Summary of the lesson on music “Folklore - folk wisdom. Open lesson on Dagestan literature Lesson developments on the Avar language

Folklore - folk wisdom

Rochev Alexey Sergeevich,music teacher


To broaden the horizons of students, to consolidate knowledge about the genres of Russian folklore.

To acquaint youth with entertainment in Rus' - village gatherings.


learn to perform folk rhymes and songs, accompanied by noise instruments, with movements. Determine by ear the genres of folk music - dance, round dance, lullaby;

develop memory, attention, performing and creative skills, rhythmic and timbre hearing;

to promote the formation of respect for and interest in Russian folk art and the customs of the Russian people, to encourage friendly relations between children.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Today you will be transported back several centuries and will be participants in village gatherings. After all, the theme of our lesson: "Folklore - folk wisdom."

3. Jokes, rhymes, teasers - this is folklore. The word folklore came to us from Old English. English folk - people, lore - teaching. Together these words - "folklore" - are translated as "folk wisdom". So all over the world it is customary to call oral musical and literary folk art. It was in the works of oral folk art that the folk experience, traditions, worldview were embodied, that is, folk wisdom was transmitted.

Musical folklore is folk songs and epics, dances and instrumental tunes. Unlike professional music, folklore does not know authorship. Works are passed from mouth to mouth, from one performer to another. "Folk songs, like musical organisms, are by no means the compositions of individual musical and creative talents, but the works of a whole people," A.N. Serov once wrote.

A long time ago in Rus', when there was no television, theaters, radio, and even more so computers, young people gathered for gatherings. What is this? Listen to the poem and you will understand everything.

On the rubble, in the light,
Or on some logs
Gatherings were going
The elderly and the young.
Did they sit by the torch,
Ile under the bright sky -
They talked, they sang songs
And they led a round dance.
And how they played! Into the burners!
Ah, the burners are good!
In a word, these gatherings -
They were a celebration of the soul.

U: What did the youth do at the gatherings?

D: They talked, joked, sang songs, danced and danced round dances, played games.

U: At the same time, the girls brought spinning wheels, or sewing, or a hoop with towel embroidery. The girls came to the gatherings first, sat down on the benches and began to spin. Guys approached one by one, two by two and in groups; entering, they prayed in front of the icons, then greeted: "Hello, red girls!" In response, it was heard: "Hello, good fellows!" (Playing a greeting.)

Imagine that you are sitting in a wooden hut. There is a table in the center, wooden benches along the walls, a fire crackles cheerfully in a Russian stove. Girls and boys are dressed in Russian folk costumes. (Pay attention to the sketches of Russian folk clothes). Everyone is here. We can start our gatherings.

4. W:

Now for you guys
I will guess riddles.
I know, I know in advance -
You are a smart people.

A new vessel, but all in holes (sieve, sieve).

Wet, beat, tore, twisted and put on the table (tablecloth).

A flexible forest climbed onto the shoulders (rocker).

Four legs, two ears, one nose, and a belly (samovar).

I feed everyone willingly, but I myself am mouthless (spoon).

Without arms, without legs, but the gate opens (wind).

Now you ask each other riddles.

5. And what songs - nursery rhymes and songs - teasers do you know?

D: Rain, magpie, peas, cockerel, don-don, sun.

W: Let's sing these songs.

Sunshine, sunshine
Shine in the window.
Let's go to the field, to the meadow.
Let's gather in a circle. (Sing with transposition).

magpie, magpie,
Where was? - Far.
I cooked the porridge.
She fed the kids. (Sing with conducting).

Petya walked along the road, he found a pea.
And the pea fell, rolled and disappeared.
Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Peas will grow somewhere! (Singing with hands showing the movement of the melody).

Don-don-don. The cat's house caught fire.
The cat jumped out, eyes bulging.
A chicken is running with a bucket, flooding the cat's house. (Singing with clapping. Choir and one at a time).

6. U: Young people were very fond of playing games - bast shoes, burners, blind man's blind, hide and seek, cat and mouse, riddles. They made a "rope".

What games do you know? (Children name the games they know.)

And I offer you a game of attention. I will play different melodies, and you will perform movements to them. (Dance - they dance in a squat. Round dance - they spin or perform smooth movements with their hands. March - they march. Lullaby - they sit on chairs).

T: What are the genres of folk music that sounded in the game?

D: Dance, round dance and lullaby.

U: What kind of dance do you call a round dance, and what kind of dance? - (Children's answers).

7. W:

Ta-ra-ra, ta-ra-ra
The girls are coming from the yard.
Songs to sing and dance
Amuse everyone around.

Children perform and act out the song "The Red Girls Came Out".


1. Sing a song, imagining yourself: a beautiful girl, a good fellow, grandma, grandpa.

8. W:

Oh, the soul of the Russian people is wide!
And wherever they are in the wilderness.
Only spoons were taken in hand
And they played from the heart!

One group of children decorates the melody of "Kamarinskaya" with the sound of noise instruments.

The second group performs dance movements to the music.


Here are the instruments.
And then from all sides
There was applause.
Everyone goes to bow.

9. Did you enjoy our get-togethers?

What interesting things did you learn in the lesson? -

D: We learned about the entertainment of young people in Rus'. What did the youth do at gatherings, what games did they play, what songs did they sing? What is folklore?

