Progressive development from the lowest to the highest. A general view of the progressive development of mankind

  1. Looking into the present state of politics, art, and science, we find a long chain of causes and effects that alternately determine each other, stretching through long centuries. Going through its links, we soon notice that it is mainly two heterogeneous elements that are not equally amenable to research. In fact, we can satisfactorily explain through each other a certain part of the causes and effects in their successive development, but, as any attempts to describe the history of human culture show, at times we come across, as it were, knots that stubbornly do not allow themselves to be untangled. It's all about the same spiritual power that does not allow you to delve into your essence and predict the pattern of your actions. It would seem that it is inseparable from the historical tradition and the surrounding conditions, but it also processes and forms them with its own originality. Taking any great individuality of any epoch, it can be shown that it arose on the basis of world-historical development and that this soil was created step by step by the work of previous epochs. However, how exactly this individuality gave its historically conditioned and prepared activity a unique imprint, this can, perhaps, be shown and, if not described, then felt, but in turn cannot be deduced by consequence from something else. This is an integral and ubiquitous feature of all human activity. Initially, everything in it is hidden - feeling, impulse, thought, decision, speech and deed. But, in contact with the world, the inner principle actively unfolds itself outside and leaves its own special mark on all other internal and external activities. In the course of time there are means for fixing these at first imperceptible influences; less and less the work of the past centuries is wasted for posterity. This is the area that the researcher can explore step by step. But this same area is permeated with the action of new, unaccountable deep forces. The materiality of the first of these two elements can get such a preponderance that it threatens to suppress the energy of the other. But without a proper delineation and evaluation of both, we cannot do justice to the highest of what the history of all time can show us.
The deeper we penetrate into ancient epochs, the more noticeably the amount of material transmitted from generation to generation naturally decreases. On the other hand, we are confronted here with another phenomenon that transfers the researcher to a certain extent into new area . Historically reliable figures, whose external life circumstances are known, meet us less and less, lose their distinctness; their destinies, even their names, blur in uncertainty, and it becomes unclear whether they alone created what is attributed to them, or whether one name unites the creations of many. Personalities seem to disappear, passing into the category of vague images. Such are Orpheus and Homer in Greece, Manu, Vyasa, Valmiki in India and other great names of antiquity. But the distinct individuality is even more eroded if we go deeper into prehistory. Such a polished speech as Homer's, song waves should have been nurtured for a long time, for entire epochs, from which we have no news left. This could be seen even more clearly in the original form of languages. Language is closely intertwined with the spiritual development of mankind and accompanies it at every stage of its local progress or regress, reflecting in itself every stage of culture. But there is such an antiquity in which we see nothing but language in place of culture, and instead of simply accompanying spiritual development, it completely replaces it. Of course, language arises from such depths of human nature that one can never see in it an intentional product, the creation of peoples. It has an obvious for us, although in its essence inexplicable self-active principle (Selbstthatigkeit), and in this respect it is not at all a product of anyone's activity, but an involuntary emanation of the spirit, not the creation of peoples, but a gift inherited by them, their inner destiny. They use it without knowing how they built it. And yet, languages, apparently, always develop simultaneously with the flourishing of peoples - their speakers, woven from their spiritual identity, which imposes certain restrictions on languages. When we say that language is self-active, self-created and divinely free, while languages ​​are shackled and dependent on the peoples to which they belong, this is not an empty play on words. In fact, all particular languages ​​are constrained by certain limits. 1 In the originally free flow of speech and singing, the language evolved to the extent of inspiration, freedom and power of the collectively acting spiritual forces. This inspiration should have embraced all individuals at once, everyone here needed the support of others - after all, any inspiration flares up only on the basis of confidence that you are understood and felt. Here, though extremely vaguely and shimmeringly, the outlines of that era are revealed to us, when individuals are dissolved for us in the mass of the people and language itself appears directly as the only work of intellectual creative power.
  1. At every glance world history there is some forward movement. We are also talking about progress here. But I am not at all going to postulate some kind of goal system or endlessly ongoing improvement, and I am embarking on a completely different path. Peoples and individuals, like forest shoots, vegetatively, like plants, spread over the face of the earth, enjoying their existence in happiness and activity. This life, the particles of which die off with each individual, flows serenely without concern for the consequences for future epochs. Fulfilling the plans of nature, all living things go their way up to the last breath; responding to the goals of all-ordering goodness, each creature enjoys life and each new generation runs through the same circle of joyful or mournful existence, more successful or less successful activity. However, wherever a man appears, he remains a man: he enters into communication with his own kind, establishes institutions, prescribes laws for himself, and where he does not succeed well, there newcomers or migrating tribes plant more perfect achievements of their countries. With the advent of man, sprouts of morality are laid, developing along with the development of his being. This humanization, as we observe, is taking place with increasing success; moreover, partly the very nature of such a process, partly the scope it has already reached, is such that further improvement can hardly be significantly delayed.
And in the cultural and moral development of mankind there is an undoubted plannedness; it will certainly show up in other areas where it is not so conspicuous. And yet it is impossible to postulate it a priori, so as not to deviate in search of it from a direct investigation of the facts. Least of all can one ascribe such regularity to the immediate subject of our reasoning. The manifestation of human spiritual power in its many-sided diversity is not tied to the passage of time and the accumulation of material. As unexplainable as its source, so unpredictable is the action, and the highest achievements here do not necessarily have to be the last in time of occurrence. Therefore, if we want to spy on the creative work of the creative nature, we should not impose certain ideas on it, but accept it as it is. In creating her creations, she produces a certain number of forms in which finds an embodiment of that which in every kind of thing has matured to perfection and satisfies the fullness of its idea. One cannot ask why there are not more forms, why they are not different; the only appropriate answer to these questions would be: yes, there are simply no others! In accordance with this approach, everything that lives in the spiritual and material world can be considered the product of a single force that underlies everything and develops according to laws unknown to us. Indeed, if we do not want to renounce once and for all the search for any connection between the manifestations of human existence, then we must tirelessly ascend to some independent and primordial cause, which in itself would no longer turn out to be causally conditioned and transient. And such a path is the most naturally leads us to the inner life principle, freely developing in all its fullness, and its individual manifestations still do not lose their connection due to the fact that their external forms appear to us isolated. This approach is completely different from the teleological one, because it orients us not to some predetermined goal of human history, but to its root cause, which we recognize as incomprehensible. But only in this way, in my opinion, should one approach the difference in forms created by human spiritual power, because - let such a distinction be allowed to us - if the daily needs of mankind can be sufficiently satisfied due to the forces of nature and, as it were, the mechanical reproduction of human efforts , then the birth of an extraordinary individuality in individuals and in the masses of the people, inexplicable in the light of historical continuity alone, each time again and again, and suddenly and unforeseen, intrudes into the observed chain of causes and effects.
  1. The same approach applies, of course, with equal success to such main manifestations of the spiritual power of man as language, on which we want to dwell here. The reason for the difference in languages ​​can be seen in the greater or lesser success of the impulse with which the universal human ability to create speech makes its way, which the national mental make-up may favor, or may hinder.
Indeed, if we consider languages ​​genetically, that is, as the work of the spirit directed towards a certain goal, then it will naturally be evident that this goal can be achieved both to a lesser and to a greater extent; moreover, the main points are immediately revealed, where the dissimilarity in approaching the goal makes itself felt. The key to success here can be considered the power of the spiritual principle influencing the language in general, as well as its special predisposition to language creation - for example, the exceptional brightness and clarity of ideas, the depth of penetration into the essence of the concept, the ability to immediately grasp in it the most characteristic feature, liveliness and creative power of imagination, attraction to correctly understood harmony and rhythm in sounds, which in turn is associated with the mobility and flexibility of the vocal organs, as well as with the sharpness and subtlety of hearing. In addition, it is also necessary to take into account the peculiarities of tradition and the properties of the moment that the people are experiencing in an era of important linguistic transformations, when they are, as it were, in the middle of their historical path, between the past, which continues to exert its influence on it, and the future, whose sprouts it is in itself. conceals.
There are things in languages ​​that cannot really be observed and which can be judged only by the direction of the striving, and not by the result of this striving. In fact, languages ​​do not always manage to fully realize even the tendencies that are already quite clearly marked in them. In the light of this circumstance, it is necessary to consider, for example, the whole question of inflection and agglutination, in relation to which many misunderstandings have reigned and continue to arise. That peoples who are more gifted and in more favorable conditions than others, have more perfect languages, this is self-evident. But we also come to another, just touched on, deeper reason for linguistic differences.
The creation of a language is due to the internal need of mankind. Language is not just an external means of communication between people, maintaining public relations, but is inherent in the very nature of man and is necessary for the development of his spiritual powers and the formation of a worldview, and a person can achieve this only when he puts his thinking in connection with social thinking.
Thus, if we consider each language, taken separately, as an attempt aimed at satisfying this inner need, and a whole series of languages ​​- as a set of such attempts, then we can state that the language-creating force in humanity will act until - be it in general, be it in particular, it will not create such forms that will be able to satisfy the requirements presented more completely and more perfectly. In accordance with this position, even those languages ​​and language families that do not reveal any syurnic connections among themselves can be considered as different stages of a single process of education. And if this is so, then this connection of externally unconnected phenomena should be explained only by a common internal cause, and this cause can only be the gradual development of the force acting here.
Language is one of those phenomena that stimulate human spiritual power to constant activity. In other words, in this case we can talk about the desire to bring the idea of ​​a perfect language to life. To trace and describe this striving is the task of the language researcher in its final and at the same time the simplest essence *.
In its other parts, linguistics does not at all need this thesis, which looks, perhaps, too hypothetical. However, it can and should use it as a stimulus and rely on it in its attempts to discover in languages ​​a gradual approach to perfect order. Indeed, there may be a series of languages ​​of both a simpler and a more complex structure, when compared with each other, one could notice in the principles of their organization a consistent ascent to the most successful structure of the language. One would expect that the organism of such more perfect languages, for all the complexity of forms, more clearly than is the case in other languages, reveals a consistent and straightforward striving for perfection. Signs of successful movement along this path in more perfect languages ​​would be, first of all, the clarity and perfection of phonetic articulation; then the associated skill in the formation of syllables and the purity of their division into elements, as well as the skillful arrangement of the simplest words; further, the formation of words as a sound unity in order to achieve in this way a true verbal unity corresponding to the unity of the concept; finally, the ability of language to distinguish between its own independent units and that which, as a form, should only accompany independent units, for which, naturally, it is necessary that the language has some method of distinguishing simple stringings from fusions symbolizing a semantic connection. But for the reasons already mentioned, I do not go into these details yet, but I only want the reader to see what provisions I was guided by in the work on determining the place of Kawi in the family of Malay languages, which I am undertaking here.
I should note that I always separate what in languages ​​has arisen historically in the course of their successive changes from their primary - as far as it is available to us - primordial form. The circle of such proto-forms, apparently, has closed, and at the stage that development is now going through human strength, it is not possible to return to the original state. After all, no matter how rooted the language is in the depths of human nature, it also has an independent, external being, which has power over the person himself. In order for the original forms of language to reappear, peoples would have to return to their former isolation, which is now unthinkable. It is also possible - and this is even more plausible - that for the emergence of new languages ​​in the life of all mankind, as well as in the life of an individual, in general, only one specific era is allotted.

Since in the process of development only what is outdated is “denied”, and everything healthy and viable is preserved, development is a progressive movement, an ascent from lower levels to higher ones, from simple to complex, in other words - progress.

In the course of this development, something like a return to previously passed stages often occurs, when certain features of obsolete and replaced forms are repeated, as it were, in a new form. F. Engels illustrates this point with a well-known example. “Let us take,” writes Engels in Anti-Dühring, “for example, barley grain. Billions of such grains are ground, boiled, used to make beer, and then consumed. But if such a grain of barley finds conditions that are normal for itself, if it falls on favorable soil, then, under the influence of warmth and humidity, a peculiar change will occur with it: it will germinate; the grain, as such, ceases to exist, is negated; in its place appears the plant that has grown out of it, the negation of the grain. What is the normal life course of this plant? It grows, blossoms, is fertilized, and finally produces again barley grains, and as soon as the latter ripen, the stalk dies, is in turn subjected to negation. As a result of this negation of the negation, here we again have the original barleycorn, but not one, but ten itself, twenty itself, or thirty.

It is true that the types of cereals change slowly, and the grains of the new crop usually differ little from the seeds sown. However, it is also possible to create conditions for development under which changes will occur much faster and the result of the “negation of the negation” will be qualitatively different from the starting point, for example, it will represent a new variety of plants.

Processes in which a return allegedly to the old takes place both in cognition and in the history of society.

So, for example, the primitive communal tribal system, which did not know exploitation, was replaced by exploitation in the course of history.

Torsk society (slave-owning, feudal, capitalist). With the transition to socialism, however, the exploitation of man by man is abolished, and in this sense socialist society is similar to primitive society. But behind these similarities lies a huge, fundamental difference, the history of the progressive development of society over many millennia. The equality of people of the primitive communal system was based on the scarcity of means of subsistence and primitive tools. The equality of people under socialism and communism is due to the high development of production and the abundance of material and cultural goods.

Thus, the development of society did not proceed in a circle and not in a straight line, but in a spiral: it reproduced some features of the past, but on an immeasurably higher level. “Development, as it were, repeating the steps already passed, but repeating them differently, on a higher basis (“negation of negation”), development, so to speak, in a spiral, and not in a straight line ...” 18 - such as Lenin wrote , an essential feature of the dialectical understanding of development,

In the process of development, there may be deviations from the ascending line - zigzags, backward movements, there may be periods of temporary stagnation. And yet, as history shows, progressive movement eventually overcomes all these temporary deviations and obstacles and makes its way. Any currently existing natural or social form has a long history dating back to the distant past, is the result of a long process of development, progressive movement from simple to complex, ascent from lower to higher.

The solar system was formed from cosmic dust. Modern plant and animal organisms evolved from the original protozoa. Society passed long haul from primitive to modern forms public life. Technique has continuously progressed from the original primitive tools to the most complex modern mechanisms. From the conjectures of ancient philosophers mixed with fantasy, human knowledge has come to the modern complex and dissected system of sciences, covering all areas of reality.

Tracing this progressive development of nature, society and human thinking, materialist dialectics equips people with scientifically based historical optimism, helps them in the struggle for new, higher forms of life and social organization.

End of work -

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Philosophical foundations of the Marxist-Leninist worldview
Chapter 1. Philosophical materialism 13 1. The development of advanced materialistic science in the struggle against reaction and ignorance - 2. Materialism and idealism ... 15

Materialistic understanding of history
Chapter 4. The Essence of Historical Materialism... 118

Introduction ... 216 Chapter 8. Pre-monopoly capitalism ... 219 1. The emergence of capitalist relations ... - 2. Commodity production. Tova

The doctrine of socialism and communism
Chapter 21. Dictatorship of the proletariat and proletarian democracy... 535 1. The historical necessity of the dictatorship of the proletariat in the transitional period... - Inevitably

On the Marxist-Leninist worldview
"Marx's teaching is omnipotent because it is true." LENIN Assimilation of the foundations of Marxism-Leninism requires serious and thoughtful study, which means it requires both labor and time. What does a person give

Philosophical materialism
The unshakable foundation of the entire building of Marxism-Leninism is its philosophical doctrine - dialectical and historical materialism. This philosophical doctrine takes the world as it exists in action.

materialism and idealism
Philosophy considers the most general issues worldview. Materialistic philosophy proceeds from the recognition of the fact that nature exists: the stars, the Sun, the Earth with its mountains and

Spontaneous materialism
People in their practical activities do not doubt that the objects and phenomena of nature surrounding them exist independently of them, of their consciousness. This means that they spontaneously stand on the position

Materialism advanced philosophy
The difference between philosophical materialism and spontaneous, naive materialism lies in the fact that philosophical materialism scientifically substantiates, develops and consistently pursues materialistic

Dialectical and historical materialism is the highest stage in the development of philosophical thought
Modern materialism is dialectical and historical materialism created by Marx and Engels. It didn't come out of nowhere. The philosophy of Marx and Engels was the result of a long development

Perpetual motion in nature
Nature and society do not know absolute immobility, peace, immutability. The world is a picture of perpetual motion, change. Movement, change, development is eternal and inalienable

Types of motion of matter
The variety of matter corresponds to the variety of forms of its movement. The simplest form of motion of matter is the mechanical movement of a body in space. A more complex type of motion is thermal processes,

Space and time
Matter can only move in space and time. All bodies of nature, including man himself, all material processes occurring in the objective world, occupy a place in space.

