Google.1.royal palace in madrid.palacio real en madri. Style of star children: daughter of Salma Hayek - Valentina Paloma El Parque Lepanto está ubicado en el lado sur de la plaza, en el límite con Bailen Street.19.Museum treasures of the palace

Every week HELLO.RU talks about what celebrity children wear. Last time we got acquainted with the style of the son of Natalia Vodianova and Justin Portman - Lucas, and today the heroine of our column will be the daughter of the Mexican actress Salma Hayek and the French businessman Francois-Henri Pinault - Valentina Paloma.

Actress Salma Hayek became a mother for the first time at the age of 41 - her daughter Valentina Paloma Pino was born on September 21, 2007. For the baby's father, billionaire Francois-Henri Pinault, Valentina became the third child. Before Valentina was born, Pino and Hayek dated for about a year, and got married in 2009 at the ancient La Fenice theater in Venice.

During her pregnancy, Salma gained 23 extra pounds, and later admitted that she considered her body “ugly”:

I had the opportunity to see myself disfigured in many ways. But those traits that I criticized in myself, in the end, turned out to be not so terrible.

After some time, the actress got into shape thanks to her favorite diet of green smoothies, and now she remembers her weight with a smile. In addition, Salma does not consider herself an old mother at all. According to her, it was her life experience that perfectly prepared her for motherhood:

I thought that when I got pregnant, I would need help. But she wasn't needed. I feel like I've done a lot of things in my life to appreciate the time I spend with my daughter. I am a more complete person now than I was ten years ago. Born now, Valentina has a better mother.

Salma Hayek with her daughter Valentina on the set of the series "30 Rock"Salma Hayek and Valentina in VeniceSalma Hayek with her stepdaughter Matilda and daughter Valentina

And Hayek happily confirms these words with deeds. She spends maximum time with Valentina, giving up many film projects for the sake of her family. The girl accompanies her star parents on the red carpet of festivals, at cartoon premieres and at charity events in which Salma takes an active part. The girl is so used to social appearances that she is not at all embarrassed by the cameras, but poses in front of them like a real star.

Hayek once admitted that she hates shopping, and her husband, the head of the Kering fashion holding, follows all the trends. It is difficult to say which of the two parents Valentina took after, but every time this family appears on the red carpet, they look very harmonious.

A girl often chooses outfits that are similar to her mother’s, either in color or style. If Salma went for a walk in a black coat, Valentina will wear the same if the actress came to the premiere in evening dress- The princess’s outfit will be chosen by her daughter. Speaking of dresses: there are plenty of them in the little fashionista’s collection, but the girl especially loves minimalist dresses with a straight or trapezoidal cut. Another fashionable love of Valentina is overalls with shorts. In denim she can go for a walk on the beach, and in satin she can appear at the Cannes Film Festival.

Salma Hayek and Francois-Henri Pinault with daughter Valentina at the Cannes Film FestivalSalma Hayek and Francois-Henri Pinault with daughter ValentinaSalma Hayek and Valentina at the premiere of the film "Puss in Boots"Salma Hayek and Francois-Henri Pinault with daughter Valentina in VeniceSalma Hayek and Francois-Henri Pinault with daughter Valentina at the premiere of the film "Beauty and the Beast"

If many children adore T-shirts and sweatshirts with prints, Valentina, on the contrary, loves plain things. Exceptions are made only occasionally. For example, to the premiere of the film “Beauty and the Beast” this winter, a girl came in leopard-print high-top sneakers and a matching sweater. But Valentina’s jeans and poncho were gray, matching the color of her parents’ outfits.

The girl also loves headbands, which highlight her cute curls. Sometimes she wears thin bracelets made of threads and beads. But the most favorite decoration Valentines - multi-colored manicure. Girl paints her nails with early years, and her mother only supports her beauty impulses. As they say, whatever the star child enjoys!

