Dog - description and characteristics. Year of the Dog according to the Eastern horoscope: which people are born under this sign, 1946, which year of the dog

    If you believe the ancient legend, the Dog came running after the Rooster to congratulate Buddha on the holiday.. Since then In the Chinese calendar, the Year of the Rooster is always followed by the Year of the Dog..

    I don’t remember where, but somehow I came across this legend on the Tyrnet, written with humor and about these two representatives of the Eastern horoscope it was written like this:

    By the way, the Dog became the penultimate animal among those who came to congratulate Buddha, and overtook only the Pig.

    Animals in the Eastern calendar (horoscope) are arranged cyclically, and the order of their placement never changes. The Year of the Rooster will always be followed by the Year of the Dog, and it doesn’t matter what color or element it will be. By the way, the elements and colors also take turns, without disturbing the routine.

    According to Chinese mythology, the Jade Emperor sent a servant to select the most beautiful animals on Earth and give them their possession in the 1st year of the calendar.

    All those chosen arrived on time, only the cat was missing.

    The rat climbed onto the back of the bull, played the pipe, so he liked it the most and was given 1st place. The 2nd place was given to the Ox for goodwill, the 3rd to the Tiger, the Rabbit was fourth, the Dragon received fifth place, the 6th place was given to the wise Snake, the 7th to the Horse for service to man, the 8th place to the Sheep, and the 9th to Monkey, 10th - Rooster and then the Dog's turn came. One place turned out to be free and we had to look for a replacement, they brought the Pig.

    The cat came running, but it was late, he was offended by the Rat because she didn’t wake him up, and since then cats don’t like rats and mice.

    Good day! According to the Chinese horoscope, there are twelve animals that change from year to year. Each animal represents a specific year. As for the Year of the Rooster, after it comes the Year of the Dog, and before it comes the Year of the Monkey.

    Yes, very soon we will be celebrating the Year of the Monkey, followed by the Year of the Rooster in 2017. But the Rooster will be replaced by the Year of the Dog, in 2018. It is he who follows the Rooster in the Eastern horoscope.

    After the Year of the Rooster, comes the Year of the Dog. In general, the Chinese horoscope is a kind of structured diagram. In such a scheme, a certain year corresponds to a certain animal. And the animal is endowed with character traits peculiar only to it. Following the twelve-year cycle, the Dog years are: 1936, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994 and 2006. The next year of the Dog is 2018.

    According to Chinese culture, the year of the rooster is followed by the year of the dog.

    In general, the sequence is as follows: Mouse (rat), Cow, Tiger, Hare (rabbit), Dragon, Snake, Horse (horse), Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig.

    If 2014 is the year of the horse, the next year of the rooster will be 2017, and 2018 will be the year of the dog. Moreover, the rooster will be red, that is, related to the element of fire. And the dog is earthy.

    The rooster in the Chinese horoscope is always yin, the dog is always yang.

    According to the Chinese horoscope, after the Year of the Rooster (2017), comes the year of everyone’s favorite animal, the Year of the Dog (2018). After the Year of the Dog (2018) comes the Year of the Pig (2019). After the Year of the Pig comes the Year of the Rat (mouse) 2020.

    At the change of year rooster according to the eastern horoscope the year will come dogs.

    To determine the color and element of the coming year, you can use the following information available on the Internet:

    The element and year are the same for two years in a row, and then they change. There are six colors and six elements in total.

    The element and color are determined by the last digit in the year number, that is, by the digit on which the year ends:

    0-1 element metal, color white,

    2-3 element water, color black,

    4-5 element wood, color green (blue),

    6-7 element fire, color red,

    8-9 element earth, color yellow.

    Determine your year!

    According to the eastern horoscope, all animals are located in a circle: Rat, Cow, Tiger, Hare, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig. The Year of the Rooster is replaced by the Year of the Dog. The next Year of the Rooster will be 2017, and after that 2018 will be the Year of the Dog. According to the horoscope of this animal, it is recommended not to worry in all areas of life, since no matter what happens, you will successfully cope with everything.

