Silly, smart, reasonable and wise woman - what is she like? There is no cure for stupidity: a selection of statuses, quotes and aphorisms about stupidity Quotes about stupid people and human stupidity.

Anechka, sunshine, there is only hope for you!
“Give me your report,” Anya sighed.
The woman chattered happily:
- There is very little left, fifteen positions. You know our "general", if you don't hand over in time, my bonus cried. And you should have seen the bag I looked at...
The woman enthusiastically talked about the upcoming purchase. Anya listened absently, scribbling down the figures of the report. Her colleague switched from a handbag to boots, then she began to complain about the weather. Anna interrupted her.
- Ready.
- What?
- Your report is ready. I saved it on the server.
- So fast? I'd be fooling around until night. Anna, you are a genius!
The woman kissed Anya on the cheek, and she thought: "That's a fool."
Anya was neither a genius nor a fool. She knew how to plan things so that everything was done on time. From this, it seemed to colleagues that she was not loaded enough. They didn’t have enough time to do everything: smoke, discuss the news, drink coffee, chat on Skype, look at coupons on the Internet. But how many more things to do in the office, especially when the authorities are not around?
Anya was a stranger to this. She appreciated every minute of time, because her whole life flowed according to the schedule. In addition to work and home, there were more items: "shop", "kindergarten", "speech therapist", "dinner" and a session of simultaneous preparation of lessons for the seventh and fourth grades.
Seizing a moment, Anya quickly dialed her husband's number.
- What do you want?
- Can you leave early today?
- What happened?
- Parent meeting at school.
- So go.
- I'm with Misha to the speech therapist.
- You can skip it once.
- Speech therapist?
- Meeting. There is only one talking shop. And they will ask for money. That's it, Anka, I have no time.
Serezha, wait. So when do you...
But the phone is already off. Anya bit her lip.
Lately, all their conversations have been reduced to such snippets. What is happening to him? He gets angry, does not work with children, does not clean the dishes after himself, and does not give money. And at the parent meeting there will be requisitions. How many? Where to get money?
Anya did not tell anyone about her lack of money.

I created poverty, it's my own fault! - Anina's mother insisted.
The confrontation with her mother began 15 years ago, when Anya timidly admitted:
- Serezha and I want to get married ...
- You are pregnant! - the mother laughed and immediately recoiled in horror, because she realized from Anya's eyes that this was so.
- Stupid! How long? Something needs to be done about this!
mother grabbed the chubby notebook, began frantically flipping through it.
- Hungry! What did you think! Give him an apartment in the center! I raised you, I didn’t sleep at night, I blew my nights away, and for what? For what, I ask! So that all this, This, - she repeated, - went to the gopnik of the village?
"It" meant a four-room apartment, a collection of antiques, paintings, and some savings. All that remains of the dead father. The fact that Anya's mother, Nelli Ivanovna, herself was from the village and met the famous artist by chance, when he came to the village to study sketches, has long been forgotten. Nelli Ivanovna never received an education, but she became so well-dressed in artistic circles that many mistook her for a hereditary St. Petersburg aristocrat. Only sometimes the quarrelsome character nevertheless crawled out from under a thick layer of makeup. Anya saw this especially often, but she meekly forgave her mother.
And only on that ill-fated day Anya said "no" to her mother for the first time. She didn't even say. I was afraid. I just packed my bag and quietly, while my mother was in the living room making arrangements with some midwife, slipped out of the house.
- What's here? bricks? - Sergey asked, picking up the bag. He met Anya near the hostel.
- There are textbooks. And notes, - Anya blushed. - All.
And then she clarified:
- I was afraid that my mother would throw it out in hot weather. You know mom. And they are libraries. It's a pity.
And added quite quietly.
- I left the house.
She did not dare to raise her eyes when Sergei hugged her, buried his face in a mop of her hair and said.
- Well, good. We will have our own family. Why are you crying, stupid?
The wedding was celebrated in a hostel, but almost immediately they had to rent a room: Sergey left graduate school and was deprived of the hostel.

Since then, Anya never asked for help from her mother, she was ashamed of her escape and that she did not live up to her mother's hopes.
Nelly Ivanovna was so opposed to her son-in-law that for the first years she did not visit her daughter and even treated her grandchildren with distrust.
- What can be born from this collective farmer?
But over time, Nelly Ivanovna fell under the spell of the boys and already scolded Anya:

