Private school of sanatorium type. Different boarding schools for different children

Adolescence begins when a child crosses the border of ten or eleven years, and continues until the age of 15-16. The child in this period begins to perceive the world as an adult, to model the behavior of elders, to independently draw conclusions. The child has a personal opinion, he is looking for his place in society. Increasing interest in the inner world. A teenager knows how to set goals and achieve them.

In addition to psychological changes, physiological changes occur during this period of time: secondary sexual characteristics appear, changes hormonal background and so on.

Teenage Issues

Problems arise in adolescents for various reasons. But the following internal conflicts can be put in the basis:

  1. The desire to become an adult, while denying the value orientations by which adults live.
  2. The feeling of being in the center of the universe and the rejection of this by others.
  3. Puberty and fear of a new self.
  4. Attraction to teenagers of the opposite sex and the inability to build relationships with peers.

As a result, it is difficult for a teenager to cope with new violent emotions, and parents should always be ready to support the child in time or give advice. If, in adolescence, in addition to difficulties with changing the body, others also pile on him, for example, the low culture of parents, alcoholism in the family, parents being busy with their own affairs or work, then such a person can fall into the category of "difficult". For such there are boarding schools for difficult teenagers.

How is the educational process organized in boarding schools?

Usually in special boarding schools for difficult teenagers there are children with major learning problems or those who have violated the law not for the first time. To cope with the special, therefore, teachers with extensive experience, defectologists and psychologists carry out their activities in these educational institutions.

Often in the state teaching staff there are people with medical education. Iron discipline is the basis of education in a boarding school for difficult teenagers. The main goal is to return the child to a normal worldview and life.

First, the pupils check the level of knowledge and intellectual abilities. Verification takes place in the form of testing. If, as a result of its results, a developmental lag is revealed, a boy or girl can even be taught a primary school program.

At the heart of the behavior of difficult adolescents are violations psychological development, so that students from the boarding school for difficult children constantly communicate with a psychologist. These conversations take place on an individual basis. As a result, the specialist tries to find the basis - the reason for this behavior of the pupil.

In a boarding school for difficult teenagers, all children are constantly under the supervision of a teacher, and on Saturday and Sunday they have the right to go to their parents, although some stay for the weekend.

Closed and open boarding schools

These establishments are open and closed. The first of them look like cadet corps or Suvorov schools. There is discipline and a daily routine, but the children study according to the standard school curriculum (of course, adjusted for mental abilities), and on weekends they can go to their parents. In closed boarding schools, everything is much more serious - there is a checkpoint, and marching in formation, and regular classes with a psychologist. Some pupils in such institutions do not get home for the weekend, but parents can visit them on the territory of the boarding school.

Reasons to send a teenager to a boarding school for difficult children

The reasons for going to a special school are as follows:

  • committing a crime if the age does not correspond to the onset of criminal liability;
  • age corresponds to criminal liability, but the child is mentally retarded;
  • the teenager was convicted under articles providing for a crime of medium gravity, but released from punishment under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The Commission on Juvenile Affairs petitions the court to send the offender to special boarding school for difficult teenagers. Before the case is considered in court, the juvenile undergoes a medical examination and is referred to a psychiatrist. If the parents do not agree to these measures, all procedures are carried out by a court decision.

temporary detention centers

Prior to the court hearing, the child may be sent to a temporary detention center for up to 30 days. This happens in the following cases:

  • when the protection of the life or health of the adolescent must be ensured;
  • it is necessary to prevent a repeated socially dangerous act;
  • if the child has nowhere to live;
  • the violator avoids appearing in court or does not pass a medical examination.

Boarding schools in St. Petersburg and Moscow

The most famous boarding school for difficult teenagers (St. Petersburg) is a closed school No. 1. The institution traces its history back to 1965. It is located on Akkuratova Street at number 11. This is a closed boarding school for difficult teenagers, which means that children come here by court order. There is iron discipline, perimeter movement and checkpoints at the entrance.

There is a boarding school for difficult teenagers in Moscow. Institution No. 9 is located on Boris Zhigulenkov Street in house 15, building 1. Unlike St. Petersburg, this boarding school is open. Children with deviant behavior can also get here by the decision of their parents or the recommendation of a special commission. The rules here are not as strict as in institutions of a closed type.

Can difficult teenagers be re-educated?