U: Nursery rhymes, songs, riddles, proverbs and sayings are genres of Russian folklore. And folklore is folk art. Folklore is the wisdom of the people.

10. Our meetings have come to an end. Our lesson has come to an end. Time to say good-bye.

T: The bell rang again and the lesson ended. Goodbye.

D: Goodbye.

11. Children leave the classroom to dance tunes.

extracurricular activity: "Mother tongue is the soul of the people"

Purpose: to form in students a sense of patriotism and respect for their people, for their customs, traditions, language.

Teacher's word.

Hello dear guests, teachers and students

Today we have gathered here with you to talk about our native land, our native Avar language, some of the traditions and the brightest representatives of this small nation. The Avar word "millat" has two meanings: nation and care. “He who does not care about the nation cannot take care of the whole world,” said the famous Avar poet Tsadasa Gamzat. Often, the opposite is true. Young people are now in too much of a hurry, let's say, to archive their native speech. Every person from a young age should understand that he came into this world in order to become a representative of his people. A person who does not know his roots is like a wall without a foundation - you never know when it will collapse. Knowing your roots means knowing the history of your people, their culture, way of life, customs, and, most importantly, language. And, which is not unimportant, to represent our people with dignity at any level.

Before starting our today's event, let me quote a few lines from Vladimir Putin's speech at the forum of the peoples of the South of Russia, which took place in Kislovodsk on January 23 this year: “From time immemorial, brave, courageous, strong-willed peoples who, despite the differences in languages, religions, customs, lived in friendship and harmony for centuries. We have one common, great motherland, Russia, and one centuries-old, very contradictory, true, but great common history. But being first and foremost a citizen great Russia, every person living in our country should not forget about his faith and his ethnicity. Unity in diversity is the key to strength and success, the power of our state, its authority in international arena».

Anthem of Dagestan in the Avar language. (Video clip)

Ved.1. Hello, dear guests, teachers.

Ved.2. Hello dear students.

Ved.1. From the very early childhood and to a very old age, the whole life of a person is inextricably linked with the language.

Ved.2. There are more than two thousand languages ​​in the world. It is different for different nations, but everywhere the language is, first of all, a means of communication, without which no human community can exist.

Vedas. 1: Every language is a whole world. Language is the living soul of the people, its joy, pain, memory, treasure. There is no such language that would not deserve respect.

Vedas. 2: Each nation has its own language, which is dear to its children, like the voice of a mother, like the bread of their native land.

Ved.1. The language is given to every nation for all eternity, and it can neither be replaced nor abolished. Today we want to try to express love and respect for our native land, for our native language, for our native culture.

Vedas.2 There is one nation and two republics, like our Ossetian neighbors. There is one republic and forty nations.

Ved.1. “A whole mountain of languages ​​and peoples,” some traveler said about Dagestan.

Ved.2. Why are there so many languages ​​in such a small Dagestan?

Ved.1. In Dagestan, there is a fairy tale about a horseman who brought languages ​​to the peoples of the world. There were many in the bag. Crossing the mountains, a tired horse stumbled, and the bag accidentally caught on a sharp rock. Tongues tumbled down the rocky ledges.

Vedas 2. The highlanders have another beautiful legend.

One mountaineer fell in love with beautiful girl. I decided to write her three cherished words: “I love you,” but not in a letter, but where the girl walks and where she could see his confession: on a rock, on the path to the spring, on the wall of her house, on her pandura . And this would not be a problem. But it got into the head of the lover to write these three words in all the languages ​​that only exist in Dagestan. To this end, he set out on his journey. He thought that his journey would not be long, but it turned out that in each aul these words are spoken in their own way.

Die mun yokula (Avar).

Zaz vun k1anda (Lezgi).

Ttun ina chchai bura (Lak).

Ttun ina chchai bura (Lak).

Men seni suemen (Kumyk).

Uzuz uvu kkunduzuz (Tabasaran).

Meture khosdenum (Tat).

And there are also Botlikhs, Chokhs, Tsumadins, Tsuntins ...

They say that this lover still roams the mountains, his beloved got married long ago, she grew old a long time ago, and our knight keeps writing his words.

Vedas.1. For you, the song "Tears of the Soul" is sung by Kuramagomedova Madina

Teacher: Once a famous Dagestan poet and writer Abutalib Gafurov was asked at a press conference: “You have so many languages, so many nationalities, a real Babylonian pandemonium. How do you understand each other?"

Abutalib replied: “Those languages ​​that we speak are different, those languages ​​that are in the mouth are the same. (Putting hand on heart.) It understands well. (pulling his ears). And they are bad."

Many Dagestanis speak several languages. The stern Shamil spoke about his knowledge of languages: “Besides Arabic, I know three languages: Avar, Kumyk and Chechen. I go into battle with Avar, I speak Kumyk with women, I joke in Chechen.

Ved.1. No one has yet been able to speak about love for his people and his language like Rasul Gamzatov.

Ved.2. He said: “For me, the languages ​​of the peoples are like stars in the sky. I would not want all the stars to merge into one huge star occupying half the sky. That is the sun. But let the stars shine. Let each person have their own star.

