Color red. What does red mean in psychology?

2. Rich red curtains from a curtain salon and paper lanterns with soft light have turned a cave into a magical wedding hall in China's Hubei province. Red is a traditional color in Chinese wedding ceremonies. (David Evans)

6. Twilight gives a reddish tint to the uniole paniculata, tilted by strong winds in Saksis, Virginia. This salt-loving tall grass has grown in the beach ecosystem and helps form and protect sand dunes by collecting windblown pellets. (Medford Taylor)

7. A geisha in Kyoto, Japan, paints her lips with a bright red lipstick that matches her makeup. Modern geisha continue the ancient tradition of the profession - they entertain the rich and powerful Japanese while maintaining their complete privacy. (Jodi Cobb)

8. A teenager holds tangled red threads with painted hands. The boy lives in Khulma (former Tashkurgan), Afghanistan, a city famous for its sheep and wool trade. (Thomas J. Abercrombie)

9. Music legend Chuck Berry holds his cherry red guitar in concert at a music festival in Aspen, Colorado. Created such hits as "Rock, Rock, Rock," "Go, Johnny, Go!" and "Johnny B. Goode" Berry is considered one of the pioneers of rock and roll. (Joel Sartore)

10. Red car on a dirty deserted street in East Berlin. East and West Germany were reunited in 1990 after 45 years of division after the Second World War. (Ed Kashi)

11. Hindu ascetic, or sadhu, in a bright red robe smokes under a sacred ficus at the temple in Mumbai. Sadhus devote themselves to spiritual life, they have practically no personal belongings, they live on alms. (Michael Yamashita)

12. The shadow of a running Bushman boy on a red wall in Welkom, South Africa. Like many Bushmen, this boy and his relative have been living as settlers for two decades now, forgotten by the African government and thinking only about how to get rid of bedbugs and other pests. (Chris Johns)

13. A shimmering keyhole arch and dusty red walls frame the Al Berdain Minaret in Meknes, Morocco. The lighting of the arch also symbolizes the crescent moon - one of traditional symbols Islam. (Thomas J. Abercrombie)

14. A bright bedspread with an embroidered Turkish flag adorns the bed on which Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the first president of Turkey, died in 1938. This room is now part of an exhibition in royal palace Dolmabahçe in Istanbul. (Steve McCurry)

15. A bright starfish lies on a rock covered with algae, Canada. Invertebrates use bright colors to scare off potential predators, and some shades to blend in with environment. (Nick Norman)

16. A lone maple leaf lies on the trunk of a fallen tree in Acadia National Park in Maine. About 90 varieties of maples grow in the USA. (Raul Touzon)

17. The College of Cardinals - the highest spiritual order of the Catholic Church - met in the Vatican to elect new cardinals. Their main task is to choose a new pope from among the college. (James Stanfield)

18. Nothing will dampen the enthusiasm of the Taipei schoolchildren gathered for the celebration of "Double Ten" - Taipei Day. On this day, October 10, 1911 is remembered - the day when the revolution ended the last Chinese dynasty. (Jodi Cobb)

19. Sumac leaves glow red in the autumn light in National Reserve Tallgrass Prairie in Cottonwood Falls, Kansas. The grassy prairie landscape is strewn with thickets of sumac and dogwood, which are so fond of birds and small animals. (Jim Richardson)

20. Maples in Maryland in rich red robes, so adored by nature lovers. Experts say that people judge the quality of autumn foliage by the presence of red in it. (Al Petteway)

Red color- the color of everything mystical, mysterious, otherworldly. Red has long been considered the color of wisdom and power. Among the ancient Jews, it was the royal color, in Orthodoxy it symbolized the divine manifestation. In ancient Rome, the Caesars wore purple togas.

In astrology red corresponds to the sign of Mars.

