How to turn friendship into love. Hypertension in the elderly - treatment and its basic principles

The moment has come, and you realized that you will never find a more beautiful man who can make you happy. He understands you very well. He is always there when you want to cry simply because you are in a bad mood and "the whole world has collapsed." He is kind, the best, the most understanding, the most caring. The question arises in my head: why didn’t I notice it before?

Is it real and how to transfer a relationship from friendship to love?

In order to achieve reciprocity, you need to show and prove that you are really in love and have a spark of feelings for your friend - a man.

To begin with, let's start with the fact that you have a lot of advantages over other women: you know all the pros and cons of the man you are interested in. You know what he likes, his tastes. Therefore, if you use all the available information correctly and turn on all your charm, then turning friendship into love will not be difficult for you.

Your goal: his love. Your actions: try to be more interested and ask

questions about his past life, more specifically about his past relationships. It may happen that such questions will cause jealousy and anger in your soul. But, keep your emotions in check, this tactic is necessary if you want to achieve the truth: “how to transfer a relationship from friendship to love?” If, nevertheless, negative emotions arise, then remember that the former girls are in the past, and you are next to him now.

If you are sure that the young man is emotionally ready to create Serious relationships(not necessarily with you), then feel free to ask questions.

What should be your first concern? What attracted him to ex girlfriend what he loved about her, what things he did for the sake of loving her. And, do not be afraid, remembering pleasant moments, he will begin to project this ideal image and pleasant emotions onto you. Only you are different, you are a beautiful woman, but you will give him a sea of ​​new and unknown feelings. And from the answers you receive, you will understand how to pick up the key to his heart.

You always perceived him as the most loved one, but, with the advent of love in your heart, naturally, a woman will wake up in you. You will want to see him more often, you will flirt when you meet. All this is fine, but the main thing here is not to overdo it, since such a new behavior can scare him and push him away. But you are interested in something completely different.

It is not difficult to transfer a relationship from friendship to love. But before embarking on this mission, answer the question: “when you achieve this man, will your feeling of love disappear like morning mist?” After all, returning lost friendship is much more difficult than achieving love and reciprocity.

If, answering this question, you are sure that the decision was made correctly and you will never regret that you tied your fate with a friend, then there will be many positive moments in your union.

Naturally, love also characterizes the presence of passion, attraction to each other. But, with time, this period of madness will pass. And what will you have left? And then your past friendship will affect. Remember why you considered him a friend? Because you are emotionally very close. you always found common topics and classes. There was trust in your relationship. You have always been interested in spending your free time together. More than once, your friend, already your lover, came to the rescue when needed.

Causes of hypertension

High blood pressure in 80% of older people occurs due to damage to the walls of blood vessels.

They lose their elasticity, narrow. Because of this human body reduces the production of renin, which is responsible for the performance of the kidneys.

Violations in the work of the kidneys lead to a decrease in the volume of excreted fluid from the body.

This is an extremely dangerous process. To normalize blood flow, the kidneys "eject" into the plasma substances that provoke pressure surges.

Hypertension in most cases appears due to an incorrect, sedentary lifestyle.

This disease does not appear immediately. Its development has been carried out over many years.

There are many causes of hypertension in older people, but the most common ones are:

  1. Overweight.
  2. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  3. Sleep deprivation.
  4. Smoking abuse.
  5. Kidney diseases.
  6. Deficiency in the body of vitamin D.
  7. Heart disease.
  8. food consumption a large number salt.
  9. Lack of magnesium in the body.
  10. Diseases nervous system.
  11. Unbalanced diet.
  12. Working with harmful substances.
  13. Incorrect hormonal intake medicines.
  14. Stress.
  15. Diseases of the endocrine system.

Also, the cause is often a hereditary factor.

If a person's relatives have problems with high blood pressure, then it is likely that this disease will also manifest itself in him.

High blood pressure in the elderly is characterized by symptoms such as:

  • Noise in ears.
  • Pain in the back of the head.
  • Headache.
  • Chills.
  • Puffiness.
  • Insomnia.
  • Dark circles under the eyes.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • Nausea.
  • Redness on the face.
  • Cardiopalmus.
  • Dyspnea.

Permissible level blood pressure directly depends on the age of the person.

From 60 to 69 years old, the norm ranges from 130/80 to 135/80 millimeters mercury column(abbreviated as mmHg).

