What does a Lavatera flower look like? We grow perennial lavatera in open ground

Lavatera is a real find for the gardener. It grows well in any soil. Prefers a sunny location, but can grow in partial shade. True, due to the lack of light, the lavatera will not look very attractive. Here you can mainly see three-month-old Lavatera. It received this name because the development cycle (the time from sowing to the appearance of flower stalks) lasts about three months.

The most common varieties of three-month-old lavatera in Russia:

  • Mont Blanc (Mont Blanc). An annual with abundant and long-lasting flowering. A plant with snow-white flowers growing up to 60 cm in height. The flowering period is from July to September. Often planted along paths and fences, as well as for cutting.
  • Silver Cap. An annual with large funnel-shaped flowers (up to 6-8 cm in diameter) and a plant height of up to 80 cm. It is unpretentious and can withstand light frosts. Blooms from mid-summer until the end of September.
  • Tanager. This lavatera is quite compact, low-growing, grows up to half a meter in height, but with beautiful pink, large flowers (5-6 cm). Just like the varieties described above, it is good for decorative design of the site.
  • Sun Goddess (mixture). This multi-colored varietal mix is ​​light-loving, cold-hardy and drought-resistant. The stem is highly branched with dark green leaves and beautiful, quite large flowers. Blooms from early summer until the first frost. Excellent for planting in mixed borders.
  • Silver bowl. This variety is highly decorative and unpretentious to soils, while being drought and cold resistant. The bush is quite large, branched, strewn during flowering with beautiful funnel-shaped flowers of soft pink shades. Will not cause problems when growing seedlings.


Annual lavatera (three months old) is a fast-growing bush with dense foliage, large funnel-shaped white or pink flowers (up to ten centimeters in diameter) and powerful roots. The plant can reach a height of 120 cm, and on nutrient soils even up to one and a half meters and higher, with a diameter of up to a meter.

Caring for the plant will not cause any particular difficulties. Lavatera three months is a fairly drought-resistant plant. But for long periods high temperatures watering is still required. However, you should not overdo it, as she reacts extremely negatively to excessive moisture. They feed only on very poor soils, otherwise overfeeding will be to the detriment of flowering.

Since the plant is quite tall, it is necessary to tie it to stakes. It is also recommended to pick off faded flowers. This causes new buds to appear and prolongs the decorative period. It usually blooms from July until the end of autumn, abundantly and continuously.

It is rarely affected by diseases, except for leaf rust: brown or yellow spots are visible on the back of the leaves. In this case, the affected leaves should be torn off and the plant should be sprayed with a copper-containing fungicide. If the plant is severely affected, it is completely destroyed. And they return to this place only after five years. Lavatera can also be attacked by aphids. To combat it, you can use both chemical and folk remedies. Among traditional methods struggle can be noted treatment with solutions of garlic, onion, hot pepper, tansy, wormwood.


Lavatera annua propagates by seeds, which are very easy to collect yourself. They ripen in boxes formed in place of a faded flower. The seeds ripen approximately one to two months after flowering. If they are not cut off in time, then next spring a lot of self-sowing will come up. All that remains is to remove the excess sprouts.

Seeds can be sown directly into the ground in early May, when the soil has warmed up a little. Shoots should appear in two weeks (at a temperature of 10 degrees Celsius), and bloom in two months. The gap between plants should be from 20 to 40 cm.

If you want to enjoy the flowering of lavatera earlier, in June, then it is better to sow it in last days March in separate containers on the windowsill. Then, when planting in the garden, the plant will not be injured root system, they take root faster and grow. Seedlings should be planted outside after spring frosts.

Lavatera looks great as a solo plant and in group plantings. Ideal for decorating unsightly places, for the background, and also as an annual hedge.

