Management of working groups in the organization. Group management

GLOSSARY OF TERMS.............................................. ................................................. ......................................... 2

INTRODUCTION .................................................. ................................................. ................................................. ........... 3

Chapter I. EFFECTIVE LEADER - WHO IS THIS? ......................... 5

Chapter II. MANAGEMENT IN ORGANIZATION - MANAGEMENT OF GROUPS.................................................. 8

Chapter III. MANAGER AND LEADER, POWER AND INFLUENCE........................................................... ............. eleven

CONCLUSION................................................. ................................................. ................................................. . 16

LIST OF USED LITERATURE .............................................................. ........................................ 18


Power - the ability to act or the ability to influence the situation and behavior of others.

Group - two or more persons interacting with each other in such a way that each person influences and is influenced by the other.

Leader - the leader of a group or organization who has assumed the right, or is empowered by members, to take the initiative, impose sanctions, and who has sufficient power to do so.

Organization leader - a person who effectively exercises formal and informal leadership.

Leadership - relations of dominance and subordination, influence and following in the system of interpersonal relations in a group.

Manager - manager of a firm.

Managerial characteristics - a set of basic and most typical features of an "effective manager", acting as a function of abilities for managerial activity.

Motivation - one of the main functions of management, which consists in stimulating subordinates to achieve the overall goals of the organization.

Organization management - the ability to influence individuals and groups, inducing them to work towards the goals of the organization, and the process of this influence.

Management style - a system of generalized methods and forms of behavior of a leader in relations with subordinates in the process of achieving goals.

Management activities - a type of professional activity, the specificity of which is determined by the need to co-organize the activities of other people in the direction of achieving common goals (based on the principle of hierarchy).

"Effective Manager" a conditional concept denoting an ideal leader who knows the basic provisions of management theory, knows how to effectively implement them in practice and has high professional competence.


Each of us simultaneously belongs to many different groups - from such elementary ones as a family or a group of friends to complex and crowded ones, like the state of which we are citizens and the organization where we work. Coming in new company, we are forced to accept the rules and regulations, as well as the culture that exists in it, and in addition, to obey and fulfill the requirements and instructions of our immediate superior and higher management. In such a situation, of course, we are not at all indifferent to what kind of person will be our boss, who will lead us. And not just to lead, but also to lead effectively. G. Selye wrote in his work: "The choice of a place of work must begin with the choice of a manager." Indeed, very often the reason for the dismissal of an employee is

Most people spend almost their entire conscious life in organizations, live by its laws, and interact with other members of the organization. Establishing organic interaction between a person and an organization is one of the most important tasks of management.

Entering a new organization, a person encounters the organizational environment and, above all, the group in which he will work.

Group - this is a relatively isolated association of a small number of people (usually no more than ten) to achieve a common (group) goal.

Characteristic features of the group:

  • group members identify themselves and their actions with the group (we, we, ours, us, etc.);
  • interaction is in the nature of direct stable contacts;
  • the presence of an informal distribution of roles recognized by the group (for example, coordinators, idea generators, controllers, etc.).

There are formal and informal groups. Formal groups are, in essence, structural divisions of the organization. Informal groups are created by members of the organization (and not by the order of the leadership) in accordance with their common interests, hobbies and mutual sympathy. Below we will consider only formal groups.

Along with performing certain work, a person in a group:

  • learns by adopting the experience of others;
  • receives recognition, reward;
  • gains self-confidence;
  • feels support, help;
  • avoids loneliness, a state of uselessness;
  • strives to be needed by someone.

The interaction between a person and a group is manifested in the following:

  • the group has a huge impact on human behavior;
  • human behavior, his actions make a certain contribution to the life of the group.

Relations in a group arise between people as carriers of certain social roles.

Role - it is a relatively permanent system of behavior according to a more or less well-established pattern. There are always certain rights, responsibilities, and expectations associated with a role. An individual who does not justify them is subject to sanctions, and an individual who justifies them is rewarded.

Usually distinguish "production and interpersonal" roles. In turn, these roles can also be classified according to one or another attribute.

