Miet lists of those who passed the entrance examinations. Lists of applicants have been published

Lists of MIET applicants with points scored are published on our website. Points for individual achievements will be displayed in the lists as individual achievements are verified Admissions Committee MIET. Will change accordingly total score entrance examinations and individual achievements.

The lists include ALL applicants who have successfully passed the entrance examinations. Lists are updated until July 24th.

It should be remembered that many applicants applied for several areas of study at MIET and several universities. Therefore, your chances of admission should be assessed based on the passing scores of previous years and the number of applicants who applied for MIET original documents about education.

1) Do all the lists (in accordance with the Application) include your last name.

2) Whether the surname, name and patronymic are correctly recorded.

3) Is the total score of entrance tests indicated correctly?

If you find any inaccuracies, immediately report them to the selection committee!

Draw your attention to:

1) All applicants included in the list of MIET applicants have a chance to be enrolled in MIET.

2) The chances are higher for those applicants who have a higher total score of entrance examinations and individual achievements and made it to several lists.

3) Until July 24, you can still make changes to the Application by adding new areas of study (total areas of study - no more than three) and / or changing priorities, as well as adding other forms of education (contract or part-time).

4) Winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren, who submitted information about their diplomas to the PC before July 24, 2015, will receive one of two benefits: 1. enrollment without entrance examinations, 2.100 points in the subject.

An important change in the admission rules for this year's applicants at MIET is a new admission formula: 80% will be enrolled in the first wave, 20% - in the second.

Like last year, an applicant has the right to apply to 5 universities for 3 areas of study in each. The main drawback of the 2014 system (admission according to the lists of recommended ones) was a high degree of uncertainty both for the applicant (who did not know where and from what time he would be enrolled), and for the university (which was forced to guess in advance which of the recommended ones for enrollment would bring the original document and come to study). “They usually found out with the help of phone calls,” says T. Rastimeshina, executive secretary of the MIET admissions committee.

Now there will be no recommended for enrollment. After the appearance of competitive lists, each applicant within 5 days will have to submit the original document on education to any university from those where he declared his desire to study. The admission committee of the university will select the best from those who submitted the original certificate and fill 80% of the places with them. This is the "first stage" of recruitment.

After that, for the remaining 20% ​​of vacancies, the second stage is carried out according to the same scheme. The time to bring the original documents in this case is three days.

What are the benefits for prospective students of such a system? For “strong middle students” (the golden mean of the competitive list), there is an opportunity, following the competitive lists, to navigate how the originals enter the university, respectively, independently determine what is the probability of being enrolled in the first wave.

Dear applicants!

On our website published with the points scored. Points for individual achievements will be displayed in the lists as individual achievements are verified by the MIET Admissions Committee. Will change accordingly total score entrance examinations and individual achievements.

The lists include ALL applicants who have successfully passed the entrance examinations. Lists are updated until July 24th.

It should be remembered that many applicants applied for several areas of study at MIET and several universities. Therefore, your chances of admission should be assessed based on the passing scores of previous years and the number of applicants who applied for MIET original documents about education.

1) Do all the lists (in accordance with the Application) include your last name.

2) Whether the surname, name and patronymic are correctly recorded.

3) Is the total score of entrance tests indicated correctly?

If you find any inaccuracies, immediately report them to the selection committee!

Draw your attention to:

1) All applicants who have got into have a chance to be enrolled in MIET.

2) The chances are higher for those applicants who have a higher total score of entrance examinations and individual achievements and made it to several lists.

3) Until July 24, you can still make changes to the Application by adding new areas of study (total areas of study - no more than three) and / or changing priorities, as well as adding other forms of education (contract or part-time).

4) Winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren, who submitted information about their diplomas to the PC before July 24, 2015, will receive one of two benefits: 1. enrollment without entrance examinations, 2.100 points in the subject.