About those who deny the objective existence of space and time
Everyday centuries-old experience of mankind, as well as the data of science, testify to the fact that space and time exist objectively. Nevertheless, numerous idealist philosophers deny the

Human thinking is the result of the development of living matter
The faculty of thinking inherent in man is the product of a long development organic world. The material basis of life is protein bodies, which are a complex product of development.

The value of labor and speech in the development of human thinking
The human psyche has as its premise the elementary forms of the mental activity of animals. At the same time, one must see a qualitative difference between them. The human psyche, his thinking is the highest

Consciousness is a property of the brain
Consciousness is a product of the activity of the human brain associated with a complex set of sensory organs. In its essence, it is a reflection of the material world. Consciousness is a lot

Opponents of philosophical materialism
Recognizing the material unity of the world, Marxist philosophical materialism thus takes the position of philosophical monism (from the Greek word "monos" - one). Marxist philosophical mate

Objective idealism
Idealistic views of the world in their most primitive, but still most widespread form, found their expression in the teaching of the church about an incorporeal spirit, or god, who allegedly existed before physical

Subjective idealism
In addition to objective idealism, which derives nature from the divine idea, there is a direction of subjective idealism, which asserts that things, objects are a total

An attempt to establish a "third" line in philosophy
In addition to those idealistic teachings which frankly recognize consciousness as the basis of the world, there are also such teachings which try to hide their idealism and present the matter as if they were above matter.

The roots of idealism
Idealistic philosophy is a wrong, distorted view of the world. Idealism perverts the true relationship between thinking and its material basis. Sometimes this is the result

Modern bourgeois philosophy
Modern philosophy, Lenin pointed out, is just as partisan as it was two thousand years ago. In other words, now, as in the past, philosophers are divided into two opposite camps - materialistic and

Philosophy vs reason
The spirit of pessimism, irrationalism, hostility to the scientific worldview, which permeate the ideology of the modern bourgeoisie, especially vividly expresses existentialism - one of the most fashionable

Revival of medieval scholasticism
Fideism is being promoted more and more widely in contemporary bourgeois society. The church and its organizations are being intensively activated. The ideologists of the ruling class insist more and more insistently that "only

In the struggle for a scientific worldview
The weakness and inconsistency of modern idealist philosophy is manifested in the fact that it contradicts both the development of science and progressive social movements; she is protesting

Materialist dialectic
Marxist materialist dialectics is the most profound, comprehensive and rich in content doctrine of movement and development. It is the result of the whole centuries-old history of knowledge.

Universal connection of phenomena
The world around man is a picture of the greatest variety of phenomena. As the simplest observations show, these phenomena are in certain, more or less stable relationships.

Causal relationship
The most familiar to every person, always and everywhere found form of connection is a causal (or “causal” - from the Latin word “cause” - cause) connection. Usually reasons

Against the idealistic understanding of causality
The causal relationship is universal, extends to all phenomena of nature and society, simple and complex, studied by science and not studied. There are no and cannot be causeless phenomena. Any yavl

About interaction
Despite the enormous theoretical and practical significance of the causal connection of phenomena, it does not exhaust the whole variety of relations in the objective world. Lenin wrote that "causality ... is only ma

Necessity and law
Recognizing the obligatory nature of the causal conditionality of all phenomena, we thereby recognize that necessity dominates the world. Necessary is such an occurrence and development of phenomena, which

Necessity and chance
Among the diverse phenomena of nature and human society, there are those that do not necessarily follow from the regular development of a given thing or a given series of events that can happen.

Determinism and Modern Science
The recognition of the objective nature of universal connection, the causation of a phenomenon, the dominance of necessity and regularity in nature and society constitutes the principle of determinism, on the position

Qualitative and quantitative certainty of things
The totality of essential features or attributes that make a given phenomenon what it is and distinguish it from other phenomena is called the quality of a thing or phenomenon. The philosophical concept of quality

The transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones
One-sided protrusion of the quantitative or qualitative side is a sign of the metaphysical approach. Metaphysics does not see an internal necessary connection between quantity and quality. On the contrary, important

What is a jump
The transition of a thing as a result of the accumulation of quantitative changes from one qualitative state to another, new one is a leap in development. The jump is a break in gradualness

Against the metaphysical understanding of development
Marx and Engels created materialistic dialectics in the struggle against the metaphysical view of nature, which denied development. Since then the situation has changed. In the second half of the 19th century, the idea

From the history of dialectics
Already in ancient times, people paid attention to. the fact that in the infinite diversity of the world around us, opposite properties, forces, and tendencies clearly stand out and play a particularly important role. P

Dialectical contradiction and its general character
By dialectical contradiction, Marxism understands the presence in this or that phenomenon or process of opposite, mutually exclusive sides, which at the same time presuppose each other and within the framework of yes.

Development as a struggle of opposites
The concept of contradiction acquires decisive significance where the process of development is characterized. In nature, social life, and people's thinking, development occurs in such a way that

Contradiction is always concrete
The above characterization of the process of development as a struggle of opposites is, of course, very general: it is applicable to any process of development and, therefore, in itself is still insufficient for

Antagonistic and non-antagonistic contradictions
In relation to social life, it is important to distinguish between antagonistic and non-antagonistic contradictions. Antagonistic refers to the contradictions between those social groups or

On the perversions of dialectics by the ideologists of the bourgeoisie
Numerous opponents of Marxism, trying to refute materialist dialectics, oppose first of all the core of dialectics - the doctrine of contradictions. More often than not, they claim that

dialectical negation
Developing idealistic dialectics, Hegel called the change of one form of being by another form "negation". The use of this term was due to the fact that Hegel understood being as a thought (“idea”), to

Continuity in development
Dialectical "negation" presupposes not only the destruction of the old, but also the preservation of viable elements of the previous stages of development, a certain connection between the outgoing old and the incoming old.

The value of dialectics for science and practice
The laws of dialectics, by virtue of their universal nature, have methodological significance, they are guidelines for research, guidelines on the path of cognition. Indeed, if everything in the world

On the creative application of dialectics
Correct Application dialectics in science and in practical activity is by no means an easy task. Dialectics is not a manual with printed ready-made answers to questions of science and practice, but a living, flexible,

On the Unity of Theory and Practice
Practice not only sets the theory of the task by directing the scientist's attention to the study of those aspects, processes and phenomena of the objective world that are important for society; it also creates the material environment

Cognition is a reflection of the objective world
The Marxist theory of knowledge is the theory of reflection. This means that it considers cognition as a reflection of objective reality in the human brain. Opponents of dialectical materialism

Against agnosticism
Many philosophers of the idealist camp, and even some scientists who fell under their influence, are fighting against the materialist doctrine of the knowability of the world. These philosophers defend the point of view

Doctrine of Truth
The problem of truth is the central problem of the theory of knowledge and the most important question of any science. If a scientific theory does not give true knowledge, then it is worthless. The question of truth arises whenever

objective truth
Although truth arises in the process of human cognition, the properties and relations of things reflected in it do not depend on man. That is why we say that truth is objective. Under the objective truth

Feelings - images of things and their properties
Since all knowledge ultimately comes from sensations, the question of its truth depends primarily on whether our sensations are true, whether they can correctly reflect material things and their properties.

Thinking - knowledge of the essence of phenomena
The Marxist theory of knowledge recognizes the qualitative difference between these two stages, but does not break them, but sees their dialectical interconnection. Thinking, being the highest form of cognition

Infinite knowledge of the infinite world
Human knowledge as a whole is an evolving, endlessly ongoing process. The objective world surrounding a person is infinite. It constantly changes and develops, eternally generating

Absolute and Relative Truth
At each given historical moment, the knowledge obtained by science is distinguished by a certain incompleteness, incompleteness. Progress in the knowledge of truth lies in the fact that this incompleteness, incompleteness of

The Dialectical Unity of Absolute and Relative Truth
Everywhere in the history of the sciences we see that in the initially formulated relative truths there is an absolutely true content, but there is also such a content that is eliminated in subsequent development,

The concreteness of truth
The truths obtained by human knowledge must be considered not abstractly, not in isolation from life, but in connection with specific conditions. This is the meaning of the most important proposition of materialistic

The Significance of the Marxist Doctrine of Truth for Science and Practice
The teaching of materialistic dialectics about absolute and relative truth and about the concreteness of truth is of great importance for science and practice. Lenin, analyzing the development of physics at the end of 19

Practice is the criterion of truth
For an idea or scientific theory to serve society, it must be true. To establish whether a given theory is true or false, it is necessary to compare it with reality and find out, respectively.

Pragmatism is the philosophy of big business
In capitalist countries, especially in the USA, a philosophical movement called "pragmatism" (from the Greek word "pragma" - deed, action) is widespread. Some bourgeois philosophers try to

Necessity and human freedom
The great significance of Marxist philosophy lies in the fact that it equips the working people with knowledge of the laws of development of the objective world, the laws of its transformation. It is a powerful weapon in the fight for

Revolutionary upheaval in views on society
The question of what determines the social system, how human society develops, has long attracted the attention of people. Not only because people want to understand the society in which they

The mode of production is the material basis of the life of society
The material life of society is primarily labor activity people, aimed at the production of objects and goods necessary for their life - food, clothing, housing, etc. This activity

How production develops
Since the mode of production constitutes the material basis of the life of society, the history of society is first of all the history of the development of production, the history of the modes of production that succeed each other in

Interaction of productive forces and production relations
The unity of the productive forces and production relations, expressed in the mode of production, does not at all exclude contradictions between them. The reasons for these discrepancies lie in

Basis and superstructure
The state of the productive forces determines, as we have seen, the nature of people's production relations, that is, the economic structure of society. This economic system, in turn, is

History as the development and change of socio-economic formations
Historical materialism does not impose preconceived schemes on history, does not adjust past and present events to fit its conclusions. On the contrary, it is itself a scientific generalization of history. H

Primitive communal system
The primitive communal system was historically the first form of society that arose after a person, having acquired in a long process of labor those qualities that distinguish him from all other living beings.

slave system
The basis of the production relations of this system is the private ownership of slave owners not only in the means of production, but also in the workers themselves - slaves. The property of the slave owner on. slaves and

feudal system
The basis of the production relations of this system is the ownership of the feudal lords on the means of production, primarily on land (the very concept of "feudalism" comes from the Latin word "feud" - that

capitalist system
The production relations of capitalism are based on the private ownership of the means of production by the capitalists. The capitalist class exploits the wage-worker class, free from personal dependence.

socialist system
The socialist mode of production is based on social ownership of the means of production. Therefore, the relations of production in a socialist society are relations of cooperation.

How Social Laws Work
The Marxist doctrine of the regularity of the historical process is opposed not only to subjectivist ideas about history as a heap of accidents, but also to fatalism, which denies the meaning

The role of ideas in the development of society
From the fact that historical regularity is manifested in the vigorous activity of people, the recognition of the enormous role of social ideas follows. Bourgeois critics of Marxism claim that the history of

Spontaneity and consciousness in social development
The development of all social formations preceding socialism proceeded in such a way that objective laws acted spontaneously, like a blind necessity that made its way through chance.

Mastering the laws of social development
In the era of socialism, thanks to social ownership of the means of production, people put production under their control on the scale of the whole society. They can scientifically establish

Fear of the laws of history
While historical materialism reveals the objective laws of social development and shows the ways of their knowledge and use in the interests of society, bourgeois sociology either

Psychological theory of society
The psychological explanation of social development, which, as we have seen, was characteristic of bourgeois sociology before, proceeds from the fact that the creator of social life is human

Description instead of explanation
The so-called "empirical sociology", which is closely connected with the philosophy of neopositivism, is fighting scientific determinism with much more subtle methods. Sociologists of this direction in words

The perversion of historical laws by social Darwinism
Many bourgeois sociologists try to clothe their falsification of historical laws in pseudo-scientific garb. One of the favorite tricks is to replace social laws with the laws of biology.

Historical materialism and the social sciences
From what has been said it is clear what tremendous significance historical materialism has for the special social sciences and for the practical activity of the revolutionary parties of the working class. Social Sciences

About scientific foresight
Bourgeois philosophers and sociologists, who deny the objective regularity of social development, consider the scientific prediction of the future impossible, referring to the fact that the future depends on intentions and

Historical materialism and the practice of the labor movement
As a science of the general laws of the development of society and as a method of cognizing social phenomena, the materialistic understanding of history serves as the theoretical basis for all scientific communism, strategy and tact.

Origin and essence of the state
History shows that the existence of the state is connected with the existence of classes. At the early stages of the development of mankind, under the communal-clan classless system, there was no state. Control functions

Types and forms of the state
States, both past and present, present a motley picture: ancient despotisms in Assyria, Babylon, Egypt, ancient Greek republics, the Roman Empire, principalities in Kiy

bourgeois state
The bourgeois state can also act in various forms: a democratic republic, a constitutional monarchy, an open dictatorship of the fascist type. But in any form, it remains a tool of the drill.

social revolution
The role of the class struggle as the driving force behind the development of an exploiting society is especially clearly manifested in the era of the change of one socio-economic formation by another, i.e., in the era of social revolutions.

The nature and driving forces of social revolutions
History knows various social revolutions. They differ from each other in nature and driving forces. Under the nature of the revolution is understood. its objective content, i.e. the essence of social

The creative role of the social revolution
The ruling classes are terrified of the revolution and are trying to portray it as a bloody monster, a blind destructive force that sows only death, devastation and suffering. As for the victims

Economic struggle
The struggle to improve the living and working conditions of workers is called economic: for raising wages, shortening the working day, etc. The most common method of economic struggle is

Ideological struggle
The struggle of the working class, like any other class, is driven by its interest. This interest is the product of the economic relations of capitalist society, which doom the working class to exploitation,

Political struggle
The highest form of the class struggle of the workers is the political struggle. The proletariat encounters the need to carry it out already in the course of defending its economic demands. On the side of the capitalists

proletarian revolution
The highest stage of the class struggle of the proletariat is the revolution. The enemies of communism portray the proletarian revolution as a coup by a small group of communist "plotters".

The role of the masses and the individual in history
The question of the role of the popular masses and the individual in history is especially assiduously distorted by the ideologists of the exploiting classes. Trying to justify the "right" of an insignificant minority to oppress the majority, they always

The productive activity of the masses is a decisive condition for the life and development of society
The productive activity of the masses is of paramount importance in the life of society. They create tools, improve them, accumulate labor skills and pass them on from generation to generation.