At the age of 70 to 79 years, the normal range is from 135/80 to 140/85. In the older population, this indicator should not exceed 140/90.

If the index is higher, then clear sign the occurrence of isolated systolic hypertension in the elderly (ISH).

Features of the treatment of hypertension in the elderly.

Treatment of hypertension in the elderly is fraught with certain difficulties. In old age, many have a bouquet of chronic diseases and serious metabolic disorders. When prescribing medications, the doctor takes into account the patient's state of health on this moment time.

In the early stages of development, the disease often goes unnoticed. In the absence of treatment, the disease begins to progress. Hypertension causes damage to vital organs. It can provoke conditions that lead to disability or death. A common misconception that high blood pressure does not need to be lowered when you feel good often causes serious complications in older people.

The main principle of the treatment of hypertension is to reduce high blood pressure to target norms and keep it at a safe level for a long time. For older people, there are indicators of normal blood pressure.

At the age of 60 to 69 years, the pressure level should not exceed 130/80 - 135/80 mm Hg. In people who have reached the age of 70, the normal value is 135/80 - 140/85 mm Hg. After 80 years, you can not lower blood pressure 135/85 - 140/90 mm Hg.

In a person of advanced age, a slight increase in blood pressure is considered natural. It is caused by a decrease in the elasticity of blood vessels. In order to provide blood supply to peripheral tissues in such conditions, the heart needs to increase the force of blood ejection.

However, in the presence of concomitant diseases, acceptable indicators may be revised by the attending physician. If a patient with hypertension suffers from diabetes mellitus or has impaired kidney function, it is recommended to lower blood pressure to values ​​below 130/80 mm Hg. Rates are reduced for all hypertensive patients with metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a combination of hypertension and metabolic disorders.

Permissible blood pressure indicators are also reduced for hypertensive patients who have very high level cardiovascular risk. These include patients who have had a myocardial infarction or stroke.

An important condition effective treatment is constant pressure control.

Drug treatment of hypertension in the elderly begins with a thiazide diuretic. Diuretics are called diuretics. Hypertension most often develops in older people precisely because of fluid retention in the body.

Diuretics remove excess water and salt from the body, reduce intravascular volume of fluid and reduce the sensitivity of arterial walls to hormones that narrow the lumen. The use of diuretics can reduce the load on the heart, reduce pressure and minimize the risk of complications.

The action of thiazide diuretics is based on preventing the excretion of calcium from the body. The most effective thiazide diuretics are Furosemide, Dichlothiazide and Indapamide. Hypertension medications can cause abnormal heart rhythms, bowel problems, and allergic reactions.

The doctor often prescribes thiazide diuretics in combination with potassium-sparing diuretics (Spironolactone, Veroshpiron). They help remove sodium and chloride from the body, minimizing potassium loss. Potassium-sparing diuretics have little effect. With hypertension, they are prescribed as an auxiliary drug. The drugs may cause headache, nausea and vomiting, as well as disrupt bowel function. A rash may appear on the skin.

Loop diuretics (Furosemide, Bumetanide) have a stronger effect. They quickly remove salt and water from the body. The effectiveness of drugs is balanced by more pronounced side effects. The patient may have hearing loss or intracellular dehydration. Loop diuretics are prescribed in critical cases. For example, during hypertensive crises.

Hypertensive patients with metabolic syndrome are contraindicated in large doses of diuretics. They can cause an increase in cholesterol or blood sugar levels. Small doses of the drug will not have a negative effect.

For the treatment of hypertension in the elderly, half the normal dose of drugs is first prescribed. The increase in dosages is carried out as the patient adapts to the drug.

The main causes of hypertension are experiences, stress, ecology, unrest. Genetic predisposition is also a common cause of high pressure.

Try to avoid situations that can cause stress. This is the main reason for the exacerbation of an already existing predisposition to this disease. It is necessary to start treatment at an early stage of this disease. It is necessary to consult a specialist at the very first symptoms.

Popular folk remedies for treating hypertension in old age

Hypertension in the elderly poses a higher risk of complications compared to other age groups. The fact is that in old age the number of concomitant diseases increases. In addition, the compensatory mechanisms of the vascular system of the body are depleted, which leads to an uncontrolled increase in pressure to high values.