Why are you running around your work? You have to sit at home so that the children are always fed and well-groomed. So I raised you, you grew like a flower with me. What about your children?
No matter where she started, Nelli Ivanovna always slipped into her favorite topic:
- I gave you such an upbringing! Attached to the University. Yes, you could marry anyone: a diplomat, politician, artist! I dreamed that you lived somewhere in Italy, on the Mediterranean Sea, and you? Who did you choose?
Yes, I chose. Herself. It happened in the first year of the institute, at some tourist rally. And no one remembered how the three philological young ladies were brought to this gathering.
Anya had just entered student life, everything was new to her. And in the forest, with a tent, it was the first time at all. Bonfires were burning, almost everyone had a guitar rattling. Girlfriends disappeared somewhere, and Anya felt uncomfortable. Around them they drank a lot and indefatigably, for Anya it was wild, but there was no other salvation from the autumn cold. Is it just a fire. She sat down next to one.
“Drink, dude, you’ll get warm in no time,” the eccentric guy with long hair and a ribbon around the head.
Anya glanced at the mug in fear.
- Is that vodka?
- Have mercy, milady! Would I dare to offer you vodka? It's pure alcohol!
Anya smiled when she recognized the quote, the guy's wild appearance no longer frightened her.
- Historical? - inquired the guy.
- Philological.
- First course?
- First.
“You fool, Olegeros, princesses don’t drink alcohol.
It was said in a low, velvety voice that made Anya's heart pound. The speaker was not visible, they were separated by a fire.
- Yeah! They feed on nectar, and then shit on violets, - a lively girl in camouflage gave her voice.
- Liquor? - suggested "hairy".
- Yes of course! You still have our liquor on her. - The girl in camouflage got up. Let's go, Sergei.
- I'll sit still.
- As you wish.
Leaving, the girl kicked the leaves, some of them fell into the fire, a sheaf of sparks soared up. And then the strings rang out. Anino's heart stopped for a moment, and then collapsed into an abyss of incredible tenderness. Tears came out of my eyes. The velvet baritone sang about real men, about friendship and love, about long journeys and storm passes. Anya had never heard such songs before. Already late at night, when only coals remained from the fire, Anya saw the one who sang and bore the beautiful name Sergey. He was a young man with a fairly strong build. His face, illuminated by the soft glow of the fire, seemed to Anya surprisingly handsome.
The party around the fires calmed down by morning, the students went to bed in tents or right in sleeping bags near the fires. Olegeros was the last to leave. He tried to take care of Anya, seduced her with precious liquor, but she seemed not to hear him and the guy gave up.
- Clear victory. She's yours, Comandante.
- Back off.
Anya did not understand what they were talking about, she was worried about something else.
- What are these songs? I have never heard of such.
Sergei was confused.
- Well, mostly mine.
“Are you, too… a philologist?”
Anya wanted to ask “are you writing?”, But she was too shy.
- I'm a civil engineer. Now in graduate school.
- And why Comandante?
Sergei smiled.
- Yes, the nickname stuck. Still in the army.
- Where did you serve?
- In Afghanistan.
- Did you fight? Anna's eyes widened in fear.
- No. Sergei shook his head. - Engineering Troops. Stroybat.
He thought for a moment, as if a shadow had fallen on his face, but then he shook his head merrily. - I am peaceful.
He told Anya a few army tales, and without mentioning a word about the massacre, where he had to visit.

No one appointed him commander. They were just boys under fire. What then worked? Movies about the war that he watched as a child? Or some ancient instinct?
- Squad! Listen to my command...
And they did listen. And they survived this raid. And they stayed alive. Almost all.
Since then, the nickname Comandante has stuck to Sergei.

They talked with Anya for the rest of the night, and closer to dawn they went to some kind of cliff to meet the sun. Anya did not even think about how stupid it was to go into the forest with a completely unfamiliar guy.
The sun was sinking in the mist and did not want to appear. Anya expected him like a miracle, and this miracle happened. With the first ray of sun slashing across her eyes, Sergei pushed back a strand of blond hair from her face and gently kissed her on the lips.
They didn't part again.
* * *
For the next fifteen years they were unreservedly happy. Rental apartment, lack of money, debts - everything seemed insignificant. Anya fell asleep on Serezha's shoulder and woke up happy.
Only now Seryozha has changed.
Anya got used to his business trips, to night work and strong words that were sometimes woven into his speech. Another appeared. Aloofness, not characteristic of him.
There was one more thing. Nina reappeared in their lives. Former Serezha is a girl, the one in camouflage. Over the years, Nina managed to successfully marry twice and now lived in her own country house, not far from St. Petersburg. Recently, repairs have been started in her house and Sergey spent all his weekends there. Anya tried to hint that Seryozha did not need such work, but he rudely cut him off.
- Ninka pays, by the way. During. Both me and the team.
- Her husband is rich, - without thinking, Anya said and Sergey got wound up.
She also has her own business. Here is the head! And you even have a family budget does not converge. You give you money, you give it, and everything flies away somewhere.

"That's because there are more expenses than income. I work too!" Anna wanted to shout. These words stood in her throat like an evil stream, but Anya swallowed them every time. She swallowed all those hurtful words that her mother said to her. Three times a month Nelli Ivanovna graciously visited them to take one of the boys for the weekend. She took them in turn, took them to museums, walked in the park and considered herself an exemplary grandmother. The fourth weekend of the month she had a "day off", Nelli Ivanovna was very tired.
- I can't take all three of them, it's unthinkable! They will destroy my whole apartment! Children need to be supervised. Look what they are wearing! I bought Mishenka new sneakers, he can’t constantly wear out after his brothers. Yes, and what is there to wear? They are so careless with you.
Sergei boiled over such conversations.
- I'll give you the money for the sneakers.
“No need!” Nelli Ivanovna jumped up. - I don't care about the kids. Unlike some. Who never have money. Neither children nor wife. Work in construction and have no money! Some joke.
- I don't steal!
- Found something to be proud of! In our times. You are a husband. And father. Married, so please. Provide. What about children? Nelli Ivanovna turned to Anna again. “They are completely uneducated. Mishenka is almost six, and he still does not read. You need to work with children, take them to circles, in sections. Here you are with me: both in music and in art, and a subscription to the Philharmonic. So much effort, so much money spent on you ...
"And all in vain. Nothing came out of me," Anya thought bitterly. "No talents."

