Pepper spicy dragon tongue description. Pepper tongue dragon

Hot peppers"Dragon's Language" is an early ripe variety that simultaneously forms up to 90-100 fruits on 1 plant. The period from full germination to the beginning of technical ripeness of the fruit is 110 days.

The variety is suitable for growing in heated and unheated film greenhouses, shelters and tunnels in central Russia and in open ground on South.

The bush is sprawling, powerful, 60-70 cm high. The leaf is small, green.

Fruit characteristics

The fruits are drooping, trunk-shaped, smooth, glossy, green in technical ripeness, red in biological ripeness, 10-12 cm long, weighing 14-18 grams. The fruits have a pleasant specific pungent aroma and pungency of 7 points. This pepper is used for cooking paprika, as a spice for sauces, various pastes, for salting and canning, in the medical and alcoholic industries.

Variety advantages: original fruit shape, strong peppery aroma and pungency.

A variety of hot peppers Dragon's tongue is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for horticultural plots, home gardens and small farms for growing in open ground and under film shelters.

Originator: VNIISSOK.

If you have grown Dragon Tongue hot pepper, please write if you liked it or not. What was the yield in your climatic conditions? If possible, attach a photo of your peppers to the comment. Thank you!

Your reviews about the Dragon Tongue pepper and additions to the description will help many gardeners evaluate this pepper objectively and decide whether to plant it or not.

Hot pepper we are very popular. Few have heard of pepper spark”, and “light” is often called not only the hot pepper variety of the same name, but also other similar varieties, such as “ fiery volcano», « flame», « dragon tongue».

Chili pepper, hot pepper, hot red pepper - these are all collective names of the most burning varieties of red pepper.

The very name of the chili pepper, consonant with the name of the Latin American country, actually comes from the Aztec language, and in translation means “red”. Thanks to Columbus, the chili pepper brought this native American to Europe.

The benefits of hot pepper

Pepper contains fatty oils, carotene. vitamins A, B, C and many others useful substances. The consumption of hot peppers leads to the production of happy hormones - endorphins. Also, chili pepper reduces pain, improves blood circulation, helps fight disorders. nervous system, with insomnia, activates digestion. It reduces pain, contributes to the normalization of brain function, prevents the development of cancer cells, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar.

To prepare ground red pepper, the pods are baked, dried, and then ground into a powder.

It is noticed that the smaller the size of the hot pepper pod, the more pungent it tastes. Fresh peppers are added in moderation as a seasoning to salads and soups to give them a tangy, spicy flavor. It is added to fish and meat, used in sauerkraut.

When preparing a dish with chili pepper, it is important to know that you cannot throw it into boiling oil - it will immediately turn black and go rancid.

Chili pepper is used not only for food - it is part of various warming ointments that are used to treat sciatica, arthritis, rheumatism. In addition, chili peppers are added to toothpaste and hair restoration products.

Also, an aqueous infusion of hot pepper can repel insects and other pests in the garden - while the site remains environmentally friendly.

Harm of hot pepper

Don't eat too many chili peppers. It can cause burns of the mucous membranes, and cause gastrointestinal diseases. You can not use it with a stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, with gastritis with high acidity. Hot pepper can also burn the skin and eyes. Remember that the most pungent in chili peppers are the seeds, so you can remove them before using the pepper.

The hottest pepper in the world

Pepper " Naga Vipers”, whose name translates as “Naga viper”, was raised by British spicy connoisseur Gerald Fowler. This pepper on the Scaville scale is almost a third hotter than the previous record holder. In an interview with one of the British newspapers, Gerald said: “Eating this pepper is quite painful. It is so sharp that it numbs the tongue and burns everything on the way to the stomach. But it's also an endorphin release that lifts your mood." And yet, if you want to try this pepper, you will have to write a statement that you are in perfect physical and mental health.

If you have eaten a dish with too much big amount pepper, and it bakes unbearably in the mouth, do not rush to drink water - it will be even worse. It is better to drink milk, eat sour cream or ice cream. You can also eat pepper with fresh bread, potatoes or rice.

Growing hot peppers

It is quite possible to grow chili peppers at home. To do this, you need to know a few subtleties of cultivation, and you can get a great harvest.