Elderly people suffering from a periodic increase in blood pressure are forced to take antihypertensive drugs daily in order to correct hemodynamic parameters. Dosage, method of administration and other recommendations for taking pharmacological preparations are determined strictly by the attending physician.

Treatment of hypertension folk remedies is an alternative way to treat a hypertensive condition. By virtue of age features recipes should be fairly easy to prepare. Let us consider in more detail the healing recipes of natural origin.

In addition to vitamins and trace elements contained in excess in this root crop, beets have a hypotensive effect. The antihypertensive effect is so pronounced that recipes based on beetroot can significantly reduce pressure even in a state of crisis.

The most useful kvass is made from beets. For the recipe, you need one kilogram of raw peeled root vegetables, grated on a fine grater. Put the mass into a container and pour two liters of cold boiled water. In the resulting mixture, add two tablespoons of vinegar and the same amount of honey. Then we insist the drink for at least 3 days. To use kvass in order to treat hypertension, you need half a glass, on an empty stomach, 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

By mixing 300 grams of grated raw beets with a glass of honey, you get a wonderful healing mixture for your of cardio-vascular system. This combination has a diuretic and decongestant effect, cleans the vessels well and tones them, lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Hypertension is a serious disease that negatively affects daily life and impairs the quality and duration of life. In old age, the problem only becomes more complicated due to the general deterioration of blood vessels and the heart muscle. In addition to hypertension, people over 60 often already have a whole “bouquet” of diseases that require constant treatment, which significantly increases the drug load.

Folk methods treatment of hypertension in the elderly showed greater efficacy than in the treatment of patients younger than 60 years. With the help of recipes traditional medicine it is possible to achieve a stable decrease in high blood pressure, although it will not work to get rid of hypertension forever. Treatment of hypertension is always carried out in a complex, which should not be forgotten.

Treatment of hypertension in the elderly has some peculiarities. In this category of patients, it is impossible to rely only on dynamic observation when using a single antihypertensive drug. Due to the presence of secondary diseases and complications, hypertension therapy in the elderly is carried out in a combined way.

American working group spent clinical researches regarding the effectiveness of folk remedies for high blood pressure in patients over 60 years of age. The results are impressive. It turns out that resistance to chemicals that a person takes throughout life develops. Due to their increased metabolism, the liver does not have time to accumulate treatment dose in tissues.

Folk remedies for high blood pressure in this category of patients are more effective. With their help, you cannot permanently get rid of hypertension, but they can reduce the dosage and duration of taking antihypertensive drugs. Against the background of many secondary diseases, it is difficult to choose optimal remedy, which will not "kill" other organs.

To reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in patients over 60 years of age, drug therapy is mandatory. It includes combined antihypertensive agents:

  • calcium blockers and diuretics;
  • ACE inhibitor and beta blockers;
  • Angiotensin antagonists and diuretics.

In severe forms of arterial hypertension, doctors can prescribe up to 4 drugs at the same time. They are prescribed by doctors after a thorough diagnosis of the patient's condition.

American studies have shown that an increase in pressure over 220 mm. rt. Art. requires not only the use of tablets, but also intravenous injections of drugs.

In patients of different ages, the effectiveness of the action of drugs is different, but in the elderly it is significantly reduced, since with age the vascular tone weakens. The sensitivity of receptors is also impaired, so it is necessary to increase the dose. In old age, orthostatic hypertension also appears (when changing position).

Due to this state of the body, it is rational to prescribe vasodilators - drugs to expand vascular tone.

In the elderly, antihypertensive drugs should be selected that will not disrupt carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Especially against the background of diabetes.

Folk remedies for high blood pressure in the elderly help to reduce the dose of the antihypertensive drug and eliminate the side effect of the drug on internal organs.

One third of the world's inhabitants aged 25 years and older suffer from high blood pressure. Hypertension, or arterial hypertension, is diagnosed in more than 40 percent of adult Russians (for comparison: in the US - 15 percent).

And many of them prefer the treatment of hypertension with folk remedies. With all the richness of the choice of methods of traditional medicine - is it necessary to abandon traditional ones?

Hypertension in the elderly poses a higher risk of complications compared to other age groups.

The fact is that in old age the number of concomitant diseases increases. In addition, the compensatory mechanisms of the vascular system of the body are depleted, which leads to an uncontrolled increase in pressure to high values.