I must say that the problems of each difficult teenager are different. Sometimes it takes only one month to teach a child to be responsible for his actions, and sometimes it takes a teenager six months to adapt. Much depends on what psychological problems he experiences. this moment boy or girl.

Now teachers are arguing about whether work in boarding schools for difficult teenagers gives results. At the moment, about seventy percent of students in such institutions significantly improve their knowledge of school subjects. In addition, in such institutions, pupils not only study, but also spend the rest of the time. Thus, problem children create a new one and are more successfully socialized in society.

What should parents of difficult teenagers pay attention to?

They defend their independence. This phenomenon affects the child, and it seems that he behaves strangely and unpredictably. Be that as it may, this condition is considered absolutely normal and characterizes the transitional age.

Parents of difficult children often face other challenges as well. A boy or girl has emotional and psychological problems, learning difficulties. A troubled teenager often commits illegal acts, unreasonably risky actions. Depression and anxiety may appear.

There are signs that your child is difficult. They are listed below:

  1. Change in appearance. Unjustified weight gain or loss, self-harm.
  2. Frequent quarrels, fights, complaints.
  3. Poor academic performance, sleep disturbances, depression, suicidal thoughts.
  4. Use of drugs, alcohol.
  5. A sharp change in the circle of communication, refusal to follow certain rules, lies, and so on.

The presence of problems in a teenager is the first signal that you need to establish contact with him. Your son or daughter should feel supported, understand that his parents love and accept him in any case. Important to find common topics to talk, encourage sports, limit TV and computer use. Give your child advice, listen to him, do not show aggression. If you fail, seek help from specialists.

Realizing the goals and objectives of cadet education, we are trying not to lose the main female qualities of pupils. For this purpose, the concept of education in a cadet boarding school for girls was developed, the implementation of which is carried out according to three programs.

1. The program of civil and military-patriotic education.

The main attention in the education of cadets is given to the military-patriotic direction. The solemn oath of a cadet is taken at the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War on Poklonnaya Hill.

Pupils meet at the lessons of courage with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, heroes of Russia, soldiers-internationalists, visited the sacred places of our Motherland, the hero cities of St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Kursk, Belgorod.

Pupils showed excellent combat skills during the solemn passage through Red Square on November 7, 2006, dedicated to the anniversary parade on November 7, 1941.

The following actions have become traditional:

  • concerts and targeted assistance to veterans of the Great Patriotic War,
  • soldiers - veterans and disabled people who were injured in the zones of military conflicts;
  • "Memory Watch";
  • invitation of veterans of all wars to the holiday "Victory Day".

Pupils of the cadet boarding school "MPGV" are active participants in patriotic events held by state authorities, the public and veteran organizations, laureates of military-patriotic song festivals in 2004-2007, prize-winners of sports competitions, dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland.

To ensure the quality of practical field training on the basics military service pupils annually go to the cadet health-improving and educational camp "Patriot", where they learn drill and fire training in practice.

To deepen the understanding of the pupils about the basics of military service, about military discipline and organization, the course "Combat Training" was introduced.

2. The program for the formation of an intellectually, morally, culturally and spiritually developed personality.

To express musical and creative abilities, in order to instill interest in musical art, for the further development of spirituality as a quality of a person, the following circle classes have been introduced:

"Vocal" And "Choral singing" form primary performance skills vocal works, and also foster a sense of collectivism and responsibility, teach interaction in joint creativity.

"Piano" develops musical taste, the ability to listen and perceive classical piano and symphonic music, bring up love for folk music, the work of Russian classical composers, Soviet composers, the best representatives of foreign music.

For the development in children of coordination of movements, plasticity of the body, endurance, dexterity, musicality, rhythm, a sense of self-confidence, familiarization with world culture, the formation of aesthetic ideals based on mastering the art of choreography, circles have been introduced:

  • "Folk dance";
  • "Pop dance";
  • "Historic Ballroom Dancing".

Classes in the theater circle develop individual Creative skills pupils, develop the skills of dialogic and monologue speech, expand their knowledge in the field of literature.

Dance art teaches a person beauty. Moreover, this is not only the beauty of movements, but also the beauty of appearance, an important element of which (especially for a woman) is a hairstyle. The purpose of mastering the primary skills of the art of creating hairstyles is the circle "Cunning curl".