I love my star - my native Avar language. I believe those geologists who say that even a small mountain can contain a lot of gold.

Vedas.1.Now you will hear the poems of Rasul Gamzatov "Mother tongue" in Avar and Russian.

Ved.2. Read them Maksudov Gazimagomed and Magomedova Fatima

Uch. Avars (self-name - magIarulal) - the largest ethnic group in Dagestan. As of January 1, 2001, it numbered 650 thousand people, including related small peoples. Mostly Avars live in the Akhvakh, Botlikh, Gergebil, Gumbetov, Gunib, Kazbek, Tlyaratinsky, Untsukulsky, Khunzakhsky, Tsumadinsky, Tsuntinsky, Charodinsky and Shamilsky districts. The Avar language belongs to the Nakh-Dagestan group of the North Caucasian family. Has many dialects and dialects. The basis literary language the so-called “gyobolmatsI” - the language of the guest, developed over the centuries when communicating in the bazaars with guests; in the specialized literature it is called "BolmatsI" - the language of the army. Writing in the Avar language was created on the basis of Arabic graphics (adjam) in the 15th-16th centuries. Since 1938, writing based on the Cyrillic alphabet has been in force.

Ved.1. Few people know that the Avars have their own anthem. Older generation, our fathers and grandfathers, know it by heart. Let's hear how our guys will perform it.

Ved.2. Daudov Ramazan, Karimudinov Magomedkhan and Andalov Tazhudin will perform it.

"Hymn of the Avars"

May Allah take away from your children the language that their mother speaks, - a woman sent a curse to another woman.

Ved.1. In his book “My Dagestan”, Rasul tells about such a case:

Teacher“Once in Paris I met a Dagestan artist. Shortly after the revolution, he went to Italy to study, married an Italian and did not return home. Accustomed to the laws of the mountains, the Dagestan found it difficult to take root in his new homeland. He traveled the earth, stopped in the brilliant capitals of foreign countries, but wherever he went, his longing was with him everywhere. I wanted to see this melancholy embodied in paint, so I asked the artist to show me his paintings.

One of the paintings depicted an Italian woman (the same Italian woman) in an old Avar outfit. In another picture, I saw a bird sitting on a bush of thorny thorns. A bush grows among bare stones. The bird sings, and a sad mountain woman looks at it from the window of the hut. Seeing that I was interested in the painting, the artist explained:

This is based on an ancient Avar legend.

What legend?

The bird was caught and put in a cage. Once in captivity, the bird repeated day and night: homeland, homeland, homeland, homeland, homeland ... Exactly the same as I have been repeating all these years ... The owner of the bird thought: “What kind of homeland does she have, where she? Probably, this is some beautiful flowering country, where there are trees of paradise and birds of paradise. Let me set the bird free and see where it flies. She will show me the way to that extraordinary country.” He opened the cage and the bird flew out. She flew ten paces away and landed on a thorn bush growing among the bare stones. In the branches of this bush was her nest ... I also look at my homeland from the window of my cage, - the artist finished.

Why don't you want to return?

Late. At one time I took away my young hot heart from my native land, can I return to her only old bones.

Later, when I came home from Paris, I sought out the artist's relatives. To my surprise, his mother was still alive. Relatives, gathered in a shakla, listened with sadness to my story about their son, who left his homeland, exchanging it for foreign lands. But as if they forgave him. They were glad that he was still alive. Suddenly the mother asked:

Did you speak Avar?

No. We spoke through an interpreter. I speak Russian, and your son speaks French.

The mother covered her face with a black veil, as they cover it when they hear that their son has died. The rain was pounding on the roof of the hut. We were in the accident. On the other side of the earth, in Paris, too, maybe listening to the rain prodigal son Dagestan. After a long silence, the mother said:

You are mistaken, Rasul, my son died a long time ago. It was not my son.

My son could not forget the language that I, an Avar mother, taught him.

Vedic 1. The poem “Teach me, mother, your native language” will be read to you by a 4th grade student Omarov Magomedrasul.

Ved.2. Many beautiful poems and songs are composed in the Avar language. Such great poets as Mahmud from Kakhabroso, Eldarilav from Rugudzh, Gamzat from Tsada, Fazu Aliyeva wrote in this language.

Ved.1. Rizvanova Aisha reads a poem by Mahmud from Kakhabroso

Lead 2. Aliyev's phase

Ved.1. A special place in the Avar literature is occupied by the work of Rasul Gamzatov. His name is known far beyond the borders of our Motherland. And his song "Cranes" during the celebration of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War sounds in the most remote corners of the country.

Ved.2. The song "Cranes", sings Ksyusha Chaplygin.

Ved.1.And now you will hear the song "Cranes" in the Avar language performed by Kuramagomedova Madina.

Vedas.1. The peoples of Dagestan have a surprisingly rich culture. Each of these peoples have their own language, their own unique folklore, their own customs and traditions, rituals and costumes, songs and dances.

Ved.2. But, at the same time, looking closely, you can find a lot of similarities between the cultures of these peoples, which unites them even more.