Treatment of hypertension in the elderly has its own characteristics. This disease often affects people who have reached the age of 60 years. In medicine, such patients are called geriatric (from the word "geriatrics", which means a branch of medicine dealing with diseases of the elderly and senile people). Usually, by this age period, many people have several diseases, each of which requires attention and treatment. Therefore, therapy for hypertension should take into account these features.

Among the diseases of elderly and senile people, one of the first places is occupied by hypertension, or arterial hypertension. This disease does not bypass young people, but the frequency of its manifestation in people of advanced age is much higher. Young people are the exception rather than the rule. Why does a person with age have a greater risk of developing hypertension?

In medicine, there is such a thing as symptomatic arterial hypertension. The fact is that hypertension can be of two types - primary and secondary. Symptomatic just refers to the secondary (it affects from 5 to 15% of all people diagnosed with hypertension). This is a group of diseases associated with damage to various organs, the function of which is to regulate blood pressure, and almost every person has it in old age. This means that high blood pressure can be caused by other pathologies, such as kidney disease or atherosclerosis.

Therefore, in order for the treatment of arterial hypertension in the elderly to bring the expected effect, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the therapy must be complex.

This means that it must include:

The development of symptomatic hypertension depends on the course of the underlying disease. If this is due to kidney disease, then the cause of the increase in pressure in this case is renal ischemia. It can be provoked by damage to the aorta or atherosclerosis, as a result of which the volume of blood entering the kidneys is disturbed.

If the cause of the increase in pressure is the pathology of the endocrine system, then here it is also necessary to regulate the amount of hormones that the thyroid gland produces.

For people suffering diabetes therapy should include blood sugar control.

In addition, provocateurs of high blood pressure can be problems associated with the work of the central nervous system or damage to the heart and blood vessels.

The treatment of hypertension in the elderly is difficult due to their age-related changes, namely:

  • in elderly people, as a rule, fragility of blood vessels and loss of elasticity increase;
  • damage to the endothelium due to developing atherosclerosis.

Previously, it was believed that it was impossible to cure hypertension in the elderly, because there is a risk of adverse reactions to the drugs that the doctor prescribes for such a disease. Therefore, in the recent past, physicians usually observed such patients and did not actively interfere in the work of the body.

The friendship of a man and a woman can sooner or later develop into something more. If you understand that you can no longer be just friends with the woman you desire, that you want to make her the only wife, and you yourself become loved and loving husband don't resist feelings.

To become loved, you will, of course, need to work hard, but is it happy life not worth it? So, how to turn friendship into love.

Realize it's really love

You could confuse love with falling in love, which occurs when a person becomes attached to another person, is used to the fact that he always comes to the rescue when he is sad and lonely. Do you feel like this is love? Then act but don't rush things.

No need to rush

Haste in love affairs is not welcome. Of course, you want to arrange a romantic date as soon as possible and tell your girlfriend about your feelings, but you shouldn’t do this, otherwise you will scare the person away instead of attracting him to you. Arranging dates is in the future, but you need to start small, for example, pleasant surprises, of course, without a hint of love. It can be some funny soft toy, just a small one, a postcard to "Beloved Friend" with poems written on it, or something like that.

Take advantage of your position

Since you are friends, the girl must have told you about how she sees the ideal partner.. No, if he has to buy her a bouquet of flowers every day, you should not immediately spend money on flowers every day, but you should become responsible and serious, for example, if this is one of the requirements for your girlfriend’s ideal partner.

Do something nice more often

Girl likes to listen to rock? Buy two tickets to a concert of her favorite band, and then say, for example, such words as: “Hi, I bought tickets, I wanted to go with a friend, but he got sick. Would you like to keep me company? It's your favorite band, isn't it?" Give her gifts more often than usual, but not immediately, but gradually. H more go to the cinema, cafes, walks with friends, to the theater and so on. Find it a hobby that not only you, but also your girlfriend will enjoy doing.

Feel free to touch

To be shy is, in principle, harmful, especially when it comes to relationships with a loved one who does not yet know that he is loved. Even just a friend can afford to hug a friend, take her by the hand, pat her on the back or shoulder. If your movements do not cause even slight dissatisfaction, but on the contrary - they please the girl, then you are on the right track. Add gradually more intimate gestures, for example, a kiss on the cheek, touching the cheek of a friend outside fingers and so on.