The populace and politics
The masses play an important role in political life as well. Without their political activity, the very development of society, and above all social revolutions, is inconceivable. Whatever class came as a result of the roar

The role of the masses in the development of culture
Reactionary ideologists, denying the ability of working people, ordinary people to creative activity, with particular zeal pervert the role of the masses in the development of culture. Spiritual culture, they say,

The Significance of the Marxist Proposition on the Decisive Role of the Masses of the People in History
The proposition about the decisive role of the popular masses in social development occupies an important place in the theory of Marxism-Leninism. It gives social science the key to understanding the course of the historical process, eliminating

The activity of leaders is a necessary element of the historical process
Marxist theory, having proved the decisive role of the popular masses in the history of society, at the same time assigns an important place to the activities of outstanding people, leaders, leaders, shows that they are

What is the strength of prominent historical figures?
Outstanding public figures are not creators of events and movements, but leaders of the masses, social classes. Support from the outside, large public groups just imagine

Public need and great people
The very promotion of prominent figures is inextricably linked with historical regularity. Talented, gifted people are always in society. But only the emergence of a social need for

The cult of personality is contrary to Marxism-Leninism
Marxism-Leninism proceeds from the fact that the decisive role in history is played by the activity and struggle of the classes, the masses of the people. Only in connection with the class struggle, with the activities of the masses of the people, in connection with the social

The growing role of the masses in politics
Under the conditions of an exploitative system, the functions of managing society and solving its internal and external affairs are monopolized by the ruling exploiting classes. Resistance to exploiters, class

The popular masses are the decisive political force of our time
The growing role of the popular masses in social and political life is thus a pattern of historical development. The more difficult tasks confront society, the more

Progress Criteria
Objective criteria for progress are different for different areas of life. We can, for example, judge progress in the field of health care and the material well-being of people by the average duration

The ideologists of the imperialist bourgeoisie are the enemies of progress
The modern bourgeoisie is another matter. Having turned into a reactionary, descending class, it abandons the idea of ​​progress, which its advanced representatives ardently defended in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

Social progress in an exploitative society and under socialism
Marxist theory, arguing that the history of society is an upward movement, at the same time fully takes into account the complexity and inconsistency of the historical process. isto

Contradictions of progress under capitalism
Capitalism was a big step forward on the path of progress. Suffice it to recall the rapid development of the productive forces under capitalism, the creation of a powerful industry, the rapid growth of science and technology.

progress under socialism
The antagonistic contradictions of progress are by no means eternal companions of the progressive development of society. They are generated only by the specific conditions of an exploiting society and disappear in

Marxism-Leninism and the ideals of social progress
An important part of the worldview of the working class is the ideals social progress- ideas about the goals of the struggle of the proletariat, about the society that will be built as a result of this struggle.

The political economy of capitalism
As shown above, economic relations determine the nature of each social formation. Therefore, for the knowledge of social life, it is necessary first of all to study economic order community

The emergence of capitalist relations
Capitalist production can exist under two conditions. It requires the concentration of the main means of production in the ownership of the capitalists. It also requires the absence of environments

Commodity production. Product. Law of value and money
Capitalism is the highest form of commodity production, therefore K. Marx in "Capital" begins the analysis of capitalism with an analysis of the commodity. The exchange of goods, wrote V. I. Lenin, is “the simplest, about

Labor embodied in the commodity
The beginning of the doctrine of the labor value of goods was laid by the classics of bourgeois political economy Adam Smith and David Ricardo. But only Marx consistently developed and comprehensively substantiated this theory. He did

Law of value
The law of value is the economic law of commodity production, according to which the exchange of goods takes place in accordance with the amount of socially necessary labor expended on their production. Under

The doctrine of surplus value is the cornerstone of Marx's economic theory
Marx clarified the antagonistic nature of the relationship between labor and capital, which is the axis around which the entire capitalist economic system revolves. Exploring added value

Surplus value production
What is the cost of labor? The value of any commodity is measured by the labor necessary for its production. The labor force exists in the form of a living worker who needs a certain

In a capitalist society, the exploitation of wage labor is a means for preserving and increasing the value owned by the capitalist, for expanding the power and domination of capital. Capital is worth

The theory of wages affects the fundamental interests of the classes of bourgeois society and is one of the most acute questions of economic science. Under capitalism, wages

Average profit
In industries with different organic composition of capital, capitals of equal magnitude bring surplus value of different magnitudes. In industries with a low organic composition of capital, surplus

Production cost
Due to the equalization of the rate of profit, the prices of commodities under capitalism are determined by the price of production, which is equal to the cost of production plus the average profit. Every capitalist tries to get t

The development of capitalism in agriculture. ground rent
The economic laws of capitalism operate with the same implacability in agriculture as in industry. With the development of the social division of labor, agricultural products begin to produce

ground rent
In capitalist agriculture, unlike industry, all newly created value is divided among three classes. Agricultural workers receive wages, the tenant capitalist

Reproduction of social capital and economic crises
Instead of constantly consumed means of production and means of subsistence (machines, food, clothing, etc.), people must produce new material goods. This process of constant renewal

Economic crises of overproduction
The desire of the capitalists for an unlimited increase in production in conditions where consumption is limited by the narrow limits of the effective demand of the masses finds a way out in the fact that by increasing production

The universal law of capitalist accumulation
Development of a large machine industry, improvements in agriculture and other industries National economy lead to the fact that for the production of the same quantity of products

The Historical Trend of Capitalist Accumulation
With the accumulation of capital, huge masses of workers and enormous means of production are concentrated in ever larger enterprises. Operation of the internal laws of capitalist production

Concentration of production and monopoly
In his work "Imperialism, as the Highest Stage of Capitalism", V. I. Lenin begins the study of a new stage in the development of capitalism with an analysis of changes in the sphere of production. Lenin established five foundations

Tendency to delay the development of productive forces
Monopoly hinders the development of productive forces and technical progress. “Insofar as monopoly prices are established, at least temporarily,” wrote V.I. Lenin, “they disappear to a certain extent

Political reaction
Capitalism defeated feudalism under the banner of freedom, equality and fraternity. Bourgeois democracy as a form of political domination satisfied pre-monopoly capitalism. The situation has changed

Creation of the material preconditions for socialism
During the period of imperialism, the material prerequisites for the transition to a higher social and economic system, that is, to socialism, are formed. “When a large enterprise becomes a giant

Law of uneven economic and political development
Under capitalism, enterprises, branches of the economy, and countries cannot develop evenly. Private ownership of the means of production, the anarchy of production and competition make it inevitable that unequal

The beginning of the general crisis of capitalism
At the stage of imperialism, capitalism inevitably enters the era of its general crisis. What does the term "general crisis of capitalism" mean? As noted in Chapter 8, capitalism has inherent

A new stage in the general crisis of capitalism
What are the most characteristic features of the new stage in the general crisis of capitalism? First, a significant change in the balance of power between the system of socialism and the system of imperialism, above all

The development of monopoly capitalism into state-monopoly capitalism
The development of monopoly capitalism into state-monopoly capitalism means the combination of the strength of the capitalist monopolies with the strength of the state, while subordinating the state to the largest

On the mechanism of modern state-monopoly capitalism
The essence of state-monopoly capitalism, as has been said, lies in the direct combination of the domination of capitalist monopolies with the gigantic power of the state. At the same time, the state

Militarization of the economy
The militarization of the economies of the imperialist states is inextricably linked with the strengthening of state-monopoly tendencies. In its developed form, the militarization of the economy is typical only for the epoch.

On Capitalist Nationalization and State Capitalism
State-monopoly capitalism is a purely anti-people and reactionary system, just like monopoly capitalism in general. It must not, however, be confused with non-monopolistic

Revisionist and reformist speculations about modern capitalism
The propagandists of the bourgeoisie, the reformists and revisionists, portray state-monopoly capitalism as a new social system fundamentally different from the old capitalism. With this

Anti-crisis measures are only a palliative remedy against the incurable disease of capitalism
The main anti-crisis measure is huge government orders and purchases of weapons and strategic materials, which provide a fairly significant and constant demand for many large

Bankruptcy of theories of "crisis-free development" of capitalism
Contrary to the facts, bourgeois theoreticians and revisionists are still trying to prove that it is still possible to put an end to crises and keep capitalism intact. These theorists repeatedly

The last rung of the historical ladder of capitalism
Each new stage of the general crisis of capitalism is not only the result of changes that have taken place in the past, but also a prerequisite for new changes, a threshold for the future. Once begun, the general crisis of capital

The international character of the labor movement
Not only the oppressor, but also the oppressed classes of the past could not be internationalists. This was hindered by historical conditions, as well as the place of these classes in social production and their

International Workers' Solidarity
Over the past century, the international solidarity and unity of the proletariat has grown considerably. This found its concrete expression primarily in the field of organizing the labor movement. Professio

Obstacles and Difficulties to the Development of the Labor Movement
Outstanding historical victories and successes of the working class have been won by them in a fierce struggle. Numerous obstacles lay in their way. They, too, must be seen by every conscious worker, every

The split of the labor movement
Bourgeois influence in the labor movement manifests itself in various forms. The most dangerous of them is the spread of opportunism and reformism. The essence of opportunism is the desire to "reconcile" the working class

Leading force of all democratic movements
The immediate interests of the working class have never been exhausted by the improvement of its economic situation. The working class, from its very inception, has included in its program of struggle a wide range of

The Great October Socialist Revolution is a fundamental turning point in the history of mankind
The uneven development of capitalism affects not only the economy, but also the labor movement. In this connection, the role of the working class of individual countries in the international struggle of the proletariat for

The transition from the bourgeois-democratic revolution to the socialist revolution
The immediate task of the Russian working class was to overthrow tsarism in alliance with the peasantry. This task could not be carried out by the revolution of 1905-1907, which was suppressed by the autocracy.

How the proletariat broke the old dogma about the impossibility of a socialist revolution
The exploiting classes and their learned lackeys have been saying for centuries that without the landowners and capitalists it is impossible to carry on social production, that the working masses cannot live without the master caste. Russian

Communist Party at the head of a revolutionary coup
The October Revolution confirmed the Marxist truth that the most favorable revolutionary situation can end in victory only if there is a party capable of correctly assessing the

The first example of proletarian power in history
The Great October Socialist Revolution not only brought victory to the working class, but also created, for the first time in history, a model of proletarian power for the transitional period from capitalism to socialism.

A powerful impetus to the revolutionary labor movement in other countries
The October Revolution served as an inspiring prize for the working people of the whole world in their liberation struggle. It shook the faith in the inviolability and eternal life among the broad masses of the people of the bourgeois states.

The influence of the October Revolution on the national liberation movement
The October Socialist Revolution not only ushered in the era of proletarian revolutions; it also marked the beginning of the crisis of the colonial system of imperialism, a new period in the history of national liberation

Vanguard and stronghold of the world socialist movement
The international significance of the Great October Socialist Revolution is a huge and versatile topic, which in many respects goes beyond the scope of this chapter*. So far, we have been talking only about the historical

The revolutionary character of the Marxist party
Of all the organizations created by the proletariat, only a political party can correctly express the fundamental interests of the working class and lead it to complete victory. With the help of trade unions alone

Democratic centralism in the structure and life of the party
From the role the Communist Party is called upon to play in the workers' movement, from the nature of its aims and tasks, the principles of its organizational structure follow. Interests expressed in

Party democracy and leadership
The internal life of the Party is structured in such a way that Communists can participate as actively as possible in its practical work. This is the essence of party democracy. To this end, the necessary conditions are being created for

Freedom of discussion and unity of action
The most important method of party work is a broad discussion of all fundamental questions and the collective elaboration of decisions. This is necessary to generalize diverse experience, identify shortcomings, in order to

It is not enough to proclaim the leading role of the party - it must be won
How does a party become a real leader? There is only one way to do this - to convince the masses that the party correctly expresses and defends their interests, to convince them not by words, but by deeds, in its own way.

Work wherever there are masses
Communists strive to work wherever there are working people. This requires the closest, organic, everyday connection with the masses. “To serve the masses,” said V.I. Lenin, “and to express

Lead the masses and learn from the masses
You can lead the masses only by taking into account their experience and level of consciousness, without breaking away from reality, without looking ahead. Otherwise, there is a risk of being in the sad position of an avant-garde that has lost its connection

Marxist-Leninist politics as science and art
One of the most important sources of the strength of the communist parties is that they can build their policies on a scientific basis. This means, first of all, that in defending the interests of the worker

On political strategy and tactics
The measures that make up the activities of the Marxist-Leninist Party are not the result of the improvisation of the Party leadership. They find their concrete expression political

The art of political leadership
Lenin said about politics that it is not only a science, but also an art. This means that political leadership requires not only a correct, scientifically reliable analysis of the situation

Ability to find the main link
The science and art of political leadership are also manifested in the ability to single out the main tasks, on the solution of which special efforts should be concentrated. Political events are connected

The danger of revisionism
As the struggle of the working class develops, bourgeois ideology changes its shades. Crude forms of justifying capitalism are replaced by more subtle methods of its defense. But the essence of bourgeois ideology does not come from this

Dogmatism and sectarianism lead to separation from the masses
The communist parties have to fight not only revisionism, but also sectarianism. Outwardly, they are directly opposite to each other. In fact, sectarianism, which portrays itself as very

The international character of the communist movement
The communist movement is international in its very essence. But the struggle for the communist ideals of each party has to be waged on national grounds. This may, under certain conditions,

What is the unity of action policy
In the struggle for the common interests of the working people, the communist parties strive to cooperate with all workers' organizations, regardless of the political and religious views of their members. Activity to

What would give unity of action
At present, the dangers that threaten the working people are much more serious than on the eve or even during the Second World War. The threat of atomic war, the open desire of monopoly capital in

Excuses of opponents of unity
The communist proposals for a united front, say the leaders of the Social Democracy, are nothing more than a maneuver, a ruse; in fact, the communists are not concerned at all with the interests of the working class, but with their own

Anti-communism is the slogan of the reactionary schismatics
The real motive that drives many of the leaders of the Socialist International is their anti-communism. And the point here is not at all that they are reformists and therefore cannot

The working masses want unity
In spite of the splitting activities of the right, among the working masses there is a growing desire for unity. This is expressed in a wide variety of forms. For example, at many enterprises in France, Italy, England, Belgium

The Right Approach to Socialist Workers
Of course, it would be wrong to pin all hopes only on the spontaneous movement of the masses towards unity. As the leading bodies of the Communist Parties have pointed out more than once, much here depends on the Communists themselves, on the methods

Ideological differences are not an obstacle to cooperation
But can not cooperation between communists and those socialists who recognize the need for unity be hindered by ideological differences between them? After all, converging in many respects with the communists in assessing

The need for patient, comradely clarification
The Communists consider it their duty to fight for the overcoming of the reformist ideology, which is used as a cover for the right-wing splitters in the workers' movement. But overcoming the ideas of reformism is not an easy task. Kommun

Democratic Unity Policy
The Communist Parties are not only fighting for a united workers' front, they are striving for the unification of broader sections of the people. Workers' unity must serve as the basis for the unity of a broad democratic

What is required of the working party
When there are objective prerequisites for uniting various sections of the population against the oppression of the monopolies. The center of gravity is transferred to the activity of the most revolutionary party of the worker

The struggle for the interests of the peasantry
Workers and peasants are brothers both in their origin and in their position in capitalist society. The working class was historically formed as a result of the ruin and dispossession of the peasants

The Necessity of an Alliance of Workers and Peasants
In advocating an alliance between the working class and the peasantry, the communists proceed not simply from good wishes. They are based on the objective laws of social development and know that the interests of capital

What is the essence of feudal survivals
The aims and tasks of the joint struggle of the working class and the peasantry change depending on the conditions in which they live. In those countries where feudal relations are still preserved or strong

The Capitalist Monopolies Are the Chief Robbers of the Workers and Peasants
In the developed capitalist countries, the main enemy of all the oppressed classes, including the peasantry, is monopoly capital. Large associations of capitalists seize power not only over

Communists are the defenders of the vital interests of the peasant masses
The policy of the communist parties in the peasant question is built taking into account the change in its objective content in our era. At the same time, it proceeds from the peculiarities of the position of the peasantry in various

The struggle of the peasants for agrarian reform
Since the vast majority of peasants are landless and landless peasants, the struggle for agrarian reform becomes the most important goal. The ruling circles of a number of capitalist countries

International conditions for the rise of the national liberation movement
The crisis of the colonial system began simultaneously with the general crisis of capitalism. The turning point here, too, was the Great October Socialist Revolution. Shaking the very foundations of imperialism, it

The driving forces of the national liberation struggle
The colonial oppression of the imperialists puts pressure, although not to the same extent, on almost all sections of the population of the enslaved countries, pushing them to fight for liberation. Based on their class interests, work

The historical significance of the collapse of the colonial system
Imperialism hinders universal human progress not only by suppressing the working classes of the developed capitalist countries, but also by pushing entire peoples into the background of history.

