to give in than to fight for her innocence. Usually Monkey marriages are strong and durable.

    IN intimate life this person is active and inventive. The monkey enjoys sex, constantly inventing something new to diversify it. If the partner is not temperamental, then betrayal is not excluded. After all, the ardor of a fiery sign will definitely find a way out, if not at home, then on the side.


    You can be friends with the Monkey, but you should not completely rely on it. She is capable of betrayal. Friendly relations with her are interesting and exciting, you will not be bored here.

    This person will support a friend in difficult times, but you should not count on his disinterestedness. Monkeys do nothing for no reason, you always have to pay for their help.


    Born in 1956 can not be called workaholics. These people work for money. If it turns out to find passive income, the Monkey immediately refuses labor activity.

    The boss appreciates such employees, because they can always be attracted to work at odd hours. Monkeys never refuse to go out instead of a sick colleague. However, they do this not out of the kindness of their hearts, but for the sake of additional earnings and seniority before the leadership.

    Monkey Man

    The fire sign guy is constantly on the move. He does not like to sit at home, he always needs to go somewhere or go. In the family, it is he who wakes up before everyone else and goes to the store for shopping for breakfast. He is caring and kind to those close to him, but he also requires a good relationship with himself.

    This man chooses his life partner according to the external gloss. He is attracted to bright and energetic ladies. The nature of the chosen one interests this guy last.

    Before gray hair in the soul of the Monkey lives faith in love. This is a very sensual and vulnerable person. If his affections of the heart bring disappointment, he does not despair. Even at 70, 80 or 90 years old, this man is able to inflame feelings for a woman and marry her.

    Monkey Woman

    The lady of this year of birth is sweet and charming. She likes to laugh in the circle of her friends, often goes to visit. The monkey is rather lazy, so he does not like to accept friends at his place, because after the invasion of friends, it is necessary to do the cleaning and wash the dishes.

    A woman of this year of birth is able to get along with any man, if she gets what she needs from a relationship with him. This lady will definitely not provide for the gentleman, she will rather settle down comfortably to live at his expense. She chooses men who are thorough and reliable in order to feel confident in the future. The future is extremely exciting for this woman, she is afraid of the unknown, so she tries to insure herself for all occasions.

    Constellation Influence

    Description according to the eastern horoscope gives only general characteristics a person born in a particular year. The influence of the signs of the zodiac should also be taken into account in order to more fully determine the features of the Monkey.

    Zodiac signCharacteristics of the Monkey
    Aries (21.03 - 19.04)Ardent, impulsive, stubborn
    Taurus (20.04 - 20.05)Hardworking, loyal, persistent
    Gemini (21.05 - 21.06)Changeable, windy, mischievous
    Cancer (22.06 - 22.07)Family, tender, devoted
    Leo (23.07 - 22.08)Selfish, domineering, fair
    Virgo (23.08 - 22.09)Pedantic, prudent, thoughtful
    Libra (23.09 - 23.10)Indecisive, balanced, fussy
    Scorpio (24.10 - 22.11)Passionate, jealous, vindictive
    Sagittarius (23.11 - 21.12)Straightforward, playful, friendly
    Capricorn (22.12 - 19.01)Pessimistic, critical, serious
    Aquarius (20.01 - 18.02)Frivolous, fickle, careless
    Pisces (19.02 - 20.03)Dreamy, vulnerable, good-natured

    Compatibility with representatives of other signs

    According to the Chinese calendar, each year is ruled by a certain element that affects the compatibility of signs. The Fire Monkey has the most successful relationships with people born in the year:

    • fire;
    • Earth;
    • Metal.

    Periods of power of certain elements in eastern horoscope can be determined from the following table:

    Each color corresponds to one of the elements:

    Monkeys get along well with everyone. They know how to adapt to people if they find advantages for themselves in this. Love and marriage of this sign with others to a large extent depend on the mood of the representative of Fire. It is Monkeys who set the tone for relationships in a couple.

    Bull (Buffalo)

    The stubborn and persistent Buffalo is difficult to manage. In this union, the Monkey has to listen to the partner and follow his instructions. However, over time, she finds weak spots the chosen one and manages him perfectly in his own interests. Here the Ox always takes the leading role, but he does not notice that he is doing everything at the behest of a far-sighted adviser. If the cunning Monkey does not begin to show off his managerial abilities, then the partners live together happily ever after.

    In working relationships, as well as in friendship, the Ox will have to perform duties for two, because the insidious partner will imperceptibly assign them to him. It just can't go on like this for long. The buffalo will one day rise up and make claims to the Monkey. This is where their collaboration ends.


    The proud Tiger with the Monkey will be uncomfortable. This witty prankster constantly teases her partner, points out his shortcomings and ridicules his actions. The convergence of these signs is possible only at the initial stage of the relationship. While passions are raging, these partners cannot tear themselves away from each other, but when the intensity subsides, they begin to disagree. Marriage unions of such couples, as a rule, are short-lived.