For example, Vesnin V.R. identifies eight "production" roles.

  • 1. Coordinator possesses the greatest organizational skills and becomes, by virtue of this, the leader of the team. His main duty is to be able to work with members of the group and direct their activity towards achieving the set goals.
  • 2. Generator ideas, as a rule, the most capable and talented member of the team. He develops options for solving the tasks facing the team, but due to his lack of concentration, he is unable to put them into practice.
  • 3. Controller has profound knowledge, experience, erudition and can evaluate any idea, identify its strengths and weak sides, push others to work on its further improvement.
  • 4. grinder has a broad view of the problem and therefore, if necessary, knows how to “link” its solution with other tasks of the team.
  • 5. Enthusiast(the most active member of the team) captivates others with his example to take action to achieve the goal.
  • 6. Benefit seeker - intermediary in internal and foreign relations, giving a certain internal unity to the actions of the members of the team.
  • 7. Executor conscientiously implements other people's ideas, but at the same time needs constant guidance.
  • 8. Assistant - a person who personally does not strive for anything, is content with second roles, but is always ready to assist others in work and in life.

It is believed that the team will function normally with the full distribution and conscientious performance of the listed roles. If there are fewer than eight members, then someone will have to play two roles at the same time.

Roles related to interpersonal relationships are usually divided into leading And slaves. The first is formed by persons who are authoritative, ambitious and somehow attractive to others. The second includes all the others.

Within a group, the following types of relationships can arise between its members:

  • friendly cooperation, mutual assistance based on complete trust;
  • friendly competition and rivalry in certain areas within the framework of positive relationships;
  • non-interference, distancing from each other;
  • rivalry, focus on individual goals, negative attitude to each other.

The daily activities of group members are subject to a number of laws, among which we can highlight:

  • the law of preservation of personal position, dignity, social status;
  • the law of compensation for the lack of some abilities by others, as well as experience and work skills.

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Group management

1. The concept of a group. Formal and informal groups

A group is two or more persons who interact with each other in such a way that each person influences the others and at the same time is influenced by other persons.

Groups created by the will of management to organize the production process are called formal groups.

The formal group appears in the process of division of labor in the organization. It interacts within its divisions, has its own goals, objectives and powers.

There are formal and informal groups.

A formal group is a group of people specially formed by management (that is, as a result of an organizational process).

Formal groups arise during structuring, as discussed in detail in the section on the organizational process.

Main types of formal groups:

Ш Group of the head - the head and his subordinates.

Ø Working group or task force. Such a group also has a leader, but its members have broader powers to solve the task.

Ш Committees. These are groups that have been delegated authority to solve a specific problem. Members of such a group make decisions collectively.

Factors affecting the effectiveness of small formal groups: size, composition, group norms, cohesion, degree of conflict, status and functional roles of group members. The most effective group is one whose size corresponds to its tasks, which includes people with dissimilar character traits, whose norms contribute to the achievement of the goals of the organization and the creation of a team spirit, where there is a healthy level of conflict, good performance in both goal and support roles, and where high-status group members do not dominate.

2. Informal groups

Informal groups - spontaneously arising in the process of functioning of a group of people who regularly interact with each other.

The purpose of creation: social interaction, allowing to satisfy individual socio-psychological needs.

Reason for creation : the presence of unsatisfied socio-psychological needs.

The main characteristics of informal organizations that are directly related to management are:

b Social control. Establishment and strengthening of norms, group standards of acceptable and unacceptable behavior alienation

b Resistance to change. Fear of change. People react not to what is happening, but to what is happening according to their imagination.

l Presence of an informal leader. The formal leader is appointed from above. Informal leader - recognized by the members of the group.

b When personal goals and needs are met, the informal organization breaks up or is updated. The process of decay and renewal is constant.

3. Management of informal organizations

Informal organizations interact dynamically with formal ones. George Homans, the group research theorist, was the first to pay attention to this.

The J. Homans model looks like this:

In the process of performing tasks, people enter into interactions that contribute to the emergence of feelings (positive and negative emotions towards each other and superiors. These emotions affect how people will carry out their activities and interact in the future).