Decorative and applied art is a special world artistic creativity, the field of art objects created over the centuries-old history of human development is infinitely diverse. Acquaintance of children with three forms of artistic activity: visual, decorative and constructive is the main goal of the applied direction additional education in which circles work:

  • "Art";
  • "Young gardener";
  • "Press Center".

To improve health, develop motor and intellectual potential, increase the level of physical and psychological qualities for those who are engaged in accordance with their age capabilities, the following circles of sports are introduced:

  • "Single combat";
  • "Fencing";
  • "Volleyball";
  • "Tennis";
  • "Athletics";
  • "Skis",
  • "Swimming".

The directions included in the plan of additional education make it possible to implement the following tasks:

Compensate for the lack of certain training courses in the basic plan. With a minimum number of hours per subject in the basic plan, reinforce this subject with hours of additional education.

Create a "success situation" in self-realization and self-determination of each pupil based on the traditions of the cadet women's movement, taking into account modern requirements time.

3. The program of additional education, which includes the development of the creative individual abilities of pupils and the cadet component: drill and the basics of medical knowledge.

The same program includes circles in which girls acquire the skills of a “skillful housewife” and learn the basics of family relationships.
General educational program secondary full general education provides additional in-depth training of pupils in the subjects of general education and cadet profile.

To strengthen the basic knowledge of students, the following circle classes are included:
"Computer science" expands students' understanding of the possibilities of using a modern computer.

"My Moscow" immerses the child in the world of history native land, increasing his knowledge of the capital of our Motherland throughout the centuries-old history of the city.

"Psychotechnics of communication" teaches the skills of mutual understanding and communication with peers, people around them, social adaptation in society.

Mugs "Literary Lounge" And "Linguistics" reinforce the subject area "Philology» , allowing to develop the creative abilities of pupils.

Our achievements

Pupils of the cadet boarding school No. 9 take an active part in district, city and federal events, competitions, festivals, exhibitions, where they show good results:
  • Laureates of the XX city festival of children's creativity "Hope", 2009;
  • Laureates of the XII city festival of children's creativity "Young talents of Muscovy", 2005-2009;
  • Laureates of the All-Russian festival "Young talents of the Fatherland" 2009;
  • Laureates of the XI city festival "Ecology", 2008;
  • Laureates of the festival "Gifted children". 2005-2009;
  • Winners of the solemn passage through Red Square dedicated to the historical parade of 1941 in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008;
  • Winners of the competition of artistic creativity among pupils of cadet schools and cadet boarding schools of the city of Moscow (painting) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009;
  • Winners of district and city sports competitions.

Admission conditions

In the cadet boarding school No. 9 "MPGV", girls who live in this territory (administrative district and the city of Moscow) are accepted as a matter of priority for education in 5th grade who graduated primary school to "4" and "5", fit for health reasons (1-2nd health group) and expressed a desire to study at a cadet boarding school.

Documents are accepted only from legal representatives (parents and guardians) upon presentation of a passport.

Parents (legal representatives) who wish to educate their children in the cadet corps provide the following documents:

1. Application of the established form;

2. 3 photographs (3x4cm);

3. 3 copies of the birth certificate;

4. A copy of the personal file from the school (certified by the director);

5. Score sheet for Last year training, certified by the director;

6. Characteristics, certified by the director of the school;

7. Copies of passports of both parents (guardians) 2pcs;

8. Certificate from the place of work of both parents - 1 copy;

9. An extract from the house book or an extract from the financial-personal account;

10. A document confirming the social status of children and parents (legal representatives).

Medical documents:

11. Medical card (form No. 026-U-2000, which indicates fit for training at a cadet school with a signature, a round seal of the head physician with a full name and a triangular seal of the polyclinic)

Pediatrician Ophthalmologist Dentist

Otolaryngologist Neurologist Endocrinologist


It is not customary to talk about this out loud, and boarding schools for difficult teenagers in Moscow usually huddle on the outskirts. These are gloomy gray buildings, more like a prison than a school. Such schools are bypassed, they scare naughty children, and, in general, there is something.

Almost 88% of teenagers, after graduating from boarding school, soon end up in prison. An unhappy prospect?

Many mistakenly believe that difficult teenagers are the children of alcoholics, drug addicts, and other marginals. Separately, there are children from prosperous families, whose parents "missed" their children in pursuit of financial well-being. Few people know what causes deviant behavior adolescents can become hereditary anomalies, birth trauma, intrauterine infection, and many other reasons for which there is no fault of the parents or it is too indirect.