The Dog is the eleventh sign of the 12-year cycle of the Eastern or Chinese animal calendar. It is associated with the energy "yang" and the element "metal". The corresponding zodiac sign is Aquarius.

The dog symbolizes:
honesty, responsiveness, dedication, responsibility, dedication, straightforwardness, reliabilityclosedness, stubbornness, anxiety, cynicism, self-doubt, self-criticism

Table of the Years of the Dog

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Dog

Characteristics of the Dog gives general idea about the sign, introduces its positive and negative qualities, features of building personal relationships and careers. It helps to get to know people born in the year of this animal better.

Character traits

Positive. Honesty and dedication - distinctive features this sign. The dog is ready to give everything to others to the last. This is an ideal friend and companion who will not leave you in trouble.

Characteristic positive qualities:

  • honesty: The Dog does everything “in good faith” and makes sure that those around him do the same; otherwise, he stands up for the truth, no matter what the cost;
  • responsiveness: if you need help to a loved one without hesitation rushes to help; This is not just moral support, but concrete actions; the desire to help often reaches the point of selflessness;
  • responsibility: The dog always keeps his promises; It’s a pleasure to deal with her, she never lets you down; therefore she is valued at work;
  • purposefulness: plans for future life down to the smallest detail; never deviates from the intended path and goes to any lengths to achieve his goal;
  • straightforwardness: does not use “subterfuge” and always says everything directly; The Dog is especially valued by his friends for his truthfulness and directness; at the same time, it is precisely because of this that conflict situations and quarrels with others often occur.

Negative. The main negative qualities of the Dog are closedness and stubbornness. At the same time, these features do not spoil her, but add originality to her character. This sign is easily forgiven for such a “fly in the ointment” for his generosity of soul and love for others.

Negative qualities:

  • closedness: The dog rarely speaks openly about his feelings; she shows her attitude through deeds, not words; Others do not like such isolation, although over time they get used to it;
  • stubbornness: the determination of this sign often reaches the point of incomprehensible persistence in achieving their goals; such stubbornness can lead to a conflict situation and ruin relationships with others;
  • anxiety: The dog seems to be not taking advantage of all the chances that life gives it; therefore, she is in constant search of new opportunities and gives no peace to herself or those around her;
  • cynicism: the straightforwardness of this sign often turns into cynicism; The dog has a sharp tongue; can hurt with his remark;
  • lack of self-confidence: The Dog is self-critical and often dissatisfied with itself; At the same time, she never trusts her problems to others and experiences personal failures “within herself.”

Love and relationships

A dog rarely falls in love at first sight. She is more inclined to gradually develop relationships. Values ​​determination and adventurousness in a partner. Devoted to the object of her love. Doesn't forgive betrayal.

Tries to change his partner, to make him as good as possible. At the same time, he allows himself to criticize him and imposes his opinion.

IN family relationships She is hampered by constant anxiety and the desire for perfection. If the Dog finds a partner who can smooth out these character traits, then the couple finds real family happiness.

Career and profession

The dog is strong in professions not related to the exact sciences. Her superiors value her for her responsibility and reliability. Promotion by career ladder She is hampered by her closeness and defending the interests of others to the detriment of her own.

The team always treats the Dog well, so in leadership positions she becomes a good organizer. At the same time, her desire for justice can ruin her relationship with her superiors.

Recommended professions. A dog is suited for a job in which he can express his abilities as much as possible. best qualities- sacrifice and desire for justice. She can work as a lawyer, judge, doctor, teacher, social worker, critic, priest.

What year will be next after the Year of the Monkey? Many people ask themselves this question. For those who take horoscopes seriously and are thoroughly preparing for the meeting of the new owner of the year, you should know that the next patron will be the year of the Rooster, whose element is fire. It is better to prepare for the meeting in advance, and a good place to start is with information. When does the Year of the Rooster begin and its main signs. If you know people who were born under this sign or you are about to have a child, it is better to know the character traits in advance.