Problems associated with informal organizations include inefficiency, the spread of false rumors, and a tendency to resist change.

Potential benefits: greater commitment to the organization, high team spirit, etc.

In order to cope with the potential problems and capture the potential benefits of the informal organization, management must recognize and work with the informal organization, listen to opinions of informal leaders and group members, consider the effectiveness of informal organization decisions, allow informal groups to participate in decision making, and quell rumors through prompt representation. official information.

The motivational factor for people to join informal groups and organizations is the desire and ability to satisfy their secondary needs, in particular, a sense of belonging, mutual assistance, etc.

Industrial joint activity in a formal organization is an objective factor social interaction people and the creation of informal groups and organizations.

E. Mayo was the first to experiment with informal groups. As a result of a series of psychological experiments on volunteers, which aroused great interest and were supported by a group of well-known firms, interesting results were obtained and a new quality of communication was studied. In addition, new forms of control over performers were identified, taking into account their belonging to one or another informal group that exists within the framework of formal groups.

The main characteristics of an informal group:

Ш Implementation of informal control through the norms of communication, behavior, the use of measures, sanctions.

Ш Attitude to change (resistance to them, inadequate assessment of consequences, overestimation of requirements).

Ш Presence of informal leaders.

The informal structure of the organization arises and develops spontaneously. Strengthening it increases as workers communicate with each other. The emotional intensity of informal relationships often reaches such a level that they become much more significant for people than relationships based on official instructions.

A wide variety of informal structures are formed in labor collectives. The most frequent cases of the formation of informal groups of two, three and four people. Larger stable structures are much less common.

The most common informal structure is a dyad, which is a system that unites 2-3 people based on conjunctive connections: friends, partners, colleagues, as well as people where one plays the role of a leader and the other is a follower. In addition, the dyad can act as a structure where two antagonists act. Such a system operates on the basis of the mechanism of mutual repulsion, its elements, i.e. people cling together like two opposite poles of a magnet.

The informal structure is characterized by the presence of a leader in each formed group. From point of view social psychology leadership is the core problem of informal behavior of people in society.

Leadership in small groups stems from the psychological tendencies of the group to form around a certain socio-psychological core. Such in informal groups is an informal leader. He takes on this function due to the fact that he is somehow superior to the rest of the group. Surveys of managers show that specific categories can be distinguished among employees:

q attractive;

q ambitious;

q "hard worker";

q irresponsible;

q upstarts;

q pets;

q "scapegoats";

q "white crows";

q "jack of all trades"

q toadies;

q quarrelsome.

In working groups of 10-15 people, several informal structures are formed with their leaders, performers, and followers. Under favorable conditions, i.e. when all employees are involved in solving the tasks facing the team and, most importantly, when the formal leader is authoritative (i.e., his leadership is not only formal, but is also recognized by informal structures), informal structures combine their efforts in the direction of fulfilling company-wide tasks. In conditions of “calm” (i.e., when a period of relatively calm and routine work begins in the organization), or when the behavior of a formal leader does not correspond to what other employees of the unit entrusted to him expect from him, tension and interpersonal friction arise. If there are 3-4 informal structures in the subdivision, then these frictions are smoothed out and conflict may not arise. If the unit breaks up into two structures, which takes place in working groups of 7-8 people, and the head is not authoritative, then things can come to a conflict.

Ø give an objective assessment of the activities of the informal group;

ø take into account her suggestions;

Ø make decisions taking into account the impact on the members of the informal group and the influence of this group on the goals and functions of the organization;

Ø involve the leaders of the informal group in decision-making;

disseminate accurate information promptly.

group formal Homans conflict

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Group is an association of people who are constantly interacting, interdependent and mutually influencing each other, performing various duties, coordinating joint activities to achieve specific common goals and considering themselves as part of a single whole.

Group- a community of people limited in number, distinguished from the social whole on the basis of certain characteristics ( joint activities, identity of circumstances, etc.).

In an organization, group forms of work can be used in various areas of its activity, to achieve different goals, and created for different periods of time (Table 11.1).