The soil

Recommend a mixture of garden soil, sand and humus in a ratio of 2:1:1. Periodic fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers also greatly increases the yield. You should not use nitrogen fertilizers - the plant will go green, and you will not see the pods.

All components are mixed and poured into pots or a container with plants.

Sowing seeds

Seeds can first be soaked in a damp cloth for 5 days. Then they are planted for seedlings in late February - early March. When planting, they are planted in the ground to a depth of 0.5-1 cm. After 2-3 weeks, sprouts will appear, and if you soak the seeds, sprouts will appear faster, after 10 days. The temperature before sprouts appears can be quite high, up to 24 degrees.

After that, the seedlings are placed in a well-lit place with a temperature of 20 degrees, and when the first two pairs of true leaves appear. transplanted either into large pots with a volume of 3-5 liters, or into a container, or planted in open ground. At the same time, the lower pair of leaves can be pinched to grow a beautiful crown.

Temperature and lighting

When growing pepper at home, a pot or box with pepper plants should be placed in a cool bright place. Optimum temperature growing chili peppers - 15-18 degrees. If the temperature is too high, the petals will fall off and the leaves will turn yellow. If the room is too hot, periodically increase the humidity of the air by spraying the plants.

Also regularly air the plants - they love fresh air.

Lighting should be at least 12 hours a day. If the plant becomes pale, it means that it has little light. If necessary, for pepper it is necessary to equip artificial lighting.


Hot peppers need to be watered, but an excess of moisture should not be allowed, due to which the roots of the plant can rot. Spray the plants regularly from above as well.


One plant can produce up to hundreds of pods. They go to various other culinary needs, and the resulting seeds can be used for subsequent plantings. Annual plants are discarded after harvest. Pepper Spark can live and bear fruit for 2-3 years. To rejuvenate old bushes, shoots are pruned in early spring.

If you grow hot peppers outdoors, you can get a yield of 2-3 kg per square meter.

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This article reviewed the best varieties bitter pepper. They are early, medium, late ripening. Grow in various conditions. Separate types of indoor hot peppers.

Indian summer

Shade-tolerant, undemanding plant. It can grow on the loggia for several years, or on the ground as an annual plant. The bush is low, 30-40 cm, it is strewn with small spherical peppers with a variety of colors. Red is used without further processing. The wall thickness is 3 mm, the taste is sweetish with sourness, spicy.

hungarian yellow

Early maturing, adapted to the cold, bush small, about 25 cm. The vegetable looks like a cone hanging down. In the process of formation, yellow, when ripe, turns red. The thickness of the walls in the section is 4 mm. Juicy, sweetish, peninsular.


Light-loving, early maturing plant, abundantly flowering, 25 cm high. Pods up to 5 cm long, yellow color . It grows well and gives a lot of production on lighted window sills.

The plant is grown as an ornamental, with inedible fruits.

Filius Blue

perennial beautiful plant with fruits that can be eaten. The height of the bush reaches 20 centimeters, unripe peppers purple , red color indicates its ripeness. For the plant, it is necessary to provide a sufficient amount of light, moderate watering, moist air. If you grow it in an apartment and properly care for it, it will bear fruit all year round.

The best outdoor spicy peppers


Medium, tall. Grows up to a meter in height. The bush is strong, lush. The fruits are large, cone-shaped, bright, red, spicy with a pleasant aroma.

For mother in law

Early, high yield. The height is below average, the fruits are cone-shaped, red, strong smell, pungent taste.

Queen of Spades

Mid-season. Bushes are small, spherical. There are a lot of fruits, of varying degrees of maturity and color. Looks very nice. Grows well in a shady area. The fruits are like a cone, grow up. The taste is spicy with sweetness.

dragon tongue

Mid-season. Bushy plant grows up to a meter in height, unpretentious care. Ripened fruits are long, rich red color, burning, with a pleasant aroma.

Goes to the production of paprika.


Mid-season. The bush is small, semi spreading, grows up to 70 cm. The fruits are long, trunk-shaped, red. In a section with a thickness of 1.5-2 mm. High resistance to cold, high yield. Weak aroma, semi-sharp taste.

Doesn't like shade.

The best varieties of early ripe peppers


It tolerates heat well, ripens early, brings a large harvest. The bush is massive, reaches a height of 70 cm, dotted with peppers. They are large, weighing 80 grams. Ripened becomes rich red. The vegetable has an interesting taste and spiciness. Reference! Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus.