Anya was always afraid to do something wrong, tried her best, but did not live up to the expectations of either the teachers or her mother. And now it turns out that she disappointed Seryozha.

Nina became Serezha's idol. He appreciated her practicality and ability to lead, admired her career. He was silent about appearance, although forty-year-old Nina looked more spectacular than thirty-three-year-old Anna. Nina dressed in bright, rich colors, her black, short hair and long, slightly curved nose made her look beautiful. bird of prey. At first glance, it became clear that she was used to achieving everything she wanted.
Now Nina wanted a guest house on an individual project, and Sergey ran as agreed.
"Why does she need Seryozha? She has a husband and fifty more men under her command. And it's not a problem to find a foreman. Why Sergey?"
Anya did not like all this, but she was silent.
"He'll call me a jealous fool again," she thought.
Sergey became utterly picky. Now everything annoyed him: the garbage not taken out at the time, the squealing and laughter of the children, and even Anya's optimism:
- What are you all happy about? The tile is crumbling, the neighbors flooded again, Dimka picked up twos, debts - like a fool candy wrappers, and you - the grass does not grow. You are all in the clouds. Fool!

Sergei was sick. All his friends settled down well and made decent money, but he himself did not rise above the superintendent. It was all about honesty. In pathological honesty, which poisoned the existence of him and those around him, did not allow him to become “one of his own” either among hard workers or among superiors. Sergey did not give or take bribes, did not turn "cases" with postscripts and "leftists". The last straw was the meeting in Smolny. The firm where Sergei worked won a tender for the restoration of Petropavlovka for the 300th anniversary of the city. Sergey worked on the project for a week, I wanted to do it with high quality and not expensive: after all, the city budget, it’s a pity for the money. But when he came to a meeting in Smolny, the world turned upside down again.
- What do you have here? The official glanced at the figures with disgust. - This will not work.
Sergei's heart sank.
- How much cheaper? Yes, there are only materials ...
“It won’t work,” the official repeated, and boldly added one more zero at the end of the sum. - Like this. Now further. With the dexterity of a magician, he took out a piece of paper.
- Here are the amounts and details of offices, where and how much to send. You'll take the rest. Well, the facade, of course. Renovate the facade. Scaffolding to stand for three weeks, at least. Understood?
Serega swallowed, he could not nod.

After this meeting, Seryoga drank for a week. Not in a binge, of course, but he could no longer work, he quit. new job he, of course, found that builders are always needed, but they paid less.

Now in the evenings he sat in front of the TV for a long time, pointlessly clicking the channels, and at Anya’s suggestion to go to sleep, he exploded:
- I know when I sleep! You better watch your kids.

At the same time Signor Giovanni "happened" in Anya's life.
- Some kind of moron, - covering the receiver with his palm, commented the manager, a sleek young man. - I explained to him four times that this time we are not carrying his cargo. He doesn't understand English, does he?
- Where is the call from?
- From Naples like.
- Switch to me.
Anya was a philologist and defended her diploma in Italian novels of the Renaissance, but in real life neither diploma nor knowledge was useful.
The foreigner was so delighted when he heard his native speech that for about five minutes he only scattered in compliments. Anya reassured him, found out the number, the container line and found the "missing". The implications of this call were significant. Italian, but it turned out to be the owner large corporation, transferred his cargo flows to the company where Anya worked, and the turnover of a small transport company soared several times.
This is what customer focus means! - the director was delighted, and Anya thought that it was just politeness multiplied by knowledge of the language.
Since then, Signor Giovanni Veronese called twice a month and chatted with Anya about abstract things: painting, art. The director looked at it through his fingers.
- Yes, even sex on the phone, if only the profit was.

Colleagues at first made fun of Anya, especially when under New Year from Italy delivered a basket of white roses. But the jokes stopped when Signor Veronese arrived in St. Petersburg. He charmed Anya with his elegance, and disappointed her colleagues with his age. He turned out to be in his seventies. During the meeting, he kept calm, without distinguishing Anya from other employees.

You disappointed him, Anna Pavlovna, - the secretary laughed. She herself dreamed of a foreign admirer, but certainly not about this. Colleagues also had fun and forgot, everything went on as usual: calls twice a month, roses on holidays and good contracts. When the Italians invited representatives of the company to the exhibition and paid for the flight, they remembered Ana, but only because her name was on one of the tickets.
- How I envy you, Anka. You will see Naples, Rome and the Colosseum. You can feel! - Anya's girlfriend was delighted and immediately calmed her down. - Don't worry about the children: I'll feed you and do your homework. And if your Sergey again runs into a business trip, they will live with me. Delov something! How much do you eat?
- Seven days.
- Be mindful! Whole week. Straight vacation. How long have you been on vacation?
Anna shrugged her shoulders and smiled.
- The last time on maternity leave, with Misha.
- Is it five years? Everything, have a rest on the full program.