Lavatera is also good when cut - it can stand in water for up to two weeks. In addition, it is an excellent bait for bees, butterflies and other pollinators. Therefore, this plant will be fully appreciated not only by amateur flower growers, but also by beekeepers and those who grow bee-pollinated plants in their gardens. Lavatera is also used in folk medicine. Preparations from its roots are used for coughs and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. The leaves help to treat lichen; an ointment based on dry leaves is used for rheumatism.

at 09/18/2018 1,205 Views

The flower is gaining popularity in gardening and landscape design

Lavatera, also called chamma and wild rose, is a shrub covered with bright, lush flowers. In the modern market you can find for sale a large number of seeds of this crop. The plant is native to Africa and Southern Europe. Gardeners have developed varieties that can be planted in our latitudes, where the climate is more temperate. However, you need to choose the right varieties and know the different nuances of planting a plant in your summer cottage.

  • Varieties
  • How to plant a crop on the site?
  • Possible diseases and pests
  • Romantic composition creating a cozy atmosphere

    Lavatera: varieties and description with photos

    Advice! Before you start growing a plant, you need to find out its features and properties. The advantage of lavatera is its long flowering period - it will delight the eye from early summer to mid-autumn.

    Another advantage of the hutma is its unpretentiousness to care and soil, but there is a nuance: if the soil is fertile, then the flowers will be more decorative. It is important to create good drainage. If tall plant varieties are selected, they will need to be tied to trellises or supports. Flowers prefer the sunny side of the site, otherwise lush flowering may not be expected.

    The plant is either annual or perennial

    Breeders have developed many varieties of lavatera and continue to breed them, but the most common are the following:

    Popular types

    Three month old lavatera
    It grows to a height of about 1 m, flowers are white and pink.

    "Pink Beauty"
    It belongs to tall shrubs and has pink and purple colors.

    "Ruby Carpet"
    It is less common and has a ruby-colored bloom.

    Thuringian Lavatera
    A perennial, tall plant with soft pink and purple flowers.

    How to plant lavatera in a flowerbed or plot?

    The plant is planted either with seeds on open soil or with seedlings. Let's consider both options.

    Sowing lavatera seeds in the soil

    This option is suitable for regions with warm climates. Sowing begins with the onset of May. It is possible to sow earlier with the onset of the first heat, but in this case, to protect against frost, the sowing must be covered with special material.

    Khatma seeds have an unusual shape

  • In the selected area, make furrows 1 cm deep.
  • The seeds are planted and covered with a mixture of humus and soil.
  • Then - abundant watering with warm water.
  • You can cover the planted area with a thick film, this will protect the plant sprouts from adverse weather conditions.
  • After the sprouts reach 5 cm in height, the film is removed and caring for the plant begins. To do this, the sprouts are loosened and hilled, followed by fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.
  • Next, you need to water the plant and, if necessary, tie it up.

  • Growing lavatera from seedlings

    Important! This option is suitable for areas where the climate is more temperate. This method is also used in agricultural enterprises that grow seedlings of various crops.

    For this option, you need to grow seedlings from seeds grown in a home greenhouse. This should be done approximately two months before the planned planting of seedlings in the ground. They are grown in flower pots or boxes; individual varieties are sown in different containers.

    Wild rose seedlings are grown in separate pots

    The flower tolerates poor water well nutrients However, it is better to prepare the soil

    Drainage is laid at the bottom of the planting container, and universal soil, which can be bought in specialized stores, is poured on top. After planting, the container is covered with film and placed in a place with abundant lighting. If the temperature and light are sufficient, seedlings will appear after 2 weeks. After this, the film is removed. In the future, the lavatera will require regular watering and rotation around its axis.

    Advice! Once it is warm outside, you can plant the plants in the soil. Place the sprouts on the garden bed at a distance of approximately 20-25 cm from each other..

    As it grows, the lavatera will expand and create a lush flowering mass. If the place is chosen correctly, then you will have a beautiful flower garden on your site.

    Lavatera: planting and care (photo)

    Important! Lavatera is a drought-resistant flower, but requires regular watering, especially in dry and hot summers..