Early ripe. It grows in open and closed ground. The bush is small, medium height, large-leaved. The fruits are red, with a dark tint, shiny, cone-shaped, growing upwards. The yield is high. It is not affected by diseases and temperature changes.

The variety tolerates drought well, but cannot tolerate poor lighting. Suitable for drying, storage, salting.


Early ripe. Grown in open ground and under the film. The bush is medium, the peppers are cone-shaped, large, spicy, red. The variety is high-vitamin, fruitful, plastic.

The best medium and late ripening varieties


Late ripe. Grows in closed ground. The fruits are red, weighing up to 20 g. The taste is medium spicy. The yield is good. It is used for the manufacture of paprika, salt, conservation.


Mid-season maturity. Productivity is high, cultivated in open ground with different climatic conditions. The fruits are small and red. The taste is pungent. Hotness is determined by the content of capsaicin. It is successfully used for culinary and medicinal purposes. Pepper tincture will relieve sciatica. Fresh pulp will cure boils. Hot pepper stimulates appetite, helps with pain, fever.

ram's horn

Mid-season. Unpretentious in cultivation, but does not tolerate stagnant water. At proper care gives a high yield. The pods are elongated, twisted, like a ram's horn. The taste is not very sharp with good watering. If there is little watering, hot weather, the pepper will grow sharper. Suitable for trade, exported.


Relatively the new kind. Grows in greenhouses and room (previously the seeds are planted on seedlings). The yield is high. The fruits are thin, medium length. The bushes are tall, reaching one and a half meters. Definitely need to tie. The taste is relatively bitter. It is used for cooking, canning, processing into powder.

Seedlings are planted in open ground.


Bush hot pepper. It grows on bushes in bunches located upwards. The fruits are orange-red, small. The pulp is juicy, fleshy, sharp. Productivity is high, disease resistant. The famous Tabasco sauce is produced from this variety.

Popular varieties for summer cottages

Among summer residents and owners of household plots, Double Abundance, Superchili, and Spark are very famous.

double abundance

Early maturing variety. Grows in open and closed ground. It ranks first in terms of productivity. Peppers are brightly colored, weigh up to 80 g. Dry pepper is stored for several years without losing appearance and taste. Equally good fresh and canned. Disease and heat resistant.


Early ripe hybrid variety. The yield is high, the taste is sharply burning. Peppers are large, located under the foliage. Fully ripe fruits of almost cherry color. Eaten fresh, dried, salted.


Quite a well-known, popular variety. Medium maturity. Feels great in open ground and greenhouses. The fruits are not large enough, bright red. There are a lot of them on the bushes, they look like bright lanterns. Taste of special sharpness and pepper aroma. This is due to the increased content of coloring pigments and dry substances. The fruits are dried naturally, stored in a glass container under a lid.

Resistant to bacteriosis and verticella wilt.

From such an abundance of spicy peppers, you can choose those that suit your taste, color, ripening time, types of storage, specifically for this area.

In the Caucasus, not a single dish can do without this component, but in our country hot pepper is not so common, but nevertheless it is often grown a lot. You can grow bitter or hot capsicum both in the garden or in the greenhouse, and on the windowsill. This plant is quite unpretentious, and even an inexperienced gardener will not have problems with it. special problems. One of the main secrets of the success of any culture right choice varieties, this statement is also true for hot peppers.



The Adjika pepper variety belongs to the group of medium-early varieties, the variety is in most cases grown in open ground. Plants of this variety are quite tall and powerful, so they do not require garters to supports.

The fruits are conical, elongated, bright red when mature, very large. When ripe, they reach a weight of 90 grams. The flesh of the fruit is dark red, thick and fleshy. The taste is sharp, the aroma is pleasant peppery. The variety can be attributed to the universal, as it is used for conservation simply for food, as well as in dried and ground form.

Indian summer

The Indian Summer pepper variety is ideal for growing on the windowsill as a perennial crop, but it is also suitable for growing in open ground as an annual crop. Plants of the variety are undersized, one might even say miniature, rather branchy and leafy. Flowers can be either white or bright purple. A very decorative variety.