In the main Zelenograd university passed meeting with the rector and representatives of the admissions committee on the topic "How to enter MIET on August 4". The meeting was devoted to "the technology of admission to MIET", as the rector of the institute Yu.A. Chaplygin said. He presented to the applicants and their parents a new information system of the institute, which works through its website and contains all the information about applicants and their rating:

The system was created by us in just a month and a half and is designed to new process enrollment was the most understandable and the least emotional for you, - explained Yu.A.Chaplygin. - It is arranged as follows: as soon as an applicant submits an application to us, he enters our database; his name and all information appear in the lists for the relevant faculty; and then we form lists of those who have already decided - who brought the original documents and directly participate in the competition.

In more detail about the work of the system and the work of the university itself next week, which will be key for this year's applicant campaign, I.N. Gorbaty:

July 27, Monday, we start a new stage of the admission campaign. According to the admission procedure on this day, all universities of the Russian Federation must publish lists of persons recommended for enrollment, and complete lists Applicants who submitted an application, indicating the number of points they scored in the entrance examinations. We started publishing such lists already a week ago (see on the MIET website) ahead of schedule so that everyone has time to get used to the new admission situation this year, to correct all misunderstandings and mistakes. But these lists, generally speaking, do not allow the applicant to accurately assess their chances of entering any faculty. This year, almost every applicant applied for admission to several faculties or even to several universities - therefore, there are a lot of names on the lists of those who will not actually enter this faculty or university.

Realizing this, 4 days ago we started publishing the lists of applicants who, firstly, had already chosen one specific faculty, and secondly, brought the originals of their documents to the MIET admission committee. These are already completely "our" entrants who are quite determined. All of them are included in special rating lists(see on the MIET website) - lists of those who wrote the so-called "Statement 2". The applicant writes this application to determine his choice of one of all the faculties indicated by him in the first application. For some faculties, for example, the Faculty of Design, the rating list in terms of the number of budget places on it has already been filled. But that doesn't mean it's closed. Any applicant whose total exam score is higher than that of the last participant in this list can get into it - all you need to do is write "Application 2" and submit original documents. On the other hand, the guys who have already been pushed abroad by the 20 available budget places at this faculty should be worried and look for some other options for entering. There are faculties where the number of applicants in the rating list is still less than the number of state-funded places - "number of vacancies" is indicated before the list. In the same place, we also indicate the "threshold score" for admission to the faculty; all applicants with a total score above this will be included on July 27 in the list of recommended for admission.

Thus, from July 27 to August 3, MIET will accept original documents from applicants. Those who submit them will immediately be able to monitor their position in the ranking of admission to the selected faculty through the MIET website.

While you are in the middle of the list, there is nothing to worry about, - I.N. Gorbaty explained, - and if you are approaching the lower limit of the list, you will need to worry and choose one of the options - transfer documents to another faculty of MIET (if it is about technical faculties, where the entrance tests are the same), rewrite "Statement 2", or even pick up documents from our institute and be in time for another, with a lower passing score.

Dynamic updating of the rating lists will continue as applications are submitted until 17:00 on August 3. This is the deadline by which universities must sum up the results of the first stage of the admission campaign in order to issue enrollment orders on August 4. Those who do not pass the competition at this stage will be able to try to do it at the next one, along with the "second wave" of the Unified State Examination - but only for those faculties where there will be vacant places.

Topical issues from the hall about admission to MIET and on other topics received answers:

- Does the delivery of original documents early give advantages?

Don't delay submitting documents. last day- August 3rd. The selection committee may technically not have time to cope with the influx of documents, and the situation with rating lists there will be an emergency - those who find themselves outside the budget places will have too little time to reorient themselves to another faculty or another university. The sooner everyone brings the originals, the sooner you and your "competitors" will understand the ranking, this is important. And do not think that the provision of originals is irreversible. They can be quickly withdrawn or the contents of "Statement 2" can be changed.

- If two or more applicants have the same number of points, who will be given preference?

Now this is a typical situation. So far, such applicants are located in the lists in a chaotic order. But when we prepare an admission order, we will take into account the criteria in the following order: 1) the rights of preferential admission for certain applicants, as set out in the Admission Rules; 2) preference for the winners and prize-winners of the traditional MIET Olympiad "Creativity of the Young"; 3) preference for applicants who have graduated from our faculty of pre-university training; 4) scores in specialized subjects for a given faculty. I think these criteria should suffice.