  • Tall bushes require tying to supports.
  • You can loosen the soil under the stems only until they grow to a height of 1 m.
  • You need to remove wilted flowers on time, otherwise they will become limp in the rain and leave burns on the leaves.
  • You need to feed it after the sprouts have become stronger, with a solution of nitrophoska (1 spoon) and urea per 10 liters of water. As soon as buds begin to form, fertilizing is repeated. To do this, dilute a tablespoon of potassium and sodium sulfate in 10 liters of water. This norm is suitable for a large bush.

  • Possible diseases and pests of perennial lavatera

  • Pests and diseases rarely occur on hutma. Most often it can be aphids. You can get rid of it by using systemic products that are sold in specialized retail outlets.
  • Rust may also appear on the plant - on the underside of the leaf. You can get rid of it only by removing the affected areas and treating with special means. If the plant is severely damaged, it is better to remove it and burn it to prevent the disease from spreading to other crops.

  • As you can see, growing and caring for lavatera is quite simple; any novice gardener can cope with it. The main thing is to choose the right place on the site and regularly water and feed the plant so that it pleases you with long and lush flowering!

Strewn with bright lush flowers. On the modern market you can find a large number of seeds of this crop for sale. The plant is native to Africa and Southern Europe. Gardeners have developed varieties that can be planted in our latitudes, where the climate is more temperate. However, you need to choose the right varieties and know the different nuances of planting a plant.

Lavatera: varieties and description with photos

Advice! Before you start growing a plant, you need to find out its features and properties. The advantage of lavatera is its long flowering period - it will please the eye from the beginning of summer until.

Another advantage of the hutma is its unpretentiousness to care and soil, but there is a nuance: if the soil is fertile, then the flowers will be more decorative. It is important to create good drainage. If tall plant varieties are selected, they will need to be tied to trellises or. Flowers prefer the sunny side of the site, otherwise lush flowering may not be expected.

Breeders have developed many varieties of lavatera and continue to breed them, but the most common are the following:

How to plant lavatera in a flowerbed or plot?

The plant is planted either with seeds on open soil or with seedlings. Let's consider both options.

Sowing lavatera seeds in the soil

This option is suitable for regions with warm climates. Sowing begins with the onset of May. It is possible to sow earlier with the onset of the first heat, but in this case, to protect against frost, the sowing must be covered with special material.

  1. In the selected area, make furrows 1 cm deep.
  2. The seeds are planted and covered with a mixture of humus and soil.
  3. Then - abundant watering warm water.
  4. You can cover the planted area with a thick film, this will protect the plant sprouts from adverse weather conditions.
  5. After the sprouts reach 5 cm in height, the film is removed and caring for the plant begins. To do this, the sprouts are loosened and hilled, followed by fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.
  6. Next, you need to water the plant and, if necessary, tie it up.

Growing lavatera from seedlings

Important! This option is suitable for areas where the climate is more temperate. This method is also used in agricultural enterprises that grow seedlings of various crops.

For this option, you need to grow seedlings from seeds grown in. This should be done approximately two months before the planned planting of seedlings in the ground. Grown in flower pots or boxes, individual varieties are sown in different containers.

Drainage is laid at the bottom of the planting container, and universal soil, which can be bought in specialized stores, is poured on top. After planting, the container is covered with film and placed in a place with plenty of lighting. If the temperature and light are sufficient, seedlings will appear after 2 weeks. After this, the film is removed. In the future, the lavatera will require regular watering and rotation around its axis.

Advice! Once it is warm outside, you can plant the plants in the soil. Place the sprouts on the garden bed at a distance of approximately 20-25 cm from each other..

As it grows, the lavatera will expand and create a lush flowering mass. If the place is chosen correctly, then you will have a beautiful one on your site.

Lavatera: planting and care (photo)

Important! Lavatera is a drought-resistant flower, but requires regular watering, especially in dry and hot summers..

