Mod for Skyrim high vampires. The best mods for vampires in Skyrim

Dedicated to all Vampire: The Masquerade fans.
The plugin completely changes the vampirism system, transferring it to the Vampire: The Masquerade setting.
A few days after infection, you will wake up in the castle of the ruler of Skyrim, where you will have to choose your clan. If you are already a vampire, the mistress will definitely send you a letter inviting you to join the vampire community.
After conversion, your Sire will grant you three points of experience, which you can distribute among clan disciplines.
Quests, Clans, Disciplines and books for the game Vampire: The Masquerade. Become a ruler or commander, collect the book sacred to vampires - the Book of Nod, find out the history of vampires and the secret of their origin.

Skyrim 1.9, Dawnguard, (for MCM)

One of the hallmarks of difference among the damned is age and generation, how far removed the vampire is from his ancestor. To gain any status, young vampires must prove their worth to the elders.
As a rule, status is assigned with age, based on this, the higher the status, the stronger the vampire and the more experience he needs to study the Disciplines.

Generation - the degree of distance from the first of the vampires.
Generation determines the power of a vampire and the maximum supply of blood in his body.
Low generation is an indicator of your Sire's power or dangerous addiction to diablerie.
With age, serious changes occur in a vampire, namely, the vampire craves thicker and spicy blood, the blood of other vampires, so be careful.

Torpor, madness, hunger and sunshine
Torpor is a state of sleep close to death. Once in torpor, a vampire cannot do anything until a certain period of time has passed.
You can fall into Torpor from prolonged starvation or serious injuries.

Madness - a vampire consumed by rage or hunger completely surrenders to the primitive aspects of his nature, he becomes the Beast.
While frenzied, the vampire gains a bonus to melee and melee damage.

Hunger is a thirst for blood that consumes a vampire, replacing other desires with its call.
A hungry vampire is extremely susceptible to madness, and his eloquence is also reduced.

Sunlight causes severe burns and eventual death in the vampire.
In sunlight, health, magic and stamina are not restored.

Path of Blood
A moral code that allows vampires to remain clear-headed in the face of temptation or pain.
Having taken this path, the vampire is no longer guided by the views of the living and human morality.

Path of the Beast
The moral code, perhaps the most ancient of all, allows vampires to achieve harmony in their relationship with the beast within.
Those who take this path divide the whole world into predators and prey, enemies and allies, leaving no room in it for anything else.

The clans represented are Assamites, Brujah, Ventrue, Gangrel, Cappadocians, Malkavians, Nosferatu, Toreador, Tremere and Tzimisce, each with their own talents and disciplines. Read the readme for details.

There are a total of 34 tasks in the mod. Detailed description with a list of quest givers is given in the readme.

1. The more blood a vampire drinks, the more experience and vampiric disciplines he gains.
2. A vampire's blood supply determines how much vitae is in his body. Maximum amount A vampire's blood points depend on his generation.
3. The vampire takes one blood point from his supply every day.
4. Blood is spent to apply certain vampire disciplines and regenerate the vampire's undead flesh.
5. The blood of animals and corpses is not as nutritious as the blood of people, in addition, the vampire does not gain experience by feeding on such blood, but can quench his thirst and replenish his blood supply.
6. Vampires of the Nosferatu clan are easily satisfied by feeding on lower animals.
7. Every vampire adheres to a certain moral code. Humanity shows how much a vampire can deny his identity and how well he can pass for a mortal. The ways of Blood and the Beast deny human morality.
8. As the vampire deviates from his moral code, he gets closer and closer to the night when he finally loses control of himself.
9. Experienced vampires try not to drink all the blood from the victim, so as not to lose the remnants of their humanity.
10. Some vampires impose blood bonds on mortals, thereby creating loyal vassals for themselves who will serve them and on whom they can feed.
11. Bottles of human blood quench a vampire's thirst for blood, but they cannot be used to gain experience.
12. Immortality protects vampires from aging and death, but removes everything recovery processes living body. Potions and mortal food no longer restore health, only blood. Magic healing reduced by 80%.
13. Daytime sleep restores the vampire’s strength and health.
14. A vampire is forced to fight with his inner beast; excessive diet can lead to bloody madness.
15. Vampires are undead; undead do not breathe and can remain underwater for an unlimited time.
16. Vampires are dark creatures and cannot receive the blessing of the gods.