    But these partners are able to make a good tandem in business relations. The far-sighted Monkey will tell the purposeful Tiger the best solutions, and he will lead their union to prosperity with full responsibility.

    In friendship, things are not so simple. If the Tiger seeks gambling entertainment, the Monkey is unlikely to support him. She cares about her reputation, so she does not get involved in dubious adventures.

    Rabbit (Cat)

    Such an alliance cannot be called ideal, because here each of the partners is trying to avoid responsibility by shifting it to the other. The cat has fun with the Monkey, but he rarely keeps up with the pace of her life. Although he is no less fussy than her, he still prefers a more relaxed relationship.

    These signs make wonderful pairs of true friends, but joint work is contraindicated for them. With the compliant Rabbit, the Monkey becomes impudent, she leads the processes, and assigns the partner the role of an executor. However, he is not so naive as not to notice that he is being used. One day he gets fed up with the pressure and breaks off his relationship with the Monkey.

    The Dragon

    This pair represents the perfect combination of a strong, self-confident and domineering Dragon with an energetic and thoughtful Monkey. Here the partners perfectly complement each other. Any business they take on is arguable. The love relationships of these signs are distinguished by passion and sensuality. In such a union, both partners are able to find true happiness.

    This tandem is also good in business cooperation, the joint work of these signs brings significant results, because the Dragon and the Monkey do not need to explain anything to each other. There is complete mutual understanding in their activities. The same applies to the friendly relations of these partners.


    In this alliance, the cunning Monkey gets a worthy opponent. Here, partners are constantly trying to beat each other, but most often the victory goes to the wise and prudent Snake. This tandem is doomed to constant quarrels and understatements. Partners frankly express claims, see shortcomings and hit weak spots. Eternal rivalry does not allow the Snake and the Monkey to build a harmonious relationship.

    They are not able to make friends and work together, in any relationship, each of them considers himself smarter than the other and tries to deceive. However, both are quite perceptive, so they see through each other. The unions of such couples are formed quite rarely, but even if the partners make every effort to successfully build relationships, the result is still parting.


    It is difficult for a horse to understand the quirky Monkey. In this union, partners have opposite views on the world. The Universe of the Horse is simple and monotonous, this person does not strive to stand out and lives quietly and calmly. The monkey, on the other hand, brings confusion to everything he touches. Over time, the Horse gets tired of the impulsive partner, not only morally, but also physically. It is difficult for her to endure the emotional outbursts of the chosen one. The marriage of this couple is doomed to divorce, but even if the partners remain together for some reason, both understand that this is only a temporary measure and one day everything will end.

    Representatives of these signs are able to work in one team, but the Horses will have to do the main work. Their friendship can develop against the background of common hobbies. But the Horse will never trust the Monkey 100%.

    Goat (Sheep)

    This is a crazy combination of two energetic and restless signs. Both partners are extremely artistic, they love to make scenes for each other. Here everyone plays a role, but does not show the true face. The Goat and the Monkey can have a passionate and stormy romance, but before Serious relationships it's unlikely to work out. Usually the marriages of these partners break up in the first years of marriage.

    But representatives of these signs can be friends forever. They are never bored in each other's company, they invent entertainment for themselves with the same passion and have a great time together. In work, this couple will show good results only if their activities are related to creativity. For serious matters, these signs are too eccentric, they should not be trusted with responsible projects.


    The perfect union of two Monkeys is impossible not to notice. This couple always stands out brightly from the background of others. Here, partners live in perfect harmony, but at the same time they have scandals and passionate reconciliations. Two identical people perfectly understand each other, but this is precisely what pushes them to a constant showdown. In this union, everyone suspects the other of all mortal sins, because he judges by himself, and therefore knows for sure that the chosen one is capable of unexpected actions.

    Despite frequent disagreements and quarrels, Monkey marriages are strong. These partners are comfortable together, so they are in no hurry to part because of everyday conflicts.

    The friendship of this couple promises to be long, most often these friends find each other in young age and keep in touch throughout life. At work, two Monkeys are unlikely to show good results, but in one team they will definitely find a common language. It is impossible to wait for fruitful work from them, because most of the time they will chat merrily, discuss colleagues and intrigue.


    With the explosive and proud Rooster, the Monkey has to behave diplomatically. This partner will not allow you to be sarcastic in his address, he instantly takes a leading position and puts the chosen one in her place. In such an alliance, the Monkey fails to show his cunning and resourcefulness, the Rooster is very insightful and smart, he immediately sees all her tricks.

    Pairs of these signs swear rarely. But if they keep in touch for a long time, then they accumulate a lot of claims against each other. The Rooster hits the Monkey painfully in weak places, and she does not have time to answer him, so she tries to take revenge on the sly. Constant underwear and injections lead this couple to part.

    Business and friendly relations of these signs are good only at first. These partners are able to support each other for a long time, but in the end, each goes his own way.