Inherent Character Traits

People born the year after the Monkey are distinguished by their straightforwardness in behavior and their own expressions in relation to their companions and interlocutors. Very often they provoke their opponents into involuntary clashes, but people perceive this as excessive frankness, characteristic of this particular person. But there is also the good side, for example, the Rooster's companions and friends always know the truth about themselves, because the main feature of people born under this symbol is to say what they think.

The bird endows its owner with leadership qualities, which are well demonstrated when leading staff and, in principle, people. They are also distinguished by pride and arrogance, which is immediately visible against the background of others.

Men and women born under the sign of the Rooster

Such men are not committed to external manifestations of affection and warmth, but this does not mean that they are insensitive. It’s just that, like many Roosters, they think that there is nowhere to rush. Therefore, if your partner was born this year, you can, of course, wait for the expression of emotions, having gone through many tests and trials, but do not think that everything will change radically.

As for women who were born in the year of the Rooster, in order to keep your beloved, you need to know her food preferences, devote time to her love of shopping and go for walks with her. It is even possible to jump with a parachute, but at the same time be extremely careful with the equipment for the jump, balancing the stable inattention of your chosen one.

How do children born in the year of the Rooster behave?

So, we found out which year is after the year of the Monkey, namely the Fire Rooster. What to expect from a newborn? Children who came into the world in such a year are characterized by infantilism, restlessness, vanity, inconsistency, and inconstancy, which affects the habit of taking on everything at once, but then giving up halfway.

Children born in the year of the Fire Rooster are active, impressionable and curious to such an extent that this affects sleep, when the child is afraid of missing something important at night. This problem will only get worse with age, because curiosity will grow faster than the baby. A thirst for variety will manifest itself in the first years of a baby’s life, in moments of feeding, play, and leisure. Don't be surprised if you have difficulty eating. Like all Roosters, the child does not like to bathe, but his favorite toys can be an excellent solution to hygiene issues. Such a child is a real “why” when he starts talking. He asks a thousand and one questions, which helps satisfy the inquisitive mind. But this all makes you overstimulated too easily, so you shouldn’t tell scary stories at night.

Child's character

As for personality traits, these children are quite stubborn, and forcing them to do something is completely pointless. However, such an action will not cause a negative reaction in the form of hysteria or discontent; most likely, the child will show cunning and find a way to evade the unwanted task. Their curiosity allows them to learn new things very quickly, but the trait of grasping at everything immediately prevents them from mastering new skills in sufficient quantities. Considering this character trait, you need to cultivate an unlimited supply of patience, which will be useful when you undertake to teach a child born in the year of the Rooster to concentrate on one activity. If you are persistent enough in this difficult matter, then your child will be a successful adult in the future.

They are quite sociable and do not tolerate a lack of communication, they easily make acquaintances and find friends. Due to the peculiarities of the structure of thinking and mind, children begin to read early, but their interest is tied more to information about the world and interesting facts than to fiction. Best book for these children it is an encyclopedia or collection interesting facts about the world around us. It is worth noting that a passion and propensity for foreign languages ​​may manifest itself, which should begin to be developed from an early age. early childhood. To help overcome hyperreactivity, you can try sending your child to music lessons, which can help teach attention and perseverance.


When Roosters become teenagers, sometimes a barrier in communication arises, but if you establish a strong connection at an early age, this will never be a problem. Since children have a fairly developed intellect, you should not lie to them, otherwise you may lose respect and trust, which will ruin your relationship for many years.

What are Roosters like in their “chicken coop”?

Like any general, the Rooster loves to control everything, so morning and evening formations of all households are an integral ritual. If the Rooster has taken place in the material plane, then, most likely, his “chicken coop” will be located somewhere in warm countries and will become the main source of his pride. At the same time, you need to remember: it is this sign of the eastern horoscope that belligerence is inherent from birth.