The reason why they were invited by the Italian side was significant: Signor Veronese retired and put his nephew, Pietro, at the head of the company. In addition to everything - an international exhibition that took place these days in Naples - a lot of things were planned. What kind of vacation is there?
Pietro Veronese, Signor Giovanni's nephew, Ana immediately took a liking to. Everyone liked him. An energetic man with an open look and a white-toothed smile. He seemed quite young, and only the network of wrinkles around his eyes betrayed his age. Just like Signor Giovanni, Pietro was attentive and elegant. But there was something else.
It seemed that Pietro inherited from his uncle not only the company and business partners, but also affection for Anna. Pietro never took his eyes off her. It was almost indecent. For the first time in several recent years Anya felt beautiful and desired woman. And for the first time in my life - significant. As if suddenly the earth's axis shuddered, and the world began to revolve around it.
For five days, Pietro Veronese did not leave her head, driving out impressions of the Mediterranean Sea and all the cities of Italy that she managed to see in the intervals between business meetings and the work of the exhibition. Anya's director did not know any Italian, he spoke English with a sin, and Anya conscientiously translated almost 18 hours a day. And only when there was a banquet and a tasting of Italian wines, Anya pleaded:
- Igor Evgenievich, everything will be transferred to you, let me rest?
The director graciously agreed.
Anya wanted to be alone, take a walk along the embankment, breathe in the fresh breeze. Real, marine. In St. Petersburg, of course, there is also the sea, but it is fresh and smells only of dampness and colds. The salty wind of the Mediterranean harbored the aroma of wanderings, love and eternal holiday.
"I will find the beach and I will definitely swim" - over the swimsuit, Anya put on a light White dress, which remained from girlhood and was glad that childbirth did not spoil her figure. Unconscious joy and a premonition of happiness seized her, she, like Assol, ran to the sea, jumping over the steps.
- Chao, signora Anna! Wah bene? - looking around, Anya met Pietro's radiant gaze.
- Bongiorno, Signor Veronese.
- Pietro.
- Pietro... - Anya blushed. The man approached her so close that she could smell his perfume. Subtle, subtle aroma of lemon and sandalwood. Her heart beat faster, an incomprehensible shiver ran through her body.
- I spend?
- Yes! - Anna suddenly blurted out and blushed even more. - But what about the banquet?
- I don't want to eat at all. I want to know you more. And what do you want?
Anna smiled happily.
- I want to go to the sea. Let's go to?
- Let's go.
Pietro put Anya in his Ferrari and drove her around coastline showing the most Beautiful places. Then they swam somewhere on a tiny beach in Salerno, dined in an outdoor cafe overlooking Vesuvius, and returned to the hotel only late in the evening.

As they were going up the stairs, Anya suddenly stopped and Pietro saw that tears were streaming down her cheeks.
- What happened to you? Why are you crying?
“There has never been so much sea in my life. So much sun. Thank you, Pietro.
She wanted to kiss him lightly and fleetingly, but he suddenly dug his lips into her lips predatory and inseparable.
- Chi amo! You amo! - he repeated, as if a cocked spring broke and no longer an elegant owner of a corporation, but an unbridled savage found himself next to Anna. His passion frightened and fascinated at the same time. Anya lost her mind from the melodic cooing, from the kisses that the Italian showered on her.
"No no no!" - beat in her head and broke through a stream of tears.
- No, Pietro. No.
The last "no" sounded at the door. And then she slipped out of Pietro's arms into her room, locked the door and sobbed in the bathroom at night. Pietro's kiss spilled over her, burning from within.
- No! No! No! she repeated to herself. - I didn't want to... It came out by itself..
But she herself understood that this was only pathetic babble. She wanted it. From the first moment she was attracted to this man. How did it happen that the short Italian turned out to be the tempter, the inexorable fire on which moths burn?
Anya scolded herself with the last words, pounding her cheeks with her palms and understanding only one thing, that if she opened the door now and let Pietro in, then tomorrow she would go and drown herself in this damn sea.
Pietro spent a quarter of an hour under the door of Anya's room, persuading, pleading in two languages ​​mixed, causing ridicule and bewilderment of the guests, until he was neatly taken out by the carabinieri.
* * *
At the airport they were seen off by representatives of the Italian company. Signor Pietro Veronese was a little late and stood aside, turning the key ring. Shadows crossed his face, he was angry. At the last minute, when the boarding was announced, Pietro rushed over, took Anya by the shoulders and spoke passionately:
Let's go Anna. You will have as much sea and sun as you want. I love you Anna.
The man spoke Russian. Igor Evgenievich stared dumbfounded, the Italians understood everything without translation and, as if on command, averted their eyes.
Anna shook her head.
- Stupid woman! Pietro exploded.
He came out "glupa-ya", it was soft and not offensive at all. Anya always found it funny when Italians tried to speak Russian. Maybe when she herself speaks their language, they also find it funny, but Pietro was not laughing now. He walked with a wide stride and gesticulated as if he had lost his words somewhere. So it was, Russian words Pietro picked up with difficulty.
- I want to marry you. We will live in San Giorno di Napoli.
"Why all these linguistic attempts?" thought Anya. stupid woman", the second - for sexual harassment."
Remembering these harassment, Anya was covered with heat, and she did not understand what was more in him: desire or shame. One kiss! Only one and now you do not know how to get out of this situation.
He did not understand or did not attach any importance to the fact that Anya was married, that she had three boys.
- They will live with us in San Giorno! I have a big house, - Pietro repeated. - Ti amo! Tee la mia donna! - He again switched to Italian, not knowing how to express his passion in a foreign language.
"I love you. You are my woman. God created this miracle for me." Anya automatically translated, automatically noting linguistic similarities and differences with the language of Renaissance love stories. Today she turned on her head, and it was easier. Yesterday, after spending all day with Pietro, she was so fascinated by him that she almost stumbled.Anya tried to keep a low profile, but for some reason tears rang in her voice.
Thank you for everything, Pietro. But my husband is the most best person in the world. I love him.
Anya turned and lowered her head, as if in shame, went to the terminal.