Salma Hayek and Valentina at the Deauville American Film FestivalSalma Hayek with daughter ValentinaValentina Paloma PinoSalma Hayek with daughter ValentinaSalma Hayek with her daughter Valentina and son Francois-Henri Pinault from her affair with Linda Evangelista - AugustineSalma Hayek and Francois-Henri Pinault with daughter Valentina at the International Art BiennaleSalma Hayek and ValentinaSalma Hayek on a walk with her daughter Valentina

Most people will never make one million dollars in their entire life. It's sad, but it's reality. However, for some, becoming a millionaire is a destiny that awaits them almost from birth. How do these kids get so lucky? Most of them are heirs of a large fortune or young stars. Whatever the reason, these children live a life that ordinary people will never be able to see. Just think - one of the kids who plays on the playground may have a higher net worth than you. So take a look at the list of the ten richest children in the world.

Jaylen Bledsoe ($3.5 million)

There are only two entrepreneurs on this list - all the other children either have rich parents or are employed in the entertainment industry. And the first entrepreneur is Jaylen Bledsoe, who opened his company Bledsoe Technologies when he was only 13 years old. And he became a millionaire within two years of launching the company. His company specializes in information technology and graphic design, and grew from one to hundreds of employees in those first two years.

Rico Rodriguez (4 million)

Rico Rodriguez began acting at a very early age, but he only played small roles until he became the star of the popular comedy series Modern Family. This series became extremely successful, and Rico contributed a lot to its success. He's already earned four million as an actor, and most of that money came from starring in Modern Family. And his capital is about to increase significantly, as he voices the main character in the animated film “The Gang of Feathers,” which will appear on cinema screens very soon.

Elle Fanning (5 million)

Elle Fanning is the younger sister of Dakota Fanning, who has starred in many major films throughout her long career. Elle turned 17 in April 2015, so she's still technically a child. Elle began her acting career by starring in the film I Am Sam, where she played the younger version of her sister. Throughout her career, she received fewer roles than her sister, but still managed to achieve success.

6 chosen

She will probably receive a lot of calls from Russian fans tomorrow, because another film with her participation will be released on the screens of our country - Odnoklassniki-2(2013). And once again she will be happy to note that next to Him she can allow herself to be weak, defenseless, and not the sissy woman that Hollywood made of her...

He understands that they are very different on the outside, but very similar on the inside...

They try to keep their privacy away from prying eyes, but they still failed to hide the fact of their two weddings...


Salma Valgarma Hayek Jimenez was born into the family of a major Mexican oil businessman and an opera singer, so we can assume that her childhood was not difficult (except perhaps because of Salma’s irrepressible temperament). She and her brother Sami were spoiled, but at the same time their parents tried to give both of them a good education.

At an early age, Salma's main dream was... to participate in the Olympics. At the age of 8, she devoted a lot of time to gymnastics, and she was even selected for the children's Olympic team. But the father said his weighty “no”. Of course, this entailed resentment, tears, and quarrels. But he simply took care of his baby - as a good father, he could not “imprison” an 8-year-old child in a sports boarding school, where she would have to train at least 8 hours a day.

When Salma turned 12, she was sent to an all-girls Catholic boarding school in Louisiana. But she returned quite quickly: the girl, whose name translates from Arabic as “peace, security, health,” literally terrorized the nun teachers with her antics (in particular, Salma often set the teachers’ clocks back two or three hours). In addition, doctors diagnosed her with dyslexia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Mother of the future star - Diana Jimenez Medina

She briefly returned to her parents in Coatzacoalcos, Mexico, but soon moved to live with her aunt in Houston, where she decided to attend the Ibero-American Institute in Mexico City. Her core subjects were international relationships and drama. It was here that Salma remembered her old dream of becoming an actress - back in her distant childhood, when she was only 5 or 6 years old, she watched the film Willy Wonka and chocolate Factory (1971) and even then decided that she had to act in films at all costs.

Her intentions, coupled with tenacity and perseverance, bore fruit - quite quickly the girl received main role in the series Theresa(1989), which ensured her status as a national star.

Then there were even more successful projects, thanks to which a burning desire (and confidence!) was born in Salma’s soul to conquer Hollywood. Needless to say, the “Dream Factory” met the young and promising actress without any connections and even a decent knowledge of the language without much enthusiasm. The maximum that he could offer her at first was the role of a servant or “girls of easy virtue.”