Harmony for the Rooster

People under this sign always remain special, no matter what year it is. After the Year of the Monkey, a responsibility falls on their shoulders that is not inherent to the patron of the previous year. Against this background, Roosters often think and feel superior and right, even if this is not the case. The feeling is reinforced by frequent situations from which Roosters find the right way out.

Eternal doubts about others and even themselves constantly haunt these people. Gourmets of a special kind, true adventurers with good taste. Constantly exposed to a huge number of ideas that may resemble absurdity clean water, and most likely they will turn out to be just dreams. In no year after the Year of the Monkey would a person be born, but it is very important for Roosters to maintain their own balance.

Professional characteristics

He will never sit on the bench if certain circumstances arise that require decisive action. There is also plenty of courage and bravery; the Rooster will never be afraid to take risks, and will do it with great pleasure.

A hard worker with a capital “H”, that’s an understatement. Roosters are driven by a desire that makes them want to do more than they can and take on everything, even if it completely exceeds their level of strength or knowledge. But if the task is not completed to the standard, they feel upset and dissatisfied.

When it comes to life activities, Roosters are very fond of financially risky endeavors, even if there is no reason for it. In this sense, anything can happen to them: ruin and crisis. All this is about them, a kind of assessment of life for excessive daydreaming. It is immediately clear that such people are not economists; the position of a mid-level clerk is best suited for them.

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2018 - Year of the Dog
Eastern calendar
When Chinese comes New Year 2018?

The dog is a symbol of the penultimate eleventh year of the 12-year earth cycle of the eastern calendar. In countries where the main religion is Buddhism, the symbolic perception of the Dog, in my opinion, is no different from the European one; in the east, the Dog is endowed primarily with such qualities as loyalty, honesty and nobility and aggressive uncompromisingness towards enemies...
"Ancient Eastern epic"

2018 is the year of the Golden Dog

February 16, 2018 of the year on the second new moon after the winter solstice according to the Eastern (Chinese) lunar cyclic calendar, the year of the celestial trunk of time “Earth” begins in the “Yang” stage of the earthly branch “Dog”, the 35th year of the 34th cycle of the new chronology.
What does this all mean?
Let's turn to ancient Chinese philosophy. According to her ideas, time flows differently in heaven and on earth. Therefore, earthly and heavenly signs were used to indicate time. According to ancient Chinese ideas, the main flow of time is carried out along the heavenly trunks, and time flows to earth from these trunks along the branches leading to it. There are five heavenly trunks, and 12 branches extend from them to the earth.
“Earth” - a symbol of the Celestial flow of time of the coming year, carries with it the properties of the primary element of the same name: the controlling direction is the Center; characterizing colors - yellow, brown and flesh; the presence of this element in a person means endurance, fertility, diligence and strategic thinking.

All signs of the earthly branch are the product of heavenly trunks, so the “Dog” branch 戌 inherits the signs of the generative trunk-element “Earth” in the “Yang” stage, it also has some qualities of the real earthly collective image of a dog, in the ancient Eastern view these are: honesty, mind, sense of justice, simplicity, loyalty, attractiveness, friendliness, sociability and openness; unpretentiousness, calmness and sensitivity, and on the other side of the coin is cynicism, laziness, indifference, pessimism, anxiety, stubbornness and absurdity.