States that emerged from the ruins of colonialism
The variety of conditions and forms in which the independence of the former colonial countries took place led to the fact that they found themselves at various stages of political development. It's in oso

The gains of the anti-imperialist, anti-feudal revolution in the Asian countries that have embarked on the path of socialism
The anti-imperialist and anti-feudal revolution took place in its most complete form in China, North Korea and North Vietnam, where it was led by the working class, led by Marxist

On the way to progress
Although the scale of social transformations in many young states of the East and the depth of the changes that have taken place there in people's life cannot be compared with the changes in the socialist countries

Awakening of the peoples of the Arab East
In recent years, the peoples of the Middle East and North Africa have moved to the forefront of the national liberation struggle, launching a broad offensive against the positions of colonialism. Since 1943 in

Prospects for the development of the nation-states of the East
On the very next day after winning national independence, all the young states of the East were faced with the question of the ways and prospects for their further development. The most acute problem arose

Latin American countries in the struggle for true independence
The experience of Latin American countries clearly confirms the truth that political independence, which is not based on a developed national economy, does not yet ensure the deliverance of peoples.

The struggle for the liberation of the peoples of Africa
Africa, along with the island colonial possessions of England, the United States, France, Portugal and some other imperialist powers, remains in our time the last major stronghold of the colony.

Anti-communism is a tool for the decomposition and split of the national liberation movement
The communist parties have been in the forefront of the national liberation movement for many years. Despite the terror of the colonial authorities and the persecution by the local bourgeois-feudal reactionaries

New forms of colonial policy
The imperialists do not want to accept the loss of their colonies. They are looking for means capable of saving colonialism. Out of these searches have grown numerous theories of "neo-colonialism", that is, a new colonialism that

The world socialist system is the support of the peoples in the struggle against colonialism
The successes of the national liberation movement in the East are inseparable from the existence of the socialist states and their irreconcilable position towards colonialism. This shows a deep object

The Significance of Economic Cooperation between the Socialist States and the Countries of the East
The socialist states have real possibilities for rendering assistance to the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America in the creation of independent national economies. camp of socialism

Aggravation of the problem of sovereignty in the era of imperialism
The principle of sovereignty has long been formally recognized by bourgeois law. This, however, has never deterred the ruling classes of capitalist states from encroaching on the independence of other peoples. All

Forms and methods of attack on sovereignty
Among the various methods used by US imperialism, the method of establishing political and military-strategic control over other capitalist countries occupies the main place.

Not patriotism, but cosmopolitanism - the ideology of the imperialist bourgeoisie
We have spoken above about the motives that guide the reactionary forces that undermine the sovereignty and independence of states. Of course, these motives are kept secret, for they are not of such a nature that they can be

The workers are not indifferent to the fate of the fatherland
The propagandists of the reactionary bourgeoisie strive to present the capitalist class as the bearer of patriotic feelings. They want to gloss over the fact that the patriotism of the bourgeoisie is always subordinated to its greed.

The principle of sovereignty is dear to the widest strata of the people
The need to preserve the independence of the state in determining foreign and domestic policy in modern conditions dictated by the national interest. In maintaining sovereignty

The struggle for democracy in bourgeois countries
Long gone are the days when the bourgeoisie of Western Europe and North America was a revolutionary class, champion of democracy. Having come to power, having established its class rule, it answered

Lenin on the need to fight for democracy under capitalism
V. I. Lenin, like no one else, saw the limitations and conditionality of bourgeois democracy and knew how to mercilessly reveal its ulcers and vices. However, the fire of Leninist criticism was directed against the bourgeois

The attack of the capitalist monopolies on the democratic rights of workers
In the epoch of imperialism, the struggle for democracy acquires special significance because monopoly capital strives in all fields to establish an extremely reactionary order in line with its desires.

The financial oligarchy is the enemy of democracy
Analyzing the economic and political consequences of the establishment of the power of monopolies, Lenin emphasized that in the era of imperialism, the onset of reaction to democratic institutions, orders and traditions

Anti-communism is a favorite tactic of the enemies of democracy
Among the various forms of offensive reaction against democracy, attacks undertaken under the banner of "fight against communism" occupy a special place. Communists are the first victims of the reaction because

Democracy is the base of mass popular movements
The struggle of the working class in defense of democracy is all the more important because the success of other important national movements of our time, the movements in defense of

Expanding the social base of the democratic movement
The petty bourgeoisie serves as the most important reserve for the growth of the democratic movement. Noting the duality of the position of the petty bourgeoisie, V. I. Lenin wrote: “Marxism teaches us that the petty bourgeois masses are inevitable.

Imperialism poses an unprecedented threat to the future of humanity
The most monstrous offspring of imperialism are world wars. Since capitalism entered its last stage, humanity has twice been plunged into the abyss of world wars, which lasted for a total of

A strategy dangerous to the cause of peace
The most serious threat to the world is posed by the aggressive circles of US monopoly capital. Already on the eve of the Second World War, some representatives of the American monopolies were declaring their

The imperialists are playing with fire
Some people in the West take comfort in the fact that the military preparations of the United States allegedly pose a threat only to the Soviet Union and the countries of the socialist camp. This is a deep delusion

Opportunities for Preventing War in the Modern Era
The 20th Congress of the Communist

The peace-loving policy of the socialist countries is a bulwark of world peace
An important historical feature of the present situation, which creates unusually favorable conditions for the preservation of peace, is the existence of the socialist camp, which is

Peace-loving forces are able to curb aggression
Marxism-Leninism has the greatest confidence in the masses of the people, in their conscious activity. It is not for nothing that Marxists consider the people the creator of history. This Marxist proposition underlies what has been done

On the various forms of transition to the socialist revolution
The ruthless exploitation of the workers, the robbery by the monopolies of the peasantry and the middle strata of the urban population, the attack on democracy and the threat of fascism, national oppression and the danger of a new

Ways to approach the socialist revolution
The proletarian revolution is a direct and open clash between two main antagonists - the working class and the bourgeoisie. But a social revolution is never a single combat

Some features of modern democratic movements
These movements are called democratic or general democratic, since they are fighting not for socialist, but for democratic demands. By itself, such a struggle is not

On the development of democratic revolutions into socialist ones
As historical experience has shown, democratic revolutions in the era of imperialism are not limited to solving purely democratic tasks, but show a tendency to develop further, to rise to greater heights.

Other forms of transition of the masses from the struggle for democratic demands to the socialist revolution
A democratic anti-monopoly revolution is possible, but not inevitable stage struggle for socialism in modern capitalist countries. It is possible that the general democratic

Revolution - a breakthrough of a weak link in the system of imperialism
In the era of imperialism, the proletarian revolution in one country or another cannot be regarded as a separate, isolated phenomenon. Imperialism is a world system with which, to a greater or lesser extent,

Does a revolution necessarily involve war?
Until now, historical development has developed in such a way that the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism and the falling away of countries from the capitalist system has every time been associated with world wars.

What is a revolutionary situation
Any revolution worthy of this name is the action of the broad masses of the people who have risen to a selfless struggle, determined to change the social order and the conditions of their existence. H

The possibility of a peaceful path of revolution
The peaceful transition to socialism has great advantages. It allows you to make a radical transformation of social life with least victims on the part of the workers, with minimal damage to the

On the Use of Parliament in the Revolution
One of the possible forms of a peaceful transition to socialism could be the seizure of power by the working class by winning a majority in parliament. For decades, the Communists have persistently exposed the

The main laws of the socialist revolution and the features of their manifestation in various countries
An important place in the Marxist-Leninist theory of the socialist revolution is occupied by the question of the relationship between the general laws of the revolution and its national characteristics. From the correct decision of this

Dictatorship of the proletariat and proletarian democracy
The socialist revolution brings to power the working people, headed by the working class. The exploiting classes - capitalists and landlords - are being removed from political power, but they have not yet disappeared from

The inevitable resistance of the reactionary bourgeoisie
All revolutions had to overcome the resistance of the reactionary classes. The rising classes broke free from the clutches of the old society, as a rule, by establishing their own revolutionary dictatorship. F

To be a Marxist means to recognize the necessity of the dictatorship of the proletariat
The question of the dictatorship of the proletariat is at the center of the ideological differences between Marxist-Leninists and reformists. The doctrine of the proletarian dictatorship as the only means of putting an end to all

Democracy for workers
Bourgeois democracy was a significant step forward for its time. But with the onset of the era of socialist revolutions, it is replaced by a new political system. According to Lenin, this

Ensuring the rights and freedoms of workers
Proletarian democracy means the transition from the formal democracy of a bourgeois republic to the actual participation of the working masses in government, that is, to what constitutes the real essence

Democratic governance system
The working class is creating a new, democratic administrative apparatus that meets the needs of the society building socialism. The new government resolutely rejects the principle of bureaucracy, hated by the people.

Marxist-Leninist Party under the Dictatorship of the Proletariat
The conquest of power by the working class fundamentally changes the position of its militant vanguard, the Marxist-Leninist Party. Before that it was the party of the class fighting for power, now it has become the party

The role of public organizations
Trade unions occupy a large place in the state of the dictatorship of the proletariat. From the organs of struggle against capital, they become the most active assistants to the state power of the workers.

Diversity of forms of the dictatorship of the proletariat
The power of the working class grows out of the liberation struggle of each people and is organically linked with the specifics and conditions of this struggle. Therefore, in different countries it acquires various forms. "IN

Soviet authority
The first dictatorship of the proletariat in history was established in Russia in the form of Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies. This form of state organization arose out of the needs of the labor struggle.

People's Democracy
The development of the international liberation movement put forward another form of workers' power - people's democracy. After the Second World War, this form was established in a number of countries in Central and Southeast.

The main economic tasks of the transition period from capitalism to socialism
The working class takes power to use its political dominance to eliminate capitalism and build socialism. And this requires, first of all, a radical transformation of the economy.

Nationalization of large-scale industry, transport and banks
The Communist Manifesto says: “The proletariat uses its political dominance to wrest all capital from the bourgeoisie step by step, to centralize all the instruments of production.

Confiscation of large landed property
The working class, having taken power in alliance with other working people, has to liquidate not only capitalist relations; in many countries he also encounters feudal remnants.

What do workers get immediately after taking power
The socialist revolution not only opens up an era of rapid development of the productive forces, but also leads to a redistribution in favor of the working people. wealth that society has. One

Three main modes of transition
The first period after the victory of the revolution is usually characterized by three ways. socialism, small-scale production and private capitalism. These economic structures correspond to the class

Establishment of an economic link between the city and the countryside
The most difficult economic task of the transitional period is the socialization of the dispersed, fragmented small-scale commodity economy. The difficulties of the socialist alteration of this way of life stem from the fact that

Production co-operation of the peasantry
The policy of the proletarian state towards the poor and middle peasants is not limited to measures of assistance in the development of their economies. Sooner or later, the need arises to help the bulk of the peasantry.

Elimination of capitalist elements
The revival of market relations and trade usually leads to a revival of capitalist elements in the city as well. As has already been pointed out from industry, in the USSR the proletarian state

socialist industrialization
The socialist mode of production (like any other) has its own material and technical base, that is, a certain level of development of the productive forces. V. I. Lenin said: “The only mat

Results of the transition period
The entire economic policy of the proletarian state during the transitional period is designed for the struggle of socialist elements with capitalist elements, for limiting and ousting the latter, for complete victory.

The main features of the socialist mode of production
The transition from capitalism to socialism is completed by the establishment of public ownership in all branches of the national economy. Socialism is now developing on the basis of large-scale machine industry and colle

Public property and its forms
Marx believed that the way in which the basic elements of the production process - labor power and means of production - are connected is the basis of any social order. Under socialism these elements

State property under socialism
As already mentioned, state socialist property arises as a result of the nationalization of large-scale industry, transport and banks and the confiscation of landowners' land by the proletarian state.

Reformist and revisionist perversion of the essence of public property
The latest revisionist fashion is to portray the growth of state property and the state sector of the economy in the socialist countries as a manifestation of bureaucratic centralism. State

Cooperative-kolkhoz property
Along with state property, Marxist-Leninists recognize cooperative, that is, group property, as completely legitimate under socialism, and develop and improve it in every possible way. They just don't think

The law of planned, proportional development of the national economy
The national economy under socialism appears as an integral organism directed by a single will. Under these conditions, ensuring harmony, coherence, maximum "adjustment" to each other of all parts of the

Tasks and planning methods
Planning in a socialist state is a process in which elements of scientific research and economic organizational activity are closely intertwined. For proper planning,

Features of socialist commodity production
As you know, commodity production is based on the fact that all the various types of concrete labor are reduced to abstract labor that creates the value of a commodity. This is an important advantage of the

The law of value under socialism
Since commodity production exists under socialism, then the law of value also operates. However, its role here is fundamentally different than in the capitalist economy. Under capitalism,

The Law of Cost and Planning
But how is socialist planning compatible with the law of value? After all, it is guided by another law - the law of planned, proportional development. Experience shows that with

The new nature of social labor
When all the main means of production are concentrated in the hands of the socialist state and production cooperatives, the labor of each person loses its private character and acquires

Steady growth of labor productivity - the law of the socialist economy
Each new socio-economic formation wins due to the higher labor productivity it creates. The ability to deliver higher productivity is critical

The principle of distribution according to work
Under socialism, material and cultural goods are distributed depending on the quantity and quality of labor expended in social production by each worker. This necessitates the

Socialist expanded reproduction
Marx, having developed the theory of the reproduction of social capital, established the laws of this process, which are inherent not only in capitalism, but also in socialism and communism. He made the calculation

The essence of socialist reproduction
In a socialist society, for the first time in the history of mankind, it became possible to carry out expanded reproduction in accordance with the necessary proportions indicated by Marx. Of course, the

How is the total social product used?
All the material goods at the disposal of socialist society are its national wealth. Material goods that are created in all branches of material production in

Socio-political and cultural image of socialist society
The conversion of the means of production into public ownership entails a radical restructuring of all social relations, the political superstructure, ideology, culture, way of life, mores and customs.

socialist democracy
Deepest democratism is the main political feature of a socialist society. It increasingly permeates various aspects of social life, giving rise to new attitudes, habits, norms of behavior.

Changing the functions of the state
The victory of socialism leads to a further serious transformation of the state, directly connected with the liquidation of the exploiting classes and the development of the moral and political unity of society.