Ved.1. The traditional occupations of the population are animal husbandry and agriculture. Among the crafts, cloth weaving, the manufacture of lint-free carpets and rugs (Khunzakh, Chirkey, Urma), patterned knitting (Tlyarata, Bezhta, Tsumada), felt dressing, burok (andi), leather processing, stone and wood carving (Sogratl, Rugudzha , Gidatl, Charoda), blacksmithing, copper-chasing, weapons, jewelry (Gotsatl, Ichichali, Gamsutl, Chokh, Sogratl), gold embroidery (Chokh, Khunzakh), metal notching on wood (Untsukul). It is gratifying that not all traditions have been lost even now.

Ved.2. Traditional Avar dishes are khinkal, miracle, kurze, corn cakes, hominy.

Ved.1. And now for you, an incendiary Avar dance performed by students of our gymnasium.

Ved.1. Nowadays, 43% of Avars live in cities, radio and television programs are broadcast in the Avar language, books, dozens of newspapers, magazines, translated literature are published, the Avar Music and Drama Theater operates, hundreds of doctors of sciences and candidates, specialists in almost all fields of science work. and technology.

A great contribution to science was made by an outstanding Soviet mathematician, the first doctor of physical and mathematical sciences in the North Caucasus, Professor Khalid Mukhtarov, historian and lawyer Kh.-M. Khashaev, philosopher Kh.M. Fataliev, historian G.D. Daniyalov, physician Kh. O.Bulach, linguists Sh.K.Mikailov and M.-S.Saidov, M.Khalilov, literary critic G.G.Gamzatov, physicists I.K.Kamilov, A.A.Abdullayev, doctor of technical sciences Sh.G.Aliyev, philosopher R .G.Abdulatipov. The works of Gamzat Tsadasa, Rasul Gamzatov, Fazu Aliyeva are very popular. With great respect, the Avars treat the names of artists Khalilbek Musaev and Muetdin Arabi Jemal, five-time world champion in freestyle wrestling Ali Aliyev, five-time world champion in sambo Hussein Khaibulaev, Olympic champions Zagalava Abdulbekov, Khadzhimurat Magomedov, Murad Umakhanov, Sagid Murtazaliev, Mavlet Batyrov, Makhach Murtazaliev, Gaidarbek Gaidarbekov Hero Soviet Union, submariner Magomed Gadzhiev, Hero of Russia test pilot Magomed Tolboev, singers Aishat Arakanskaya and Patimat Nutsalova, Muya Gasanova, singers Omar Aratsil and Daku Asadulaev.

Ved.2. The following persons are also worthy of mention as prominent Avars:

One of the brightest figures in the history of the Avar people, Imam Shamil, is a native of the village of Gimry, Untsukulsky district of Avaria.

Naibs of Shamil: Hadji Murad, Alibek Khunzakhsky, Akhberdilav Muhammad

Maksud Alikhanov-Avarsky - lieutenant general of the tsarist army.

Gazaliev Imangazali, personal bodyguard of Emperor Alexander II, colonel of the tsarist army

Israpil Manizhal Musayasul, colonel of the tsarist army, then general of the Turkish army.

Fazil-Pasha Dagestanly - General of the tsarist army, marshal of the Turkish army.

His son, General of the Iraqi Army Gazimuhammad Dagestani, since 1957 - Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Iraqi Army; the second son, Taimuraz Dagestani, was married to the sister of King Hussein Ben Talal of Jordan.

Najmudin Avari - Syrian army general

Nurmuhammad Khazar - Colonel General of the Turkish Army, Commander of the Ankara Military District (Turkey).

Shala-kadi Lachinilau from Kharikolo Avarsky, Imam Shamil's teacher of language and jurisprudence, one of the authors of Avar and Chechen writing.

Magomed-Mirza Mavraev, the first book printer and educator of Dagestan.

Arab scholars

Mohammed Musalav-Kudutlinsky,

Abubakar Aimakinsky,

Ibrahim-Khadji Gidatlinsky,

Sheikh Abdurakhman-Khadzhi as-Suguri.

Abdurakhmanov Osman is a giant and a strong man, wrestler, circus and cinema artist.

Ved.1. The song "My Avar" sounds for you. Dzhabrailova Amin sings.

Ved.2. And now we will hear quatrains-statements about the Avar language.

Ved.1. I wanted to end our event with the words of the poet Rasul Gamzatov

Ved.2. I am an Avar, I was born like that and I will not be different.

Ved.1. The first people I saw when I opened my eyes were the Avars.

Ved.2. The first words I heard were Avar.

Ved.1. The first song my mother sang to me over the cradle was an Avar song.

Ved.2. The Avar language became my mother tongue. This is the most precious thing I have, and not only me, but the entire Avar people. So let's save this priceless gift.

Teacher. And now let's listen to the old song of the People's Artist of Dagestan and Russia Mui Gasanova.

Video with the speech of Rasul Gamzatov.


Objectives: to arouse students' interest in studying the poet's work, help students to better understand the moral issues of the works of Gamzat Tsadasa and instill an interest in reading national literature.

My father, I see you from afar.

good look and soft hand.

I see how on the roof early in the morning

You sit, hugging me to you;

Under your sheepskin coat

I warmed up like a fire.

I see: you are sitting gloomy in the house,

Recalling one story again,

Like an unfamiliar highlander in the village

Painfully insulted his wife.