On the plane, the director looked at Anya with curiosity.
"Oh yes, Anna Pavlovna! What a peasant she hooked! And what did he find in her? A quiet gray mouse. There are a dozen of them. She could twirl this Italian as she pleases. woman! Eh, if only their cupids didn't damage the business. I'm also touchy! Ordinary plankton, and the ambition, like the chief accountant. If only the Italians stop deliveries, I'll fire this Anna for a hell of a hair dryer! "
He looked back at Anya. She sat, wrapped up almost to her eyes, and seemed to be asleep. The man could not see how a tear slides down Anna's cheek and quickly soaks into the blanket.

* * *
Sergei was returning from Olgino. To Pulkovo it was necessary to drive around the whole city. Troilus engine, windshield, covered with a network of cracks, irritated even more.
"As long as it doesn't rain."
Sergei was angry. "And all Ninka. What a plague! After all, he felt that he would not pay. Also the glass slammed. Bitch."
He remembered the cloying smell of her perfume and felt sick. Ninka's voice was just as sweet and haunting.
"Well, Seryozhenka, shall we pay off?"
And a naked body under a lace dressing gown.
"Why did she suddenly," Sergey now thought, "Hungry? There are a lot of men around. And her husband is nothing like that, a normal man. Of course, anything can happen, but you can't tell by appearance: not old yet."
From the memories of Nina's husband, Sergei's thoughts again returned to the wild, obscene situation in the guest house.
Of course, Sergey liked Ninka. Her business acumen, assertiveness, sharp tongue. But feelings and even memories of their romance are in the past.
- You are the best! - then Ninka moaned on a narrow bed of Seryoga's hostel.
Today she remembered it, Probably wanted to "turn on" him.
- You were the best of all my lovers!
It is not clear which word resonated with the ears of "all" or "lovers".
Sergei recoiled.
- Why are you doing this, Nina?
- Are you a complete fool or a moralist? Take while they give. And hurry before the husband comes back.
Ninka threw off her dressing gown and her body, slightly fading, but still attractive, appeared in complete nudity.
Sergei was ashamed. For Nina's trick, for the absurdity of the situation, for her involuntary reaction to this body.
- We have. Can not. Nothing. Be, - said Sergei.
- Yes of course! Nina smiled wryly. - A scout will not come out of you, Serezhenka. You don't know how to hide your emotions. All turned pale. This is passion? Or anger? - Ninka came close, clung, Sergey felt her hot breath on his neck:
- It's the same thing, Serezhenka. With your muslin young lady you won't get that... Or are you no longer a fighter? A? Comandante...

The nickname, which he had not heard for many years, suddenly splashed with a wave of memories.
Blinding sun, sand creaking on teeth and explosions. And after each - seconds of life. Life, beating in every cell of a young body. And again - an explosion. And a new countdown to life.
And when silence came, not deaf, as after a shell shock, but pure, ringing silence of a peaceful sky, he realized that he would live differently. Different than before.
And after all, then, at dawn, with Anka, he again felt this silence, this life penetrating them. He remembered Anka's naive eyes, her clumsy kisses and tender hands...
"Where did it all go? And why did I snap at her? Fool. Life has not been lived like that, so what does Anka have to do with it?