But... Whoever wants to, will get through. Gradually, the girl proved that she was worthy of becoming one of the three Mexican actresses nominated for an Oscar.

Relationships with men developed differently - with some, romances lasted longer, with others - shorter. But each of them was literally filled with passion, and each time, like the last time, on the edge.

Since 1999, the attention of the press has been focused on her relationship with the Hollywood intellectual Edward Norton. It was a real extravaganza - ice and fire - which lasted four years. Then, for 12 months, fans and the press followed her romance with the American actor Josh Lucas. But this romance did not end with a wedding.

Salma plunged headlong into her work, trying to “escape” from depressing thoughts about a possibly missed chance to become a mother and wife. And it was then, in a moment of despair, that He...


Francois-Henri was destined to become one of the richest people in the world - he was born into the family of the famous French entrepreneur, billionaire Francois Pinault. His father was proud of the fact that he achieved incredible heights in business without much education. However, Pino Sr. provided everything for his children possible options get a diploma and get a decent job according to their taste.

Francois-Henri graduated HEC School of Management in 1985 and took up computers with great passion - got a job, learned several programming languages, enjoyed an internship in Silicon Valley, and immediately understood all the advantages of the Internet in the mid-1990s.

His career began in the company Kering and developed quite quickly. But one way or another, over time, fate directed his path to his native land: the company where he worked became part of a huge “luxury corporation” owned by his father, which included such brands as Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent and etc.

In 2001, he married Dorothea Leper, who bore him two children - son Zander and daughter Matilda. But three years later the marriage broke up.

Francois-Henri devoted all his time to work, which meant moving in circles where luxury is commonplace. And where there are many beautiful things, there are many beautiful, successful women, among whom were Linda Evangelista And... She...


They met in April 2006. Salma no longer expected practically anything from life; she accepted the fact that she would give birth without a husband and would live for her own pleasure.

She initially perceived her affair with Francois-Henri as an opportunity to simply have a good time. What could they have in common?! He is a serious businessman, she is, although a recognized actress, known for her explosive character. He is French to the core, she is Mexican with Spanish and Lebanese roots. They are from completely different worlds.

She had almost gotten used to this idea, when unexpectedly for both of them the doctor’s conclusion sounded: “ Congratulations, you are having a baby.".

Apparently, this is fate, they both thought, and Francois-Henri proposed to Salma. The joy was overshadowed by an unexpected lawsuit from Linda, who announced her pregnancy, and that the father of the child was Francois-Henri. The supermodel demanded from the businessman acknowledgment of paternity and alimony for a very impressive amount.

The scandal was hushed up for the time being, since Salma’s pregnancy was not going well. But as soon as Valentina Paloma Pino was born in September 2007, the case was resumed.

Perhaps this caused disagreements in the couple, and in July of the following year the lovers decided to separate. However, fate is just that, it cannot be avoided.

There are children in the world who are much richer than some adults. Some achieved this through their own efforts, and others through the influence of famous parents.

Reed, Eve and Erin Jobs, $20 million


After Steve Jobs died, his wife Lauren Powell inherited his $25 million fortune. However, it is known that Jobs set up trust funds for each child in advance. The total fortune of the “children of the Apple empire” is estimated at approximately $20 million.

Nick D'Aloisio, 22, $30 million

A British computer programmer became an internet entrepreneur at age 15. The young "tech genius" is known for inventing Summly, an iOS app that he later sold to Yahoo for $30 million. He has received numerous awards, including Innovator of the Year from the Wall Street Journal, and won the 2014 Apple Design Award. Currently studying computer science and philosophy at Oxford University, he is one of the youngest millionaires in the world.

Gates children, $150 million


Bill and Melinda Gates have three children: two daughters, Phoebe and Jennifer, and a son, Rory. Bill's net worth is $85 billion and Melinda's is $51 billion, but they give most of their income to charity. Gates also created trust funds worth $50 million for each of the children. They can use these funds upon reaching 21 years of age. Plus, the children are heirs to a huge fortune, because their father’s income is growing every year.