What's new in version 1.72f()

  • - fixed a bug that occurred when receiving approval from an elder in the quest “New Master” (Abraham did not see that you have Power).
  • - in the quest “Blood of a Virgin,” the method of collecting blood was changed, the ability to forcibly pump out her blood was also added, now you no longer have to go through the poor woman’s pockets (sometimes the victim did not go to bed, or the blood did not always appear in her inventory).
  • - in the “Test” quest for the Cappadocian clan, the ability to pay off the quest has been added.
  • - Mortis - Path of Reviving Corpses: The lifespan of raised corpses has been increased (they now suck your blood more slowly).
  • - all sorts of little things.

Dawnguard, SkSE and SkyUI (MCM) if you want to customize the mod.
1) The abilities of a regular vampire and lord now develop along with your level;
2) Customizable strengths the vampire and his weaknesses;
3) Assigning hotkeys to all spells and abilities;
4) Game balance is the priority of this mod;
5) How to eat and when is up to you to decide;
6) Availability of fixes for unique races;
7) New spells, talents (effects, textures and sounds);
8) Turning characters into vampires, turning them into your companions;
9) Many additional options to create the atmosphere of a Skyrim vampire's life
Life of a Vampire:
1) The influence of the type of food and the number of victims whose blood you have already drunk
You can be at the peak of your strength, being well-fed or, on the contrary, experiencing a strong thirst for blood.
2) The influence of stored blood points on vampire progress
This option is available if you have chosen reverse development progress. Each blood meal will earn you blood points
3) Changing parameters in the stages of vampirism
The vampire's abilities, strengths and weaknesses will change according to the following level categories: 1-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50+.
4) Knowledge is power
A detailed description of the stage of vampirism in the "Active Effects" category is equipped with a counter that works in real game time.
5) The influence of diet on the abilities of a vampire
Regular nutrition will increase vampirism, you will have access to more powerful attacks, increased resistance and many other abilities.
6) Hatred from the inhabitants of Skyrim
You can choose the stage (full saturation/hunger/constant) at which you will become recognized as a vampire
7) Photophobia
Taking damage from the sun's rays can be made realistic.
8) Vulnerability to silver
This metal can burn through a vampire's flesh and cause the blood in his veins to clot.
9) Vampire business
If a potential victim is asleep, paralyzed, under the effects of seduction, on the verge of life and death, or has already died, the vampire will not fail to drain such a blood carrier.
10) Highest vampire rank
Upon reaching the Leader rank, the Velvet Blood option will allow you to drink the blood of other vampires and receive bonuses to your skills.
11) Combat advantage
If in battle your health level is higher than that of a stunned opponent, then at a certain distance you will be able to bite him.
12) Blood vessels
This mod has its own blood storage system.
13) Converted victims
A vampire can turn his victim into his likeness
14) The end of the vampire's unlife
After the death of a vampire, only ashes will remain from him (can be disabled).
100% resistance to poisons and diseases.
- Spells from the school of illusion are 25% stronger (not related to the standard game skill).
- You are 10% harder to detect (not related to the standard game skill).
- Vampires can stay underwater for an unlimited time.
- Increase in carried weight (by 20-100 units depending on the level).
- The height of the jump increases with the rank of the vampire (by 100-250 units). Does not work if the vampire is in direct sunlight (requires SkSE; can be disabled).
- The reduction in damage from falling from a height (from 20 to 45 units) increases with vampire rank.
- Evasion from power attacks increases with vampire rank. Does not work with penalties enabled (if the vampire is in direct sunlight).
- Sunlight Resistance allows the vampire to regenerate health and stamina outside of direct sunlight. Depends on the rank and degree of saturation (1-10%).
Embrace of Terror
You must sneak up unnoticed to paralyze the victim with terror for 10 seconds and feed on it.
Gift of Curse
Allows you to turn a drunk victim into a vampire
Mortal Form
Hide your vampire essence from others
Chiaroscuro refraction
For 10-30 seconds (depending on the player's level), you can interact with the environment and attack while invisible (similar to the chameleon spell from Morrowind).
Vampire sucking
Takes away the target's health and stamina and transfers them to the vampire.
Servant of the Vampire
Raises a powerful dead man to serve you
Healing vampirism
Allows you to heal any character you turn into a vampire
Aura vision
Creatures, dead people, automata and daedra located nearby (at a distance of 100-500 units depending on the level) are visible through any obstacles.
Vampire vision
Essentially a night eye. In stealth mode, while maintaining the spell, vampire night vision is activated.
Creatures and people do not attack for 10 seconds. The ability can be used to hypnotize and feed on victims you sneak up on.
You can control the minds of creatures or people
Vampire Mind Blast
All targets within 12-20 feet are paralyzed for 1-4 seconds. (both parameters depend on the player's level).
Summon Creatures
You can summon creatures that will follow you and attack your enemies.
frost cloud
Freezes the victim with an icy gust of wind.
Ice Flesh
Your vampire flesh stops reacting to the cold.
Bloody splash
In a desperate situation, once a day you can resort to energy reserves from previous feedings
Misty Veil
Summons foggy weather and blocks sun damage
Shadow Guide
Allows you to become a cloud of fog for 10 minutes, increases movement speed
Lightning Attack
The vampire appears behind the victim (at a distance of 50-200 units depending on rank) and attacks him from the rear.
Unholy Grasp
Supernatural abilities allow you (for 2-4 seconds) to lift your victim into the air, pull him towards you and throw him away.
Conflicts will be caused by mods that change the "VampireFeed" perk and the "PlayerVampireQuest" quest.
Recommended mods:
1) Project Reality – Climates of Tamriel
2) Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival
3) Realistic Needs and Diseases (install the specified mod first, then vampires, allow files to be overwritten when prompted)
4) Lustmord Vampire Armor
5) Predator Vision – Vampire and Werewolf
6) DVA Dynamic Vampire Appearance (install the specified mod first, then vampires, allow files to be overwritten when prompted)
Installation recommendations
It is highly advisable to use a mod manager like NMM. If you want to install the mod manually, copy all the files from the folder to the Data folder 00 Required (loose files) - they are required. Then select ONE esp. Options: Dawnguard dependent or not.
Optional files: compatibility patch for Royal Bloodline and patch for changing the vampire lord's mass spell to a target one.

