The life of Coco Chanel is a story to success. Coco Chanel: the life story of Mademoiselle

"Every woman has the age she deserves."

Designer biography - difficult childhood

Fashion designer and fashion designer Coco (real name Gabrielle) Chanel was born on August 19, 1883 in the city of Saumur in France. Coco Chanel became famous for her timeless designs and the little black dress, which are still popular today. She herself became widely known and is still revered as a style icon for her simple, yet sophisticated outfits. As Chanel once said: “Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury.”

Her early years, however, were far from glamorous. After the death of her mother, Chanel was given by her father, who worked as a peddler, to an orphanage. She was raised by nuns, and it was they who taught the girl the craft of sewing, which later became her life’s work. Where did the nickname "Coco" come from? During her brief career as a singer, Gabrielle Chanel performed in clubs where she was nicknamed "Coco". Some say the nickname comes from one of her songs, but Chanel herself said it was a shortened version of "cocotte", the French word for "kept woman".

Designer Biography - Coco Chanel - Fashion Pioneer

Around the age of 20, Chanel began studying with Etienne Balzan, who offered to help her start a millinery business in Paris. Soon Chanel left him for one of her friends, the very wealthy English industrialist Arthur Capel. These two men played an important role in the development of Chanel's first fashion "venture".

Opening her first store on rue Cambon in Paris in 1910, Chanel began selling hats. Later she opened stores in Deauville and Biarritz and began creating clothes, and soon her first success came in this field.

A truly revolutionary invention of the 20s was Chanel's little black dress. She took a color that had previously only been associated with mourning and showed how chic it can look in evening wear.

In 1920, Chanel took her thriving business to new heights. She created her first fragrance - Chanel No. 5. “Perfume is an invisible, but unforgettable and incomprehensible decoration. Perfume heralds the arrival of a woman and sounds after her departure,” as the famous Coco Chanel said.

Gabrielle Coco Chanel - life story

In 1925, she introduced the legendary tweed suit - Chanel took tweed, which had previously only been used to sew men's clothing, and tried it on a woman. The suit, imbued with the English spirit, like many other Chanel creations, was the fruit of her love story, this time with the Duke of Westminster. The affair, which lasted about 14 years, never ended in marriage, perhaps one of the reasons was that Coco could not have children.

Coco Chanel became a popular figure not only in the fashion world, but in the literary and artistic circles of Paris. She designed costumes for the Russian Ballet, famous writer both the director Jean Cocteau and the artist Pablo Picasso were among her friends, and mademoiselle had a tender relationship with the composer Igor Stravinsky.

Coco Chanel - a scandalous love story

The international economic depression of the 1930s had a negative impact on her companies, and the outbreak of World War II forced Chanel to wind down her business. The war took away its workers and closed its stores. During the German occupation in France, Chanel had an affair with a German officer. After the end of the war, Chanel was even summoned for interrogation regarding her relationship with a representative of the enemy army.

And although Chanel was not officially charged with collaborating with the Nazis, Mademoiselle did not look the best in the world public opinion. Some still view her relationship with the Nazi officer as a betrayal of her country. As a result, Chanel left Paris, spending several years in Switzerland in a kind of exile.

And at the age of 70, Chanel made a triumphant return to the world of fashion. She received scathing reviews from critics for the first time, but her feminine and simple models soon won over customers all over the world.

Chanel legacy

In 1969, Chanel's fascinating life story became the basis for the Broadway musical Coco, starring Katharine Hepburn. leading role. The show received seven Tony Award nominations, an award given annually for achievement in American theater.

Coco Chanel died on January 10, 1971 in her apartment at the Ritz Hotel. Hundreds of people crowded into the Church of the Madeleine to bid farewell to the fashion icon. Paying tribute to the famous fashion designer, many of those present wore Coco Chanel suits.

The biography of the famous fashion designer ends here, but the history of fashion continues. A little more than ten years after her death, designer Karl Lagerfeld took the reins of her company to preserve Chanel's legacy. And today the company continues to flourish, and the life story of Coco Chanel continues to attract people's attention.