Take a trip

Together go on a trip, for example, by sea, optionally abroad. Go skiing and snowboarding together in winter, and in summer sunbathe on the beach, lying on the same towel, swim in the pool, have fun in water parks and so on. Shared tours help people bond. And if there are many such romantic moments in your travels, such as relaxing on a small deserted beach, hidden from prying eyes, and admiring the sunset, your rapprochement will happen even faster. It remains only to find the right moment when you understand that your beloved is fine with you and she has already realized that you want to become more than a friend, and offer to transfer friendship into

Girls and women seeking faithful companion in life, often do not notice that right next to them there are good applicants for this role. A childhood friend, classmate or colleague at work, a good friend and helper, always there, always ready to come, support, for some reason often women do not see a future husband in such a person. And sometimes, on the contrary, two people have been friends for many years, and one of them simply dreams of a relationship, but cannot cross this border. How to go from friendship to love?

This question interests many, but is there friendship between a man and a woman? Someone believes in the existence of such friendship, someone categorically denies that it is possible. Psychologists believe that the friendship of a guy and a girl is very unnatural. Since nature has instincts in us that, at the subconscious level, make us see a sexual object in a representative of the opposite sex.

So is friendship possible between a guy and a girl? If such a friendship takes place, then it is quite possible that these relationships can develop into romantic ones over time. So how do you turn a friendship into a relationship?

A few sure steps on the way from friendship to love

How to turn friendship into something more serious? How to move to a new level of relationship? What can be done to step over the border between these two feelings? If the soul longs for more than just general trips to the cinema and conversations about football, the weather and all sorts of nonsense. If you want more, love and passion. What steps can be taken on this path, how to take relations to a new, more serious level?

Understand what you want

The first thing you need to understand is what kind of partner in life your friend wants to see next to him. By what criteria does he choose a girl, what qualities should she have. For someone it is important that the girl was at home, loved to cook; someone likes a sports girl to run in the park together in the morning; someone admire business, strong women etc. If these criteria suit you, and you meet this ideal, then the chances of success increase significantly.

Stop being a whining vest

Secondly, you need to stop playing the role of a “vest”, refuse to be the person who always listens to failures with other girls, advises how to attract the attention of this or that person. Complete trust is, of course, very good. But it only means that you take a place in his fate " best friend" and no more. He simply does not see a woman in you, which means that it would never occur to him to consider you as an object of new love.

Pay Attention

The next thing you can do is draw attention to your appearance. You need to maximize your sexuality. If earlier he constantly saw a girl next to him who always wears a T-shirt and sneakers, then his mind can turn the look of an amazing girl in heels, in a dress and with great styling on her head. At that very moment, he may realize what a gorgeous person there is in his environment. And he will think about whether it is worth getting to know each other better.

More tactile contact

Another tricky trick to change the way you feel about yourself is touch. If earlier you slapped each other on the shoulder, pushed together or shook hands, now you need to try to touch him differently. Tactile sensations speak volumes. If he feels caress and tenderness in touching his face or hands, he will look at this relationship in a completely different way. Such a gesture will make it clear that you are ready to move to a new level of relationship. And whether he is ready or not, it will depend on what will happen next.

stay alone

How to determine if a guy is ready for a closer relationship? You need to create a situation where you find yourself together. Call him for help to your apartment, move something, fix it. To say that there are two tickets to the cinema, where they were going to go with a friend, and she got sick. Invite him to go instead of a friend. This will allow you to become closer, get to know each other better. Perhaps then he will look at you from the other side.

What to say in the end?

If your relationship has become warmer, you are increasingly being together, spending more and more time with each other, then you can try to talk about your feelings for him. It can be just a hint, or the truth dressed up as a joke. Don't make out of recognition great event. After all, he may not be mentally prepared for such a statement. It is enough to make it clear that you want something more than friendship. And then, he will decide whether he needs it or not.

Question to the psychologist:

Good afternoon, dear psychologists and site visitors!

My name is Natalia, I am 32 years old, I am raising two children from my first marriage alone. Divorced for 1.5 years. Working.