I see how gray-haired and dark-skinned,

Hunched a little, but still beautiful,

You put your hands behind your belt,

Joking with the youth.

I see you in your declining years

I see with young, burning eyes,

I see you looking after

The sun setting behind the mountains.

I see dejected, upset,

I see joyful and enthusiastic,

I see on the Caspian coast

And in the native mountains, where the distance is foggy.

I see everywhere, I see all the time...

But you are in the grave, lifeless,

I can't imagine.

What, Rasul? I see you are very sad.

Yes, Sage, you are right, it is hard for me without my beloved, dear father.

Well, what are you? You are not without him.

I miss his warmth.

And he did not take the heat with him.

I miss his advice.

Yes, he left a shaft of advice. Do not be sad, we will proudly remember the name of your father, Rasul.

(teacher with a candle in his hand) Let everyone hear and, remembering forever, pass the wealth of the aksakal to his children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. After all, it brings warmth with it, teaches wisdom, love and understanding. And the candle lit by Tsada, let Dagestan shine forever.

Dear Rasul, I understand your sadness, our dear.

But they talk about your great father here and there.

He is present in his native mountains, where the distance is foggy, and in the Caspian Sedom.

Know, Rasul, your father is always in front of you.

And whatever happens to you every time

You, as before, are the son of the great Gamzat.

To you and to us in a deserted and silent hour

He will come to amuse with verses until dawn.

You're right, sage! He is my father here!

He teaches us to look at life with clear eyes.

I swear, my father, to be your son,

What does it mean to be a good man.

I swear to be with the people at any hour,

So that one fate unites us ...

And let the ink not dry, father,

In the ink poured by you. 1

(teacher) As you already understood, we dedicate this literary evening to the anniversary of the great folk poet of Dagestan, Gamzat Tsadasa. This year the country celebrates its 140th anniversary.

great poet Dagestan Tsadasa was born on August 21, 1877 in the village. Tsada of the Khunzakh region in the family of a poor peasant. His surname "Tsadasa" is a pseudonym and comes from the name of the village "Tsada". The parents of the future poet are from the family of poor Uzden. However, Gamzat himself has a completely different opinion on this matter: what kind of poor man is he, if he inherited from his father a dagger, in which only the hilt was broken, and a gun, in which only the butt was missing?

You can learn about Gamzat Tsadas by reading his works. “My life is in my books,” said Gamzat Tsadasa.

1. Video. "I was born from Magoma."

Many recall that Gamzat was a very diligent boy who respected and honored his parents; they were really afraid that he would be jinxed ...

As you already understood, when Gamzat was seven or eight years old, he lost his father and fell into the hands of his cousin uncle. He, as soon as the boy was ten years old, gave him to a dibir, a Muslim priest. Gamzat spent many years in this village. Many Dibirs changed, some came, others left, but Gamzat remained as a student.

Gamzat wandered from village to village for twenty years, "hunting for science", and accumulated extensive knowledge in theology, logic, ethics, Islamic law, and in some disciplines of natural science. The poet excelled in the field of grammar, vocabulary, style Arabic, mastered the laws of Eastern versification, gained access to the richest literary, historical and philosophical works of the Muslim East.

As for the teachings, they also provided him with assistance: they did not particularly bother with the sciences. Let, they say, work better ... Gamzat began to compose poetry at the age of fourteen in the same village. He dedicated the first poem to the neighbor's dog - "Alibek's Dog". His poems and jokes were directed against various norms of adat, mullahs, rich people, merchants.

He did not like the outdated laws in the mountains. He considered them humiliating for the people. And all his life he fought against these adats.

2. Scene "Mother, daughter and horse dealer."

During three years was a Muslim priest and judge in his native village of Tsada. Later he relinquished this title. Worked for some time railway and rafting, then engaged agriculture. In 1917-1919, Gamzat Tsadasa was a member of the Khunzakh Sharia Court. In 1921-1922 he worked as the editor of the Krasnye Gory newspaper, where he published his first poems.

Great preference in his poetry is given to friendship, comradeship, good neighborliness, and even more importantly for him - teaching.

3. The poem "Whom to be friends with."

4. The poem "On friendship with an eye."

The moral principles of Gamzatov's poetry, and they manifested themselves especially clearly in the work of the war years. As they say, Tsadasa kept his poetic gunpowder dry. And when the hour came, the poet equated the pen with the bayonet. And the poet fought not only with verse. traveled by military units, visited the front line, spoke at anti-fascist rallies ...

Tsadasa sent two of his sons to the front, and they died a heroic death - one in Sevastopol, the other near Stalingrad. The poet had an extensive correspondence with the front-line soldiers. He became the initiator of the creation of a periodical printed organ for communication between the front and the rear. "Dagestan - to its front-line soldiers" - that was the name of the newspaper, which in those unforgettable years became an inimitable, unique phenomenon.

5. Scene "Life and Motherland".

Gamzat Tsadasa is the author of dramas and comedies "The Shoemaker", "Meeting in Battle", "The Marriage of Kadalav". A significant place in the poet's work is occupied by the poetic tales "The Elephant and the Ant", "The Tale of the Hare and the Lion", the fables "The Dreamer Shepherd", "My tongue is my enemy", etc.

last years In his lifetime, he wrote the plays “The Chest of Disasters”, “Meeting in Battle”. The poet's work is connected with the Avar folklore. Tsadasa translated the works of A.S. Pushkin into Avar.