She revolutionized the fashion world and changed the concept of femininity. Despite her origins, high society worshiped her. This woman never married, and men were trophies for her. According to her, she managed to fall in love only once. Personal Coco Chanel is one of the components of her success in the fashion industry. There was a place for both practical hobbies and true love.

The real name of the style icon is Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel. The future celebrity was born on August 19, 1883. Her parents were not officially married, her father Gabriel worked as a market trader, and little Chanel spent her entire childhood among market stalls. When the girl was 12 years old, her mother died during difficult childbirth. The father separated the brothers and sisters: he gave his sons to farming families, and his daughters to an orphanage.

Gabrielle's teachers were strict nuns. It is not surprising that the girl dreamed of a different life: she did not like the gray uniform that she had to wear every day and the poverty. But Chanel firmly believed that she could achieve fame and recognition. Her only joy was the holidays, during which she went to see her aunts. It was one of them who began to teach her niece how to not just sew, but decorate clothes.

When Gabrielle turned 18, she was given a choice: either become a nun or start an independent life. The girl chooses the second one. She moves to the city of Moulins and enters a boarding school for noble maidens on a charitable basis. Therefore, she is treated differently than girls from rich families. After two years of training, Gabrielle was ready to start an independent life.

She is hired as a seamstress in a studio: the owner liked the way she deftly handled a needle and thread. But Gabrielle understood that neither fame nor recognition awaited her there. Chanel makes acquaintances with military officers, of whom there were many in this town. They invite the girl and her aunt to a variety show. Soon Gabrielle was performing there herself. There were only two songs in her repertoire, thanks to which she received the nickname “Coco”.

Soon, the attractive young girl attracted the attention of the wealthy officer Etienne Balsan. Coco was not at all worried about his reputation as a ladies' man and the presence of a permanent mistress. Chanel accepts his offer to move into his estate.

In Etienne's house, Coco met the richest and most influential people of our time. She became more confident in herself and was not afraid to do what she wanted. And most of all, the girl wanted to change the world of fashion. At that time, only men could be fashion designers, who pulled women into tight corsets, tight bodices, and dressed them in long dresses with many frills. Coco was guided by the motto of simplicity and convenience.

She created a real sensation when she appeared at the races not in women's clothing, but in Etienne's shirt and his friend's blazer. The women were shocked by this, but they were delighted by the girl’s courage. Then Coco decided that it was time to “free” women from the captivity of multi-layered and long skirts and corsets. Balsan supported her passion for fashion and allocated a corner in the estate in which she made hats for the girlfriends of his comrades. But Chanel wanted more - she dreamed of revolutionizing the fashion industry. In this she is helped by Etienne's friend, and later by her lover, the English captain Arthur Capel, who was known among his friends as "Boy".

The exact circumstances of their first meeting remain unknown. Chanel herself told several different versions of this event. But no matter how they met, this meeting turned out to be fateful for Mademoiselle Chanel. Capel saw determination and ambition in the girl, so he supported Coco in all her endeavors. After some time, Chanel leaves Etienne and moves in with Arthur.

Capel decides to help her realize her dream, and together with Balsan (with whom Coco kept in touch) they open a Chanel hat shop. Simple but elegant hats from Coco had real success among French women who are tired of wearing hats that resemble fruit baskets. In 1913, with the financial support of Capel, Coco opened a ready-made dress shop. Her collection was characterized by simplicity, grace and, most importantly, practicality. Coco Chanel became the first female fashion designer and received public recognition.

The first one has arrived World War, and time for high fashion has become inappropriate. Millions of men went to the front, and all their work fell on the fragile shoulders of women. But Coco understands that this is her chance to gain independence and put the House of Chanel on its feet.

Feminine frilly dresses have become impractical and even dangerous when working at machines. It's time for Chanel style: comfortable and practical. But in war time It was difficult to find quality fabric, but there was a lot of jersey. And this was a real breakthrough in Coco’s career: her collection for women, made from jersey, was an incredible success.

Just as her work as a fashion designer took off, so did her romance with Boy. One day he arranged a weekend for them in the city of Biarizz, where the richest people gathered at that time. Coco opens a new Chanel boutique there in 1915. Now the House of Chanel has gained independence, and fame has come to Coco.