  1. Tall bushes require.
  2. You can loosen the soil under the stems only until they grow to a height of 1 m.
  3. You need to remove wilted flowers on time, otherwise they will become limp in the rain and leave burns on the leaves.
  4. You need to feed it after the sprouts have become stronger, with a solution of nitrophoska (1 spoon) and urea per 10 liters of water. As soon as buds begin to form, fertilizing is repeated. To do this, dilute a tablespoon of potassium and sodium sulfate in 10 liters of water. This norm is suitable for a large bush.

From our article you will learn a lot of interesting things about the lavatera flower: how to grow the crop from seeds, when to plant and how to care for it.

Lavatera is a bushy plant that blooms all summer. By selecting varieties of different colors, you can transform your flower garden, decorate your flower bed, and give your lawn a well-groomed appearance.


Lavatera belongs to the malvaceae family. It is represented by only 25 species, including herbs, shrubs and even trees.

The leaves of the plant are lobed, the flowers are single or collected in inflorescences. Breeders have developed varieties with a wide variety of corolla colors - purple, yellow, pink, crimson, white. They bloom in June and continue flowering until the first frost in October.

Some types of lavatera are perennial plants; they are covered for the winter. Annuals are planted annually in the spring using seeds or seedlings.

This is interesting: lavatera flowers do not lose freshness after cutting for more than seven days.

Growing from seeds

In order to obtain seedlings, the seeds are planted in boxes with soil. They start doing this in March.


Place drainage at the bottom of the boxes, fill them with light soil from a flower shop and sow the seeds, deepening them no more than 1 centimeter. The soil is moistened and covered with glass or oilcloth. After two weeks, shoots should appear. The soil is moistened as needed.


Seedlings dive when two pairs of true leaves appear. The root is pinched, leaving 2/3 of the length, and the bushes are planted in separate pots.

When the soil warms up enough, the seedlings are planted in an open flower bed. In the southern regions this is the end of April, the beginning of May, and in the northern regions - the end of May.


To ensure that the seedlings grow healthy and strong, they are placed in a well-lit window.

Use additional lighting; without it, plants can become very elongated and grow weak.

Landing dates

Lavatera is planted in a flowerbed in May, when persistent warming sets in. For this, seedlings or seeds are used. A plant grown from seedlings blooms earlier and pleases with its flowering for a long time.

Step-by-step description of the process:

  • Before planting, the soil is dug up and cleared of weeds;
  • add humus or compost (1 bucket per 1 square meter) and nitrophoska (50 g);
  • The seedlings are planted at a distance of 20 centimeters between the bushes; if the variety is tall, a support for the seedlings is installed.

Planting seeds in open ground

Seeds are planted in open ground in May. The procedure for preparing the soil is the same as when planting seedlings. Dry seeds are sown in furrows 1 centimeter deep, watered with water.

The seeds are covered with earth mixed with humus in equal proportions and covered with transparent oilcloth. Shoots appear after seven days. After another week, the film is removed, the seedlings are thinned out and hilled.

Flower care

This light-loving and drought-resistant plant will not bore you with complex care. Lavatera only needs to be fertilized twice during the entire growing season: before planting in a flowerbed and before flowering begins. When the first buds appear, add a bucket of water with sodium sulfate and potassium sulfate (1 tablespoon each) under each bush.

During flowering, remove faded buds and water the bushes once every seven days in dry weather. The lavatera bush does not require pruning or shaping. In the fall, seeds are collected and perennial plants are prepared for frost.

Please note: Lavatera does not like excess moisture and tolerates drought more easily than waterlogging.

Diseases and pests

The plant is resistant to diseases and is rarely affected by garden pests. Possesses strong immunity. Sometimes bushes can suffer from aphid or rust infestations.

When leaves are damaged by aphids, the bushes are treated with Akarin, Aktara, Actellik or Biotlin. In case of severe rust infection, leaves or even whole plants are removed from the site and burned, the remaining ones are treated with Topaz or Bordeaux mixture.