In China and some neighboring countries, it is customary to celebrate the New Year wearing the colors of the celestial sign. The element “Earth” has several symbolic colors: yellow, brown (ocher) and flesh-colored (beige). To celebrate the New Year, all these colors and their combinations are acceptable, but yellow is considered the main one. For the New Year, it is advisable for men to have some item of clothing with yellow(for example, a tie with a yellow stripe or a beige shirt, in as a last resort, yellow socks...). Women have more choice in terms of colors - they can afford beige and shades of yellow-brown, including gold.
Symbolic yellow this year of the Dog in the eastern calendar is somewhat different from the yellow one we are used to - it is closer to yellow-brown, even, one might say, golden (approximately this color is used on the page splash with an outline image of a dog - in more detail about the symbolism and structure of the eastern calendar can be found in the next section).
I would like to add one more remark about the “earthly essence” of the year: The Dog time branch is a product of the element “Earth” (Soil) and mainly inherits its qualities, therefore, despite the fact that the expressions “” or “” we have adopted already carry some semantic license in our perception of the designation of 2018 in the Chinese calendar 戊戌 , but the expression “Year of the Earth Dog”, in philosophical terms, has a deep meaning... Since the branch of the Dog connecting the heavenly flow of time with the Earthly one is the product of the “earthly” trunk that carries time, then this year we should expect a stable and stable flow of time. It is worth noting that in mnemonic terms, the expression “” has every right to life...
I would prefer to call the coming year the year Golden Dogs, since the one generating this branch carries the main flow of time. And, if we call 2018 completely according to our modern rules, then 2018 is.

So, in order to receive the patronage of the Dog in the new year 2018, when celebrating the New Year you need to wear something yellow, brown, golden or beige or add some touch of yellow or golden color to your clothes, and it is desirable to have dishes of meat, poultry or meat products on the table , but otherwise there are no restrictions - the “Dog” is an omnivore, with some predatory bias.

Using the table presented here you can decide when to celebrate the New Year according to eastern calendar, and also determine your eastern patron signs by date of birth...

Table: 34 cycle. Chinese cyclical calendar from 1960 to 2019 New Year start dates

Sergey Ov

This table clearly shows a 12-year calendar cycle of the earthly branches, and not very clearly a 10-year one - each of the five primary elements “takes control of the development of world events” for 2 solar years. The main cycle lasts 60 years - the cycle begins with the celestial trunk "Tree", the earthly branch "Rat" - now the 34th cycle is underway from the beginning of the calculation of new time, it began on February 2, 1984. (To view dates in a wider time range (1924-2043), click on the table).

Eastern (Chinese) lunar cyclic calendar.

According to the worldview of ancient Chinese natural philosophy, as well as in later ancient philosophy, there are two passages of time - in heaven and on earth. In heaven, time continuously flows through five essential world-forming elements (elements, entities): “Wood”, “Fire”, “Earth” (“Soil”), “Metal”, “Water” - figuratively “along the heavenly trunks of these elemental entities " The main, most powerful flow of time flows from one entity to another. When the flow of time flows into the celestial trunk of the essence inherent in the year (the first year), it is in the YANG stage, when it begins to leave (the second year), it goes into the YIN stage (The properties of the element-entities are displayed in the table:).

Sergey Ov

To enlarge the table of entity properties, click on it

IN earthly world- its own stream of time, it flows along earthly branches that are generated by heavenly trunks. The fertile underlying “Earth” generates 4 branches on its trunk in a 12-year cycle: two in the YAN stage - Dragon, Dog; and two in the YIN stage - Ox, Sheep. The remaining trunks, respectively: “Metal” - the Monkey and Rooster branches; “Water” - Rat and Pig; "Tree" - Tiger and Rabbit; "Fire" - Horse and Snake. All this underlies the construction, so to speak, of the outer cover of the cyclic calendar.

The true basis of the cyclic calendar is the results of observations of the movements of the planets, the Moon and the Sun. The founders of the calendar knew that 29 and a half days pass from new moon to new moon; that for an terrestrial observer, Mars returns to the point in the starry sky fixed at the time of the beginning of observation after almost 2 years, Jupiter - after about 12 years, and Saturn after 30. For both Jupiter and Saturn to return to their original configuration at the same time, it takes 60 years - this period is also was adopted as the main longest cycle of the calendar. The next longest 12-year cycle corresponds to the orbital period of Jupiter. But the ten-year and two-year cycles are already a tribute to the metaphysical ideas of that time.
Despite this complex interweaving of the rational and the metaphysical, we can say that the Chinese cyclic lunisolar calendar is the first documented attempt by mankind to synchronize the time counting system with the movement of celestial bodies, which took place more than 4600 years ago!