In 1918, a peace agreement was signed between the countries and the war ended. The House of Chanel flourished, and a period of complete happiness was about to begin in Coco's life. But that same year, Capel informed her of his intention to marry the daughter of a wealthy lord. This news was a blow to Chanel. After his marriage, their relationship continued. But in 1919, Boy Capel died in a car accident. The news of his death hit Koko. She later admitted that she only loved Capel.

It is believed that it was mourning for her lover that prompted Chanel to create the famous little black dress. At that time, it was not customary to mourn for a person with whom marriage was not registered. Chanel complemented the dress with a string of white faux pearls, and later this look became a real pinnacle of style.

Chanel decides to achieve recognition and respect in high circles. To begin with, she comes up with new biography, the stories of her childhood are new every time. The fashion designer opens his famous House of Chanel opposite the luxurious Ritsa Hotel. Coco herself moves to live in this hotel. After Capel, she had an affair with the Duke of Westminster, through which she made acquaintance with influential people, including Winston Churchill.

She had an affair with Stravinsky, as well as with the Russian Prince Dmitry. It is thanks to this relationship that Slavic elements appear in her collections. Later, the prince introduces her to the perfumer who created the famous Chanel No. 5 perfume.

But her most scandalous relationship was with the German officer and spy Baron von Dinklage. During this time, her nephew was captured by the Germans. To free him, she went to meet von Dinklage. The nephew was released, and Chanel became the mistress of the German baron.

Later, the fashion designer participated in Anglo-German negotiations, which were secret. The Germans, knowing about her acquaintance with Churchill, wanted to use her help to convince him to sign a peace agreement. The operation was called "Fashionable Hat", but was unsuccessful. After France was liberated from the invaders, Chanel was reminded of her connection with the Germans. She was arrested, but the reasons for her release are not fully known. In 1944, Coco Chanel left for Switzerland, where she lived until 1953.

In 1954, the famous fashion designer returned to high world fashion with their old clothing models. Society is perplexed, but her collection is a success. The whole world is talking about Coco Chanel, and everyone admires her sense of style. January 10, 1971 Coco Chanel dies of a heart attack at the Ritz Hotel, where she lived.

This woman revolutionized the fashion world. She showed everyone that dressing stylishly does not mean being pretentious, and you can remain feminine even in men's clothes. The meaning and most precious thing in her life was her brainchild - the Chanel fashion house, which she dreamed of as a little girl. Coco Chanel's personal life was not always strewn with roses, but she had the opportunity to experience happiness and fall in love with a man who supported her in everything. Coco Chanel is one of the most influential women of the 20th century.

They are still at the peak of popularity among it-girls. Today we decided to tell you about the life of the great Gabrielle Chanel, the reformer of women's wardrobe, and show several archival photographs.

Coco Chanel's childhood and youth

On August 19, 1883, in the godforsaken town of Saumur in western France, a girl, Gabrielle, was born to charwoman Jeanne Devol and traveling salesman Albert Chanel. The family lived extremely poorly and, not having their own home, moved often. After the death of his wife, Albert gave his sons to relatives and his daughters to a monastery orphanage. Gabrielle was 12 years old at the time. Neither she nor the other children ever saw their father again. Little Chanel couldn't believe that he left them. “I'm not an orphan! Dad will come soon and pick me up!”, - this is how the girl responded to the ridicule of other pupils of the orphanage.

The inhospitable walls of the shelter did not break Chanel and did not turn her into a sentimental dreamer. " If you were born without wings, don’t stop them from growing.”, - Gabrielle once said already in the status of Mademoiselle Coco. At the age of 18 she left the monastery. determined to escape poverty once and for all. The needlework skills acquired at the orphanage helped Chanel take the first step on the path to success: she became a seamstress in a ready-made dress store in the town of Moulins. The work brought her a small income, private orders appeared, but Chanel wanted chic and brilliance. She began performing in a local cafe, performing simple songs in front of the audience: Qui qu`a vu Coco and Ko Ko Ri Ko. Since then, the name Gabrielle has been forgotten: everyone began to call Chanel simply Coco. Let's be honest: Coco Chanel was an unimportant artist and performer; it was foolish to even dream of a career as a singer or actress! But the charming brunette was noticed by the right men, and this is exactly what she wanted.