Jaden Smith, 19, $9 million


Jaden Christopher Sayer Smith is an American actor and rapper, the son of Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith. His career began with the film "The Pursuit of Happyness", where he played the main role along with his famous father. Currently, his net worth is estimated to be over $9 million. Jayden, like his entire family, spends a significant portion of his income on charity.

Jordan Casey, 17 years old


Already at the age of 13, Irishman Jordan's resume included speeches at the famous TED conferences, as well as several games for iTunes. He learned to code at the age of 10, and his persistence within a couple of years allowed him to become one of the youngest self-taught programmers and iOS developers in Europe. The exact condition is unknown.

Dannielyn Hope Birkhead-Marshall, 11, $10 million


Dannielynn Hope Birkhead-Marshall is an American model, tabloid sensation and reality television star. She is the daughter of the late model and actress Anna Nicole Smith. The girl was only a few months old when she lost her brother and mother, and her grandmother and father fought for her custody. As a result, Dannielynn is raised by her father, and she follows in her mother's footsteps, getting a job as a model for the children's clothing company Kids Guess. Her net worth is estimated at $10 million.

Suri Cruise, 11 years, $275 million


Suri, the 11-year-old daughter of divorced actors Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, has been accustomed to a luxurious life since infancy. The girl’s wardrobe alone cost $3 million and consists exclusively of branded items: Chloe, Burberry, Dolce & Gabbana. She is the heir to a fortune of $275 million, while starting her own career as a model and actress.

Knox and Vivienne Jolie-Pitt, 9 years, $67.5 million

Knox and Vivienne Jolie Pitt are twin children of one of the highest paid Hollywood couples - Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. When they were born in 2008 in Nice, only a lazy media worker did not try to get their photos. As a result, the first photograph of the children was sold for $14 million, making it the most expensive photograph of a celebrity.

Valentina Paloma Pino, 7 years old, $37 million

Valentina was born in a very rich family, her parents are the owner of fashion houses Francois-Henri Pinault and actress Salma Hayek. She's used to relaxing expensive resorts and attend red carpets with the star mother. Her parents' net worth is $15 million and $88 million, respectively. Although Valentina herself has not yet made any money, she already has a house worth over $12 million in her name, as well as a $25 million trust fund.

George of Cambridge, 4 years, $1 billion


Prince George of Cambridge is the eldest child and so far only son of Prince William and his wife, the Duchess of Cambridge. He is not only one of the richest children in the world, but also one of the smallest. His family is always heard. For example, his parents' wedding was one of the most famous events on television around the world. And the next bright event was the birth of George himself.

Since childhood, they have everything an adult could want - fame, money, unlimited opportunities and even influence. They don’t know what simple children’s joys are, but they know how much their next toy should cost and how to get their parents to do what they want. We talk about 11 “golden” offspring who are so spoiled by their restless parents that along with chickenpox they also risk catching star fever.

Blue Ivy, 6 years old

Blue Ivy with her parents at the 2018 Grammy Awards, January 28, 2018

Beyoncé and Jay-Z's first child, Blue Ivy Carter, was born not just with a silver spoon in her mouth, but with a whole mountain of expensive gifts in addition, including a designer high chair decorated with precious stones, a stroller for 50 thousand dollars, and outfits from the most luxury brands. The girl grew up to be a real favorite of the family (her father even inserted the sounds of her first cry into one of his songs), and it seems that her parents are still ready to satisfy her every whim. Parties in honor of birthdays and just because, mini versions of luxury cars (the girl’s car fleet already has a pink Cadillac and a blue Lamborghini), a thoroughbred Arabian stallion for $75,000, jewelry and, finally, designer dresses copying her mother’s outfits - it seems that that Blue Ivy’s parents clearly don’t feel the difference between the concepts of “please” and “spoiled.”

Mom and daughter at the MTV Video Music Awards, August 28, 2016

Photo of Blue Ivy with her mother a couple of weeks before the birth of her twins

In 2017, the baby had a younger brother and sister - twins Sir and Rumi, whose names the singer previously registered with the US Chamber of Commerce as a trademark. It seems that soon the twins will also have to experience all the delights of a rich life, while Blue Ivy will most likely experience for the first time a hitherto unfamiliar feeling of lack of attention. Meanwhile, Beyoncé herself, according to insiders, on day X wanted to bring eldest daughter to the maternity ward so that she would not feel alienated from the family, and especially for such an event she ordered a nurse's suit from Givenchy for Blue Ivy. How much such a step by the mother will help the girl get used to family competition remains a mystery.