Version: 7.0
Language: Russian

- Description -

The mod adds to the game the ability to play as a vampire and a huge number of vampire capabilities, their abilities and new spells. There is its own system of development and improvement of the vampire’s skills and abilities.
New features are being added:

  • Turning NPCs into vampires and curing them of vampirism. Any converted NPC gets the opportunity to become your partner
  • Summoning creatures (from 1 to 3) to help you for a while
  • You can temporarily bring a dead man back to life and force him to fight on your side.
  • 100% resistance to poison and disease
  • Illusion spells are 25% more powerful,
  • Vampire Strength increases his carrying capacity (from 20 to 100 pounds depending on level)
  • As you develop, your evasion of blows, jump height, immunity to falling, etc. increase.
  • A vampire's vision expands your senses. You will become more aware of the world around you. You will be able to feel the pulse and aura of life forms and objects around you (living beings, undead, machines, creatures).
  • And a lot more. About these and other abilities

- Update history -

Version 7.0

  • Both versions of the mod now support the unofficial Skyrim patch and the unofficial Dawnguard patch.
  • Added compatibility patch for Requiem! ATTENTION: The game will crash if you do not have both mods installed! Better Vampires.esp should be loaded after Requiem.esp, and the patch should be below Better Vampires.esp in the download list. It is recommended not to include feeding on the dead and extracting blood - this is already established in Requiem. Hunger messages are also disabled because... they are duplicated in Requiem.
  • Updated the Royal Bloodline compatibility patch so you can now use Light Reflection and Blood Ward in Vampire Lord form.
  • Updated AoE VL Drain patch, (minor changes)
  • VL Drain now affects Daedra.
  • You can now create servants! If the victim is bleeding, sleeping, or under the influence of the vampire's seduction, you can enslave him and turn him into your personal vampire minion. If possible, he can become your companion and you can leave him wherever you want. Not available in mod version WITHOUT Dawnguard.
  • The Vampire Lord will no longer make the sound of footsteps while walking or running when taking the form of mist.
  • Added an option to MCM to mute the heartbeat sound while Vampire Vision is activated. Sometimes this interferes with dialogue with NPCs.

Version 6.9

  • New MCM option (on troubleshooting page) to improve compatibility with other mods that adjust attack speed. This helps eliminate insanely fast weapon swings. The Perma patch is no longer needed. Thanks raulfin!
  • Added a new spell: Bloody Ward. It acts like a regular protection spell, but in addition to using mana, the caster’s blood is also used to maintain it; If you have blood points enabled, your blood supply will decrease while the spell is active. It will increase your defense to 40-70 units and absorb 40-70 units of magic damage depending on your vampire rank.

- Requirements -

The mod requires the SKSE and SkyUI add-ons, as some functions will become unavailable without them. Installing them is highly recommended. Setting up with MCM is easier and more advanced, has many reference information and helps you understand the nuances of the mod.