A man is a short path to success

Chanel accepted the offer of the young Baron Etienne Balsan to become his kept woman. Coco learned horse riding from Etienne, slept until noon, had coffee and milk for breakfast in bed and chocolates... The dreamer Coco, left to her own devices, began to create clothes and accessories for herself that had nothing in common with the fashion of those years. After another love quarrel, Chanel moved to Balsan’s bachelor apartment in Paris and, with his funds, opened a hat salon in 1909.

Chanel decided to “promote” her business on her own. During her walks and appearances, Chanel's small round hats attracted attention with their grace and complete lack of decoration. Thus came the first success - and a new feeling: Coco became close to Etienne’s friend, the English playboy Arthur Capel, who was destined to become the greatest and, perhaps, the only love in the life of the great mademoiselle. Arthur brought Coco into his circle, introduced her to bankers, politicians, and financiers. Capel's advice, connections and money helped Chanel open her first boutique in Paris, on Rue Chambon, and a little later the first branch of her store in Deauville, which in 1919 grew into a full-fledged fashion house, and the price tags on dresses reached 3 thousand francs. Coco got what she dreamed of - fame and luxurious life. The price for success was a tragic sacrifice of personal life. Both Etienne and Arthur loved Chanel, but married aristocrats. Arthur Capel's marriage was not successful, and he returned to Chanel again and again, but... On December 22, 1919, Arthur crashed in a car. Chanel was left alone again and, in order to drown out the pain of loss, she threw herself headlong into work.

Immortal style

In an effort to free fashion from unnecessary luxury, Coco started with hats. The milliner removed the ostrich feathers and velvet from them. And then she took up outerwear. First collection women's clothing from Chanel are practical, comfortable and revolutionary things of their kind. "Sailor suit" for beach holiday- vest, wide light trousers, beret - were sewn from body-friendly knitwear, which was previously used only for underwear. Chanel also came up with a straight silhouette without a waist, but with a scarf or belt on the hips and a neckline similar to the collar of a men's shirt. This is how the chemizier dress, or shirt dress, appeared in the arsenal of fashionistas.

Chanel was accused of “robbing” the stronger sex and reshaping male English classic style for women. Instead of ruffles, frills, bows, corsets and dresses with bustles, Coco offered shirts and ties, trousers, jackets, jackets, knitted pullovers, and leather jockey jackets. In addition, Chanel dared to “bring into the light” jewelry, short haircuts and tanning. The culmination of Chanel's style was the little black dress, created in 1926. This was an outfit from Chanel's childhood: the pupils of the orphanage where she grew up wore black dresses with a small white collar. Impeccable proportions, ascetic simplicity of cut, sophistication of fabric, restrained colors - Coco turned the color of mourning and poverty into a symbol of elegance and taste.

“Fashion goes out of fashion,” Coco said, “style never does.”

Great Mademoiselle and Mistress

Chanel was surrounded by many famous Russian emigrants: Sergei Diaghilev, Igor Stravinsky (in the summer of 1920 they experienced a short but stormy romance). Chanel won the heart of Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich Romanov, nephew of Nicholas II.

Dmitry Romanov later married a rich American woman, but this relationship brought Chanel a famous brainchild, which turned into millions of dollars in income. Dmitry arranged for Coco a meeting with the perfumer, a Frenchman of Russian origin, Ernest Beaux. Beau, according to Chanel, created a mixed floral scent, which no one had ever done before. Of several options for future perfumes, the customer chose fragrance number five. It is symbolic that Coco considered this figure lucky for herself and showed new collections to the public only on the fifth. This is how the legendary Chanel No. 5 perfume was born.

Chanel turned forty-two when a new aristocratic admirer appeared in her life. The Duke of Westminster was extravagant and fabulously rich. He was crazy about Chanel, but Coco refused his marriage proposal: “There are many duchesses, but there is only one Coco Chanel!” She did not want to sacrifice the Fashion House for the sake of a title and marriage and remained a great mademoiselle.

But Coco’s most mysterious novel is her relationship with Walter Schellenberg, the head of S.S. intelligence. Chanel volunteered to become a mediator in the German peace negotiations with the Allies, but Operation Fashionable Hat failed. After the liberation of France, Coco was expelled from the country for collaborating with the occupiers, and the lovers left for Switzerland. Chanel cared for Schellenberg until his death in 1952.