The fruits of this variety can be spherical, and rounded, and conical, and ovoid. The color of the fruits is as diverse as the shape, there are fruits of white, yellow, orange, cream, green, brown, lilac and purple. The taste of the fruit is sharp, with a pleasant peppery aroma.

hungarian yellow

Pepper variety Hungarian yellow, belongs to the group of early ripening varieties, suitable both for growing in open ground and for growing in greenhouses. Plants are short, compact, up to 50 cm high.

The fruit has a narrow-conical shape, smooth, glossy yellow color during the period of technical ripeness, but at the onset of biological ripeness, the fruits turn red. The weight of ripe fruits reaches from 40 to 60 grams. The taste is sharp, the aroma is pleasant peppery.

For mother in law

Pepper variety For mother-in-law belongs to the group of early-ripening varieties, perfect for growing in open ground. Plants are compact, up to 60 cm high.

The fruit has an elongated conical shape, reaches a length of 10 to 12 cm. When ripe, the fruits are bright red in color and have a weight of 30 to 60 grams. The taste is sharp, the aroma is pleasant peppery.


Pepper variety Coral belongs to the group of medium-early varieties, high-yielding. Due to the compactness and short stature of the bush, it can be grown both in open ground and on the windowsill. The height of the bush can vary from 40 to 60 cm, depending on the growing conditions. A very decorative variety.

The fruits are round-flat, small, when ripe, they reach a size of 2 to 3 cm. When ripe, they have a bright red color. The taste is sharp, the aroma is pleasant peppery.

fiery bouquet

Pepper variety Fiery Bouquet belongs to the group of early-ripening varieties, perfect for growing in open ground and for growing in greenhouses. Plants of this variety are quite tall and powerful, so they do not require garters to supports.

The fruit has an elongated conical shape, reaches a length of 10 to 12 cm. When ripe, the fruits are bright red in color and have a weight of 15 to 25 grams. The taste is sharp, the aroma is pleasant peppery. The variety can be attributed to the universal method of application, as it is used for conservation simply for food, as well as in dried and ground form.


Perhaps everyone knows this variety of bitter pepper, and thanks to such popularity, its name has even become a household name, as all bitter red peppers are called by the people.

Pepper variety Ogonyok belongs to the group of mid-early varieties, high-yielding. Suitable for growing both in open ground and in a greenhouse, and on a windowsill. The plant is medium tall, grows to a height of 45 to 55 cm, the crown is pyramidal, well leafy and branched.

The fruits are elongated, classic pods, slightly curved closer to the tip, bright red. The skin is smooth and shiny. The weight of ripe fruits reaches 20 grams. The taste is sharp, the aroma is pleasant peppery.

The variety is quite resistant to diseases, especially to such as bacteriosis and verticella wilt.


The variety of Superchili pepper belongs to the group of early ripe and high-yielding hybrids. Plants are not very tall, grow to a height of 40 to 60 cm, compact. Thanks to this size, plants can be grown both in open ground and on the windowsill.

The fruits are quite large, elongated cone-shaped, reach a length of 6 to 7 cm and a weight of 15 to 25 grams. The color of the fruit changes depending on maturity, from green to orange, and in the period of full ripeness, the fruits become burgundy-red. The taste is sharp, the aroma is pleasant peppery.


This is a fairly popular variety of pepper grown in Mexico for a long time. The variety of Jalapeno pepper can be attributed to the early ripening varieties. Plants are quite tall, grow up to 1 meter in height, can be grown both in open ground and in a greenhouse.

The fruits are large, elongated pepper-shaped, grow in length from 7 to 8 cm, the weight of one fruit can reach 50 grams, due to the fact that peppers of this variety have rather fleshy walls. The color of the fruit can be from green - during the ripening period, to bright red - during the period of biological maturity. The taste of peppers is moderately spicy, pleasant, not burning and very juicy, with a pleasant peppery aroma.

dragon tongue

Pepper variety Dragon tongue belongs to the group of mid-season varieties. Plants are powerful, quite bushy, grows to a height of 90 to 100 cm. They can be cultivated both in open ground and in a greenhouse.

The fruits are in the form of a long pod, slightly flattened laterally, very similar to long tongue. The color of ripe fruits is bright red. In ripe form, the fruits reach a length of 10 to 12 cm, a weight of 40 to 60 grams. The taste is very sharp, burning, the aroma is pleasant peppery.