Since ancient times, people have shown a special passion for the color red. In many languages, the same word denotes the color red and, in general, everything beautiful, beautiful. In Russian: red square is a beautiful square; folklore images: red girl, red sun. Among the Polynesians, the word "red" is synonymous with the word "beloved." In China about sincere, frank person they say "red heart", while the heart of a bad, treacherous person is black.

Red is primarily associated with blood and fire.. Its symbolic meanings are very diverse and contradictory. Red symbolizes joy, beauty, love and fullness of life, and on the other hand, enmity, revenge, war, is associated with aggressiveness and carnal desires.

For many peoples, red symbolizes the south, flame and heat. In Asian cultures, the south was usually associated with red, the north with black, the west with white, and the east with yellow or blue.

Red is considered a masculine color, symbolizing Yang energy. This is the color of life. At the same time, it symbolizes activity and energy, dynamism and strength, strength and determination, as well as love, passion, anger.

Red combined with white is associated with purity and harmony. Red and green don't have to go together.

It is known from mythology that Venus (green) was the wife of Mars (red) and bore him Phobos (fear) and Demos (horror). Red color in the human aura means anger, passion or lust.. It corresponds to the most difficult road of life - the road of love and anger.

This color is too contradictory, and quite illogical.

So, the day is painted in red in Judaism doomsday. But at the same time, red adorns the roofs of the first Jewish temples, and the clothes of the high priests, and much more.

All this, and even, perhaps, the fact that red is dedicated to the Holy Spirit in Christianity, make it possible to understand the associations of red with the Passion of the Lord. With the blood of Jesus Christ shed for the salvation of mankind.

Tantrism, on the other hand, associates the red energy center with increased vitality and increased immunity or endurance.

And Kabbalah endows the red sun god with severity and inflexibility.

Red is the main heraldic color. On the banners, it symbolizes rebellion, revolution, struggle, independence. It is interesting that among many tribes of Africa, America and Australia, warriors, preparing for a fight, painted their bodies and faces red. Carthaginians and Spartans wore red clothes during the war. IN ancient China the rebels called themselves "red warriors", "red spears", "red eyebrows".

The color red was also attributed healing properties, the ability to resist the evil eye and witchcraft. from evil spirits and evil eye help red threads, Easter eggs, fabrics, corals, flowers and plants. The Chinese tied something red to children's hands, teaching them to look at this color as the best protective agent against evil spirits. In many countries, women tie a red thread around their hands so as not to get sick and so that no one jinxes them.

Since the red color is associated with the active male principle, with blood, with fire, associations arise with love, sexual arousal, passion, etc.

Recall that men like red color more often than women. Although it equally excites both sexes. Excitation is purely masculine - physical, muscular.

Red color often causes excitement, anxiety. Increases nervous tension. By increasing the level of anxiety, red makes you pay more attention to the world around you.

Due to the excitation of the nervous system, red initially causes a sharp rise in working capacity. For example, labor productivity increases by 26% after 10 minutes. Accelerates the reaction "counting numbers" ...

However, when adapting to red, the number of correctly solved tasks decreases by 20%, and labor productivity by 34% (after 20 minutes of adaptation). Color fatigue appears, leading to a further decrease in performance.

Psychologists noted that wearing red glasses by an athlete increases his endurance. Reveals fighting wrestling determination in his character.

Red is more characteristic of the tastes of the young. If until the age of 20 it is often put in 1st place, and by the age of 30 - somewhat less often, then by the age of 60 red is already somewhere in the middle of the color range of preferences.

The presence of red in the room where food is taken promotes appetite. This color is exciting sexual instincts. The color red is a pain reliever. nervous system, treats hypertension (the first stage of neurasthenia), activates dystrophics, regulates digestion. For this reason, before important competitions, athletes are advised to wear red glasses.

Even in the Middle Ages, people knew that smallpox and scarlet fever were easier to bear if the patient was lying on red sheets. Red color helps a person to undress without feeling chills during a medical examination. Those in a pre-infarction state in the first place put the red-orange color, symbolizing mobility, as well as blue-green, symbolizing volitional effort. fat people red and orange, on the contrary, do not like: they prefer blue - the color of peace. In psychiatry, silent psychosis is treated with red.