Discipline is the elixir of youth

Coco Chanel argued that a woman’s beauty does not depend on the age and price of a dress, but on her lifestyle, manners, grooming and spiritual harmony: “At twenty your face is given to you by nature, at thirty life sculpts it, but at fifty you must earn it yourself.” The best way looking good, according to Chanel, is a favorite thing: “Only work gives courage to the spirit, and the spirit, in turn, takes care of the fate of the body.” It is not surprising that Chanel has always been in excellent professional shape: she presented her last collection when she was over eighty.

After hard work, Coco allowed herself periods of complete idleness in the country house, enjoying fresh air, freedom and solitude. Chanel enjoyed fishing, growing flowers, taking care of the neighborhood dogs, and riding horseback. By the way, Mademoiselle was a “lark” and strictly followed the daily routine, devoting at least seven to eight hours to sleep: “After a sleepless night, you won’t create anything worthwhile during the day. Going to bed after midnight means not sparing yourself. Personally, after twelve o'clock nothing interests me at all. Spare yourself for your own sake. Spare your ears, spare your eyes, spare your thoughts. What have you heard after midnight that you would consider more valuable than your own sleep? This is just what you have heard one way or another, and moreover, a hundred times...”. Coco considered alcohol and excess eating to be the enemies of beauty. Until old age, she maintained her girlish slimness, preferring a diet of vegetables, fruits, and fish. Chanel's only unhealthy weakness was constant smoking.

Today you probably won’t find anyone who doesn’t know the famous Chanel No. 5 perfume. Many people have heard about Coco Chanel , but only a few know her biography and.

This talented woman went through a difficult journey, she fell, but got up and moved forward again.

The success story of Coco Chanel is very complicated and I suggest getting to know this amazing woman.

The difficult story of the charming Coco Chanel

The real name of the famous fashion trendsetter is Gabrielle, and Coco(fr. Coco Chanel, real name Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel, French. Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel, date of birth August 19, 1883, Saumur - January 10, 1971, Paris) is her pseudonym.

She was born into a family of simple and not very rich French merchants. The girl was an illegitimate child and had sisters and brothers.

Gabrielle's mother died when the baby was only 12 years old. It must be said that the girl’s father did not want to raise her and decided to send all his children to an orphanage.

After this, the baby never met her father.

The girl always hoped that one day her father would come and take her, but the miracle never happened.

Gabrielle continued to live in her own world in the orphanage; she dreamed that someday she could become successful.

When the future trendsetter was in an orphanage, she had to constantly wear a standard black uniform. It was this form that became the prototype of the famous little black dress.

At the age of 20, Gabrielle left the orphanage; she never again remembered the time she spent here. The girl got a job in the city Moulin, she became a lingerie sales assistant.

In parallel with this, Chanel was engaged in sewing children's and women's clothing. The entrepreneur who hired her was very pleased.

It is necessary to mention that Gabrielle’s resting place was one of the cabarets in which it was allowed to sing songs. Beloved for the future great woman became a song "Soso", as a result of which Chanel received her famous nickname.

The first man with whom Coco decided to live together was a rich man Etienne Balsan. She thought that her life would change dramatically thanks to her rich roommate. But for Etienne Chanel became only a mistress (and then for a short time), and not a beloved woman.

Three years later Gabriel I met this man's friend. Englishman Arthur Caple(he had the nickname Boy) helped Coco Chanel learn for the first time in her life what real luck is.

The business was a success, and after some time Gabrielle opened her first atelier. It was then that Chanel discovered the entrepreneur woman in herself and began to realize her plans.

This lady was able to change attitudes towards designers not only in France, but throughout the world: she became part of high society.

Innovations in the fashion world of Coco Chanel

The entrepreneur from Coco turned out to be successful, but it didn’t last very long. During the war, the trendsetter closed her shops, but continued to love her business.

A little later, the famous woman will offer her clients various new things. It was she who brought into fashion women's pants, simple blouses that appearance were like shirts, straight knee-length skirts.