If you still want to install the modification manually, follow these steps (always agreeing to replace the files):
1) Copy all the contents from the "00 Required (loose files)" folder to your Skyrim\Data directory.
2) Select ONLY ONE .esp file from one of the "01 ..." folders and copy it to the Skyrim\Data directory. The versions differ:
- Dawnguard compatible
- Without Dawnguard
3) For compatibility between Better Vampires and Royal Bloodline, copy the file BVandRB_Formlist.esp from folder 02 BVandRB_Formlist to the Data folder with the game installed.
4) For compatibility between Better Vampires and Requiem, copy the file Requiem - Better Vampires Patch.esp from the 04 Requiem - Better Vampires Patch folder to the Data folder with the game installed.
5) To adjust the area of ​​effect of the Vampire Lord's draining attack, copy the file VL No AoE Drain.esp from the 03 VL No AoE Drain folder to the Data folder with the game installed. This will cause him to only suck blood from his intended victim and not from the crowd.
6) Connect mods in the download list.
7) Use LOOT to distribute mods in in the right order downloads.
8) Open the MSM, troubleshooting page and click on the "Reset" button of Sanguinare Vampiris.
9) Set up the mod using MSM.
10) In step 7 you were infected with Sanguinare Vampiris. Heal from it if you want to remain human, or wait 3 days to become a stage 1 vampire.

More details about updating from older versions and deleting are described in the file Better Vampires 7.0_RUS.txt in the archive with the mod.

Inside the archive there is a complete guide describing all the features of the modification, the procedure for installing, uninstalling and configuring it. One way or another, the player will need the original game, version no lower than 1.9, the official add-on for Dawnguard vampires, as well as the latest versions of SKSE and SkyUI.

It is best to use a modification installation manager (NMM or similar), but you can make changes to the game manually by copying all the files from the 00 Required (loosefiles) folder to the Data directory, and then selecting only one esp file, which will determine Will the mod be based on the Dawnguard DLC?

What changes does the mod make?

Having decided download mod for Skyrim for vampires on our website via a direct link or via TORRENT, you will have the opportunity to significantly improve your character’s vampirism skills. In particular, the skills inherent in the assassin's playstyle, mastery of certain weapons and defense will improve.

In addition, you can configure the ability to breathe endlessly under water, assign completely new skills, and even set resistance to the sun. Gradual character development with increasing rank will add dynamism and consistency to the game.

You can make your vampire almost invincible, or, on the contrary, you can weaken him to complicate the game. Everything you need for such interesting manipulations - download modification for Skyrim for vampires and install it...