Expansion of political and social rights of workers
Socialism for the first time creates the economic, social and political prerequisites for the realization of truly all-people democracy. Only socialism creates such a unity of interests for all

Friendship of the peoples of a socialist society
Capitalism in many countries leaves a heavy legacy to the new formation in the form of the economic and cultural backwardness of certain peoples and long-standing national enmity. Therefore, the first task

Culture for the people
The socialist system fundamentally democratizes culture, making it the property of not a narrow stratum of intellectuals, but the whole of society. This has a beneficial effect primarily on the development of self

The liberation of the individual through the liberation of the working masses
The spiritual image of a person, his attitude towards others and his personal self-consciousness depend on the nature of the society in which he lives. Bourgeois propaganda depicts the capitalist system of the Tsar

Combination of personal and public interests
The opposition of personal and public interests arose along with private property, under the dominance of which a person, perceiving society as a hostile, oppressive force, seeks to give society

Driving Forces for the Development of a Socialist Society
With the victory of socialism, the progressive development of society does not stop, but, on the contrary, accelerates. Industry and agriculture are developing at a rapid pace, unprecedented for previous formations.

World socialist system
After socialism went beyond the borders of one country and turned into a world system, new important problems arose before theory and practice related to the patterns of establishing world social

Historical features of the formation of the world socialist system
Speaking of the world system - both socialist and capitalist - we have in mind not a simple collection of states of the same type in terms of social order. There was a time when

Ways and methods of two systems
The formation of both systems is based on the same factor - the needs for the development of productive forces. But this factor does not operate on its own, but through the policy and activities of the ruling classes.

Principles of relations between socialist states (socialist internationalism)
The question of how relations should be built between countries where the working class is in power was generally resolved by Marxism-Leninism even before the world socialist system was formed.

Every socialist country is a sovereign state
An important integral part of socialist internationalism is the principles of equality and sovereignty. These general democratic principles were first proclaimed in the period of formation and

Unity and mutual assistance
The essence of socialist internationalism is not exhausted by the recognition of independence and equality. The new and special thing that distinguishes the relations between socialist states is the addition

Overcoming vestiges of nationalism
So, the socio-economic and ideological commonality of the states that make up the world socialist system creates favorable objective conditions for resolving all the problems associated with their mutual relations.

Development of the world socialist economy
At a certain level of development of the productive forces, the economy outgrows the boundaries of individual countries and becomes a world economy. This, as already mentioned, is an objective process that begins with capitalization.

Economic Laws of the World Socialist Economy
The nature of economic relations between the countries of the socialist camp is largely determined by the revolutionary transformations that are taking place in their national economies. socialist

The nature of economic ties within the world socialist economy
The division of labor between the socialist countries gave rise to immeasurably more versatile and closer economic ties than those that could have been formed on the basis of an antagonistic division of labor.

Economic relations of socialist countries with other countries
The countries of the socialist system strive to develop economic ties with all other states, and at the same time they compete with the most developed countries of capitalism in the

Period of transition from socialism to communism
The building of socialism means a world-historic victory for the working people. At the same time, it lays the foundation for the movement of society towards communism. The socialist system, with all its outstanding achievements, is all

Lenin's general line of the party at a new stage
Both the objective laws governing the transition from socialism to communism and the conscious striving of the working people to build communism find their concentrated expression in the policy of the Party.

Integrated mechanization and automation of production
The main direction in the struggle for the rapid growth of production is the completion of the mechanization of all labor processes and the displacement of manual labor from all branches of the national economy. Experience shows that how

New branches of production
An enormous increase in output promises the development of new methods of branches of production. The scientific and technological revolution of our time has given rise to a number of such industries. The largest complex of them arose in

Energy development
In order to set in motion the growing productive forces of a society making the transition to communism, powerful sources of energy will be needed. The most important form of it now is electrical energy.

The growing role of science
Without science, modern production cannot take a single step. This is especially true when it comes to the full-scale construction of communism. In the discoveries of science and in the achievements of engineering and design

Improving the organization of production
New technology, the discoveries of science, no matter how great they may be, by themselves cannot lead to fundamental changes in industry and agriculture. In order to receive from them the proper national economic

Changing nature of work
The transition to the technique of communism transforms both the nature of labor, and the production skills of a person, and his spiritual world. Already complex mechanization and automation lead to the displacement of low-skilled

Bridging the difference between city and country
The differences between workers and peasants are connected not only with the existence of two forms of social property. Differences in the nature of industrial and agricultural production are also of considerable importance.

Gradual fusion of physical and mental labor
On the path to communism, the division of society into people of manual labor and people of mental labor must be overcome. Already under socialism, the opposition between people of physical

Elimination of remnants of inequality in the position of women
Among the great social tasks that are being solved on the path to communism, a large place is occupied by the elimination of the remnants of inequality in the position of women. Although socialism, as already mentioned in chapter 24, cheers

Improvement of the distribution system
The final elimination of class distinctions and other remnants of inequality will be achieved when the actual inequality in the distribution of material goods disappears. This inequality

Growth of education and culture
Education is the basis of a person's general cultural and political growth, which is why socialist society continues to pay unflagging attention to this matter during the period of transition to communism. Moreover,

The rise of communist ideology
The devotion of the broad masses of the people to communist ideas is one of the most remarkable achievements of the socialist order; Society is interested in the further growth of the ideological

Learn to work and live like a communist
To build communism means to work well, to work more and more productively. For this it is necessary not only to steadily raise the culture and professional knowledge of the workers, peasants, intellectuals

Main Directions for the Development of Socialist Democracy
Further development of democracy proceeds primarily along the line of constant improvement of the structure and methods of work of state bodies, strengthening their ties with the broad masses. Political system

Transfer of a number of state functions to public organizations
A fundamentally new direction in the development of democracy, which appears during the period of transition to communism, is the gradual transfer of state functions to public organizations. The report

On the conditions for the withering away of the state
The development of socialist democracy is at the same time a process of preparing the conditions for the withering away of the state. The question of the withering away of the state was first substantiated by Marx and Engels. They

Marxist-Leninist Party during the transition to communism
A characteristic feature of the development of socialist democracy during the period of transition to communism is the growing role communist party as a guiding and guiding force. This is necessary in the interests of all

Prospects for economic competition between the USSR and the capitalist countries
On the road to communism Soviet Union a great economic victory over capitalism is to be won. We are talking about the fulfillment of the main economic task of the USSR. Its essence is that in historical

Uniform movement of socialist countries towards communism
The coming seven years will be a decisive stage not only in the economic competition between the USSR and the highly developed capitalist countries. This is at the same time a decisive stage in the economic competition with capitalists.

The impact of the successes of communist construction on world development
The successes of communist construction in the USSR, as well as the achievements of the countries of people's democracy, create enormous opportunities for solving the main problem of our time - saving humanity from the threat of

About communist society
Determining the conditions under which the highest - communist - phase of the new system will be established, Marx wrote: “... After the subordination of man to the division of labor, which enslaves man, disappears; when you disappear

A society of universal prosperity and abundance
Communism is a society that once and for all puts an end to want and poverty, ensuring the well-being of all its citizens. The age-old dream of working people about abundance is being realized

From each according to his ability
Under communism, as under any other social system, human labor will remain the only source of all values. “No lordly life, where laziness and idleness reigns, will be under communism,

To each according to his needs
Communism introduces a form of distribution of material and spiritual wealth based on the principle: to each according to his needs. In other words, every person, regardless of his position, from the number of

Equality and freedom
Equality and freedom have always been the dream of the advanced part of humanity. Many social movements of the past unfolded under this banner, including the bourgeois revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries. But in society

The rise of personality
The supreme goal of communism is to ensure complete freedom for the development of the human personality, to create conditions for the unlimited development of the personality, for physical and spiritual perfection.

An organized community of well-rounded people
The freedom that communism will give a person will not mean the disintegration of society into separate communities, and even more so into individuals who do not recognize any social ties. Similar representation

Peace and friendship, cooperation and rapprochement of peoples
Communism is a new relationship between peoples. They will take shape as a result of the further development of the principles of socialist internationalism, which today form the basis of relations

Further prospects for communism
Above, we talked mainly about the immediate prospects of communism, about what awaits the first generations of people who will be lucky to live in this society. Even familiarity with its general contours

To chapter 19
1^B. I. Lenin, Soch., vol. 19, p. 77. 2^K. Marx and F. Engel

To chapter 20
1^B. I. Lenin, Soch., vol. 22, p. 340. 2^B. I. Lenin, Works, vol.

To chapter 21
1^B. I. Lenin, Soch., vol. 29, p. 387. 2^B. I. Lenin, Works, vol.

To chapter 23
1^B. I. Lenin, Soch., vol. 27, p. 68. 2^ "Lenin's collection" XI, M. -

To chapter 24
1^B. I. Lenin, Soch., vol. 22, p. 132. 2^B. I. Lenin, Works, vol.

To chapter 26
1^ V. I. Lenin, Soch., vol. 30, p. 260. 2^ "Extraordinary XXI Congress of the Communist

To chapter 27
1^ K. Marx and F. Engels, Selected works, vol. II, M., 1955, p. 15. 2

Progressiveness as a quality of personality is the ability to gradually develop, progress, move forward.

A person turns into a driven, nervous creature if he runs through life, ignoring progress and regularity. The soul is active. This is her nature. In order to respond to one's nature, it is necessary to live in active action, in conscientious fulfillment of one's duty, but at the same time one should never forget about the most important, lofty goal of life. In the constant race for money and material wealth, you can miss the main thing - remembering the main goal of your life.

The ragged run through life only tires and, ultimately, disappoints. Only progressive, systematic, constant movement forward ensures success. Brick by brick, but every day, without slacking off and self-justifying inactivity, ensures forward movement towards the goal. It is impossible with the knowledge of a first-grader to come to the university for the fifth year with a record book and demand excellent grades. You need to realize your goal by regular, consistent, repetitive, methodical, correct and planned actions.

In a word, in any sphere of life a person achieves success if, having taken the first step in a journey of a thousand miles, every day he does not forget to take the next step. If a person manifests such personality traits as purposefulness, constancy, systematicity, progressiveness, measuredness, perseverance and perseverance, he will definitely go all the way. Disabled, irresponsible, weak-willed people are leaving the race.

In whom such qualities as progression and constancy have been registered, they will not be able to sleep peacefully without taking the next step towards the goal. He considers a fruitfully lived day only the day when the planned step towards the goal is taken. Otherwise: a restless pillow, pangs of conscience, a spoiled mood, dissatisfaction and a state of unhappiness.

When you progressively go to your own, and not to someone else's, goal, while the goal is high, the road itself turns into happiness. The goal may go beyond life. This is amazing. For example, a person has set himself a high life purpose– to do everything possible to get as close as possible to God in your personal qualities. A person cannot become God, but trying to get closer to Him is a great goal. Such a goal for forward movement provides personal growth, improvement, self-awareness, self-education in oneself of positive personality traits. Yes, this distance is impossible to go to the end. But the planned maximum can be passed if you include purposefulness, measuredness and progress.

They don’t go to God in a rush, by assault. The road to the Almighty does not tolerate impermanence. Systematicity, constancy and once again progression and progression - these are the components of success.

Philosopher V.R. Tushkin, thinking about forward movement, writes that people cannot digest all things at once. Here. Imagine that the mains voltage is 220 volts, and your mechanism is running at 110 volts. And there is an adapter that takes half of this network voltage. Because if you give all 220 volts to some mechanism that runs on 110 volts, it will simply burn out. That's all. Likewise with a person.

The individual consciousness of a living being today has a certain ability to digest so much, tomorrow more, and the day after tomorrow even more. That is, knowledge adapts a little, a person is given what he can now digest. Digested, then we can give something else, more complex. And so progressively, gradually lead a person to the heights of spirituality.

Most people cannot accept spiritual knowledge directly, in a frontal attack. Therefore, they need to adapt the path of spiritual development. It is necessary to go progressively to the heights of the spiritual path of development. On this path, obstacles in consciousness arise in front of a person. There are six of them. These are the enemies of man. You can only destroy them progressively. There is no other way. And the sequence of struggle is as follows: greed, pride, lust, illusion, anger and envy. This is very important knowledge. Such is the progression in the course of the spiritual growth of the individual.

Philosopher Vyacheslav Ruzov writes: “Getting rid of these problems in the heart also goes through the same sequence. It is necessary to get rid of in the same order, which gives us some kind of progressive development scheme. Despite the fact that, of course, you need to work on everything, but there is some progress and you can’t be in an illusion, prematurely counting on the fact that somehow this order will be violated. There is some order in this world. That is, without overcoming greed, we see the first stage, it is simply impossible to get rid of pride, since pride is based on the possession of something, that is, you need to be proud of something ... What is greed? Greed is something to get, no matter what: title, honor, prosperity, whatever. A person must get something and then you can be proud of it. That is, pride is based on what we were able to accumulate, get, get, steal, in the end. Pride is based on greed. You have to be proud of something, so without the corresponding greed, true pride is not feasible. Therefore, if a person has nothing, he says: “What are you proud of, look at yourself. That is, completely insolent. Something to be proud of, at least."

In a word, it is impossible to get rid of all the shortcomings at once. You need to progressively eradicate greed in yourself, then take on pride. Having passed progressively these steps, one can tackle lust, illusion, anger and, finally, envy.

Petr Kovalev

Kadirbai Ryatov Chapter from the book "Functional Management: How to create order from chaos, overcome uncertainty and achieve success"
Publishing house "Alpina Publisher"

So, the organization is engaged in the production and sale of a specific product. This means that the elements of its functional model are involved in the ideology of integration, the ideology of entrepreneurship, as well as in the algorithm and content of the process of production and sale of this product. And the current state of the six elements of the functional model of the organization corresponds to the current performance and the current effectiveness of the product.

On the one hand, the process of production and sale of a product, in particular its effectiveness and efficiency, directly depends on the state (potential) of the elements of the functional model of the organization. In other words, the functional model has an impact on the production and sale process. On the other hand, by producing and selling a product, the organization changes, that is, the process of producing and selling a product affects the functional model of the organization. Therefore, we can talk about the mutual influence of the organization and the process of production and sale of the product.

But the process of production and sale of a product is influenced not only by elements of the functional model of the organization. And the organization is affected not only by the participation of elements of its functional model in the process of production and sale. The external environment is an active participant in everything that happens. It is constantly changing, and these changes are the main source of changes that occur both in the elements of the functional model of the organization and in the process of production and sale of the product (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Impact of environmental changes

In order to use favorable changes in the external environment, as well as protect itself from negative changes, the organization is forced, when making management decisions, to constantly adjust the four components of the production process and the sale of the product - the ideology of integration, the ideology of entrepreneurship, the algorithm and content.

However, as you know, the ability of an organization to make the necessary adjustments to these components largely depends on the state (potential) of the elements of its functional model. Therefore, the management bodies of the organization ensure the adoption of another group of management decisions - aimed at adjusting the elements of the functional model.

So, by adjusting the four components of the process and the six elements of the functional model, the effectiveness and efficiency of each product and the entire organization are managed.

Next, we have to take a closer look at the external environment, consider the varieties of its impact on the processes of production and sale of the product (that is, on the effectiveness and efficiency of the product). And most importantly, we will get acquainted with such a concept as the progressive development of organizations. Let's consider what management decisions an organization needs in order to progressively develop its functional model, move from one stage of development to another, and achieve a new level of efficiency and effectiveness.

Migration of external and internal changes

Before getting an idea of ​​the management decisions that contribute to the progressive development of the organization, the achievement of its potential effectiveness and efficiency in a changing environment, it is necessary to determine what changes are taking place in the external environment and what impact they have on the organization and its processes.

Change Activity

All changes occurring in the external environment, according to the degree of their activity, can be attributed to one of three types.