Based on historical, philosophical and astronomical materials from the network: Sergey Ov(Seosnews9)

Let's try to imagine what the coming year has in store for us, using our tables of the properties of the primary elements.
So, 2018, (starting from February 16, 2018- New Year according to the eastern calendar), heavenly trunk “Earth”, earthly branch “Dog”:

Weather 2018
The weather control will be almost completely taken over by the celestial trunk - the Tree, and the “Dog” will make only small additional adjustments.
Let's look at the table.
"Earth": control direction - center; energy type - humidity.
“Dog” (branch of the Earth trunk): accordingly, the control direction is the center; energy type - humidity.
The corresponding time of year for the Dog sign is: late fall.

Based on this information, we find that in 2018 the weather will mostly follow the climate norm, but with some excess moisture.
The time of year corresponding to the “Dog” branch (late autumn) can cause a correction of air temperature towards lower values...
Spring and summer will arrive at traditional times.

Year of the Dog. Society 2018

Decisive development factor public life there will be an impact of internal events in the country. The influence of external factors will begin to intensify only at the end of the year.

Year of the Dog. People in 2018

Success, according to tradition, will be most conducive to those born in the Year of the Dog, as well as those born under the shadow of the heavenly branch “Earth” (in the years of the Ox, Dragon and Sheep). In general, under the auspices of the “dog” this year you can solve many accumulated problems, and also, by showing patience and perseverance, improve life for yourself and your loved ones.

In the previous Year of the Dog (2006), a commemorative coin was issued in Russia with a rather successful image of a dog (photo) - that year, by the way, nothing bad happened in our country. So, keep in mind - this coin can bring good luck in 2018 too.

P.S.. Fashion in the Year of the Dog: Yellow, brown and golden colors and shades in clothing, with jewelry elements including metal, create an additional impetus for success.

Other articles on the topic calendar:

* On the views of ancient philosophers on time:

New Year dates according to the Chinese cyclic calendar from 1924 to 2043.

Trunks and branches of time Heavenly trunks
tree fire Earth metal water
Rat February 5, 1924 January 24, 1936 February 10, 1948 January 28, 1960 Rat February 15, 1972
Bull January 25, 1925 February 11, 1937 January 29, 1949 Bull February 15, 1961 February 3, 1973
Tiger January 23, 1974 February 13, 1926 January 31, 1938 February 17, 1950 February 5, 1962
Rabbit February 11, 1975 Rabbit February 2, 1927 February 19, 1939 February 6, 1951 January 25, 1963
The Dragon February 13, 1964 January 31, 1976 The Dragon January 23, 1928 February 8, 1940 January 27, 1952
Snake February 2, 1965 February 18, 1977 Snake February 10, 1929 January 27, 1941 February 14, 1953
Horse February 3, 1954 Horse January 21, 1966 February 7, 1978 January 30, 1930 February 15, 1942
Sheep January 24, 1955 February 9, 1967 January 28, 1979 Sheep February 17, 1931 February 5, 1943
Monkey January 25, 1944 February 12, 1956 January 30, 1968 Monkey February 16, 1980 February 6, 1932
Rooster February 13, 1945 January 31, 1957 February 17, 1969 February 5, 1981 Rooster January 26, 1933
Dog February 14, 1934 February 2, 1946 Dog February 18, 1958 February 6, 1970 January 25, 1982
Pig February 4, 1935 January 22, 1947 February 8, 1959 January 27, 1971 February 13, 1983 Pig
Rat February 2, 1984 February 19, 1996 February 7, 2008 January 25, 2020 Rat February 11, 2032
Bull February 20, 1985 February 7, 1997 January 26, 2009 Bull February 12, 2021 January 31, 2033
Tiger February 19, 2034 February 9, 1986 January 28, 1998 February 14, 2010 February 1, 2022
Rabbit February 8, 2035 Rabbit January 29, 1987 February 16, 1999 February 3, 2011 January 22, 2023
The Dragon February 10, 2024 January 28, 2036 The Dragon February 17, 1988 February 5, 2000 January 23, 2012
Snake January 29, 2025 February 15, 2037 Snake February 6, 1989 January 24, 2001 February 10, 2013
Horse January 31, 2014 Horse February 17, 2026 February 4, 2038 January 27, 1990 February 12, 2002
Sheep February 19, 2015 February 6, 2027 February 24, 2039 Sheep February 15, 1991 February 1, 2003
Monkey January 22, 2004 February 8, 2016 January 26, 2028 Monkey February 12, 2040 February 4, 1992
Rooster February 9, 2005 January 28, 2017 February 13, 2029 February 1, 2041 Rooster January 23, 1993
Dog February 10, 1994 January 29, 2006 Dog February 16, 2018 February 3, 2030 February 22, 2042
Pig January 31, 1995 February 18, 2007 February 5, 2019 January 23, 2031 February 10, 2043 Pig