Suri Cruise, 12 years old

Suri Cruise at Z100's Jingle Ball 2017 (with her mother), December 8, 2017

In 2017, socialite Suri Cruise celebrated her 11th birthday and it seems that this girl is seriously preparing to become the queen of New York's golden youth in the future. Judge for yourself: from an early age, the girl is selective in her wardrobe (she prefers exclusively dresses and skirts and even wears high-heeled shoes), fires her own teachers, and in her free time visits nail salons with her friends in the center of Manhattan. At the age of 7, the girl even released her own clothing line.

Suri leaving school in Chelsea, February 10, 2014

The young princess of New York hails a taxi, April 4, 2017

The baby lives with her mother and hardly communicates with her father, but Tom Cruise still regularly sends his daughter expensive gifts. True, Katie Holmes is trying to be responsible for the girl’s democratic upbringing, and she periodically takes her daughter to basketball games or museums, but all to no avail: most often, Suri falls into hysterics and insists on spending time in more luxurious places.

Valentina Paloma Pino, 10 years old

Valentina Paloma Pino with her mother Salma Hayek on vacation

Who are her parents: Salma Hayek and Francois-Henri Pinault
Date of Birth: September 21, 2007

Actress Salma Hayek gave birth to her only daughter at the age of 41, and with great difficulty (doctors even suspected that the girl would be born with Down syndrome). But, fortunately, all possible troubles of late pregnancy passed both mother and daughter, and now the Hayek-Pino family lives happily in prosperity and prosperity. Well, when your mother is a world-famous actress, and your dad and grandfather are regulars on the Forbes list, it’s hard to need anything, so from an early age Valentina knows what it’s like stylish wardrobe, perfect manicure and social outings. The girl's father, billionaire Farncois-Henri Pinault, dotes on his daughter (unlike, by the way, the child of Linda Evangelista, his former passion) and, for example, has already purchased an estate for her in Los Angeles worth $12 million.

Barron Trump, 12 years old

Donald Trump with his son Barron at the inauguration, January 20, 2017

Who are his parents: Donald and Malanya Trump
Date of Birth: March 20, 2006

The youngest son of the US President is growing up as a copy of his father (his mother Melania even once called him “mini-Donald” in an interview): he not only looks like Trump in his youth, but even periodically copies his style of clothing, preferring suits with long ties. For a long time, the press and Internet users made fun of the boy for his “strange” behavior in public (it was even rumored that the presidential son was actually autistic, for which they immediately lost their profiles on social networks, and some journalists even lost their jobs).

By the way, despite numerous jokes about the boy’s outfit, this T-shirt with the inscription “The Expert” instantly became Sold Out

Later, however, it turned out that Barron (through the efforts of his mother) was simply not used to attention from the whole world and preferred to lead the modest life of a New York “golden” boy: going to private school, where tuition costs 45 thousand a year, play on her own separate floor in Trump Tower, walk accompanied by security and make herself a face mask with black caviar from her mother’s cosmetic line.

Harper Beckham, 6 years old

Harper Beckham with his older brother Brooklyn. The young man posted a photo on his Instagram to congratulate his beloved sister on her birthday, July 10, 2017

Harper is not only the darling of the paparazzi all over the world, but also the most cared for child in the Beckham family. Mom Victoria pampers the girl with fashionable clothes and trips to the most significant shows, where the baby sits, of course, in the front row, and dad David claims in almost every interview that he dotes on his daughter and will give her only the best.

Dad and daughter on a walk, July 22, 2017

Harper and dad on Buckingham Palace Square before his birthday party, July 10, 2017

Harper celebrated her sixth birthday at Buckingham Palace in the company of her best friends and Princess Eugenie, July 10, 2017

Well, it seems that David is truly a man of his word, because the pomp and cost of his gifts leaves Harper speechless. For example, on the second birthday of his beloved daughter, the football player gave her a painting by the famous Bristol artist Damien Hirst worth 600 thousand pounds sterling, and the Beckhams’ only daughter celebrated her sixth birthday not just at an expensive party, but at Buckingham Palace, where she looked after the birthday girl and her friends Princess Eugenie, granddaughter of Elizabeth II, by the way.