The first includes changes that do not have any significant impact on any of the organizations. To the second - changes that have a significant impact only on a certain part of organizations. To the third - changes that have a significant impact on almost all organizations.

Note. We will call significant the impact of the external environment, the consequence of which is a change or the need to change at least one of the four components of the production process and sale of the organization's product: the ideology of integration, the ideology of entrepreneurship, the algorithm or content.

For example, minor changes in the weather, tiny fluctuations in exchange rates, or near-zero fluctuations in the prices of major energy carriers are unlikely to have a significant impact on the activities of the vast majority of the world's organizations.

Holding annual Brazilian carnivals for several days greatly changes the life of Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and other cities of the country. And thus it has a significant impact on the activities of city authorities, police, hotels, trade, tourism and transport companies, all kinds of dance schools. At the same time, the annual Brazilian carnivals have virtually no significant impact on the activities of a Kazakh or Russian organization.

Global economic or financial crises have a completely different effect, jumps world prices for oil, metals and food, as well as "collapses" and "ups" in the exchange rates of the US dollar, euro, Chinese yuan and Japanese yen. Such changes, as a rule, affect the activities of almost all organizations in the world. The degree of activity of changes in the external environment depends on what is changing, what is the value (deviation from the initial state, volatility, amplitude of fluctuations), the speed and duration of changes.

In other words, the geography and potential impact of each change depends on what exactly is changing in the external environment and what the scale of these changes is. However, the same changes affect the fate of organizations in different ways. For some organizations, this impact can be positive (creative), for others - negative (destructive).

Note. In the future, we will only consider changes of the second and third types - those that have a significant impact on at least some of the organizations. In other words, change, the consequence of which is a change or the need to change at least one of the four components of the process of production and sale of a product: the ideology of integration, the ideology of entrepreneurship, the algorithm or content.

Macro and micro environment of the organization

The external environment for each individual organization consists of micro and macro environments (Fig. 2), respectively, and all changes occur either in the micro or in the macro environment.

Rice. 2. Change Migration Scheme

Changes in the microenvironment include changes in:

  • in the interests and actions of investors;
  • in the interests and actions of consumers;
  • in the interests and actions of competitors;
  • in the technology and innovation market;
  • in the market of means and objects of production;
  • in the market of contract works and services;
  • in the job market;
  • in the financial market.

Changes in the macro environment include all other changes that occur in the external environment. As a rule, they include natural and climatic changes, as well as changes taking place at the international and national levels in such areas as:

  • policy;
  • legislation;
  • economy and infrastructure;
  • social sphere;
  • culture;
  • healthcare;
  • the science;
  • education;
  • sports, etc.

Each organization, creating its own ideology of integration and thus choosing the subject of activity, determines its "environment" and therefore has an idea of ​​where the boundary between its micro- and macroenvironment passes. Thus, an organization engaged in the production and sale of medicines has its own consumers, its competitors, its suppliers of technologies, equipment and raw materials, its own service market and its own labor market - in a word, its own microenvironment. Manufacturers of household appliances, clothing, energy, food, automobiles, real estate, tourism and hotel services, etc. have their own microenvironment.

The impact that changes in the micro-environment and the macro-environment can have on the processes of an organization can be both indirect and direct.

Indirect impact

Indirect impact is the "destiny" of changes in the macro environment, which have a moderate character. The magnitude, speed and duration of such changes generally do not exceed the organization's forecasts and expectations. And most importantly, moderate changes that originate in the macro environment have a direct impact not on the processes of production and sale of products, but on the micro environment of the organization.

The result of such an impact is the emergence of successive moderate changes: first in the microenvironment of the organization, then in the functional model of the organization, and only then in the process of production and sale of the product. Information about such changes through management accounting is brought to the management and execution bodies of the organization. Responding to changes, these bodies can determine the degree of their actual and potential impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of each individual product of the organization and, based on such an assessment, make response management decisions aimed at both using positive impacts and protecting against negative changes, - to adjust the elements of the functional model of the organization, as well as the ideology of integration, the ideology of entrepreneurship, the algorithm and content.

Similarly, the impact of moderate changes originating in the microenvironment. The magnitude, speed and duration of such changes, as a rule, also do not exceed expectations and forecasts. The result of their indirect impact is the occurrence of successive moderate changes, first in the elements of the functional model, and then in the processes of the organization.

The indirect effect is shown in fig. 2 short arrows.

Direct impact

Direct impact is the “destiny” of large-scale changes that have an immoderate character. The magnitude, speed and duration of such changes generally exceed the organization's forecasts and expectations. The impact of large-scale changes in the macro environment is called direct, because it can have a direct impact on the processes of production and sale of products, cause large-scale changes in the ideology of integration, the ideology of entrepreneurship, the algorithm and content.

Large-scale changes in the microenvironment can also have a direct direct impact on the processes of production and sale of products, cause large-scale changes in the ideology of integration, the ideology of entrepreneurship, the algorithm and content.

Information about the "penetration" of large-scale changes in the process of production and sale of the product, as a rule, through management accounting, can be brought to the management and execution of the organization. Assessing the degree of their actual and potential impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of the product, the management and execution bodies make management decisions aimed at both using a positive impact and protecting against negative impact, i.e., they adjust the elements of the functional model of the organization, as well as the ideology of integration, the ideology of entrepreneurship, the algorithm and content.

The direct effect is shown in fig. 2 long arrows.

Large-scale changes in the macro environment that have a direct impact on the processes of organizations can include:

  • the onset of favorable natural and climatic conditions for the production of agricultural and other types of products;
  • natural disasters: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, floods, tornadoes, droughts, fires, etc.;
  • important scientific discoveries, the creation of new generation technologies and innovations;
  • man-made disasters: accidents at nuclear power plants, in main and distribution electrical networks, breakthroughs in oil and gas pipelines, crashes of planes, trains and ships, greenhouse effect;
  • end of hostilities, political confrontation, cold war, arms race;
  • political crises, change of power, civil and interstate wars, revolutions, strikes, strikes;
  • socio-economic development: economic recovery, growth in employment, income and general well-being of the population;
  • economic and financial crises;
  • dissemination and dominance of the ideas of humanism, justice, equality and democracy, the abolition of discrimination based on race, nationality and religion;
  • changes in international law or national legislation: civil, tax and customs codes, property laws, business laws, joint stock companies, business partnerships, accounting and financial reporting, and much more.

Examples of indirect and direct impact

Example 1 For organizations that use vehicles in their activities, stock fluctuations in wholesale oil prices will be moderate changes in the macro environment that have an indirect impact on them. Because the subject of their interest is not oil, but oil refining products, i.e. fuels and lubricants (POL). Consequently, for these enterprises, changes in wholesale oil prices are only prerequisites for changes in the market for means and objects of production, i.e., changes in the microenvironment.

Example 2 For enterprises engaged in wholesale oil supplies and refineries, moderate exchange fluctuations in oil prices are moderate changes in the market for means and production items, i.e., they are changes in their microenvironment.

Example 3 The dry spring is a major change in the macro environment for most farms. It leads to an acute shortage of moisture in the soil, thereby having a direct impact on the content of the production process and the sale of products. In other words, the drought has a negative impact on the preparation of fodder for livestock, as well as on the conduct of spring field work. The lack of fodder will subsequently lead to a reduction in the production of milk and meat, the lack of moisture in the soil will lead to a decrease in the yield of the main crops.

Example 4 For enterprises selling fuels and lubricants or carrying out freight transportation, a dry spring is a moderate change in the macro environment. It will not have a direct, but an indirect impact on enterprises. Because the reduction in the production of milk and meat, as well as the harvest of the main crops, will subsequently lead to a reduction in the volume of transportation of goods and personnel. And this, in turn, will lead to a drop in demand for fuel and lubricants and the services of auto enterprises. In other words, a dry spring will have an indirect impact on the microenvironment of these enterprises.

Example 5 The shortage of electrical power in any region will have a direct large-scale impact on the business activity of people and organizations that use electrical energy to produce their products. Thus, for these enterprises, the shortage of electric power will be a large-scale change in the microenvironment that has a direct impact on the processes of production and sale of products.

Example 6 Enterprises selling fuels and lubricants, as well as those engaged in freight and passenger transportation, as a rule, consume electrical energy of low power. Therefore, the shortage of electric power will not have a direct large-scale impact on their work. For such enterprises, this will be a moderate change in the macro environment that can have an indirect impact on their micro environment. And that's why. The shortage of electricity will lead to downtime of machines at industrial enterprises and a reduction in the production of products. Consequently, the transportation of raw materials, materials, equipment, finished products and personnel will be reduced. For auto companies and companies selling fuel and lubricants, this will mean a reduction in sales.

Example 7 The occurrence in the macro or micro environment of an organization of such a phenomenon as large-scale corruption can lead to a direct impact on the production and sale of products by influencing people vested in the organization with certain powers. More precisely, the impact will be on people who perform the functions of administration (content creation) and the production and sale of the product. The result of such an impact may be the sabotage of the ideology of integration, i.e., the balanced group interests of owners, managers, staff and consumers, as well as the emergence and informal dominance of previously unaccounted for personal interests of individuals - the ideology of corruption.

If the organization has a system of management accounting, analysis and control at the proper level, the sabotage of the ideology of integration will quickly become known to the management and execution bodies. Then subsequent events can develop according to one of two scenarios:

  • response measures will follow in the form of appropriate management decisions aimed at eliminating corruption, its impact, as well as the prerequisites for its reappearance in the organization (adjustment of the elements of the functional model of the organization, the ideology of integration and entrepreneurship, the algorithm and content);
  • the value system of the owners as the core of the organization's value system will not be strong enough to resist manifestations of corruption, and will undergo changes. The ideology of integration will give way to the ideology of corruption. The owners of the organization will either be involved in corruption or lose their influence in the organization (lose their stake in the organization).

If in the organization the system of management accounting, analysis and control is not set up to the mark, the fact of deformation of the ideology of integration will pass by the attention of the management and execution bodies. The ideology of corruption, having a negative impact on the ideology of entrepreneurship, the algorithm and content, will begin to subordinate them to new corrupt interests.

Organization Vulnerability

So, the changes taking place in the micro- and macroenvironment can have both an indirect (moderate) and direct (large-scale) impact on the organization. We can consider each such change as a test for the organization to make and execute appropriate management decisions that can ensure the achievement of potential effectiveness and efficiency in a changing external environment. And each organization must be evaluated from the standpoint of its readiness for such a test.

As world practice shows, there is no such organization that would be 100% ready for any test. In other words, an organization cannot have a functional model capable of ensuring absolute readiness for all possible changes in the micro- and macroenvironment. It is only able to constantly strive to create such a functional model. And although the achievement of high perfection, the so-called supremum (lat. supremum - the extreme limit), is impossible, but the constant striving for it develops the organization, makes it resistant to changes in the external environment. So, an organization may be ready for some tests of the external environment, but not quite or not ready for others.

Let's consider what are the main risks for the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization that changes in the micro- and macroenvironment can bring with them, that is, what is the "inherent" vulnerability of the organization, which it must overcome through the development of the potential of the elements of its functional model:

  1. The risk of changing the personal interests of the owners of the organization. All current and potential owners of organizations are current and potential investors. All changes taking place in the investment market, in fact, are changes in the interests of investors and (or) ways of realizing investment interests and may serve as sufficient grounds for changing the composition of the owners of the organization. The change of owners of the organization, full or partial, as a rule, leads to a change in the value system. And this, in turn, changes the ideology of integration, the ideology of entrepreneurship, the algorithm and content. Such changes in all components of the process of production and sale of the product always carry the risk of losing the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization.

    Example. The founder and owner of a successful restaurant in Alma-Ata, having decided to go into another business, put his restaurant up for sale. The woman who bought the restaurant had her own idea of ​​what the customers of the restaurant wanted, because she was the bearer of values ​​that were completely different from the values ​​of the previous owner. As a result, the interior and exterior of the restaurant, furniture, dishes, music, and the main menu have changed. The manager, chef, receptionist, waiters and other key employees have changed. Only the interests and preferences of the regular customers of the restaurant remained the same, which this restaurant could no longer satisfy. The changes that took place in the restaurant after the change of ownership completely eliminated everything that attracted previous customers here.

  2. The risk of changing consumer interests or preferences. The success of any entrepreneurial ideology is always limited in time, because the interests of consumers or the ways of their implementation (preferences) under the influence of changes in the micro and macro environment change sooner or later. Following them, the requirements for the organization's product, or rather, its qualitative characteristics, change. Therefore, the organization should from time to time make certain changes (adjustments) to the entrepreneurial ideology, algorithm and content, so as not to “lose contact” with the interests of consumers or ways to implement them. Otherwise, there is a risk of loss of effectiveness, without which efficiency is impossible.

    Example. Very successful throughout its century-old history, Kodak turned out to be completely unprepared for the change in the interests and preferences of its customers in favor of digital photography. As a result, the company filed for bankruptcy in January 2012, as its debts of $6.8 billion exceeded the value of its assets ($5.1 billion).

  3. The risk of loss of organizational performance in favor of competitors. The inability of an organization to respond in a timely manner to changes in consumer preferences, to offer a new product or new quality features of a product, combined with an acceptable price, carries the risk of losing the organization's performance in favor of its competitors.

    Example. With the advent of digital photography, Kodak's former customers have become customers of Apple, HP, Canon, Sony, Nikon, and more.

  4. Uncertainty about future changes. Organizations, like people, are unable to accurately predict what changes in the micro- and macroenvironment will occur in the future. Owners and managers of organizations, having information, knowledge and experience, can only assume, predict, calculate, allow or guess the likelihood of certain changes, including the nature and extent of their impact, the time when they begin, as well as their duration. Therefore, the adoption of managerial decisions "for the future", before the expected changes, in conditions of complete or partial uncertainty, will always be fraught with risk - forecasts and expectations may not come true, and management decisions may turn out to be erroneous.

    Example. The US mortgage crisis of 2007, as well as the global financial crisis that erupted after it, became sufficient prerequisites for a protracted crisis of the entire world economy. The economic crisis has made it almost impossible to fulfill the expectations, forecasts and plans of most entrepreneurs around the world. A period of domination of completely different (specific) plans began: anti-crisis programs, plans for debt restructuring and asset restructuring, plans for reducing production and optimizing costs.

  5. The risk of belated decisions made after the fact. The activities of organizations are unlikely to be effective and efficient if they have to be guided only by decisions made after the events of interest to us. After all, in order to make every managerial decision, it is necessary to collect complete and reliable information, process it and, on this basis, prepare possible options solutions. In addition, every decision made must be implemented. And all this takes time. Therefore, decisions made after the fact carry another potential risk - being late.

    Example. According to some sources, Kodak was one of the first to start developing digital technologies back in the mid-70s. the last century. However, she was in no hurry to introduce them, as she was afraid of thereby causing damage to sales of then popular cameras, films, developing and printing equipment, as well as related accessories. When the company's management realized their mistake, there was not enough time to transfer production and sales to digital format - competitors were already ready for such a change in consumer preferences.

  6. Growth of dynamics of external changes. The dynamics of changes taking place in the external environment is growing every year. This means that the frequency of external influence on the activities of all organizations is also growing. To achieve the desired effectiveness and efficiency, organizations have to respond faster to external changes, more often make decisions aimed at overcoming this impact. In addition, the vital activity of organizations in the conditions of increased dynamics of external changes creates additional risks, requires additional financial costs, provides additional work for managers, taking up precious working time.