Gamzat Tsadasa is one of the largest figures in the national artistic culture. His creative heritage is enormous, his contribution to the treasury of his native literature is invaluable. Tsadasa entered the life and consciousness of his people as the bearer of his rich spiritual and moral experience and the best aesthetic traditions.

Tsadasa lived for seventy-four years and devoted sixty of them to the formation and development of his native Avar poetry and all Dagestan literature. public consciousness the poet entered as an unsurpassed master of satire and humor, a talented fabulist and playwright, the creator of epic poems and lyric poems, an outstanding translator and researcher of national literature.

In the poetry of Tsadasa, a kind of cumulative satirical image of the newly appeared Soviet tradesman and opportunist, sycophant and careerist was created. Tsadasa's laughter has always been purifying and remains so to this day. It is no coincidence that Tsadasa called himself a doctor. During the most critical periods of life native land the national poet was able to sensitively listen to the pulse of his people. He becomes not just an outside sympathizer, but a poetic herald of renewal in the mountains.

The personality of Gamzat Tsadasa was extraordinary, his talent was extraordinary. They brought the poet national recognition. In 1934 Tsadasa, "as the oldest poet," was awarded the honorary title of People's Poet of Dagestan. In 1939 he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, in 1944 and 1947 - the Order of Lenin. In 1950, the People's Poet was awarded the Stalin Prize.

He was a folk poet in the deepest, broadest and truest sense of the term. “I am a poet, born of the people, and I have a weapon honed by the people. And I had the people as a library, and I had the people as an audience. I took from the people, gave back to the people,” the poet said in 1950, speaking to voters.

He met with the people almost every day at the Godekan. Very often relatives and acquaintances came to Gamzat Tsadasa for advice and


The aksakals also tried to take their grandchildren to godekan, because, according to Gamzat Tsadasa, a real man can be brought up nearby, teaching, helping, explaining.

6. "On the Godecan"

In every Dagestan village there is a place where men gather every day, and this place is called “godekan”. On the one hand, it seems that people come there because they have nothing to do. But on the other hand, it is not. Godekan is considered a kind of school, and every man in the Dagestan village considered it his duty to visit it. At the godekan, all rural news, problems and affairs were discussed and discussed. Any person who first came to some familiar or unfamiliar village would definitely go there.

Boys sometimes appeared at the godekan, who eventually learned the norms of behavior in society. Those who are older could give them any order, and they had to carry it out immediately and without discussion. Often at the godekan they arranged games for children, taught them to wrestle and throw stones. Coming to godekan, the younger generation learned to respect the elders and obey the traditions of their ancestors.

7. Quiz (teacher )

And now you will listen to the fables of Gamzat Tsadasa. And you will have to work on these fables in groups.

    Notice the quatrains. Read them carefully. Which of them can be related to this fable?

He does not respect himself

Who on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Uninvited, like a cat

Dinner will come to someone else.

    I think you already understand the meaning of this fable. Therefore, I suggest you listen to another fable. The most attentive and active team in a small quiz will be the winner.


"The dreamer is a shepherd."

The shepherd was famous in old Khunzakh:

Poor as a mouse, but rich in dreams.

The old man slept like a bean on the straw,

Foolish hope, like a young man, glad.

In the empty sakla, only a jug dangled,

Hung low to the ceiling,

Oil was paid for labor, and a jug

The shepherd was the oil store.

The dreamer stood before the jug,

He wanted to eat, but he knew only one food:

He only dipped his finger in oil,

With a stale cake, swallowing saliva.

In a sakla closely smoky dream -

The shepherd dreamed near the mountain peaks,

The poor man walked through the mountains for wealth,

Profit counted and looked at the jug:

“I will give a jug of oil for a sheep,

Three times a year she will give me lambs,

Each uterus will bring two,

A whole flock of lambs will spawn ... "

With a stick, the jug of the unfortunate touched,

Clay rustled dust,

The oil that I saved drop by drop,

Puddles at the feet of the shepherd spilled.

Idle dreams instantly disappeared,

In the sakla, as before, he lives alone.

He broke the stick and threw it away,

The one that broke the dream and the jug.

    Find epithets.

    Find metaphors.

    Find comparisons.

    What is the moral of a fable? Find a quatrain on the board that can be called the moral of this fable

    Remember the proverbs that are very similar to the content of the fable.

Lazy sitting sleeping, lying down working

Where they work - it's dense, and in a lazy house - it's empty

Laziness leads to poverty.

    Match the names of the fables with arrows

In the meantime, our guys are working, we will not be bored. We also have things to do.

If you have been attentive, you will be able to answer my questions.

    What date do we celebrate today? (140th anniversary of Gamzat Tsadasa)

    Where was G.Tsadasa born? (in the village of Tsada, Khunzakh district)

    Why was he brought up by his uncle? (lost parents early)

    How old was he when he lost his parents? (7-8)

    Why did his uncle give it to dibiru? (to be taught to read and write)

    At what age did he start writing poetry? (14)

    What were his poems about? (against the norms of adat, mullahs, rich people, traders)

    What contribution did he make to Dagestan and Dag. literature during the years of V.O.V?