Fashionistas abandoned fluffy dresses and long skirts, and preferred simple things from Coco Chanel.

Perfume is an invisible, but unforgettable and unsurpassed accessory. It notifies you when a woman appears and continues to remind you of her when she has left.

IN 50s her style became popular not only in France, but throughout Europe. This lady suggested not styling your hair in intricate hairstyles, but making short and stylish haircuts.

To innovations from Chanel can include a woman's suit, a flirty hat, and high heels, and handbags on a chain, and now popular perfumes "Chanel No. 5" .

She herself dressed the way she liked, and recommended that other women do the same.

Let me give you an example Coco followed by those ladies who were successful, independent and self-confident.

Social circle of the popular Chanel

It should be noted that Chanel had many fans and lovers. But she was never able to find her soul mate with whom she could live until old age.

Coco devoted herself more to creativity, and work became her main and main meaning of life. Many famous men wanted to meet Chanel because they were curious about how a simple woman could become so successful.

She knew the great Pablo Picasso, with a talented composer Igor Stravinsky, with famous playwright Jean Cocteau. Coco had an affair with a Russian prince Dmitry Diaghilev.

He helped the fashion trendsetter feel life in a new way, and to some extent contributed to the success of Chanel.

Among Mademoiselle's friends was Salvador Dali, and politician Winston Churchill, And Marlene Dietrich, and other famous people.

Coco Chanel managed to become a rich, successful, respected woman. She created simple, but so elegant and feminine things. She was able to become a good entrepreneur and one of the brightest French personalities.

Chanel died of a heart attack in 1971, at that time she was 87 years old. After her death, her fashion house did not experience the best better times, but began his work again under the leadership of Karl Lagerfeld.

Today there are various legends and rumors about Coco Chanel, but still this woman is a style icon. She made such a big contribution to the fashion industry, giving all of herself to the work she loved.

The legendary woman said that...

Everything is in our hands, so they can not be omitted.

This quote should become a staple for both entrepreneurs and all successful people.

Here's the story. What do you think of this little success story? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Aphorisms and quotes from Coco Chanel in pictures

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With respect and faith in success - Nikolay Yakimenko

Coco Chanel - success story and biography

Coco Chanel (French: Coco Chanel).

Coco Chanel - her real name is Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel.
Chanel was born on August 19, 1883. It seems unnecessary to say that Chanel was a French fashion designer whose inspiration and modernism made her one of the most famous in the history of fashion of the 20th century - everyone knows about this.

It all started in the small town of Saumur, where Chanel’s parents ended up - Albert Chanel and Jeanne Devol. Coco's father was a traveling merchant and did not sit in one place. For some time, his parents were not legally married - he needed a girlfriend, but not a wife. Jeanne did not have this opinion, she loved Albert, and her love was so strong that, most likely, it was no longer just love, but a disease. She could not part with Albert, no matter what the cost. Zhanna had to earn money to support the constantly arriving family members through hard work: work in the kitchen, piles of laundry. She had to fight to get a place in the kitchen, a place as an ironer or a maid. Her health was melting away, but she was ready to endure everything just to be near her husband. Jeanne died when Gabrielle was only six years old. And then her father left her with her brothers and sisters. From that moment on, Gabrielle was in the care of either relatives or in the orphanage to which she was sent when she was 12 years old. At the age of 18, Coco, with the help of a charity organization, ended up in a boarding school for children from noble families. And then she got a job as a salesperson in a fabric store in the city of Moulins. She dreamed of becoming a singer and in her free time in the Rotunda cafe she sang the songs “The One Who Saw Coco” and “Ko-Ko-Ri-Ko.” That's when they called her Coco.

Soon Chanel met the wealthy heir Etienne Balzan. He had an estate near Paris where he bred horses. She agreed to his offer to become his mistress - she had long wanted to move to Paris and, moreover, Gabrielle knew that she had to pay for everything in life. It was here that she became an excellent horsewoman and began making her amazing hats, which captivated everyone with their novelty and charm. And it was here that she realized how women bow down to men, trying to please, and losing the battle.