As an aphrodisiac, red is very effective in treating depression, depression and melancholy.

With a significant ability to penetrate the skin, it has an analgesic effect on the nervous system. Most effective in the treatment of hyperesthesia as the basis of most symptoms of neurasthenia. In this case, headaches, dizziness, as well as pain in the spine, etc., often disappear.

Often, red colors are successfully used to treat childhood anemia and apathy: the number of erythrocytes in the blood increases, physical activity increases, digestion improves, the appetite and weight of the child increase.

Scarlet, crimson, scarlet, purple, crimson, crimson, crimson, ruddy, red, pink, brown. See beautiful .. pass like a red thread, let out a red rooster ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N.… … Synonym dictionary

RED, by color: rudo, scarlet, black, scarlet: brick, raspberry, fire, etc. of different shades and density; comp. redder. | about kindness, beauty: beautiful, beautiful; excellent, the best; comp. more beautiful. Red iron ore, ore, iron ... ... Dictionary Dalia

RED, red, red; red, red, red. 1. Having the color of one of the primary colors of the rainbow, a range of shades from pink to brown. Red like blood. The red rays of the spectrum are the least refracted. Red reflection of the sunset. Red lips … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

RED- Red in a dream means that you will be honored by inviting you to a large and elegant celebration. Saturated bright red, which is called purple, means that your lofty plans will not come true. The red color is moderate, calm ... ... Dream Interpretation Melnikov

- (folk.) wild, half-witted man (foreigner.) ardent republican. Wed All babies are red. I. F. Vasilevsky. Human comedy. 1882 cf. Yevgeny even then looked "red". He was defamed in the provincial town almost like a secret ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

red- RED, arch., dial. - Beautiful, good. - There are a lot of red places for prison here, he said slowly (2. 126). Sl.RYa XI XVII 8. 19: red “beautiful, beautiful; very good, excellent” (XI-XII century). Volog. sl. 214: red, red… … Dictionary of the trilogy "The Sovereign's Estate"

1) town, district center, Smolensk region Mentioned in 1150, in 1776 1929. y. city, since 1965 mountains type. Name from other Russian. red is beautiful. 2) Mozhga place names World: Toponymic Dictionary. M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001 ... Geographic Encyclopedia

red- RED, scarlet, crimson, crimson, burgundy, lingonberry, cherry, pomegranate, carmine, carmine, cinnabar, cranberry, bloody, fiery, crimson, purple, purple, ruby, ruby, scarlet, special. scarlet, outdated. ... ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

An urban-type settlement in the Smolensk region, 19 km from the Gusino railway station. 5.1 thousand inhabitants (1991). Flax processing, cheese-making, vegetable-drying plants. During Patriotic War 1812 5 6 (17 18) November in the battle of Red ... ... Big encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Red , . The book is dedicated to the red color in all its manifestations: in nature, in art, and, most importantly, in Everyday life person. She talks about the essence of red, its qualities and ability ...
  • Krasny, Ananyeva E. (ed.). The book is dedicated to the color red in all its manifestations: in nature, in art, and most importantly, in everyday life. She talks about the essence of red, its qualities and ability ...

Finally, the turn has come to chromatic colors =)

Let's start, of course, with red .

Following black and white, red is one of the main iconic and symbolic colors. This the color of movement, energy, fire, passion, any vigorous activity.

Sensual and passionate, slightly aggressive and attention-grabbing.

The red color is primarily associated with fire, because it seems burning, hot .

Hence its interpretation as colors sensuality and passion, warmth, hot hugs.

The color of attractive alluring femininity .

And color love as a whole as an all-consuming fiery feeling.

how passionate

And quite romantic - from red hearts to scarlet sails.

But the fire not only warms, it also burns, so red is also a color aggression, dominating force

In addition, red always attracts attention. Therefore this is also the color of power and glamor . Hence the red carpet.