As if hypnotized by these memories, Sergei bent down, picked up the dressing gown, handed it to Nina.
- Come on, cover up.
Nina snatched the robe from Sergei's hands and slapped him hard across the face.
- Impotent! Jonah! Jerk!
Angry words spilled from her tongue. To this accompaniment, Sergei went out onto the terrace and went to his car. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed movement, army instinct worked: dodged. A heavy construction hammer, flying out of the terrace, ended its flight with a crunch.
- .fuck!
"Just try to come to me for money!" yelled Nina.
Sergei walked without looking back. There were angry tears in his eyes.
"... minus tools, money, time, windshield."
He again repeated aloud the word that characterizes both Ninka and the situation.
Already at the airport, he suddenly remembered the main thing, found the right shop, was dumbfounded by the prices.
The saleswoman glanced askance at his dirty boots and smiled condescendingly:
- Do you want a budget option?
Sergei pulled out the last banknotes from his pocket.
- Eh, they didn’t live richly, it’s not worth even starting. Come on everything.
There was still a thorn in my heart. And only when Sergey saw Anya, smiling, beaming, the pain receded, and he breathed freely.
* * *
- What's wrong with the car? - Anya was sitting next to her, unusually tanned with a bouquet of white roses.
- Yes, the stone fell off the Kamaz. Everything is fine.
- Like now.
- I'll drive to the peasants at the base, they will change it.
We owe them...
Anna's mood plummeted.
- Nothing, we'll agree. Fine. How did you rest?
- Fine. There is such a sea, Seryozhka! Such... I'm so sorry you weren't around. I so want to go on vacation. On a real vacation, with you. When will we rest?
Let's rest in that world! - Sergey joked as usual, but Anya suddenly burst into tears. Not a trace of her former enthusiasm remained.
She cried and cried. About my hopeless life. That she'll never have one again mediterranean sea, no own home. Only work and work with breaks for sleep, food, mother's lectures and Serezha's discontent.
It started raining outside.

Sergei frowned, but drove the car with concentration and caution, thinking only about how much the windshield would cost and where to find a new job.

Some people are called smart, others are stupid. With the mind, perhaps, everything is clear, but what is stupidity? It is a mistake to believe that stupidity is only a lack of education. A person can easily solve complex equations, describe chemical processes and to speak several languages, but at the same time to do stupid things.

Stupidity is not only low level intellect. The baggage of knowledge accumulated at school and university may not be useful in life, but wisdom and ingenuity will always help to find the right way out of the situation. Those who are unable to see the obvious facts, who take life lightly and do not value it, can be called stupid.

Stupidity is the inability to appreciate parents, value friends and take care of loved ones. People tend to believe that if these people are in their lives today, they will always be in it. This is the biggest mistake in life. Some take time, others are killed by indifference, others leave because of despair. Stupidity can also be called the inability to love and appreciate yourself. You should not devote yourself to a person in whose life there is no place for you.

The biggest stupidity is not to do what you want with all your heart out of fear, and then regret it all your life.

It is better to do something, even if the act may turn out to be stupid, than not to do it, and then regret it all your life.

When they are chasing wit, sometimes they catch only stupidity.

You need to think according to your intellectual capabilities.

He who does not respect himself is unhappy, but he who is too pleased with himself is stupid.

You need to be able to evaluate yourself objectively.

Not the word, but misfortune is the teacher of fools.

No matter how much you explain to a fool, he will not understand, and only failures can make you draw conclusions and learn something.

Stubbornness and excessive ardor in a dispute is the surest sign of stupidity.

You should not be stubborn if you see someone's obvious rightness, because the ability to recognize the truth is the mind.

Three-quarters of the madness turns out to be just stupidity.

Crazy deeds should resemble feats and be done only for the sake of love, everything else is just nonsense.

Foolish, who between the dancers and himself starts to dance.

Get down to business when you are confident in your abilities, and repeating according to the principle of herd instinct is the lot of fools.

Just as dogs and pigs do not need gold and silver, so a fool does not need wise words.

Stupid people do not even strive to learn something new, they always think that they know everything.

A condescending attitude towards stupidity is inherent in every intelligent person.

A smart person will accept a person as he is, and will not point out his shortcomings and try to change them.

You can't make a dead man laugh, and you can't teach a fool.

Stupid people can only be taught by life.

The most expensive thing in the world is stupidity, because you have to pay the most for it.

Reckless actions are always costly.

I don't understand how you could do so many stupid things in one day???
- I get up very early.

With one act, even with one word, you can do that stupidity that you will have to rake up all your life.

From bookish wisdom, a fool is twice as dumb.

Wisdom must be drawn from life, not from books.

About stupid women

The smarter a woman is, the more she does stupid things.

Sometimes a woman has to seem stupid and do stupid things, so she gives a man the opportunity to believe in himself.

What's the difference between a stupid and a smart woman? “A foolish person takes love at face value, and a smart one takes face value for love!”

There is a very thin line between a stupid and a smart woman, sometimes smart people pretend to be stupid.

All my life I've been terribly afraid of stupid people. Especially grandma. You never know how to talk to them without falling to their level...

A stupid woman is a pitiful sight, or a stupid woman, with her a man can feel smart ...

Smart women guide a man, stupid women rule, fools command.

A smart woman will always guide a man on the right path.

You are stupid with me - you explain it for the third time, but I can’t understand!

Stupid people always look for an excuse, blame their misunderstanding on someone, but they never admit their stupidity ...

If I had always thought with my head, I would not have done stupid things that are now pleasant to remember ...

Sometimes you need to act not according to the instructions of the brain, but according to the advice of the heart ...

Making a fool of your man is the lot of a narrow-minded woman!

Humiliating her man, a woman shows the stupidity of her choice.

Darling, at your age, doing stupid things, it's time to think about the consequences!
- Dear, at my age it's too late to think about the consequences!