My story is this... Seven months ago, a man (46 years old) came to work with me for his professional interests. We struck up a conversation and exchanged contacts. From our first communication, it became clear to me that he liked me outwardly, and as a professional in my field. He, in turn, at first glance did not make a special impression on me as a man, but he was very interested as a person. My conjectures were confirmed, and he began to look for reasons to meet. At first it was working moments, but then, when we started to get to know each other better, it turned out that we have a lot in common. His personal qualities, life achievements, professionalism, intelligence, sense of humor, charisma, perseverance, tirelessness, devotion to word and deed, led and continue to delight me. Communication takes place every day on the Internet, sometimes for several hours before bedtime. We meet once, sometimes two or three times a week. Most of the meetings take place at my work, sometimes we go to lunch in a cafe. During our meetings there is chemistry. We constantly look into each other's eyes (sometimes for 15-20 seconds in silence), laugh, both are looking for reasons to touch, hug each other, kiss (on the cheek), both feel and understand each other, chat on all topics ... other than personal relationships. I feel his care, attention, concern for me. He tells me a lot of his secrets and ideas, trusts me. He receives from me

support in business, his sports passion, approval of everything he does, admiration, compliments, attention to his life. He never puts me in an awkward position, always adapts to my conversation. Despite the fact that he has a lot of life experience behind him, he is more intelligent than me, he is interesting and fun with me, calmly. Even if I sometimes say stupid things, he will translate everything into a joke. And even if we are thousands of kilometers apart (due to mine and his business trips), I feel that he is next to me. We share photos of everything that happens around, photos of each other.

He is very busy man working 20 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is 100% fact. Never stands still. Everything seems to be fine, and our "friendly" relationship looks like a protracted prelude to a deeper love, but! Once, at the very beginning of our acquaintance, he uttered the following phrase in a conversation: "Sometimes you need to take a break from your family!" It doesn't matter in what context it was said. After that, about the family, and most importantly about the wife, there was no talk at all. And he behaves as if he is an absolutely lonely, ascetic person. But I remember those words, and it seems to me that "there" is someone there. And how can I be in this situation? How to break it? I can't understand what he feels for me and why he doesn't take any steps. It is as if we are walking on an invisible line, crossing which is our taboo outside of the vowel. I really value this person, and I can say with 100% certainty that I love him. Sometimes I want to interrupt everything, cut the bridges completely, so as not to think about him. Because it's hard to be friends with him. I don't have the courage to admit it myself. Ask about personal - too. I understand that I need to take some steps myself. But which way? So while I'm waiting for it to show itself. But little by little my thoughts are driving me crazy. All I want is for us to be together. It doesn't matter how long. I just want to be with him as a friend, and as a woman.

The psychologist answers the question.

Hello, Natalia. It is felt from your letter that you fell deeply in love and emotionally attached to this man. You are asking for advice on what to do. I have no right to give you advice, but I can give you information as a specialist psychologist, and then you can decide for yourself how to use it.

I can tell you for sure that by remaining in the dark about your relationship with him and whether he has a family and further, you will become more and more attached to him and more and more mentally "be with him." This happens because in reality you are not doing anything to remove the unknown and clarify for yourself whether it is possible to get what you want - the development of your relationship in the direction of love. Therefore, your psyche compensates for this in such a way - inventing a fantastic reality in your head, where it creates what you want - you are almost all the time thinking about it - and therefore, as it were (!) And with it. This almost always leads to emotional exhaustion and even some kind of anger, because after a while you will really miss what you get in reality. Your fantasies will go very far, and reality will be much more separated from them. And this causes irritation and anger.

Most likely, a man will begin to feel it and start to freeze, even if you continue to keep everything in yourself. Because reality developed differently for him than it did for you. It is possible, of course, that the man, as you hope, will clarify the relationship with you. But if he hasn't done it yet, it means he's fine as it is. Are you ready to wait and then it is not known how long, until what he receives from you now is not enough for him? What if that moment never comes? Are you ready to sacrifice yourself and your developed feelings for the sake of his desires and needs? If the inner voice answers you “yes” or even “yes for now”, then you are already in a state of emotional dependence on it, and this is a state of strong psychological maladjustment and it definitely does not benefit either you or your relationship. If you do nothing, most likely, the man will soon become "stuffy" with you in a relationship and he will stop them, and you will be very hurt. In this case, I advise you to think about contacting a psychologist in order to get out of addiction and continue this relationship with a different message to a man. Fortunately, we have a large selection on our website. good specialists. You can also contact me - I will be glad to help you!