George and Charlotte of Cambridge, 4 and 2 years old

The Cambridge family leaves Hamburg Airport, July 21, 2017

Who are their parents: William and Catherine, Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
Date of Birth: July 22, 2013 and May 2, 2015

Well, these royal babies are quite expected guests on our list. What did you think? Aristocrats are no longer those prim and boring bores with manners that have not changed since the days of Queen Anne. Now among them there are little mischievous children, with diamond manicure sets worth one and a half million dollars and a supply of toys worth an island in the Caribbean. For example, George was gifted from head to toe even before his birth, and after the future heir to the throne was born, the flow of gifts only began to increase. Cars, bicycles, a skateboard, a possum skin coat, surfing clothes, a personal crocodile from the government of the Australian city of Darwin and even silver casts of the arms and legs of a newborn prince from Aunt Pippa for seven thousand pounds - despite the fact that Kate Middleton tries to raise his offspring as ordinary children, such gifts persistently remind the prince and princess of their high position.

George and Charlotte at Berlin airport, July 19, 2017

By the way, George’s younger sister Charlotte is not at all behind her brother in the number of gifts. On her first birthday, the little princess received gifts from 64 countries, among which were, for example, a golden rattle encrusted with diamonds, sapphires and rubies worth 30 thousand pounds sterling, figurines made of Chinese silk, as well as toys, blankets and other offerings accompanied by impressive charitable donations to British projects.

George is delighted with the honor shown to him at Hamburg airport...

...while Charlotte is clearly unhappy with the state of things

Meanwhile, it is obvious that in such at a young age royal offspring are not able to fully appreciate the high cost of their gifts, while the value of public attention to their person, despite the efforts of their mother, is completely clear to them. Which, by the way, is what they use, periodically demonstrating their character. We remember very well how Prince George, for example, became capricious at a show at the Royal International Air Tattoo a year ago, and his sister publicly burst into tears and spectacularly fell to the ground at Hamburg airport when she didn’t like that her mother took away so dear to her heart pieces of paper.

Zachary Jackson Levon and Elijah Joseph Daniel, ages 7 and 5

Elton John with his husband and children at the annual party of his own AIDS foundation, April 22, 2015

Who are their parents: Elton John and David Furnish (and surrogate)
Date of Birth: December 25, 2010 and January 11, 2013

Musician Elton John and his husband, director David Furnish, can boast of two objects of adoration at once: their son Zachary Jackson Levon was born in 2010, and 2 years later the couple had a second child, Elijah Joseph Daniel. Both fathers dote on their children, presenting them with £700 prams, a $2 million nursery, the best designer clothes and holidays at the most expensive resorts.

Elton John's family vacations in Saint-Tropez, August 7, 2017

However, apparently, all this “sweet life” for boys will not last long. So, a year ago, Elton John officially announced that he would not transfer his two hundred million dollar inheritance to his sons, so that Zachary and Elijah would first realize the real value of work and money. On the other hand, the musician will not leave his children without a livelihood - the boys will have cars, houses, and free money for recreation and entertainment. So, of course, we are not talking about a strict Puritan upbringing here.

Max Lyron Bratman and Summer Rain, 10 and 3 years old

Christina Aguilera with children at Summer Rain's birthday party, August 20, 2016

Who are their parents: Christina Aguilera and Jordan Bratman
AND: Christina Aguilera and Matthew Rutler
Date of Birth: January 12, 2008 and August 16, 2014

Christina Aguilera, like many celebrity mothers, dotes on her children and never misses an opportunity to pamper them once again. So, for example, it is known that even before the birth of their first child, the singer and her then-husband Jordan Bratman invested 35 thousand dollars in the baby’s nursery. In the baby's room there was a bed in the shape of a boat, a giant glowing crescent moon, a life-sized Paddington Bear, a dozen game consoles and very expensive designer furniture.

Photo: Getty Images,,