1. Years increase down diagonally, from the rightmost cell of the calendar, look for the continuation in the leftmost cell.
2. In the intervals between the “trunks of time” “earthly branches” are symbolically depicted, named by the corresponding signs - in each calendar cycle the earthly branches are renewed.

Table: “Properties of the Five Elements and the qualities they support”

Qualities and properties Essences of the universe, primary elements
Tree Fire The soil Metal Water
Jupiter Mars Saturn Venus Mercury
Green, blue-green, blue Red, pink, orange Brown, yellow, flesh White, any metal Black,dark blue

Energy of nature

Wind (movement) Warm Humidity Dryness Cold
Active, purposeful, assertive Lively, impulsive, absent-minded Nourishing, kind, thorough Cold, reserved, aristocratic Deep, secret, mysterious

Side of the world

East South Center West North

Qualities manifested through a person and in a person

Sour Bitter Sweet Spicy Salty
Rancid, musty Scorched, burnt Fragrant, sweet Fish Rotten
Scream Laughter Singing Crying (Sighs) Moan


Dog Goat, sheep Bull, cow Rooster, chicken Pig

Life cycle

Birth Height Maturity Withering Death

Facial features

Eyebrows, jaws Eyes, lips Mouth, cheeks Nose, cheekbones, moles Ears, forehead, chin

Body types

Tall - wiry, low - mobile Slimness, beauty Roundness, fatness Thin bones, thin skin Large bones, wide hips
Liver Heart Spleen Lungs Bud
Pointing Average Big Nameless Little finger

Spectrum of emotions

Anger, humanity Excitement, love Anxiety, intuition Grief, gratitude Fear


Originality Aspiration Consciousness Will Wisdom

* Dates falling in the Year of the Dog according to the Chinese calendar in the 20th and 21st centuries

Date interval corresponding to the year of the Dog Heavenly trunk Name of the year
1910 February 10, 1910 - January 30, 1911 Metal Year of the White Dog
1922 January 28, 1922 – February 16, 1923 Water Year of the Blue Dog
1934 14 February 1934 - 04 February 1935 Tree Year of the Green Dog
1946 02 February 1946 - 22 January 1947 Fire Year of the Orange Dog
1958 18 February 1958 - 08 February 1959 The soil Year of the Yellow Dog
1970 06 February 1970 - 27 January 1971 Metal Year of the White Dog
1982 January 25, 1982 - February 13, 1983 Water Year of the Blue Dog
1994 February 10, 1994 - January 31, 1995 Tree Year of the Green Dog
2006 January 29, 2006 - February 18, 2007 Fire Year of the Orange Dog
2018 16 February 2018 - 05 February 2019 The soil Year of the Yellow Dog
2030 03 February 2030 - 23 January 2031 Metal Year of the White Dog
2042 January 22, 2042 - February 10, 2043 Water Year of the Blue Dog
2054 08 February 2054 - 28 January 2055 Tree Year of the Green Dog
2066 January 26, 2066 - February 14, 2067 Fire Year of the Orange Dog
2078 12 February 2078 - 02 February 2079 The soil Year of the Yellow Dog
2090 January 30, 2090 - February 18, 2091 Metal Year of the White Dog
02/10/1910 - 01/29/1911 - Metal
01/28/1922 - 02/15/1923 - Water
02/14/1934 - 02/03/1935 - Tree
02.02.1946 - 21.01.1947 - Fire
02/18/1958 - 02/07/1959 - Earth
02/06/1970 - 01/26/1971 - Metal
01/25/1982 - 02/12/1983 - Water
02/10/1994 - 01/30/1995 - Tree
01/29/2006 - 02/17/2007 - Fire
02/16/2018 - 02/04/2019 - Earth