    Example. The Finnish company Nokia has long held leadership in the mobile phone segment. This continued until the majority of users gave their preference to Apple and Samsung smartphones that appeared on sale. The high dynamics of the new iPhone and Samsung Galaxy brands aggravated Nokia's position. In an effort to regain its position in the market, Nokia invests heavily in the creation of new technologies, the development of new products, as well as in promoting them to the market, each time risking losing another round of competition.

  7. Limited time for decision making. Management and execution bodies are not able to work in a mode of constant response to ongoing and expected changes in the external environment. They cannot, like a constantly running assembly line, continuously develop management decisions and ensure their implementation. Owners and managers of an organization can devote only a limited part of their time to making managerial decisions, despite the increasing dynamics of external changes.
  8. Dependence of the dynamics on the variety and number of products. If an organization produces and sells not one product, but a line or matrix of products, then adjustments to the elements of its functional model should be even more dynamic and rich. What requires a more meaningful and systematic approach to the preparation, adoption and control of the execution of management decisions.

Progressive development of the organization

Participation in the creation, ownership and management of the organization, as a rule, is not an idle occupation for a person. On the contrary, following his convictions and striving to realize his most important interests, a person uses all the elements of his functional model, including knowledge, experience, personal connections, capital and time. Therefore, when creating an organization, people most often assume that the terms of its existence will be unlimited, its functioning will be continuous, and its development will be progressive.

It is hardly necessary to explain what the indefinite duration of existence and the continuity of the functioning of the organization mean. Whereas the progressive development of the organization is likely to require consideration. The six elements of the functional model of a person gradually change throughout his life. Each age has its own beliefs and interests, knowledge and experience, health and physical form, consciousness and character, environment and sociability, resources and law. Older people can compare what their functional patterns were like in infancy, childhood, adolescence, adolescence, youth, and later years. Participation in the creation, ownership and management of the organization, in fact, is a consequence of such changes in the functional model of a person and, above all, his beliefs and interests.

A person, becoming the owner or co-owner of any organization, does not cease to change, his convictions and personal interests do not remain unchanged. Therefore, the value system of the owners of the organization and their group interests are also changing, and in the same way as the beliefs and personal interests of each person, that is, progressively. The progressive change in group values ​​and group interests of the owners is a prerequisite for the progressive development of the organization.

What is the progressive development of the organization?

Probably in a progressive change in the value of what she does. In other words, the intentions, capabilities and ability to create, produce and sell to consumers ever more perfect, meaningful and in demand products are progressively changing.

But if at each new stage in the development of an organization its products become more valuable to consumers, then its effectiveness will also be higher than at an earlier stage. At the same time, in order for the transition to a new stage of development to be possible and feasible, it is necessary that the organization be sufficiently effective at each stage of its development. In other words, the development of the organization is determined by economic feasibility. Thus, the progressive development of the organization depends not only on the growth of its effectiveness, but also on the growth of efficiency.

Let's look at the next stage in the development of the organization from the perspective of the process of creating and selling products (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Stage of development of the organization

So, the functional model of the organization includes values ​​and five other elements. The values ​​of the organization, which are based on the values ​​of its owners, orient the organization to specific types and classes of consumer interests, as well as to the types and classes of interests that can be realized by their owners - managers and staff - while working in the organization. In a word, the owners create an ideology of integrating the interests of the four groups associated with the organization. In essence, this means choosing the object of the organization's activity, as well as the microenvironment of its "habitat" and the corresponding definition of the dividing line between the micro- and macroenvironment.

Guided by the ideology of integration, using the potential of five other elements of the functional model of the organization, as well as the state of the micro- and macroenvironment:

  • owners create (correct) the ideology of entrepreneurship;
  • managing managers create (correct) the production and sales algorithm;
  • executive managers create (correct) production and sales content.

From what will be the ideology of entrepreneurship, algorithm and content, depends on what will be the effectiveness and efficiency of the processes of production and sale of the organization's products.

Thus, each stage of development of the organization includes repeated repetition of the same sequence of changes. Moreover, each repetition ends with at least minor changes in all six elements of the functional model of the organization, which occur under the influence of changes in the micro- and macro-environment, entrepreneurial ideology, algorithm and content, the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization.

In other words, each subsequent repetition of the sequence of changes begins with the changed potential of the elements of the functional model. And when significant changes taking place in the micro- and macro-environment force the organization to make adjustments to the ideology of integration and entrepreneurship, the algorithm and content, this can only be done within the potential of the elements of the functional model of the organization. Each such adjustment coincides with the beginning of the next segment of the product life cycle (line, product matrix). And each segment of the product life cycle leads to the next changes in the elements of the functional model of the organization.

Changes in the six elements of the functional model of the organization gradually accumulate and are accompanied by constant changes in the personal beliefs and interests of the owners of the organization. This will continue until the owners of the organization recognize their group values ​​and group interests as limited and obsolete. Which, in turn, will lead to a "reset" of the owners' value system and their group interests.

The formation of new group interests can lead to one of four options for the progressive development of the organization. The first one involves updating the current integration ideology and, as a result, updating the ideology of entrepreneurship, algorithm and content. In other words, this option provides for the achievement of a new degree of effectiveness and efficiency by revising the current idea of ​​the value of the product (line or product matrix), its quality characteristics, technological process, resource intensity, as well as the quality of the starting material, raw materials, components, etc. ( Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. The first option for the progressive development of the organization

The second option (Fig. 5) provides for the creation, in addition to the current (1), a new integration ideology (2), which, in essence, means the birth of a new product (a new line or matrix of products) in addition to the “old” product (a line or matrix products).

Rice. 5. The second option for the progressive development of the organization

The third option (Fig. 6) provides for the emergence of a new integration ideology (2) to replace the old one (1). In fact, this is the creation of a new product (a new line or product matrix), as well as the end of the life cycle of an “old” product (“old” product line or matrix).

Rice. 6. The third option for the progressive development of the organization

The fourth option (Fig. 7) provides for the renewal of the current integration ideology (1) and the creation of a new integration ideology in addition to it (2).

Rice. 7. The fourth option for the progressive development of the organization

So, progressive development is the transition of an organization from one stage of development to another, which is accompanied by:

  • the formation of a new potential of the elements of the functional model;
  • an increase in the number of changes in the personal beliefs and interests of the owners;
  • "reboot" of group values ​​and group interests of owners;
  • creation of a new ideology of integration, a new idea about the value of a new product (line or matrix of products);
  • the opening of "new horizons" of activity - a new micro- and macro-environment;
  • creation of new entrepreneurial ideologies, algorithms and content;
  • transition from the old to the new level of effectiveness and efficiency of the organization.

Mission of the organization

Each transition of the organization to a new stage of development does not happen by itself. The organization must manage its development, otherwise it runs the risk of being delayed at the previous stage or, having made the transition to a new stage, be unprepared for new challenges of the micro and macro environment, which leads to a loss of expected performance and efficiency.

It turns out that the organization needs a "sketch design" of each stage of its development. And since its readiness for the transition to a new stage of development depends on the potential of the elements of the functional model, then the design of this stage should end with an understanding of what the potential of the elements of the functional model of the organization should be.

To create a "sketch project" of the future functional model of the organization, a kind of "starting vector" is needed, which will indicate the beginning and ideological direction of the "project". As a rule, the role of such a "starting vector" is played by the key values ​​of the organization, which are included in the system of values ​​of the owners of the organization and are prerequisites for the formation of the key interests of the owners of the organization.

If the sphere of group interests of the owners of the organization is the "service" (implementation) of a certain group of consumer interests, then the key interests "do the bulk of this work." The sphere of key interests is the “servicing” of the main consumer interests - those whose implementation is provided for by all products of the organization without exception (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Key interests of the organization

We can say that the core values ​​and core interests are present in all products of the organization, while other values ​​and other group interests of the owners are present only in its individual products.

Example. The life and health of people is part of the key values ​​of the Volvo automobile concern. And part of Volvo's key interests is to realize the consumer interests of people in safe driving. This explains why all cars of this brand are equipped with the latest technological developments in the field of safety. However, refinement and exceptional comfort can hardly be attributed to the company's key values, so these characteristics are not shared by all Volvo models.

Sophistication and exceptional comfort can be attributed to the key values ​​of competing brands such as Mercedes-Benz, Toyota (the Lexus brand), Audi and BMW.

Toyota's core values ​​are also likely to include reliability, functionality, and practicality. Thus, core values ​​are the core of the organization's value system and serve as the basis for defining the organization's mission. The mission is a declaration of the types and classes of consumer interests that are in the sphere of the organization's key interests (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Mission of the organization

The mission of the organization does not cover all types and classes of consumer interests that the owners of the organization integrate or will integrate with their group interests, but only those that are priority from the point of view of the group interests of the owners.

In other words, the mission is the basis of the ideology of integration of each future product of the organization. If the product is focused on the implementation of a certain group of consumer interests, then the basis of this group will be the interests declared by the mission. The mission is the direction of the main activity chosen by the organization. It “shows” what the main purpose of the functional model of the organization should be, what should be its specificity, what types and classes of consumer interests the organization will implement when creating, manufacturing and selling each of its products.

Vision of the organization

Consider, as a “sketch project” of the future stage of development, the vision of the organization presented in Fig. 10.

Rice. 10. Vision of the organization

Let's assume that the organization has already experienced a "reset" of the system of values ​​and group interests. And the mission of the next stage of development was formed. It should be noted that the mission plays three roles in the organization.

Firstly, it shows what the main purpose of the functional model of the organization should be, what should be its specificity, what types and classes of consumer interests the organization will definitely implement. In other words, the mission is the subject of the main activity of the organization at a new stage of development.

Secondly, the mission determines what main types and classes of interests can be realized by their owners if they are involved as managers, specialists and production personnel.

Third, the mission defines the microenvironment of the "habitat" of the organization, and hence the dividing line between the micro- and macroenvironment.

By analyzing changes in the microenvironment that have occurred in the foreseeable past, an organization can make reasonable guesses about what key changes may occur in the microenvironment in the foreseeable future. In other words, to determine what its vision of the microenvironment will be for a specific period of time, namely to imagine:

  • interests and actions of investors;
  • interests and actions of consumers;
  • interests and actions of competitors;
  • offers in the market of technologies and innovations;
  • situation in the market of contract works and services;
  • proposals of suppliers of basic equipment, energy resources, raw materials, materials and components;
  • situation in the labor market;
  • opportunities in the financial market.

What will be the vision of the microenvironment depends largely on the vision of the macroenvironment, including:

  • natural and climatic conditions;
  • the political situation in the world and the country;
  • international and national legislation;
  • the situation in the economy and infrastructure;
  • situation in the social sphere;
  • state of culture;
  • the health situation;
  • significant scientific discoveries;
  • development of education;
  • development of sports and physical culture, etc.

The mission and vision of the micro- and macro-environment serve as a prerequisite for developing a strategy for moving to the next stage of the organization's development.

Strategy is a way to implement the organization's mission in a specific micro- and macro-environment. The strategy “shows” what potential of the elements of the functional model of the organization will be used to implement the mission in a specific micro- and macro-environment and how.

The organization's strategy includes:

  • entrepreneurship strategy;
  • operating strategy;
  • administration strategy.

Let's consider them in more detail.

Mission of the organization

An entrepreneurial strategy has two parts: a transformation strategy and a marketing strategy.

Transformation strategy

Before we formulate the essence of the transformation strategy, consider the following example.

Example. Let's try to determine the similarities and differences between the previous generation cameras that used film and modern cameras with a memory card. To this end, let us analyze the similarities and differences between the missions of an organization that produces cameras at the previous stage of its development and today.

The similarity of both missions lies in the integration of the same (common) basic consumer interest: to capture images of material objects. In other words, both devices are designed for photography, and this is their similarity. When it comes to integrating other core consumer interests, the missions are very different.

Let's limit ourselves to listing the main interests of consumers, which are met by modern devices and which are not satisfied by the "soap box":

  1. Take pictures in more than 24, 36 or 48 frames of film allow.
  2. Delete unwanted pictures from the camera.
  3. Store images on external media, including a computer.
  4. View images without printing them on photo paper.
  5. Transfer images over a distance without printing them.
  6. Make image adjustments.

Of course, the main differences between the two missions are based on industry technologies used in cameras. If in the "soap dishes" the image was fixed on a photographic film, which must be developed in order to print photographs, then in modern devices an array of semiconductor light-sensitive elements on a solid substrate, called a photomatrix, is used, on which the image is focused using an objective lens system. And the resulting image is stored electronically on the camera's digital memory card.

Now let's try to understand what a transformation strategy is. To do this, let's mentally go back to the time when we still used "soap dishes" and experienced quite certain inconveniences and dissatisfaction from the fact that we often had to buy film and visit a photo studio to print the resulting pictures. Let's imagine what could then happen in every organization that produces cameras.

The owners, managers, and key people of such a company, in all likelihood, were already well aware of the unsatisfied consumer interests. Therefore, the company could not fail to experience a "reset" of the system of values ​​and group interests of the owners, including key values ​​and key interests. And probably, a new mission has appeared - a declaration on the implementation of consumer interests, among which there are many that were not previously included in the sphere of the company's key interests, including the six points described above.

The owners, managers and key people of the company had to find answers to the following important questions:

  1. What quality characteristics should a new generation camera have in order to realize a new mission? In other words, what should be its new advantages so that all consumer interests, which are now in the sphere of the company's key interests, can be realized?
  2. What technology for converting material, raw materials and components does an organization need to have in order to create a camera with such quality characteristics?
  3. What and when should be done in order to have such a technology by a certain date and fully introduce it into the production process?
  4. What will be the main factors for the introduction of a new technology of transformation into production:
    • resource intensity;
    • the quality of the source material, raw materials and components?

Consistently found answers to all four questions constitute a transformation strategy for moving to a new stage in the development of the organization.

Transformation strategy- this is a description of reasonable, purposeful and systematic actions of the organization related to the introduction of transformation technologies (materials, raw materials and components), opening up new opportunities for the implementation of the mission in a specific micro- and macro-environment.

The organization, performing research and development work, searching for, attracting, purchasing and mastering key industry technologies, systematically creates the prerequisites for the transition to the use of technologies of a new stage of its development. Of course, this must be done taking into account the current state and prospects for the development of industry technologies, existing and upcoming market proposals, innovations, as well as the latest and expected achievements of industry science.

Marketing strategy

To formulate what a marketing strategy is, let's continue with the example of cameras.

Example. Suppose an entrepreneurial strategy is ready and the organization has formalized ideas about:

  • what are the key quality characteristics of a new generation camera;
  • what technology of transformation of materials, raw materials and components should be used to create a new generation camera;
  • what and when will the organization undertake in order to have such technology by a specific date and fully introduce it into the production process;
  • what will be the main factors for introducing new technology into production:
    • technological design of the camera, including its properties, characteristics and appearance;
    • the composition of the technological process;
    • resource intensity;
    • the quality of the source material, raw materials and components.

Now owners, managers and key specialists of the organization need to find answers to the following equally important questions:

  1. What consumer markets can be considered for the promotion and sale of a new generation camera with such quality features?
  2. What business technologies does an organization need to have in order to ensure the successful promotion and sale of the camera in the designated markets?
  3. What and when should organizations do in order to have such business technologies by a certain date and fully implement them in the process of manufacturing and selling a camera?
  4. What will be the main factors for introducing business technologies into the production and sale of the camera:
    • analysis of key consumer segments;
    • assessment of the competitive environment and risks;
    • product promotion and sale algorithms;
    • product life cycle;
    • "price - quality" ratio and sales volume for each segment of the product life cycle;
    • business model;
    • financing scheme;
    • financial model;
    • product performance and effectiveness goals?