Coco decided for herself that she would emerge victorious from any battle. As a child, she lacked love, she was surrounded by indifference - all this left its mark. And Gabrielle learned to fight and win, and most importantly, she learned to sew. And no matter what she did - a hat or clothes that fit her so well that you didn’t have to think about it - everything attracted the attention of others. And then Chanel realized that she had something in her that should be used, that is, the gift of creative thought, and most importantly, the ability to survive.

Balzan was succeeded by Arthur Capel, a wealthy coal-mining heir and excellent businessman who died in 1919 in a car accident. He helped her become a businesswoman. In 1910, she opened her first store in Paris, selling women's hats, and a year later her fashion house opened on Rue Cambon, where it is still located.

Simplicity and luxury were in Chanel's creations. She managed to remove the corset from the consciousness of women, took advantage of masculine elegance to create in the women's wardrobe such free and necessary things as men's cut shirts, ties, riding trousers, jackets, which had severity and at the same time charm, superiority and humility. In 1918, Chanel expanded her enterprise. She wowed with an evening dress made of black lace and tulle, embroidered with beads, and a dress-coat ensemble made of beige jersey. It all seemed simple, but at the same time luxurious - a real miracle of tailoring.

“Fashion is something that exists not only in clothes. Fashion is in the air. It is connected with our thoughts and our way of life, with what is happening around us.”

Her best creations: the little black dress, which, in 1926, the American magazine Vogue equated with the popularity of the Ford car and called it the “Ford” of fashion, cascades of pearls on a simple string, two-tone shoes, pumps, a fitted jacket, a white camellia silks that became symbols of her brand. Her jewelry had a stunning effect, combining the luxury of emeralds or pearls with the finest of her own costume jewelry. The combination of precious stones with artificial ones was a bold discovery, which she used as luxurious jewelry.

Her brooches are made of multi-colored glass and over the shoulder produced a stunning effect; they were later produced by various fashion companies around the world. They are still considered classics, and fashionistas are willing to pay decent sums for them.
Her little black dress could be worn day or evening, adding a string of pearls or other accessories.

The ideas that she created at the beginning of the twentieth century have remained eternal because elegance defies the influence of time. The motto of the appearance of her models was simplicity and mobility. Chanel made many of her discoveries by spying on this or that image or some element among folk clothing. For example, Russian style with embroidery and fur trim, geometric patterns, rubberized raincoats, the model of which she saw, seeing her in the clothes of her driver. She was the first to use knitwear in women's wardrobe.

Chanel was in friendly relations with many people of art: Picasso, Diaghilev, Stravinsky, Salvador Dali, Jean Cocteau and did not remain aloof from the avant-garde movement. But she never changed her principles. For her, a hat in the shape of a telephone or a skirt in which one could not walk, but only mince, were unacceptable. Therefore, what was later called the “Chanel look” meant an uncompromising view of fashion, where there is moderation and convenience in everything and no extremes. “You always need to clean, remove everything unnecessary. There is no need to add anything... There is no other beauty except the freedom of the body...” Having become a fashion designer, she felt satisfaction and believed that she had won when her ideas were picked up by the street, and her models were worn by ordinary people. Her principles were to create simple, strict models with clear lines, models that emphasize strengths and hide flaws.

Chanel provided financial support to many artists. For example, she financed some productions of the Russian Ballet, supported the composer Igor Stravinsky for many years, and helped pay the costs of treatment for Jean Cocteau.
The dexterity with which she knew how to add chic to any product showed not only taste, but above all the ability to “make something out of nothing.”

Her clients learned to please by going against existing fashion. Gabrielle had no shortage of ideas, and she knew how to sell, just like her father and grandfather in their time. Gabrielle inherited family qualities - she was hardy at work. Work and achieve success... Chanel did not draw her models, she created them with scissors and pins, directly on the models. A few movements of her hands were enough for her to create luxury from formless matter. Sometimes ideas came to her in a dream, she woke up and started working.

She worked 12-14 hours a day and demanded the same from her colleagues. Not everyone was able to endure such work. Chanel possessed a combination of aristocracy and, at the same time, a tough business acumen. When she set a goal for herself, she always achieved it. According to rough estimates, in the 20s and 30s her modeling business brought in $200-300 thousand a year.