Often, a teenager entering puberty exhausts his parents so much that they are ready for anything, even for special. school, just to save the child or take a break from this hell just a little bit. But try to find such an institution. Immediately, accusations of improper upbringing and looking for an easy solution will fall on you. This decision is not simple and sometimes it is the only one for both parents and the child.

Where to send a difficult child?

How can you tell if a child is "difficult"? Problems do not begin at once, but parents try hard not to notice that the child has gone the wrong way. At first, this is a lie, petty theft, school absenteeism and conflict with classmates. Someone says: well, it's okay, we all went through it, and now we've grown normal people. Maybe so, but if the child does not outgrow, and runaways from home, alcohol, drugs and aggressive behavior? The child needs to be saved, and preferably before he is registered as a “difficult child” or sent to a closed boarding school, which looks more like a prison than a school.

Unfortunately, there are not many places where you can send your child for re-education today. First of all, these are cadet schools. As a rule, in such schools there is iron discipline, order, and sometimes, children do improve. But is it really that easy to get into a cadet school? Only healthy children are taken there, without mental problems and behavioral disorders. There's no overseer and that's open school, with a regular day visit. Will the child go there or will he again have to be led by the hand and fight with him?

Under what conditions can a child be sent to a boarding school?

If the child is already completely out of control, the parents no longer have a question of how to enroll a child in a boarding school in Moscow.

Children are sent to a boarding school for difficult teenagers by a court decision, and nothing depends on the will of the parents. In such institutions, children get in the event of a crime, and they serve their sentences there, graduating from school along the way.

The only school in Moscow for difficult teenagers is the Chance school. Children who have been convicted, including for murders, study at this school, but, apparently, correction does not happen this way. Orders are built in the school, as in adult zone with its hierarchy, and no one wants to change anything. Parents are afraid for their children, the Department of Education does not want to wash dirty linen in public, and within the walls of the school, children are forced to survive, as in prison. By default, in Russia there is no problem with children, and parents are to blame for everything.
There are no other boarding schools for troubled teenagers in Moscow.

What kind of children are taken to the boarding school?

To save the child, parents have a long and shameful path, which not many people dare to take. Not everyone can admit that you have not taken place as a parent, and many give up, but the system is built that way. You can't just walk into a boarding school and ask them to take your child for re-education. First you need to go to a psychologist to get his opinion.

The second step is to visit the district education department, which will most likely refer the parents to the juvenile commission. Having endured a lecture from all officials and their contemptuous and condemning views, parents will receive a referral to study at an open or closed boarding school, depending on the behavior of the child.

In fact, there are not so many municipal boarding schools for difficult teenagers in Moscow with accommodation. There are correctional schools, which are of eight types. They bring up children with various physical disabilities, from the visually impaired to the mentally retarded. Just a difficult teenager will not be taken to boarding school with children with a delay speech development, or cerebral palsy.

Often parents have to knock on all doors, but receive only fines for the unscrupulous upbringing of the child and the condemnation of society.

The only option is to get a referral to a cadet boarding school or sports boarding school. In most cases, boarding schools have a narrow focus. A school with in-depth study of mathematics, Chinese, dancing, sports, but it needs motivated children with certain talents. No one will deal with the child and no one will correct him if he himself does not want it. Even if, by some miracle, a child is placed there, he can always be expelled for violating school rules.

Is it possible to send a child to a boarding school for a while?

It is a difficult decision to send a child to a boarding school temporarily, but it may be the only one. The child needs to be shown what “not a family” is, and during this time the parents can restore their nerves and take a break. Sometimes, after 2–3 weeks, children correct themselves and ask to go home, and they really improve. Having lived for some time without parents, and having learned that no one cares about his tantrums and wishes, like himself, the child begins to appreciate the care and love of his parents. And also in a boarding school you can hand over the child, in case of severe life situation when parents cannot take care of him for health reasons or for other reasons.

A child can be placed in a boarding school for a period of 3 months to a year, with permanent residence in a boarding school. Parents can visit their child on weekends good behavior, the pupil can be allowed to go home on holidays or on weekends.

To register a child in a boarding school, without deprivation of parental rights, you should contact the local guardianship and guardianship authorities (CLO) with a written application. A kind of agreement is concluded between the PLO and the parents regarding the visits of the child, the duration of his stay, and other conditions are negotiated. This agreement must be observed in order to be able to pick up your child, without unnecessary paperwork.