Table 11.1. Types of groups in an organization

Signs of selection of the type of groups

Group types

Band size

Sphere of joint activity



highly developed


The principle of creation and nature of interpersonal relationships



Purposes of Existence

Target (project)


By interest


Period of operation



Formal and informal groups in an organization

Every organization has formal groups, created by decision of management to perform tasks aimed at achieving the goals of the organization. They function in accordance with pre-established, officially approved regulations, instructions, charters. There are three types of formal groups: management teams (leader's group), working groups and committees.

group formal- a group created by the decision of the management in the structure of the organization to perform certain tasks.

management team, first of all, the top level, consists of the manager and his direct subordinates (deputies), who, in turn, can also be managers. Thus, the head of the organization and his deputies, who head various functional areas, represent a typical command group. At the shop level, the head of the shop and his deputy also form a command subordinate group. The commercial director and the heads of departments subordinate to him, for example, sales (sales) of finished products, marketing, advertising, also form a team group.

Working groups are formed and function as separate structural subdivisions created to perform specialized functions that emerged in the process of division of labor in production and management. These are functional working groups. Formal groups may also be formed to work on a specific project or problem. After the task is completed, they may be disbanded or assigned to work on another project, problem. These are task forces.

Both in the functional and in the target working groups, specialists are selected who have a certain vocational training, qualifications, experience and are ready to work in the system of joint labor.

Committee- a formal group to which powers are delegated to perform a task or a series of tasks. Types of committees can be commissions, councils. The main thing that distinguishes committees from other formal groups is group decision making.

So, with the board of directors of any big company committees for strategic planning, personnel and remuneration, and audit can be created.

Along with the formal in the organization arise and operate informal groups, created by members of the organization in accordance with their mutual sympathies, common interests, the same hobbies, habits to meet social needs and people's communication (Fig. 11.1).

Interest in informal groups was initiated by the famous Hawthorne experiments of Elton Mayo in the 1930s, when researchers found that informal groups arise spontaneously as a result of the interaction of employees and are not determined by formal organization. People know well who is in their informal group and who is not. Informal groups usually have their own unwritten rules and norms of behavior. There is a certain distribution of roles in them and the status of each member of the group is defined. In an informal group, as a rule, there is an explicit or implicit leader.

An informal group can manifest itself in two varieties. In the first, non-formalized service relations have a functional content and exist in parallel with the formal organization, supplementing it. An example is the system of business relations between employees, which has developed spontaneously in addition to the existing management structure in these cases, they speak of an informal structure.

In the second - interpersonal relationships arise due to mutual attraction, sympathy, common views on life, habits, hobbies, etc. out of touch with the functional need. These can be partnerships, interest clubs, etc.

Interesting experience

Virtual team

This is a group of people with common goals, performing their functional roles, who in the process of cooperation rarely meet in person or do not know each other by sight, united with the help of modern information and telecommunications.

Rice. 11.1.

technology. Virtual teams can be made up of people separated by large distances.

Virtual teams are highly flexible and dynamic. These can be both temporary cross-functional teams, as well as long-term and even permanent self-managed teams. Such teams are created to develop projects in the field of high technologies, however, if the company needs, the sales department may well be virtual.

  • Highly evolved groups- groups that are distinguished by the unity of goals and common interests, the stability of relations between its members, high cohesion, etc. underdeveloped groups- groups characterized by insufficient development or lack of psychological community, established structure, clear distribution of responsibilities, low cohesion. These groups, located on initial stage of its existence, also called diffuse.
  • Elton Mayo - American psychologist, founder of the school of human relations in management.

All formal organizations are an amalgamation of informal groups and organizations created without the intervention of management. The Hawthorne Experiment proved that proper team leadership can improve organizational performance.

A group is two or more people interacting with each other in such a way that each of them both influences and is influenced by the other.

There are formal and informal groups.