Chanel was a great artist. She wanted to create not only new silhouettes, but also bring new sensations to life. Many years later it would be called a “lifestyle.”
Coco Chanel, one of the representatives of high fashion, was included in the list of the hundred most influential people XX century.
She celebrated her fortieth anniversary with the release of a completely new perfume, which does not contain the smell of just one flower. She was assisted in this by Grand Duke Dmitry and Russian emigrant perfumer Ernest Bo.

The Second World War began. In 1940, she had to turn to a German diplomat to help out her nephew, who was captured. She had known the diplomat for a long time. And when he helped her, her affection for him increased even more. At the end of the war, circumstances were such that Chanel had to leave France for almost eight long years. She was accused not only of having a love affair with a German baron, but also of contacts with the head of the department foreign intelligence Germany Schellenberg, assistant to SS commander Heinrich Himmler.

She was threatened with arrest. Winston Churchill himself stood up for Chanel, who once wrote about her in his diary: “The famous Coco arrived, and I admired her. This is one of the smartest and most charming, the most Strong woman I've ever had to deal with."
Chanel closed all her boutiques and left for Switzerland.

From there she followed the changes taking place in the fashion world. New couturiers appeared, such as Hubert de Givenchy and others. Chanel was 71 years old when she returned to Paris and offered her collection. But the show of her models took place in complete silence from the public. Chanel wanted to prove to everyone that fashion changes, but style remains, but the press said that she did not offer anything new. But not everyone understands that elegance is eternal. Chanel improved her models, and a year later almost all fashionistas considered it an honor to dress by Chanel. The famous Chanel suit has become immortal; you feel comfortable and free in it, and this is also thanks to the correctly selected fabric - light tweed. The suit guarantees reliability in all situations.

Chanel handbags, shoes and jewelry have become classic. In the 60s she collaborated with Hollywood studios. Chanel fashion will not become outdated because it contains Chanel’s philosophical concept: “You don’t have to be young and beautiful to look great.”
Chanel left our world on Sunday, January 10, 1971, at the age of 88, in a room at the Ritz Hotel in Paris. Time Magazine estimated her annual income at $160 million.
However, she never extolled wealth or praised money. Chanel found among prominent artists those friends whom she was proud of. Although her life was completely subordinated to work - creating clothes, the most important thing for her remained love. What is striking about her is not only the success she achieved, not only her popularity, but also the fact that she managed to remain mysterious. Incomprehensible Chanel...

Like Chanel, her sign is immortal: two intersecting letters C - Coco Chanel and a white camellia on a black satin bow.

Since 1983, he has been running the Chanel fashion house and Karl Lagerfeld is its chief designer.

Chanel was a connoisseur of beauty, knew how to create beautiful things, and thanks to this, her apartment in Paris looks like a real museum. In addition to beautiful mirrors, there are many books in the apartment, it probably couldn’t have been otherwise, because Chanel was very wise woman, who left behind not only handbags and perfumes, but also many aphorisms.

Coco Chanel Quotes

There are people who have money and there are rich people.

Stupid women try to impress men by dressing eccentrically. And men
it's scary, they can't stand eccentricities. They like it when
look back at their women because they are beautiful.

Women can look funny. Of course I'm talking about a few
women. A funny man is a complete loser if he is not a genius.

Where should you perfume yourself? Where you want to be kissed.

Weak people tend to brag about the benefits they can give
It's just a matter of chance for them.

At twenty years old we look the way nature intended; at thirty -
as we would like it ourselves; but by the age of fifty we get that
the face you deserve.

True generosity is to overlook ingratitude.

You pay for love in installments, and most of the time, alas, when the love is already over.

Fashion, like architecture, is a matter of proportions.

Every woman has the age she deserves.

To be irreplaceable, you need to change all the time.

A well-cut dress suits any woman. Dot!

Don't marry men with little money.

I judge people by how they spend their money. Money is not an end in itself, but the fact that a person has not made a mistake.

The beautiful remains, the beautiful passes.

To remain indispensable, you don’t have to be like others.

The best thing about love is doing it.

If you want to have something you've never had, you'll have to do something you've never done.

We need beauty to be loved by men; and stupidity - so that we love men.

Everything is in our hands, so they can not be omitted.

Self-care must start from the heart, otherwise nothing will help.