    A good-natured and fair Dog is unlikely to tolerate a liar Monkey next to him. In this union there is no place for cunning and omissions. If the Monkey fails to understand this in the early stages of the relationship, then she risks losing her chance for well-being with the Dog.

    Experts note that such a relationship can become ideal. For the righteous Dog, the relationship with the Monkey is an excellent test of strength. The last of this union seems very attractive. Here, the artistic Monkey does not need to hide the true nature behind a false mask. Dogs accept people for who they are. She does not criticize them, but knows how to direct them in the right direction.

    For joint work, such a tandem cannot be called successful. In labor activity, it is unprofitable for the Dog to be in this pair, because the main part of the affairs of the Monkey is shifted onto the shoulders of the partner. But the representatives of these signs are able to become close friends. The perky Monkey will bring rainbow notes to the measured life of the Dog.

    Pig (Boar)

    The union is easy and short-lived. Representatives of these signs quickly find a common language, they like to spend time together, but they cannot get along on the same territory. Both partners like to take a walk, but for some reason they do it separately. The Monkey does not like the company of the Pig, she is bored with simple and laid-back entertainment. The boar does not understand the partner's risky hobbies. The Monkey's friends seem to the Pig to be rude and overly sarcastic.

    These partners are connected by mutual passion. Both love sexual games and joys, but things usually don’t go beyond bed. Representatives of these signs should not be trusted with the implementation of an urgent project, they will definitely miss all the deadlines. The responsible Monkey, paired with the Pig, loses its vigilance, as the partner inspires her confidence. She relies on him, but he is irresponsible and deceitful. The boar knows how to "show off", but in fact, its windiness quickly manifests itself.

    These partners are able to be friends, but their communication always implies a hint of the possibility of an intimate relationship, because both are quite temperamental. If the friendship of these signs reaches the bed, then after that they can no longer maintain their previous relationship.

    Rat (Mouse)

    In a pair of Rat and Monkey, everything is saturated with insincerity. Even if these partners are madly in love with each other, they still look for benefits for themselves. Very often, the meeting of these signs leads them to a long and exciting relationship, because both like sophisticated games and rivalry. Here everyone is trying to beat the other, but having won, he tries not to show his superiority openly. In this pair, the woman happily invents and organizes situations in which the man will act on her orders, and he plays the role of the main one and enjoys the appearance of power.

    Despite the fact that these partners are constantly trying to deceive each other, the unions of these signs turn out to be extremely strong and durable. In joint work, this couple achieves significant success, and in friendly relations, the Mouse and the Monkey often form an indestructible tandem.

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1956 who? 1956 is the year of what animal? 1956 is the year of the Red Fire Monkey, one of the most interesting and cheerful animal, multifaceted and in many ways similar to ourselves. The monkey is a smart, rather eccentric animal, loves attention and therefore always tries to get into the spotlight.

The Red Fire Monkey is restless, proud, curious, passionate, even a little aggressive, he always tries to win the respect of others. It is very important for her to be the first in everything, she always strives forward and does not stop there. She always sets many goals for herself, which is not at all difficult for her to achieve, because she is very smart and energetic, while she has a very good business sense.

The Fire Monkey never gives up, she believes that any problem can be solved. You can rely on it, but your desires and interests must match. Fire Monkey is not the most faithful partner in love relationship because she loves new sensations and emotions.

In the year of the Red Fire Monkey, one must always be prepared for any surprises. In the field of business, this year you will often have to make risky deals, luck will go to the most dexterous businessman who knows how to adapt to any situations and conditions.

In the sphere of personal relationships, everything will also be unpredictable. This year will be a real test for lovers, only true love can withstand all the tests of the Fire Monkey. In order for your life to improve this year, you need to add romance and flirting to your life. The year will be full of love adventures, but he will not be rich in legal marriages.

In the opposite sex, the Monkey is in great demand. She is faithful and always devoted to her partner. The house and family of the Monkey always come first. She is a good mother and wife who keeps and protects the hearth and her love. For husbands, she chooses a worthy and faithful companion life. And if she really wants this, then she will definitely meet her love, dreaming of a strong and big family.

Those born this year are always striving to discover new paths. The inventive approach, together with the flexibility and curiosity of the Monkey, lead to good results in the field research activities. Since the Monkey is a tireless worker, material success is ensured in the chosen field of activity.

The positive features inherent in the Monkey are perseverance, curiosity, confidence in their knowledge and strength. All these qualities will help you achieve your goals in the coming year, but don't get too selfish and forget about others, as this can only lead to difficulties in relationships with your loved ones and best friends.

Of course, the Monkey also has negative traits, such as arrogance, superficiality, cunning and vanity. You need to learn to see your bad sides and qualities and put yourself in your place in time.

In the year of the Monkey, important and large-scale events often happen. This happens not only in the life of an individual, but also in the history of entire states.