He sent two sons to war.

Wrote patriotic poems

Traveled to military units

He spoke at anti-fascist rallies.

9. What are the main motives of the lyrics of G. Tsadasa

( Friendship, comradeship, love for learning, for work, respect for elders, love for the Motherland, to parents, good neighborliness, hospitality).

10. What did he condemn in his writings?

Toadiness, lies, gossipers, envious people, greed.

11. As you already understood, in addition to fairy tales, poems, he wrote satirical fables. What fabulists of Russian literature do you know?(Ivan Andreevich Krylov, Alexander Petrovich Sumarokov, Ivan Ivanovich Dmitriev)

- On June 11, 1951, after a severe and prolonged illness, Gamzat Tsadasa passed away. More than 66 years have passed since then. But his memory lives on. The name of Tsadasa is carried by the Institute of Language, Literature and Art Russian Academy Sciences, Avar State Music and Drama Theatre, art factory, collective farms, schools, streets. For many decades, the boundless expanses of the world's oceans have been plowed by a ship, on board of which "Gamzat Tsadasa" is inscribed.

In the small Avar village of Tsada, located at the foot of rocky cliffs, in a modest mountain shakla, built of simple local stone, where Gamzat Tsadas was born and spent many decades of his life, the State Literary and Memorial Museum of the Dagestan poet functions. And near the main square of the capital of the Republic of Dagestan, a bronze bust of the poet rises on an eternal granite base.

Gamzat Tsadasa is always with us, we need him both today and tomorrow. He is a contemporary of every new generation. And today's reader finds support in his legacy in the struggle for truth, justice, decent life.

The doors of this house in Makhachkala were always open for guests. There was a room in it, which in the mountain language was called kunak. She has never been empty. The compatriots of the owner of the house, the Tsadins, usually stopped here, they were proud of the fact that Gamzat, having made the name of his native village Tsada his pseudonym, glorified him throughout the country. The hospitality of Gamzat was also enjoyed by the natives of other auls. Russian writers often visited - Nikolai Tikhonov, Vladimir Lugovskoy, Pyotr Pavlenko, Semyon Lipkin.

The poet's wife, Khandulay, took care of the table and amenities for the guests. A woman of extraordinary kindness, diligence, endurance and tact, Khandulay understood her husband well and was worthy of him. After the death of her two eldest sons, who fell in the war, she went into mourning, but did not give up. Gamzat lovingly wrote about her that if not for her, he would hardly have achieved what he did.

When at dawn he sat down to work and his muttering, like a prayer, reached the ears of the household, Khandulay took off her shoes so as not to disturb the silence in the house.

Once, returning from Moscow, Rasul, seeing how many worries fall on the shoulders of his mother due to the fact that the doors of the house are always open, carefully complained about this in the presence of his father. Then Gamzat asked him:

"What do you keep in your closet, my son?"

"Books, father."

“Everyone has their own library, Rasul. People are my books...

We will all die, there are no immortal people,

And all this is known and not new.

But we live to leave a mark:

House or path, tree or word.

Not all streams dry up

Not all tunes will be destroyed by time,

And streams will multiply the power of the river,

And the song will increase our glory (Rasul's creed)

8. Song "Dagestan"

At this literary evening dedicated to the 140th anniversary of Gamzat Tsadasa came to an end. Thank you for your attention.

Public lesson on Dagestan literature

Conducted by a teacher of the Russian language and literature of the gymnasium No. 2 in Derbent

Mamedova A.M.

  1. To give students a concept of folklore, to introduce genres, types of folklore.
  2. Summarize information about the genres that children got acquainted with on a practical level throughout their previous lives. Expansion of ideas about folk art.

Epigraph: “The beginning of the art of the word is in folklore” A. M. Gorky

Equipment: exhibition of children's books: nursery rhymes, riddles, jokes.

During the classes.

I. Teacher's word:

Any book, or work, as we say, was created by someone's work. The work has an author who, as a result of creative work, created this work. To create something, you must have material, the main of which is language.

Today we will start talking about works from the most ancient times, when there was no written language.

This is oral folk art.

In scientific literature it is called folklore(on the board).

These works from time immemorial were formed by folk masters of the word, passed from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation. New storytellers improved the text, achieved ever greater expressiveness and accuracy of the word.

So the works of oral folk art have come down to us: fairy tales, proverbs, riddles, ditties, lullabies, jokes.

Let's write down: Oral folk art, or folklore, is the verbal poetic creativity of the people.

Oral folk art, born in the mists of time and passed from mouth to mouth, expresses a dream people about joyful and creative work about the conquest of nature, faith people in the victory of goodness, justice and the inexhaustible strength of the people's heroes - the defenders of their native land, hope people for a better and just order in the world.

II. Making a basic outline

Teacher: in the lessons we will only observe behind these views folk art. But in reality there are many more.

III. Small genres of folklore:

  1. Children's folklore is rich in the most various types: nursery rhymes, jokes, sayings, counting rhymes, teasers - they all occur in your speech, and you perceive them as natural and do not think that this folklore .
  2. Fairy tales
  3. - the fairy tale shows that good is beautiful, and evil is disgusting.