Please note: to prevent diseases, it is recommended to plant lavatera every year in a new place.

After flowering

In autumn, when flowering ends, seed pods remain on the plant. Ripe seeds in them have a grayish-brown color. They are collected, dried indoors and stored in linen or paper bags.

When to collect seeds

Green seed pods gradually turn brown after the flower wilts. When the seeds from the ripened capsules easily fall out onto your hand when pressed, they can be collected. The shelf life of collected seeds is quite long - up to 5 years.

Please note: lavatera can grow next year in a self-sowing area; to prevent this, the seed pods are tied with gauze or removed before ripening.

perennial plant in winter

Before the onset of cold weather, perennial plants are removed from their support and bent to the ground, covered with spruce branches or other covering material.

Types and varieties with descriptions

Most often, for cultivation in the middle zone, Lavatera three-month or Thuringian is used. The first species is an annual, and the second is a perennial.

Lavatera trimestris

The height of plants of this species is from 20 centimeters to a meter. Flowers appear at the end of the stems; thanks to their abundance, the bushes look very elegant.

Lavatera trimestris

Popular varieties:

"Novella", bushes about 25 centimeters in height, have large pink flowers. Perfect for growing on loggias and balconies, as well as in rooms with windows facing south.

“Ruby Queen”, tall bushes about 1 meter, flowers are red, large, up to 10 centimeters in diameter.

"Moonlight", a tall plant, up to 1.2 m with silver-pink flowers, blooms all summer until frost.

“Bride”, the height of the bushes is about 70 centimeters, the flowers are white and large.

Lavatera thuringiaca

Powerful plant up to two meters in height. Flowers of different varieties are presented in all shades of pink.

Lavatera thuringiaca

Popular varieties:

"I Catcher" has large flowers of rich pink color.

'Barnsley Baby' produces large pink and white flowers.

"Lilak Lady" has flowers of a delicate lilac color.

Reproduction methods

The plant is propagated by seeds or purchased seedlings. Seedlings are also grown independently from seeds in order to obtain flowering bushes as early as June.

Lavatera does not propagate by cuttings. Seedlings, like seeds, are planted in open ground at the end of spring.

It is as easy to grow perennial lavatera from seeds as annual ones. Ripe seeds collected on the site in the fall remain viable for a long time.

Note: seedlings are planted in a flowerbed when the air temperature is at least 15 degrees.

You will love Lavatera for its beauty and unpretentiousness. And those who are interested in traditional medicine will be interested in the fact that the leaves of this plant are used to treat wounds and purulent boils, and are used to make tinctures for coughs and headaches, and for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

These flowers are excellent honey plants, and bees happily use them to make honey.

How to care for lavatera, watch the following video:

A bushy, tall plant called lavatera decorates flower beds and does not require special care. This is what gained popularity among gardeners. There are different types of this flower: annual, biennial and perennial. The former are much more common.

What distinguishes perennial varieties? How to plant and care for a plant? Are lavatera bushes affected by pests and diseases?

In nature, Lavatera (belongs to the Malvaceae family), growing for many years, has been known since the 16th century. It is found more in the southern regions of Russia, in North American meadows and in Mediterranean countries. It also climbs to higher elevations, growing at an altitude of 2 kilometers above sea level.

The origin of the name is related to the Latin “lavatum” - to wash. Indeed, flower baskets have a pure, unclouded color.

Large flowers (7-10 centimeters) covering the plant, as well as 3-5 lobed rounded leaves are the main attractions of the bush. The leaf blades are rough and dark green in color. The color of the flowers is often pink, but can be yellow, white and purple, lilac and two-tone.

The inflorescences are located on elongated peduncles, at the ends there are deep grooves in the form of a corner. Lavatera is a honey plant that blooms from July to October.