Despite the fact that there are practically no municipal boarding schools for difficult teenagers in Moscow with accommodation, there are plenty of private rehabilitation centers. They offer treatment for drug addiction, alcoholism, classes with a psychologist and motivating the child for a normal life. Prices in such centers are different, and not for every wallet.

Of the state institutions, GKU SRC "Altufievo" and GBU SRC "Vozrozhdeniye" can be noted. This is an emergency assistance in case of frequent escapes of the child or his rehabilitation, due to falling into a "bad company" and acquiring bad habits. I’ll make a reservation right away that contacting this center automatically registers the family as “socially disadvantaged”, which does not happen when contacting a private center.

Children are our everything, and excessive parental love sometimes makes it difficult to look at the behavior of your child with a sober look. It is possible not to notice the misdeeds of your children only until a certain time, but during this time impunity, permissiveness are formed in him and bad habits. The sooner the child is pulled out of this state, the easier his rehabilitation will be.

Take care of yourself and your children and do not be afraid of the condemnation of society. Everyone has the right to make a mistake, but you need to correct it in time.

There were many options: "inferior", "mentally retarded", "orphan", "sad", "unhappy", "destitute", etc. Only one girl stood out from the general series of statements: "brilliant", "gifted", "special". During the discussion, it turned out that she herself studied at a specialized mathematical boarding school.

Obviously, most of the responses were associated with boarding schools for orphans, children with mental disabilities and children with serious health problems: hearing impaired, visually impaired, cerebral palsy.

But this opinion is wrong. Quite healthy, financially secure, smart and talented schoolchildren study in boarding schools. Why there, and not in a regular school? The point is in a special form of education, which distinguishes boarding schools - the child spends here not only days, but also nights. Looks like five days kindergarten: Parents bring their son or daughter to school on Monday and pick them up on Friday evening. You can stay there for the weekend. The reasons for such a study schedule are various. And there are several types of boarding schools.

For the rich and busy - private boarding schools

One of them is private boarding schools. They are very reminiscent of the "closed" boarding schools that existed in Soviet times. For mere mortals, access there was closed, the contingent of students were the children of diplomats and other professionals working abroad. Not all countries had their own schools at the embassy of the USSR, and going to local educational institutions was forbidden for ideological reasons. So the parents left the children school age in Russia. In the absence of caring grandparents, the guys ended up in a special boarding school.

If funds allow, any child can be enrolled in modern boarding schools. Busy dads and moms, earning money day and night, are enough today. Parents simply physically do not have the time or energy to pay due attention to their child. And in a private boarding school, the child is under supervision, grows, studies in good, almost home conditions. Children whose parents live in another city or country also often study in boarding schools.

There are no special innovations in the schedule. Daytime lessons. After lunch - rest, walks, excursions, visits to circles, sports sections. Possible extra classes and profile education - foreign languages, legal or economic cycle, mathematical and natural science specialization, etc.

How to get there?

You need to conclude an agreement with the school and pay for the stay in the boarding house. In some private institutions subject testing is carried out. It is especially common among high school students: the school assumes the obligation to enter the university. Therefore, children are selected whose knowledge base will allow them to quickly prepare them for the declared institute. But if a student of the tenth grade is still at odds with, then even the most ingenious preparation will not "reach" him in a year to the level of the Faculty of Economics or the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University.

"Brilliant", "gifted", "special" - remember the epithets mentioned at the beginning? It is for these children that boarding schools with special learning conditions have been created. However, since 1988, many of them have been renamed into specialized educational and scientific centers (SSC). In each class of such a boarding school, there are several winners of Russian educational Olympiads, most of the graduates enter the "difficult" faculties of supervising universities. The most famous institution of the physical, mathematical and chemical profile is the A.N. Kolmogorov School at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

You can be talented, especially gifted not only in mathematics, physics, etc. This group of boarding schools includes sports and choreographic schools.

The schedule of classes is different from the usual - there are special programs. Lessons do not end, say, exactly at one o'clock, but can continue intermittently in the afternoon. And in schools of the Olympic reserve, before major competitions, children train almost the whole day. The children go to their parents for the holidays. The rest of the time is spent within the walls of the boarding school.