Author: BrehaninBetter Vampires is an extensive modification of vampirism for Skyrim. Its goal is to maintain balance and provide more comfortable game vampires Thanks to the flexibility of the settings of this mod, you can choose only what interests you. Numerous options will change your habitual attitude towards vampirism for the better. Requirements: Skyrim Optional: Dawnguard, SkSE and SkyUI (MCM) if you want to customize the mod. Features: 1) The abilities of a regular vampire and lord now develop along with your level; 2) Ability settings for the strengths of the vampire and his weaknesses;3) Assigning hotkeys to all spells and abilities;4) Game balance is the priority of this mod;5) How to eat and when is up to you;6) Availability of fixes for unique races;7) New spells, talents (effects, textures and sounds); 8) Turning characters into vampires, turning them into your companions; 9) Many additional options for creating the atmosphere of a Skyrim vampire's life Vampire life: 1) The influence of the type of food and the number of victims whose blood you already have drank You can be at the peak of your strength, being well-fed or, on the contrary, experiencing a strong thirst for blood. 2) The influence of stored blood points on vampire progress This option is available if you have chosen the opposite progression of development. Each blood feeding will bring you blood points 3) Changing parameters in the stages of vampirism The abilities, strengths and weaknesses of the vampire will change according to the following level categories: 1-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50+.4) Knowledge - strengthDetailed description The stages of vampirism in the "Active effects" category are equipped with a counter that works in real game time.5) The influence of diet on the abilities of a vampire Regular nutrition will increase vampirism, more powerful attacks, increased resistance and many other abilities will become available to you.6) Hatred from the inhabitants of Skyrim You can choose the stage (full saturation/hunger/constant) at which you become recognized as a vampire7) PhotophobiaReceiving damage from sunlight can be made realistic.8) Vulnerability to SilverThis metal can burn through the flesh of a vampire and cause the blood in his veins to clot.9) Vampiric Providence If a potential victim is asleep, paralyzed, under the effect of seduction, on the verge of life and death, or has already died, the vampire will not fail to drain such a blood carrier. 10) Highest vampire rank When reaching the rank of "Leader", the "Velvet Blood" option will allow you to drink the blood of other vampires and receive bonuses to your skills.11) Combat advantageIf in battle your health level is higher than that of a stunned opponent, then at a certain distance you will be able to bite him. 12) Vessels with blood This mod has its own blood storage system. 13) Converted victims A vampire can turn his victim into his likeness 14) The end of a vampire's unlife After the death of a vampire, only ashes will remain from him (can be turned off). Miscellaneous 100% resistance to poisons and diseases. - Spells of the school illusions are 25% stronger (not related to the standard game skill). - You are 10% more difficult to detect (not related to the standard game skill). - Vampires can stay underwater for an unlimited time. - Increase in carry weight (by 20-100 units per depending on the level).- The height of the jump increases with the rank of the vampire (by 100-250 units). Does not work if the vampire is in direct sunlight (requires SkSE; can be disabled). - Fall damage reduction (from 20 to 45 units) increases with vampire rank. - Evasion from power attacks increases with vampire rank. Does not work with penalties enabled (if the vampire is in direct sunlight). - Sunlight Resistance allows the vampire to regenerate health and stamina outside of direct sunlight. Depends on rank and degree of saturation (1-10%). AbilitiesEmbrace of Terror You must sneak up unnoticed to paralyze the victim with horror for 10 seconds and feed on it. Gift of Curse Allows you to turn a drunk victim into a vampire Mortal Shape Hide your vampire essence from others Refraction of chiaroscuro For 10-30 seconds (depending on the player's level) you can interact with the environment and attack while invisible (similar to the chameleon spell from Morrowind). Vampiric Drain Takes health and stamina from the target and transfers them to the vampire. Servant of the Vampire Raises a powerful dead man to serve you Healing Vampirism Allows you to heal any character , turned into a vampire by you Aura vision Nearby (at a distance of 100-500 units depending on the level) creatures, dead, automata and daedra are visible through any obstacles. Vampire vision Essentially a night eye. In stealth mode, while maintaining the spell, vampiric night vision is activated. SeductionCreatures and people do not attack for 10 seconds. The ability can be used to hypnotize and feed on victims you sneak up on. Dominate You can dominate the minds of creatures or people Vampiric Mind Blast All targets in an area of ​​12-20 feet are paralyzed for 1-4 sec. (both parameters depend on the player's level). Summoning Creatures You can summon creatures that will follow you and attack your enemies. Frost CloudFreezes the victim with an icy gust of wind.Icy FleshYour vampiric flesh stops reacting to the cold.Blood SplashIn a desperate situation, once a day you can resort to energy reserves from previous feedingsMist VeilSummons foggy weather and blocks damage from the sunConductor of ShadowsAllows you to become a cloud of fog for 10 minutes, increases speed movement Lightning Attack The vampire gets behind the victim (at a distance of 50-200 units depending on rank) and attacks him from the rear. Unholy Grasp Supernatural abilities allow you (for 2-4 seconds) to lift your victim into the air, pull him towards you and throw him away. Compatibility: Conflicts will cause mods that change the "VampireFeed" perk and the "PlayerVampireQuest" quest. Recommended mods:1) Project Reality – Climates of Tamriel2) Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival3) Realistic Needs and Diseases (install the specified mod first, then vampires, allow files to be overwritten when request)4) Lustmord Vampire Armor5) Predator Vision – Vampire and Werewolf6) DVA Dynamic Vampire Appearance (install the specified mod first, then vampires, allow files to be overwritten when prompted) Installation recommendations It is highly advisable to use a mod manager like NMM. If you want to install the mod manually, copy all the files from the 00 Required (loose files) folder to the Data folder - they are required. Then select ONE esp. Options: with or without Dawnguard dependency. Optional files: compatibility patch for Royal Bloodline and patch for changing the vampire lord's mass spell to a target one.
What's new in version 7.1

Fixed a bug where vulnerability to sunlight would trigger with a certain combination of mod settings for a vampire player in the Aristocrat and Leader ranks.
Mortal Form at the 4th stage of Thirst at 0 blood points will continue to work, but will take away the player’s health.
Vampire Lord's turn to ash now feels more like the same effect as Harkon.
The penalties have been changed so that they are not rewritten in favor of the Requiem mod.
The formula for increasing the destruction skill from vampire drain has been slightly changed.
Minor adjustments for normal functioning of supernatural reflexes.
Added the ability to feed on Falmer blood and also store it.
The sound effect that was heard when changing locations has been removed.
Drain spells now ignore resistance.
Included several changes from the unofficial patch.
Chiaroscuro refraction now lasts 20-40 seconds.
The standard bite sound has been replaced with a new one.