There are situations when the consequences no longer make sense.

I'm not at the age to unconsciously do stupid things. I am at the age when they are made consciously and with pleasure.

You also need to be able to do stupid things. Real nonsense should be harmless and enjoyable.

Only a smart woman is capable of various stupid things, a stupid woman is not smart enough.

To commit a stupid act, you still need to think of it ...

Quotes about stupid people and human stupidity

A wise man is happy with a little, but a fool is content with little.

In life, you need to be able to appreciate what you have.

All fools can't wait to make fun of someone.

Give the stupid one a reason, and the wise one will notice, but will remain silent ...

If you are ignorant and silent, then you behave smartly, but if you are smart and silent, then you are stupid.

You do not need to speak if you do not understand anything, and you do not need to be silent if you are sure of the truth.

Foolish people are not always safe: they have the intelligence to say exactly as much as is necessary in order to offend or slander their neighbor.

Stupid people do not even think about the fact that their words can hurt others.

Stupidity and vanity always go hand in hand.

A smart person will never brag about his knowledge and achievements.

Being too smart is one of the most shameful kinds of stupidity.

You do not need to use knowledge all at once.

There is nothing more stupid than the desire to always be smarter than everyone else.

The desire to be the best does not lead to anything good, on the contrary, it only dulls one's own knowledge.

A smart person sees flaws in himself, even if they are not there, but a fool will not even notice obvious ones.

Who is stupid, the advice of a smart one is not for the future.

Stupid people do not even try to listen to smart people, they think that they already know everything.

A wise man is drawn to good and peace, a fool is drawn to war and strife.

Wise people will do everything to avoid conflicts, while fools will only create them.

Stupidity has no right to rule the world.

Wisdom should rule the world.

There was a lot of talk about such a human vice as stupidity. famous writers and philosophers. We offer you a selection of quotes, aphorisms and statements about stupidity, put the sayings of great people in your statuses and do only wise and well-considered actions.

I hate stupid women,
I don't like smart people either.
Consider me crazy
I will not be offended, I will endure everything.

There are good reasons
Let for someone I'm not right.
Sticking to the middle
I don't break my rules.

There is a special talk about smart people,
There was a sad interest here.
I am from one such person,
Didn't get a bit stressed.

How alive, I myself do not know
But thank God he's alive.
I don't want to talk anymore
I don't risk my head.

There is no use talking about stupid people
After all, there are enough fools no matter how ...

The woman wants love.
Any... Absolutely.
And there's nothing to blame here...
Laughing is even more stupid.

You look at times ... At a person.
She's too light
It seems that the hearts are snowdrifts
Melts with gait.

Knows all the compliments
In advance and ahead
Shoots accurately with eyes
Covering them a little, he's lying.

I'm used to male attention
To the attention of different men...
Restaurants and see-offs,
Cheap but flowers...

What she wants, she doesn't know
She doesn't need to know...
Well she understands

Stupid heart don't beat, stop moaning there already.
Stupid heart don't beat, you have to get used to it.
Stupid heart don't beat, stop it already.
Foolish heart do not beat, because life is still ahead.
Stupid heart don't beat, just forget about everything.
Stupid heart don't beat, think of something else.
Stupid heart do not beat, feelings are already behind.
Foolish heart do not beat, see the secrets of humility.
Stupid heart do not beat, let the cold into your soul.
Foolish heart do not beat, envelop everything in darkness and wait.
Stupid heart don't beat, eyes...

It is foolish to consider yourself worse than someone,
It is foolish to suffer without achieving something.
Truth is stupid to look for in the bottom of a glass,
It's stupid to torment everyone with vocals without hearing.
It is foolish not to remember the mistakes of the past,
It is foolish to convince madmen all your life.
It is foolish to play with fate in vain,
It's silly to be yourself sometimes.

years make a woman beautiful
experience of hidden secrets,
woman of that breed
what loves everything about design
a woman is a natural treasure
unknown country,
woman - divine light
-Satan's bible.
woman sings softly
in different - different faces,
rises with the quality of sex
go to bed with the same.
woman loves glitter
skins of expensive animals,
woman loves splash
gifts of expensive trinkets.
woman is the call of the wheels
-pure parchment of the Muses,
woman - graveyard of tears
accidents and illusions.
the woman is a mold...

You are my sweet women
You are my dear women
With your furtive touch,
With your wondrous gaze
Warming my heart...
Like sparkling wine rejoicing,
Like cognac intoxicating,
Gentle and warm shower
Givers of my soul...

How many of your wonderful oddities
I never knew in my life?
For women of all nationalities
I raise my glass:
For fatal insidiousness,
For a young heart grin,
For eyes, especially beautiful,
When spring comes
For long satin dresses
Heavenly linen colors

Not just a woman
Not only a trick from Adam's rib -
Almighty's hand is marked,
And always generous with love.

Just a woman
She took a hard life on her shoulders,
Not life, but hard, sometimes day labor,
She took it and proudly carried it through the centuries.

Any woman
Able to shine bright star.
It's not easy to be with such a forever married,
With the beloved, sweet, complex and simple.