For the same reason, red and holiday color , it attracts attention, gives warmth and a feeling of buoyant energy.

But red is blood color . Therefore, it can be associated with struggle, with revolution

that is why many socialist countries preferred and still prefer to use red in their symbols.

Although red is often found on so many flags around the world, regardless of the political orientation of the country.

The red color is so symbolically important that it is found in the elements of the costume of so many peoples.

In East Asian countries is the color of good luck, elegant and festive.

In India and South Asia It is also the color of joy and celebration. The Indian bride is traditionally dressed in red.

In the Middle East red is also a joyful color of energy and celebration.

In many Islamic countries earlier, according to tradition, the bride also wore red, although the tradition is not common to all Muslims.

In Christianity red is pretty too significant color. Orthodox Christians traditionally dyed eggs for Easter in red - both as the color of the holiday and as the color of blood.

And finally - one well-known, but important fact - in Russian the word red meant beautiful. For red as a color, the name was red, but red replaced it.

Words - associations for red: excitement, energy, warmth, love, determination, passion, strength, power, confidence, action, sexuality, fire, desire, courage, enthusiasm, movement towards a goal, aggression, sensuality.

Red is such an important and significant color that, probably, in every culture there is something to tell about it. So let's add and share =)

It is believed that a person's favorite color can tell a lot about a person, for example, there is an opportunity to learn about character traits, mood and preferences. The existing characteristics have been compiled by professionals in this field, and the results have been tested many times on different people. Red symbolizes passion, strength and energy.

What does red mean?

It is believed that people who prefer red in their lives are distinguished by their courage and will. They have a lot of energy, and they are also sociable, but at the same time quick-tempered.

What does red mean in psychology:

  1. Men who prefer this color are passionate and ardent lovers. They are initiative and often show their activity. These men are true leaders.
  2. Women who love all shades of red are very temperamental. It is worth noting their frivolity and dislike for constancy. There are many capricious hysterics among such ladies. Red lovers want to be worshiped by those around them.
  3. If a person is irritated by the red color, then he has a lot of complexes. It is easiest for him to be alone, avoiding conflicts and various quarrels.
  4. Understanding what red means in clothes, it is worth saying that people who prefer such attire are self-sufficient and sometimes selfish. They don't care about the opinions of others at all.
  5. Psychologists say that the color red symbolizes fire and emotional outburst, so it is not recommended to use it for people with an unstable psyche, as this can lead to inexplicable outbursts of anger.
  6. The negative traits of red lovers include rigidity and a tendency to physical violence. That is why experts do not recommend getting carried away with one color so that other calmer shades create harmony.

Now let's talk about the effect of red color on health. It has been proven that it promotes nervous excitement and provokes action. Helps red color to increase endurance and reaction of an organism. If a person is often and for a long time in contact with red, fatigue may occur. In color therapy, red is used to treat depression and also helps to reduce pain.

Many parents are interested in what it means when children love the color red. If your child prefers this particular color, then he is definitely hyperactive. It should be noted that the child should have a good appetite and attitude.

What does the color red mean in Orthodoxy?

The red color symbolizes love for God and man. In Orthodoxy, it is associated with the blood that Jesus shed for the salvation of mankind, and also lost by the martyrs who ever suffered from Orthodox faith. When priests wear red clothes, this is associated with a holiday. Priests wear such clothes on the day of the Resurrection of Christ and for 40 days after the celebration. Other such vestments can be associated with the days of remembrance of the holy martyrs.

What does the color red mean in shamans and in magic?

Red is a symbol powerful energy and different powers. They use it to conduct rituals that are aimed at attracting the power of the Gods or to punish injustice. Red candles are used in rituals that help achieve their goals, but only if they have good intentions. They are also indispensable attributes in love magic, so if you want to make an amulet to attract your soulmate, then be sure to use red items for this. Shamans and other adherents of magic recommend lighting red candles on Tuesdays.