The spreading bush has strong, erect stems ranging from 0.6 to 2 meters in height. The light-loving flowering bush has a powerful, long rhizome, thanks to which it is not afraid of dry weather.

Other names for this plant: dog rose, khatma. The most famous perennial variety is Thuringian.

Varieties of Thuringian beauty have been selected:

The flowers are lilac-colored with dark lilac veins; the bush is of medium height.

Height up to one and a half meters, branched and tall plant. Pinkish flowers become dark pink towards the middle. During summer-autumn flowering, the bushes are densely covered.

The rich wine-purple color gives it its corresponding name. Veins of contrasting color give volume and nobility to the plant.

The plant is tall, up to one and a half to two meters. Crimson, deep pink flowers, up to seven centimeters in coverage.

Growing in open ground, how to plant

Lavatera cultivation different types no difference. Both annual plants and those that grow for several years reproduce by seeds. This procedure may have a different sequence.

Plant seeds in open ground in spring

Frosts have passed, which means it's time to sow. Usually this is the end of April - May. Humus is added to the dug bed. The seeds are buried in holes 1-1.5 centimeters deep. Sprinkle with soil, water and preferably cover with film for better germination. After 8-12 days the shoots will hatch.

The plant is quite spreading and in order for the bushes to stand straight, they are sometimes tied up. In order for the bushes to stick to each other, 2-3 plants are sown in one hole. If necessary, thin out the plantings.

With this method of planting, flowering is observed earlier, and the bush will be stronger and taller. Sowing takes place in mid-March.

  • Drainage is poured into the container, and holes are required in the bottom;
  • Seeds are planted in a mixture of turf soil and humus, slightly buried and sprinkled with soil;
  • Water with a spray bottle and cover with glass or film;
  • The emerging shoots (4-5 centimeters) dive, planting in separate cups;

Planting in the ground, outside, is done when the temperature reaches positive. The beds are prepared and the seedlings are planted at a distance of 25-30 centimeters.

What care is needed

This culture has many advantages, in addition to its decorative nature.

  • Unpretentiousness and easy care allow beginners to grow the flower.
  • A lover of sunny, open places, it grows well in partial shade. Then it will not have very abundant flowering.
  • It is desirable that the soil on the ridge be loose and fertile, but development on depleted soil is also possible.
  • The culture is drought-resistant and frost-resistant.
  • It only requires support and can be planted near stationary hedges and fences.
  • Weeds are removed in the initial phase of seedling growth. When the lavatera gains power, there will be no place for weeds under its branches and dense foliage.
  • The perennial does not require pruning; only dry, damaged branches and inflorescences are removed.
  • Watering is necessary in dry weather, when seeds germinate and during rooting of seedlings.


They are needed if the soil is acidic and hard. During the season, you can fertilize twice: at the beginning of growth with nitrogen solutions (urea + nitroammofoska), the second time during the period of budding and development of the peduncle - with a complex potassium-phosphorus fertilizer.

Interesting! If the leaves of a plant become lighter, it is lacking elements such as nitrogen and phosphorus. The leaves, if they lack phosphorus, may also curl upward.

Protection from pests and diseases

The bush is less resistant to disease than its annual counterparts. However, aphids and leaf rust (virus) may appear. In this case, insecticides (actara) and fungicidal preparations (biotlin) will help. The affected parts are cut off and burned.

What to combine with in a landscape interior

  • Single landings
  • Mixborders (neighbors - sage and irises, verbena), lawns (as a bright center)
  • In the trunk part of tall trees
  • As a camouflage, creating a screen for outbuildings and unsightly areas of the garden
  • Plants with different flower colors are planted side by side, creating contrast.

Medicinal plant

Lavatera Thuringiana is used in folk medicine and is compared to marshmallow flowers. It has the following chemical composition:

  • Vitamin C
  • Slime
  • Starch
  • Organic acids
  • Alkaloids
  • Flavonoids
  • Fixed oils
  • Rubber-like substances