The dog belongs to the Yin group of animals. This is the 11th sign of the Chinese horoscope. He runs from 19:00 to 21:00....

In the family, the Dog is always loved and respected for his impartiality and common sense.

Such a person takes his parental responsibilities seriously and can be strict but fair with children.

A practical and open representative of the Eleventh Branch, the Dog is not very keen on material benefits, but considers the family as the most important unit of society and will take care of its prosperity....

Dog and Aries Sign

The dog will only benefit from being born under the sign of Aries. Aries will give her a sense of carefree and dynamism, he will help her express herself. Aries dogs know how to think and are not as picky as other signs. They quickly analyze the situation, so they know how to act quickly and even attack. This is a very complex creature. They are idealists who care little about personal comfort as they strive to create better life to your loved ones. They are not interested in the opinions of others, they do not pay too much attention to their appearance. They are generous and almost never manage to accumulate wealth. Such people do not really like to receive something for nothing - they are used to being appreciated. This is a pronounced type of fighter for justice. But often their plans do not work out, they need the support of others....

Dog Love

In love, Dogs are too straightforward and because of this they can have problems throughout their lives. But these problems will be their own fault. Dogs love fleeting adventures and long-lasting connections. But they make contact only if the person instills a sense of reliability. Of course, they can be playful, but this is only an external mask associated with the need to find a soul mate. When they find their loved one, they will breathe a sigh of relief. Dogs are very loving, gentle and sensitive. When they tie the knot, they are full of responsibility and absolutely do not give in to temptations. They can resist other people's aggression and will take all measures to preserve the family hearth. For them, there is nothing more valuable in life than their family....

Dog and Dog

These types are similar in many ways, they love children, the family hearth and always come to its defense; They need love. Even if they try to act casual and casual, you don’t need to believe it - this is their way of protecting themselves. In fact, they value each other very much and are always bored without a partner. Such people are upset by quarrels and misunderstandings, but, as a rule, this does not happen between them.

They have a solid financial position, beautiful children, and understanding and peace reign in the family. True, their rosy coexistence can be overshadowed by an invasion from the outside, then they become nervous and lose sleep. Fortunately, they are able to eliminate all doubts and establish a pleasant microclimate in the house. Intuition will help them with this. They will make a qualitative leap forward that will destroy all barriers....

Compatibility of a Dog married to a Rat - First Earthly Branch

The dog is smart, fair and respects authority. She would rather like the inventive and courteous Rat. In this pair, the representative of the First Branch is more cunning and selfish. However, the Dog, unlike the Rat, is not so eager for material wealth and forgives its shortcomings as long as it remains faithful and does not go too far in its search. Both of these personalities usually understand each other. Although Xu (Dog) is not inclined to approve of the Rat's possessive instincts, he will tolerate it as long as it acts in the common interests. A normal working relationship between them is possible if the Rat does not violate the Dog’s principles....

Some Dog men, due to their excessive passion for beauty, forget to check whether a woman with a beautiful figure and charming appearance also has a heart and a mind?

They don’t think twice about marrying those they like. But many quickly get divorced because they did not have time to evaluate their partner in time.

Therefore, before making a decision about marriage, it is better for Dog men to think about everything first, because sometimes it is not easy to get out of a difficult situation....