What does it mean to be stupid? Probably, it is to do things that have no logic, connection or benefit. Perhaps it is to do things that harm your loved ones or your business. Sometimes being stupid means falling under the influence of the person who is using you.

Unfortunately, I can say that my wife is a stupid woman who did everything at once that could be done to an openly stupid person.

I will try to tell the story without using swear words and harsh criticism in favor of the female half of the population. However, in some places this is indispensable.

Lucky same people whose wives are not engaged in arbitrariness. My wife, this crazy bastard, took out a loan under my responsibility and, together with her girlfriends, went to Thailand for a 12-day tour to Pattaya. I even bothered to go online and find correct name this resort.

You know, you buy a cooperative garage on credit. You agree with your wife that together we pay its cost for six months, and she takes all your savings, takes another loan for you, when you already owe half your salary to the bank and flies away for vacation. With warm promises to bring me a T-shirt and a hat from there. The hat is probably the only thing I'll be wearing when the bouncers from the bank come to our house. Well, I hope my wife will show them photos from the holiday, and they will understand and forgive, or knock out all my ribs with teeth. But no, the wife does not think about anything, it is too difficult for such a stupid woman.

So that I could not dissuade her, she told me about the trip 3 hours before leaving for the airport. And I see that she has been hiding from me for a week, did not tell me about her work, but only talked with her friends. Of course, there was a whole plan to escape from her husband. From a husband who loves and provides for her. That's right, your husband bought you a car, and even took a garage on credit, and you take it and rob it to the last thread, he loves you, such a stupid fool.

But I was right, she couldn't think of such a thing herself. It was recommended to her by her beloved friends. Who themselves have not yet married, only collected money from some lovers. Of course, mine needs to go with them, who will drag them drunk from the bars. So they persuaded her to go, spitting on me, on her vacation plans, and on our difficult financial situation. The main thing is rest and regular men.

Let's go on holiday with the girls. And I had to pay all the expenses. How can one love this? And in general even to live with such? Babs are not aware of their actions. They dump all their worries on us men. And there the grass does not grow, come what may. Just take it and grab your head from such recklessness and stupidity. But as they say, he chose himself and be patient.

I’m a little emotional, but I can’t understand her thoughts: “I earn pennies, live off my husband, and let me undermine his trust in me and take out a loan for an amount that will be very difficult for us to repay.” What was she going to give? Or, as always, let the husband scratch his forehead, think about how to return this money to the bank, and even with interest.

I don’t understand how these “smart” women can live without men. They will also die. And it’s so good that I can earn money and think ahead. And my wife was lucky that I am by nature a kind person. Thanks, I spoke up.

Today on site website we will talk about women: about this mysterious half of humanity, about which they compose poems, write pictures, music, books, make films; who are loved, sought and kneel... what kind of woman she is ... stupid, smart, reasonable and wise... sometimes cunning, bitch, insidious and vengeful ... or, just a "fool" ...

But, traditionally- does not mean natural, natural ... what women really are and can be ... what a wise woman she is

Stupid woman

The fact that women are more stupid than men is a huge misconception. Although there are many stories and anecdotal cases about “stupid women” - which are only “blondes” on the road - but, strange as it may seem, there are much more stupid men ... and not only on the road, but in general, in life ...

If a woman is stupid in the eyes of a man, it is only because she allows herself to be considered such ... And only a “narrow-minded” man will allow himself to offend and humiliate a woman - call her a fool ... even in his thoughts.

But the problem lies elsewhere...namely, that many women unconsciously play the role of being stupid, only for a man to unconsciously consider himself smart - they were taught this way in the process of sex-role education and parental programming.

And, it would seem, a woman is reasonable, rich, maybe even successful, but unhappy ... and the whole buzz of her life is shopping, spas, fitness and chatter with girlfriends ...

A wise woman - what is she

There are legends about wise women. Take, for example, the Gospel of John, where there is a story about how wine ran out at the wedding (I imagine if we had it) ... the men did not know what to do ... how to water the guests ... and then Mary asked her son Jesus Christ to perform a miracle - He turned water into wine ... (female wisdom).

And by nature, women are wiser than men - it was not in vain that at first there was matriarchy, when women ruled everything: the house, family, children, and men only got food.

Wise woman knows (mind), loves and trusts (feelings), and knows how (mind) - she is natural, real, natural ... she is sincere, loving and caring ...

Wise woman knows and understands himself and his loved ones; she knows how to manage herself and her family, including men, but not for her own sake, but for the sake of general harmony in relationships, for the sake of common family happiness ...

Therefore, a wise woman can make herself, her man, her children, her family happy ... but what about the family ... society, country, world ... That's what she is - a wise woman ...

How to become a wise woman

In order to become a wise woman, first you need to be born just a woman :-) ... and if you are not lucky with your life program (upbringing), then you can change your life scenario: stop playing the role of a stupid, smart or even reasonable woman ... And you need start with yourself ... only with yourself ...

Knowing your Self and the ability to manage yourself, coupled with love first of all for yourself (not to be confused with selfishness), you can become a wise woman who can become happy and successful herself and make her family ... and her man ...