The story is fiction. But A.S. Pushkin said: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows”

Whether he walked for a long time, whether it was short,

Such beauties - neither think nor guess, only say in a fairy tale.

Not in a fairy tale to say, not to describe with a pen

Eat set expressions(good fellow...)

d) Narration is different peculiar rhythm:

  • the hero must pass three tests,
  • Fall into three kingdoms, three times repetition
  • given three tasks,
  • pronounced three times the same words:

“Go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening.”

3. Proverbs and sayings - wise sayings

a) For centuries people have created wise sayings.

They conveyed the main thoughts about life

  • how dear to man motherland;
  • about friendship and mutual assistance;
  • about labor;
  • about honor;
  • about courage. - And in general about everything that a person meets in life.

b) Proverb - this is a short saying with a moralizing meaning

c) The proverb has a sister - proverb .

They look alike, but...

Difference: a proverb is a complete sentence it often has rhythm and rhyme.

A proverb is part of a sentence.

(Started a fairy tale about a white bull)

4. Riddles are a game of quick wit, in which you have to guess what is being said.

This is an allegory: one thing is described, but another is implied.

(Remember: the riddle is cunning, it makes you feel smart).

The riddle surprises and pleases with colloquial speech, apt word.

No wonder in fairy tales the hero often has to go through trial riddle: guess - to be, in your opinion. You can't guess - the head is off the shoulders.

5. Fables - they talk about the incredible (which brings them closer to a fairy tale).

Because of the forest, because of the mountains
Grandpa Egor is coming
On damask on a cart,
On a creaky horse.
Boots on it with a pocket
A vest with a heel
Belted with a club
Leaned on a sash.

Another name for fables changelings.

6. Patter is a game based on the pronunciation of difficult sounds.


The cuckoo bought a hood, the cuckoo put on a hood, and in the hood he is ridiculous.

Our Polkan fell into a trap.

Serum from yogurt.

7. Rhyming rhymes are indispensable participants in children's games.

Everyone is equal in front of the rhyme - whoever she points to is guessing.

The main thing is the clarity of the rhythm.

On the golden porch sat:
king, prince,
king, queen,
Shoemaker, tailor.
Who will you be?
Speak quickly
Don't delay
Honest and kind people!

Bunny running down the road
Yes, my legs are very tired.
Bunny wanted to sleep.
Come out, you look.

One two three four five,
We will play hide and seek.
Stars, month, meadow, flowers,
You go lead!

Clouds, clouds, clouds, clouds,
A big, mighty horse is galloping.
He jumps through the clouds.
Who does not believe - get out!

8. There are still other types of games (calls, sentences, nursery rhymes, jokes, teasers).

Vanya, Vanya, simplicity!
Bought a horse without a tail!
Sat back to front
And went to the garden.

- teaser

almonds, almonds,
Where were you? By Grandma

- nursery rhyme(this is how they amuse the little ones)

Knocking, strumming down the street,
Thomas rides a chicken
Timoshka - on a cat
On a crooked path.

- joke(always with a smile)

Fly to the sky
Bring us some bread

- sentence

e) If it rains for several days in a row, then they ask the rain to stop:

Rain, rain, fall
There will be a glorious harvest:
In a field of flax and beans,
Berries and mushrooms in the forest.
Poppy and lilac in the garden
Hops are green in the garden!

These are invocations. So in ancient times they conjured (called) rain

Rainbow - arc,
Don't let it rain
Come on sunshine
Under the window!

Clouds, clouds
Run in a bunch!
Cover the sun
Wet the earth with rain!

- ditties

Thunder, thunder
Don't hit our house.
And hit the deck -
In cold water!

Rain, lei, lei, lei
For me and people!
On people by the spoon,
Little by little for me.
And on Baba Yaga
Lei for a whole bucket!

thunder thunder,
Crack the clouds.
Give me rain
From the heavens.

- carols

e) anecdote - satire, humor. Funny story.

II. Consolidation of what has been learned.

1. Play with words!


For every call I give an answer,
And there is no soul, no body (Echo)

Red girl, stone heart

You are from her - she is behind you,
You follow her - she is from you (needle and thread)

Came to me in the forest; searched, searched for her - did not find,
Brought home in the palm of your hand (splinter)

Burn, sun, brighter!

Ladybug is asked what the weather will be, or they ask:

Cow - Goddess,
Fly to the sky
Bring me bread
Drying, buns,
Sweet cheesecakes.
Sell ​​to everyone
And so let's go!

Will it rain or will it be sunny?
If there is sun, then fly!
If it rains, sit down!

The snail is asked:

snail, snail,
Release the horns!
I will give you bread
And a piece of cake!

Command the snail: release the horns now!

Ask her: do not refuse, please show your horns, I really want to look at them.

2. Working with a proverb on a speech (problem) situation

a) “Nina said something in secret to her friend. She could not stand it, told the other, the other - the third, soon everyone knew about it. What is the proverb about this?

  1. A secret around the world.
  2. Keep your mouth shut with talkers.
  3. Not everything is shallow, you know.
  4. Apparently she has a boneless tongue.
  5. The mill grinds - there will be flour, the tongue grinds - there will be trouble.

II Part.

Creativity of parents.

Gatherings “At the samovar”