Formal groups are groups created by the will of management to organize the production process. There are three main types:

Formal organizations:

command (subordinate) group of the leader - consists of the leader and his direct subordinates, who, in turn, can also be leaders;

working (target) group - includes persons working together on the same task;

committee - a group within an organization to which the authority of a task or set of tasks is delegated. Distinguish between special and permanent committees.

A special committee is a temporary group formed for a specific purpose; a standing committee is a permanently active group within an organization with a specific purpose.

Committees are created to fill gaps in organizational structures in such a way as to solve tasks that are not within the competence of any of the departments, coordinate the activities of departments and perform special functions.

Permanent committees are committees that exist permanently, and special committees are temporary formations. A committee with line powers is nothing more than a "multiple leader".

Committees are most effective in situations where the decision being made is likely to be unpopular and where a group decision will lift the morale of the organization; where it is necessary to coordinate the activities of various departments or when it is undesirable to give all power to one hand.

The structure and type of formal organization are built by management consciously through design, while

the structure and type of informal organization arise as a result of social interaction.

The formal organization is created by the will of the leadership. But once it is created, it also becomes a social environment where people interact in ways that are not dictated by management. People from different subgroups socialize over coffee, during meetings, at lunch, and after work. From social relationships, many friendly groups, informal groups, are born, which together constitute an informal organization.

An informal organization is a spontaneously formed group of people who interact regularly to achieve a specific goal.

The specificity of creating a formal organization is that it is formed according to a pre-planned plan, while an informal organization is more likely a spontaneous reaction to unsatisfied individual needs.

There are the following reasons for joining an informal group:

Belonging - The very first reason for joining an informal group is to satisfy the need for a sense of belonging, one of our strongest emotional needs. Even before the Hawthorne experiment, E. Mayo found that people whose work does not make it possible to establish and maintain social contacts tend to be dissatisfied;

Mutual assistance - getting help from a colleague is useful for both - both the one who received it and the one who provided it. As a result of helping, the giver acquires prestige and self-respect, and the receiver acquires the necessary guidance for action;

Protection - the conscious need of people for protection makes them unite in groups;

Communication - people want to know what's going on around them, especially if it affects their work. In many formal organizations, the system of internal contacts is rather weak, and the management intends to hide information from subordinates. For this reason, the creation of an informal organization is the desire to gain access to informal information. It satisfies the needs of the individual psychological protection and accessories, as well as facilitates access to the necessary information;

Close communication and sympathy - people often join informal groups simply to be closer to those they like.

The process of development of informal organizations and the reasons why people join them contribute to the formation of characteristics in these organizations that make them both similar and different from formal organizations. Informal groups and organizations are characterized by:

Social control - the first step to establishing control is the establishment and strengthening of norms - group standards of acceptable and unacceptable behavior;

Resistance to change - people use the informal organization to discuss changes that might happen. In informal organizations, there is a tendency to resist change. This is because change can threaten the existence of an informal organization. People react not to what is happening objectively, but to what is happening according to their ideas. Therefore, any change may seem more dangerous to the group than it really is. You can overcome resistance to change by allowing and encouraging subordinates to participate in decision making;

The presence of an informal leader - the leader of a formal organization has support in the form of official powers delegated to him and usually acts in a specific functional area assigned to him. The support of the informal leader is the recognition of his group. In his actions, he relies on people and their relationships. The sphere of influence of the informal leader may go beyond the administrative framework of the formal organization. Despite the fact that the informal leader is also one of the members of the management staff of a formal organization, very often he occupies a relatively low level in the organizational hierarchy there.

Potential outputs from informal organizations:

1. Since in order to be a member of a group, one must work in the organization, loyalty to the group can translate into loyalty to the organization.

2. Many people turn down higher-paying jobs at other companies because they don't want to break the social bonds they've made at that company.

3. The goals of the group may coincide with the goals of the formal organization, and the norms of effectiveness of the informal organization may exceed the norms of the formal organization. For example, the strong team spirit that characterizes some organizations and generates a strong desire for success often grows out of informal relationships, involuntary actions of management.

4. Even informal communication channels can sometimes help the formal organization by complementing the formal communication system.