If I enter the faculty of the MPTC and am on the list for last place among those who will be enrolled, and on August 3 at 16:45 I find out that I have been ousted from the list - someone with a higher score brought the documents - what should I do?

To mitigate this situation as much as possible, we will stop accepting new original documents on August 3 at 12:00 - this is written on the MIET website. And we will carry out all transfers between the faculties of our institute until 17:00 on August 3, and if necessary, then until 24:00.

- If I do not go to daytime courses, when should I apply to the evening faculty?

The evening faculty must be indicated in the first application of the applicant among others. You can add it until July 25th. And you can submit "Application 2" and original documents as long as there are vacancies at this faculty. They can be filled as early as August 3, or they can remain further - until August 20.

- If an applicant is enrolled in a state-funded place, is he guaranteed a hostel?

Unfortunately, we have a shortage of places in the hostel, so we provide them only to those who enter the state-funded places of technical faculties. This is 335 places for all these faculties, including the faculty military training. Places will be provided to all out-of-town students by competition. If the applicant agrees to enter without a hostel, in the first application he had to indicate both options. You can edit the first application until July 25.

- How quickly will the original documents be returned after the enrollment order on August 4?

We will return the documents immediately, within 1 day, according to your application.

We have no restrictions on admission to such places and there is no competition. In addition, we proceeded from the fact that you are interested in admission to state-funded places. Therefore, information about applicants for paid places is not even published. If you do not apply for budget education, please, after August 3 and before August 20, complete the documents and pay.

- Is the number of places for "Olympiads" limited?

We are talking about prize-winners and winners of some Olympiads, who have the right to be admitted to MIET without exams. Now we have 180 of them, the acceptance of initial applications from them ended on July 24. There are no restrictions on the number of places for them. For these guys, there is an exception to the deadline for filing documents: they must submit the original documents and "Application 2" by July 30 to take advantage of this benefit.

- Do I have a chance to study at MIET if I have the USE only in Russian language and mathematics?

Yes, but only for secondary vocational education - in our College of Electronics and Informatics.

- Do I need to do an internship after enrolling in MIET?

Traditionally enrolled applicants work for several days to improve the institute where they will study. It will be the same this year.

- Is it possible, while studying at one faculty, to receive another education in parallel?

Yes, this is a fairly common practice in our country - students of technical faculties also receive economic, legal or language education. But, of course, this only starts in senior years.

- Is it possible for students to find a job during their studies, for example, in departments? What is the scholarship amount?

The basic scholarship today is 900 rubles, the increased one is about 1,500 rubles and it is received by those who study without triples. Students successfully engaged in departments scientific work usually get some money. In addition, we have an employment department that provides assistance to both graduates and students. But please, focus on your studies in the first years so as not to be expelled.

Applicants had the opportunity to ask questions to the deans of all MIET faculties after the meeting, at the stands of the faculties in the lobby of the MIET Club.

So, the MIET website in the section "Applicant 2009" provides complete and up-to-date information on the course of the applicant campaign. To date, 4963 applications have been submitted to all faculties of the university, with 769 available budget places (of which 1555 applications were submitted for 599 places at technical faculties, 997 applications for 335 places "with a hostel"). 999 people applied for paid education at the university (411 of them at technical faculties). The vacant budget places, including those with the provision of a hostel, remain at the faculties of MPiTK (90 places), ECT (99 places), ETMO (101 places) and the faculty of military training (16 places), and without a hostel - at the faculties of InEUP (25 places), PrIT (7 places) and evening faculty (24 places).

Elena Panasenko

65 nanometers is the next goal of the Zelenograd Angstrem-T plant, which will cost 300-350 million euros. The enterprise has already submitted an application for a soft loan for the modernization of production technologies to Vnesheconombank (VEB), Vedomosti reported this week, citing Leonid Reiman, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the plant. Now Angstrem-T is preparing to launch a line for the production of chips with a 90nm topology. Payments on the previous VEB loan, for which it was purchased, will begin in mid-2017.

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