Boarding schools "for clever men and clever women" recruit students from all over the country: not only Moscow is rich in talents. For example, the same School of A.N. Kolmogorova accepts young citizens of Russia in the tenth and eleventh grades, regardless of their place of residence.

Formally, any specialized boarding school provides a general secondary education. In fact, often all efforts are aimed at the development of children according to their profile. It is no secret that the majority of graduates of sports boarding schools are not strong in mathematics and literature. Teachers advise sending only those children whose future will definitely be connected with a particular direction to specialized boarding schools. Only a few manage to enter a regular university after a ballet school. If for some reason: illness, loss of physical form, etc., the ballet career did not work out, the young talent goes nowhere. It is very difficult to adapt to ordinary life, hence the many broken destinies.

How to get there?

Pass the entrance tests. In sports boarding schools, children are usually recruited from among secondary school students who are engaged in sections.

Not only good physical data are needed, but also experience in a particular sport. The highest level is the schools of the Olympic reserve, they train professional athletes. You will have to fight for the right to become a student of such an institution. Especially if the choice fell on mass view sports - football, hockey, gymnastics, volleyball or basketball. They accept only those who can really rise to the level of the youth team and above.

To enter the department of choreographic art of the Moscow state academy choreography, you need to pass a creative competition. In the secondary school at the Moscow State Academy of Arts they are accepted from the age of ten. In the future, there is an opportunity to receive secondary specialized and higher specialized education.

Boarding schools specialized in school subjects conduct entrance examinations during summer holidays to be able to come to nonresident applicants. In the A.N. Kolmogorov School there is an opportunity to test their knowledge - non-residents can take trial correspondence exams. To do this, just download tasks from the Internet, solve them and send them to the address. Exam results are posted on the school website. Next to each name is the number of points scored. True, the correspondence tour has no legal force: in order to become a student of the School, you need to pass face-to-face tests.

For future military

The maximum task of another special group of boarding schools is the training of the elite of the country's Armed Forces. These include military boarding schools: cadet corps, Suvorov and Nakhimov schools, etc. Children live and study here on full state support. In the future, without exams, they enter military universities. However, it is not at all a fact that at the end of the corps, schools, their pupils open only one road - to the army. You can, for example, become a student of the faculty of journalism or jurisprudence of a military institute.

The duration of training is 2 years (after the ninth grade), 3 (after the eighth) or 7 years. The youngest Suvorovites are graduates of the 4th grade of comprehensive schools. The age of applicants should not exceed 11 years.

Suvorov and Nakhimov students receive general education and initial military training (sometimes according to the type of troops). They must study a foreign language according to an in-depth program.

But in military boarding schools there is a strict selection according to physical and intellectual data. So, for example, in order to get admission to the entrance exams to the First Cadet Corps of the FPS of Russia, the average score of the certificate for grade 9 must be at least 4.

How to get there?

Familiarize yourself with the rules of admission. They are the same for all educational institutions of this type. It is also necessary to provide a certificate from the school on academic performance, or a certificate of nine years of education. Pass a medical examination, professional psychological testing and a physical fitness test.

Then general education exams follow: mathematics, Russian and foreign languages.

Children of military personnel who have served for at least 20 years in the ranks of the Armed Forces, provided successful delivery exams are enrolled out of competition.

Orphans are enrolled without exams, after a medical examination and psychological testing.

Who is boarding school for?

K. I. Razumov, specialist in child and adolescent psychology:

“No matter how your family circumstances are, do not rush to send the child to a boarding school. At a minimum, you need to test him with a good psychologist. Or talk to teachers.

Children experience separation from their parents in different ways. Someone adapts almost immediately, makes new friends, actively participates in school life.

Others live with the feeling that their loved ones have betrayed them, left them to the mercy of fate. Moreover, such a reaction is more common in children who are truly talented. Many of them are very vulnerable.

A good option is to send your child to a summer camp or forest school to start. Let him try to do without his parents.

And in no case do not make the decision to transfer to a boarding school on your own! Even if you are sure that the new form of education opens up tremendous opportunities for the child. Explain your position to him. And give the student the right to choose."

Parent's notebook

Questions are answered by the head of the press service of the Moscow Department of Education, A.V. Gavrilov.

What should parents do if the teacher hints at a monetary reward for a good mark in a quarter, half a year? What if the administration educational institution regularly, once a month, requires parents to contribute large enough amounts to the needs of the school?