Modern theorists believe that an informal organization can help a formal organization achieve its goals in the following ways:

Recognize the existence of the informal organization and realize that its destruction will entail the destruction of the formal organization. Management should recognize the informal organization, work with it and not threaten its existence;

Listen to the opinions of members and leaders of informal groups. Every leader should know who is the leader in each informal group and work with him, encouraging those who do not interfere, but contribute to the achievement of the organization's goals. When the informal leader opposes his employer, his widespread influence can undermine the motivation and job satisfaction of the employees of the formal organization;

Before taking any action, consider their possible negative impact on the informal organization;

To reduce resistance to change on the part of the informal organization, allow the group to participate in decision making;

Give out accurate information quickly, thereby preventing the spread of rumors.

The effectiveness of the group's activities in achieving the intended goals depends on:

group size; the composition of the group; group norms; cohesion; conflict; the status of group members; roles of group members.

Let's consider each portion separately.

Band size. The most effective group is the one whose size matches its tasks. The most optimal is a group of 5-8 people.

Composition of the group. The composition is understood as the degree of similarity of personalities and points of view, approaches that they show when solving a problem. On the basis of the study proves that the more dissimilar people in the group, the better the decision they make.

group norms. The norms adopted by the group have a strong influence on each individual and on the direction in which the group works as a whole. Norms are both positive and negative. Positive norms are those that support the goals and objectives of the organization and encourage behavior aimed at achieving them.

Cohesion. This is a measure of the attraction of group members to each other or group. There are highly cohesive and poorly cohesive groups. Management may find it possible to increase the positive effect of cohesion by:

Will meet periodically and emphasize the group's global goals;

Will enable each of its members to see his contribution to the achievement of these goals;

Allow periodic meetings of subordinates to discuss potential or current issues, the impact of upcoming changes on operations, and new projects and future priorities.

Conflict. Differences in opinion usually lead to more efficient group work. However, the possibility of conflict arises. Leaders need to know how to resolve conflicts.

status of group members. Research shows that members of a group whose status is high enough can have more influence on the group's decision than members of a lower status. In order to make effective decisions, a group needs to work together to ensure that the opinions of higher-status members do not dominate it.

Roles of group members. For a group to work effectively, its members must behave in a way that contributes to the achievement of its goals and social interaction. Therefore, there are supporting and target roles in the group. Target roles are roles that make it possible to select group tasks and highlight them. Supporting roles - imply behavior that contributes to the maintenance and revitalization of the life and activities of the group.

Target roles include:

Initiating activities - suggesting solutions, new ideas, new problem statements, new approaches to solving them, or a new organization of material;

Search for information - seek clarification of the proposed proposal, additional information or facts;

Collecting opinions - asking group members to express their attitude to the issues under discussion, clarify their values ​​or ideas;

Providing information - to provide the group with facts or generalizations, offer their own experience in solving the problems of the group or to illustrate any provisions;

Expressing opinions - expressing opinions or beliefs regarding any proposal, necessarily with its assessment, and not just reporting facts;

Elaboration - to explain, give examples, develop a thought, try to predict the future fate of the proposal, if it is accepted;

Coordination - clarify the relationship between ideas, try to summarize proposals, integrate the activities of various subgroups or group members;

Summarization - re-list proposals after the end of the discussion.

Supporting roles include:

Encouragement - to be friendly, sincere, responsive towards others. Praise others for their ideas, agree with others and positively evaluate their contribution to solving the problem;

Ensuring participation - try to create an environment in which each member of the group can make a proposal. Encourage this, for example, with the following words: “We have not yet heard anything from Ivan Ivanovich” or offer everyone a certain time limit for speaking so that everyone has the opportunity to speak;

Establishing Criteria - Establishing the criteria by which the group should be guided when choosing substantive or procedural points, or evaluating the group's decision. Remind the group to avoid making decisions that are inconsistent with group criteria;

Diligence - to follow the decisions of the group, thoughtfully referring to the ideas of other people who make up the audience during group discussions;

The expression of the feelings of the group is to generalize what is formed as a feeling of the group. Describe the reactions of group members to ideas and solutions to problems.