Successively found answers to these four questions are marketing strategy to move to a new stage of development of the organization.

Therefore, we can formulate the definition:

Marketing strategy- this is a description of reasonable, purposeful and systematic actions of the organization related to the introduction of business technologies for the promotion and sale of products that open up new opportunities for the implementation of the mission in a specific micro- and macro-environment.

In other words, the answer to the first question can serve as a justification for the actions of the organization; the answer to the second is to set a strategic goal; the answer to the third - contain a detailed plan of these actions, and the answer to the fourth - the results of the actions.

The organization, engaged in the development, search, attraction, purchase and development of key business technologies, systematically creates the prerequisites for the transition to their use at a new stage of its development. Of course, this must be done taking into account the current state and prospects for the development of the organization's business technologies, existing and upcoming proposals on the business education market, as well as the latest achievements in marketing and management.

Operational strategy

To formulate what an operational strategy is, let's continue with the example of cameras.

Example. Suppose the entrepreneurial strategy is already ready. Now owners, managers and key specialists must find answers to the following questions:

  1. What should be the algorithm for the production and sale of a new generation camera? In other words, what composition and sequence of cycles, phases and operations should contain an optimized algorithm for the production and sale of a product?
  2. What operational management technologies does a company need to have in order, firstly, to develop such an algorithm for the production and sale of a camera, and secondly, to rebuild the existing organization of processes for it?
  3. What and when should organizations do in order to have such operational management technologies by a certain date and fully implement them into practice?
  4. What will be the main factors for the implementation of operational management technologies - how will the organization of processes change, i.e. the structure and management system?

Consistently found answers to these four questions constitute an operational strategy for moving to a new stage in the organization's development.

Therefore, we can formulate the definition:

Operational strategy- this is a description of reasonable, purposeful and systematic actions of the organization related to the creation of new processes, the formation of new structures and management systems that open up new opportunities for the implementation of the mission in a specific micro- and macro-environment.

The operational strategy shows that every organization, in addition to transformation technologies and business technologies, also needs operational management technologies. Being engaged in the development, search, attraction, purchase and implementation of operational management technologies, the organization systematically creates the prerequisites for the transition to a new stage of its development. Of course, this must be done taking into account the current organizational structure and management systems, existing and upcoming business education market proposals, as well as the latest achievements in operational management.

Administration strategy

The administration strategy consists of two parts: the HR strategy and the financial strategy.

HR strategy

To formulate what an HR strategy (human resources - human resources) is, let's continue with the example of cameras.

Example. Assume that the entrepreneurial strategy and the operational strategy are ready. Now owners, managers and key specialists must find answers to the following questions:

  1. What should be the staffing and professional qualifications of managers, specialists and production staff for the production and sale of a new camera? What part of the company's personnel should be understaffed, and what part should be trained in order to improve professional qualifications?
  2. What HR management technologies does an organization need to have in order to ensure the process of production and sale of a new camera by qualified managers, specialists and production personnel?
  3. What and when should organizations do in order to have such HR management technologies by a certain date and fully implement them in the company's practice?
  4. How will HR management technologies be used? In other words, how will the staff composition and professional qualifications of the staff change?

Consistently found answers to these questions constitute an HR strategy for moving to a new stage in the development of the organization.

Therefore, we can formulate the definition:

HR strategy- this is a description of reasonable, purposeful and systematic actions of the organization to form a team of managers, specialists and production personnel, opening up new opportunities for the implementation of the mission in a specific micro- and macro-environment.

The HR strategy shows that every organization, in addition to transformation technologies, business (marketing) and operational management, needs HR management technologies. The organization, engaged in the search, attraction and training of managers, specialists and production personnel, systematically creates the prerequisites for their "use" at a new stage of its development. Of course, this must be done taking into account the current state of the organization's personnel, current labor market proposals and industry educational institutions.

Financial strategy

To formulate what a financial strategy is, let's continue with the example of cameras.

Example. Assume that an entrepreneurial strategy, an operational strategy, and an HR strategy have already been created. Now owners, managers and key specialists must find answers to the following questions:

  1. What is the cost of basic working capital needed to manufacture and sell a new camera? Does the company have enough money to finance fixed and working capital? If not, what investments should be attracted to the company? What should be the ratios of absolute liquidity (cash ratio), quick liquidity (quick ratio) and current liquidity (current ratio) of the company's assets so that the company can finance the cost of fixed and current assets?
  2. What financial management technologies should a company have in order to finance the production and sale of a new camera?
  3. What and when do organizations need to do in order to have such technologies by a certain date and use them to create content for the production process and product sales?
  4. What will be the main factors in the use of financial management technologies? How will the resources of the company change, in particular:
    • asset value;
    • asset structure;
    • coefficients of absolute, quick and current liquidity of assets?

Consistently found answers to these questions constitute the financial strategy for the transition to a new stage in the development of the organization.

Therefore, we can formulate the definition:

Financial strategy- this is a description of reasonable, purposeful and systematic actions of the organization for the financing of fixed and working capital, opening up new opportunities for the implementation of the mission in a specific micro- and macro-environment.

The financial strategy shows that every organization, in addition to transformation technologies, business (marketing), operational and HR management, needs financial management technologies.

The organization, managing the structure and quality of its assets - their absolute, quick and current liquidity, creates the necessary prerequisites for financing the fixed and working capital necessary for the production and sale of each new product (including for attracting financing from external sources).

Key competencies of the organization

So, the vision of a new stage in the development of an organization includes a mission, a vision of the micro- and macroenvironment, and an organization strategy, which consists of an entrepreneurial strategy, an operational strategy, and an administration strategy. In other words, the vision shows:

  • what can be the mission of the organization at a new stage of its development;
  • under what micro- and macro-environment the organization will have to realize its mission;
  • what the organization needs to do to realize the mission in this micro- and macro-environment;
  • what will be the effectiveness and efficiency of the mission in these conditions;
  • what key competencies an organization needs to have in order to realize its mission.

Essentially, an entrepreneurial strategy, an operational strategy, and an organization’s administration strategy, “combined”, are:

  • vision of the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization at a new stage of development;
  • vision of the key competencies of the organization at a new stage in the development of the organization.

What will we call the core competencies of the organization?

To answer this question, it is necessary to understand that the “capacity” of consumer interests in any market is not unlimited. And if any organization manages to realize part of this “capacity”, that is, to be effective, this means that its products are perceived by consumers as having some advantages over the products of other organizations.

Such advantages, as we understand, do not arise from nothing. They are the result of a purposeful and systematic "accumulation" of the potential of the elements of the functional model of the organization. In other words, the key competencies of the organization are that part of the potential of the elements of the functional model of the organization, which, in the eyes of consumers, gives it advantages over competitors.

Given our reasoning about the vision of the organization, it is necessary to make some changes to the organization management model and present it in an updated form (see Figure 11).

Rice. eleven. An updated organization management model

Now that we know what the vision of the organization is, it becomes clear what the decisions of the management bodies on the functional model of the organization can and should be.

We are finishing summarizing the results of 2011. Today, the Minister of Sports of the Kaliningrad Region Oleg Kosenkov will help us with this.

Oleg Nikolaevich, you have been the head of the regional sports for almost a year and a half. What is positive about you? Are there any negative points?

So far, only one year has been full-fledged - 2011. There is only one general result - sport has taken the place that it should have occupied in the life of the Kaliningrad region. The current government has fully implemented the political decision that was made by the previous government to create a separate executive body. In the autumn of last year, the Sports Agency was fully staffed - a fairly combat-ready team of like-minded people was created, moreover, it has a significant administrative resource. Financing of regional sports over the past year and a half has almost doubled. An increase in the salaries of coaches in state institutions subordinate to the Sports Agency is also expected, by an average of 35%.

Another important result of the past year, I consider the unprecedented a large number of sports stars who have visited our region. Vladislav Tretiak was present at the opening of the FOK in Svetlogorsk. In Sovetsk the master class was given by Irina Rodnina. Nikolai Valuev visited the Kaliningrad region on the development of boxing. Champions and Olympic medalists Alexei Nemov, Maria Kiseleva, Svetlana Ishmuratova, Alexei Ekimov, Svetlana Feofanova, Ilya Averbukh and others visited Kaliningrad, Baltiysk, Zelenogradsk (events held with the participation of the National Olympic Committee) as part of the Olympic Lessons. By the number of such lessons, we are ahead of most subjects of the Russian Federation! The soul of this project seemed to me to be Alexey Nemov - a wonderful athlete and a person worth emulating.

- And a lot of sports facilities were built ...

Quite right. In 2011, we launched sports and recreation centers in Sovetsk and Svetlogorsk. Moreover, in the Soviet FOK, a very High Quality. We also built 7 multifunctional grounds (including the well-known gymnastic complex for turnstiles in the former park of the 40th anniversary of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League in Kaliningrad).

- And what about our sports performance?

Last year, athletes from the Kaliningrad region won about 150 medals in Russian championships and official international competitions (for comparison: in 2010 - 111 medals). There is a positive trend. And in this regard, the tasks set before us in 2011 have been fulfilled.

- Will the structure of the Sports Agency still undergo changes?

There will be no fundamental changes. To date, the structure of the Agency has two departments - sports and mass work and organizational and legal. In November last year, the Governor of the region made another structural decision - the Agency for Sports created a Department for the preparation of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. While it is small (consists of three people). As soon as the decision to hold the championship games in Kaliningrad takes on a normative character, the staff of the Office will be reviewed.

In recent years, many sports facilities have been built in the region. Will the infrastructure network continue to expand in the future?

In April, it is planned to put into operation a sports complex at the stadium "Labor Reserves" (Gorkogo street, 83). There will be an ice arena, a swimming pool and two small gyms. Thus, the stadium "Labor Reserves" will become a real multifunctional center for the development of sports in the region.

In 2012, the construction of a sports and recreation complex in Zelenogradsk will begin - next to the future training base for the 2018 World Cup. It will not be a traditional "three", but a "two": a swimming pool and a large game room (plus several small rooms for boxing, wrestling, acrobatic rock and roll). In 2013, we are planning to start construction of small recreational centers (“odnushki” - without swimming pools) in the Neman and Svetly.

Now the site for the construction of a rowing base in Kaliningrad is being determined. We will start building it after the final approval of the “island” development scheme (when the boundaries of the new stadium are clear).

It is also necessary to take seriously the formation of the training base of the School of the Olympic Reserve, the founder of which since the fall of last year was the Sports Agency. It is planned to build a swimming pool and a sports complex there, and now the educational and residential buildings are being renovated: over the past two months, all windows have already been changed, part of the communications have been replaced, and additional shower rooms have been equipped.

There are currently 150 students enrolled in the UOR, but we plan to increase this number to 200 students in the future.

- It was also reported about the planned construction of the so-called "House of Struggle".

Quite right, wrestler Aleksey Shemarov touched upon this topic at a meeting with the governor of the region. Now we are waiting for proposals from the administration of Kaliningrad to determine the site for construction. After that, we plan to jointly begin the development of design estimates.

- Recently, along with championships, cups and As a result, a number of unofficial tournaments in memory of various veterans appeared in the calendar plan of the regional Sports Agency. What does it say?

Sport is not only seconds, kilograms and meters. Still, sport has a great educational component. Therefore, I always support the initiative of the federations to hold various tournaments. It all started with a struggle: tournaments named after Granit Ivanovich Taropin, the Beloglazov brothers, Andrei Shumilin, in memory of Vasily Ivanovich Batechko, Zoya and Alexander Kosmodemyansky. Then this baton was picked up by other sports: hand-to-hand combat, football, paintball, modern pentathlon ... This is a good undertaking! Thus, we remind the youth of the veterans who have made a great contribution to the development of regional sports, of the heroes who laid down their lives for the good of the Fatherland. Now our task is for these tournaments to raise their status. This year, the Wrestling Federation of Russia is considering a proposal to assign a "master" status to the tournament in memory of Valentin Ivanovich Babinov.

The sports results of the volleyball club "Dynamo-Yantar" decreased, and the fans practically stopped attending its games. What is the future of volleyball in the region?

I really hope that the team has potential. This is evidenced by the results of two New Year's matches. All you need is a little financial improvement. To date, half of this issue has been resolved for us - the management of OAO Lukoil has confirmed the financing of the club. And now there is intensive work to find the second component. I hope that by the spring the financial situation in Dynamo-Yantar will normalize. So don't worry, professional volleyball has been registered in Kaliningrad for a long time.

Moreover, on the basis of the Yantarny Sports Palace, since January 1, 2012, a regional sports school for team sports has been opened, where the volleyball department will become the base department.

A question that concerns the stadium in Selma. Why are the deadlines for putting it into operation constantly being postponed and who will be its owner?

The stadium will be under the operational management of the regional state budget institution Center for Sports Training of National Teams. But at present, there is a lawsuit with the general contractor, the Polish holding Konstruktsion, whose representatives did not complete the construction and departed in an unknown direction. It is necessary to hold a new auction for construction works and implement them (10% of the work remains to be completed). The stadium is scheduled to be put into operation this autumn.

- Oleg Nikolaevich, you yourself were a good athlete(EyeSenkov was just a little short of fulfilling the standard of the “Master of Sports of International Class” in powerlifting, - approx. "KS")then worked productively as a coach. And now you manage to combine coaching with leadership?

Thanks for the compliments. Indeed, there are four masters of sports among my pupils, one of whom is Oleg Smirnov, a member of the Russian national team, a World and European champion among youth, who is now preparing for selection for the world championship in powerlifting. I hope he will be able to conquer the heights of sports and in a few years become an Honored Master of Sports. I am engaged in coaching activities on a voluntary basis. After his appointment, he resigned from the sports school for power sports. As for personal sports, it is more difficult here. The opportunity to go to the gym productively remained only on Sundays.

- The Olympic year has come. What does the Kaliningrad region count on in London?

In Beijing four years ago our region was directly represented only by weightlifter Dima Lapikov. In addition, pupils of the Kaliningrad sports Natalya Ishchenko (synchronous swimming) and Alexei Krupnyakov (freestyle wrestling) performed there.

Forecasting in sports is a very thankless task, but I am pleased to note that four Kaliningraders are among the candidates for a trip to London. This is again Dmitry Lapikov, who became the bronze medalist in Beijing. He moved to the heaviest and most prestigious weight category - over 105 kg. He completed his main task last season - he became the champion of Europe. Now Dima is at the training camp with the Russian national team. The second real candidate is Sergey Samoylovich, who headed the world rating of judokas before the New Year holidays. He is now at the right age to achieve maximum results. I really wish him to go through the remaining stage of preparation for the Olympics without injury. Our young athletes Denis Pribyl (rowing) and Ivan Veryasov (boxing) are also considered candidates for participation in the 2012 Games. According to the coaches of the national teams, they have a chance to go to London.

For the first time in the regional history, two Kaliningraders have a chance to take part in the Summer Paralympic Games. IN this moment As part of the Russian national team at the training camp there are two representatives of the regional adaptive sports: Pavel Kamotsky (cycling) and Elena Naumova (rowing). I sincerely believe in their success.

- Will our best athletes wait for awards?

Just now, on behalf of the Governor, the Sports Agency is preparing a bill "On State Support for Outstanding Sports Achievements." It is supposed to legislate monetary payments for participation or, moreover, getting into the prize-winners of the Olympic, Paralympic and Deaflympic Games. For victories at the World and European Championships in Olympic sports, it is also proposed to establish a monetary reward. We plan to pass this bill before the start of the 2012 Games. Such a system of rewarding athletes is provided for in individual subjects of the Russian Federation.

P.S.What the Minister of Sports thinks about the development of FC Baltika - read on the 2nd page)
